mysticfic707 · 7 years
The interview had been a success. Franklin also loved Brenda, and she seemed to have loved all of them. Even Kevin, who kept quiet the whole time. In the middle of the interview, Kevin got up and asked where the bathroom was. Eva knew that he wouldn't come back, and he was only doing that to upset her. But she didn't care about him, she was having a good time with an adorable child. When Kevin got up, Brenda stood in front of him, gave his legs a big hug and said "big brother!" Everyone in the room laughed because that had been extremely cute, except for Kevin, who didn't like that at all, and rapidly got away from her. "He's still getting used to it", Eva apologized to Brenda when he was away. "Sorry, dear." "That's fine", Brenda answered with a smile. "He's funny!" ***** After some interviews with other children — without Kevin's participation, who was still using the bathroom —, Eva pulled Frank so they could talk in private. "I know it might sound like a precipitated decision", Eva said, "but I am one hundred percent certain that I want Brenda." Frank smiled. "I knew you loved her. I saw it in your eyes." "Let's talk to Mary!", she said, excited. "Wait, honey", he stopped her, "shouldn't we talk to Kevin first?" Eva's smile went down. "Yeah, Kevin… yes, we'd better find him. I doubt he's still in the bathroom." They both started looking for Kevin in that enormous house, and simultaneously dodging the children that were playing in every corner. However, they suddenly heard a shout. Mary came running towards the direction of the noise, and Brenda got out a room with panic on her face. Eva noticed something different in her face… or was it her hair? "HE DID THAT!", she shouted, and started to cry. "What?", asked Mary, confused. "Who did what?" "Ke-Kevin!", she said, between hiccups. "HE CUT MY HAIR!!!!" Kevin appeared out of the room, looking confused. He tried to escape the situation, but Mary saw him with blonde hair on his sweatpants. "KEVIN!", Eva screamed. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?? ARE YOU CRAZY?!" "Oh my God, sweetheart", Frank said, desperately. "Oh my God, what happened?" "He made me do a ponytail, and then he cut it OFF!", Brenda cried. "Calm down sweetie…", Mary tried. "DID YOU ACTUALLY DO THIS?", she asked Kevin. "She asked me to do it", he replied. Eva couldn't believe what he was saying. "Kevin, she's a child! SHE'S FIVE YEARS OLD!" "So what? Is she also retarded?", he replied. "YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE A HAIRDRESSER", Brenda cried. "You can't believe in what everyone says", Kevin concluded. "Alright", said Mary. "I guess it's enough for today. Eva, Frank… I'm sorry. I don't know if it would be safe for our kids to stay in a family like yours. You might have to go to another orphanage." While Frank reprehended Kevin for what he had done and simultaneously tried to change Mary's mind about taking Brenda home, Eva stood still, thinking. And there it was, Kevin found a way to ruin her life once more. She knew that even if Frank succeeded in manipulating Mary's opinion, they would never take Brenda home after that incident. And as usual, she would have to shut up, lower her head and accept that. He won. But then she remembered. She couldn't just give up, not like that. The sign Celia had given her was too strong for her to give up in her first try. Kevin had won a battle, but she would make sure that she was going to win what really mattered. The war. ***** The three of them had been almost expelled from Mary Baudelaire's Orphanage. But they knew there were fair reasons. After having lunch on a very simple and depressing pizza place, they all agreed to forget about what had just happened and move to the other orphanage. But this time, Eva was going to make sure that Kevin never went out of sight. The ride had been a thousand times quieter than the previous one. Literally nobody said a word. There was nothing to say, after all. When they got near the next orphanage and heard the noise of people having fun at the charity party, it was a relief. All Eva wanted to do was cry; cry for losing Brenda, who was supposed to substitute Celia. However, she gathered all of her strength and prepared to have fun at the party. If they didn't take any children home, at least going there wouldn't have been in vain. "Kevin", Frank warned, "if you start messing around with the kids here, I will sell your archery equipment." There was a pause. "You wouldn't do this", Kevin responded, in disbelief. "I would. And I will, if you spoil this, in any way. And don't mess with the teenagers, too. Do you understand me?" He got the idea and maybe started believing his father was actually capable of doing that. "I do." As they arrived, a bunch of people came to greet them when they got off the car. There were some children, but most of them, teenagers. A short woman that was probably the owner was the first to introduce herself. "Good afternoon! I am Joanne, and welcome to Sunland Orphanage. You must be Franklin and Eva Khatchadourian, right?" "Yes, we are. Good afternoon", Eva replied. "And this must be Kevin, right?", Joanne pointed out "I am", he said after a while. "Nice! Welcome, and have fun!", said Joanne while going back to the garden to help the other organizers of the party. "I hope you got the message", Franklin warned once more. "I did", Kevin confirmed. "Don't worry, I'm not on the mood to ruin you life plans once again", he finished, sarcastically. The orphanage was also a pretty huge house, and Eva realized that this one was even more enormous. There were loads of people talking, dancing and having fun, but she doubted that everyone came from the orphanage. She also noticed that most part of the orphans were older children and teenagers. Hopefully, Kevin would get along a little less worse with teenagers than with kids. Hopefully. After Kevin confirmed that he had actually understood his father's threat, the three of them agreed to separate and try to meet the more orphans they could. In the end, they would try to get to an agreement. Eva only had one certainty: she was taking someone else home with her from that party. *****
0 notes
mysticfic707 · 7 years
As soon as Kevin entered home, he noticed there was something different. The atmosphere was too… happy. "Kevin?", his mother asked. "It's me", he said, going straight to the stairs. "Kevin, we need to talk to you", Frank said, stopping him from going to his bedroom before dinner. Kevin stopped and turned around. "Is there something wrong?" "Come here so we can talk", asked Eva. He left his bag under the staircase and went to the kitchen, where his parents were both sitting at the table. "We just need you to be aware of a decision we made today", Eva explained. He pulled a chair for him to sit in front of his parents. "Do I have a part in this decision or will I have to just accept it and keep my mouth shut?" The sarcasm in his voice tingled Eva's anger, but she kept her strength, thinking of Celia and the sign she had given her earlier. She would NOT give up her plans because of Kevin. Not this time. "We will regard your opinion, Kevin, but this is something that is already decided", she replied. "Son", Frank started, "me and your mother are thinking about… adoption." They waited for Kevin to absorb that, but he didn't express any reaction. "So what?", he finally said. Once again, they waited to see if he had anything left to say, but apparently, he didn't. "We plan on visiting some orphanages, and… we thought about doing it this week", Eva said. "Do you… agree with it?" He kept thinking for a moment, and laughed a little. "You know that it's not that simple, right? You don't just go there in an orphanage and pick your favorite child to take home. It's not like a pet. It takes time." Franklin nodded. "Yes, Kevin, we are concerned about that. No, your parents aren't as dumb and unrealistic as you think." "Oh, sorry", he replied. "I thought you were. My fault." Franklin smiled sarcastically. "Your mother's friend, Laura, works for orphanages doing what they call 'home study'. It is the most complicated phase of the adoption process, and it is basically an interview with the family, which keeps being observed for some weeks, so the interviewer can make sure that they are ready for a new member. Since the car accident, Laura's been telling me and your mother that if we ever wanted to adopt a child, she would take care of the legal aspects as soon as she could." "She knows our family", Eva continued, "and she really trusts us. You might not remember her because it's been a long time since she last came here. But we have already talked to her, and she said she will provide all the assistance that we need." Kevin nodded and remained quiet. He kept staring at nowhere and thinking for a long time. "Do you support this decision, Kevin?", Frank tried to make him speak. The boy looked impatient. He actually didn't know what to think, so he had nothing to answer. "Just keep the kid away from me", he got up his seat. "I'm going to my room." While Kevin let, Eva tried to keep her strength. This time, she wouldn't give up for anything. It didn't matter if her son was not happy with the idea. Screw him, she would find someone that, not like him, truly loved her. Frank looked worried. "Eva?" "Yes?", she answered. "Are you sure you still want to-" "I am", she said with absolutely no hesitation. ***** Since the argument Kevin had had with his mother in Celia's birthday, they hadn't been talking a lot. However, after their discussion about adoption, they have avoided each other as much as they could. As a result, one week and three days had passed, and they still weren't talking to each other. Eva had already talked to Laura, and she had agreed to take care of all the bureaucracy in record time. However, she knew that she couldn't ignore her son any longer. Laura managed to get the parents to have an interview in two different orphanages, and one of them was going to throw an open charity party. Unfortunately, Kevin was also part of the family, and therefore had to participate in this decision. Reluctantly, Eva knocked Kevin's closed bedroom door. "What?", she heard him asking from the inside. "Put some clothes on, we'll be leaving in ten minutes." She didn't wait for an answer, and indeed it didn't come. She walked back to the living room, where her husband was waiting, and sat on the couch, worried about what would happen that day. "Did you tell Kevin about the interviews?", she asked. "Yes, don't worry", Frank answered. "I told him to wear social clothing, but I don't think he'll take it seriously." She'd had that coming. Her elegant dress and Frank's fancy shirt wouldn't make a difference, because Kevin would probably show up in his flip flops. Some minutes later, Kevin climbed down the stairs, wearing a blue T-shirt and gray sweatpants. "It could be worse", Eva thought. "At least he's wearing sneakers." "Kevin, come on", Frank said. "I told you to wear social clothing! Do you even know what this means?" The boy didn't look like he cared. "We should go. We don't want to arrive late, do we?" He was the first one to enter the car. He sat on the backseat, and on their way to the first orphanage, he stayed as quiet as he had been the whole week. They were going to Mary Baudelaire orphanage, the one which owned the bus that gave Eva the "sign". Laura was the one who had suggested it; when she said that name, Eva automatically remembered what was written on that bus. She was so excited she couldn't even pay attention on what Frank was saying. "So, honey", he said, "you've been talking about having a bigger range of options, but Laura warned me that this first orphanage we are going to visit is just for children from three to nine years old. Eva? Are you listening to me?" Eva was looking at the sky and thinking about Celia, so no, she wasn't listening to him. "Oh, sorry. What did you say?" "You were thinking about adopting a teenager?", Kevin manifested himself. He didn't sound very happy with the idea. "Oh. Right. I've forgotten to tell you that", Franklin said. "Yeah, Kevin. Why? Are you against it? When we were talking, you didn't say anything." He laughed angrily. "That's because I thought you were taking a child home. But a teenager? Now what, are you adopting a fucking better version of me?" "HEY, WATCH THAT LANGUAGE, KEVIN!", Franklin yelled. The car was filled with silence. Frank waited until he calmed down. "Let's at least pretend we are an ordinary family", he asked. "We are almost getting to the orphanage." In some minutes, it was possible to see a garden full of children playing with each other from the passenger's window. Hopefully, it had taken enough time for them all to calm down before they arrived. The house was relatively big, and it has to be, to fit all that children. There were around ten kids playing in the garden, and maybe six more inside. When Eva saw that scene, she started screaming inside. She was so happy that she was going to play with all the kids. As they came closer, a woman that looked like the owner of the orphanage talked to them. "Hello! You two are Eva and Franklin, right?" "Yes", said Franklin. "And you must be… Mary Baudelaire?" The woman nodded. "But the original Mary was my grandmother. My mom was Patricia Baudelaire, and she gave me this name in my grandma's honor." "That is a beautiful name", Eva said. Mary realized there was a teenager next to them. "Oh, and this must be Kevin!", she said with a big smile. Kevin didn't say anything, so Frank had to say "Yes. He's shy." As they walked across the garden, they were stopped many times by the children, that wanted to meet their new "possible parents". When they got near Kevin, he turned around and walked away, avoiding them. "So, according to you family's profile, we have selected who we think would fit better with you", said Mary when they finally entered the house. "The first one is Brenda. She's five. A very cute little girl, I am sure she will love you. She's waiting for us in the living room." And indeed, when they got to the living room, a blonde little girl was sitting on a blue couch. As soon as Eva saw who she was, she almost started to cry. It was Celia. Well, at least it was the girl who looked exactly like she thought Celia would be. It was the same girl she had seen that day. "Hi! You're the lady that was staring at me the other day!", the little girl said, pointing to Eva. "I am", she answered, and a tear dropped from her eyes. For the first time in her life, she had the absolute certainty of one thing. She was going to take that girl home with her. And she would take care of Brenda for the rest of her life.
0 notes
mysticfic707 · 7 years
When Eva opened her eyes in the morning, she felt something was wrong. The sun was shining brighter than she was used to, and Franklin wasn't there. When she turned her head to the alarm clock, she saw it was already half past nine. "Shit", she mumbled while getting off the bed as fast as possible. Kevin would be late for school. "KEVIN! WAKE UP, WE'RE LATE!", she shouted while going to the bathroom. "There's something wrong with this goddamned alarm." As soon as she entered the bathroom, she saw a post-it note in the mirror. "Eva, I turned your alarm off and took Kevin to school. Don't worry about anything today, just rest. I'll take care of lunch and dinner. Love, Frank" Eva sighed. She loved Franklin so much she couldn't even breathe. She tried to forget about the tension and went back to bed. When she remembered that it was Celia's birthday, she couldn't stop herself. Tears streamed down her face. Embracing a pillow and pretending it was Celia, Eva prayed. Praying was not the name for that. Actually, she was just asking anyone's help. She wanted to move on. Thinking about what Kevin had said to her, she noticed something true in his speech. Of course, his words had been harsh, but deep inside him she knew that he wanted her to feel better. When Celia died, Eva died too. Kevin, even unconsciously, wanted her to live again, and find new sources of happiness. "Celia… if you are there… I just need a sign. I'm not ready to move on, know that I will never forget you, my dear. But if you could send mommy a sign… maybe I could live again. Live with this horrible memory, but maybe live a happy life. Your brother loves you, I know that, don't worry about what he said yesterday. He just wants mommy to move on. But, sweetie, I need you to help me. I need it…" She just stayed there for a while, and when she finally got up, it was already ten o'clock. She put on some clothes and went downstairs to the kitchen. Frank had probably made breakfast for her before he left. She tried to eat something, realizing once again that she loved him so much. After eating and cleaning the table, Eva got her purse and got out for a walk. She planned to go to the market and buy some eggs, as there were only two or three of them in the fridge, but all she wanted was to get out of her house and distract her mind. It was a pretty sunny day. She was waking along the neighborhood, and her neighbors greeted her as she passed. In some minutes, she was already in the market. "Hey, Eva!", Vanya, the owner of the supermarket, said. "Hey, Vanya. Nice to see you", Eva kept walking toward the eggs corridor. "Nice to see you too! Why don't you, Frank and Kevin show up? It's been forever since we last had dinner together!" "Yes, it has", Vanya followed her to the eggs spot. "Thank you for the invitation. I'll talk to them." "Good! Have a nice day", she turned around and went back to her responsibilities. Vanya was a good person. Their families had been friends since they moved to their current house, when Kevin was still a child. The only problem was that Kevin didn't get along with Victoria, Vanya's daughter, which wasn't surprising, because Kevin didn't get along with anyone his age. Eva took the eggs, paid for them and then left. On her way home, she saw a bus parked next to a convenience store. It wasn't the kind of bus that passed by very often in that part of the town. It was written "Mary Baudelaire Orphanage" on it. Eva thought about how Celia would be like more times than she could count. She imagined her long blonde hair, her light green eyes, that looked like Frank's… and she had the image of her hypothetical daughter very clear in her mind. So clear that when she looked at the orphanage bus, she saw a figure that was identical to hypothetical Celia. She was a blonde little girl, sitting inside the bus and looking avidly through the window, discovering a whole new world that was so different from the orphanage that she couldn't even understand it. Then, she probably saw the weird woman staring at the bus, and kindly waved at her, with a smile in the face. Eva noticed that, and waved back. As the bus started to take the little girl away, Eva got the strangest feeling. She knew that was the sign she had been waiting for. For six years. ***** When Franklin arrived home, Eva was frantically typing in her notebook. "Hi, darling", he said. "Are you okay?" "Oh, hi, Frank. I'm fine", she stopped typing. "Wait, you are already home? What time is it?" Frank laughed. "Don't worry, Eva, it's still noon. I came earlier to have lunch with you. Did you sleep well?", he said, kissing her forehead. "I did. Thank you", she replied, and then kissed his cheek. "What do you have there?" Frank looked at the package in his hand. "Oh, I have fried chicken and mashed potatoes. For dessert, I bought cookie n' cream ice cream. I know it's your favorite." "It is. Thank you for making my day a lot better", she said while laying the table for the both of them. "And what were you doing there, typing so furiously?", he looked at the computer screen. "Oh, this…" Eva wondered whether it was a good ideia to tell Frank about that. She had no clue on how he would react. "Okay. It's actually something that I have been considering for a while… but I just had strength to research today." Frank looked confused. "What is it…?" She lowered her head. "It's… adopting a child." Franklin went quiet for a moment, but then the corners of his mouth went up in a huge smile. "Honey… that's amazing! Oh my God, I am so happy you are considering that. I couldn't support this decision more than I do." He held Eva in his arms and she laughed. That moment was so filled with happiness that anyone who saw it would have imagined that Eva had just told Frank that she was pregnant. Eva explained that her idea was to adopt a child in an orphanage, and she didn't care about the age or the gender, she just wanted someone to bring joy to their family. "Eva, that's great. I am really happy about it. But… we will need to talk to Kevin." That was when Eva realized that. Kevin had the chance to, once again, ruin her life. But she wouldn't let him. She was going to adopt a daughter or a son, Kevin wanting or not. While they had lunch, Eva showed her husband what she had found while searching for nearby orphanages. She told him where the idea had come from: that bus next to the convenience store. But she couldn't remember the name of the orphanage. Her aim was to find it, and when she did, they would go there and adopt a child. They discussed about other ways of having another child, just to make sure that adopting was the best one. But Eva had already thought that through. She has decided not to be pregnant ever again. The sensation wouldn't be the same, and she would probably be stuck at home every day, as she had evolved a trauma after the crash. There was another reason, which she struggled to confess. Their first try didn't go well, as Kevin hated her as much as he could. Her biggest fear was her other baby to grow like Kevin. He was completely right when he said those things to her: she wouldn't bare it. She would probably kill herself. "The truth is that… I've been thinking about it through these six years", Eva said, "and adoption is the best way that I found for us to have another child." "Right", said Frank. "This will be our priority now. Look for orphanages and choose a child to bring home." "No, the child is going to have to choose us, Frank. We will let destiny decide. It doesn't even have to be a child. I have found that most of the orphans are teenagers, because all of the parents want to adopt children." Frank looked confused. "So, are we adopting a teenager?" "No, Frank, that's not what I'm saying. Most of the parents want to adopt children from zero to nine years old, which means that we have a bigger range of choices in the teenager area. From ten to seventeen years old." They had already finished lunch by then. "Okay. I mean, if this is what you want, I support you, dear", Frank answered. "But… we would lose most part of his or her childhood if you choose to pick from the teenager area." "I know, I know. But… I just want someone to bring joy to our family. And plus, there is Kevin. We know that he might not get along with children." "Oh, yes", Frank realized. "I understand you now. We need someone with whom Kevin would get along. Alright, then. Sweetie, I am sure that this decision will be good for everyone. I'm very, very happy." "Me too", Eva said, and kissed her husband. "I love you." "I love you." Frank kept talking to Eva for a while, but some time later he decided that he had to go back to work. He got his things and went o the door. "So let's talk to Kevin when he comes back from school, okay?", Frank suggested. "He called me earlier saying that he will be home around seven, in time for dinner." "Alright", Eva agreed. "I just hope he likes the idea. Because if he doesn't, we are doing it anyway." "Sweetie, he will love it. Trust me", Frank kissed her forehead. She doubted that Kevin would love something that made her happy. "I'll be back soon. Take care." "I will. Bye." *****
0 notes
mysticfic707 · 7 years
It was half past three when Bob, a taxi driver, decided to take a break in order to have lunch. At the same time, Eva got to her car to pick her son at school. She was seven months pregnant and already knew that it was a girl. The happiness filled her eyes whenever she thought about how that little girl would be, how happy she was going to make everyone feel. But there was a fear that she always hid. The fear that her little baby girl would become like Kevin. She was Kevin's mother, and she knew that a mother always loves her child. That is why she thought that she had some kind of problem. She hated her son. Not the "sometimes we argue and I get disappointed" kind of hate. It was of the "I wish he had not been born at all" kind. She felt guilty every second for hating him that much; but she certainly had her reasons. And she struggled to confess that the baby that was coming was her last hope for an ordinary and happy family. She believed the girl would bring peace, happiness and joy, and therefore would fix that mess their family was. Bob went to a place that he knew the food was great. He thought about their cheese sandwich, and his mouth started to water immediately. As soon as Eva got to Kevin's school, the ten year old boy entered the car in a hurry. "Let's go home", he mumbled. "Hello, honey", Eva said. "How was school?" "None of your business", Kevin replied. Eva got the message and just stayed quiet for the rest of the drive. At some point, Kevin suddenly put one of his hands on the steering wheel. Immediately, Eva slapped his hand away, but the car dodged to the right a little bit. She fixed it as fast as she could, pulling the car to the left. "KEVIN!", she shouted. "Why did you do that?! NEVER do this again. Do you understand me?" "Yes", he said, acting like that hadn't been a big deal at all. He didn't look serious about his answer. Meanwhile, Bob bought his sandwich and finally started eating it in his car. But when he saw what time it was, he realized that he had to hurry, because he was losing clients. Then, he would eat while driving. Some moments later, Kevin did that one more time. But this time, he pulled the steering wheel so hard that Eva had to pull the brake. In the meantime, Bob, who was in the road across the one Kevin and his mom were about to arrive in, accidentally spilled cheese in his shirt, and therefore didn't see their car, that had just parked in the middle of the road. "KEVIN!!! ARE YOU MAD? DIDN'T I TELL YOU NEVER TO DO THAT?! You are NEVER going to sit here again. NEVER." While Eva shouted at him, Kevin ignored her and looked at the window next to her. While he stared at the taxi coming right toward him, he didn't say a word, because he knew exactly what his aim was. He waited until he knew that they wouldn't have time to escape the crash to warn his mother. He pointed to the window, and calmly said, "Mom, look." By the time Eva turned left, she only had time to spread her arm across Kevin's chest to try and protect him, and waited for the impact. ***** SIX YEARS LATER It was an ordinary April afternoon, and Kevin was walking home from school. Looking down at the sidewalk, he tried to throw all of his thoughts away for a while, and pretend he was a different person. He raised his head from his red shoes and looked at the trees that were surrounding him. Then, the light blue sky, and a few cotton-like clouds that were blocking the straight incidence of the sun rays. He didn't use to spend time appreciating the beauty of the world. Therefore, as soon as he spotted his house, he got to his own conclusion: nature was pretty boring. Eva was in the kitchen cooking dinner while Franklin, her husband - and Kevin's father -, laid the table for her. She heard the door closing and knew that her son was back home. "Kevin?", she asked, just to make sure it was him. "Hey", he answered, with his emotionless voice, walking straight to the stairs. "Go wash you hands, dinner is almost ready", Franklin said, putting the napkins next to the plates. "Where have you been?" "Just walking around", he climbed the stairs. "Kevin, it's almost evening", Frank continued. He heard a thud when his son threw his backpack on the bed. "We were starting to get worried about you." "Dad, I'm fine", he said, walking downstairs. "If I wasn't going to come back for dinner I would've called you." Franklin got three forks and three knives and distributed them in the table. "Fine. But next time, just tell us you are coming late." "Alright", he said, sitting on his spot at the dining table. "Kevin, go wash your hands", Eva said. "Okay. Mommy", he said, sarcastically. He got up the chair and went to the closest bathroom to wash his hands. As soon as Eva finished cooking, Frank helped her bringing the pans to the table. The both of them started to help themselves, as Kevin showed up and sat once again in his usual spot. He also put the food on his plate, and when everyone started eating, the silence filled the room. "So, how's school going?", Franklin asked. Kevin laughed a little. "Going." Frank laughed too. "Kevin, Kevin. I don't want you involved in any trouble", he said lightly. "Don't worry. I'm not", Kevin guaranteed. "You know your only obligation is to get good grades at school", Frank said while chewing. "So don't disappoint us." The silence fell again through the table. Franklin noticed Eva was too quiet. "Honey, are you okay?", he asked. "I'm fine", she replied. It didn't convince him. "If there is something wrong, you can tell us. We are here for you." She sighed. "Tomorrow was supposed to be Celia's birthday." They went deadly quiet. In some seconds, Eva's eyes were filled with tears, and as they fell, she gave up on finishing her almost untouched dinner. Frank gave her a hug. "She was supposed to be completing six years", Eva cried, louder every second. "That is SO unfair!" "Oh, honey. Celia is in a blessed place. She is watching us wherever she is. Don't be like this, please…" They were interrupted by a cellphone ringtone. It was Frank's. "Oh, honey, I'm sorry. It's from work. Do you mind if I get that? It might be important." "That's fine", she said, and tried to calm herself. "Thank you. I'm sorry. Franklin speaking. Oh, hey, Mark", he answered, leaving the kitchen. "Then I guess… dinner is ruined", Kevin said. "Oh, no, honey. You can eat if you want to. I'm just not hungry right now." "I've noticed it", he got up his chair. "But, hey, don't you think it's too much?" Eva turned to him. "Excuse me?" "You know", he continued, "it's been six years. Don't you think it's time to, I don't know. Move on, maybe?" She stared at him. "Move… on?" "Yeah, life goes on and stuff." "Kevin, she- she…", Eva almost choked with Kevin's harsh words. "She was my daughter. And YOUR sister. MY child", she got up her chair. "This is something I will NEVER overcome. In my whole life." "Really? Too bad", he sat again on his spot, realizing that conversation was going way further than he expected. "Kevin, can't you hear what you are saying? I just can't believe it. She was your SISTER! AND WE LOST HER IN THAT CAR ACCIDENT!", Eva felt tears coming down her cheeks again. "Well, yes, I'm sorry for that, but I can't understand why you are upset. I mean, we didn't even get to KNOW her. Did we?" "KEVIN!", Eva shouted, and froze. She didn't know what else to say. She just couldn't believe that he was saying such things. "And plus, you should be happy that she died even before being born. She was going to be my sister, right? So, she would be similar to me. She'd be a female Kevin. You would hate her as much as you hate me, and would probably kill yourself. You can't handle one Kevin in your life, can you imagine two of them? You would freak out." He noticed that she wasn't going to say anything else. "Okay, I'm going to my room." When she found herself alone, Eva sat on the ground, lowered her head and started to cry like a baby. In some minutes, when Frank got back and saw that scene, he sat beside her, and they both cried for a long time in an embrace. *****
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mysticfic707 · 7 years
Are you concerned about what you are doing to me? I know you might don't give a shit about me, but sometimes you get me so confused I can't even think. And, yes, I got tired of the poem-like format. Deal with it. So, even unconsciously (which I think it's the case), you are doing the same thing that some TV series had already done to me. First, you make me believe that I have a chance, but you do it just when I want other things. Then, when I notice you, you suddenly go away and pretend you weren't doing anything at all. Finally, when I start to accept that you weren't really into me and that I was the one who started it, you come back out of nowhere to give me a little hope. And, guess what, the tiniest hope always engage me. If you keep doing this, I'm going to be attached to you for my whole fucking life. Very nice. I know that's only in my mind, and I'm talking to myself, and not to you (quoting Les Miserables here), but you see, this is only the truth. I am so, so sorry if everything was only a big misunderstood joke. I am going to be even more sorry for me, because I was so stupid, innocent and unrealistic that I fell right in your arms. Like a stupid little puppy. I know you think I'm into other stuff. But you also know I'm a little surprise box. So, surpriiiiiise. Why am I doing this? Someone has to stop me before I ruin my life. I hate you so much that sometimes I keep the whole night awake thinking of you. Trying to figure out what you want to tell me. By now, I've already accepted that you don't want to tell me absolutely nothing, but I still think about it. I might have some kind of problem. If you still don't know that I'm talking to you, so I guess you are the one with some kind of problem. Maybe you are blind, or you are just blinded by some kind of self deprecation, or you just don't want to believe it. Yes, I'm mad, totally mad, totally sick. Someone, please stop me. Enough chit chatting, I just hope you get the overall idea of these texts. It would be more than enough. I guess this is the last one. So, bye. Have a good life.
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mysticfic707 · 7 years
I like writing to you and pretend you are going to read it. Even knowing that you won't, because if you would, I would probably not expose myself. Something even funnier is that you are probably reading it right now, And I'm probably regretting 90% of my life. So, are these poems? Or not? What are these things? Thoughts, ideas, regrets. Feelings. Anything you want. Maybe in a poem format? Right. It really doesn't matter. Maybe you are wondering where you should begin. Wherever you want. It's not going to make any difference. Just to make it clear. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. I don't even know. I'm so sorry.
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mysticfic707 · 7 years
Sometimes I get tired of waiting. But still, waiting is all I can do. I'm too stupid to do something about it. But sometimes I realize I'm just insecure. It's funny how I get insecure when I think about my feelings, and I can't think of anyone around whom I feel more secure than you. And even knowing that somehow you love me, I doubt if our 'love' is the same. I doubt our intentions are the same. But still, I can't help thinking that maybe, maybe, we are on the same page. I doubt it. But I can't help hoping we are. I like how we are now. But I want more. I'm concerned that in a few days It's going to be all or nothing at all. That's why I'm reluctant. I want to talk to you. But I can't. If I told you everything, I could finally breathe. But what if I ruin everything? What if I make you sad? I wouldn't forgive myself. That's why I'm thinking so much. Should I do this? Or shouldn't I? There's a part of me that wants to risk it. Everything we have. Is it worth it? This is what I ask myself every second. I'm running out of time. I'm scared. I don't want to do it. I don't feel safe enough. I need you to make me feel safe. I won't do it. Sorry. But, shit. It would be amazing. Should I do it? It's my chance. If I waste it, I don't think I'm ever going to have a better one. I'll do it. See? I just don't know. How I wish I could ask you to help me. But that's something I have to do alone. Here is what I want to do: Listen to what I have to say. I want to be more than just a friend. I know that I'm not only a simple friend. But I want to get promoted. And if you don't want the same thing, just forget what I've told you. It's the best thing we could do. I love you so much. I don't want to lose what we already have. You have to understand it. I want to be promoted, but I don't want to get fired. If you don't want to promote me, it's okay. Just leave me where I am, and I swear I won't complain. I'm a mess. Just forget abou what you've just read.
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mysticfic707 · 7 years
I don't get you. Which is weird, because I know you more than anyone else. Or… at least I thought I did. Unfortunately, it took me a long time to notice how important you are to me. And now that I did, you belong to someone else. How I wish I could have noticed your intentions before. Before you had given up on the heavens of your thoughts. If there was justice in this world our timing would have been perfect. But that was exactly our problem. Your start was early and mine was late. As soon as you've reached the end I reached the beginning. I've disappointed you. And now you are disappointing me. Nothing more fair. Right? Sometimes even what is fair is not fair. Or at least not fair enough. But it doesn't matter if it's fair or unfair. Right or wrong. A sin or not a sin. I really don't care. If I did, I would not have been writing it some time ago. The only thing that matters is that you understand what I want to tell you. I know what my wish is. I hope you also do. But I want to tell you that even if our wishes are the same we are faded to tragedy. It's crazy to think that the thing I want the most and which would make a part of me extremely happy would make the rest of my life a living hell. But you are not guilty, and neither am I. Life is. But right now, I am blind. I am blindfolded by my desires, which means your path is opened. You can do whatever you want. If you want to do something about it, you can. If you want to pretend it doesn't exist, you can. All you have to do is tell me. Now it's your chance to make everything happen your way. You can have it all or you can throw it all away. Literally, everything is up to you. And still, all you have to do is tell me. Tell me what you want me to do. It doesn't have to be explicit. It's all up to you. Just for you to know before you make your decision, I am here, waiting for you. I'll do it as long as I can, until I get tired of waiting. If this happens, by any chance, I will give up. And I suppose you will start anew. And we will be stuck in this infinite, hellish circle. We are faded to tragedy. But I actually just want you. If you don't feel the same… then I was wrong. Therefore, I guess I was right. I don't know you at all. And in fact, I thought I did.
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mysticfic707 · 8 years
Irresistible Messages
Seven got up pretty early; it was still three pm. 
 He went to his kitchen and got some snacks he had been eating the previous night. There, on the kitchen counter, was his phone. He logged into RFA messenger app. Zen was online.
 707: Zen~.
Zen: Hey, 707.
 They never talked too much. Seven knew he was a nice guy, but such a narcissist…
 Zen: got up pretty early, huh?
707: lol right?
707: been working all night long >_<.
Zen: poor little boy.
 Zen was one of his closest friends.  He knew that Seven usually worked at night and had to sleep during the morning. It wasn't a healthy habit, so the other RFA members always implicated with him. But they knew that his job demanded it, so there was nothing they could do. He got a glass of water and drank it in only one gulp; he had been so tired after the previous night he had completely forgotten about hydration.
 Zen: so, are u taking care of your health?
Zen: don't skip any meals, huh?
 It was typical of them all to get worried about his health. Sometimes it was annoying. Not even himself was so worried about his own health!
 707: gaah no worries
707: i won't
707: i've just taken a glass of water btw
Zen: good ^^
 He knew that their worries only existed because they cared about him. It was amazing to have such nice friends.
 707: what u up for today?
Zen: just practicing some lines, but no rehearsals. 
Zen: I plan to have this week to my own.
707: nice~!
 As Zen was a musical actor, he could never rest. Even in his holidays he just practiced his lines. It seemed to be as tiring as being a hacker, or as Seven liked to call it, the company's slave.
 Zen: what about u
707: maybe catch up with the games that I've totally forgotten for a while lololol
 In his job, he had do be in front of a computer for hours. When he finished, he only wanted to sleep and completely forget about his computer. It had been a while since he had last played a game.
 Zen: games. really?
707: lol what's the problem with games
Zen: they get you addicted and are no good for your health!
 707 knew he was right. But games were still fun, and he wasn't as addicted as Yoosung…
 Zen: you should try going out for a while, u know.
Zen: go get some fresh air.
 He also hadn't been out of his house for a while. Was it worrying?
 707: nah I don't need fresh air.
707: i don't do photosynthesis.
707: im good with my computer and my house ^^
Zen: if you refuse to go outside i'm gonna have to go there to take you~
707: lol go ahead~
Zen: I will
Zen: cuz i actually have nothing to do
707: fine.
 He took a glass of grape juice. On his way back to the living room, Seven stumbled into a piece of paper and fell to the ground, and all of the juice was now on him and on the floor.
 707: oh shit im so stupid
Zen: why?
707: just stumbled across a piece of paper.
Zen: poor boy
707: with grape juice in my hands >_<
Zen: lololol sorry but this scene must have been priceless.
707: aargh im all wet now.
707: i'll have to take a shower.
 Seven got up and carefully put the paper he stumbled across - which was now soaked in grape juice - inside the trash.
 Zen: uh, Mr. 707 taking a shower.
Zen: if i'm lucky i can get there before you finish putting all of your clothes~
707: lol hurry up, then
707: *-*
 It was typical of Zen to make these jokes. The other members didn't like it, specially Jumin (he didn't like Zen, anyway), but Seven thought they were awesome. It meant that their friendship didn't care about the foolishness of people's judgment. He got a piece of fabric to clean the floor and took off his wet shirt. He put it directly on the washing machine and went straight to the bathroom.
 Zen: dumb little seven.
707: it happens~.
Zen: of course.
 He thought Zen's typical sarcasm was somewhat funny. In the bathroom, he took his pants and the rest of his clothes off.
 Zen: whachu doing right now?
707: lol i'm actually taking my clothes off.
Zen: hm i can feel the heat from here.
 Seven got himself blushing a little. Those were only jokes, he told himself. But anyone unadvertised who read that would probably think they were actually flirting. Seven just remembered what Zen had said and asked, just to break the ice.
 707: are you actually coming to my house?
Zen: whenever you tell me, i'll be on my way.
 It was nice to have someone's visit once in a while. Specially from his RFA friends. They didn't know much about his life, and even so they still liked him the way he was. They were some of the only ones who did that.
 707: alright.
707: let's talk then.
 He opened the shower and waited a short time for the water to heat.
 Zen: weren't you having a shower?
707: my cell phone is waterproof. let's test it
Zen: whoa nice
 He had already tried to do that before, and nothing bad happened, so he wasn't exactly counting on his luck.
 Zen: what to talk about when u r having bath?
707: idk 
707: maybe body parts~
 He had no idea what he was saying. When he read again what he had sent, he cringed a little; it sounded like he was provoking Zen to make more of his flirting jokes.
 Zen: hmm body parts…
 …And there he goes, he thought. Seven tried to cover what he had just said. Even a little.
 707: wtvr
Zen: sorry >_<
707: that's fine
 Or should he have said "that's fine, I was the one who started it anyway." Seven put some shampoo in his hair and started to wash it. He tried to pretend nothing had happened. 
 707: im washing my head btw
Zen: which one?
Zen: jk
 707 caught himself laughing and blushing, feeling Zen's shame. "Dear God", he thought, "how can he be such a child?" He tried to be sarcastic.
 707: ha ha.
707: so funny.
707: which one do you think?
Zen: …the upper? ;;
707: yup
 He put his head under the water and finished washing his hair. Then, he got some soap and tried to take all of the grape juice traces off his chest.
 707: and now i'm washing the grape juice off my chest.
Zen: lol it actually fell on you
707: yeah…
Zen: i won't judge you.
Zen: i'm a very nice guy
707: aw thx
 And then he proceeded his shower and his conversation about body parts.
 707: now the arms
Zen: aww ur arms are so cute
 …what the hell did he meant?
 707: is this good or bad?
Zen: they're not strong at all because u just use ur computer and do nothing the rest of the time
Zen: it's good ^^
 Was it?
 707: hm
707: okay
Zen: wait
Zen: did the juice also reached your back?
707: yup
Zen: oh noooo
707: what?
Zen: how are you going to wash it if you are by yourself?
707: good question
707: but guess i can make do.
 Seven tried to reach the further extension he could of his back and managed to clean most part of it. After that, he started washing his legs.
 707: legs.
Zen: hello, legs~
Zen: uh oh.
707: what?
Zen: do u think we'd better stop talking about your bath?
Zen: it looks like we are sexting lol
 Suddenly, Seven felt his whole face heating and blushing. It surely did, he was completely right. He tried his best to treat it as something natural.
 707: lololol it does
Zen: but we r not.
 They weren't.
 707: nope.
 They… weren't?
 Seven had the strangest idea. He was actually considering sexting with Zen. "Seriously, Luciel?", he thought with himself. He felt guilty. But somehow, he wanted to do that. He felt his blood running through his veins, his heart started to beat faster and he felt something that he thought was an erection. "Oh, no. No way. You've got to be kidding me." he thought. Without thinking twice, he translated to words the desire that was urging through his body and just pressed send.
 707: wanna do it…?
 Immediately, he regretted 100% of what he had written. What if Zen thought he was a freak? He certainly was. But he was actually wanting to do that. He was hoping Zen felt the same…
 Zen: why not~
 He didn't believe when he read that, so he reread some more times until he understood it. He was going to sext with Zen, the most handsome young man that he knew. Seven didn't know exactly how he felt; excited? Scared? But he knew that was an actual erection, that's for sure.
 707: perfect timing
707: moving up in the legs~
Zen: hmm getting close to paradise 
 "No way", he thought. Zen, a man, was actually talking dirty to him. He didn't know exactly what to say, but he was enjoying that so much.
 707: what should i do when i get there…?
Zen: no need to rush.
Zen: I'll tell you exactly what to do.
707: getting near…
Zen: ohh…
 Seven was trying to control himself. He imagined very clearly a soft moan coming out of Zen's mouth. When he reached "paradise", it was already completely erected. 
 707: already in paradise~
Zen: fuck
Zen: get more soap.
 And Zen was now swearing. He hardly ever used these words, and the idea that he was doing it because he was hard made Seven want that even more. He got the liquid soap and put some more in his hand. He turned off the shower for a while; he knew he wasn't going to use it in a while.
 707: done…
Zen: now put your hand around it.
Zen: …pretend it's my hand.
707: *-*
 So it was really happening. He was having virtual sex with Zen. He didn't hesitate. He used his hand full of soap to do what he demanded. Closing his eyes for a while, he imagined that sexy man holding it and started to breath with difficulty.
 Zen: imagine that i am there holding your cock
707: omg
707: what nowq
Zen: fuck
Zen: ur so cute when u get nervous and make typos
 He was loving that. He was loving to read Zen swearing. 
 Zen: move your hand very slowly…
 He felt like he was going to explode, but he controlled himself. Moving his hand very slowly, asked himself if he was doing the same thing. He wanted Zen to feel that too.
 707: fucjk
707: why dont u do the samr
Zen: I am the one giving the orders
707: put your fucjing hand on yout fyckinh dick 
Zen: when u talk like this i don't even need a hand on my dick to cum
 That sentence almost made him lose his mind.
 Zen: now… do it faster.
Zen: back and forth…
 Seven was now lying on his bathtub's floor, moaning to himself, doing what Zen demanded. He was increasing the velocity.
 707: oh my lord
707: zen
Zen: yes?
707: come here the fucking faster u can
Zen: omfg i am on my way
707: i want to feel your hands in me
 The idea that was going to be his reality in a short time made him completely lose control. He felt every second closer to his apex.
 Zen: fuck seven
Zen: i'm cumminb 
707: oh
707: zrn 
Zen: omfg seven
 Seven moaned louder than he expected when he finally came. He was calmer now, but far from satisfied. His body was urging for Zen's.
 Zen: i'll be there in the velocity of light 
707: faster
Zen: i hope there's still will for me~
707: u can't even imagine the things i'm going to do to you when u arrive
Zen: i get horny just to think of u
Zen: completely naked
Zen: cumming in your bathtub, lying on the floor
707: it will be you in some minutes
Zen: fuck, i can't even wait for it
 Seven looked at himself. He had never felt so good in his life.
 He finished his bath and read all of their messages again while waited for Zen to arrive. At every message he read, he felt more desire for that naughty boy.
 The doorbell rang. Seven hurried to open it wearing nothing but a short towel.
 "Who is it?", he asked for precaution.
 "Your daddy", played Zen.
 He opened the door. "Fuck me, daddy."
 Zen entered the house in a jump, and soon he was kissing Seven with all of his might, and simultaneously closing the door. He got rid of his towel and all of Zen's clothes in a matter of seconds. 
 "I wish we had done this before", said Seven.
 "Way before", replied Zen.
 They were kissing so hard that they fell on the couch. "Let's go to my bathroom instead", said Seven.
 They got up and walked to the bathroom, but they couldn't stay apart. They took a relatively long time to get to the room because they insisted on kissing while walking.
 "Know that this ass is mine from now on", said Zen, softly stroking Seven's soft butt.
 "And you are my new sexual slave, Mr. Handsome."
 They got to the bathroom and kept kissing, more fiercely than before. Seven felt Zen's warm tongue embracing his; it was one of the best things he had ever felt. Their hands started to explore each other's bodies, and Seven felt Zen's hand reaching his dick. The reality felt so much better than the previous sexting that 707 struggled a lot to control himself. Zen started a kissing path through his friend's body, who was craving for pleasure, and lowered his head until his mouth was inches away from his penis. 
 "Have you ever been eaten by a man, Mr. Luciel?"
 "No, Mr. Hyun", he replied, between irregular breaths. "Eat me, if you please."
 With a playful expression, Zen's soft tongue licked once the tip of his dick. Then, he did it once more, very slowly, through its whole extension. Seven moaned a little.
 Zen's expression became naughtier as his hands played with Seven's erected member, while he gave subtle moans. "This is my favorite sound in the earth", the actor said.
 He started sucking just the tip of his cock, licked, kissed a little. Every time Seven moaned, Zen moaned, too. Zen put its whole extension inside his mouth, and Seven felt its tip reaching his throat.
 "Ohh, goddammit", said Seven.
 "Do you want me to stop?", asked Zen, playfully.
 "Don't y- you d-dare…", he replied, without enough breath to speak properly.
 "And what do you want me to do?", he said, and stoped for a moment.
 "Fuck me", Seven said with no shame.
 "How do you want me to do it?"
 "Just suck my dick", he begged.
 With a satisfied expression, he came back to licking and moaning. Like a moaning symphony, Zen started sucking more and more Seven's dick, and when he got to its full extension, the moaning was at its loudest.
 "ZEN, oh my fucking LORD, never STOP THIS!"
 Seven held Zen's irresistible silver hair and started to move his hips, faster every moment.
 "Oh, Seven. Seven, Seven. You are so delicious, son of a bitch."
 "SHIT, OH! Yeah, ohh…"
 Finally, Zen felt a hot liquid coming down his throat, and felt his body urging for Seven's more and more.
 "Seven, I think I'm never going to eat anything else. You are so fucking delicious I can't even concentrate."
 Breathless, Zen climbed again Seven's body and kissed him deeply.
 "Oh, no, Zen. No, it's not over. Turn around."
 The actor's expression became full of desire. He did exactly what the hacker asked him to do, and laid down on the floor.
 "Look at this sculpture…", Seven said, his hands massaging the actor's butt, his mouth salivating. "I'd always thought that it was sexy, but this is the most fucking perfect ass I've ever seen in my entire life. And now I get to eat it as if it was my birthday cake."
 "Seven, you naughty boy", Zen laughed in a delicious way. "Always talk dirty to me. Do whatever you want to my body", he begged. "I'm entirely yours."
 Seven leant and started to kiss and stroke Zen's perfect, soft, adorable butt. Then, his tongue licked it, and he gave a bite. A moist sound escaped the actor's mouth, and Seven felt a new erection. Finally, he reached the center. He started licking it furiously, and Zen started moaning even louder than before. 
 "You MOTHERFUCKER, WHY DIDN'T YOU DO IT SOONER TO ME?!", he shouted, moving his hips back and forth.
 "Good boy… oh, yes. Good, tasty boy", Seven said. That was the most beautiful vision he'd ever had.
 Still licking, he reached for Zen's hard penis and started moving his hand back and forth, according to the aggressive movement of his hips. He felt that Zen's hand was also masturbating himself. And then, Seven noticed that he was so hard again he couldn't bear it anymore. He spit on his own hand and lubricated his cock.
 "Zen, I'll do it."
 "OH MY GOD, Seven, please, do it!"
 Seven was enjoying a lot the fact that Zen was begging him to do that. "Are you ready?"
 "I couldn't be more fucking ready. Fuck me, Seven, NOW!"
 Seven, in a wave of satisfaction, started penetrating his dick into Zen's body. It felt infinitely better than he could ever have imagined. He closed his eyes, and all of his thoughts were driven away. His whole world was now that bathroom, Zen's moaning and all that sexual pleasure.
 "Seven, for fuck's sake, go FASTER."
 "Oh, oh, Zennnn. I'm trying."
 "FUCK, Seven, hold me in your arms. Go faster. Harder."
 "Keep talking dirty. I'm loving it."
 "You are so fucking perfect. Oh, LORD. I'm gonna cum."
 And when the wave of pleasure hit them, they both collapsed, in a moan that had been definitely louder than expected, feeling better than they have ever had in their lives.
 They moved themselves inside a hug and just stayed there for a while, listening to each other's irregular breath. 
 Seven started to stroke the young man.
 "Zen… Jesus. You really know how to make a guy horny", he said, smiling. 
 Zen softly kissed his forehead. "You really know how to make a guy fall in love", he whispered.
 They kissed with their tired lips. "Zen… how come we never did this before?"
 "I don't know how we didn't do this before, but from now on we are doing it daily."
 "I couldn't agree more", he said, looking directly to the young man's eyes. "From now on, I want to fuck you every day."
 Zen smiled. "You are so cute, Seven. Stop it, otherwise I'm gonna have another erection…"
 "No problems if you do", he smiled, and hugged him. "Stay with me tonight. So we can have fun more times today…"
 "Of course. I'll make sure you don't sleep any minute while I'm here."
 They laughed. 
 "I hope you do."
 Seven looked at Zen after some time. “You are such a narcissist… but you really are a sexy young man.”
 “I’m still trying to accept it, but… You are the most handsome guy I’ve ever seen. More handsome than me!”
 They laughed again, and stayed quiet for a while.
 "Dear lord, Zen, your mouth is heaven. Also your ass."
 Zen started blushing a little.
 "What? Zen blushing? Now you are making me love you even more."
 They both went quiet again. Seven didn’t actually know what he felt. The only thing he knew was that having sex with Zen had been one of the best things he had ever done, and he definitely would want to do that again.
 “I loved to do this with you”, said Zen. "And… your dick is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me."
 "You are not the first one to say this."
 "Nope. You are."
 "You dumb boy. But still lovely."
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