learning about p-did made me feel so much more comfortable allowing alters to interact with the world instead of me pushing back so hard, once i stopped feeling like we had to fit into a certain box or we were obviously just confused/faking. i’m allowed to say “i” instead of “we” and i don’t have to always know who’s fronting or assign different traits to different alters (because it frankly stresses me out to think about how many of “my” traits might not be mine), and if i feel the urge to act different it doesn’t mean i’m faking having alters and want to act different to further the delusion, and if parts quickly switch around then it’s okay and doesn’t mean i’m faking everything because there’s a reason coconsciousness exists, and i don’t have to get headaches or zone out before switches occur or anything else normalized by the media and within the community, and if i feel okay around a person who normally makes me sick to my stomach because they hurt me so bad then there’s a very good chance it’s because i’m not “me” at that moment and it’s hard to accidentally fake being someone else like that? and we’re allowed to share a lot of similar traits or opinions and share memories and consciousness and feelings and that doesn’t mean we’re faking, either.
i wish p-did was talked about more because just seeing how much it fits my experiences helped with a lot of the resistance i was experiencing in feeling like i had to be a system in a certain way or i was just faking it and harming myself by feeding into a delusion. i think i was focused on OSDD-1b as a label and was confused because we don’t experience emotional amnesia (as far as i’m aware) and i was like “well what if that means this is all in my head” but maybe it was never OSDD-1b at all? and maybe the way i forget a lot throughout the day is caused by this coconsciousness or something similar and isn’t just bad memory from ptsd? maybe my amnesia is worse than i thought?
oh and nonpossessive switches are also super valid and we’re allowed to refer to ourselves as “i” if it feels more comfortable or accurate to what we’re experiencing. we don’t have to speak like other systems do because our system is not theirs.
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This is the most documented genocide in history. Future generations will look at the videos and photographs and, just as they have done with the Holocaust, they will say:
“Why did nobody stop this?”
“Why didn’t [Country] intervene? Even with the mountains of evidence and reports?”
“Never again”
And only if we do not do something now, we will see this cycle repeat itself.
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I know it doesn’t change what you’ve been through or are currently going through, but there is still a future for you that is safe and warm.
You can create your own home.
A home with no slamming doors, or screaming.
A home full of love and compassion.
A home where you can get up in the middle of the night and grab a snack or water without feeling like you have to tiptoe in fear.
A home that isn’t full of passive aggressive comments.
A home that isn’t full of tension and anger.
A home where you feel safe and warm.
That future is still available to you. Please hang in there.
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If you struggle with substance abuse but not addiction, you still deserve support. If you struggle with suicidality/self harm urges but don't act on it, you still deserve support. If you struggle with psychosis and paranoia but have insight, you still deserve support. If you struggle with anything but are "coping with it," you still deserve support.
You dont need to be in imminent crisis to get help - safety planning, harm reduction, resources, and accommodations. You're still struggling. You're still suffering, You're still at risk/in danger. You deserve better - you need better. Your health and wellbeing matters.
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Personality disorders are a direct result of severe childhood trauma, so if you're promoting the idea that all narcissists are abusers, just know that you're causing very much harm by insinuating that victims of abuse are the abusers. And you're not just harming those with personality disorders, you are hurting ALL victims of abuse.
Just because you don't feel comfortable with the way trauma manifests in people doesn't mean you can blame them for the abuse they went through and tell them they are inherently abusive because of the way their trauma formed into a personality disorder.
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“kids who use screens a lot are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD”
have you considered that maybe a novelty-seeking brain (as seen with ADHD) is more likely to seek that novelty through devices?
have you considered that ADHD is something you’re born with, and not something you’re given as a punishment for lack of discipline?
have you considered that you should shut the fuck up?
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depicting sexual assault in media is not an endorsement of it 🤝 it's reasonable for audiences to expect a certain level of care and awareness in its presentation 🤝 there is oftentimes an over-reliance on sexual violence in creating the backstories, trajectories, and conflicts of fictional women 🤝 sexual violence is prevalent in society and stories about it do need to be told as a reflection of our reality 🤝 sometimes male writers and directors are extremely bad at telling these stories and audiences are justified in demanding better
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The reason why rape is so evil is because the rate that it causes PTSD. It permently changes your world view. I learned this the hard way when someone in my apartment building tried to sexually assault me.
Calling anything that does not have this effect on people rape is infantilization to sexual assault survivors.
Having a onlyfans page is not comparable to being forcibly violated.
Being a porn star is not comparable to being forcibly violated.
Being a full service sex worker is not comparable about being possibly violated.
In fact it is sexual predator who views sex workers as easy targets where a lot of this trauma comes from. They reason why SWs are viewed is easy target is because of the stigma behind being a SW.
Not only that but people who employ sex workers can abuse workers for the same reasons. Meaning they get away with alot more worker exploitation then what is normal in capitalism.
So in other words anti SW ideology, violent men and capitalism is where the trauma comes from not being a sex worker itself.
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Ableist: mutual abuse is not a thing because usually one person has power over the others. Often the abused party will evenly lash out because of the extremely hostile environment.
Anti ableist: so maladaptive coping mechanisms are not abusive because they stem form hostile environment caused by an abuser during childhood?
Ableist: i never abused them.
Anti ableist: It not about if you did abuse them or not, it about privilege. As long as one group of people is systematically oppressed by another everyone in the oppressor group is responsible for conqences of oppression. Even if you yourself never abused children. All white people are responsible for racism, all men are responsible for sexism and like wise all adult are responsible for ageism and all Endo are responsible for trauma.
Ableist: but I am neurodivergent.
Anti ableist: neurodivergent people can still benefit from the oppression of other neurodivergents who are not the same support level as them or neurotypes as them. Plus being neurodivergent is not a single axis of oppression it over a hundred because each neurotype a person has is its own axis of oppression.
Anti ableist: ya I am going to intentionally miss understand why you are saying because I don't want to lose my neuronormative privilege.😡😡😡
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"Saying 'not all narcissists' is like saying 'not all cops'".
No it isn't. Not even close.
Cops have privilege that allows them to get away with actions that would easily be considered horrific if the average person did it. Many people become cops for this purpose.
Mentally ill people do not have that kind of privilege. If they did, people would be lining up to get diagnosed with a mental illness so their abusive actions would be accepted by society.
But the opposite is what happens. Many people are okay with open and obvious abuse from people who they consider normal but would easily recognize it as evil if a mentally ill person did the exact same thing. Many mentally ill people are afraid to get diagnosed because they know it comes with being demonized. Black people have been over-diagnosed with mental illnesses in order to demonize them.
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As someone whose been on this website 10+ years I’ve seen more trans women banned recently than I’ve ever seen Neo nazis on this website banned or TERFs
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"Ableds shouldn't baby talk disabled people cause it's infantilizing" and "Some disabled people need things to be explained to them in an easier to understand way" are thoughts that CAN and SHOULD co-exist.
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Child abusers always say shit like "it's not abuse, it's discipline".
And I've never understood the difference, since they're never able to explain it. There seems to be no limit to what they consider discipline. Hitting with an object? Discipline. Hitting so hard you leave a bruise? Discipline. So where is the line drawn? When does abuse become actually recognized as abuse?
But thanks to the "narcissistic abuse" trend, I finally understand the difference.
Discipline is when a neurotypical person does it. Abuse is when a mentally ill person does it.
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it's still so wild that our society thought elon musk was some kind of supergenius for a solid fifteen years
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