momentummod · 2 years
This Blog Is Being Sunset (On Tumblr)
Howdy! Gocnak here.
We never really used Tumblr to the fullest, and in the team’s open-source and do-it-yourself nature, we have migrated to using a static site generator (specifically, Hugo) with our blog contents hosted on our GitHub and the blog itself actually hosted by Cloudflare now. You can find our blog at our same-as-always URL: https://blog.momentum-mod.org. It has a new look, but it’s more consistent on mobile vs desktop, and most importantly, it loads really quickly. Thank you for reading on Tumblr, and thank you Tumblr for hosting this blog for us for the longest time!
We won’t delete this blog, but we won’t be updating it on Tumblr anymore. If you haven’t already, we urge you to join our very-active Momentum Mod Discord server at https://discord.gg/momentummod, where we post announcements and hang out with the community more directly!
See y’all on the flip side,
Nick (Gocnak) K.
Momentum Mod Project Lead
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momentummod · 2 years
It’s Late 2021, Where’s Momentum Mod?
Great question! And I think we’ve got an even greater answer for you! Momentum Mod’s 1.0.0 release is going to be pushed back to 2022. More details can be found below.
Momentum Mod Playtest is now available for signup! You can find the button on our Steam Store page, under the Wishlist button. Click the “Request Access” button while logged in to the Steam account you’d like to play on, and we’ll be gradually and regularly (weekly) granting access over the upcoming months of development!
Now, those are two huge pieces of news that I’d like to break down, so let’s dig in!
What is this “Momentum Mod Playtest” thing?
Momentum Mod Playtest is the full build of Momentum Mod that players with keys have been enjoying. We’re utilizing Steam’s “Steam Playtest” feature that was recently released as a means to make it easier for players to get access to the build.
This Playtest release is NOT 1.0.0! The Playtest build is still an active Alpha, but instead of it being private, it is now accessible by the public, making the Playtest build the Semi-Public Alpha build. 1.0.0 is considered to be the Full Public Beta. 2.0.0 will be the Full Release of the game. The Playtest build will only last until 1.0.0 releases, where it will deactivate in favor of players moving over to the actual, main Momentum Mod AppID.
You may be wondering, “how’s it easier to grant access?”
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Steam Playtest has a dashboard that lets us grant access to a number of players without any discretion other than the number and region where the players are from (effectively “shotgunning” it). All without having to request any keys! This effectively means that it’s no longer a “super secret select VIP club'' to get access, it’s instead more of a “first come first serve” basis to get access!
We’re taking this approach so we can rotate playtesters into the game to get further feedback on core features that are starting to require larger and larger sample sizes (large lobbies, cosmetic systems, rank systems, etc).
Please note that this Playtest build is far from production ready! Since this is the same Alpha build that key-holders play, it has the same bugs, and the same expectations that you’re aware of -- the game is in active development!! The leaderboards will still be fully wiped by 1.0.0 to provide a fresh start, so instead of grinding times, we encourage players to grind the game, specifically breaking as many things as possible before our 1.0.0 launch!
Still, our hope is that this satisfies those that have been looking for access. The public now has a way to try out Momentum Mod before 1.0.0 easily, if they’d like to!
I signed up for the Playtest, when do I get to play??
We will be granting access weekly, with the first drop starting on December 4th! We want to give people enough time to sign up and spread the word, as well as gauge interest and get an overall number of people signing up.
Each access grant will be proportional to the number of players that have requested access. So the exact number won’t be known, but the idea is to use some function like:
f(grants) = 50 + ( requests / 50 ) or something. These numbers aren’t final, and will absolutely be scaled based on the amount of interest and requests we have! For reference, Momentum has roughly 14,000 wishlists. Assuming all 14k people sign up for access, we would scale it to be something like 150 + ( 14000 / 50 ) which is roughly 430 grants a week. If we’re feeling more confident, we’d increase the base grant number (150) up to something like 250 or so. Or perhaps on a special December day 🎅, we could feel generous and drop 1000 grants! It just all depends, really.
The reason we aren’t doing fully-open access is because the non-stop, unlimited feedback would be absolutely overwhelming for us. Similarly, our server hardware is currently not scaled for potentially thousands of people at once, and may not handle it well yet! We may fully open access if we find an effective way to manage the newer player count and the feedback being received from them, but for now it’s going to be a “staggered” release following the formula above.
Also note that we will still be using manually-generated keys to “fast track” very important players that meet key requirements! So if you fit any of the requirements below, reach out to Gocnak on Discord with proof to get access faster! Otherwise, you’ll have to wait your turn.
Contributors to the project (code [for game, website, etc], assets, documentation, maps)
Mappers of any supported gamemode (need portfolio / proof!)
Streamers (consistent/regular streaming of the game and its pre-1.0.0 updates to a sizeable audience)
Gamemode scientists (proficient in the upcoming and newly-supported game modes, enough to the point to be able to give in-depth, active feedback as we develop them)
Experienced game QA / testers (with proof!)
I already have a key, do I need to sign up for the Playtest?
We’ve automatically granted access for all key holders to the Momentum Mod Playtest version. You can play either version of Momentum Mod, but if you’re trying to play with those that got into the Playtest, stick with the Playtest build!
Our site will synchronize replays and profile data between the two builds, but since the Playtest build is its own App ID, Steam lobbies/multiplayer won’t work across the two builds. The Playtest build will be as up-to-date with the main Momentum Mod build anyways, so you can copy files over from your main install (configs, etc) to the Playtest build.
So what’s going on with 1.0.0?
We’re pushing back to 2022.
It’s an undecided date at this time, but it has to be that way. I’d like to remind everyone (constantly) that Momentum Mod is a giant effort, but solely done in everyone’s free time. I really can’t put dates on volunteer work, so until the moment that we have every core feature in our roadmap (as seen below) done and ready, there won’t be a specific date. We’re pretty confident in 2022, but who knows what can change between now and then! For reference, our original 2021 date was before we got engine access, and well, the engine has a lot of work to be done!
But I know the term “feature creep” is very prevalent in any software project, and many could use it to describe what’s happening for Momentum, however, I want to assure you all that it’s not the case.
For the longest time, I didn’t even know what I wanted 1.0.0 to even be. It wasn’t until around 2019 when my new team members and I, with further clarity about the communities involved, were able to sit down and properly draft the vision for the project, and really narrow it down to have the roadmap it has now.
A lot of what feels like feature creep for Momentum has just been the slow realization of what the platform is going to become: a kickass central hub for Source game movement speedrunning. We started with surf and bhop, and while those modes have been pretty much “done” since 0.6.0, the rest of the game and its platform weren’t.
And with the Jump community integration, the focus shifted. The game shouldn’t be just two modes; it’s not really capturing the “why should I play Momentum Mod?” crowd if everything else, especially jump modes, came so far down the line after public release. So the 1.0.0 scope expanded, and now it includes modes that have little to no existing platform (Ahop, Conc, Tricksurf), and modes that significantly benefit from Momentum Mod’s features and philosophy (RJ, SJ, Defrag).
And then Valve got back to us (!) and granted us engine access (!!!), giving us the ability to make a fully fleshed-out game we think the modes deserve, and not be constrained by the limits of the Source SDK anymore. This prompted a further scope change to accommodate it, realizing we had a lot of core infrastructure tasks to complete to bring the game up to such a level. In terms of time, incorporating the added modes was relatively little work compared to the work involved with porting to a new engine branch of Source, ensuring full backwards compatibility, and the effort being put into porting systems (UI, zoning, etc) to take advantage of the new branch.
And with all of that, we have scoped a rock solid 1.0.0 release that’s compelling enough for people to try out and dig into, rather than “oh cool another dedicated surf and bhop game, whatever.”
As for 1.0.0 itself, we’re making excellent progress every single day. It might not be the fastest progress, but it’s progress nonetheless!
I’ll start with the slide from the QnA #6 (September) stream that went over Plar’s conveniently asked question, answering what’s really prioritized for 1.0.0 and what’s conditionally getting in.
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(And a quick update on it, Rio and Lumia have been licensed, so Defrag and various movement fixes are making their way into v1.0.0!)
The leftmost column has the remaining core things left for 1.0.0; things we absolutely need to do to release 1.0.0. The middle column are things we will try to get in for 1.0.0 release, but will most likely come very soon afterwards if not. And the right column are just some of the things to look forward to with engine access and more free time for the devs.
We’re still porting our UI, but approaching the point where we can safely remove our (beloved) VGUI build entirely, and move forward in the new UI paradise that is Panorama. Our Panorama port has admittedly ballooned out greatly, not only because it requires so many pieces of dedicated UI, but because of the infrastructure changes required to accommodate it. The map selector is a good example, requiring changes to map caching, web API work, and learning Panorama in the first place, but has resulted in what we think is a really impressive piece of modern game UI. Fortunately, we genuinely expect Panorama to be the only milestone that balloons out in this way.
Once Panorama is completely in place, our focus shifts to the new zone tools and format, then we open the floodgates for helpers (explained below). Then the focus is on a new replay format to support all of our modes. After that, it’s a balance between all the different types of 1.0.0 prep. Cosmetic system and store, Learn sections, translation polishing, anticheat, and anything else that devs have the free time to pick up and fit the priority for the release.
It’s one thing to say “port to Panorama” and “refactor the Replay format” and another to actually break down what’s required for it. This breakdown isn’t feature creep, but rather more of a categorization and general communication issue. Do we bore you with the nitty gritty and overwhelming nature of exactly everything, or just keep it brief at the cost of it looking like “nothing” is being done? My approach has been to try to show our GitHub project boards which does both, showing that brief overview, but also allowing the public to see the individual pieces of work we have to do for each milestone version. I know it isn’t the most user-friendly way to stay up to date with 1.0.0 progress, but it’s the best we can do for the current size of the team. Perhaps if we get a dedicated PR team, we could have more regular blog posts? But do people even read blog posts? 🤔
All in all, we’re making a TON of excellent progress, and while not all of it is really flashy and showcase-able, it’s all work to make sure that 1.0.0 is going to be the best version of Momentum Mod that we want the public to play. While the Playtest build can help show our progress, 1.0.0 will be the true “ready to play by everyone” build to get everyone on, and I can’t wait for the day we press the giant green button to release it!!
Wow, making a game is hard, how can I help?
You said it! And we’d love your help! The most straightforward way to help us would be to potentially join the team and help out directly. Check out our signup form here and apply for anything that fits your interests:
These are things that we are in direct, desperate need for. If you can’t attend the meetings or don’t necessarily want to join the team, but can still help out from time to time, just let us know in the form!
Outside of this form, we have three other avenues to help out the game:
Map porting / zoning
It’s no secret that we want to support as many maps as physically possible! But with it comes the vast amount of effort to port, prepare, and zone maps for the game. We support maps from the 2013 (TF2/CS:S) engine, as well as CS:GO engine, but a lot of them have entities that aren’t needed in our game, need fixing up to use Momentum-specific entities, and of course, zones to actually have a proper timer for the map. We’ll need help with collecting, fixing, polishing, and zoning the immense amount of content we wish to support!
After our Zone refactor in 0.10.0, this will start taking full form and we will be recruiting as many people as possible to help!
The centralization and globalization of Momentum Mod and its leaderboards doesn’t just mean communities, but extends to those in countries all across the globe. We want Momentum Mod to offer a great first-party language support to as many languages as we can, specifically in the game interface. We’ll be needing everyone’s help translating the game and verifying the translations work with our UI layout!
After our main Panorama port is done in 0.9.2, we will begin to formulate the translation process (for translating + verifying). Then it’s just a matter of people stepping up and helping with any languages they know!
Word of mouth
Probably the most obvious and easiest way to help us: just telling friends or random people about the game! Letting them know about us is the biggest help we could ever ask for. This can cause a cascade of spreading, as those people can tell their friends about it, and so on, and can even bring people who are interested in helping the team to us!
As always, please consider joining our official Momentum Mod Discord Server to stay up to date with the game (as well as sharing concerns or bugs with the team), and after signing up for the playtest, consider wishlisting us on Steam! Also, if you didn’t know, we’re getting more and more active on our MomentumMod Twitch channel, so consider following and subscribing there to support us!
Finally, thank you for reading this blog post. The public Playtest build is a huge step we’re taking for Momentum’s development! I promise it’s not the post-Thanksgiving food-induced coma speaking here: I am extremely thankful for not just my team helping make the most kickass Source movement game out there, but also you, the community, for supporting it all along the way. Momentum Mod would not be where it is today without the support from all of you, and it’s been awesome watching everyone’s reaction to the progress that the team and I have been making on it.
Here’s to many more kickass updates on our journey to 1.0.0! 🧡 Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
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momentummod · 3 years
0.9.0 Changelog - Portals, Panorama, and More!
Howdy! 🤠
It’s that time again, and as described in the 0.8.7 blog post, we are marking our 0.9.0 release today! While our playtesters may have been on this code for a while, the effort done by the team bringing all of the goodies below deserves to be highlighted!
So without further ado:
Speedy Thing Goes In, Speedy Thing Comes Out
The biggest, most exciting part of this update is Aperture Science’s very own secret sauce: Portals.
Using the linked_portal_door entity, mappers can now create some mind bending maps, or just seamlessly connect two separate parts of their map. While there are some bugs and limitations, and mappers should still be cognisant of how they’re using them, we’re extremely excited for the potential our mappers now have to create unique gameplay.
If you’re a mapper with a key, Hex has written a guide on how to use these new portals on our docs site! If you’re a mapper without a key, join our Discord server and let Gocnak or Aux know about your skills!
Panoramic View
0.9.0 marks the first release towards implementing our full Panorama UI. With this update, Fingerprince and SlidyBat have implemented a Panorama main menu, settings, and loading screen, with much more on the way!
Up next on the docket is: menu drawer panel, map selector, and of course, the HUD. We will also be implementing more original panels and UX after we finish porting, so stay tuned for those!
Savestates Just Got More… Explosive
Savestates, commonly known as savelocs or checkpoints, have been updated in 0.9.0 to store explosives. Having trouble hitting that quint? Did you fail your super-secret full triple sticky setup? Do you just suck at juggling concs? Have no fear, saved explosives are here!
This is just the start for more work to be done to Savestates. We understand that for mappers and players alike, savestates are the ultimate tool, so we have a lot more planned for Savestates in the future, stay tuned for updates!
What a View (Model)
Our wonderful 3D artist False_ has touched up the Rocket and Sticky launchers, bringing the design more in line with how the 1.0.0 art direction is planned to be. Utilizing PBR to the fullest, these default weapon viewmodels really show how a more modernized rendering pipeline can make the game look better and better!
Rocket launcher:
Sticky Launcher:
Try to Be More Social
We’ve started to expand our social presence as we start to approach our 1.0.0 release.
First off, we’ve created a LinkTree with all of the important Momentum Mod links, all in one spot! If there’s any Momentum to bookmark, this would be the one.
For all the zoomers in chat, we’ve created accounts on two more platforms and plan to add some quick showcase-style content to:
TikTok Instagram
While we’re testing the waters on these platforms, the main chunk of content will come closer to and well after 1.0.0, so slap that fatass follow button follow us if you’d like to!
Help Wanted!
The Momentum Mod team is looking for help! We’re in high need for:
Web Developer (Angular, C#)
User Interface / Experience Designer (UI/UX)
Concept artist (Character)
Concept artist (Environment)
But that’s not all! We have more roles in the form below, so check it out and apply if you fit any!
Even if you don’t have experience with the roles, make sure to try to pass the word along to anyone that may be able to help out!
Note: Momentum is worked on by volunteers in their free time. Therefore, all of these positions are unpaid! However, working on the Momentum Mod team is a relaxed environment and an excellent opportunity for team-based development experience!
Full Changelog
Mapper-placed Portal entities (linked_portal_door) (Chaos-FGD/pull/70)
Panorama stuff - main menu, webm background, settings (& search), loading screen, main menu model, tooltips
DX11 support on Linux via DXVK-native
Explosives in savestates (issues/1338)
$hdrscale parameter for DX11 Modulate shader (issues/585)
-nocustommount launch option (issues/1030)
-nogamemount launch option, skipping mounts.kv & mounts{} in gameinfo
Option to not mount moddir in mounts if “mountmoddir” “0”
Boot load time optimizations for game mounting (issues/1328)
Port zonmaker over to Chaos & add as a pre-vbsp step (issues/1331, Chaos-FGD/pull/68)
New trigger for sticking explosives (issues/1365)
Absolute velocity for trigger_catapult
Hammer: button to disable drawing env_sprites
Hammer: new command type to copy a file if and only if it exists
Momentum fizzle & sprint sounds by Monolith
Tracy profiler - run with -tracy and -tracy_full for instrumentation data!
Fixed paint taking on an incorrect color in lobbies or flicker (issues/229, issues/870)
Fixed r_drawdecals 0 still displaying decals on displacements (issues/879)
Fixed ‘super jump’ in conc (issues/1092)
Fixed stickies not shooting when firing at the same time as leaving start zone (issues/1108)
DX11 - Fixed some broken transparent textures (issues/1295)
DX11 - Fixed overlays with transparency (issues/1296)
DX11 - Stickybomb activation ring too large (issues/1297)
DX11 - Fixed underwater rendering (issues/1298)
DX11 - Fixed some textures not rendering (issues/1316)
DX11 - Fixed mat_texture_list 1 not working (issues/1317)
DX11 - Fixed some Panorama buttons not rendering (issues/1374)
Fixed velocity not correctly resetting in saveloc (issues/1307)
Fixed SJ decals not rendering for the player (issues/1308)
Fixed speedometer text being covered by damage indicator (issues/1313)
Fixed chat commands bypassing sv_cheats (issues/1314)
Fixed rockets (and other dynamically spawnable entities) being incorrectly interpreted as static props on spawn (issues/1318)
Fixed func_button’s OnDamage output not firing the first time it is damaged (issues/1325)
Fixed certain console errors not printing on a new line (issues/1327)
Fixed pistol not having the burst mode draw animation (issues/1329)
Fixed stickybomb launcher not having the chargestop animation
Fixed mom_release_forward_on_jump (issues/1340)
Fixed Discord RPC for Linux (issues/1341)
Fixed missing input for func_tracktrain (was renamed) (issues/1346)
Prevent concs from spamming collision sound - added cvars to control bounce sounds (issues/1347)
Fixed stickybombs bouncing a little before sticking to world geometry (issues/1350)
Fixed VGUI lobby panel icons no longer scaling properly (issues/1392)
Fixed stickybombs sometimes falling through func_brush’s & other dynamic physics objects (issues/1234)
Fixed main menu logo spinning too fast on linux (issues/1207)
Fixed surf_stonework3 loading the engine cubemap (issues/1251)
Fixed toggling playerclip visibility crashing on maps with exactly 1 entity (issues/1266)
Fixed VGUI using wrong fonts on linux (issues/1270)
Fixed savelocs not saving using -hijack (and most likely other things on shutdown when using -hijack) (issues/1281)
Fixed skybox swap causing crash (issues/1285)
Fixed crash on surf_stonework3 (issues/1287)
Fixed certain skybox textures missing on Linux (issues/1288)
Fixed video settings crashing Linux (issues/1291)
Fixed smoke rendering (issues/1292)
Fixed crash on surf_pantheon (issues/1301)
Fixed world light halos not being removed after building cubemaps (Chaos-Source/issues/34)
Fixed -multirun launch option to launch multiple source games at once (Chaos-Source/issues/35)
Fixed exec command autocompleting mounted cfg files (Chaos-Source/issues/51)
Fixed discord rich presence for Linux (Chaos-Source/issues/77)
Hammer: Fix sculpt push dialog normal direction dropdown not changing the normal direction (Chaos-Source/issues/78)
Hammer: 3D Lightmap Grid view doesn't work correctly (Chaos-Source/issues/93)
Hammer: Fix entity window from locking user input (Chaos-Source/issues/133)
Hammer: Fix hammer viewport update bug when running under wine/proton
Hammer: Add option to disable material browser color sorting
Hammer: Fix possible crash on shutdown when discord is disabled
Hammer: properly validate instance io
Fixed engine errors having their title & description swapped (Chaos-Source/issues/89)
Add back model scaling
Fixed viewmodel not being affected by projected textures
Fixed noborder not being exposed by moving videocfg to cfg/
Fixed requested mip count not being respected when loading vtfs
Fixed crash related to having a lot of decals on a single map
Fixed hud messages from being cut off horizontally when too long
Fixed mouse cursor not showing up when opening new vgui panels on Linux
Removed all RCON related things due to not needing it + security issues with it
Fix crash on surf_zen2
Fix crash on surf_sanguine (CSS version)
Fix a VBSP crash on exit
Fix broken func_conveyor input
Destroy conc handhelds on attack2 fizzle and general explosive destroying
Fix sv_accelerate (and potentially over cvars) not being set to correct value in surf
Fix small crash on exit when discord is closed mid-game
Fix Engine Error message boxes not showing up on Linux
New RJ/SJ viewmodels & stickybomb retexture
Configurable parallax depth settings (issues/1129)
The “map” command is fully asynchronous (issues/1303, issues/1315)
Make hammer & other tools not register as a steam app (issues/1305, Chaos-Source/issues/82)
Add saveloc "goto" navigation command (issues/1335)
Expose panorama_reload command (issues/1357)
Allow r_rootlod (previously locked behind launch param) (issues/1327)
Start disabled option for func_clip_vphysics (Chaos-Source/issues/28)
Stop conc timer sounds on fizzle
Allow cvarlist to output flags for ConCommands
Various small improvements to game performance (new allocator, etc)
Remove P2CE option from hammer launch (Chaos-FGD/pull/52)
Remove a bunch more entities we dont need (vehicles, etc) from FGD (Chaos-FGD/pull/50, Chaos-FGD/pull/49, Chaos-FGD/pull/48, Chaos-FGD/pull/45, Chaos-FGD/pull/44, Chaos-FGD/pull/42)
Better trigger jump fix by Rio (pull/1367)
Proportional layout for conc entpanels (issues/1343)
A truly awesome release, made possible by the incredible work of the Momentum Mod team and playtesters. But we’re nowhere close to done! Lots of Panorama still to come, we’ll be ironing out the kinks in Portals, and expanding savestates even more over the next few updates. I can’t wait to share it all with you!
As always, please consider wishlisting us on Steam (or tell your friends if you haven’t!), check out our community Discord server to hang out and stay up to date with all things Momentum, and hey, thanks for reading all of this blog post! You rock. :)
Until 0.9.1, Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
0 notes
momentummod · 3 years
0.8.8 - Bring the Chaos
Why, hello there! :)
The last 4 months have been massive for the project. With getting access to the Source Engine’s inner demons, the team has been hard at work porting the game to the Chaos Source engine, and we have some pretty big news regarding it, so strap on in!
Bring the Chaos
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0.8.8 marks the first build of Momentum Mod on the Chaos Source engine branch. For those that may have missed the previous blog post about it, the Chaos Source engine branch is a CS:GO-based Source project being worked on by the Chaos Initiative team, which Momentum joined upon obtaining the engine license. Having an engine license opens the door for Momentum to be the best game it can be, and the team is very excited at what’s to come! But let’s talk about what we have, starting now, shall we?
Full Range of Map Compatibility
Momentum Mod can now load maps from Counter-Strike: Source, Team Fortress 2, Portal 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, all in one game. Momentum automatically mounts these four games as players have them installed, but as a reminder, they are not required to play the game!
We will, in the future, update our map selector to show exactly which games would need to be installed to play maps that may use the assets from them. This can help players filter out maps made with assets from games they do not have installed. We will also have some tools to help condense the mounted games into tight VPKs to help reduce the need to have the full game installed, so stay tuned for that!
DirectX 11 Renderer
Resulting from the immense work of SlidyBat on the team, the Chaos engine (and therefore, Momentum) will be moving to a full DirectX 11 rendering backend by 1.0.0. In fact, 0.8.8 even has the initial version of this rendering backend implemented! Playtesters can opt-in with the launch parameter “-shaderapi shaderapidx11”.
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This is going to be a Windows-only feature for now as we work towards getting DXVK working for the engine, which aims to replace the ToGL abstraction layer for Linux. It is also expected to have some bugs to iron out on our way to 1.0.0!
But what does DX11 really mean for the game? Well, for one, Chaos shaders can take advantage of a more up-to-date rendering API, including things like tessellation. Being on Shader Model 5, our shaders have updated limits and can take advantage of more modern features. For reference, the DX9+ToGL implementation in regular Source limits Windows to Shader Model 3, and Linux to Shader Model 2.0b. Working on things like the PBR shader started to become extremely limited, especially when trying to maintain cross-platform compatibility!
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Also, it’s no secret that the graphics debugging workflow for DirectX 9 (what every Source 1 game, including CS:GO, runs on) is pretty lackluster. The Chaos team is greatly looking forward to using more powerful graphics debugging tools like Visual Studio’s Graphics debugger (seen above), or RenderDoc to be able to quickly and effectively find bottlenecks or issues in the graphics pipeline! Tools like this have even helped Slidy find bugs in the DX9 renderer while comparing the new renderer to the old one!
On the downside, Momentum Mod might not be able to run on your toaster anymore. In seriousness, while we understand the GPU availability situation nowadays, we will only be requiring players to have a graphics card from the last 12 years (GTX 400 / Radeon HD 5000 series and up) to be able to play. I’d like to reiterate that we understand Momentum is a game about speed, and we will not be going (too) crazy with making the game look incredible, especially not to the significant detriment of performance. High FPS deeply matters to us!
Panorama UI
Source 2 has enjoyed a much better UI system, called Panorama, than Source 1 has had over the years, called VGUI. CS:GO tried to get away from VGUI and even implemented Scaleform, a Flash-based UI system, before moving over to Panorama. With our access to the CS:GO engine, we now have full access to Panorama, and will be re-designing and re-implementing all of our VGUI-designed UI in this new framework. Below are only some of the mockups done by our UX designers TraZox and Isabella:
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Panorama is a web-like UI framework that allows us to iterate on our User Interface design, implementation, and functionality much much, much more quickly than VGUI ever had. 0.8.8 ships with the first version of the framework, but lacks the proper design and implementation of the main menu, which is coming in the next (0.9.0) version!
About That Hammer I Owe Ya!
As I talked about in our previous changelog blog post, SCell has worked on a ton of valuable Hammer features, now included by default with Hammer for Momentum Mod, some of which are listed below:
All controls no longer look like Win95
Removed frame limiter
QuickHide state can is saved
Camera positions saved with map
Scriptable brush creation tools
Material proxies support
Models scale depending on their "modelscale" keyvalue
Multiple cordons
Model browser now can show used models, also now has refresh button
Entity report now has targetnames
Material history saves between sessions
QuickHide can be undo/redo'd
If autosave directory path is invalid when changing settings, it defaults to hammer/autosaves
Autsave now checks all open documents, and is run from another thread
3D view mouse sensitivity slider
Angle snapping in entity properties window
Custom build window
2D views color customization
New mode for sculpt - project paint with image file (png, jpg, bmp, tga)
Particle browser
Keybind editor
Setting to disable alpha inversion for displacements
Shaded 3D preview now doesn't flicker
Translucent textures in texture browser are drawn transparent
Discord integration
Light keyvalues now print their value 3D view draws current skybox
Scriptable primitive brush via AngelScript
For those with a keen eye, you may have noticed a lot of these features are found in Hammer++ as well! These features were originally part of an open source repository SCell and I were working on, aiming to be a general SDK hammer of sorts, but ever since getting Source engine access, we had to remove that repository. Unfortunate, but understandable!
Though now with full engine access, our Hammer editor and related tools can be expanded to meet the needs of our mappers. We will be exploring increasing the Hammer and game coordinate grid to allow for bigger maps, direct in-engine integration for faster mapping iteration, and potentially improving tools like VRAD to use the GPU! Having just Hammer code is one thing, but having the code that Hammer and the engine both use is absolutely exciting. We can’t wait to deliver a powerful mapping experience for Chaos mappers!
Delaying to Late 2021
I won’t beat around the bush. While we did have a working build at the end of the year, it wasn’t fully compatible and needed a lot of work still. Porting to the new engine, understanding the codebase, and getting to a comfortable 0.8.8 release point took a bit longer than expected.
Thus, we’re deciding to push the 1.0.0 release back to December 2021.
I understand the disappointment that may arise from this, but urge you to keep in mind that the Summer 2021 deadline was before we had confirmed Source engine access. I would also like to remind everyone that this is a project being worked on by volunteers in their free time, and we are still doing our best to provide a clean, powerful launch of Momentum later this year.
I’m going to take this time to roadmap exactly what’s left, and why we’re still absolutely confident in our 2021 release date. Note that this roadmap can be found at our GitHub organization page, including more specific tasks being done.
For 0.8.8 (this release), the team has ported the game to be as close to 0.8.7 as possible on a completely new version of the Source engine. Despite this being a massive update, it’s still functionally equivalent to 0.8.7, and is even fully backwards compatible with it, hence the 0.8.X designation. While it may seem like it was a simple copy-and-paste job, it was anything but, as we had to delve into the engine to compare what CS:GO does compared to branches like Portal 2 and Team Fortress 2 (SDK 2013). That is what took the most time for the past couple of months. But now, as proof by this release, we’re comfortable with the engine and have Momentum running in an acceptable state!
Then comes the immediate next version, 0.9.0. 0.9.X releases can be considered the “taking advantage of Source engine access” updates. We will be implementing (mapper-placed) Portals, the initial Panorama UI, fixing things in our DX11 renderer, and so on. There will be sub-updates as needed, but once we have Panorama being worked on by our UI designers, the coders can move towards 0.10.0. Portals already exist in the codebase, the majority of the work will be the abstraction of the code to be able to be used by both P2:CE and Momentum. We expect these updates to take around a month or so.
0.10.0 is the Zone file refactor, alongside the Zone tooling update. We can parse zones from our Hammer, but the in-game zoning tools will also be expanded to support porting maps that don’t need decompiling. There will be sub-updates as needed here as well, fixing bugs or implementing more Panorama UI (like HUD elements). This update should also take a month.
0.11.0 is the Replay file refactor, along with the update to replay playback tools (and extra things like working with Crashfort on direct SVR integration). Having expanded the scope of Momentum early made refactors like these easier to visualize and tackle, as we know what game modes will potentially require and design the systems to better accommodate them. As the others, we expect this to take a month or two, with sub updates to iron out any problems found in the refactor.
0.12.0 is the Bonus track + IL (Stage) submission and comparisons update. Bonus tracks and ILs just require some site backend tweaking to allow the submission of, and a client leaderboards UI update to support showing them. These updates will let players take advantage of the benefits of running replays locally instead of on a server, allowing basic racing against replays and comparing against any run on the leaderboard. Since the majority of this work is just tweaking already-existing-and-implemented systems, we’re expecting this to take at most a month.
0.13.0 is Localization and polish, mass-testing of the Cosmetic system and Learn sections, and any extra work (cough, Anticheat, cough) needed before 1.0.0. This will take the remaining time before 1.0.0 release.
Sprinkled in these releases as we approach 1.0.0 will be the full implementations of the Conc, Tricksurf, and (potentially) Defrag game modes! Conc requires some game movement abstraction and is expected to land in the 0.9.X updates, Tricksurf requires Panorama for a lot of UI work and will be worked on in the 0.10.X updates, and Defrag is currently being worked on by Lumia, so it all depends on when the work there finishes up. I cannot express how excited I am to give these modes a fun, centralized platform for players!!
Then it’s the public Beta release, v1.0.0! As a public release, anybody can download and play the game through Steam. You have no idea how excited the team is for this release, and we will make sure to celebrate publicly, so stay tuned for more info on that, but it’s a ways away!
We have a ton of post-1.0.0 content planned, including adding and supporting the Parkour, Defrag, and Climb modes, community features like Clans and Dedicated Servers, and more! Since this is a bit further out, currently there’s not much of a detailed roadmap yet.
Then last but not least, 2.0.0 is the full release (Gold), with the Campaign and custom gamemodes, which will have more details in future blog posts.
Developer Q&A Streams
The last two sections have probably left you with a ton of questions! No worries.
We’re proud to announce the start of our monthly Developer Questions and Answers streams over at our Momentum Mod Twitch channel!
The first one is going to be taking place Saturday, April 17th at 7 PM EST, where the team will be answering questions asked in our #qna-live channel in the Momentum Mod Discord server! So make sure to join the Discord server and ask your burning questions!
We will be announcing the streams on our Twitter and in the Discord. The VODs of the QnA sessions will also be uploaded publicly to YouTube, with timestamps for people to quickly find answers to questions they may have, and for those that may miss the stream.
We have had many people show interest in financially supporting the team on our endeavors for creating the game. The problem with being a Source Engine-based game has always been the inherent fees, totalling over $35,000 to properly be able to monetize the game. Money in general also tends to complicate things. I’ve run this project on the idea of making a fun platform; I really want to play a game like this (Momentum). Momentum Mod is just a hobby, passion-driven project, so selling the game or having microtransactions just starts to muddy the waters, so to speak.
None of that has changed. With our license, the game still has to be 100% free, and will forever be. However, we have opened up the opportunity for those looking to give at-will donations to support us. The idea being that money can go into a pooled account, with the exact amounts publicly visible, and our receipts trackable to the first dollar spent. Luckily, there’s a platform that believes in this, called OpenCollective.
Thus, I’m happy to announce that those who wish to support us financially may do so through our OpenCollective webpage!
I will copy the disclaimer from the description here:
Momentum Mod the game and its related services are, and will always be, 100% free.
Every contribution is appreciated but not required.
A contribution through OpenCollective does not grant any material effect, it is purely an at-will donation to the team. In other words:
Donations do not and will not give any in-game advantages, effects, or statuses.
Donations should be viewed as purely supporting the Momentum Mod Team in their endeavors to create and maintain the game and its platform.
Donations will only be used to fund:
The operating costs of Momentum Mod's servers and services, e.g. AWS storage costs, Website hosting, and so on.
Licensing costs for professional software to develop the game, e.g. Substance Designer and related software suites.
Costs related to hardware upgrades to improve the development of the game and/or its services, e.g. new computer parts.
Marketing the game for its 1.0.0 release.
We understand that the Momentum Discord server hasn’t been the best at doing self-contained, organized discussions. Oftentimes, discussions about things that have already happened would crop back up, leading to pointless repetition. Therefore, we’re also proud to announce that we have a dedicated Forums site!
You can find them over at forum.momentum-mod.org!
Please note that we are still using our Discord server heavily, and it is the best place to stay up to date with the game! The forums are more for larger and/or more-permanent discussions, but will also be used for things like showcasing maps, asking questions, and more!
Branding Update
TraZox and Bonjorno have been hard at work creating a new 3D background for the game's branding. This new background should better represent the game modes and lively energy the game has!
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Full Changelog
Trigger_softbarrier (inherent with Chaos engine) (175)
Conc grenades added to func_nogrenades logic (1229)
Ability to fizzle handheld concs (via mouse2) (1198)
Momentum Hammer changes:
All controls no longer look like Win95
Removed frame limiter
QuickHide state can is saved
Camera positions saved with map
Scriptable brush creation tools
Material proxies support
Models scale depending on their "modelscale" keyvalue
Multiple cordons
Model browser now can show used models, also now has refresh button
Entity report now has targetnames
Material history saves between sessions
QuickHide can be undo/redo'd
If autosave directory path is invalid when changing settings, it defaults to hammer/autosaves
Autsave now checks all open documents, and is run from another thread
3D view mouse sensitivity slider
Angle snapping in entity properties window
Custom build window
2D views color customization
New mode for sculpt - project paint with image file (png, jpg, bmp, tga)
Particle browser
Keybind editor
Setting to disable alpha inversion for displacements
Shaded 3D preview now doesn't flicker
Translucent textures in texture browser are drawn transparent
Discord integration
Light keyvalues now print their value 3D view draws current skybox
Scriptable primitive brush via AngelScript
And a ton more!
Fixed mom_eyetele putting the player in a wall (1208)
Fixed cursor not being hidden while spinning main menu model (989)
Fixed shader overriding failing when another game’s bin folder is in PATH (832)
Fixed some teleport triggers slowing down noclip/practice mode speed (1195)
Fixed getting a warning when correctly using a push trigger with “set velocity” mode
Fix conc timer sounds not stopping on fizzle
Fix main menu from being hidden when spamming escape key on level load (1224)
Fix noclip slowdown when passing through teleports with “reset velocity” flag (1195)
Prevented crash when drawing clip brushes on maps with exactly 1 brush entity (1266)
Fixed paint decals overwriting most recent decal when at limit (243)
Better console logging from CSGO, solving console output not being formatted consistently (949)
Fixed concs giving knockback in noclip (1231)
Color cvars now use RGBA
Improved conc delay timings (1196)
Dynamically change point_spotlight brightness instead of being hardcoded to 64 (“brightness” & “setbrightness”) (1211)
Improvements to precaching from CSGO, perhaps solving first stickybomb shot delay (952)
I want to thank you all for your understanding as we work towards the public release. We may have had some hiccups in the flow, but our Momentum has stayed strong and we’re full Steam ahead! ;)
As always, please consider wishlisting us on Steam, joining our Discord server, and spreading the word of the game!
Until 0.9.0, Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
2 notes · View notes
momentummod · 3 years
0.8.7 Changelog
Hello, hello!
I’ll be honest. I’ve been kinda struggling to find a good way to follow up the absolutely massive news of the previous blog post. I mean come on, how are we supposed to follow up that news…?
… Well, with a kickass changelog, that’s how! :)
A Very Bright Future Ahead
If you were living under a rock for the past couple of weeks and somehow missed it (or want to read it again, like I’ve been doing repeatedly), Momentum Mod has been granted engine access from Valve! You can read more about this and our partnership with the Chaos Initiative team here: https://blog.momentum-mod.org/post/636153097782280192/you-got-a-license-for-that
There’s been a ton of things developing since then, so to keep you all updated:
Kowalski, Analysis
The new engine and all of its code is absolutely fascinating, but extremely overwhelming. Seeing the guts of how things work from other Valve games always fascinates me, but it’s been personally a lot to take in.
But oh, the progress we’ve made!
The overwhelming size and scope of the entire engine hasn’t stopped our team of dedicated developers from jumping in, cannonballing into the deep, green-and-brown, dummy-thicc mud that is the full Source Engine codebase. We’ve been primarily working with the Chaos Initiative developers on prioritizing what needs to be removed, what needs to be shared, learning structure of build tools, best code practices (including a proper formatting file this time around!) and dependency handling, and more!
Y’know, fun nerdy code stuff!
Okay fine, I have a couple of teaser photos to give you all, because yes, we do have a build “running” on Chaos, but it has quite a bit to go! I’ve personally taken 2 weeks off work for the end of the year to sit down and work on the game (and relax too, I suppose). We want to get a build of Momentum on Chaos out to playtesters by the end of the year!
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Belated Spooktober cubemaps~
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Just kidding, all good!
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Coming from ivy, out middle, and through your connector, in a game near you!
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VGUI ain’t workin’ quite right yet...
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Nudge nudge, wink wink~
You can maybe even find some more in our Discord server, but it’s a secret, so don’t share that with absolutely everyone you possibly can, okay!?!
The New-ish Release Schedule
One of the problems I’ve had with the previous way we did things was our release process and “schedule.” We were getting pretty good about having semi-regular game updates, but this meant that bugs could see months of playtime at once when it had been fixed on our develop branch for all that time.
So what are we going to do with our new engine coding and release process is more of a “nightly” release schedule. We will be pushing regular, stable builds to Steam as we fix key bugs or implement small Quality of Life features. These will be considered “silent” (no grand announcements) pushes, ensuring that our playtesters are always on the latest version, with communication perhaps focusing on the specific things pushed and confirming fixes or gathering feedback.
Major (or otherwise game-breaking) features, such as our port to Panorama, will have dedicated Steam beta branches to help get in-development feedback. This is going to put much more emphasis on our External QA team, as there will be plenty to break, test, and enjoy.
Full release milestones (like this one) will still have their normal milestone blog posts and announcements as we hit them, but the goal is to place playtesters on an always-stable version of the game at all times, so that repeat bug reports aren’t a problem, and we get feedback for things gone wrong much, much more quickly. After all, even internal playtesters can’t build the game now, so we need to have a regular update cycle to be able to properly internally test things anyways!
Oh, six too?
And to celebrate our engine access and going closed source, we will be creating a new public release for those looking to evaluate the game. It’s been a while (January 2017 was how long ago?) since we pushed 0.6.2, and we haven’t been pushing “public” builds due to fear of people thinking the game was done. But we want the community to enjoy the new modes added, and most importantly, the immense amount of bugs fixed since then.
So, we went ahead and created a “public” ““release”” of 0.8.7, found on our game repo’s releases page.
I want to reiterate, right here, that the online functionality does not work. This means that, unless you have a Steam key for the game:
Runs do not submit.
No maps are available for download with it.
Our site does not track your progress.
Game mounting is a bit of a manual process.
Steam lobbies do not work.
This build is just to give those looking to try out the added modes and potentially map for them as we work towards future versions of the game. 0.6.2 isn’t going anywhere, it just won’t be promoted as “the alternate way to try Momentum in the meantime,” this new “public” 0.8.7 version will be.
Keys will still be given out in the priority list found in the FAQ channel in our Discord server, including any and all contributions to our other open-source repositories!
Absolutely Mapbased
Have you heard of the Mapbase project? It’s a wonderful project that adds a ton of fixes, other-branch functionality, and more to a default SDK 2013 build, completely open source. Please go check them out and support their project, because this section has improvements we were able to use thanks entirely to the Mapbase team!
Xen was hard at work in this update porting improvements made by Mapbase, on top of a ton of miscellaneous mapper requests and quality-of-life improvements! He actually started much earlier than 0.8.7, getting the majority of work done by the time 0.8.6 was wrapping up. So if you’re surprised by how quickly this update came out, that was a major reason why!
You can see the full list of added entities and improvements from Mapbase on our docs page about it. If you’re a mapper, we strongly recommend you check it out, there’s a ton of good stuff in there!
It’s kinda hard to show off all the cool stuff, but some of the things that we’re really excited about for mappers are:
Hint (Game Instructor) System
This system will allow mappers to have detailed instruction for the player, and you can see more info about how to use it from the env_instructor_hint entity. We will be using this entity a lot during our campaign, but mappers for the game can get a head start and use it for their upcoming maps!
Explosive Teleporting
Gimmick mappers unite! You can now successfully teleport the explosives of a player, reorienting them to the destination as well!
Depth of Field Effect
Have something you want to have the player focus on, that’s up close? This effect is used in Alien Swarm and later branches of Source, and can now be used by mappers to draw emphasis on something in their maps!
There have been a ton of smaller improvements that I will list below, but we urge you to read the full changelog, and browse the docs website, specifically the entity subsection, as it can cover everything more in depth, including how to use them!
`skybox_swapper` for changing 2D skybox texture without requiring map reload
A lot more inputs/outputs to BaseEntity
Many many new filters
Many many new logic entities
Added game instructor system
Duration value to particle systems
Ability to directly start the particle system effects on player
Landmark teleports can now reorient player’s velocity & angles
New modes for dealing with player’s velocity in `trigger_teleport`
A new entity that teleports a player when they touch a specified surface type
A new filter that checks whether the player is on the floor, surfing, or just bhopped
Collectible system; non-linear checkpoint system.
Replaced speed threshold trigger with a filter
Increasing/decreasing impulse every tick option for push and shootboost triggers
OnKeyHeld & OnKeyReleased outputs for `trigger_momentum_userinput`
All triggers now have a flag for ghosts
Fixed flags breaking between 2 limitmovement triggers
Fixed stickybombs having 0 velocity when shot through a teleport.
Multiple sky_camera support
Targeting entities now support true wildcards and regex
Improved entity debug commands
Entity I/O paramater conversion improvements
Minor changes to VBSP including `-defaultcubemap` and parallax corrected cubemaps
Projected texture improvements (new I/O and KVs, mapbase fixes to shader)
Converted most brush entities to use BSP instead of VPhysics collision (Solves func_brush compiling 0.5 units smaller)
Fixed particles with start active when the map loads
Default cubemap is now black
About That Hammer I Owe You…
Timing be damned.
This update was supposed to include the Momentum Hammer project that SCell (and I did a little bit of things but not anywhere near as much) has been working on. This section would have contained so many videos and pictures of cool things that our Hammer can do now…
But then we got engine access, so now we get to include it with the game.
Which means we need to get the game working and out to playtesters and mappers first. :(
Timing be damned, I say!
So while this update features a ton of very nice mapping related improvements and additions, it still doesn’t have everything planned for mappers, since the development team’s focus is now on the closed-source repository, including our Momentum Hammer. So keep an eye out for our next update, which will contain the first version of our Hammer for the inner mapper in you to go crazy with!
But for now, a groovy, 600+ fps sneak peek:
How About This Route?
This update brings a heavily requested feature: we have added time to savelocs now, and any saveloc created from when the timer is running now stores that time, allowing mappers and routing prodigies to test the best possible route for a map!
It even compares against your personal best still, showing what time you would have gotten at the end of the map, including the potential improvement comparison! The rest of the HUD does not compare properly yet, but we plan to flesh this out more with v0.11.0. Furthermore, with our planned TAS tools and mode, we plan to flesh this out even more to allow players to stitch together their best savelocs for the ultimate replay! More about this will come at a later date.
How About This Gamemode?
Added by Ijre, you now have the ability to play any map as any other game mode, prefix-be-damned.
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Through the map selector you may right click a map and choose the desired game mode to play it as. Times will never submit, so keep that in mind!
For unofficial maps, it’s as easy as using the newly-added mom_gamemode_override command before doing the “map (mapname)” command in the console!
Chat Command and Conc-er
(Gotta end it with a double punner, sorry, it’s in my contract)
This update also brings another heavily-requested compatibility feature: chat commands! Players can use their chat to quickly restart the track, goto or spec some player, and more! The full list of commands can be found on our documentation site.
And an update to the Conc fans out there, False created an original model to use for the grenade, and with it Vortex worked more of his magic and created a brand new animated viewmodel with original particles, all accompanied with the succulent sounds from Monolith.
Full Changelog
This release brings 238 commits from 11 lovely contributors!
Added missing limit movement trigger texture (1077)
Gamemode overriding (1081)
Explosive fizzle sound (1082)
Free roam spectate (1090)
Saveloc importing from other maps (1109)
Noclip/practice mode duck speed multiplier (1117)
Add beam_spotlight from ASW (1119)
Zonemaker, a tool that generates .zon from .vmf files (1128, 1145)
Temporary, per-run stage start marks (1136)
New steam game mounting system (1150, 1161)
Ability to draw info_teleport_destinations in game (1153)
$HSV to PBR shader (1160)
Chat commands (1165)
Mapbase entities (1133)
`skybox_swapper` for changing 2D skybox texture without requiring map reload
A lot more inputs/outputs to BaseEntity
Many many new filters
Many many new logic entities
Added game instructor system
Duration value to particle systems
Ability to directly start the particle system effects on player
New conc viewmodel (1110)
Fixed saveloc & ruler menu binds in keybinds panel (1066)
Fixed sprint/walk being handled while spectating (1071)
Fixed conc grenades being usable in other gamemodes (1072)
Fixed friend’s times sometimes not loading (1080)
Removed “unpause” command call (1089)
Fixed toggle_ jump/duck commands not doing spec commands for jump/duck (1090)
Fixed menu drawer lobby name corruption bug (1098)
Fixed doublepress run safeguard not being reset properly (1106)
Fixed certain commands going through map finished panel even when after map movement is disabled (1125)
Fixed HUD timer not properly updating when hidden (1127)
Allowed console to be opened from (almost) anywhere (1131)
Fix arrow keys resetting combobox selection (1156)
Immediately remove ghosts of blocked players (1163, 1173)
Real-time updating of player names on user components (1164)
Fixed game crash when pressing enter on main menu (1165)
Fixed various chat exploits (1165)
Fixed seeing blocked player’s chats (1165)
Fixed seeing blocked player’s typing status (1176)
Fixed certain particles not being removed (1110)
Enabled spec hud mouse input when chat is opened (1090)
Improved scrollbar track clicking (1099)
Hardcoded ghost update rate (1100)
Improve top of frame grip sizing (1101)
Default RJ viewmodel to centered version (1102)
Stored time in savelocs (1103)
Improvements to rocket/stickybomb launchers (1124)
Trigger enhancements (1126)
Landmark teleports can now reorient player’s velocity & angles
New modes for dealing with player’s velocity in `trigger_teleport`
A new entity that teleports a player when they touch a specified surface type
A new filter that checks whether the player is on the floor, surfing, or just bhopped
Collectible system; non-linear checkpoint system.
Replaced speed threshold trigger with a filter
Increasing/decreasing impulse every tick option for push and shootboost triggers
OnKeyHeld & OnKeyReleased outputs for `trigger_momentum_userinput`
All triggers now have a flag for ghosts
Fixed flags breaking between 2 limitmovement triggers
Fixed stickybombs having 0 velocity when shot through a teleport.
Mapbase enhancements (1133)
Multiple sky_camera support
Targeting entities now support true wildcards and regex
Improved entity debug commands
Entity I/O paramater conversion improvements
Minor changes to VBSP including `-defaultcubemap` and parallax corrected cubemaps
Projected texture improvements (new I/O and KVs, mapbase fixes to shader)
Converted most brush entities to use BSP instead of VPhysics collision (Solves func_brush compiling 0.5 units smaller)
Fixed particles with start active when the map loads
Default cubemap is now black
mom_restart_stage now does nothing on linear maps (1134)
Require repress of +attack to throw another conc (1146)
Make leaderboard static (1147)
Scale ghost entpanels with resolution & center them (1148)
Added divider in speedo settings to make more understandable (1157)
Prevent +moveup and +movedown from affecting ground movement (1158)
Warn player of mapping mode on run start (1159)
Allow dynamic updating of teleport destinations (1172)
Improved flashlight code & shadercompile (1174)
Mapping mode cvar for toggling RNG fix (1175)
Allow teleport destinations as restart points for start/stage zones (1170)
Made conc grenade follow rules of other explosives (1110)
I am absolutely elated for the next year of development. Like I said in the beginning of the post, we are genuinely trying to get the Chaos version of Momentum out and into playtesters hands as soon as possible. From there, it’s pure progress as we speed towards our ambitious goals of things like integrating Panorama and our custom hammer, as well as all of the already-planned game features on our road to 1.0.0.
Wanna hang out and theorize about the fabled Momentum Man’s existence? Consider joining the official Momentum Mod Discord server! It’s also coincidentally the best place to stay up-to-date with the development of the game!
Also, did you wishlist Momentum Mod on Steam yet? ...No? Okay. :(
I appreciate you all, and until next time (Chaos time, baby!), Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
0 notes
momentummod · 3 years
You Got a License for That?
Hello everyone, I have some extremely exciting news!!
Momentum Mod was granted engine access by Valve!
Firstly, this would not have been possible without the immense help from the team at Chaos Initiative, specifically CitadelCore and Tewan. With their guidance and direct help, we have been able to successfully get through to Valve to obtain access to the licensed Source Engine codebase!
And that is not all! I am also proud to announce that Momentum Mod is partnering with the Chaos Initiative team and co-developing a shared branch of Source titled the “Chaos” engine. This flavor of Source will be a cocktail of awesomeness, the best of all (TF2, CS:GO, Portal 2) worlds, providing a ton of opportunities for both players and mappers alike (explained more below)!
So, you probably have a ton of questions! Let’s see if I can answer the majority of them:
What’s this Chaos Initiative and Portal 2 Community Edition (P2CE) stuff?
Chaos Initiative is a team of licensed developers currently working on the Portal 2: Community Edition project. The goal of Chaos Initiative is to create and maintain the “Chaos” Source engine branch, which is a collaborative CS:GO-based Source engine branch designed to be used as a base for P2CE, Momentum, and other future projects as well!
The team at Momentum Mod is going to be co-developing the Chaos engine alongside the team at Chaos Initiative, using the shared codebase to develop Momentum, but also to deliver features and improvements to P2CE and any of its derived mods.
Learn more about the Chaos Initiative at their website: https://chaosinitiative.com/ You may also join the Chaos Initiative Discord here: https://discord.gg/AhkqPBb
Portal 2: Community Edition is a mod for Portal 2 built on the Chaos engine that allows for much more enhanced modding capability. On top of that, it aims to contain its own custom campaigns and integrated workshop.
P2CE’s main site: https://www.portal2communityedition.com/ P2CE Discord: https://discord.gg/NcHSmgb Wishlist P2CE on the Steam Store: https://store.steampowered.com/app/440000/Portal_2_Community_Edition/
What does an “engine license” even mean?
When we started Momentum Mod, the project was considered a “source mod,” only mounting CS:S and based on the Source SDK 2013 codebase. While plentiful for those looking to make basic Source mods, the SDK codebase is still only a very limited subset of modules of the entire Source engine. This 2013 SDK only gives server and client code access (for game movement, basic UI like HUD, entities), minor tool code (VBSP, VRAD, but no Hammer) and only has Half-Life 2 entities as a base.
The 2013 SDK was enough to get Momentum started, but as the game grew, so did the restrictions. All game movement and entities had to be reverse engineered, all game UI (main menu, console, etc) and shaders (VertexLit, Lightmapped, etc) done from scratch or copied over from Alien Swarm (a different, otherwise incompatible SDK), and we were limited to doing runtime patching of the engine to fix certain things like allowing runtime-modifiable tickrate.
Now, with an engine license, not only do we have access to practically every aspect of the engine (launcher code, engine code, full tool code, netcode code, etc), but we also have access to the Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike Source, Counter-Strike Global Offensive, and Portal 2 codebases! So let’s give a bit of an overview of what the community is going to enjoy, right off the bat:
Panorama, allowing the team to easily implement beautiful, powerful UI
Portal 2’s portals (especially ones placed by mappers), gels, catapults, and other entities
CS:GO’s various improvements to VBSP, VRAD, shaders and entities
Support for both CS:GO and CS:S/TF2 maps, all in one game
TF2’s code to verify our implementations of Rocket and Sticky jumping
Of course, that’s not all! The team is also looking to heavily improve upon the systems found deep within the Source engine. Some of this work is already done or well underway, and will only accelerate now with this greenlight from Valve:
Steam Audio replacing Miles audio
Webm support replacing Bink video
Full DirectX 11 renderer and using the DXVK wrapper for UNIX systems
The ability to ship 64-bit builds which allows modern, pre-ARM Mac OSX support
Completely customized Hammer editor (and other tools!)
Various fixes and improvements that we had to literally hook into the engine to even do
Various feature requests and things that we couldn’t do, until now
These are only some of the great things we have in mind for the shared engine. The really nice thing is, these changes will also be able to benefit P2CE as it’s in our shared Chaos engine base, so everybody wins!
Does this mean Momentum Mod will “feel” different?
Well, it depends on what you mean by “feel.”
We are not jumping engines to something like Unreal or Unity, the game is still going to be 100% grass-fed all-natural organic Source Engine goodness! We have complete control over things like movement still, so this means all your movement and muscle memory will still be a one-to-one match, as if it’s still on the SDK Momentum build. For example, the game won’t “feel” like CS:GO’s movement unless we explicitly use CS:GO’s movement code!
As for improvements, we know this is a game focusing on speed. Players can’t have an enjoyable experience if we implement crazy things like RTX ray tracing with global illumination; surfing at max velocity while at 15 FPS or something. Our priority for the game will always be to have the smoothest feel possible first with cool effects second! Our improvements to things like the game rendering backend should give you even more FPS in most situations!
And if you mean things like how the game looks in terms of UI and Shaders, our game is going to feel like its own standalone, modern title. Both the access to Panorama and the renderer by itself will let us go pretty crazy on making the game look and feel unique. We can’t wait to show you what we have in mind!
Does this mean Momentum Mod can/will make money from the game now?
No, the game is and will always be 100% free to play. An engine license only means that we have full access to the Source Engine code. While we may be looking at reasonable ways to accept donations (team PayPal) or monetize (merch, soundtrack, etc), the game and all of its content will be 100% free, forever. Period.
What does this mean for the public momentum-mod/game repository?
We are going to be actively approaching our 0.8.7 release as planned on our GitHub project board for it. This will be our last bit of work that we do for the public repository. We will, in parallel, start the transition over to our shared Chaos engine repository. This engine repository will unfortunately have to be closed source due to the nature of the engine license agreement.
We will never be deleting this open source game repository! We plan to use the game repository as a monument for how far we got and with whose help, and as a permanent beacon that open source game development is absolutely possible! We will also be using the game repo as a public issue tracker for the game still, so it’s not going to go anywhere!
I also want to take some time to thank the impeccable number of contributors that have taken the time to help us progress to where we are today. Any contribution, big or small, regardless of intent, helped us get here. Thank you. Your efforts will not go uncredited or unnoticed!
We would absolutely love to continue our game development as openly as we possibly could, but we will instead have to be selective on which developers we could bring onto the closed repository, as new members of this repository need to go through a process to sign an NDA to gain access. It’s not impossible to bring on more licensed developers though, and we may be considering it in the future!
Also note that we still have our website, discord bot, and documentation completely open source, and we would absolutely love any help we can get on these repositories! Any contribution can go towards obtaining a key for the game!
What does this mean for the “Summer 2021” release date estimate?
We are still on target, but may have to bump it back to Autumn 2021 to be safe! The really nice thing about teaming up with the P2CE team is we already have a base engine onto which we may implant our Momentum code. Depending on how long it takes for this new build to get up and running, we may not even see a noticeable impact in our confidence to hit the Summer 2021 release date!
Of course, on-going game code progress is now limited to the developers with access to the closed repository, so while work may not be done in parallel by outside contributors anymore, the team is going to be extremely focused on delivering consistent updates for the game, whether it be builds on Steam or just public dev logs!
I have more questions, where could I ask them?
We implore you to join our very active Discord server to ask all your unanswered burning questions about the game / this announcement! We will make it our duty to show active progress on the game on our server as well. Whether it be teaser photos/videos of the new build, or game announcements at large, the Momentum Mod Discord server is and will be the best place to stay up-to-date with the game’s development!
If you haven’t already, please consider wishlisting Momentum Mod on Steam to support the game and share it with your friends. We deeply appreciate any and all support we can get for the game!
Until next time, Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
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momentummod · 4 years
0.8.6 Changelog
0.8.6 is finally here and HOO BABY it’s a big one. I promise I’m not trying to say this every update, but this one’s really covering a lot of ground, and is probably second to 0.8.0 in terms of size so far. It always amazes me just how much this game has grown. We went from not really knowing what we were doing, to planning with regular meetings, to solidifying the brand and vision of Momentum, to getting a freakin’ Steam Store page and 1.0.0 release date. It makes me really happy that others are seeing the value in this project, being absolutely patient with us and even helping us out! And I’m so proud to be part of a team that’s going to deliver a kickass game!! Anyways, enough sentimental thoughts (what is this, 1.0.0’s release?), and onwards to the goodies!
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0.8.6 introduces yet another major piece of UI: the menu drawer panel.
This panel lives off to the right hand side of the main menu, sliding (like a drawer) out to show additional information regarding you, your lobbies, and our changelog. Starting with the “Profile” tab, you can keep up with your cosmetic level, XP to the next level, recently submitted runs and stats. This will be fleshed out more in the future, especially the stats sub tab!
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Next, the tab I’m really excited about, “Lobby”. This tab now lets you browse public and friends lobbies when not currently in one:
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As well as letting you see your lobby’s members and chat, even from the menu!
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This did replace the in-game lobby members panel from before, in order to centralize and hopefully simplify our UI and UX. We also moved the changelog list to this panel as its own tab, as part of that simplification:
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You may have also noticed the main menu background has been converted to use a model panel instead of a background map. This is because the background map, which even when just a texture and a model, took a significant amount of time to load every boot, just to effectively only show a rotating model. Switching it out with a model panel that asynchronously loads a model on game startup has significantly improved our game’s load times. It also gives us way more control over the model that shows there:
The user component in the bottom right replaces the old lobby buttons, as a quick overview of your current level and XP. We plan to be updating this component with more information and customization options in the future!
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Teased at the end of our previous version recap video, 0.8.6 officially introduces the Accelerated Hop game mode!
What’s Ahop? Accelerated Hop comes from the movement found in the New Engine (Steam) version of Half-Life 2. This mode is quite literally backwards compared to others in the game; you gain speed by jumping either completely backwards or pressing the back movement key at the right time. You can learn more about the origins of ABH and its variants on the SourceRuns wiki page for it.
Ahop holds a special place in my heart; before Momentum Mod I used to heavily speedrun new engine Half-Life 2, even holding the World Record in the Any% category for a while. I got my goal time and moved on, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want any more Ahop in my life!
With 0.8.6 comes six Accelerated Hop maps of varying difficulty:
ahop_timescale by Ninja Cookie
ahop_reptile by Chili_N_Such
ahop_easy by TraZox
ahop_gocazon by KeagenExtremeGaming
ahop_coast by Imbellis (and Valve)
ahop_orange by Mac
We plan to add more Ahop maps in the future, including yet another familiar face from Half-Life 2...
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Ever since the fateful day that Z closed his servers over two years ago, the Tricksurf community hasn’t seen a proper revival for its beloved mode. Starting with 0.8.6, we hope to finally step towards rekindling the fire to a once truly awesome game mode.
What’s Tricksurf? Beetle made an excellent video that explains the mode pretty well:
But for those in a hurry or something: Tricksurf is a spinoff mode from Surf that has a more abstract goal. Instead of having a map defining a static start and end point, Tricksurf maps are usually old combat surf maps that have triggers placed all around them; on every ramp, platform, and some even in mid air. Players can define “Tricks” which are just paths of triggers to surf through, and maps can have any number of Tricks in them. The goal when playing the mode is to complete every trick for a given map, which have varying difficulty depending on the required conditions to meet or perform. Tricksurf still offers leaderboards, but for time as well as average speed of the player.
As a side note, Tricksurf is perfect for our game since we don’t plan on supporting combat surf, yet still allows us to add otherwise unused classic combat surf maps from the era!
I’d also love to take some time to outline our plan for Tricksurf and how we plan to make it even better than before.
Tricksurf’s base implementation comes with 0.8.6, including the initial Trick zone trigger, the Trick system which includes creating and tracking Tricks, as well as the skeleton of the UI for selecting tricks to track as well as teleporting to map teles.
The next thing to tackle is updating Momentum’s VBSP to read zones from a VMF and to spit them out into the needed .zon file, have the timer properly run when tracking a trick, and properly record replays for tricks. Any necessary UI updates will also come around here. After that comes the initial work to get the Community tricks tab working. The goal of the Community tab is to streamline the Trick submission process, basically making it the “Steam workshop” for Tricks, allowing others to create, submit, play and +1 the tricks that they complete and really like, in order to make it easier for Trick Editors to see fan favorite, yet unofficial tricks. Then comes the Official tricks tab, which holds officially-added tricks that have leaderboards and grant XP upon completion. Alongside this tab come community-appointed Trick Editors, who have the ability to say which tricks from the Community are good and become Official, and which tricks aren’t so great and need tweaking before being accepted. This is probably the last step we’ll need to take for a full 1:1 feel of Tricksurf from the era of Z’s servers. Then comes the future of this system. Being able to acknowledge the requirements of the mode from the start means we’ve been designing it to be as abstract as possible in the codebase. This allows us to potentially expand it to other gamemodes, and perhaps pull the system out to an overarching “Tricks” game mode, with the sub-game mode chosen for movement (Tricksurf, Trickhop, Trickjump, etc). Exciting stuff!
We’ll have more information regarding the Tricks system, how tricks are created and defined, and more in future updates, but please feel free to drop into our Discord server and contribute to the discussions taking place in the Tricksurf channels!
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Did you know that Titanfall 2 runs on a heavily modified version of the Source engine? And did you know that Titanfall 2-inspired movement is going to be making its way into Momentum Mod under the "Parkour" game mode?
What’s Parkour? Parkour is the... you know what, just go play Titanfall 2. Seriously, just buy the game if you don’t have it, it’s on Steam, and play the campaign. Titanfall 2 has one of the best single-player campaigns I’ve played since Portal 2. Absolutely underrated gem of a game. Our Parkour mode is aiming to be like Titanfall 2’s movement, with wallrunning, slide hopping, and maybe even some damage boosting.
But that’s right, 0.8.6 adds the stubbed Parkour game mode, and the implementation really got a fantastic kick start thanks to the other really awesome MMod. No not that MMod, I’m talking about the Half-Life 2 Mobility Mod by rob! And with some extra love put in by Fzzy from the Titanfall 2 Speedrunning community, we have a wonderful barebones implementation!
Note that I said “stubbed” and “barebones” implementation. What this means is that 0.8.6 is not officially adding the full mode, but rather introducing the skeleton of the code, ripe for tweakers and tinkerers to mess around with to make it as 1:1 as possible.
The goal with stubbing modes is allowing people in the community to progress the mode further while the core Momentum dev team focuses on much-needed features for the game, thus parallelizing the development of gamemodes. The goal here would be to add/prioritize the modes only if the community gets it so far along to where it’s trivial for us to. If this sounds familiar, it’s because it’s exactly what happened with the Rocket and Sticky Jump modes and their community! Otherwise, the mode is punted further back until we get time to work on it, most likely after 1.0.0.
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Speaking of “stubbed” and “barebones” implementations, 0.8.6 also introduces the stubbed skeletons of the Conc and Defrag gamemodes.
Squeek, the lead dev from the Fortress Forever game has given us full permission to use their implementation of the TFC Concussion grenade and TFC-like movement to get the ball rolling on our Conc game mode. Hat Kid did an excellent job bringing in the initial conc grenade and some of the movement, and we plan to further our compatibility with TFC style movement in future updates! And as for Defrag, we’re aiming to strike a balance between the original Quake mode and modified CS:S-like movement we already have. It’s the most underdeveloped/barebones mode so far, and we can’t wait to update you more on the direction we’re choosing to take for it in future updates!
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0.8.6 also features the initial re-working of our weapons by Vortex to use our wonderful PBR shader and more of Monolith’s beautiful sounds. You can get a quick overview of some of the changes here:
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This update brings a whopping 418 commits from 15 (!!!) lovely contributors:
Run safeguards (814, 829, 54, 977, 993)
Full Ahop gamemode support
Stubbed tricksurf implementation (999, 1029)
Stubbed parkour game mode & movement by rob and fzzy (841, 1015, 1027)
Conc stubbed implementation (1044)
Defrag stubbed implementation (1045)
Added Ahop & the other stubbed gamemodes to the website (website/420)
Added sprint binding to keybinds (863)
Added ability to have subdivision markings for any progress bars through res file (originally suggested to be for sticky charge meter). Off by default. (880)
Added checkbox in gameplay settings that toggles viewmodel visibility (896)
Added (back) menu background blur (908, 963)
Tree sway, Lightmapped generic flashlight-based phong shader (901)
Added the ability to turn off speedometer autolayout in the speedo VDF and added easy layout overriding functionality within the VDF (899)
Added NetBeans project for Linux building & made it possible to compile without sudo (894)
System for recording a history surface interactions for the player (893)
Added missing tooltips throughout the settings panel (853, 845)
Added documentation of various entities (docs/59)
Added a command for resetting to the last progress trigger (904)
Catapults! (trigger_momentum_catapult entity) (926, 964, 965)
Togglable inputs; toggle_jump, toggle_speed, toggle_walk, and toggle_duck for all gamemodes (929)
Viewmodel offset commands (945)
Main menu drawer (953, 1042)
Depth of field effects (967)
Momentum capture point assets (997)
More tool textures (1004, 1006)
Added cvar for whether the settings remember last opened tab (1007)
Cvar for auto-untoggling toggle_* inputs when hitting a fail teleport (980)
“Fail” bool property for momentum teleports (980)
Added toggle inputs to saveloc state (980)
System for adding your own HUD menus (1033)
Add flag for end zones to not submit run (just cancel timer) (1040)
Fixed broken TF2 fire particles. (839)
Fix bug where player would get stuck when closing the settings panel (854)
Fixed chat not accepting non-ascii characters (856)
Fixed timer not resetting its color on map change (857)
Fixed camera bug related to ducking while teleporting via saveloc (860)
Inverted logic on the “allow overlapping keys” setting; checked means “on” now (863)
Fixed settings panel having a deadzone on the vertical scrollbar (863)
Fixed last weapon (lastinv) not being defaulted to the secondary weapon on map load (876)
Prevented leaderboards panel from being togglable when spamming m2 on game load (888)
Fixed trails stacking when changing your trail while spectating someone (889)
Fixed view jumping to header when clicking about/gamemodes/links for the first time (website/434)
Fixed a rare case where stickybombs weren’t firing (right at the end of the buffer) (913)
Fixed autocomplete for long replay names (903)
Properly loading the engine-default backup skybox for when a map’s skybox is missing (900)
Put the player on ground on mom_restart, fixing players getting stuck on map restart on certain start zones (895)
Fixes to some odd lobby bugs revolving around not properly checking whether a player was in your lobby. Upped ghost update rate from 25 to 40. (873)
Prevented crashes when there are more than 4096 static props (861)
Fixed incorrect noto sans regular font (840)
Fixed missing shaders causing crashes (missing wireframe_dx8 fallback shader) (831)
Stopped sticky charge sound on weapon switch (830)
Fixed a rare crash on map change (825)
Prevented multiple publish docker actions happening together (website/429)
Fixed color of GitHub/Twitter icons on docs site (docs/55)
Fixed in-game texture browser (916)
Fixed shader issue on linux caused by the shader override (925)
Fixed crash when jumping/interacting with func_train without a weapon (927)
Fixed a crash when enabling viewport downscaling (927)
Fixed a run submission failure; solved by removing sv_alternateticks (927)
Fixed charge animation not being reset to idle when charging is disabled (938)
Fixed the momentum icon on the taskbar being shown as the HL logo on linux (948)
Fixed water fog problem on PBR shader (955)
Fixed light calculation in PBR shader (955)
Fixed “undefined base class Toggle” error in hammer (966)
Fixed softlock on main menu (985)
Disallowed muzzle flash when viewmodel is hidden (998)
Fixed PBR not respecting render alpha (1001)
Fixed settings on different tab being in focus (1011)
Fix shotgun cock sound being played every 8 shots when viewmodels are off (1016)
Fix color for PBR materials on models (1020)
Fixed “Use Defaults” button for keybinds list causing softlock (1019)
Fix speedmod’s disabled buttons not resetting when saveloc teleporting outside of it (1025)
Fixed hud menus overlapping chat (1037)
Fixed crash when opening & closing map info panel too quickly (1039)
Fix slide for RJ/SJ and non-autohop gamemodes (1055)
Renamed mom_reset to mom_restart_stage & merged mom_stage_tele into mom_restart_stage (826, docs/52)
Consolidated all automatic weapons down to 1; removed rifle & lmg, renamed smg to machinegun. For mappers, it is now “weapon_momentum_machinegun” (836)
New stickybomb and rocket effects, moving away from relying on TF2 particles (862, 974)
Migrated credits to use a VGUI frame instead of a map (rip credits.bsp). Also updated credits (871, 875)
Improved the website’s gamemode gallery (website/426, website/431)
Removed paintgun & moved paint settings to gameplay settings tab (890, 968)
Replaced website logging with Bunyan + Seq (website/432)
More intuitive start marking; create/clear on settings page, printouts alongside savelocs, start mark creation when savelocing in a start zone with a hud hint of the bind for it (905)
WVT support for PBR, PBR using mrao/emission scale for 20b; fix for LightMappedGeneric when using lighting preview (901)
Improved some error outputs in map compile tools (898)
Spelling fixes in many source code files (881)
Improved CSS and TF2 file mounting, fixing ambient sounds not loading properly on Linux (874)
Moved main menu to client (872)
Allowed fps_max to be changed in-game (869)
Unmount many unneeded TF2 particles (858)
0.8.5 website cleanup; updated footer links, fonts, logo, images, & twitch strategy (website/418)
Update website’s main page gamemodes section; new rj/sj webms & circle timer (website/431)
Lowered docker image size from 1.3GB+ down to ~200MB (website/423)
Updated documentation website’s images, logo, and favicon (docs/51, docs/56)
Show start zone exit speedometer on linear maps (920)
Improved loading of speedometer data (924, 975)
Removed all pause commands (927)
Increased autocomplete length for commands (927)
Redirected the “retry” command to “reload” (944)
Allow WVT PBR to have parallax (955)
Improved stickybomb count hud element (935, 975)
Replace main menu map with model panel (962, 984, 1008)
Improved weapon models, animations, and sounds. Most retextured with PBR (933, 954)
Improved glow effects (969)
Replaced “airborne_only” field in func_nogrenades with a prevention type, allowing for sticky fizzle on land and rocket/sticky fizzle on trigger entrance (961)
Let escape key & other leaderboard binds close leaderboards (994)
Update Steamworks to v150 (1000)
Less machine gun recoil when strafing/on ground (1022)
Add [Development Build] to the version number when game is in debug mode (1038)
Save start marks to savelocs file (1046)
Prevent teleporting to a stage while in it - stops abuse of the command (1052)
Ability to draw zone faces, not just outlines (986)
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Are you a mapper, or do you know any mappers that could utilize Momentum to help make maps? Do you want to test our custom version of Hammer that has things like working Lighting Preview and built-in Hammerpatch? 0.8.7 is going to be a big mapping update, and we need all the help we can get testing our improved Hammer, as well as all the new and improved entities we’re going to be adding! Please PM me (Gocnak) on Discord with proof of your mapping chops and I’ll get you a key!
As we’re getting ever-closer to that 1.0.0 release, I want to thank everyone for wishlisting and spreading the word about our Steam Store page, as we have over 1700 wishlists and counting!! It’s really exciting for us to see this, and really motivates me personally to make this the best game it can be! For those who haven't already, please consider joining our Discord server to stay up with our very active progress!
And as always, thanks for watching reading, and until 0.8.7, Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
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momentummod · 4 years
Gaining More Steam
Momentum Mod now has an official Steam store page! It’s feeling more and more official by the month, and this is definitely a major step to take on our path to v1.0.0. Feel free to check it out, add the game to your wishlist, and share it with your friends and family!
We will stay in a “coming soon” state until v1.0.0 drops, which we estimate will be in around a year, at worst 18 months. Keep in mind that this project is all volunteer-passion-based, and goes as fast as free time for everyone involved will allow. It could come faster, or take longer than 18 months to drop. We will keep everyone up to date as much as we can on our progress, though!
Also keep in mind that our progress has been mapped out in roadmap form via our GitHub organization projects page. If you feel like you can help out, be sure to join our Discord server and don’t be afraid to reach out! We have plenty of things that need done, and there’s a key involved for those dedicated to helping us out.
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momentummod · 4 years
0.8.5 Changelog
Hi there! The past three months of development have been an exciting adventure. This update originally was supposed to be primarily UI improvements, but it exploded as we got help from new team members, got sidetracked with the Alien Swarm SDK, and fixed pretty much everything that arose from 0.8.4. It's a chonk of an update, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Some New Paint, Same Ol' Momentum
Our graphics designer TraZox has been hard at work bringing our logo to a more consistent, modern design, and creating the assets (banners, library art, achievement icons, etc) for our Steam Store debut above. Those of you already in the Discord server may have noticed our new logo already, but for those who aren’t:
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We have gone with a solid black outline for the logo and simplified the blue to match the color scheme used in the new UI. Speaking of UI...
U and I, I, I, I, I~
An enormous amount of effort went towards bringing the various parts of Momentum’s User Interface to the same design style and direction, using 3 new fonts and a consistent color scheme. From heavy input of our brand new UI/UX lead, Flipybitz, we’re excited to show our current progress of UI overhauling!
New Settings Panel
It was about time that we combined the unproportional, basic Source options panel with our proportional-but-still-ugly Momentum Settings panel, forming the superior, proportional-and-expandable-and-rad-as-hell “Settings” panel.
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The new settings panel is fully proportional, from your friendly neighborhood ant’s resolution of 640x480 all the way up to 4K. It also uses the wealth of VGUI knowledge I’ve accumulated from working on this project (and therefore with VGUI) for so long. This is a standard we want to set for all of our panels, and will be slowly applying to the rest of the UI over time.
New Loading Screen
With our override of GameUI and the new design direction, we took to overriding the default loading screen panel to give more relevant information about the map you’re loading into:
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You may have also noticed a section for pro gamer tips, and that’s right! While we have a healthy stock of ~40 total tips currently, we’d love to hear more tips if you have any. What would be good advice to players just starting off playing a game like Momentum, and any of its game modes? If you have an answer (or multiple) to that, check out the Google Form for submitting more tips to us and we’ll put ‘em in the game!
New Speedometer(s)
One of our newest additions to the team, Brae, has done some impressive work surrounding one of Momentum’s important UI elements: the Speedometer.
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In full seriousness, you can now completely customize the speedometer for each individual game mode. Don’t care about horizontal speed for Surf but absolutely can’t live without it for Sticky Jump? You can do that now.
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We have also given players more control of their speedometers layout. By editing the speedometer.vdf file inside the momentum/cfg/ folder, you can change the order in which speedometers will be drawn. We plan to have more UI to make editing this file more of a visual experience, coming in a later update. We’ve also added four new speedometers:
Vertical speedometer (all about that Z velocity, baby)
Ramp board speedometer (speed when boarding a ramp)
Ramp leave speedometer (speed when leaving a ramp)
Explosive speedometer (speed after an explosion applies to you)
Check them out in the new settings panel, under the HUD tab!
General UI Updates
The rest of Momentum’s UI, including the menu, map selector, and in-game HUD were also brought to use this new design direction. You can see a collage below:
Old UI:
Momentum 0.8.4 UI (Old)
New UI:
Momentum 0.8.5 UI (New)
While it may seem like a lot, we’re just getting started! Over the next few updates, we will be bringing other panels to newer, modern designs, with improved proportionality and functionality.
Tossing Some Shade(rs)
Another important step taken in this update was the complete override of the game’s standard shaders. It turns out that Alien Swarm SDK had the source to every shader, and with removing some files from the game’s main bin folder, we were able to get the game to load our custom shaders instead of the standard, hard-coded Valve-compiled shaders that are closed behind engine access. With this change, along with Alien Swarm’s source of every shader, we are able to compile our own versions of any existing shader (like VertexLitGeneric) to add new functionality, such as adding Alien Swarm’s “Radial” based fog approach. You can see the comparison below:
Standard Fog (HL2/CS:S/TF2 fog):
Radial Fog (now default Momentum fog):
This effort was done by SlidyBat with help from Xen (testing) and SCell555 (his spectacular ShaderCompile project and general source shader knowledge). But this is not all we have planned for the game’s rendering, so stay tuned for future updates!
The Open Source Free-For-All Rages On!
Here’s the full 0.8.5 changelog, consisting of 606 commits that 9 total contributors worked towards:
Zones folder for holding zone files (538)
Added mom_sj_particle_trail_enable in order to toggle stickybomb trail visibility (631)
Added SJ settings to the game settings panel (632)
Added mom_mapfinished_movement_enable to allow for movement during the map finish UI (633)
Added a warning when running on non-standard tickrates (641)
Added the ability to detonate stickies with the pistol out (654)
Added mom_ghost_online_sticky_alpha to change the transparency of online player’s sticky bombs (654)
Added shooting sound effect when an online ghost shoots sticky bombs (654)
Added mom_practice_warning_enable to warn players who enter practice mode while in a run that they will resume the run from their previous location (658)
Added mom_hud_mapinfo_show_status for zone label and mom_hud_versioninfo_enable for version label (658)
Made players emit rocket launcher firing sounds online (663)
Added an appropriate whitelist for commands issued by point_clientcommand (679)
Ahop gamemode movement (768) (782)
Added sticky armtime proxy that changes the blue glow on the stickybomb to fade in when during arming (692)
Added “feeling lucky” button to the map selector (697)
Added a time comparison on the map finished panel (705) (784 )
Added toggle timer sound convars (722)
Added airborne_only flag to func_nogrenades (725)
Added PBR parameters MRAO scale and Emission scale to PS30 version of PBR shader (743)
Added new fonts - Bebas Neue, Noto Sans, Source Code Pro, and credited them in FontCredits.txt (746)
Added necessary flags for buttons that can be +use’d and are also non-solid, as in some CSS maps (772)
Can now hold +jump to prevent being teleported in practice mode (783)
Console search features (enter a space to search cvars/ccommands) (796)
Vertical speedometer (798)
Ramp board & leave speedometers (800)
Entity glow effect (801)
New consolidated Settings panel (805)
Explosive speed speedometer (813)
Backported Alien Swarm’s postprocess_controller entity (815)
Added a 1/10000 chance for a wild wild western rider on your rockets (820)
Fixed paint doing damage to buttons when using +paint with other weapons out (635)
Fixed the map finished panel status messages not being reset when using mom_restart or mom_reset (640)
Fixed keyboard bindings not displaying or updating properly in the options menu (643)
Fixed hud and game text being activated by online ghosts (645)
Fixed lobby menu sometimes not accepting mouse input (650)
Prevented spectator mode and player changes when showing the map finished panel (651)
Fixed the sticky launcher’s charge rate only being reset in start zones if it was the active weapon (653)
Fixed sticky bombs from firing before mouse release when charge is disabled (656)
Fixed sticky launcher sounds cancelling each other out (654)
Fixed sticky bomb using different physics models based on the model it’s given, causing custom sticky models to behave differently (654)
Fixed stickies shot in practice mode to do damage when the timer isn’t running (654)
Fixed stickies persisting even when a player goes into spectate in a lobby (654)
Fixed r_drawviewmodel to not require sv_cheats (658)
Made leaderboard panel close properly when it is closed by another event such as watching a replay or viewing a profile (658)
Fixed ducking and water in RJ/SJ to make it more familiar (658)
Fixed the “Blank” color having 1 alpha which caused supposedly invisible hud elements to show slightly (658)
Disabled trigger debug text and bbox by default with developer 1, it can be enabled with mom_triggers_overlay_bbox and text_enable in dev builds (658)
Fixed run comparisons comparing against runs of differing track number (660)
Fixed weapons spawning in the floor which prevented them from being picked up by the player (665)
Fixed map info & leaderboards not showing author(s) if map info is not looked at (670)
Fixed rockets not firing while attack2 is held (680)
Fixed TF2 models having burn effects (681)
Limited mom_map_download_queue_parallel to 3, since only 3 maps can be actively downloaded at a time (688)
Fixed jump heights not being affected by sv_gravity (691) (768)
Fixed chat’s filters button not properly showing (693)
Fixed P2P connections being accepted from blocked players (693)
Fixed weapons casting shadows while in spectator mode (696)
Fixed some missing PCF files for missing particles (714)
Fixed replay map checking to be case insensitive (716)
Fixed crashes related to resolution changes (716) (726) (773)
Fixed leaderboards attempting to update while not in a map (716)
Fixed PBR default values (735)
Fixed softlock when chat is opened and cl_drawhud is 0 (738)
Fix PBR flashlight on brushes (749)
Fixed black outline around paint decals (756)
Fixed giving weapons in the main menu/credits (762)
Fixed bloom / tonemap being more intense than in CSS (767) (792)
Fixed escape key clearing comboboxes when toggling between main menu/settings and the game (777)
Fixed sorting by favorites/library on the map selector defaulting to sort by name by removing them. There are already tabs for favorites/library. (785)
Fixed map finished panel not being closable when replay file can’t be written (794)
Stopped stage enter/exit velocity on speedometer from showing on stage re-enter. Stops it from showing again when failing a jump on RJ/SJ gamemodes. (797)
Removed weapon lowering functionality (820)
Fixed sticky charge meter and crosshair not hiding when leaderboards were open (817)
Made the leaderboards stay open when tab is released if the user has right clicked it (629)
Removed all cvar_value fields from resource files since defaults are set in code (639)
Discord rich presence improvements: show game mode on image hover & when not doing a run. (669)
Steam rich presence improvements: allow users to toggle it through the cvar mom_steam_rich_presence, show current status (making it more discord-like), updates without needing to be in a lobby, & shows group (669)
Speedometer (671) (667)
Message boxes now scale with resolution & are more readable (673)
Auto-apply momentum settings & remove the OK/Apply/Cancel buttons (676) (677) (684) (686) (689)
Improved entity IO for saving/restoring savelocs (683)
Show spectate list for other spectators (693)
Moved localization methods, allowing localization files to be changed without needing to restart the game (695)
Updated the grenade animations to not be default HL2 ones (thanks Block!) (698)
Auto-apply momentum options & remove OK/Apply/Cancel buttons. Added a “write to cfg” button (702) (703) (704) (707) (741)
Disabled mouse accel by default (730)
Replaced/updated shader compile (739) (745) (790)
New console design (747)
Removed PBR bloat (751)
Improved image resizing (754)
Made static menus (saveloc & ruler menu) configurable through files cfg/savelocmenu_default.vdf and cfg/rulermenu_default.vdf (755)
Proportional color picker with new design (773)
New speedometer (788)
Loading Screen UI (789)
Moved sticky charge meter/bomb count underneath speedometer (799)
Fog shader now uses radial-based fog calculations for more consistent appearance (809)
Main menu scheme to match new UI direction (810)
Map selector scheme to match new UI direction (811)
Main menu logo model touchup (819)
HUD elements are now hiding parts that aren’t relevant to specific game modes (820)
RichText (chat, console) panels render more accurately, have shift + click selection, and scroll-by-selection (817)
HUD based elements now match new UI direction (817)
In Other News
Half-Life Advanced Effects Support
For those of you that use HLAE, you will be pleased to know that Momentum was recently added as a supported game, so go crazy with your Momentum Mod Clan Montage Tryout Application Edit videos!
A Discord Server Transition
Our Discord server is going to go under a bit of a transition to a “Role-Unlocked” server. What this means is when new people join, they will only see a limited number of channels, namely the rules and FAQ channels. They will be required to read the rules and FAQ to figure out how to gain a role that “unlocks” the server, hopefully educating them about the game in the process to prevent very common questions from repeatedly being asked.
Speaking of our Discord, we’d love to have you hang out in it! It’s the best place to stay the most up-to-date with and ask your burning questions about the game. If you don’t want to join, that’s cool too, I guess.
Onwards, to 0.8.6!
Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
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momentummod · 4 years
0.8.4 Changelog
Hello all!
I’m hoping you’re all staying safe and sound during these turbulent times. Washing hands, staying inside playing video games all day, working from home, washing your hands…
Staying in lockdown has been bittersweet for me; on one hand, cancelling a planned-months-in-advance trip and changing my daily routine, but on the other hand, having ample time to work on Momentum...
So buckle up, because we have quite a sticky update for you! Haha… *Ahem*
It’s All Sticky!
0.8.4 introduces the Sticky Jump gamemode, implemented by Hat Kid and ILDPRUT. Based off of the Demoman class in Team Fortress 2, players utilize a sticky launcher (made by False_) to shoot sticky bombs (also made by False_), and used the controlled detonation of them (featuring particles by Vortex and Moonxbears) to propel themselves throughout the map.
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For 0.8.4 we will be starting with the following maps:
These were ported and made ready to use by the wonderful Jump community, with many more primed and ready for release in future versions!
Physically Based? Radical!
This release finally sees the inclusion of the PBR shader, the fruits of the labor from thexa4, Bonjorno7, and Sears. PBR stands for Physically Based Rendering, and with this shader comes a more realistic interpretation of materials interacting with lighting, specifically metallic ones. While we don’t have a fancy new lighting system to go with it to fully take advantage of it, the shader is a wonderful step towards a better looking game.
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You can check out the “shadertest” map to see the difference between VertexLitGeneric (old default Source shader; left in the photo) and the new PBR shader (right in the photo). Most notable is anything metallic, such as the metal stairs in the middle. The tiles also utilize a Parallax Occlusion effect, where the texture is actually as flat as the VertexLitGeneric version, but the shader gives it fake depth based on where the scene is rendered.
In a similar rendering note, fingerprince added the ability to turn your guns into spooky ghost guns translucent with the r_viewmodel_opacity convar:
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The shotgun was also touched up by Cabbage McGravel:
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And we took feedback from jumpers about our previous rocket trail being harder to see to use for syncs or quints, so Vortex went and improved it:
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Codebase Cleanup
In spirit of Half-Life: Alyx’s recent release, we went ahead and *checks notes* removed VR support!
In seriousness, a main theme of this update was “Codebase Cleanup.” The SDK has a ton of code from the different mod teams Valve hired, along with their experiments like supporting Mumble positional audio, the Logitech G15 keyboard screen, and pre-VR motion controllers. There’s also code supporting things Momentum will never need, such as VR, controllers, and consoles like Xbox and PS3. While most of this code removal won’t be seen by end users, it leaves behind happier developers with less to pull down from GitHub and slightly faster search and compile times.
We can’t fully remove the things we don’t need until Momentum were to obtain a Source Engine license, but for the time being, over 100,000 lines of code removed that we weren’t planning on using is very nice.
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Full Changelog
Added Stickybomb Launcher from TF2 and the Sticky Jumping gamemode (551, 390, 626)
Stickybombs are networked to others in a lobby (610)
Added “mom_sj_stickybomb_drawdelay”, defaulted to 0 (551, 604)
Added “mom_rj_rocket_drawdelay” to match stickybomb convar (568)
Added “mom_hud_sj_stickycount_autohide” which auto-hides the count if 0 (604)
Add ConVar “mom_hud_sj_chargemeter_units” to show stickybomb speed when charged (604)
Added 0.05 second buffer to firing Stickybomb Launcher (616)
Charge mechanic is disabled whilst inside a start trigger (551, 567)
Added “sv_edge_fix” (off by default) (550)
Added `r_viewmodel_opacity` to adjust viewmodel opacity (586)
Added a PBR Shader, supporting the Metal/Roughness workflow and Parallax Occlusion (619)
Added various PBR assets and “shadertest” map (620)
Added “sv_tickrate” convar for simpler tickrate adjustments (602)
Added a “ModelData” block inside weapon scripts that define the path to every model the weapon uses (623)
Added TF2 override scripts inside “custom/overrides/scripts/” with a README on how to use them (weapon model hotswitching has been removed in favor of these) (623)
Added “give_weapon” command that autocompletes which weapons you can give yourself depending on gamemodes (624)
Fixed changing weapons from and to the rocket launcher allowing faster rocket firing (568)
Fixed TF2 materials from going pitch black (571)
Fixed showing default “dots” crosshair with weapon crosshairs and fix custom crosshair files (569)
Fixed the player_speedmod entity defaulting to the local player (552)
Fixed missing default crosshair (561)
Fixed incorrect sound playing when landing on a slope (603)
Fixed Main Menu/func_rotating crash after running for long periods of time (615)
Fixed user stats not showing for players (391)
Fixed Discord integration for Linux (613)
Fixed ConVarRefs being able to bypass ConVar_Validated validator funcs (623)
Fixed modals (settings panel, paintgun panel) not preventing input to the game (625)
Make RJ/SJ follow the other gamemodes' start zone logic (reset on landing, limit speed on enter) (568)
Center fire is now the default RJ firing mode to better cater to newer players (568)
Officially changed the map prefix for RJ from “jump_” to “rj_” (568)
Added updated RJ trail/explosion particles by Vortex (568)
Shotgun material has been reworked (560, 606)
The options for HDR bloom and tonemapping now use combo boxes (570)
Consolidate gamemode settings pages into a single “Gamemodes” tab (588)
The momentum rocket model now has and uses the "trail" bone for TF2-consistency (thanks to bonjorno7) (623)
Updated the Main Menu background for SJ Gamemode (607)
Skybox is no longer culled at >90 FoV (612)
Converted hotswitching convars over to enable toggle vars (623)
Removed VR support (565)
Removed controller support (593)
Removed Logitech G15 integration (600)
Removed Mumble integration (598)
Removed unused ghost server code (579), Source SDK templates (576), HL2MP code (574), TF2 Replay code (581), unused gamerules (573), Haptics (601), Vehicle code (599), 360/PS3 code (572), autoaim code and references (597)
Gamemodes define which weapons they can use, with the “unknown” gamemode allowing any weapon (624)
And Now For Something Completely Related
In non-game Momentum development news:
The website got a bit of some love and care, being updated to Angular 9 and Nebular 5, along with various packages-- oh you probably don’t care about the details. Well, thanks to Xbmann, the home page now has an updated “Gamemodes” section to better fit more information about the modes we are supporting:
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And murglegurgle added the ability to have Map Notifications. Now you can be notified when Personal Bests or World Records will be set on any map you’d like!
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And externally, Hona has been doing fantastic work on our Discord bot, which is currently announcing live streams of Momentum Mod and managing roles in the server.
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Speaking of Discord, have you joined our Discord server yet? It’s the best place to be to stay up to date with the development of the game, to ask our team anything, and to hang out while we work closer and closer to 1.0.0!
But that’s all for now, well, until 0.8.5 that is! Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
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momentummod · 4 years
0.8.3 Changelog
Hello everyone! It’s the new year, and we have quite the new update for Momentum!
New Year, New Update, New Rocket Jump Assets
Since we’ve implemented rocket jump in the last version, this version aims to improve upon that initial implementation, including some fresh and new assets related to the game mode.
The rocket launcher has been given a giant facelift, thanks to Lucifer, Bonjorno, and Vortex. Lucifer created the initial model, Bonjorno converted it over to a workable game model, and Vortex did the awesome work of texturing it:
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The rocket launcher’s texture style is going to be making an appearance on the sticky launcher, as well as eventually getting to our current weapons to bring the entire arsenal under the same Momentum Style.
The rocket model itself also got a facelift, modelled and textured by Bonjorno:
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We noticed a lot of players were irritated by the HL2 rocket explosion particles and weapon sounds. Luckily we have Aux, one of the rare breeds of Source engine particle wizards, to help make our rocket launcher fit better, starting with the two different trail types (and TF2’s):
We also have a variety of explosion particles, all customizable through mom_rj_particles:
Lastly, the rocket launcher’s sounds have been improved by Monolith, to help ease the pain from repeatedly exploding at point blank, and Vortex improved the decal of the explosion “scorch” effect:
It should be noted that we are currently allowing players to toggle between TF2 and momentum particles, models, sounds and so on, all through the `mom_rj_` commands. Keep in mind that this requires having TF2 installed and mounted, otherwise you may see some purple and black. They are convars for now but will eventually be removed in favor of using a custom override VPK file for all things TF2.
In a similar vein of asset improvement, the shotgun had its draw and pump animations touched up by Bonjorno and Cabbage:
When the U hits your I~
There have been some new UI features added in this update as well, starting with the damage indicator similar to the one from TF2, added by benjl:
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This element is customizable through the mom_hud_damageindicator commands, allowing you to change things like color or thickness.
And with the addition of gun-specific gamemodes comes the need for a way for players to see when weapons are being fired, so Hat Kid added the M1 and M2 indicators for your +attack and +attack2 binds, respectively:
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Mantas implemented a small QoL feature, HUD chat timestamps for messages, toggleable with `mom_chat_timestamps_enable`:
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And another honorable mention is the work done by kevinhquach which allows for further customization over your crosshair, all under the cl_crosshair_ commands:
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There are more UI tweaks and minor improvements listed below in the Full Changelog, and also more coming in 0.8.5, so stay tuned!
Full Changelog
I’m going to start including the PR links in this section so you can see all the hard work that went into each bullet point on the list, if you’re curious about it.
Added the ability to toggle between official momentum and TF2 sounds, models and particles (#508)
Added a new rocket model, launcher model, scorch decal, explosion particle and sound effect for rocket jumping (#541)
Added support for custom explosion effects and sound in the rocket launcher weapon script (#508)
Added sv_ground_trigger_fix to toggle bounces and jumpbugs (#498)
Added sv_duck_collision_fix to toggle on and off the headbug fix (#492)
Added further customization options for the game crosshair such as cl_crosshairstyle and cl_crosshaircolor with RGB values (#484)
Added timestamps to chat messages in the console as well as mom_chat_timestamps_enable to toggle timestamps in chat (#479)
Added support for tf_generic_bomb entities (renamed to momentum_generic_bomb) (#478)
Added damage indicators to the hud along with mom_hud_damageindicator customization settings (#470)
Added indicators for mouse1 and mouse2 on the keypress display (#466)
Added support for gamemode specific config files (surf/bhop/jump.cfg) (#457)
Added networking for rockets fired in online lobbies (#437)
Added a few entities by backporting them from Alien Swarm (#537)
Added a new RJ settings panel to the Momentum Settings dialog (#530)
Removed the ability to toggle mom_rj_centerfire and cl_righthand while in a run (#523)
Refactored the ammo and weapon script system so that weapon scripts can only be used for cosmetic customization (#523)
Blocked players from doing damage to buttons while in practice mode (#509)
Fixed mom_spectate_stop teleporting players even when not spectating (#501)
Fixed lobby members panel being emptied upon changing resolution or using hud_reloadcontrols. (#493)
Fixed the player being able to fire directly after entering and leaving practice mode regardless of what the cooldown was prior (#491)
Fixed error causing runs to display as unix epoch (#490)
Fixed ghosts doing damage to things like buttons in the local player’s game (#488)
Fixed start zones not resetting player gravity from savelocs (#487)
Fixed “Enable Overlapping Keys” breaking limitmovement triggers (#480 & #472)
Fixed visual errors when the sync bar went below 5% (#473)
Fixed the deploy time and fire rate of weapons varying depending on the animations (#456)
Fixed the bhop slopeboost fix giving negative speed uphill (#455)
Fixed issues with smooth ducking transitions (#450)
Fixed bug that let the player stay in the air when considered walking (#449)
Fixed mom_start_mark commands not working for tracks with multiple start zones (#443)
Fixed paint not being applied to surfaces covered by water (#440)
Fixed resetting in a start zone attempting to stop the timer even when it isn’t running (#438)
Fixed zones breaking if they were made with a negative height value (#436)
Removed the ability to use “give” commands while spectating (#435)
Fixed the AllowingJump property of slide triggers to work properly (#434)
Prevented the timer from starting when teleporting to someone from a start zone in a lobby (#433)
Fixed the player outline for the leaderboard not resetting on map change (#432)
Removed some leftover test commands and placed many potential cheat commands behind -mapping (#431)
Set the default interp to 0.1 as 0 was causing model animations to lag (#424)
Fixed doors being locked on RJ maps (#424)
Removed ladder movement from RJ maps (#424)
Fixed shotgun not firing underwater for RJ maps (#424)
Fixed game crash on resolution change with the momentum settings dialog open (#535)
Added validation on paint decal radius (#540)
Fixed arrows on the map image gallery not changing position upon window resize (#546)
Simplified the process of reading appearance data in lobbies and removed duplicated code related to appearance (#525)
Cleaned up memory leaks and processes in the replay system (#490)
Made shotgun spread fixed and consistent to remove RNG (#485)
Improved the ruler tool (showRuler) to account for distance on multiple axis (#460)
Improved the layout, scaling and coloring in the Map Selector UI (#459)
Improved the font size and bounding areas of the Momentum Settings UI (#454)
Improved the player stats region of the leaderboards to better format the information (#453)
Changed map selector’s initial size and position to take up empty space instead of covering the menu buttons (#452)
Improved the Spectator UI layout (#451)
Changed the shotgun fire range from 3000 units to 8192 units (#418)
Online packets are now validated to ensure garbage/malicious packets do not affect the game negatively (#529)
Improved the shotgun’s animations (#533)
Refactored weapon script code to make more sense and limit script changes to visual modifications (#544)
A Bit of Roadmapping
I’ve taken some time to outline the next versions Momentum will have over at our GitHub organization projects page. While it’s not fully complete and some of the later versions are just stubbed out, this should give a rough idea of what we’re going to work on up to 1.0.0. This can also be an entry point for new contributors, as they can see potential work to try to do well before we make it to the version in question. It’s also nice to have a spot to send people to say “this is what’s needed to be done” instead of saying “it’s coming soon”.
Speaking of “Coming Soon”
The next version (0.8.4) will bring Hat Kid’s initial implementation of the sticky launcher, along with some overdue codebase cleanup and, of course, fixes for things found wrong in 0.8.3.
I’d also like to take some time to thank the jump community for extending their efforts and expertise towards implementing the two jump game modes, and going as far as to help port maps and prepare them for use in Momentum. It’s extremely inspiring, and makes me happy in my choice to have this project be open source. I could have never expected it, but I am very grateful for it.
Until next time, Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
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momentummod · 5 years
0.8.2 Changelog
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A Tip of the Hat to You
Momentum Mod will be featured in the Tip of the Hats 2019 Charity Marathon, taking place from October 11-13. We’re very excited to have some of the best surfers (and maybe even jumpers) show off the game, and all for a good cause! You can find more information on their website: https://tipofthehats.org. The surf and jump segments will take place on the last two days, but be sure to check out the entire event and help benefit Camp One Step!
I Surf In Your General Direction
In honor of the event, we will be adding 19 new surf maps, and keeping one classic:
These will be replacing the other surf maps for the time being, but we will add back the original maps after the event!
Rocket Jump Like Nobody’s Watching
Yes, you read that right. Thanks to the efforts of Larry and ILDPRUT, Momentum Mod now has an initial implementation of Rocket Jumping ready to be brutally nit-picked apart tested thoroughly by our playtesters.
It’s just a first implementation, so: there’s only one map (jump_summer), we’re still using HL2 assets for sounds, particles and models, and we currently only support the soldier loadout. It’s also prone to have many, many bugs, but should be good to go by 1.0.0. There will be more maps and features coming in future updates!
What’s Up, Doc?
Introducing our brand new documentation website: https://docs.momentum-mod.org
This has been something that I have personally wanted since learning about GitHub pages. The documentation site serves as a reference to Momentum-specific entities, console commands and vars, as well as several guides related to the game. Some of the guides already on the site will help you with things such as using the zoning tools and creating surf ramps. It’s a work-in-progress, and as such, some articles may be (and some definitely are) placeholders. But, the site is entirely open source, and we would love all the help we can get with documenting the game!
Rotten Apples
Just a note to our around 4 or so Mac playtesters (and potential future Mac players), we will be planning to drop MacOSX support by 1.0.0. As you may (or may not) know, MacOSX Catalina (v10.15+) drops support for 32 bit applications. Unfortunately, Momentum has to be 32 bit as we aren’t a licensed Source Engine game and therefore can’t compile a 64 bit engine ourselves. Valve also seems to not care about future OSX support for Source 1 mods. So, we have no choice but to drop support for the platform entirely. We will continue to offer OSX builds in the meantime, however, we cannot ensure that Apple will allow users (or developers) to stay on v10.14 or below in the future, nor would we encourage users to purposefully miss out on security updates to their device in order to play the game. Hence by 1.0.0, unless other circumstances arise, we will be launching the public release with only Windows and Linux officially supported.
Full Patch Notes
Added initial Rocket Jump implementation
Added TF2 Content Mounting
Added online flashlight support (mom_online_ghost_flashlights_enable [0/1])
Added a command to teleport to where the player is looking (mom_eyetele)
Added an outline to the player’s time on the leaderboards
Improved the project to compile using Visual Studio 2019 from 2013
Added localization support for pistol fire mode text
Limited sv_interval_per_tick to the engine’s max and min
Removed player speed cap when leaving the start zone from a saveloc
Made the mapcache.dat refresh after each update
Removed redundant map name label in the spectator GUI
Improved the look and feel of the map selection UI
Fixed SetSpeed for func_conveyor not reading the float values properly
Fixed func_conveyor to allow 0 speed on spawn
Fixed func_shootboost taking a direction instead of an angle
Fixed crashes due missing null checks in the lobby
Fixed duplicate users showing on the lobby UI
Fixed the player ducking while under a roof when using noclip
Fixed spectator state not being reset when leaving a map
Fixed time-ago strings showing “-1 seconds ago”
Fixed Momentum teleport triggers
Fixed picking up a weapon when switching to another weapon in the same slot
Fixed OSX crash caused by compatibility issues
The website has also seen some major improvements thanks to Mantas and Flipybitz, so make sure to give it a look and let us know how you feel in our Discord! That’s all for now! Until next time,
Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
0 notes
momentummod · 5 years
0.8.1 Changelog
Hello all, it’s been almost two months since 0.8.0 dropped, and as mentioned in that version’s changelog, we’ll be updating the game (a bit) more frequently now that a large chunk of groundwork was completed.
But first...
A Few Notes
We are resetting the leaderboards with each of these updates, up until we are comfortable with the systems in place enough to not warrant it. The leaderboards will also be wiped clean right before the public Beta (1.0.0), and hopefully never again after that. They were wiped in this version due to potential exploits found in 0.8.0, and will be wiped in 0.8.2 as we are refactoring the replay file format.
We appreciate the hype towards the game, and as a friendly reminder, the game is in private Alpha until the public Beta at 1.0.0, and requires a key to playtest. Simply wanting to just play is great, but not what we need right now. Keys are currently reserved for those looking to help the development of the game, to enable us to have the best 1.0.0 we can have. This includes, but is not limited to: developers, mappers, seasoned surf/bhop veterans, and of course some fresh eyes (newbs) to the genre as well. We’ve generated and given out over 400 keys but have only had at most 200 active playtesters, so we are being more careful about which keys are being given to whom. We want everyone to play, but at 1.0.0. Thank you all again for patiently waiting for this.
The website (https://momentum-mod.org) is only for playtesters to be able to fully use. While we were stoked to see over 2000 people signed up (!!!), the website is a companion to the most recent versions of the game, and functionally does little for those without access to the latest version. That being said, are you a web designer or programmer? We would love any help getting the website along faster (this means getting a key)! We currently only have two developers working on the website and would love any help we can get on it.
Alright, with those in mind, let’s get to the actual changelog.
Game Changes
Discord rich presence for Linux and Mac (thanks @kitlith !)
And a brand new toggle variable mom_discord_enable [0/1] to toggle Discord RPC on/off altogether
Overhauled Lobby Members panel that now shows lobby type, leader, and limit
Which includes being able to change the lobby type and member limit via mom_lobby_type and mom_lobby_max_players, respectively
Added ability to promote other user to lobby leader (only if lobby leader yourself)
Added ability to teleport to another playing player
Added popup to show when joining a lobby fails
Added map download overwrite confirmation dialog that warns you if the map you're going to download will overwrite an existing map of the same name in your maps folder
Allow online ghosts to bleed when shooting/knifing them
Added convar settings for initial tricksurf_ map support (thanks @bonjorno7 !)
Added ability to refresh map info by right clicking a map in the map selector
Added run submission states to display on the map finished HUD panel
Timer reset logic: You must now land on the ground inside of the start zone to properly reset your timer
Don't add local player to typing members list in chat
Improved wording for showing leaderboards / lobby panels in options
Keypress display now takes into account the sign of cl_yawspeed when showing turnbinds
Improved how the game handles saving run state when entering practice mode or spectating, or both:
If you enable practice mode while in a run, it'll teleport you back to where you were in the run unless you stop your timer
If you spectate while in practice mode, you will be teleported back, in practice mode, right to where you were when you started spectating
If you spectate from a run, it returns you right to where you were in the run
Improved layout of the paintgun panel to be proportional (scale to resolution) and simpler
Set in_keyboardsampletime back to 1 by default, 0 causes problems with turnbinds
Replay ghost is teleported when going to specific ticks so triggers can properly fire untouch events
Keypress display now shows if the player's hull is ducked rather than if they are only holding the duck key
Momentum settings tabs now scroll to the top of their pages upon tab show
Automatically update map selector with achieved PB/WRs
Updated FGD to have more Cabbage goodness (including CS:S spawn points and models/textures for more entities)
Added ping/RTT time to API requests logged with mom_api_log_requests 1
Added an "EveryTick" option to setspeed triggers
Enable mouse input for leaderboards/lobby members panel if spectator GUI has mouse input enabled
Added dropshadow to speedometer, syncbar, and keypress displays
Updated speed limiting logic:
Fixed start zone limiting to not limit Z velocity
Do not limit speed on leaving start zone in practice mode
Limit speed to walk speed (260 UPS) if entering start with no timer nor practice mode enabled
Limit speed to 0 UPS if disabling practice mode inside of the start zone
Fixed Map Selector on Linux not properly showing up
Fixed raw mouse input being disabled for OSX
Fixed Map Selector filter logic for map layout
Fixed spectate state of players being improperly set both in-game and for Discord RPC
Fixed edge case where players could spectate a player that just started spectating
Fixed map download progress bars being stuck while scrolling
Fixed auto-accepting discord "ask to join" requests and now urge players to use the client/overlay for it
Fixed runs starting with two jumps when jumping to start the run
Fixed runs starting with two strafes if having only strafed once at the start
Fixed maps not properly setting their movement vars, e.g. sv_maxvelocity
Fixed typing members list not properly clearing after leaving the lobby
Fixed weapons in lobbies being able to be heard from across the map regardless of distance
Fixed player FOV not resetting upon zooming in with and then promptly dropping the sniper
Fixed grenades not being thrown at the correct angle when throwing upwards
Fixed speedometer showing incorrect velocity for replay ghosts at max velocity
Fixed some ramps deadstopping or giving an extra boost to players in certain conditions
Fixed the WAITING FOR API RESPONSE label from showing up if the leaderboards already has online times on it when refreshing times
Fixed plugins from being able to be loaded without -mapping specified
Fixed strafe sync setting disabling other strafe sync settings in Momentum Settings
Fixed stuttering when changing replay timescale
(Potentially) fixed crash on start-up for OSX (needs testing and validation)
Fixed map images flickering upon downloading a cached map
Fixed settings in Momentum Settings not properly loading stored value
Fixed timer being able to reset while in practice mode
Fixed fps_max being limited to 1000 fps
Removed multiselect from Map Selector (click the icons to quickly add/remove multiple maps to/from library)
Removed collision with grenades for online ghosts (will be added back when we add trikz!)
Gameplay related convars (sv_maxvelocity, airaccel, etc) are now hidden and require -mapping to be able to change them. To see what the map's settings are, you can use mom_print_gamemode_vars if you are unsure.
Just a reminder that any bug reports or feature suggestions are very welcome and can be done through our GitHub issues page or the Discord server!
Website Changes
Updated to Angular 8 and Nebular 4 (things are gonna look a little different!)
Alias Locking
When changing your alias through the site, your alias becomes "locked" to that value
Aliases can be reset to follow changes to your steam username if they are locked with a click of a button
Use proper unicode charset for names to be able to store/handle names with emojis in them
Make most action buttons have a pointer cursor
Improved the layout of the map's quickstats on its info page
Fixed XSS found in markdown bios
Fixed longer runs being rejected
Fixed the "around" ranks for leaderboards to have the proper offset
Fixed layout of user profile page, especially when scaling the page to a smaller resolution
Fixed some instances where the dropdown select did not work (user reporting, map uploading)
Fixed site not properly scaling past 1080p resolutions (thank you mantas!)
Properly unsubscribe some observables (fixing some memory leaks and potential bad logic)
Momentum Map List Update
For this version, we are going to see if the Surf-implemented systems apply well enough to the Bhop game type. And thus, with this update, we have added 10 bhop maps as an initial test of them:
On top of those maps, we have also added 5 more surf maps for users to try out and find bugs on:
Community Compilation 2
The second Momentum Mod community compilation, organized by OOSII, has been released as well! You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q6DK1eLfiU
Thank you to all that participated in it!
Until Next Time
With a somewhat more organized development process, we’re aiming to have 0.8.2 out relatively soon too, which will contain more fixes and features requested by you! Please join our Discord community if you have not already to keep the most up-to-date with the development of the game.
Until next time, Nick (Gocnak) K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
0 notes
momentummod · 5 years
0.8.0 Changelog
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Another year, another update!
Hello all, it’s that time again for another momentous occasion! It’s been over a year and (almost) two months since the last released update, 0.7.2. A lot has happened since then, so I am extremely pleased to finally be able to talk about the next step for Momentum.
0.8.0 is a major milestone for Momentum Mod as it lays all of the groundwork for the future of the game. The game now has working leaderboards, XP systems, map selection with pre-zoned maps, and many, many more features, quality-of-life improvements, and bug fixes that I’ll cover in a bit!
And before we jump in to the main changelog, I’d like to thank everyone with their patience towards the game. Development slows down to a crawl sometimes, but the game is still going strong!
So, without further ado:
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Mr. World Wide Web
Momentum Mod has a completely revamped website, written from the ground-up to support the features we need. It has a map selector, leaderboards display, rudimentary stats, profiles, and much more!
Check it out here: https://momentum-mod.org !
Everything on the site is going to be improved alongside the game. Just keep in mind: everything is subject to change, including layouts! If stuff is missing, we most likely know, but feel free to suggest any changes as well!
If you’re experienced with web design or website programming, we could always use more help with it. Please reach out to Gocnak about helping out!
Tracks, Zones, and Triggers, Oh My!
0.8.0 sees a major overhaul to the zoning system found in the game. We now use a Track->Zone->Trigger system for maps. This system has a couple extra steps to it from the old zone tools, so let me break down the terminology:
Tracks: Tracks are entire courses through a map. Track 0 is considered the default or “main” track, whereas tracks 1 to 63 are the “bonus” tracks for a map.
Zones: Zones split up tracks into different areas, and denote where the player is on the track. The end zone, reserving zone number 0, denotes the end of the track. The start zone, reserving zone number 1, specifies the start of the track. Tracks need to have both a start and end zone to be valid! Optionally, though recommended for lengthy maps, the stage and checkpoint zones can be used to denote player progress throughout the map. These start at zone number 2 and go up to 63. Stages are used when the map usually has clear-cut sections that typically don’t flow together, and failing them starts at a specified point (the stage start). Checkpoints are used to denote player progress on purely linear maps, where resetting/failing places the player back at the start of the map.
Triggers: Invisible geometries that serve as the contact points for zones. Zones can have multiple triggers, up to 63 if needed. This allows maps to have multiple end zones and start zones, allowing some freedom for symmetrical designs.
So now that you (hopefully) understand the system, you may be wondering: how does one go about making the zones for maps? Well, enter our (sorta) new zoning tools:
The box builder is a simple rectangular volume builder for easy rectangular platform zones. It’s the same as before, but now paired with the new Zone Menu UI, you can customize your simple zones even further. But that’s not all...
Thanks to Mehis, we are now able to support any shape prism you could think of. This includes concave shapes as well!
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The zones are outlined by default, but every single one of them can be customized with the commands:
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What all of this means:
Maps should not have zones embedded in them anymore! The map uploading process takes in a separate .zon file and stores the zones on the website, so any updates to the zones while the map is in testing can be done without having to re-download the entire map. We will eventually update our VBSP to parse these zones and their geometries and spit out a proper .zon file with all the correct settings, but for now, just use the in-game tools!
Bonuses can have stages/checkpoints! Maps can have up to 64 total tracks (1 main track and 63 bonuses), each track can have 64 total zones (1 start + 1 end + 62 stages/checkpoints), and each zone can have up to 64 triggers. We hope this flexibility allows for some creative zoning layouts and eases the pain found in the old zoning tools.
Maps Make The World Go ‘Round
What’s Momentum Mod without the pre-zoned maps to play it? A good surf/bhop mapping testing tool, I guess... Anyways, this update sees some major overhauling work done to the Map Selector and relevant UIs.
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The main UI was overhauled to show the three main tabs of interest (for 0.8.0; we’ll add more in the future): Browse (for browsing maps), Favorites (for favorite maps), and Library. Maps in your Library are maps that you would like to play, and are downloaded to your computer. You have to add maps to your library in order to be able to play them, but it also serves as a good indicator of how many people like the map enough to want to be able to play it. Removing a map from your library will also delete the map from your computer, to help save that precious hard drive space.
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The Map Info dialog also got a major face lift, using a design by Juxtapo. At a quick glance you can see the map’s info, and even a mini leaderboards for the default map category!
The Map Info dialog also features a brand new, all-VGUI control called ImageGallery, which allows you to peruse the map’s images to get a good idea of how the map looks like before downloading it!
With the Map Selector comes some fun commands to configure how the map selector works:
mom_map_delete_queue [0,1] when 1, queues deleting maps removed from library to when the game shuts down
mom_map_download_auto [0,1] when 1, automatically downloads maps when added to library
mom_map_download_queue [0,1] when 1, queues map to be downloaded, using a defined parallel count
mom_map_download_queue_parallel [1,20] specifies how many maps can download at once in the queue
mom_map_download_cancel_confirm [0,1] when 1, opens a confirmation box when trying to cancel a download
All map data is cached inside of the new “map_cache.dat” file found in your momentum folder. If there’s ever any issues with the map lists, just delete this file and restart your game!
With the new track-zone-trigger system, and this fancy map selector, we’ve created 10 zoned surf maps to test the systems in place for 0.8.0:
All of these maps support Leaderboards and Rank/Cosmetic XP via the website. Speaking of those...
Leaderboards? I barely even know her boards
Momentum Mod 0.8.0 also features the first iteration of the global leaderboards and XP systems. Let’s start with XP.
There are two XP systems in place for Momentum Mod: Rank and Cosmetic XP.
Rank XP: Commonly referred to as “rank points” from servers, this is only rewarded when you achieve a Personal Best (PB) run on a map. Rank XP is determined by three categories, and you can read more about the calculation here. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zj8FKrfAMqYSnAHjySJqoqq0vmAEWxYXVcYLi3_u7NA/edit) In short, as long as you’re submitting a run above the rank 50000, you will get Rank XP. How much you get depends on where you place. You can use Rank XP as a way to determine how good someone is at playing Momentum.
Cosmetic XP: Cosmetic XP, on the other hand, aims to fill the gaps that Rank XP creates. Cosmetic XP is gained from submitting runs (PB or not), completing challenges, earning achievements, racing other players, and so on. You can see the Cosmetic XP details used in 0.8.0 here. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JiHJYsxlGPXAZqCPh7-paJI6U_TH-Ro0H0OWDFCiA74/) Cosmetic XP is designed to be grindable, but has no effect on anything other than your level shown on your profile. You can use Cosmetic XP/Levels as a way to determine how much someone has played Momentum.
With these two XP systems in place, we hope that the leaderboards become a fun challenge to improve in, rewarding every attempt along the way. But that being said, we will be iterating upon the values used in both systems, and clearing times all along the way. Every time set in 0.8.0’s leaderboards, all the way up to 1.0.0, will be removed by 1.0.0. 1.0.0 will launch with a clean slate and hopefully thoroughly tested and agreeable XP systems in place.
On a similar note, with 0.8.0, the only runs we are accepting are the main track, and specifically doing all of the zones for it. We will be adding Bonuses and ILs with 0.9.0!
Bang Bang, Pew Pew
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All of the CS:S weapons have gotten a facelift as well, thanks to Cabbage McGravel on the team. The LMG, shotgun, sniper, SMG, and knife have a custom model and design to them, to further distance the reliance from mounting CS:S to play the game.
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On a similar note, the icons for the weapons have been updated, along with the tokens used in the HUD, as to not have any #Unlocalized_Tokens_Show_Up everywhere.
All The… Small Things
Discord Rich Presence
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For the Windows build only, we have added Discord Rich Presence so that you can show off important gaming statistics like just how long you’re really taking to beat surf_mesa.
Checkpoint Menu Checks Out
The “Checkpoint” menu has changed its name to “Saveloc” menu, to help clear the distinction (“checkpoint”s are reserved for linear map zones now). All the saveloc related commands are now under the mom_saveloc_ prefix, so make sure to fix up your custom binds!
Timer Sounds
The timer features some new sounds from Monolith, so you can have complimentary sounds to several timer-related actions, such as starting the timer, resetting the timer, when the timer fails to start, as well as completing a run that’s either a PB or WR!
Map-Based Autoexecs
We’ve added in map-specific auto-executed commands (ran every time you load the map). This helps with running specific commands when the map starts up, if need be.
Use mom_mapcfg_add (command) to add a convar/concommand to execute upon map load
Use mom_mapcfg_clear to remove the map's saved commands/convars
Use mom_mapcfg_print to see all the map's current saved commands
New Triggers/Entities
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From Cabbage McGravel, we have added custom trigger textures for various triggers for use in Hammer, to help distinguish between which triggers are which! These are just visual helper textures and must be set manually.
On top of that, we’ve added three convenience entities:
Reverses the speed of the player upon touching it
Sets the speed of the player to a fixed value and angle upon touch (prevents boost spamming)
A trigger that fires an event if the player is going over or under a certain speed threshold
We’ve also improved some of the existing ones:
Added outputs for trigger_momentum_onehop/multihop
Added WASD blocking to trigger_momentum_limitmovement
All Momentum triggers force the Clients spawnflag on now
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Lots of things were improved upon between 0.7.2 and 0.8.0. I’ll tackle this by just… giving you the entire list. Don’t worry, I’ll also bold the important ones to help.
Gameplay Improvements Galore
m_rawinput now defaults to 1
Add null bind support (mom_enable_overlapping_keys)
*We decided to just allow nulls in Momentum due to the detection for them potentially causing innocent people to get banned.
Add "release forward key on jump" setting (mom_release_forward_on_jump)
Removed default vertical movement in noclip -- use +moveup and +movedown
sv_tickrate is now sv_interval_per_tick for further clarity (1 / desired tickrate)
Refactored all hud convars/concommands to be under the namespace “mom_hud_”
Replay files have a new name, home folder, and a slightly updated format (old ones need not apply)
Added disabled buttons to ghosts as well, only exception is the BHOP blocking
Show in_strafe on the keypress display
Allow sv_cheats 1 to still save your replay, but not submit it
Put most commands of interest (Zone tools, ent_create, ent_teleport, set_[pos/ang], etc) behind requiring launching the game with -mapping, which does not submit runs by default [Image of enabling this]
Add mom_timer_stop (default bound to the B key) which allows you to manually stop your run
Whitelisted some common commands for point_[server/client]command and defaulted the sv_allow_point_command to the whitelist
UI/UX Improvements Galore
Added turnbind direction into the keypress display [Image]
New ICO to match the new logo of the game [Image]
TextEntry Improvements: Added CTRL+backspace and CTRL+delete to all text entries Allow negative numbers in numeric TextEntry
Added proportionality to the game console (scales to resolution) [Image]
Added proportionality to the changelog panel
Added ConsoleScheme.res for players that want to customize just the Console's Look and Feel
Further tweaked the HUD layout and scheme, minor adjustments like position of text and dropshadows
RichText additions: triple click to select the current line, CTRL+A to select all text
Made the loading bar continuous and added percentage [Image]
Added timer fail color animation to the HUD timer [GFYCAT]
Lobby members panel moved to its own panel, bound to "L" (+show_lobby_members) [Image]
In-game VGUI Editable Panel hotloading with CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+C (and hud_reloadcontrols for HUD)
Re-added "mute audio when game loses focus" to audio settings
Main menu colors are more legible [Image of New]
Converted map info and timer to res files for extra customization
Optimized some HUD element rendering
Show a pop-up letting the player know if the game did not authenticate with the site for particular reasons
Spectating-related strings have replay-specific versions when spectating a replay
Added new experimental "energy" hud_speedometer type (mom_hud_speedometer_units 4) (thanks @Beetle179 !) [Image]
Updated in-game credits to include more of the current team, as well as new music by Monolith
New background map and texture, and new loading icon texture by Cabbage [Image]
Miscellaneous Improvements Galore
Backported Alien Swarm's "Set Player FOV" for point_viewcontrol
Removed the Source Shader Editor
Updated Steamworks API to latest
Improved cubemaptest map to properly show parallax corrected cubemaps [Image]
Prevent empty files "stats.txt" and "voice_ban.dt" file from being created
Updated VMT of grenade by BlockBuilder57 and SethJH
Added white/black color materials to materials/ for mappers to use instead of cs_italy/white
Images that can load from common image types/URL
Automatically detect external cvar changes in CvarTextEntries
Default crosshair to be 1
All of these improvements come directly from community feedback, so if you ever have any suggestions on things to improve, let us know in our Discord!
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Everything. Bugs have been exterminated, bugs are illegal now, there aren’t anymore bug-
Okay for real, there’s a lot here. I’ll bold the really big ones, but I don’t blame you for power-scrolling past this gargantuan list.
Gameplay Bugs Begone
Fixed crouch jumps and scrolling to be more like CS:S, with 64-jumps having a more consistent pattern
Fixed wallbugs and rampbugs at places with multiple planes intersecting the player, most notably at 250 tick
Fixed view going through ceilings, raising the height of the player camera back to the proper 64 units
Fixed and improved ladder grabbing and movement
Fixed teleports in and out of a solid not resetting velocity
Fixed some angle issues on teleport -- angles are now a bit more consistently set
Fixed rotating objects slowly pushing players away when standing on them
Default in_usekeyboardsampletime to 0
Fix hud hints showing for the local player when triggered by ghosts
Fix game_player_equip entities not working
Fixed crashes when changing graphics settings
Fixed practice mode safeguard to only apply when the timer is running
Fixed underwater state not being updated in noclip
Fixed game crash when the last member of the lobby leaves while the player is spectating them
Fixed momentum triggers not properly checking filters on the player
Fixed game pausing when the steam overlay is opened
Fix CS:S soundscapes not properly playing
Start mark commands are now: mom_start_mark_[create/clear]
Fixed teleports being interpolated in replays (thanks @TotallyMehis)
Whitelist point_client/servercommands by command
Fixed incorrect triggers touch logic when teleporting (EndTouch the old -> StartTouch on the new)
The timer now properly stops when using the saveloc menu
Disable flashlight when spectating
Fixed linear tracks to properly set zone enter time
Fixed current zone status and logic when playing on linear maps
Fixed practice mode sending events if timer is running
Fixed being able to spectate in background/credit maps
Fixed ghosts spawning in background/credits maps
Fixed finding another ghost to spectate; the logic properly iterates through all online ghosts and filters ones that are spectating
Fixed chat spam when iterating between spectating an online ghost and a replay
Fixed place colors not updating after deleting a local run
Fixed comparisons not reloading upon deleting a local run
UI/UX Bugs Begone
Fixed spectator names still showing in the spectator names UI after the spectator has left
Fixed options->keyboard settings not having a bind option for chat
Fixed HudMenus not closing after changing screen resolution
Fixed layout of the Map Finished UI panel
Fixed potential input trapping with ReplayUI
Fixed various UI layout/scheme issues, including making Momentum Settings and ReplayUI proportional (scale to resolution)
Fixed bug where pressing the leaderboards key showed up as IN_STRAFE on hud_keypress
Fixed frame resize grip not rendering correctly
Removed menu background blurring
Properly hide certain hud elements when leaderboards are open
Fixed chat panel showing and fading every time the player spawns
Fix HUD elements not having proper layout/sizing after changing in-game resolution
RichText fixes: Fixed double click to not select so much whitespace Fixed selection color bug Fixed selection being reset/truncated when pressing CTRL+C to copy
Fixed buildgroup rulers (CTRL+R when in build mode) showing the wrong value
Fix run comparisons not reloading on new run save
Fixed improper order of popups when booting the game with no steam & for the first time
Fixed some linear comparison string calculations
Fixed chat not properly scrolling down after a given amount of messages
Fixed the loading dialog not showing after clicking "Join Player" in the lobby member list
Fixed menu not properly detecting if player was in spectating mode or not
Fixed some server localization tokens to be shorter
Internal Bugs Begone
Fixed crash on boot for OSX
Fixed Steam Avatar Images not loading 184x184 correctly
Fixed potential memory leak with deleting savelocs
Make map zone files load from the "GAME" path, which allows packing inside of maps
Momentum trigger flags are proper values
Fix various triggers that required proper thinking logic, including multi/onehop triggers
Fixed run stats not resetting with manual restart
Fixed “game_write” in gameinfo.txt to point to the Momentum folder
Prevent needless reservation of memory for packets (thanks @crashfort!)
Fixed some memory leaks in the Map Selector
Phew… yeah so as you can see, lots of stuff was fixed. But as they say, squash a bug, and two more may take its place...
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More Maps
We will be adding more and more maps with each incremental update to the game!
More Game Types
Bhop and KZ are planned to be supported before 1.0.0 drops!
More Bugs
Just kidding! ...Hopefully! Well…
Achievement Unlocked: Helped Make Achievements
...but we’re after some more and would like your ideas on more of them! Check out our achievement submission form here: https://goo.gl/forms/C2ZIteN4n1NmMQXg2
If you’re looking for ideas we’ve already taken into consideration, you can find them on the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19c0fHHFdwIK9VyMMx94L-f3UN1I3hMpD8mM56nuP9v0
Another year, another update?
Although 0.8.0 took a monumentally long time to come out, it did set the groundwork for most of the things left for 1.0.0. You can expect more frequent, minor updates to the game, alongside a much faster development turnaround now that the core features have their groundwork laid out under them. It’s easier to iterate on a design than it is to design it from the ground-up.
I have stopped giving out predictions for versions because it’s just hard to properly estimate how long this volunteer-based passion project takes sometimes. But I can assure you that 0.8.1, 0.8.2, 0.9.0, etc are all going to come much sooner than 0.7.2 -> 0.8.0 took.
In the meantime, please feel free to join our Discord server (https://discord.gg/wQWkRb6) and hang out while we update the game!
Thank you all again for your active support, Nick “Gocnak” K. Momentum Mod Project Lead
0 notes
momentummod · 6 years
Not-A-Game-Update Update
Hello all,
I’ve been meaning to write this for a while now and have only recently been able to. As a project lead of a volunteer-effort-based passion-project, I believe I should update everyone with my personal standings in the project, and bring people up to speed with the current state of development with that personal kick to it.*
So, without further ado:
* A proper “state of development” document has been in the works with under-the-hood assets being made, code improvements, etc. Expect that one soon™.
Firstly, the game is NOT dead NOR dying.
Cue the list of excuses for lack of my personal progress on the game:
Actually yeah just University… not really a long list, huh...
My game code involvement last summer was stunted due to an over-the-summer research project I had to do. Further, my involvement on the game code this fall has been stunted due to working on a thesis (about that research) and the website for my senior design project class (more about that in a bit). But this isn’t the first time progress for Momentum has been stunted.
Some of the things that a volunteer-based passion project can suffer from is lack of structure, as well as lack of priority from the volunteers themselves. The first is manageable, the second, not so much.
“Gen 1” of this game, as I’ve come to calling it, was extremely unstructured. There was no overall vision for the game, no weekly meetings, no plan for anything with the campaign. We did all of our communication through Slack, which is like Discord for dads and workplace employees. It didn’t feel like a team was working on the game back then, because in all honesty, we weren’t really one. We had coders in their own channel, some artists making concepts in another channel, but no cohesion. There were also tons of people saying they could help, and then when brought on the “team”, they either didn’t or didn’t know how. Either way, I took this as a personal wake up call and as a direct reflection of my leadership of this project, and with some discussion with Zopha, started the second generation.
“Gen 2” is the current “generation” of the team and game. We have structure, and more importantly, a vision (more about that as well, in a bit), as well as initial ideas for an original campaign and story, and proper vetting and roles for team members. We have weekly rituals meetings every Saturday, and have had them for almost a year. Plus we’re on Discord now, which is highly more accessible and way less formal than Slack felt. The main problem is, over a year of meetings has shown that people have slowly prioritized the game less and less. Whether it was University starting to wrap up, or making commissioned maps and getting burned out, or having something personal come up in real life and dropping contact altogether, we’ve had team members come and go over the past few years, through both generations.
One aspect of this could be lack of motivation. After all, we have to be a free game (unless we raise ~$35,000, more info here). That’s fine with me; I personally believe bunnyhop and surf should be free. But there can’t be any deadlines, because if people can’t meet them, I can’t “punish” it (cut their pay/fire them). It’s also the same for rewarding those who meet deadlines. If I pay out of pocket to pay the entire team, I’ll have to ensure people get a fair pay for fair work, incorporate under some studio name, and have a whole new subset of tasks related to running a company. At only age 22. I believe the famous philosopher Notorious B.I.G. once said: “Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems.” He’s not wrong. Remaining as a free game has made it easy on myself but sacrifices priority for team members. It’s a rather unfortunate balance.
I’d also like to take this time to point out the current team standing, code-wise. We currently have 3 active coders out of the total 10 coders with roles on the Discord. Maybe it’s because we’re working on Source 1, which is an engine that is heavily recommended against when stepping into the gamedev business. Maybe it’s because of a lack of overall flow of new code. Maybe it’s lack of motivation. Or maybe it’s because we haven’t reached out enough to those that would be interested.
Either way, with little codebase work, there’s little overall progress, since 1.0.0 of the game is heavily requiring an underlying framework (the game and, primarily, the website) to be able to be built upon. Features are introduced, and with them, bugs. Bugs need to be fixed. Sometimes it takes days to even figure out how best to implement a feature alone, and weeks to fully do it. Sometimes the bugs it introduces take even longer to track down and fix. There’s a whole Trello board of things that need to/could be done by 1.0.0. It’s daunting, but doable. It’s why the game isn’t dead or dying. It just takes time, so while progress grinds to a halt sometimes, it will pick back up, and slowly crawl forward. Oh right, speaking of 1.0.0...
Secondly, 1.0.0 may come out this December... maybe.
First thing is, I’d like to answer: “What is 1.0.0 going to be?”
1.0.0 is going to be the first public release of the game (no keys needed!), through Steam’s Early Access platform. As in, you’ll go to the Steam Store, search “Momentum”, see a marble roller game, get super confused, go back to the search bar, then click on “Momentum Mod” and find our game. You can click install right then and there, and the game is added to your account, permanently. You get all future updates for free, no more giveaways.
Though we’re releasing through Steam Early Access, Momentum is going to be rather polished for an Early Access game. The 1.0.0 build includes a map selector with working global leaderboards for each map. This build (already) includes multiplayer through lobbies, so you can play with your friends at launch. There will be a companion site (just hold on a little bit more I promise) that features a map browser, leaderboards, statistics, and community page. The overall game will have a proper public presence, something I personally require for 1.0.0’s release.
Furthermore, there’s a really, really heavy emphasis on that “maybe” from the subtitle. The reason why it’s so close is because the majority of the features required for 1.0.0 were held back because there was no website work done to meet them. And don’t get me wrong, it’s really easy to put things into scope, but brushing over too many small details can add up. Oh, all right, it’s time. Let’s talk about the website.
One of the last classes at my university involves 6-7 nerds wrangling into a team and working on a project for the entire semester. Luckily, I was able to convince the team that working on the game’s website would be worth it. I know, it sounds extremely selfish, but I wanted the project to be something that could live on past the class. Most coding projects at my university were specifically tailored to a class, and therefore, lived and died with it. This senior design project class was no exception, almost every premade “topic idea” were things that were no doubt going to be short lived, and the interesting topics were already taken anyways. To my surprise, my group was all on board with it. Whether they want to continue to be on the team after the class is up to them, though.
Anyways, I want you to go to the current website and take a good look at it right now. No, this isn’t what we’re working on this fall. This is old stuff.
It does its purpose, loads pretty quickly, but is otherwise extremely boring and lacks any visual style really. It runs on Flask, a Python based web framework that makes making simple sites a breeze, and I recommend it for anyone getting into web development. But there’s no real frontend framework, and almost all the work done for the backend was rudimentary and not properly fleshed out. A lot of the work done on the site was done by people who aren’t even on the team anymore. It needs an overhaul, starting from the ground up.
The website we’ve been working on this fall is based on the Angular 6 frontend stack, with a NodeJS backend. It runs just as fast (if not faster), looks incredibly better (and isn’t even done yet), and most importantly, starting fresh and being involved from the start makes me aware of what the code does and needs to do, and what content needs to be on it, and where that content needs to be. It’s way more exciting for me to work on this version of the website, and a lot of things can now be properly implemented.
But you may be wondering, “Why do you even need a website, what is it going to do?”
Glad you wondered that. We always needed a backend since Steam’s leaderboards and workshop have no proper moderation tools (to our standards, at least). The frontend website was always going to be an extension of the game. For starters, the main page is going to be just information about the game. If people hear about the game, or see someone playing it, they can easily go to the site to learn more about it, no logging in required.
When you do log in, you log in through Steam, meaning no extra passwords to worry about. You’re brought to a dashboard upon logging in, where you can immediately browse maps, look at leaderboards, see followed activity, browse users, edit your profile, view statistics… there’s a lot of features that a website would fit very nicely, instead of making the game feel bloated with UI.
In fact, here’s a list of some exciting features that need a website:
Gamebanana-like Map Browser (minus the manual installing step)
This will allow you to:
Upload your own maps for the possibility of being in the game
Browse maps in the repository from the site, see maps that tickle your fancy, add them to your library for download when you next boot the game
Rate maps you like, see maps made by specific mappers, sort by the rating, downloads, etc
Online Leaderboards with In-Browser Replay Viewer
Metapyziks from Facepunch has worked on an open source replay viewer running on WebGL, and it’s insane how well it works. We’ll be looking towards implementing this for our site as well, to allow you to view replays without even needing to open the game! You can check it out here if you want a sneak peek of what it will look like.
User Customization
You’ll customize things like:
Profile info like alias, biography, and social links (twitter, discord, youtube, patreon, etc)
Maybe things like lobby/server appearance in the future (already edited through the game)
Badges that show up in game (Mapper, Tester, Team member, etc), perhaps user colors/glows/etc as well
User Verification
With a free game comes cheap scumbags trying to impersonate people, so we can have a process that “verifies” a mapper/runner, so there’s the one and only “aimer”, for example. This “verification” shows up in user searches and more importantly, the in-game leaderboards.
Statistics Pages
The game can have some panels that show some statistics, but having a dedicated page to statistics, with way more depth is very useful.
Social Aspects
We’re not making Momentumbook or anything, but allowing users to follow runners or mappers and see activity by them was a really appealing idea, as well as:
Comments on user profiles and maps (using something like Disqus)
Maybe even a forums page… we’ll see
And all this is just the stuff we’ll be having for 1.0.0! Anything more can be possible if the community wants it enough. I also want to note that some of these features will be in the game as well, but may be fleshed out more on the site.
Thirdly, the future is exciting!
I tend to be optimistic about the future. So let’s talk about the future of the project! I’d like to explain the current release philosophy I have been following.
1. Finish the website [and graduate from University] (~2-months)
This includes rudimentary game integration with it, including (but not limited to) map search and downloading, and leaderboards and replay viewing. I’ll also be taking ~3 months starting December to relax before doing a job search, which means no academic responsibilities, which means 100% focus on Momentum.
2. Polish the website (~1 month)
This is where we’ll throw internal testers at the site, and get feedback for public release. We need to ensure project is suitable for public deployment.
3. Polish the game (~1 month, done in parallel with previous step)
This is where we ensure game integration with site works as well as it can, and all major bugs squashed, along with making sure proper localization of UI elements is complete.
4. Release 1.0.0 (Public Early Access “Beta”)
Big day! Mostly all of this is wrapping up the previous step and stepping through the hoops to actually get the game released on Steam.
5. <Interim versions>
These are versions where stuff like more game modes (like KZ and Tricksurf), dedicated server support (mev has been working wonderfully on this), and heavy work on an original campaign (given there’s proper motivation for it) happen.
6. Release 2.0.0 (Full Game Release)
Full game release, Momentum starts going downhill from here. Just kidding.
On top of this rough schedule, some other exciting things that will come to the project soon™ include:
1. Custom Momentum Hammer
This hammer has built-in HammerPatch, which means no vertex precision loss for complex brushes like surf ramps. We’ll hopefully also have all crashes  fixed, with all quality-of-life features that are suggested. It’ll also have added features like working lighting preview (already working!), collaborative editing (think Google Docs), and eventual cross-platform support.
2. GPU-Accelerated VRAD
In layman's terms, this would allow mappers to compile their lighting for their maps with their graphics cards, which have significantly more processing power (cores) than CPUs. It also technically already exists but doesn’t have up-to-par output with CPU-based VRAD.
There’s a LOT to be done for Source in general, and even more so for this game. But it’ll (hopefully) unite to create the best of both worlds. 
I’ve rambled on long enough...
Sorry about that.
It pains me to see people lose interest in the game, both on and off the team, while at the same time not being able to personally further progress in it myself. I’ve never wanted to quit or leave this project for dead. Personally, I would never be able to leave the game in its current state. I’m more of a completionist (or shitty “perfectionist”) of sorts, so my overall goal of the game is to at least get 2.0.0 out before I can even think about completely moving on from it.
But I cannot thank everyone else enough for their patience with this project, and Valve/GabeN memes aside, I can truly assure you it’s going to be worth all of this wait. I’m looking forward to 1.0.0 myself, as I’ve been wanting something like this game for a while. But 1.0.0’s just the beginning. It’s all exciting times, I assure you!
So, just hang on tight, and thank you so much for doing so.
- Nick (Gocnak), Momentum Mod Project Lead
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momentummod · 6 years
0.7.2 Changelog
It’s that time again -- for bugfixes! 0.7.2 is another minor update aiming to fix a good chunk of bugs found in the previous version, along with some more small additions to the game.
Small Additions
New grenade model by BlockBuilder and SethJH
With a shiny new game for surfing and bhopping comes a shiny new grenade to replace to default HL2 one.
Smoke trail to the pistol barrel
In some particle exploration, we’ve added a small smoke trail to the pistol. You can check it out by shooting and just looking at it!
Cvar to lower weapon after certain speed
Added all the way back in 2016, buried deep underground in a hidden Momentum research bunker and then dug out again in early 2018 comes an interesting feature: automatically lowering your weapon after a certain amount of speed. It’s completely user customizable, though it should be noted that on newer momentum weapons, the lower animation doesn’t exist (for now)! It will only work on the HL2 viewmodels for now.
Big Money Bugfixes
Fixed the main menu to properly scale to user resolution
1440p users rejoice! We’ve made the menu scale to your resolution, so no more changing your “MOMENTUM SETTIN”, or missing text below the buttons!
Potentially fixed all rampbugs
In some pretty exciting news, our newest addition to the team, mev, has reworked some of the tracing done in the gamemovement code, and has come up with a solution to fix almost all of the rampbugs! A basis of 1000 tickrate was used to verify the changes, so don’t worry 1000 tick TASers out there, you should be covered too. If you happen to find any after this fix (on regular [66/100] tickrates), let us know!
A video showcasing the fix can be found here.
Small Money Bugfixes
Added missing token for "Respawn" button in menu
Fixed crash upon starting a map after joining lobby from menu
Fixed "(player) has respawned" being printed for those who leave the lobby
Fixed Spectator names UI not updating after your spectator left the lobby
Fixed bugs with lobby member UI when joining lobby from menu
Fixed slopejump boost to be more consistent
Fixed decal packet spam if host_timescale is not 1
Fixed bug where players would gain speed if stuck in geometry
Fixed bug where tickrate would reset to 66 tick for bhop maps when turning off sv_cheats
Fixed timer stopping when creating checkpoints (timer now only stops when you teleport to the checkpoint)
Fixed timer not starting when checkpoint menu was open
Fixed soundscapes on Linux (thanks TotallyMehis!)
Have you heard? With updates like these, we give out playtesting keys on our Discord server, so we recommend joining that if any of these fixes excite you!
Until next time, Momentum Mod Team
0 notes
momentummod · 6 years
0.7.1 Changelog
It’s that time again! The team has been hard at work at fixing up and adding more goodies to the game. While this is another minor version update, with mostly bugfixes, we were able to add some of the features that 0.7.0 couldn’t quite get in time.
Paint Me Like One of Your French Girls
We’ve added a paint gun in this update! The beautiful model was done by the beautiful SethJH. You can spawn it with the command give weapon_momentum_paintgun on any map where it’s needed. Upon left clicking, a colorful spot is shot onto the world geometry. It should be noted that if a ramp is a model, the paint will not show up. Also, the paint has issues with overlapping. The first shot is the upper most layer!
Right clicking gives the options menu, to change the scale of the paint decal, the color, and offers a few toggles for visibility and audibility of the gun.
You Get a Decal, and You Get a Decal!
With this update, you can also enjoy the luxury of lobbing grenades at your friends in your lobby trying to actually play the game. Legend has it, if you jump onto a grenade thrown upwards, you might get a boost! You can also knife fight your friends now, and it might get bloody! It’s okay if you don’t hit, we’ve networked the decals for you so they can see the attempted murder.
Begone, Blindness!
The main reason this update took so long was because we had to afford eye surgery for all of of our playtesters because of the blinding white HTML menu. Due to an issue with Valve’s Chromium Embedded Frameworks not respecting alpha transparency anymore (for some reason), the menu showed up with a solid, glowing, white-hot background. It’s wonderful timing, to be honest: it started happening a few weeks after 0.7.0’s release. It’s also probably only one (or two) line(s) of code for Valve to fix it, but we weren’t able to charm any willing Steam developer into trying it. We also tried introducing our own version of CEF, but realized it wouldn’t be as cross-platform friendly as we would want. So, we’ll be using the VGUI menu from 0.6.2 for now. Maybe forever. We’ll see!
Fix Me? No, Fix You!
We’ve also fixed a bunch of bugs and stuff found inside of 0.7.0:
Mouse sensitivity has proper 0.0001 lower bound
Raw input now saves and loads correctly
Volume sliders now apply correctly
Mouse acceleration properly loads
Fixed unscaled sprites to have hammer's default 0.25 scale
Fixed dev console pausing the game
Prevent teleporting and practice mode while spectating
Reset the default shift bind to be +speed (instead of +walk)
Fixed jump count not accurately reflecting first jump out of the start zone
Fixed last jump speed being reset if strafing back into the start zone
Fixed replays being truncated early if strafing back into start zone
Fixed recommended video options strings for Linux/Mac
Fixed player names to default to yellow in lobby chat
Fixed weapon sounds for CS:S weapons/entities
Fixed shotgun pellet spread for lobbies
Fixed players being unable to drop the knife
Fixed online ghost entity panel visibility bugs
Fixed extra character being copied in RichText (developer console, changelog, etc)
Fixed tickrate command to not reset tickrate for bhop maps
Fixed trigger_momentum_slide bugs
Fixed sniper locking zoom after shooting and zooming at the same time
Fixed sniper not setting correct FOV after shooting and zooming at the same time
As always, we invite everybody to join the Momentum Mod Discord server if you haven’t already, for a chance to get a pre-alpha playtesting key, as well as keeping up to date with the game’s affairs!
Keep on hoppin’ and slidin’, and until next time, Momentum Mod Team
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