mutablemood · 2 years
dream // 12.26.21
i was in high school for some reason and because of covid, we could go to school in the morning or in the afternoon. i had not been going to school at all and knew i was missing out on stuff, but also knew it didn’t matter because in the back of my mind i knew i had already completed high school. at some point, i think i showed up at school, but that was later in the dream
then i had won a ring and it was absolutely hideous and bulky. i soon found out that it could be separated into multiple rings that looked much better individually, but one of the rings was missing a center stone. i planned to get one put in and i think i wanted an emerald or a sapphire, but decided on sapphire.
at some point i was in my neighborhood outside and it was raining. i wanted to go home, but i had to slide on the wet pavement to get home. someone from work helped me.
when i got home, there were so many groceries and my mom was mad that she had to take them all in. i also found out that one of my friends died and her husband had something to do with it.
i was woken up by noise around the house, but then i fell back asleep. when i fell asleep, i was more aware i was dreaming. i have trouble visualizing (and by that, i mean i can very rarely do it), but when i was dreaming, i was looking at myself in the mirror and was like ‘oh! i see things! let me see if i can change it’ so i tried to change my hair to blond and it was difficult, but it worked. i didn’t like it, so i tried to make it whiter, which was also difficult. i looked at my had to see if i was dreaming and i was. i counted six fingers and my fingers were kind of red and more swollen than usual. i could kind of feel though, and i saw the lines on my hand.
then i was back in high school and i was like ‘i don’t want to be in high school’ so i tried to change it to college. it mostly worked, but it was difficult again and at some point i realized i wasn’t dressed, so i saw some blankets and just wrapped myself in them. i think that’s when i woke up again.
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mutablemood · 2 years
dream // 12.25.21
i was at work, but a very weird version of work. i was back at my old job and they were working with the software i used to work with, but a different side of it that i didn’t have a lot of experience with. they asked me what needed to be changed and i was like ‘idk, i don’t work with this side of it’ and i think they were mad about it and i was like ‘idk ok’.
after that i was walking around the office and finding all kinds of weird shit. i think it was shit that they didn’t want anyone to know about? also, someone was pregnant.
then i was getting ready for halloween and i hired people to do a group costume with me? which is weird because i do have friends that would do a group costume with me. but anyway, the people were chill and i wanted to be actual friends with them. at some point i think i was in a house of mirrors?
then i was in some kind of vegas-type place and i was exploring the strip. i was looking for a place to stay that was in the middle of the strip, and at some point in my dream i was like ‘was the bellagio not central enough for me? jfc.’ i had planned to stay at the bellagio for my cancelled trip, so i think that’s where that came from.
at some point, i was outside and it was night and a rocket was being launched. i wasn’t sure if it was nasa or elon musk, but i think i ultimately decided it was nasa. the rocket got very close to where i was sitting (i think i was in a restaurant or cafe or something), to the point where i could see the detail on it.
i feel like something else happened. maybe i was in the mall at the bellagio? buying shoes, maybe? but that might’ve been another dream i had a while ago. they all blur together.
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mutablemood · 2 years
dream // 12.24.21
something weird was happening with work. i think people in my department decided to make a spin off company or we got bought out by a different company. either way, it was weird and i was confused.
at some point, i was on a beach and i just wanted to chill, but there wasn’t a lot of space. there were vampires there and they were chill. i think i wandered around a town at some point and there was a place where a bunch of people lived in tents in a really pretty area. i wondered if sea levels would rise enough to chase them out though, because they were near the beach.
then i was at some kind of magic school and you needed a certain amount of experience to level up. there were classes of people leveling up, and i don’t remember if i was one of them. i left the line my class was in and someone gave me a present. i opened it with magic, but it took a couple of tries because i can never do magic in my dreams. it was grinch-related stuff.
then i became aware that the magic world and the regular world were separated and that time moved differently in them. one of my friends wanted to visit her human friends, but we weren’t allowed to leave the magic world. we left anyway.
when we got to the regular world, we found out there were supernatural creatures terrorizing my friend’s human friends. we tried to help, but we had to go back to the magic world. my office crush was there, too.
when we got back to the magic world, we learned that my friend’s human friend had died. i suspected they did this to punish us for leaving.
then i was wandering around town and i was like ‘this isn’t my home, this isn’t my life. this is so different, what’s happening?’ but i also got the distinct feeling that i had never felt real, even when i was home.
then there was some kind of music event/art show that i went to? i don’t remember much about that, but i was there with my actual irl friends (witch friend was someone i haven’t met while awake).
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mutablemood · 2 years
dream // 12.19.21
my dream was a mix of twilight and yyh, which makes sense because that’s what i have been thinking about lately... and also mermaids?
there was some kind of reality show being filmed and i was either on it, or was supposed to be on it, but then decided against it? people were showing off their RVs/vans they travelled in, but that wasn’t related to the reality show at all.
then i was in some kind of underwater place, but i wasn’t underwater? but there were mermaids there swimming, but they were like, swimming through air. i was like “oh this is v weird” and then i realized the water had receded and somehow that made sense to me.
then i was living with the cullens and reneesme had been born and i was upset because she was getting more attention than me. i wouldn’t see anyone for days because they were all upstairs and i couldn’t go upstairs. eventually some people came downstairs and i was like “where is this baby anyway? i’ve heard, like, NOTHING from her. and isn’t she supposed to age fast? is it still a baby?” i didn’t get a lot of response, so i think i just peaced out.
then i was talking to kurama about some shit. i think it was a new villain, and i think either kuwabara was in the hospital, or i was going to be in the hospital. either way, it was v wholesome because everyone was like “we have to stay in case they wake up” and then at some point it was like i was writing my dream, but it was fanfiction and i was like “ok this is gonna be filler, but i’m setting up important stuff” and then i went to a train station and some weird shit went down and yusuke was teaching at some place.
i woke up abruptly, but i don’t remember if i woke up because i heard something irl OR because something made me nope out of the dream.
that thing also happened in the middle of the night where i feel a weight on my bed when i’m between sleep and being awake. weird stuff.
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mutablemood · 3 years
dream // 11.19.21
I was at a house and a YouTuber I liked was there for some reason. Someone else was there too and I think we didn’t like each other or were having a disagreement. Don’t remember why, though.
I had moved away from the house I live in now, and I was upset about it, but it was super similar. I have a lot of dreams where I move to a different house that’s similar. My dad and I were looking at the deck on the new house (which we had been in for a while) and talking about how I can’t get on the deck because stairs.
In another part of the dream, I think I was in some weird, pseudo-Vegas place? I remember being in a place that was attached to some kind of fancy restaurant. Also, a friend’s brother-in-law was playing in a band and announced he got married to his terrible girlfriend. Hopefully that isn’t prophetic, but that’s none of my business.
There was something about camping in a cabin, I think? I was in some sort of area with cabins and there were a bunch of other people there talking about school. I was giving them advice about college and told them that no one cares if you don’t go to class, but you should still show up enough so that your professor knows you. Which is advice awake me would give, so maybe dream me and real me are merging into one person.
I think I might’ve been wandering a neighborhood at some point? But I might also be confusing that with a dream I had weeks ago.
Also, at some point in the dream I had multiple tattoos on my wrists/forearms. One of them was definitely a heart and one was right where my wrist bends and I was like “which tattoo artist allowed me to do this!?” Because the tattoo could get all warped from the constant moving/bending. I think the tattoos were two hearts (one on my left arm/wrist, one on the right) and a moon (on my left arm/wrist).
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mutablemood · 3 years
dream // 11.18.21
I don’t remember a whole lot, but I was in some kind of town or going through some kind of town in a traveling cafe. I didn’t like it for some reason and thought it was a worse version of a food truck. We stopped somewhere and I was looking around and I got to this alley where there were 2 snakes. I was worried one would eat me when it was let out, but the snake was pretty chill. I always fear snakes in my dreams.
My mom and I were fighting because she was telling me what to do or trying to get too involved in my life or something, I don’t really remember. I remember I was mad, though. There was something about limbo, like the actual how low can you go limbo, and I was like “I can’t do that” and my mom was like “you should tho” idk it was weird.
There was something else happening too, but I don’t remember what. It was something other people seemed to care about. There was also something about Shia LaBeouf. The song was involved and I can’t remember if there was more to it.
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mutablemood · 3 years
dream // 11.17.21
there was a weird place with a giant bath inside of it that a SWAT team was trying to get into? then the person in charge of shenanigans at this place cut off contact with the SWAT team. I was in the bath and placed a statue in there and everyone was like “are you TRYING to boil us?” So I took it out. It was a statue of a man and I’m pretty sure it was red, but changed to black in the water? Half of him turned black. There was significance to the bath and people were gathered there for something important, but I don’t know what.
There was a bit where ex friends were there doing something I didn’t like and I was like, “I’m not surprised. This is on brand.” I also had found out I didn’t actually graduate college and needed to pass one more course, but I also already had a job (my irl job), so I was like “why would I do that, tho?”
I googled something and the autocomplete or results (don’t remember which) mentioned pholus and aros. I don’t know if there’s an aros out there, but I know pholus is an asteroid that can be used in astrology. Google tells me it represents big changes in life.
someone was wearing a very nice, light pink sweater. I think I complimented her. I hope I did. I think it was knit and had a somewhat open back.
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mutablemood · 3 years
after the new moon // 8.09.21
i don’t know why, but i have felt such a profound sense of sadness and anxiety today. there’s no reason for me to feel this way, but i sat in training at work holding back tears for most of the time. around 4:15, i actually went outside to have a quick cry.
maybe i’m just exhausted from a new job. i gave up working from home for this job, and although i am certain they will soon give the company wfh options, going into the office is apparently taking its toll on me. at least, i think that’s what it is. consciously, i can’t pinpoint where this sadness is coming from, so missing wfh is the best i’ve got.
the annoying thing is, i chose this. i had opportunities to continue working from home, but i chose to be where i am now. i don’t regret my decision because i know it was the right one for me and discomfort is a good thing. still, today was rough.
the new moon yesterday was something i thought would be easy for me since i had already initiated new things in my life, but this has been difficult. this took place in my 12th house, which makes sense, because i’ve been forced to retreat into myself. i may have to re-evaluate what i want at some point, but i do want to give this a real shot because i can’t just run away every time i’m sad.
it’s weird. i’m grateful for what i have and the opportunities given to me and the support system i have. i know people pray for what i have, but i can’t be content with what i have. if i’m not content with the blessings i have, can i really say that i’m grateful? i’m not sure, which makes me feel guilty.
i have to work on being content with all the great things i have. or if i can’t do that, i need to find something that makes me happier. i’m just not sure what that is. what i really want is to be able to do whatever i want, whenever i want. i want the freedom to come and go into things as i please and be supported in all that, but that’s something that i have to work for. i just wish the work was something i could be passionate about, rather than it being a means to and end.
i thought i had things figured out for at least the next couple years, but i guess there’s more to figure out than i thought.
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mutablemood · 4 years
september 8, 2020 // 7:30 p.m. (and a weekend recap)
i took the weekend off.
i didn’t plan to, and nothing prevented me from writing here, i just didn’t feel like doing it. not ideal for tracking every single transit i have, as i had planned, but listen... i have mars in gemini and a mercury ruled chart, so i can’t do anything consistently for a long time unless i’m getting paid for it.
ANYWAY the weekend was chill. i played dnd on saturday and had a “bad” movie night (virtually) with some friends. i say “bad” because twilight is a masterpiece tbh and while i don’t condone any kind of relationship even remotely close to edward and bella’s in the real world, it’s still fun to watch as a fantasy.
saturday was weird though because it was one of those days where i just dissociated half the day. everything felt very weird and surreal. the natal transits of mine that came exact on saturday were sun square my natal mars and mercury square my natal north node. i guess if the sun represents our identity and mars separates what it touches, that makes sense, though i guess i would think sun square my natal neptune would be more likely to have that effect. i’ll report back when the sun squares my natal neptune. also, my puppy broke into my room and decided i was going to get up at 9:30 a.m. on saturday, which was v good and wholesome.
i can’t remember what happened on sunday other than the movie. the moon was void of course for like 4 hours while i slept, so i guess i just decided the day was void of course as well. the sun did make an exact trine to my natal mercury on sunday, though.
monday i just did a lot of astrology related things. sun trine natal mercury energy? idk. but that was basically my monday. played around with some friends charts and listened to the astrology podcast episode about essential dignities and debilities. every time i talk about/hear about the topic, i just look at my virgo venus and jupiter and laugh. no natal transit came exact on monday.
which brings us to today, which was uneventful. the issue i had at work on friday seems like it’s been resolved, so that’s good. i very much did not want to get out of bed though because it’s been so rainy and it was cloudy today when i woke up. also, i was comfy, so rip to my cozy cocoon. i didn’t get much done honestly, which is v fitting for a voc moon in taurus. sun opposite my natal moon and sun trine my natal neptune both came exact today... and i just realized how tight my natal neptune sextile natal moon aspect is. i wonder if the sun applying to that trine with my natal neptune affected me on saturday.
i also just realized that mercury comes into an exact sextile with my native mercury tomorrow. since mercury rules my tenth house, i can probably use it to communicate with some people at work and get stuff done/get some answers.
oh yeah, and my period started today.
mood today: lazy
ascendant at time of writing: pisces
natal transits (for sept. 8): mars in aries trine natal north node sun in virgo opposite natal moon sun in virgo trine natal neptune sun in virgo conjunct natal jupiter mercury in libra sextile natal mercury
general astro weather: the (seemingly) ever-present saturn/jupiter/pluto conjunction in capricorn, squared with mars in aries stationing retrograde tomorrow and jupiter stationing direct on saturday (the square is loose right now, but it’ll come back, which is why i’m putting it here) moon in gemini sextile venus in leo sun in virgo opposite neptune in pisces sun in virgo trine sat/jupiter/pluto conjunction
tarot card: none today
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mutablemood · 4 years
september 4, 2020 // 10:53 p.m.
i have gone down and emerged from a rabbit hole. it was a tiny rabbit hole, but a rabbit hole none the less. basically, i was putting together my order for the honeycomb personal astrological almanac (you can get one for yourself at https://honeycomb.co/) and they now have an add on for zodiacal releasing. do i know how to do that? no. am i going to let that stop me from using the add on? absolutely not. but i figured i should learn something about it before i put it in there. and thus the deep dive began. the funny thing is, just before i went into that, i drew the two of swords reversed and the description on the card warned me not to overwhelm myself. pretty on the nose because i was about to spend a v long time on it, but then i was like “i actually will probably retain this better if i don’t go all in at 9 p.m.” restraint? this is the first i’ve heard of her.
anyway, let me talk about the rest of the day. it was a strange one.
the first kind of hilarious occurrence was that the company i worked for mailed a bag of popcorn to my home. it was an employee appreciation thing, and i do appreciate it, but it’s still a bizarre thing to get. something that i also found kind of funny was that when i opened the package, the midheaven was opposing my natal uranus. just the unexpected-ness and the relation to work made me laugh. pretty sure this transit happens every day, so it’s not an indicator that something will definitely happen by any means, but still. something else i found funny was that the midheaven was at almost the same degree in cancer as uranus currently is in taurus.
a couple hours into the day, there was a problem at work i spent most of the day resolving. it’s not technically resolved yet, but we have a plan. i logged off early because i’d put in overtime earlier this week and it’s a holiday weekend (bless).
i got the urge to watch twilight today because there’s so much twilight content on the internet right now and now i’ve planned a zoom bad movie night with friends. i think we’re doing it on sunday.
my mom had someone over and it honestly kind of pissed me off because we’re in a pandemic and i barely trust my family, let alone other people. this is probably a dumb reason to be mad, but here we are.
now back to the almanac. i got it to better check my transits and i was looking at it before making this post. it’s super cool! even though i don’t understand everything lol. it puts more of a focus on the planet activated by annual profection year, which makes sense. it does have a table of all your inner planet transits for the month though, which is what i’ll be using
overall, it was a mixed bag of a day. not as bad as wednesday though. i got bugolgi, at least
mood of the day: maybe a bit stressed in the morning, but otherwise fine
transits: sun in 13 degrees virgo square my natal mars, very near exact (off by literally a couple minutes) sun in 13 degrees virgo trine my natal uranus, moving towards exact mercury at 28 degrees virgo squaring my south node, moving towards exact mars at 27 degrees aries trining my north node
astrological weather (not comprehensive) venus in cancer square mars in aries at 27 degrees mercury in virgo sextile venus in cancer at 28 degrees saturn/pluto/jupiter (all rx) conjunction in capricorn sat/plu/jup conjunction opposing venus at 28 degrees (this completes the t-square) grand trine in earth signs between sun, uranus rx, and jupiter rx
moon: waning gibbous in aries
ascendant at time of writing: taurus, not sure of degree
tarot card: two of swords, reversed
patterns noticed: none yet, still trying to get the right mix of how much/little i should pay attention to for transits
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mutablemood · 4 years
september 3, 2020 // 9 p.m.
i’m late writing this because i spent some time looking at the chart for the presidential election this year and writing out an interpretation. i won’t post it here because i’m still super iffy on my astrology skills, but i have saved it for reference.
today was better than yesterday. yesterday i was pissed at everything and also nothing in particular, but today when i got pissed off, it was more targeted to specific people. i wonder if this has to do with the transition of the moon from pisces to aries. it seems to make sense that anger when the moon is in pisces doesn’t have a direction because pisces kind of dissolves everything (especially with it being close to neptune in pisces), but i’ll wait and see which patterns i notice from this blog.
to be honest, this week was ass, and the fact that today isn’t friday is a crime, but i’m feeling alright right now. i woke up with my stomach hurting, but that was done by morning. i also slept slightly better last night, but still woke up uncomfortable.
i spent my work day listening to astrology forecasts in the background and while sometimes the future sends me absolutely spiraling, today it didn’t affect me. just one of those “yeet and move on” kind of days.
i was kind of a buzzkill today without meaning to be. my friends were taking the piss twice and both times i was like “well actually, here’s the logical reason” when i didn’t really mean to. i wonder if i’ll notice a pattern in the planetary aspects related to this because once in a while i am like that.
the business wants to change up some emails/send out less at work, but other than that, it wasn’t an eventful day. this is kind of funny because i drew the knight of pentacles reversed on my tarot app, which says it’s associated with boredom. maybe that colored my interpretation of the day and i haven’t realized it, but i really didn’t think about it until now.
yesterday, this experiment felt dumb, but today i feel neutral about it. as i was working through my 2020 election interpretation, i just looked at the time and was like “i gotta do my transit tracking post tho,” so if i could keep that energy, that would be v nice.
also, i’ve decided i’m just going to list the transits of my personal planets on here because doing them all is too much.
edit: i’ve realized that the app i was using to look at my transits uses a very small orb of influence and i’ve mixed some stuff up for applying versus separating, so i’ll adjust that this weekend. mercury opposite neptune energy? maybe. i could also just be a dumbass. stay tuned to find out.
i also find that i write these out and forget to mention things, only to remember them later and edit the post because i want to keep as much as i can that’s relevant for my records. wonder if i’ll get better at that.
mood of the day: fine, maybe kind of bored tho
transits: sun at 11 degrees in virgo conjunct my natal venus, separating neptune rx at 19 dergrees pisces conjunct my natal moon, applying neptune rx at 19 degrees pisces opposite my ascendant, applying sun at 11 degrees virgo square my natal mars, separating jupiter rx at 17 degrees capricorn trine my natal jupiter (jupiter isn’t technically a personal planet, but i just think it’s interesting)
astrological weather (not comprehensive): moon at 2 degrees aries opposite mercury at 27 degrees virgo mars at 27 degrees aries square with venus at 27 degrees cancer venus at 27 degrees cancer sextile mercury at 27 degrees virgo saturn (25)/pluto (22)/jupiter (17) (all rx) conjunction in t-square with mars and venus mercury at 27 degrees virgo opposite neptune rx at 19 degrees pisces sun at 11 degrees virgo opposite neptune rx at 19 degrees pisces grand trine between sun, uranus, and jupiter rx in the earth signs mercury at 27 degrees virgo trine saturn/pluto/jupiter conjunction venus at 27 degrees cancer opposite saturn/pluto/jupiter conjunction
moon phase: waning gibbous in aries
ascendant at time of writing: aries
tarot card: knight of pentacles, reversed
patterns noticed: i feel like the end of the pisces moon and beginning of the aries moon is rough for me because of this lunar cycle and what i noticed in a couple lunar cycles last year, but we’ll see how this tracks
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mutablemood · 4 years
september 2, 2020 // 8:32 p.m.
i haven’t been sleeping well the past couple of nights. i think part of it was being too warm, but last night i woke up and i was just uncomfortable. after getting up, i was fine until about noon, but then i started getting stomach cramps. i think my period is coming soon, but i’ve also had stomach issues since saturn moved into aquarius, even though it’s retrograde and back in capricorn now. my natal saturn is in my sixth house in aquarius though, so i’m thinking stomach issues/being forced to eat better because of it will be a theme of my saturn return
anyway, i got a decent amount of work done in the morning, then slowed down after lunch and ultimately gave up getting anything more done at 2:47 p.m. (with the ascendant in sag, but i’m not sure that matters) i took tylenol and that helped, but it wore off and i just took more so hopefully that kicks in.
overall, today was rough and i feel stupid about everything that i was motivated to do yesterday.
i also got the nine of pentacles in reverse on my tarot app. it told me to think about my relationship with money and whether i really need the things i want. i’m not sure if this is something i really need to think about or if it’s oversimplifying something that’s very complex in my life. honestly, i don’t feel like thinking about it.
mood: ugh and also fuck this (note: the tylenol kicked in by the time i finished this and i’m feeling alright)
transits: moon at 20 degrees in pisces, conjunct with my natal moon, but moving away neptune rx in pisces at 19 degrees conjunct my natal moon mercury at 25 degrees virgo conjunct my ascendant, moving away jupiter rx at 17 degrees conjunct my natal neptune and uranus sun in virgo at 10 degrees conjunct my natal venus in virgo, moving away moon at 20 degrees pisces opposing natal jupiter, moving away moon at 20 degrees pisces conjunct my descendant, moving towards neptune rx in pisces at 19 degrees opposite my natal jupiter, moving towards neptune rx in pisces at 19 degrees opposite my ascendent (conjunct descendent), moving away moon at 20 degrees pisces square my MC, moving away neptune rx in pisces at 19 degrees square my MC, moving towards moon in pisces at 20 degrees trine my natal pluto, moving towards jupiter rx at 17 degrees trine my natal jupiter, moving away uranus rx at 10 degrees taurus trine my natal venus, moving towards neptune rx at 19 degrees pisces trine my natal pluto, moving away pluto rx at 22 degrees capricorn trine my ascendant, moving away
astrological weather (not comprehensive): jupiter rx, saturn rx, pluto rx conjunction in capricorn square with mars in aries continues with mars getting ready to station retrograde neptune rx and moon in pisces sextile jup/sat/plu conjunction neptune rx and moon in pisces trine cancer in venus venus at 26 cancer sextile mercury mercury trine jup/sat/plu conjunction the 4 aforementioned aspects form a rectangle grand trine between jupiter rx, uranus rx, and the sun t-square with mars at the apex with jup/sat/plu conjunction and venus
moon phase: waning (was full yesterday)
ascendent at time of writing: pisces, but aries by the time this got done
tarot card: nine of pentacles, reversed
patterns noticed: too soon to tell
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mutablemood · 4 years
september 1, 2020 // 8:15 p.m. (ish)
woke up at about 7:30 a.m. in a terrible mood. my mood got better when i logged on to work and realized that my team mate had resolved the issue from yesterday. i was able to get more organized and close out some tickets.
i set up this blog at roughly 7:30 p.m. to have a place to write down what happened to me today and how i’m feeling + my transits and what’s going on astrologically. i’ve been dabbling in astrology for a while, but i want to push myself more and tracking your transits is a good way to start recognizing patterns. i do want to buy the honeycomb planner, but i’m short on money for the first time in a long time, which is my own doing.
it started storming at about 8 p.m., which i’m happy about.
i’m thinking of learning piano.
mood: started off angry at everything, then transitioned into optimism and motivation
transits: sun conjunct my natal venus in virgo mercury conjunct my ascendant in virgo moon in pisces nearing a conjunct with my natal moon astrological weather (not comprehensive): saturn, pluto, and jupiter all rx and conjunct in capricorn mars square saturn, pluto, and jupiter in aries grand trine between jupiter (rx), sun, and uranus (rx) in the earth signs t-square between mars, venus, and the saturn/pluto/jupiter conjunction with mars at the apex ascendant at time of writing: pisces
moon phase: very near full (waxing)
tarot card: princess of cups patterns: nothing noticed yet
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