misgeek · 6 years
Don’t you just hate it when you agree to a social event because it will only be for 4 people, then the person organising it starts inviting more and suddenly you’re looking at a social event for 8 and suddenly there’s a lot more people you don’t know going.
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misgeek · 7 years
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misgeek · 7 years
Tumblr Boycott to Protest Continued Lack of Movement to Ban White Nationalists
Tumblr @staff have been silent about the use of this site by white nationalist bloggers, while numerous other sites (see this post) have made actions to ban nazis/white nationalists/”alt-right”/fascists. Tumblr needs to know their lack of action is unacceptable. I love my tumblr community and want to stay, but if this continues, I will have to considering leaving.
I suggest we push back, and unite to boycott on a certain date. I’m arbitrarily suggesting September 1st - it’s nine days from this post, and that gives it enough time to hopefully get spread as far as possible. Boycotts only work if lots of people do it. Please consider joining me and logging off tumblr on September 1st, to let them know we’re serious about their apathy towards white nationalism.
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misgeek · 7 years
*stands up & clears throat* Me: Hi my name is Amy Others in chorus: Hi Amy. Me: so I guess it started about a year ago when I decided to try bullet journalling Others: *mumbling & gasps* Me: I loved it. My first journal was perfect & I enjoyed every time I re-designed a page or layout. Others: *mutterings of agreement* Me: I decided to try a Filofax for my next one, but it didn't work. Others: *various mutters of oh no* Me: so I went back to the lechtrum Others: * nodding heads* Me: I wrote all the months in first, which seemed like a really good idea. Me: but I didn't like it Others (loud voice in back): I know where this is going Me: *nodding* Me: so I went on Amazon Others: *gasp* Me: and brought a moleskine Me: the thing is I can't remember why I didn't like the moleskine, maybe I made a mistake in it. Or it didn't hold the pen types as well. I just don't know Me: so I went back on Amazon Others: oh God no. Me: and brought another lechtrum. Me: I should have just gone back to the original one and carried on using that. I just didn't. Others (woman knitting in front row): it's ok. We've all been there, just get it all out Me: I was using the new lechtrum and I thought I'd finally settled down. Others: *nodding heads* Me: then one day I was on Amazon Others (young man in aisle seat): WHY? For the love of god, why? Others (woman standing at back with clipboard): calm down Lester. We're here because we all have a problem. There is no judgement. Me: Thanks Barbara Me: anyway, I stumbled on a page about travellers journals. I just *chokes up* I couldn't stop myself. Me: it's just so easy. Add to basket. And it's brought. Others: *mumbles of support* Me: as soon as it arrived I loved it, it's perfect for a bullet journal, not as big as a Filofax but with separate parts..... Others (Barbara): ok Amy, settle down *makes note on clipboard* Me: *cries softly* I just can't stop. I love notebooks too much & when I look on pin interest. Others: *shouts of rage* Others (Barbara): you should know better then to use language like that Me: I'm sorry. I'm just so sorry.
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misgeek · 7 years
Buffy and payment
So I'm re-watching #buffy and it's season 6 where she's broke and in debt.... it only just occurred to me that Giles and the watchers get paid so why did the council never give the slayer any kind of salary? It was hard for her to hold down a job because she would always have to ditch it to do her duties as a slayer. Seems kind of messed up they didn't give her a salary for her slaying.
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misgeek · 7 years
If you’re a UK blog who relentlessly reminded people vote in the US election last year, then i really hope that you’re doing the same thing for our general election on the 8th June, and are registered to vote. Because otherwise, shut up, go online, register to fucking vote and do your civic duty on the 8th.
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misgeek · 7 years
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misgeek · 7 years
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misgeek · 7 years
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Because even though this year still has seven weeks left, I’m calling it early. 2016 has been the fucking worst.  (bonus:)
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misgeek · 7 years
Why is this so hypnotic! 😍
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Tyler Hoechlin
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misgeek · 7 years
Stem cell transplant (suspected ms cure) may be a cure for the following Haematologic-based autoimmune diseases:
- Multiple Sclerosis - Rheumatoid arthritis - Scleroderma (Systemic Sclerosis) - Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) - Polymyositis - Dermatomyositis - Evans syndrome - Hashimoto's thyroiditis - Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) - Graves' disease - Autoimmune hemolytic anemia - Autoimmune blistering diseases - Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome - Myasthenia gravis - Psoriatic arthritis - Wegener's granulomatosis - Sjögren's syndrome (Mikulicz disease, Sicca syndrome) - Churg-Strauss syndrome - Microscopic polyangiitis - Relapsing polychondritis - Pemphigus vulgaris - Sarcoidosis - Ankylosing spondylitis - Stiff Persons Syndrome (SPS) - Diabetes mellitus type 1 (but only if HSCT is performed within several months following disease onset) - Sickle Cell Disease can be cured with a similar HSCT procedure utilizing mixed chimerism with a partial-match HLA doner
Good Things that Happened in 2016
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misgeek · 8 years
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misgeek · 8 years
Can we talk about how the Deadpool movie, which the media has largely referred to (in so many words) as a fuckboy’s wetdream, not only gives a female sex worker an empathetic role, but treats her and her work more respectfully than about 99% of so called feminist media?
At no point does the movie imply that Vanessa is tainted because she is a sex worker. At no point does the movie imply that Vanessa is unworthy of love because she is a sex worker.
At no point is Vanessa portrayed as “broken.”
At no point does the movie imply that being a sex worker makes Vanessa a bad girlfriend. At no point does Deadpool ask or expect Vanessa to sacrifice her job for their relationship.
At no point is Vanessa slut-shamed for her job, by either protagonists or villains. 
Think about that.
Denigrating sex workers is so taboo within the Deadpool movieverse that even the villains won’t do it.
We know that Vanessa experienced sexual abuse, and that it’s shaped the person she’s become and influenced the choices she’s made. The movie clearly acknowledges that sexual abuse is real, and that it is damaging, and that people who experience sexual abuse struggle to lead “normal” lives and get “normal” jobs.
But the movie never hands sexual abusers the mic.
There is no sexual abuse porn in this movie. There are no voyeuristic rape flashbacks. There are no misogynist monologues. The audience learns about Vanessa’s abusive past from Vanessa, on Vanessa’s terms, through Vanessa’s own words.
This seems like the bare minimum of dignity any female character should be granted, yet so much media fails to meet this extremely low bar.
The movie makes it very clear that Vanessa has a life outside of sex work. She does not live on a stripper pole. Sex work is something Vanessa does. Sex work is not who Vanessa is. She has an apartment. She wears pajamas. What other fictional universe can say the same? I can think of one tv show, but that’s about it, and that show’s viewership is nothing compared to Deadpool’s.
Now on the one hand, I’m not necessarily happy that Vanessa’s character arc revolves almost entirely around her romantic relationship with the lead male protagonist. But on the other hand, I find it very refreshing to see a sex worker in the media whose character arc does not revolve entirely around the fact that she is a sex worker. Hate to say it, but for sex workers in the media, being relegated to the role of love interest is actually a step up.
Most feminist media would rather pretend sex workers don’t exist than write storylines of any kind for them. 
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misgeek · 8 years
Better then the two options we currently have.
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misgeek · 8 years
I recognise the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.
Nick Fury (via whedonesque)
How I feel about the UK EU referendum.
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misgeek · 8 years
Brexit: Anger over 'Bregret' as Leave voters say they wanted 'protest vote' and thought UK would stay in EU | UK Politics | News | The Independent - www.independent.co.uk
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misgeek · 8 years
I voted remain and am disgusted and shocked with the blatant racism and ignorance from people who voted.
Most I spoke to were voting leave because of people coming over to get handouts and free healthcare, the people that do that are usually homeless refuges desperate to get out of their own country and are not from the EU. Leaving will do nothing to immigration.
BREXIT: what the heck does it all mean?
A lot of people have no clue why Europe is currently in a state of uproar and the only word people seem to be saying is “Brexit” so here’s a not-so-quick and easy-breezy explanation on the past 24 hours of CHAOS that has ensued:
The European Union (EU): an organisation of European countries that follows similar laws, allows for freedom of movement/labour, easy travelling (@people who planned on doing Eurotrips, not sure if you can count the UK in that anymore!) and trade with each other. The EU is important because before it was formed, the European continent was ravaged by 2 world wars, and a division because of the Cold War. This organisation has provided all the stability we’ve seen in the past 40-odd years.
So what the heck is a “Brexit”? Basically, the UK has just voted to leave the EU. Now this doesn’t seem like a TERRIBLE thing, but there are some serious political and economic consequences.
Economic implications:
- The British pound crashed from 1.5 to 1.3 in 6 hours, the lowest value in 30 years, which in turn affected the US dollar which affects all other global currencies. I wish I was joking but I’m not: South Africa, Poland, Norway, Mexico. Hungary, Australia, Switzerland all saw their currencies plummet. Countries that don’t rely on exports as their means of production cannot have a devalued currency. IT’s not good. The Japanese Yen which has been strengthening reached an all-time high which is terrible because Japan is trying to reverse its deflationary state. The Bank of Japan is now out of options and Japan literally STOPPED TRADING IN BRITISH STOCKS/INVESTMENTS.
- A devalued GBP means that the Bank of England is going to have to hike interest rates to prevent inflation (domestic prices going up even further) whicH WILL CAUSE A RECESSION. SOUND FAMILIAR ANYONE? YEAH. FINANCIAL CRISES.
- The UK leaving the EU means its market has gone down a LOT in size making them a less attractive destination for trade partners/investors. They’re going to have to draw up new trade agreements with basically the whole world since all their trade was previously tied to the EU. This will be tricky because countries liked having a market with a population of ~500 million compared to the UK’s size of ~50 million.
- GDP will go down. Retirement income will go down. The British economy is in a state of panic. The global economy is basically, fucked. For now at least.
The thing is, given the precarious nature of the economy right now with markets out of control and stagnant growth practically everywhere, it was a really really bad time to have this referendum - a lot of countries have been banking on a “Bremain” before making their next move when it comes to monetary/fiscal policy. The IMF has predicted that 2016/2017 will see the worst years for growth, but we might see upward growth trends from 2018 onwards.
So how does it still get worse?
- Scotland showed an overwhelming majority of votes to remain in the EU. It’s likely that they’re going to call for a referendum (again) to leave the UK so that they can join the EU as an independent country.
- Northern Ireland also wanted to stay in the EU. It’s likely they’re going to join the Republic and join the EU.
- Not sure about Wales. They could go “haha fuck it mate” and potentially leave the UK too.
- David Cameron has just announced that he will be resigning in 3 months which means that extreme conservatives who managed to sway the vote in favour of Leave could come to power. That’s right. We’ll be stuck to suffer with the likes of Farage and Johnson. 
- Brexit triggered a lot of nationalist/extreme right-wing movements in the rest of Europe. Some leaders already calling for “Frexit” (France), “Itexit” (Italy) and..”Dexit” (Netherlands)? We may see more in the next few days.. A disintegration of Europe is risky business because Europe has not been able to remain stable until the EU was formed. This could give way for an aggressive Russia too, who would want to take advantage of weak/vulnerable European states. An aggressive Russia will trigger US skepticism and we all know how that goes. 
Basically David Cameron came up with the idea for the referendum because he was desperate to gain support from anti-EU parties like UKIP during the general elections last year. Except now he’s resigning. So. 
During the campaign, Michael Gove, Boris Johnson (conservatives) and Nigel Farage (UKIP) stressed on immigration laws if the UK leaves the EU because immigration/refugees have been a big problem for the UK as its reducing jobs being given to UK locals/residents and they think the UK is becoming “overcrowded” so the Leave campaign was like WE WILL TIGHTEN OUR BORDERS! YEAH! Except now they’ve displaced millions of UK citizens living/working in the rest of the EU. Let’s see how they figure that one out.
Additionally, they talked about the economic benefits because if the UK were to leave, they would be able to allot the money that goes to the EU to other things like the NHS (national healthcare) etc. The Leave campaign went on about how the UK spends 350 million pounds a week on the EU but actually it spends less than half of that, so really, their campaign was built on scaremongering and lies. 
Article 50, aka the means of exiting will be triggered in 3 months when the new Prime Minister is announced (most likely one of the extreme conservatives/Farage who are riding high on their “Independence Day” fuckery which is even more proof of xenophobic, colonialist bullshit) after which the UK will have 2 years to complete its official withdrawal so hopefully that will provide short-term stability.
But the world is in a dark place right now and everything is terrible. 
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