musicfoxlover101 · 6 months
HOO been a while since I posted
Hi everybody! My name’s Makenna! I…don’t post here anymore (as you can see, since it’s been 3 years).
Everything on here is SUPER old, and I’ve grown out of a lot of it. All of my art is now posted on my instagram, linked in my carrd for my commissions below.
Please check that out instead of looking through this account! Thanks!
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
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Some 20s lingo
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
What’s good
I know I haven’t been on much, but I’ve been dealing with some issues over on Instagram with friends and others. A huge issue just arose between my friends and another person, and I want to be there for them.
Please pardon my absence.
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
just wanna remind my followers that i’ll tag triggers upon request, feel free to ask me privately, on or off anon is fine 
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
Injuries Reference List
If you’re writing anything where your characters are getting injured a lot, it might be helpful to have an injuries reference list on hand. WELL, DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT BECAUSE I CREATED ONE. This is mostly the result of me having to look up something every time a character was gravely injured/being a lifeguard for seven years. I have some knowledge of first aid and how it might apply to the characters in your story.
Simple scrapes/cuts: There’s usually not much to worry about besides MAYBE an infection, which can be avoided with rubbing alcohol or peroxide. Remember, peroxide usually doesn’t burn or sting, but rubbing alcohol probably will.  These injuries will bleed for a short amount of time, but it shouldn’t last too long.
Bruising: These occur when the blood vessels break under the skin, forming discoloration of the skin. The colors can vary, but they are usually purplish, bluish, or yellow. Again, this injury is usually not serious if it’s a result of a bump or cut, but if there’s significant bruising over a large area of the body there might be a serious problem. Usually time heals bruising.
Sprains: A sprain is torn or stretched ligament, but it is NOT a break. It is very common for someone to sprain an ankle or a wrist and it usually doesn’t require serious medical attention. The area might swell and should be iced. Sprains are usually treated with rest and a device that compresses the area—such as a sling or a bandage.
Broken bones (arms, fingers, legs, toes): Breaks can be serious, especially if they have to be set back into place. A person will most likely not be able to put pressure on a broken bone until it is healed (which could take weeks). A broken bone is REALLY serious when it fractures or breaks through the skin completely. If you write a character in this sort of situation, they will need to worry about infection and they might have to wait until the swelling goes down before splitting or covering.
Burns: Obviously, there are different degrees of burns, but simple burns will most likely be treated the same. Even the smallest burns will probably sting like hell, so it can be hard to function with an untreated burn. SERIOUS burns might require amputation (I’m talking about maybe 3rd to 4th degree burns). As a 1st degree burn is healing, it might itch—think how sunburn starts to itch after a while.
Broken back: A broken back can lead to paralysis, so you need to be very careful with how you treat someone. Your characters shouldn’t be throwing anyone over their shoulders with a back injury because it will only lead to more serious problems. If you suspect that someone has broken or injured their back, you need to keep them still until there is a way to safely move them.
Amputation: This happens when the removal of a body part because necessary to someone’s survival.If someone has a bad infection or there’s no way to stop the bleeding (you’ve applied a tourniquet, which will most likely end up causing an amputation later), a character might have to amputate in a serious situation.
Dislocated limb: If a bone “pops” out of its socket, a character might have to put it back into place. A dislocated limb restricts movement, so your character might not be able to go forward until the situation is resolved. Arms and fingers are commonly dislocated and there will probably be pain when they’re set back into place. Those limbs should be rested and iced to prevent swelling.
Jammed fingers: If you get your finger caught in a door, for example, and it doesn’t break; you might have a jammed finger. I’ve had a few of these in my life, which usually causes bruising and some pain, but it heals on its own. These types of injuries can be from jamming your fingers against something hard and you might lose a finger nail. They will most likely hurt for a while until they are healed.
Stab wounds: These are usually deep cuts by a knife or a sword or another sharp object. They need to be treated, as they are prone to infection, and they should be bandaged. If the bleeding is excessively bad, a common way to stop the bleeding is to get stitches or cauterize the wound. Cauterization is the process of burning the wound in order to seal it up. Think of lightsabers in Star Wars. No one bleeds when they’re cut because the “blade” of the lightsaber cauterizes the wound as it cuts. Your characters might have to stitch someone or cauterize someone in an emergency situation.
Gunshot wounds: Getting shot is a serious/life threatening situation, so your characters would need immediate medical attention.In an emergency situation, the bullet might have to be dug out and the wound cauterized if the bleeding is severe. If the bullet goes in and out, you might just have to worry about infection and covering the wound. A gunshot wound will be painful and will take a while to heal. If someone is shot in the leg, they will have trouble walking. The limbs will need time to heal.
Poisoning: This is a wide topic that could include food poisoning to being poisoned by another character, but they will probably feel very sick. Symptoms will include vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea, etc. Your character might get severe stomach aches and will not be able to function.Being poisoned can be deadly and can happen quickly. A medicine called Ipecac will induce vomiting in order to get the poisons out of someone’s symptoms, but will not work for EVERYTHING. Further treatment might be necessary.
Stomach wound: A person with a stomach wound will not last very long without addressing it. If it is deep enough, it will kill off your character unless the bleeding and infection can be stopped. Infection is usually what kills people with stomach wounds or gunshot wounds.
This is a list to be used for WRITING purposes only. Obviously you should call a doctor or get emergency treatment if something is serious. I also wrote this list assuming that your characters don’t have access to medical professionals, so keep that in mind. Hope this helps!
-Kris Noel
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
My religion is radiodust
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
-sweats in Athena’s father tries to get her back and Alastor fucking destroys him-
Part three on "What if the Hazbins found/raised a baby on the hotels doorstep ?" (and possible world building) Let's say the kid has an abusive parent or parents who try to take the kid back, either by force, or trying to take back custody through Hell's legal system ? In that case, how do you think Hell generally treats cases like this, if at all ? If violence and wickedness is condoned in Hell, wouldn't abusers be seen as in the right ?
They wouldn't necessarily be seen as in the right, I don't think, but it depends on how you view the world. I don't think the world condones violence and celebrates those who use it so much as sees it as means to an end. It's not so much that violence is celebrated, but it's more of a free-for-all, and people are mostly expected to fend for themselves. I imagine the hell's legal system as nearly nonexistent, no one stops fights over turf on live TV, where there's a fight happening in the studio. Killing a business partner (or at least causing their death via trapping them outside during a purge) is an acceptable way to gain control over the business. It strikes me as if there IS any law in Hell at all, it's RARELY enforced, and probably only would be if someone paid for courts to take action, such as suing someone for wrongdoings or possession over someone or something.
Because of the mostly lawless feel, everyone operates on their own individual codes of conduct. Some celebrate violence and the violent, some couldn't care less, some will adamantly fight against it and those who do it. It really depends on who is facing it.
As for the Hotel staff (and Angel), they will all fight against the child's parents taking them back. Even Alastor, violent deer daddy extraordinaire, within his weird moral compass, does not allow harm to come to children. Even if he's not particularly attached to them, he won't let them go back to abusers who abandoned them. Everyone else has grown incredibly attached, by the point, and will also fight against the child going back, by any means necessary. Legally, violently, this child is theirs now.
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
Charlie: Why are you naked, Angel?
Angel Dust: ...uhhh
Angel Dust: I'm out of clothes?
Charlie: *opens closet* you have pants, shirts, oh hello Alastor, three extra gaudy belts-
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
My fellow bisexual fellas, rise up.
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
being a writer is like *googles synonym for bad* *googles synonym for happy* *googles synonym for tired* *googles synonym for walked* *googles synonym for
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
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I finally finished the cover for my upcoming comic series: Alliance! I’m so excited for y’all to see what I have planned.
Alliance is something I’ve been working on for several years now, and I finally decided to stop trying to write a book for it, and just make a comic.
This series has so many ups and downs, twists and turns, and characters I love and hate.
All characters will be introduced when the series gets going.
I do want to mention that this series is NOT for kids. This is mainly for teenagers and adults who can handle blood, gore, and sometimes traumatic themes that can be harmful to some readers.
Please remember that I warned you beforehand that this series will have many triggerable scenes, many of the following include:
Abuse (physical and mental)
Unacceptance of LGBT
Don’t worry, most of the story is VERY accepting of LGBT, in fact, a few main characters are LGBT, so do not fret! We accept LGBT peeps here!
But this story will get bad QUICK. Not that bad, unlike other stories I’ve written, but it will get a lil bad.
Hopefully people will like it when it comes out!
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
King Dice and Devil tingz
(Yes, I ship DevilDice)
Dev: Did it hurt?
Dice: What?
Dev: When you hit your head against the bar counter. Did it hurt?
Dice: God, I’m so fucking hungover.
Dev: We DON’T use that word!
Dice: What, God?
Dice: Things just aren’t working between her and I.
Dev: Damn that sucks.
Dice: You know, you’re hot.
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
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My boys, my sweet sweet chaotic duo.
This is the Devil and King Dice but in my modern human AU! I’m really excited to share this!
The Devil is very fuckboy like I must admit, but I really went for that biker gang aesthetic with his clothes. Suits him well I think.
Dice pretty much looks the same. He’s got freckles, to mimic his dice spots, but they’re also purple! I did a drawing a while ago with what they would look like, but I never posted it lol.
Lil background:
Dice and Dev met in my AU when Dev was new to town. He planned on building a casino to liven up the quiet place of Inkwell Isle. King came along, and asked if he was looking for employees.
King showed Dev around town, and Dev thought Dice was hot. So, naturally, Dev pulled the “Why don’t you swing by my place so I can pay ya for showing me around?” Dice promptly said:
“Cash is enough payment.”
Casino opens, Dice is made manager, but Dice meets a pretty girl named Fern- Fern Fox, a performer at the casino, who he falls in love with. The two date for a while, before things start cascading out of control.
Fern cheats on him with another guy, named Harry, and Dice takes his chances with Dev for a night, but finds himself falling in love with his boss, much like how Dev was falling for Dice.
King breaks up with Fern, and she leaves him for Harry, and stops working at the casino.
A few months later, and a baby is on King and Dev’s doorstep, with a note from Fern.
The baby is named Dixie, and is the product of Fern and Dice.
Hope that was cool to read. I know it’s sorta cheesy, but not a lot happens until Dixie grows up, but I wanted to do a lil sketch of Dev just absolutely falling head over heels for this good looking purple haired guy who wears a tailcoat and smirks at him.
I’ll post Dixie later, but for now, enjoy my boys.
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
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And here’s another one of my HH ocs, Athena! She’s half owl demon, and half of some kind of other demon.
She’s 16, and can fly. But, her wings aren’t fully grown yet so she can only fly short distances or glide.
A little bit of her backstory:
She was born to an owl demon named Twila, and her father was named Jack. Twila was known to work with Katie Killjoy, and was a decent mother.
Jack, on the other hand, told Twila when Athena was born that if anything happened to Twila, he’d have to get rid of Athena.
So, naturally, Twila was killed in another one of the annual exterminations. And afterwards, Athena was thrown onto the street at the age of 6 by Jack.
Athena was found near her mother’s corpse by Alastor. As a child who just saw her mother’s dead corpse, she was terrified, and didn’t know why her father threw her out.
Alastor took her in, planning to use her as a minion, raise her and use her owl senses to kill. He didn’t expect to slowly start to think of this child as his own.
Athena did learn how to use her owl abilities to kill and defend herself, but was never too far from Alastor. She was often independent, and was most active at night, so Alastor let her wander, but she could never be too far from home.
When Athena was being bullied by other younger demons, Alastor was there to take care of the problem. When Athena was hurt, Alastor was there to heal her. And when Athena had nightmares due to her trauma, Alastor was there to comfort her back to sleep.
Fun fact: Her overalls were given to her by Nifty.
When the Radio Demon meets a child who he cares for, he becomes a softie.
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
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Found Family tropes always suck me in. 
I’d think at least Lilith would go to her own daughter’s wedding, especially as the featured piano player, but the pilot just showed her parents to be so busy, and with her Hotel advertising dragging some dirt on the family name, tensions probably ran high. 
Husk is holding a drink menu with a little napkin inside that Charlie wrote on with a crayon. The one who catches the bouquet is Sir Pentious. And you’re dang right Fat Nuggets gets front seat. …Charlie was supposed to have white flowers in her hair but I forgot them… whoops… 
I finished this up before I leave for two weeks! (So no art from me until then, Happy New Year / Happy Holidays!
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musicfoxlover101 · 4 years
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