moonydirection · 6 months
I am personally advocating that you make a list of Dair episodes that one can watch in order to watch their love story and pretend that they ended up together.
and im very happy to do so!!
i think the best way i could go about it is just listing all the episodes they have some kind of interaction (that i remember) and highlighting the ones i think you can't miss
S01E01 - blair sees dan leaving with serena S01E02 - they are properly introduced S01E03 - ivy week S01E04 - one of the best episodes of the whole show, with hits like "she's everything i hate about the upper east side" and the hallway scene S01E05 - knight in shining armor dan coming to the rescue S01E08 - blair's bday and dan is at her party S01E09 - blair meets cedric (thanksgiving ep) S01E10 - dan goes to blair's for tea S01E11 - blair mentions cedric to serena S01E12 - dan goes to blair's for essay writing/partying S01E13 - dan lists blair as one of the reasons why he loves serena S01E15 - exchanging glances after the SATs S01E16 - "just who I hate to admit I was looking for" S01E17 - dan goes to blair's to ask about serena S01E18 - first time properly teaming up
S02E01 - "the only thing lamer than dating dan humphrey is mourning dan humphrey" S02E02 - hand holding my beloved S02E03 - "a party hosted by blair waldorf, the biggest dan humphrey supporter in all of manhattan" S02E04 - “google ‘revenge’ you get blairwaldorf dot com” S02E05 - "the only person with fewer friends than you is dan humphrey, and at least his lame '90s dad likes him" S02E08 - "you have to decide what's most important to you: keeping your pride and getting nothing or taking a risk and maybe, maybe, having everything" S02E11 - "i tried 😊" S02E13 - bart's funeral + he carried the garment bag (and gives blair an eyeful) S02E15 - blair kicks dan's book S02E16 - handsome dan S02E17 - very sexually charged bathroom scene S02E18 - school play S02E19 - blair tells serena about dan and rachel in the costume closet S02E23 - dan walks in the group discussing gabriel's conning S02E24 - "i just spent ten seconds talking to you, so consider yourself repaid" S02E25 - blair gives dan a whole rant about his life, showing she was paying close attention
S03E01 - teaming up again to save serena S03E02 - she asks him on a date!!! he takes her headband off!!!! S03E03 - blair finds a half-naked dan humphrey in her dorm room S03E05 - looking cute together during the rufly wedding S03E10- another play! S03E11 - they are sitting side by side during thanksgiving dinner S03E12 - dan tells blair about serena's accident S03E18 - i do think!!!! you deserve to be!!!!! with someone!!!! who makes you happy!!!! + when we open our hearts we can explore a world of love???????? and be pleasantly surprised by the people already in our lives??????? S03E19 - dan brings blair to a party so she can kiss someone S03E21 - another team up! we love to see it S03E22 - so say life is giving you signs!!!! + dan punching chuck
S04E01 - blair asks serena if she made up her mind between nate and dan S04E02 - blair compares dan to a donut S04E03 - blair recounts serena dating history S04E04 - dan helps blair dig up dirt on eva S04E06 - dan and blair briefly talk while jenny is on her parson's interview S04E07 - dan sabotages blair's bday S04E09 - serena still hasn’t decided between nate and dan so blair gives her some advice S04E10 - another team-up to save serena (third time's the charm) S04E11 - road trip!!!! S04E12 - blair invites herself on a date with dan S04E13 - internship at w my beloved S04E15 - valentine's day is their holiday S04E16 - maybe it's better sometimes to just get what you need!!!! S04E17 - dan and blair individual entities, two proper nouns separated by a conjunction. or a comma, if mentioned in a list. which is rare, since we have nothing in common, and are, in fact, opposites. the kind of opposites who do not attract. most definitely not. no. the world just wasn't ready for a humphrey/waldorf friendship. it's been nice not being friends with you. let's not do it again sometime. S04E18 - kiss aftermath S04E19 - mini dan makeover + second kiss S04E22 - "there's a certain someone that might actually like the way she's painted. and im not talking about serena"
S05E01 - "lonely boy learning three words, eight letters don't come out right when no one wants to hear them" S05E02 - you'll still have me!!!! 😭😭😭😭 S05E03 - blair turning to dan because she knew he was the only one who'd protect her from her own worst instincts!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 S05E04 - hot book kiss S05E05 - "you’re the star of dan’s book" S05E08 - dan is in love with blair and even chuck can see it S05E10 - blair, once again, turning to dan. and dan, once again, putting her happiness first S05E11 - fake dairffair ep S05E12 - dan!!! wrote!!!! louis'!!!! vows!!!!! S05E13 - blair runs away with dan S05E14 - dairport! S05E15 - valentine's day is their holiday (pt ii) S05E16 - ANOTHER PLAY!!!!! EVERYBODY CHEERED!!!! S05E17 - I!!! TOLD!!! CHUCK!!!! HE!!! DOESN'T!!!! HAVE!!!! MY!!!! HEART!!!! ANYMORE!!!!! (you could stop watching here) S05E18 - dan and blair have sex all over ny S05E19 - dan makes blair feel like a princess (series finale, stop watching here) S05E20 - just pure domesticity. the married vibes in this episode are through the roof S05E21 - blair sabotages dan's award party thing and he comforts her S05E22 - opening scene my beloved (stop!!!! watching!!!! don't even continue the episode after that scene!!!!) S05E23 - "there is nothing I want more than to spend the summer right by your side" (i!!! told!!! you!!! to!!! stop!!!! watching!!!! - but seriously, stop right after their kiss at the loft, this is your last warning)
what s6?
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moonydirection · 8 months
Based off of this au, coming soon to ao3 I think!
Roier wakes up dead, and he's fucking starving.
"Mmph," he says, words frozen in his mouth. His throat is dry. His tongue isn't cooperating.
There are two very pointy teeth pinning his tongue to the floor of his mouth, and, really, he should've considered this before asking to get killed.
He's hungry. It's chewing at his brainstem like a rat: feed. Something so base and instinctual that it feels the same as how the color red looks, clawing at his stomach and threatening to tear it open unless it gets fed within the next five minutes.
The world is still blurry around him from the whole dying thing, so the first thing he feels after his all-consuming hunger is a heavy pressure on his chest. Third: something wet on his chest. Distantly, fourth: the sound of someone crying.
"I'm sorry," he thinks he hears, but he isn't sure; turns out dying does things to you, like making things just kind of distant.
Roier frowns. He doesn't like this.
He's on a bed, he thinks. Or, well, he should be on a bed. Their bed. He asked to be turned in it, but he also remembers a garden. Lying in his husband's lap beneath a tree holding his hand reassuringly and smiling and telling him to get it over with, Roier was tired of waiting.
But now he's on a bed, and he's hungry, and Cellbit is crying, and Roier is dead. He's dead and hungry, and his husband is crying.
Weakly, Roier tries to raise an arm from where it lays by his side to stroke Cellbit's hair (Cellbit loves when Roier pets him), but he can't get it up more than an inch before he's forced to drop it out of exhaustion.
But that half an inch is enough to get Cellbit's attention. He sits up and lunges towards Roier's face, immediately cupping it with both hands and looking down at him worriedly. The world focuses around him, and Roier falls in love all over again.
"Guapito?" Cellbit asks. "Are you okay? Can you hear me?"
God, he's gorgeous. He's crying, and he's gorgeous.
Roier can't help but smile. His new fangs clip his lower lip, but that's fine. Just another way to show their bond.
"Ay," he croaks, "why are you crying, pendejo? I'm fine, see?"
But, really, with his fangs, it comes out a bit fuzzier. Fuzzy enough to make Cellbit crack a grin. He wipes his eyes with the end of his sleeve and he sighs and he leans down to press his forehead to Roier's, eyes slipping shut from relief.
"You worried me, asshole," Cellbit huffs. "I didn't think you would wake up."
His hands finds Roier's, and he holds them. His ring is cold, but so is the rest of him. It's the whole being dead thing, nothing that Roier hasn't gotten used to over the years.
Roier frowns again. "Of course I would wake up. What, did you think you killed me or something?"
Silence. And then Roier is forced to close his own eyes to keep Cellbit's tears from pouring into them as his adorably-stressed husband starts crying again.
"I did!" Cellbit cries. "You're dead!"
"Yes, because I wanted to be dead!"
Oh, that sounds bad. It makes Cellbit's grip tighten to an almost-uncomfortable degree, and he starts crying even harder, and, honestly, this is not what Roier had wanted to deal with immediately after waking up. He wanted a hot sexy vampire makeout session, not feelings.
So he tries again with: "I mean I wanted to be like this! A vampire! Like you!"
His stomach clenches from hunger and from... guilt, probably.
"Twelve hours," Cellbit grits out, and Roier winces. Yeah, that's guilt.
Because turning a vampire is supposed to be a pretty quick-and-easy deal. It apparently took Cellbit an hour to get turned back in, like, negative one-hundred b.c., and Cellbit says that he ran on the long side.
"Okay," Roier quietly says, "but I'm fine now, right? Look at me, gatinho, do I look dead?"
His eyes open, and they meet Cellbit's.
"Yes," Cellbit flatly says. "Very."
Ouch! But. Well.
"You look deader," Roier teases. "At least I'm sexy."
"Dead and sexy."
Roier rolls his eyes. "Culero, you are dead and sexy! Now we are dead and sexy together."
Cellbit rolls his eyes, but at least he's mostly done crying. His eyes are red, and not in the vampire way, and his hair is a complete mess. He's in one of Roier's hoodies, and it looks absolutely ridiculous on him. One of his hands is bandaged from the initial feeding he had to give Roier during the turning process.
Roier lightly tugs at Cellbit's hand until it moves. He (read: Cellbit) pulls it to his lips, and he kisses its knuckles reverently.
...And then his stomach literally, actually growls, startling him into dropping Cellbit's hand. He jumps, smacking his and his husband's heads together, and he collapses back into their bed with a groan.
Cellbit laughs, a beautiful thing, and he gives Roier a feel-better kiss right smack in the middle of his forehead.
"Hold on, I'll come back with dinner," he tells him, giving him a kiss on the lips and standing.
Roier whines as he leaves, reaching a gay, pathetic hand out after him. His arm dramatically flops off the side of the bed, and he stares up at the ceiling, and he waits.
Dinner. That'd be blood. Human blood. Cellbit had said something about a fledgling vampire's first blood having to be fresh, and it sounded pretty chill at the time, but Roier still doesn't know if that means he has to, like, kill someone. He's hungry now, but he'd probably feel pretty bad about it later during one of his usual existential crisis showers.
His nose twitches as the house's basement door opens. He feels himself start to salivate, Jesus. And it's weird because blood smells like shit: like bitter, spoiled milk combined with a used car lot. But he's so hungry, and-
And the bedroom door opens, and a bloody Cellbit deposits an unconscious man at the ground by Roier's feet with a groan. He rolls his shoulder, wincing.
Roier stares at the unconscious man. He licks his lips, but he can't... he can't sit up, he's so tired. It's like every part of him but his goddamn muscles came back to life, maybe this is why he took so long to wake up, maybe his body is just a little slow. Or maybe it's because he took so long. Whatever.
"Help me up," he says, and Cellbit gladly does so. His hands linger as he helps Roier settle on the floor, fingers trailing over Roier's shoulders and through his hair and down his neck. Roier, of course, leans into the touch, drunk on it.
But, eventually, Cellbit settles on the floor next to him on his knees, and he holds Roier's hand again. His thumb rubs over Roier's knuckles comfortingly, brushes over Roier's wedding ring and lingers.
Roier looks down at the man, and he swallows a starving, animalistic lump in his throat.
"I don't know what to do," he says.
Cellbit lets out a nervous breath of his own. He's taken Roier's hoodie off, probably because he doesn't want to get blood on it. (He's always complaining about the stains, and Roier- perpetual laundry not-doer- had always laughed it off. But now?)
"Just like this," he says, and he leans over and presses a gentle kiss to Roier's throat. "But with more teeth."
Roier gasps. "What, you want me to kiss him?"
"No, pendejo!" Cellbit laughs. He lightly pushes at Roier's shoulder with his own, briefly pressing his forehead against Roier's temple before backing off slightly and looking down at the man in front of them. "But... well, you've seen me do it before, haven't you? Just do what I do."
"But with less kissing."
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"
Roier laughs, trailing off as his stomach rumbles. Right. To business.
Awkwardly, he bends over, basically flopping over the poor guy with how weak his muscles are. Cellbit thankfully catches him and helps him get positioned.
Roier looks at the man's throat. He's never seen something so appetizing in his life besides his husband's body. He's never bitten anyone- okay, so he's bitten plenty of men before, but not like this. But it can't be that hard, can it?
He tries to position his mouth the way Cellbit does, and he has to look goofy because Cellbit bites back a giggle and gives the back of Roier's neck an apologetic kiss at Roier's petulant grumble.
"Okay," Roier breathes, mostly assuring himself. He's got this.
His teeth graze the man's neck, and then something snaps within him and he bites. It's like he's running on autopilot after that; he almost seems to take back seat to his own body, watching and listening as he growls almost like an animal and as he fucking devours the guy.
He's going to be sick, but he can't stop. He's so hungry, fucking hungry, and all he can see and feel and taste is red red red red red-
The man dies. Roier sucks him dry, anyway, slurping the last of his blood up and sitting up with an unneeded gasp, eyes wide and pupils dilated. Blood drips from his mouth, and he may be dead, but he's never felt this alive in his life.
He doesn't even have time to blink before he's being pulled into a bruising kiss, hands on his cheeks and foreign fangs digging into his lip.
"I love you," Cellbit murmurs, his own mouth painted red with another man's blood.
Roier rolls his eyes and pushes Cellbit onto the floor and onto his back with newly-recovered strength, smirking at the way Cellbit's eyes widen hungrily. Blood is smeared across his face like smudged secondhand lipstick, and he's smiling.
Roier is going to kiss the shit out of him.
And the does, crashing their lips together and letting himself get carried away in the tastes of blood and Cellbit.
Day one, an eternity to go.
'Til death do us part.
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moonydirection · 9 months
Bad Romance
Escape Attempt 16 goes a little something like this:
A man walks into Alcatraz with one goal in mind, and only one goal in mind. His husband-to-be is locked up for murder, and he is going to get him out. Because Roier is a man in love, and Cell is going to love him back if it's the last thing he does.
But first, Cell says, he needs to go find some old friends and let them know he's out of prison. He's sure they'll be happy to see him. They were supposed to escape together, after all. He just got... left behind.
Roier has been waiting all his life to find his soulmate, he can wait a few more weeks to marry him. By then, Cell might even love him back, and won't that be wonderful?
Or: c!Roier and f!Cellbit's hot summer murder road trip
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moonydirection · 1 year
remus gets a mullet and suddenly he's picking fights at bars (but only because he's a protective boyfriend, of course) ;)
ps: i take art requests! send me an ask <3
pss: all my fanarts are posted on instagram (same user)
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moonydirection · 1 year
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Yeah these two…can’t think of a more romantic relationship
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moonydirection · 1 year
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I haven’t had time to color this but COWBOY REMUS COWBOY REMUS
The boots are specifically for @greenvlvetcouch 🫶
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moonydirection · 1 year
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captain lupin got in trouble
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moonydirection · 1 year
new remus fanart eveyone :)
all fanarts on insta!
oh also send me an ask if u have any art requests :')
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moonydirection · 1 year
*casually comes back to tumblr like I haven't been away for months like nothing happened*
Welp, so here's some Chyan fanart 😃
Ryan has a performance at the same time as one of Chad's games, so he definitely isn't surprised (though still a bit hurt) that his boyfriend can't make it.
What he doesn't know is that Chad does make it; and he's right there watching him, holding a big bouquet of pink roses – because he knows Ryan would be wearing pink and just how much he likes when things match, and there's absolutely nothing for the damn Evans boy Chad wouldn't do (yes, including miss a game and go to three different flower shops to find a shade of pink that matches his boyfriend's outfit exactly).
if u want to check all my fanart, i post them on instagram! same user over there :)
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moonydirection · 1 year
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Kenny Ortega, king of “accidentally” making scenes as gay as possible
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moonydirection · 1 year
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moonydirection · 1 year
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moonydirection · 1 year
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marauders handwriting headcanons
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moonydirection · 1 year
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marauders handwriting headcanons
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moonydirection · 1 year
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i randomly made this at 2:30 am instead of going to sleep so yeah
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moonydirection · 1 year
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“hey sirius will you help me study” “yah but only if u let me hold ur hand”
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moonydirection · 1 year
My fanart for The High Society Jewelers Guild by @wanderingdonut
(go read that fic rn, it's amazing, trust me!!)
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just remus:
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and just sirius:
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i usually post my fanart on this insta, so go check it out if you're interested!
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