mrsfarzaneh · 1 year
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Let more people understand its charm, solve your distress!>>>BXNDPSg
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mrsfarzaneh · 1 year
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Are you still worried about your body shape? Come and try it!>>>bJhgNrE
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mrsfarzaneh · 1 year
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Hey! Are you still worried about fat, my friend?>>>IiuLidK
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mrsfarzaneh · 1 year
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Just need a very short time, can have the most beautiful self!>>>vCvePQk
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mrsfarzaneh · 1 year
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Scientific slimming let me regain the freedom of love!>>>jliZjqF
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mrsfarzaneh · 7 years
The baby let me sleep in today!
It was glorious. I woke up on my own at 7am with a kitty cat asleep on either side of me and my husband pleasantly snoring on the other side of the bed. I rolled over and took a peek at the video monitor and the baby was rustling around quietly, but it was clear, he was awake. Time to get up!
I walked into the living room and began what I call my opening routine. The tasks I have to complete in order to open my house for “business” every morning. After working retail for 13 years, my work life has infiltrated my personal life. I opened the blinds and the baby heard this and started screaming. Oh crap! What is going on?
Crap was right. I walked into his room and my super human mommy sense of smell knew immediately what had happened. And from what my nose could tell, it was bad. Like hazmat suit bad. Like changing the sheets bad. Now it’s important to know that the baby is 14 months old and he refuses to sit still for a diaper change, but he loves a bath. So poop equals a bath these days. So off to the bath we go. Wait, hang on, I haven’t even had my coffee yet. Oh well.
So the bath went well. Like I said, he loves bath time. We played, we splashed, we laughed. Even daddy made an appearance to say good morning before heading out to work. I thought to myself, ‘yay! This day is looking up now!’ Boy was I wrong.
After the bath, we came into the living room and started the routine of wrestling with the diaper rash cream, having it get all over me, him and anything within 2 feet of us, getting him to stand still long enough to get his head in his tee shirt, then his arms. Next is his pants. It was at this point that I leaned back a little and put one hand into a huge pile of cat vomit. Really? Really? So my cat had thrown up all over the palate that I made on the floor for me and the baby to hang out, then he jumped in bed with me and purred and cuddled last night. What an asshole.
So now I have a half naked baby, and my hand is covered in cat vomit. I looked from the baby to my hand, my hand to the baby. What the hell? I guess it’s ok for the baby to walk around without pants while I clean myself and gather the blankets from the floor to go into the laundry. Which honestly was a blessing in disguise, I guess. A blessing in vomit maybe? I had the baby’s poop covered clothes to wash too, so win-win.
Now as I’m walking to gather the dirty clothes, the baby walked over to the cat’s litter box, which he is obsessed with. I know he’s going to eat cat poop one day, it’s just a matter of when. I try to keep him out of it, and I mostly do a good job. But it’s going to happen. I just know it. But not today, dammit! I’m was in control.
I walk over to the litter box to save the baby from himself and at that moment I step in it. Cat piss. The other cat had pissed on the floor IN FRONT of the litter box and then crawled into bed with me and snuggled and purred while I slept. What an asshole.
So I clean that up. Clean myself up. Start the laundry. Dress the baby. It’s 8am by now and I have had a full days events happen in just an hour, but you know what. Still no coffee.
Finally had my coffee. I feel like this day is looking up. It can’t get any worse, right?
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mrsfarzaneh · 7 years
My first blog post
So, yeah, this is my first blog post. Not quite sure how to start this, so I’ll just jump right in. I’ve actually typed out and erased 5 different starts to this. 🙄 I hate indecision. Anyways, this is going to be about my life, my family, being a mommy. Hopefully to let my voice be heard. I think I’m pretty funny, so hopefully you will too. If not, your loss. 😉
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