myriadlabrynth · 3 years
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Ok I was watching knb and I noticed in the s2 2nd ed,  there’s an improved version of this shot? (Top - Old ; Bottom - New)
Love seeing Furuhashi’s fixed face and Hara’s fluffier hair particularly
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myriadlabrynth · 3 years
Kiridai English Dub Voices Thoughts
Hi Hi~ I know I’ve been dead, no deep reason why, but!
 I found out that the eng dub for season 2 of knb is up, so of course I had to see the kiridai eps, these are some of my thoughts on the voices 
(first I want to say that overall its a solid dub, voice cast wise anyway. The voice cast is pretty good. aomine’s voice in particular is literally perfect)
Hanamiya - Stephen Fu
Honestly pretty solid.
It’s a lighter tone but the execution is SO GOOD. You can really hear the venom in the voice lol
Stephen Fu did SUCH A GOOD JOB especially with that Kuroko and Hanamiya convo (the “the misfortune of others tastes sweet like honey” scene)
I think both the english and original JP fits well ; its just different interpretations
Hara - Jon Allen
Its not the same voice actor, but he sounds just like Kaoru from Ouran at some points? It has a similar light raspy sound
I think this is actually the tone of voice I had in mind for Hara way back when.  But now I somewhat prefer him having a slightly more deeper tone.
But his en voice is pretty good. With the few lines he has, the VA did really well! 
Hara (talking to Seto): “People give me crap about my hair while you’re a fire hazard” asdfgiodl Hara please!!
Furuhashi - Aleks Le
My favorite personally!!!!! Can sound close to the original at times imo
I do think the execution could’ve been a bit better. Its not as stoic as I imagined it in some parts
Also! Something interesting to point out is that Aleks Le voices Akashi as well. 
And Akashi is the player Furuhashi has his eye on, according to Kurofes. Pretty cool coincidence.
Yamazaki - Mark Whitten
Pretty good!! Definitely has that slight rough tone to it.
His lines can be so funny lol 
Mark Whitten did a good job execution wise and really nailed Yamazaki’s aggression haha
Seto - Keith Silverstein
Keith Silverstein!!!! I’m pretty bias since I love Keith’s voice, its his usual voice.
I think its an okay match. I did notice that both JP and EN voices have a similar “velvety”...tone?? 
Idk if that’s the right word but both voices seem to have a similar texture/color to them, so that’s cool.
I imagined Seto with a deeper voice but its still fine.
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myriadlabrynth · 3 years
I’m sorry but these lines from the Kiridai arc dub are so funny 😭
Hara calling Seto a “fire hazard” PLEASE
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
Kiridai vs Among Us
And what kind of players they are. Super super self-indulgent since Among Us has been a recent addiction of mine(and part of why I haven’t posted recently). In order of Most likely to Least likely to play (I kept shifting around Yama, Hara, and Hanamiya, and i’m still not sure of the order still)
Most Likely to Play
Hara Kazuya
Color choices: Cyan, Purple, Yellow/Black
Role Preference: Imposter >>> Crewmate
A player with “that” kind of username (junior-high humor, if you know you know)
The kind that leaves right away if he’s not the imposter, or leaves right after getting killed as a crewmate
Tends to self-report as an imposter, but uses it strategically Actually pretty convincing at pointing the finger at others. Even when he is a crewmate and he knows the person he’s accusing is innocent. Laughs when the innocent player gets voted out.
Would definitely say  “How do I vent like x color?” in chat
More so plays to mess around, but he is actually pretty decent at the game when he takes it a tiny more seriously, imposter wise.
When he is imposter, he utilizes the lights sabotage the most. Stack kills are used a lot too.
If he sets up his own room, he’ll set the lighting to the lowest, since it’s more interesting.
As I’m typing this, I realize I picture Hara as the exact kind of Among Us player that I hate
Yamazaki Hiroshi
Color choices: Red, Orange, Lime
Role Preference: Crewmate >>>> Imposter
Was reluctant to play since it looked weird, but he finally gave it a try after seeing it everywhere, and seeing the premise,  and got hooked.
A terrible imposter, we know Yama is not good at schemes. You have to be witty to be a good imposter.
The kind of imposter who gets caught right away. Either caught in the act, seen venting, or a terrible liar.
But as a crewmate, Yama has a good time. Get excited when he gets a visual task.
Played it enough times to the point he pretty much speedruns his tasks.
Enjoys the buddy-up system and will back up someone if he knows for a fact they’re innocent.
Does stick around if he gets killed and does his tasks still (like a good bb). Also so he can see the outcome.
Has trouble choosing who to vote for, unless it's like REALLY REALLY obvious who it is. Tends to just choose to skip. Can get easily swayed by the others’ words.
Tends to play in the same room over and over again, as long as he can. Gets a tiny bit sad knowing he’ll likely never see the other players again, since he had a good time with these strangers. May or may not exchange info with some of them.
Hanamiya Makoto
Color choices: Black, Dark Green, White
Role Preference: Imposter >>> Crewmate
Mainly plays in single imposter games
On the flip side, a good crewmate as well. Co-op games aren’t really his thing though, so it's not as enjoyable as being imposter.  Prefers working alone cause the other players can be useless to him. Good at deducing who is the imposter, or keeping an eye on everyone or the vents. Memorizes who he passed by and where.
Sometimes if he figures out who the imposter is, especially early on, he’ll purposely let them go. The idea of the imposter thinking they’re getting away with it and may win, only for Hanamiya to expose them with all of the evidence he gathered, excites him.
However if he is the imposter, he will use the buddy system well to gain someone’s trust, and enjoys seeing their shocked reaction when they learn he is the imposter or one of them.
If he sets up his own room, he turns off visual tasks, since those usually prove someone’s innocence right away. Players have to prove their innocence better than that.
Will leave if he is killed, but usually survives if he is a crewmate.
Would never admit that he ended up staying up really late playing.
Furuhashi Kojiro
Color choices: Black, Blue, Dark Green
Role Preference: Imposter > Crewmate (doesn’t really have a heavy preference)
A quiet player, doesn't really contribute much to chat, if not necessary.
Only uses visual tasks for when there is a witness
An average imposter, tends to win more via sabotages (the reactor or oxygen)
Doesn’t like the buddy-system, since he can’t trust anybody. Not to mention it makes the game boring when there’s only a few players left, and so the imposter wouldn’t be able to do anything really. Same when he is the imposter.
Sticks around even when he is killed, since he kinda enjoys the secret chat box for the ghosts. Doesn’t mind talking crap about the dense living players. Doesn’t really do his tasks though.
The game really isn’t his thing though so won’t really get too invested in it. A day or two of it would suffice before it gets repetitive.
Seto Kentaro
Color choices: Brown, White, Black
Role Preference: Crewmate >> Imposter
Prefers figuring out who the imposter is
Would be a good imposter though, utilizes the sabotages effectively and efficiently.
Will most likely leave if he is killed off
Doesn’t contribute much to chat, but when he does, he brings up good points.
Quits the game after a few rounds cause he got annoyed at how hopelessly stupid and immature the other players are.
Least Likely to Play
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
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A bonus one, I wish this was added to the bloopers. Where  Kiyoshi dodges Furuhashi’s elbow ajskdfl 
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Minor kiridai moments from the manga that I wish were animated/voiced…(for the first two and the last one, I’m referring to the left side)
Hara saying “Zaki”
Hanamiya scolding Hara and Yamazaki
A minor moment, but more Hara and Yama lines is always good
Seto asking for a substitution (Look how CUTEEE Seto looks, that “~~~” usage)
“So I just have to push that button?(mole)” MSJFDLSL HARA PLEASE
Also the “Can’t you do something about that thing drooping down” “I can’t” part, its interesting since in the anime Seto did the loose strand of hair himself.
Also, within the anime, we only heard Hanamiya and Seto’s names spoken. And I know its SUPER minor and probably weird to make a big deal out of, but idk, I would have loved to just hear the other names spoken out loud…
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
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Minor kiridai moments from the manga that I wish were animated/voiced...(for the first two and the last one, I’m referring to the left side)
Hara saying “Zaki”
Hanamiya scolding Hara and Yamazaki
A minor moment, but more Hara and Yama lines is always good
Seto asking for a substitution (Look how CUTEEE Seto looks, that “~~~” usage)
“So I just have to push that button?(mole)” MSJFDLSL HARA PLEASE
Also the “Can’t you do something about that thing drooping down” “I can’t” part, its interesting since in the anime Seto did the loose strand of hair himself.
Also, within the anime, we only heard Hanamiya and Seto’s names spoken. And I know its SUPER minor and probably weird to make a big deal out of, but idk, I would have loved to just hear the other names spoken out loud...
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
I was reading through my copy of  kurofes again, and i find it really interesting how similar Furuhashi, Hara, and Yamazaki’s mottos are?
 “Go with the flow”, “All humans/human affairs are like Sai’s Horse”, and “Life will work out somehow” all essentially mean the same thing. 
It's interesting that they all take a “It is what it is”, approach with life. No need to sweat the small stuff, life will go on no matter what and will work out, so just live in the moment
I wonder if it was intentional...
Also, I wheezed a little at how the instant google translate translated Hara’s motto ( 人間万事塞翁が馬 ) as “All human beings are horses” , too literal there google
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It’s supposed to be “All humans are like Sai’s Horse” which is pretty much the Japanese proverb equivalent of “Joyful evening may follow a sorrowful morning”. 
Good may turn into bad, bad may turn into good, so don’t get too excited when good things happen, but also don’t get too upset when bad things happen, fortune can be up and down, etc etc
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
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I guess these outfits were so horrendous, that I forgot about this one
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Casual Kiridai is just so good (Wish we saw the extra game one in color/animated)
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
Kiridai vs Players They Have Their Eyes On
And why this could be the case(another interesting thing to look into!)
Referencing the Kurofes Book
Hanamiya - Has his eyes on Kiyoshi
An obvious one.A fellow non-rakuzan uncrowned king who is the exact opposite of him.
Like Furuhashi said, Hanamiya hates the type of person Kiyoshi is, and when things don’t go his way.
He wants to crush Kiyoshi so badly, both physically and mentally for his fluffy pure ideals. I’d imagine Hanamiya has met people like Kiyoshi, and is usually successful with breaking their pure beliefs, but Kiyoshi has been a brick wall for him.
Him being unsuccessful pisses him off beyond belief.
Things don’t go his way at crushing the type of guy that he hates??? Good god.
His whole point of joining basketball was that “there were a lot of annoying people there”
So of course he has his eyes on Kiyoshi, he’s his main target. An unbreakable one at that.
If anything, I think Hanamiya should take pointers from Murasakibara(fellow Kiyoshi hater lol), because he was more successful at breaking Kiyoshi
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Seto - Has his eyes on Imayoshi
Fascinated that this is another smart and ruthless player that knows Hanamiya better than anyone. Imayoshi is almost like another Hanamiya, just minus the rough play, cause Imayoshi frankly doesn’t need it to still irritate the other players all the same.
And the fact that Hanamiya acknowledges and believes that Imayoshi is worse than himself??? Now that piqued Seto’s interest.
The “I don’t really know him, but are you one to talk?” line
Seto is still shocked that Kuroko was the one who ruined the spider web, something that Seto plays a key role in.  Hanamiya said that Seirin was the first to “ruin his plans”, so of course Seto was usually successful.
I actually think this is maybe why Seto feels comfortable sleeping during matches, because he doesn’t expect to fail. Every match beforehand was the same song and dance, so he didn’t have to worry about whatever happened earlier in the match, he assumed things would go according to plan as always.
So to see Imayoshi be able to stop Kuroko in the Seirin v. Touou 2 match, the player who essentially caused Seto to fail for the first time, only piqued his interests in the touou captain further.
I don’t think Seto is that passionate about basketball, but failing for the first time made him more motivated to practice(though it doesn’t really matter since the kiridai practices have become more brutal anyway after the seirin v. rakuzan match)
 He likely took the things he saw from the Seirin v. Touou 2 match and took it into consideration during practice, so if/when Kirisaki Daiichi meets with Seirin, he’ll be prepared.
Furuhashi - Has his eyes on Akashi
The other characters who have their eyes on Akashi (Nijimura, Shirogane, Midorima) have some noticeable relation to him, (Previous Teiko Captain, Head coach of Teiko, a close friend, respectively).
Furuhashi is the only one who doesn’t. So he’s purely looking from an outside perspective. As far as we know, he doesn’t personally know Akashi.
An obvious reason for the intrigue is just because of Akashi’s skills. That could be the reason why any player may have their eyes on a GoM. The question becomes “Why this particular GoM player?”
I think Furuhashi may be interested in ankle break, and learning it himself
He’s particularly interested in being able to make players kneel before him, instead of simply falling over.
His special ability is the worst of Kiridai so that must have proven tricky
Although Furuhashi is mainly on Kiridai for the roughplay, he perhaps has some interest in improving his basketball skills too.
And who better to look at than Akashi right?
His main interest in Akashi either stems from prior knowledge of him, or after watching the Seirin v. Rakuzan match.
Hara - Has his eyes on Murasakibara
The hardest for me to figure out honestly
Similar to Furuhashi, a case of “It’s natural to have your eyes on the GoM, so why is Murasakibara specifically the one that interests Hara the most?”
He’s also the only one with eyes on Murasakibara
I honestly think Hara simply admires him. His reason for joining basketball was because he thought it was cool right? Murasakibara may be one of the reasons, if not THE reason he thinks it’s cool. 
Murasakibara is so lax and yet he’s one of the top high school players in Japan?? That’s what struck Hara.
The two are similar. Purple hair, carefree/childish attitude(though their carefree-ness are different), though they still perform well in basketball despite this.
And actually since fujimaki depicted Hara with blonde hair in the manga, and there’s common headcanon that Hara dyes his hair. If you go with that headcanon, you can think that Hara chose lilac to kind of match Murasakibara(a huge stretch but why not)
Interestingly enough, Murasakibara is also a part of the health committee
Murasakibara also usually has something “in his mouth”, in his case its food. Though he never does during matches, unlike Hara and his gum.
I also like to imagine that Hara used to be the tallest of Kiridai before Seto joined, beating Hara by a couple of centimeters. This annoyed him a bit, could be a pride thing.
And here is Murasakibara who is undeniably the tallest out of the whole league, and he’s younger than Hara.
So I think it might just be the skills and similarities Hara sees in Murasakibara, and his height is an aspiration.
Yamazaki - Has his eyes on Moriyama
The only one with eyes on Moriyama, but unlike Hara, it was a bit easier to come up with reasons why.
Fellow Shooting Guard, fascinated by his unorthodox/underhanded shot
Might also be interested in Moriyama because of him being a ladies man. Not that Yamazaki  wants to be one himself or necessarily wants a relationship per se
Yamazaki being in Kiridai gives him a bad impression, even if he’s the most sensible guy. People generally tend to stay away from the group, and thus, away from him.
4 out of 5 are “bad”, what are the chances that the one guy left will be any different right?
The cheerful girls that Yamazaki prefers, or girls in general see him and immediately flee, which bothers him.
Moriyama being a ladies man might give Yamazaki pointers on how to seem more presentable to girls, so they won’t run at a first glance at his uniform.
Yamazaki only knows that Moriyama is a “ladies man” from word of mouth though, he doesn’t know that Moriyama isn’t that successful either lol
Also I just realized the name similarities? Its all a coincidence but
Kiyoshi and Imayoshi rhymes
Furuhashi and Akashi rhymes
Hara and Murasakibara rhymes
And Yamazaki and Moriyama both have “Yama” in their name
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
Kiridai vs Type of Girl They Like
With more explanation. All just my opinions, and headcanons (Not the most in depth analysis because they are overall self-explanatory)
Hanamiya - Stupid Girls
There are a few ways to look at this
We know from the light novel with Imayoshi(Chapter 6 of Replace V), and also the online-gaming drama cd(Knb Season 2 Drama Cd 4), Hanamiya puts up this facade as this friendly and humble guy. Whether this is something he does all the time or only sometimes, is up for debate.
A stupid girl would be someone who still falls for this facade. Since there are of course girls who already know what Hanamiya is really like. Unlike the early years of middle school, where most people thought Hanamiya was this nice kid, his reputation is now well known(he’s the “bad boy” for a reason). So all things considered, you might have to be really stupid, or just blissfully ignorant(so still stupid to Hanamiya)to fall for the facade still.
Another way to look at it is, you know how people say “Are you stupid?!” when they do something risky? Same type of deal here.
It’s not just with brains, it’s also a girl who is too brave to an idiotic degree. Or perhaps impulsive. Someone who stands up to him,who doesn’t quite know what they’re getting into when they confront him. It would be someone who did figure it out. They know Hanamiya is not a good person, but they were merely scratching the surface, and they’ll learn that eventually.
Either interpretation, it’s simply good entertainment for him really, especially the ecstasy he gets when the girl eventually realizes exactly who they are dealing with.
I think his type being “stupid girls” would imply he’s not really going into relationships, expecting anything serious? To give an exact quote from the knb 3ds game(knb: miracles to victory)in his conversation with Moriyama:(translation by grimmfeather)
“ I’m completely focused on basketball right now. I want to lay every moment of my high school years on the line, put my best foot forward every day, and win with the rest of my team… That’s why I don’t even have time to think about love and whatnot at the moment.”
(I haven’t actually heard the voice acting for this part, so idk if he said it in his fake nice persona, but regardless, most of this is probably half-heartedly said, especially the “best foot forward everyday and win with the rest of my team”, but the gist of it is true, about not thinking about love)
I think if he was actually serious, he would prefer someone with some degree of intelligence, not a complete lost cause. But who knows, life might/probably will throw him a curve ball.
Since he’s not expecting any relationship to go very far, he is caught off guard if/when one actually works out
Also side note, regarding the light novel with Imayoshi,  can I just say how concerning it is that Hanamiya has apparently been doing rough play since he was twelve years old???? And possibly earlier??
Seto - Intelligent Girls
The opposite of Hanamiya obviously. I mentioned that there are girls who already know what Hanamiya is like, regardless of the phony nice persona,  that is an example of who Seto would prefer.
Just someone who is smart enough to see through it(since Hanamiya’s nice act is apparently pretty convincing, though Seto saw right through it just like Imayoshi did), especially if it's a girl who is meeting Hanamiya for the first time and doesn’t know anything about him. The girls who do know Hanamiya’s nature, knew  from word of mouth, not from actually interacting with Hanamiya.
Seto isn’t really someone who wants to be in a relationship anytime soon, but Seto would see yet another girl who is fooled by Hanamiya and think “Well I know I wouldn’t want a girl that’s that dumb“ that would be why his preference is someone smart.
I mean I’m not saying that the only girls that Seto would be interested in are the ones who go through hanamiya first, but they would certainly intrigue him.
It’s interesting to think about what else Seto considers to be “marks of intelligence” though, since his intelligence is on another level.
Romantic or not, Seto generally is more drawn towards intelligent individuals.(which is part of why he has his eye on Imayoshi, according to Kurofes)He just likes having someone who he can have an intellectual conversation with, it's part of why he gets along well with Hanamiya. Simple small talk doesn’t really bode well, or won’t get you very far.
Cause the things he finds interesting, other people might not understand or know anything about.
Furuhashi - Masochists/Someone with Masochistic Tendencies
It reminds me of the shoujo manga Ookami Shoujo to Kuroo Ouji.Basically the guy is an ass to this girl, even when they start dating.
And the girl was described as a “Masochist”, because she puts up with the guy’s rude and sadistic tendencies. And basically one of the reasons why the relationship worked is because the girl kind of just accepted the way the guy was(and the guy ended up softening up on his own anyway). Other girls would run away or call him a jerk, and never try talking to him again. But this girl was persistent and stuck around and didn’t try to change him. The Guy just needed someone who would accept him for who he is, cause he was just the way he is.(a very watered down version of the manga, idk if i’d recommend it, but it’s out there.)
(Now that I think about it, the manga fits Hanamiya’s situation too...cause the guy puts up a kind “prince-like” facade, and finds enjoyment when the numerous girls he meets sees his true nature…..hm)
ANYWAY, this is how i’d describe Furuhashi’s preference as well. Him being a sadist is just the way he is, and he’s not going to change for anyone. He may soften up a bit, but he’ll be the same guy overall.
Masochist in this sense, would mean someone who would accept Furuhashi for who he is, a sadist. They wouldn’t expect him to change for them. Someone who will love him for him.
To actively choose to still be with him, despite everything may be considered “Masochistic”
He gets pissed when girls try to change him. When they think that just because they’re dating,he’s supposed to change who he is. Because he would think that the girl never actually loved “him”, they were just painting a fake version in their head and tried to make it a reality. Or mold him into their ideal boyfriend. I think Furuhashi has trust issues because of past experiences.
And yeah sure, we can also look at it in the typical sense as well (in a perhaps ‘nsfw’ type of way ) He gets great joy from the things he gets to do on the basketball team, and that he is able to get off scot-free. So of course he would want other means to be able to do similar things, when he eventually leaves basketball.
He’s intrigued at the idea that someone would enjoy being hurt(cause he’s used to being met with anger)
But I think there’s more to it than that.
Hara - Girls with Pretty Legs
Not much to it really. It means exactly what it says.
Interesting that Hara’s preference is the only one of Kiridai that is a physical attribute.
He’s actually one of four(I think) knb characters whose preference is physical attributes (the other ones are Aomine and Murasakibara, and kinda Tsugawa)
This would mean Hara is someone who is (usually) attracted to one’s appearance first, before their personality.
It’s really just legs that Hara finds to be pretty. Doesn’t have to be slender or anything like that.
Huge fan of thigh highs of course, especially when they’re visibly squeezing the thigh, even if it's barely(he’ll notice)
He's the type of guy who sees those pics of girls with thigh highs just barely squeezing the thighs, it’s barely noticeable, and says they’re “thicc”
If we’re thinking about personality traits that Hara would prefer, if there were any, it would be someone who is a bit laid back just like him.
Someone who understands his jokes, won’t be like a “stick in the mud”.
But at the same time, I can see Hara being interested in someone a bit more serious(not too much), because those people are more fun to mess with and tease lol
Yamazaki - Cheerful Girls
So pure…
A girl with an infectious smile. He would try his best and do all he can to see that smile over and over again. They would be a  ray of sun in a room and happy-go-lucky
I think it could provide a nice break from his time in the team?
Constantly seeing bruised and sometimes bleeding players takes a toll on Yamazaki, who barely supports it. The vibes of the team are overall dark and can be overwhelming.
A cheerful girl gives him a break from that and the boost of serotonin he needs.
Just someone who is positive cause he doesn’t always want to think about crushing other players or other people’s demise.
I can see Yamazaki having a crush on a girl who is super friendly to him but he always thinks “She’s nice to me, but she’s nice to everyone so there’s no way she likes me in ‘that way’”
The girl would be someone who accepts his “loudness”, for lack of better word? I can see Yamazaki holding back to try to seem more “presentable”. The girl would be someone who Yamazaki is comfortable with being himself.
Can I just reiterate how cute Yamazaki’s preference in girls is….we have stupid girls, intelligent girls, masochists, girls with pretty legs, and Yamazaki is here like “I like cheerful girls…”
An angel indeed….
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
Okay, I have to say, hands down my favorite piece of official Hanamiya-related content is “ Knb Season 2 Drama Cd 4: “Escape ”, the drama cd where he, Imayoshi, Riko, and Miyaji play an online-escape room game together.
(without actually knowing who the other players are since they all go by aliases, Hanamiya’s was “Mist”)
It’s SO out of left field, but exactly the kind of extra content I need more of.
Hanamiya using a fake “friendly voice” when he was speaking with the other players, while his internal thoughts were just “Are they stupid?? What’s wrong with them??” was hilarious. Jun Fukuyama did such a good job distinguishing the two versions
Hanamiya to Riko: Wow, your avatar is cute! The red checkered skirt fits you! :)
Riko: Really? Thank you!!
Hanamiya internally: People who care about their appearances are probably useless
My assumption is that they’re using an online-voice chat and not just a chat room? It’s not really indicated.
 It’s especially funny when he was talking to Imayoshi in a friendly way, while internally getting more annoyed, his friendly voice diminishing gradually
Also the idea of Hanamiya playing these kinds of games in his spare time is interesting....it reminds you that in the end, Hanamiya is just a teenage boy.
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
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Super high quality shots of Kiridai, am I right. Only the best over here.
Even pre-kiridai vs. seirin match, my eyes are just “them”
It’s also interesting to see that in the top, Seto is there, while on the bottom, it’s Matsumoto.
Which would imply Kiridai didn’t even need to use the spider web for the senshinkan match. If you assume Seto is only brought in for the spider web.
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
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Casual Kiridai is just so good (Wish we saw the extra game one in color/animated)
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
On the chance that it happens, I may reupload a post, cause it didn’t appear in the tags, sorry!
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
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I’ll always be sad that Hara was removed from this scene in the anime...
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
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Misc Group Shots of Kiridai that I like
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
Kiridai’s Intelligence
My interpretation of where the boys rank from (Smartest to Least Smartest’(Top 2 really isn’t an interpretation though lol)
Smartest of course, a given really. Does it really need to be explained
Smart because he is smart, doesn’t matter if he puts effort into or if he particularly cares about the subject.
Best subject is chemistry. Arguably difficult subject
If chemistry is the best subject for an already crazy smart guy, then he must REALLY be well versed in it
Second Smartest, another given.
He said he, with an iq of 160, isn’t even close to Hanamiya
Though not on the same level, Seto strikes me as another “does well without trying” type
“Can do it in his sleep” type of deal
Why he is able to coordinate with Hanamiya
Best subject is Mathematics,pretty impressive
Same with Hanamiya, his IQ being so high, saying his best subject is Math may even still be undercutting just how good he is at it.
Third Smartest
His theory for Kuroko’s vanishing drive was seriously impressive, and pretty close and on the right track.
Far from Hanamiya and Seto’s intelligence, but a lot smarter than he lets on.
His grades don’t really let on how smart he is
Has a lot of potential in my eyes, the type who can do really well if he puts effort into it, but he chooses not to.
If it's something he does care about, then he will excel
His extracurriculars are so all over the place as well
Part of the health committee, best subject is ancient literature, and he can play the drums??? The boy is smart in a variety of areas
He’s the kind who doesn’t want to appear as a smart person, or I guess a “nerd”
He wants people to underestimate him. To have low expectations. So that they’ll look dumb when they see that he’s not just some goof
(Also he wants people to have low expectations of him so they won’t be disappointed)
Fourth Smartest
Though not far from Hara
Solely based on how we haven’t really got as much of a glimpse of his intelligence as the first three
Though we know he is good with rough play and it takes some smarts to observe the situation, and know when the right time to do it is. (not that i know from personal experience)
Like Hara, his intelligence is dependent on what he cares about
Furuhashi is someone who does something primarily out of self-satisfaction. He seldom puts effort into something if he doesn’t get anything out of it, unless its something he literally has to do.
He did join basketball for no particular reason, but he stayed because he enjoys what he is able to do.
His hobby is gardening in his and his specialty is making bread
Btw, I find it interesting that his hobby is something that requires so much delicacy and gentle care….hm
When it comes to these things that he cares about or enjoys, his intelligence shines. Though that isn’t to say that he isn’t overall successful academically either.
We know he is part of the library committee as well. We may assume that he is well read and a bit of a book worm
Especially if we continue to consider that Furuhashi operates out of self-satisfaction(joined the library committee because he enjoys reading)
Fifth Smartest
Though not necessarily “dumb” if that makes sense. I don’t think he’s a lost cause.
Part of why he doesn’t participate in rough play
He’s not good at it(in terms of assessing the situation and knowing the timing to make a hit, all in a fast paced game). Other part is he’s more morally sound, as Fujimaki said
He’s not part of a committee so there’s nothing to take from there.
His best subject is Biology which is commendable
Clearly knows more outside of the mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell.
He also knows that only plant cells have cell walls
I can imagine that he does well because he genuinely finds the subject to be interesting (so the same way Hara and Furuhashi operates)
* The best subject is up for debate, all things considered, since you still may not necessarily do well in your best subject (if your grades are just bad). It’s like the best subject by default’.
Also it depends if you found the subject difficult. Someone’s best subject being math may be less impressive for some, than it is to others. But who cares
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