mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
Y'all were so fake I see you
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
if anyone is still here i have to tell u keep it on the downlow but sofia (the loser who plays max bird) likes butt plugs :/ shes really embarrassed dont tell any1
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
I haTE U
Cat wanted me to say this for her since she’s not available but Logan is lowkey a furry and requested stuff from alex once or twice
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
Okay, I told y’all I don’t like that mushy shit. However, I have always very easily succumbed to peer pressure so here we are. I can honestly say I don’t regret the six months I spent here spending countless hours in this little fantasy word. Along the way I fell in love with so many characters and just this roleplay as a whole? There were days where you guys made me smile after really hard days that felt neverending and I could just escape here. I can’t thank you enough for that. Being an admin was sometimes really rough, but it was worth it. I am so happy to have met a lot of you and I want to thank every single one of you for applying and staying around until this little rp world came to an end. Whether you’ve been a member since the start or only a few weeks, it’s so appreciated. We really did work hard and whether some of you see that or not (judging by some anons), we put numerous hours into it.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
As for my characters, they both have great lives ahead! Loaf obviously ends up getting married and having a couple of kids (hasn’t been discussed in detail, but it’s loaf come on) and lives a very happy life. Logan goes to NYU and majors in business and minors in music. His dad gets help Logan’s freshman year in college and the two of them quickly make up for lost time. Logan also becomes a huge frat boy and even the president of a frat. FIGHT ME ABOUT IT. He decides to take over his dad’s business, but still plays music on the side (more as a hobby). He grows up, but his love for titty fucking and weed will always be there. Deep down. ;) OH AND HE KEEPS IN TOUCH AND IS STILL SUPER FAR UP HIS SQUADS ASS AND ANY OTHER FRIENDS HE IS CURRENTLY CLOSE WITH BYE.
Mallory’s ex boyfriend died of an overdose and that provided her with a lot of closure. After his death, Mallory found the right cocktail of meds to aid in controlling her BD and started to take care of herself and make better decisions when it comes to her often reckless behavior. She started to write more and more about her past struggles with mental illness, addiction, and just growing up. At the very young age of 19, she wrote a best selling novel. She went on to become an English major and does what she loves for a living! Yay! She too keeps in touch.
Stay funky fresh, my friends. I’ve provided you with various social media to keep in touch. Don’t be shy, I only bite a little. Meow. ;)
K!k: fairyonacid94
AIM: fairyonacid94
snapchat: fairyonacid
twitter: catlikestoparty
facebook: message me for this, fam.
instagram: theactualcat
personal tumblr: poppunkandcherries
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
@bigboylane: it's times like this when I ask myself what would Tom hanks do
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
@bigboylane: maybe we should tweet without insulting people lmfao t is the real enemy here
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
@bigboylane: I still love her
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
@bigboylane: T didn't expose my real major secret....
@bigboylane: i really like the backstreet boys
@bigboylane: #exposed :/
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
@bigboylane: you got that nasty
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
Text || Lane
Max: Are you actually embarrassed though bc you scored a hot chick
Max: Is Sofia mad
Logan: nah because i know she's hot and it was fun, but between hiv-drix shade and the whole i might have to go to court thing i'm annoyed :/
Logan: not as mad as I thought, but she's still weird about it. idk.
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
imessage // ben the man
bennett: or alcoholic that'll make you forget about all the issues in life for a little while. how sad it must be to be a fish, can they really not get drunk? what if they get drunk off some other substance? i think i'd be content to be a fish, no worries and living in isolation. i could handle it. not mad enough to be a serial killer tbh. right.
bennett: of course. we got this. besides, only a few more months until summer, right? then we'll be able to get away from it all.
bennett: i like them quite a lot. alright deal, we've got it down to a science. you're the muscular one who does all the talking and i'm the little sidekick who gives menacing looks because that's what i'm good at. i'm kind of jealous tbh!!
logan: that's what i'm saying. if i couldn't sip on jack my entire life i would have already murdered a bunch of people, but then again there's always weed. i know you can buy little fish herb treats, maybe that's like fish weed? i don't know, man. i like people, but lately the whole isolation thing seems like a good time.
logan: summer! how ready for that are you? the waves are already calling my name and i really hope the months fly by.
logan: so kinda like batman and robin? except you're way too cool to be robin, no offense to him. i think we are more equal than sidekick and superhero, but i see your point. i'm fine with looking tough and talking shit. one of my specialties. :)
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
imessage // khalil
Khalil: I miss you more! How are you? Is everything ok?
logan: not possible khalil!! i've been hiding at home for one day and i'm having major khalil withdrawals.
logan: i'll be okay. just dumbasses in the halls and especially in english are going to make the rest of this year more annoying than i thought possible.
logan: enough about me, though. how are you? :)
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mrloganlane-blog · 9 years
imessage // captain sassy
asher: hey! u ok?
asher: u were still in the office after i left hope they dint keep u their 4 long
logan: ehhh, been better but been worse. thanks for asking, man. i appreciate it.
logan: it felt like forever, but they eventually let me go. i didn't go to school today because taunting, but i may go back tomorrow idk.
logan: heard you hit that creepy dance dude? good for you, dude. what an asshole.
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