myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
on tumblr? thats basically impossible people here are fucking stupid and insufferable
I think the hot new trends for this summer should be reading comprehension and critical thinking skills
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
Can we please go a day without minecraft fans getting up in arms over something that will eventually get handled. i really dont feel like slogging through tumblr reading people's takes on whatever is happening knowing it'll get resolved. just let me enjoy fan art and theories
its so obnoxious seeing people saying 'oh i have to drop this now cause its causing me great distress" like please get a life outside of watching a video game and experience the real world
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
honestly how do stans actually function in actual society. cause i refuse to believe they're capable of being able to handling any kind of conflict without immediately whining about it and trying label it as problematic. like i cant imagine them not at their keyboard whining and bitching about the latest issue with whatever CC and being on their high horse trying to look as good as possible when in reality they care only about themselves and how they look
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
how are people already turning on phil and tommy just cause they havent responded right away to what wilbur did. these fucking dumb ass stans are really the most insufferable dipshits in the world and honestly need to be slapped in the face and told to shut the fuck up and let the two of them process what happened
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
i honestly think the stans have made this whole wilbur thing so much more insufferable. like yeah he's a piece of shit but i really dont want to hear the opinion of a stan who's only personality has been wilbur or whatever other minecraft cc or smp you like please just shut up
i really dont want to have to listen to another person whine about "oh i can't listen to lovejoy anymore :(" cause they're to stupid to understand seperate art from artist like every other person whos favorite artist is a piece of shit.
i can't imagine how you people go through life having minecraft be your one and only personality.
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
every time a character dies or kills themself there are 1 million posts saying "at least [dead person] is in a better place/is with [other dead person]/has found peace/is happy now"
this one's for the people who don't believe in that and think they're just dead and that it just kinda sucks. here's to sorrow and here's to healing 🤝
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
Do you think the stans are smart enough to seperate art from the artist when it comes to them saying they can't listen to lovejoy anymore or do you think they're just so brain dead they dont understand that concept?
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
minecraft stans and stans in general have to be the most obnoxious people on earth. like the second someone they used to like gets outed as something they're so quick to suddenly say "i yeah i never liked them, all their stuff was so bad" as if they didn't read a ton of fan fics or make fan art of them. be for real you absolute losers and have an actual spine
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
So the idiot stans on twitter are already blaming someone even though Shubble didn't say who it was. Are the stans on here also being fucking idiots or are people actually thinking logically even though that somehow rare on this website as well
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
can these losers on tumblr for once not complain about the slightest issue, god forbid a cc even mentions a topic you dont like and gets you all wound up cause they didnt immediately drop it like apparently "everyone else did"
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
so how long before someone gets upset over grians video title and tries to cancel him
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myguy352forthefuture · 2 months
it just isnt tumblr without someone posting something funny about a topic they like and then someone comes in to be a kill joy and explain why a part of that thing isnt fun and something that happened years ago is why it isnt fun. like the shut the fuck up and let people enjoy shit without having to get lectured on why its bad.
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myguy352forthefuture · 3 months
honestly i just assume most people on here are fucking stupid and dont have the basic understanding of anything outside their little bubble
People who think sheep are killed for their wool are so hilarious to me. Does your barber slit your throat whenever you get a haircut?? Are you a returning customer to Sweeney Todd? Lmao it grows back, fools.
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myguy352forthefuture · 3 months
Ok seriously. Am I the only one extremely disgusted with Tubbo’s homophobia roleplay? Like to the point where I have to turn off streams if he shows up at all, because if I don’t I risk being exposed to actual real world hateful language.
Like, genuinely. It is so fucking disturbing. He could have choose anything to hate on qFit and qPac for, QSMP is a fantasy world with near infinite possibilities. And instead he chose an extremely serious real world issue and has been treating it like a joke. If he chose any other thing that’s even half as serious irl to do this I think people would be pushing back hard. But since he’s gay somehow this is seen as ok.
No, it does not matter that he himself is gay. What he says has the same effect, regardless of his own sexuality. It does not matter if he’s saying things genuinely or in roleplay. It still lands the same when he’s echoing the exact language that’s used as ‘justification’ to commit hate crimes irl, and then everyone around him treats it like a joke.
I have found that I’ve entirely stopped watching povs I used to catch every stream for solely due to how much they interact with Tubbo. I genuinely do not feel safe to watch streams when he is around because he will constantly say things that are hurtful, harmful and hateful towards me as a queer person. And everyone else will laugh it off or ignore it like he didn’t say something absolutely disgusting. How the hell can any of y’all see this as a joke?
I think it was entirely inappropriate from the beginning, but now it has absolutely gone way too far, and there’s no denying it. Did you hear that apparently one of his recent vods got taken down for hate speech??? How the hell is this being seen as ok in any way, when what he’s saying is being seen as that? It’s because that’s what it is, roleplay or not.
I don’t think wouldn’t be as bad of an issue if everyone shunned him appropriately in roleplay for this behavior. But of course they’re not going to, they’re his friends, they want to play with him. But it just makes it very much seem like the behavior is acceptable, regardless of intention.
I don’t know how I can articulate this better. I’m just so sick of it. Can it please just stop and never come back. I am begging.
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myguy352forthefuture · 3 months
i dont care about whatever real world issue is going on, i honestly dont, just let me enjoy browsing tumblr without having to see people be up in arms for the millionth time about the most benign topic and ill worry about it when im not browsing this site to get away from that shit.
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myguy352forthefuture · 3 months
Honestly if you ask me people on tumblr are full of shit. you really think on this website that people arent just the biggest grandstanders and virtue signalers? Like i don't believe for a second that anyone practices what they preach here whenever they supposedly get upset about the latest issue Tumblr is going off about. Some probably couldnt care less but just want to make themselves look good so others wont get pissy about them not saying anything about a issue 1.2 seconds after it happens. im sure a lot of people just want the old tumblr back where people didnt get upset at the drop of a hat and it was just talking about fandom shit
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myguy352forthefuture · 3 months
honestly what happened to tumblr? i used to see all these brilliant posts all over the internet and just see a lot of fun fandom shit but now its just preteens getting upset at the slightest issue cause their favorite streamer or celebrity or whatever doesnt immediately share the same opinion or idea they do so they just try to make them out to be the worst person in the world. its just insufferable having to delve through shit takes on fandom stuff i like cause a certain charecter did act the way you wanted them to act or a piece of media themes dont mix with yours. i fucking wish people would learn some form of basic comprehension before sharing their opinions that arent shit
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