mythingmaker · 1 year
funny how being single is actually not as bad as people think it is. like yeah all the tv shows and movies out there say "there someone out there for you" and its so heavily conditioned that not having someone is a bad thing now? nah bro I'm enjoying not having to stress about whether my girl is mad at me or not, just sipping hot chocolate and binging harry potter again
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mythingmaker · 3 years
Crazy ass world of NFT's... cant wait to be a rich dude living in a mansion with NFT's hanging on the walls
The whole nft thing is miles funnier than the broader cryptocurrency thing because nfts are about paying out of your asshole to buy a picrew illustrated by someone whose sole exposure to the art world at large was via viral animated cartoons uploaded onto ebaumsworld
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mythingmaker · 3 years
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight...
I dont really care, let me sleep
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mythingmaker · 3 years
Found out today that ladybugs are referred to as "God's Little Cow", to which I say bruh nature is weird
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mythingmaker · 3 years
Its always weird when you're aware of things that will happen but you're not able to deal with them when it happens. For example, I am fully aware of how change is the only constant in life, and yet when major changes happen in my life ( in the form of close friends moving away) I find it so hard to deal with it. Just goes to show being aware of something is not enough to deal with it
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mythingmaker · 3 years
tho ill be completely honest, imagining white people pronouncing ‘sooreeyuh nam-ass-care-ums’ is probably the funniest thing ive ever heard
Can we ban non desis from saying Namaste? Cause they NEVER use it correctly, it's so fucking annoying
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mythingmaker · 3 years
A true sign of intelligence is when one can appreciate art in any and all forms without necessarily liking it. Being able to appreciate the beauty of it in the chaotic world is something, I think, can quite literally change the way you see this world.
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Honestly its amazing how some forms of art, whether its paintings or books or music or dance, can literally transport you to another world. It's almost a psychedelic experience when you're mentally not even in reality, and you're able to see your life from a 3rd person perspective (sometimes).Its always nice and I would argue, necessary , to escape reality once in a while.
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mythingmaker · 3 years
“I fear being alone more than anything else. So why do I do this? Why do I push away the people I love? What is so very wrong with me? I don’t know. And I don’t know how to make it stop.”
— Victoria Aveyard
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mythingmaker · 3 years
reality's weird and annoying, can i go back to sleep? at least i have a chance of things working out in my dreams ;;
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mythingmaker · 3 years
Hello please reblog this if you're okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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mythingmaker · 3 years
vans: on my feet
gucci: on my belt
girl who told me i smelled good in the mall bathroom in 2011: on my mind
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mythingmaker · 3 years
"the immorality of the injustice and abberrations executed by the human race are undeniably kafkaeque to the nth extent"
i have no idea how i came up with this, and i think ive managed to get high without drugs, frickadoodles
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mythingmaker · 3 years
why is it so soothing to write down negative feelings in a song? honestly journaling is cool and all, but you wanna literally get your problems out? come up with lyrics, you might even make it a song later haha.........unless?
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mythingmaker · 3 years
feel like parents should know its bad to send kids to kumon just by looking at their logo
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the fact that a "learning center" was probably the original creator of the "meh" face
"strikes precisely the right note of misery" i love whoever made that title, give em a raise pls
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mythingmaker · 3 years
everyone wants to learn how to hack, until they realize a) its not as cool as in the movies and b)it takes way too long to learn , so ill just go back to stalking people normally, thank you very much
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mythingmaker · 3 years
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mythingmaker · 3 years
Chip the glasses and crack the plates! Blunt the knives and bend the forks! That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates — Smash the bottles and burn the corks! Cut the cloth and tread on the fat! Pour all the milk on the pantry floor! Leave the bones on the bedroom mat! Splash the wine on every door! Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl; Pound them up with a thumping pole; And when you’ve finished, if any are whole, Send them down the hall to roll! That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates! So, carefully! carefully with the plates! That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates! So, carefully! carefully with the plates!
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