mishelkovalenko · 9 years
Here is a video of my flip book, 41 pages in total. I believe that the 1st attempt had worked well enough although I think I have to practice on actually flipping the booklet. As you can see the flip book is based on the same character of the contortionist but with out the knives for another of my final outcomes. The flip book looks much more fluid than the puppet stop motion video.
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mishelkovalenko · 9 years
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Compared to the two tracings of the puppet the free hand sketch is more fluid and free than the puppet, i also find that the free hand drawing emphasises not only body placement but distinctions of muscle movement and differences in body tone as the movement slowly changes helped me to become more confident in sketching a human figure.
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mishelkovalenko · 9 years
A further study of motion Images. Here is my final piece of The story board in motion. The puppet show is based on a contortionist act with a ‘twist of the knife’. I soon be uploading the hand drawn story board to accommodate my puppet design.
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mishelkovalenko · 9 years
Here is an experimental sample of a cyclotrope (like zoetrope but on a bike wheel) consisting of 18 sections to record movement per second. I had created this piece to be able to evaluate and demonstrate motion imaging before creating a far more complex design for my circus theme.
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mishelkovalenko · 9 years
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Animal training: during the late 1800s Animal Performances had become famous for their thrill and exotic aspect and demonstration of dominance and control over the animal Kingdom. However in 1966 an Animal welfare Act had been put in place after an incredible amount of complaints on animal cruelty had been witnessed.
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mishelkovalenko · 9 years
Contortionist: This act had been introduced to the travelling circus from China. An act of Strength balance and incredible flexibility.
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mishelkovalenko · 9 years
Vintage, circus act
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mishelkovalenko · 9 years
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During the early 1900s there was a lot of fascination with motion  that had inspired Marcel to create the oil Painting of a nude descending the stairs. The second image is of Marcel Illustrating the movement from his painting through multiple exposures ( a photograph taken multiple times using the same plate  having been cleaned between intervals that creates a faded affect of gradual movement), by a photographer Eliot Elisofon.
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mishelkovalenko · 9 years
The circus had been created in England, 1768 by a Sergeant and horse trainer turned showman Philip Astley started an equestrian school where he taught people to perform feats of tricks and balance on a running horses back inside a theatre ring as a form of entertainment. 
Over time there were additional acts that were introduced to accommodate the performance with clowns, jugglers and rope dancers and so the Circus had come to be. 
The travelling circus however had been created by the Americans in 1825 as there were few cities that could not sustain a long term residence Theatre for the circus.
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mishelkovalenko · 9 years
First study of motion by Eadweard Muybridge; an English Photographer who had studied motion by taking countless images of a racing horse to find out how they move.
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