mwabledrable · 27 days
Chapter One: A Surprise Introduction
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x platonic!OC (Myra Leighton)
Summary: A new agent joins the team. She distant, quiet, and a loner. They knew nothing about her, nothing but the order for her transfer was given by the director.
Warning(s): Mentions of rape, blood, Hurricane Katrina, murder, curse words
"No one wants you to be yourself. They want you to be the version of yourself that they like."
-Marie Lu
The elevator was completely silent besides the sound of passing floors, the atmosphere within grew tense, suffocating almost. Erin Strauss, the formidable section chief of the BAU, stood at the forefront, a veil of authority and composure cloaking her features. Her gaze flickered briefly towards the young woman behind her, flanked by armed agents poised for action at the slightest provocation. The woman herself was utterly calm, her eyes focused on the metal doors in front of her and her face expressed nothing. But Erin knew how much she did not want to be here, Erin knew how much she wanted to be at home right now, how much she hated the orders she was given.
There was nothing the woman could do to remove the order given to her, she knew that but the hate was still there.
The elevator jolted forward ever so slightly, signaling to the younger woman that they have arrived at the destination, the metal doors opened and everyone stepped out. Erin was the first, her heels clicked against the smooth flooring, it was somewhat graceful in the woman's opinion. The younger woman followed suit, surrounded by a phalanx of armed agents who remained vigilant, their watchful eyes never straying from her. Her gaze flitted around the corridor, taking in the austere surroundings and the sense of tension that lingered in the air. This was not where she wanted to be, not the place she ever imagined herself in.
The room buzzed with activity as BAU agents scurried around, their movements purposeful and urgent. Papers rustled, files were snatched up, and hushed conversations filled the air. Erin entered the room with a presence that commanded attention. The agents, engrossed in their tasks moments before, all turned to watch her with a mix of respect and curiosity. They recognized the gravity of her presence and knew that something significant was about to unfold. As the woman was escorted further into the room, she couldn't help but notice the penetrating stares fixed on her. Questions hung in the air, unspoken but palpable, as each agent tried to decipher the reason for her unexpected appearance. She could feel the weight of their scrutiny, the sharp focus of their trained minds assessing her every move. Despite the uneasy atmosphere that surrounded her, the woman held her head high, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
It was a rare occurrence for a woman to be escorted by the section chief and armed agents to the unit chief's office. The air crackled with tension as they made their way down the stark corridors of the government building. The woman, whose features were shrouded in mystery, wore a sly smirk that hinted at hidden knowledge and power.
Erin stood before the wooden door, the old grains etched with time, the faint scent of cedar wafting through the air. It was already slightly ajar, but out of habit, she raised her hand and rapped her knuckles against the rough surface. It was a courtesy, a formality that had always perplexed her. If the door was open, why bother knocking? 
She waited in the threshold, the anticipation humming in her veins, her thoughts swirling as she listened for any response. A rumble, a gravelly timbre cut through the silence, a simple "come in". It was a man, that much was evident from the depth of his voice, but there was a roughness to it, a raw edge that hinted at untold stories and hidden depths.
Erin looked back at the room of agents before speaking to the man, "I see Emily is adjusting well."
The man who had been seated at the desk rose to his full height, causing the woman to instinctively size him up. His attire exuded sophistication, the tailored suit hugging his frame in all the right places. Standing at an impressive height of six feet or more, he commanded attention without even trying. His jet-black hair was styled neatly, framing his chiseled features, while his intense gaze, the color of rich mahogany, bore into her own.
As he observed her in return, she could sense him scrutinizing her every move, trying to decipher the enigma that she presented. The tension in the room was palpable, a silent dance of curiosity and apprehension swirling between them. The air crackled with unspoken words, each waiting for the other to make the first move.
With a flicker of intrigue in his eyes, he finally broke the silence, his voice smooth and controlled, "She's doing alright, making friends with the rest."
"All good news then." Erin smiled and folded her hands in font of her before turning to the mob of agent, "You're dismissed agents."
The door was shut behind them, leaving the three alone in the office.
Erin turned to the woman, "This is Myra Leighton. She'll be a good addition to your team, Aaron."
Aaron looked at Myra again, his dark brown eyes widening ever so subtly that only she could detect the flicker of surprise within them.
"An addition?" He looked out the window, his team at their desks working on whatever paper work that needed to be done. "Our team has the necessary agents, especially now with Agent Greenaway's position filled. We have no need for another agent."
"The transfer was already approved, Aaron, she is on this team."
"I understand that, but there are also protocols that you have been ignoring. The transfer with Emily a few months ago and now you are wanting another transfer without my knowledge."
Erin cut him off, "This transfer was a direct order from the Director, Aaron. I had no say and neither do you."
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