miaswierrp · 9 years
Hola. ¿Qué tal? Buenos días, espero que tengan una buena vida.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
¿Hay alguien ahí? Hi.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
Quiero volver a ver Blue is the warmest color. La he visto ya dos veces, pero no me canso de su dirección de arte y fotografía. La composición de imágenes. Ugh.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
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miaswierrp · 10 years
LO HIZO. LO DIJO. Ay, me la como.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
Como este blog ya no tiene uso y el twitter ya no es seguro, pues aquí va mi descargue.
Esperando a que te diga "sabes, no te pude responder propiamente ayer porque estaba teniendo pijamada con mi mejor amiga que, como te acuerdas, tuve una relación de casi un año y medio, y que hace menos de un mes quiso volver conmigo".
No estoy celosa, simplemente espero a que salga de su boca, como cuando me dijo que estaba en el bingo de su hermano. No me molesté, me dijo donde estaba, fue genial.
Ahora a esperar.
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PD: Ya te había dicho, si vas a dobletear, dobletea bien. No cuando me tienes en instagram, la etiquetas en una foto donde dice que están teniendo una movie night.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
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miaswierrp · 10 years
Physical appearance:
I have blond hair. My current hair color is not my natural hair color. I have curly hair. I have green eyes.I have red hair. I have natural highlights. I am black. I have lots of freckles. My nails are usually painted. I wear a lot of eye make-up. I have bangs. I have short hair. I wear a lot of pink.
I own a hair straightener. I have my own car. I have posters on my walls. I have a pet. I own a pair of roller skates or blades. I have lots of bobby pins. I own at least four bottles of perfume. I have a lot of jewelry I never wear. I own at least 5 pairs of jeans. I own Converse. I own a pair of high heels. I own a leather jacket.
I have a step-relative. I am adopted. My biological parents are married to each other. I am an only child. At least one of my great-grandparents is still alive. All of my grandparents are still alive. I am related to someone famous. I have a sibling who is in college. I am a twin or a triplet. I have a sibling who is married. I have a sibling who is less than five years old. I have more than one sibling. I see my cousins often.
I am married. I am engaged. I have been proposed to. I have never been in a serious relationship. I have been asked out on a date. I have been cheated on. I am asexual. I want to get married someday. I want to have kids someday. I have children. I have made out with someone against a wall.
I am lactose intolerant. I have a food allergy. Someone in my family has died of cancer. I have had surgery. I have scoliosis. I take anti-depressants. I have attempted suicide. I have been in the hospital in the past year. I have broken a bone. I have had strep throat. I don’t drink enough water. I exercise for more than 10 hours a week. I wear glasses and/or contacts.
I have a best friend. I am friends with a pair of twins. I am close friends with at least one of my neighbors. I have at least one friend who lives in a different country.
I have had a near-death experience. The police have been summoned to my house. I have been nearly run over by some sort of large vehicle. I have been snorkeling. I have been to at least 2 weddings. I have been to at least 2 funerals. I have been to an overnight summer camp. I have been on a train. I have lived in a different country. I have spent the night in a motel. I have written a novel. I have been zip-lining. I have been to a wedding or funeral outside of my home country. I have failed a class. I have cut class. I have gotten a speeding ticket. I have gotten a parking ticket. I have been in a car crash. I have been sent to the principal’s office. I have been arrested. I have been drunk. I have taken a ballet class. I have driven a car. I have been on an upside-down roller coaster. I have gone to school or work after a sleepless night. I have flown in a hot-air balloon. I have spent more than 48 hours without sleep. I have been in a talent show. I have read Sherlock Holmes. I have read all of the Harry Potter books. I have seen all of the Harry Potter movies. I saw the last Harry Potter movie in theaters. I have thrown up on a plane. I have worn my pajamas out in public. I have worn my hair in a fishtail braid. I have never been trick-or-treating. I have posted a video on YouTube. I have seen an episode of Supernatural. I have worn colored contacts before. I have tried out for a sports team. I have auditioned for a play. I have been in a school play. I have had a main role in a school play.
I have a job. I am afraid of heights. I am not religious. I live in an apartment. I am extremely familiar with jet lag. I want to change my name. My first name ends with the letter “A.” I don’t get nervous before making a presentation. I have more than one citizenship. I was born in a city. I run a video blog. I know what I want to do with my life. I am insecure about my voice. I worry a lot about my future.
I am a student. I go to a private school. I have my Master’s degree. I have taken a college-level class while in high school. I have graduated from high school.
I have been to a third-world country. I have been to the Caribbean. I have been to Boston. I have visited a college. I have been to Florida. I have been to New York City. I have visited another country. I have been to Egypt.
I am fluent in more than one language. I have read a book in another language. I can braid hair. I can do a cartwheel. I can do a handstand underwater.
I play Skyrim. I play Minecraft. I like country music. I like to read fanfiction. I watch Doctor Who. I enjoy hiking. I run track. I like cooking shows. I like chick flicks. I love poetry. I have written a song. I am interested in cinematography.
Likes and Dislikes:
I like lobster. I like strawberries. I hate making my bed. I enjoy science fiction. I like roller coasters. I like watermelon. I like going back-to-school shopping.
I go to the movies at least once a month. I continuously bite my nails. I have a habit of biting my lip. I tap my foot when I’m nervous. I have a paper calendar on my wall. I often have to replace my earbuds.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
Nunca escribas por escribir.
Si vas a hacer que tu personaje se comporte de cierta manera, tenga cierta habilidad, impedimento, enfermedad o lo que sea que quieras que tenga; primero debes investigar sobre el asunto. Además de que alguien puede que tenga consigo lo mismo que tu personaje y se sienta ligeramente ofendido si no lo llevas adecuadamente; nos sirve para informarnos más sobre el asunto.
Investigar es bueno.
Investigar es bonito.
Investigar te quita el aburrimiento.
Investigar te hace más sabio.
¿Sueno como Sam Winchester? Creo que sí.
No importa. Investiga.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
On writing stutters
Anonymous said: My character stutters when he talks in class or to people he isn’t close to, but I’m not exactly sur on how to write this without it being annoying or disrupting the flow. Any tips on how to write stutters?
When it comes to characters that don’t normally stutter, or that can control the stutter most of the time, or if the stutter is out of shock or surprise, it is prefered to use a dialogue tag. 
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” he stuttered.
There are two other different ways to write a stutter, and in each of them you use the hyphen and the comma, respectively. The one with the comma is called stammer, which is pretty similar to a stutter except it is with a full word or short sentences. 
The interesting thing about a stutter is that you don’t just take every word and stumble over it. It varies. You can stumble over every word that starts in a consonant, or every other word with a consonant (stutter), or just plain words (stammer). 
If you make your character stumble over every word, it seems a bit over the top. And even if it happens in real life, readers see it as exaggerated and annoying. At least I do. 
Make him stutter with certain sounds of consonants, not all of them.
Stutter example:
“I d-don’t think this is a good idea,” he said.
Stammer example:
“I don’t, I don’tthink this is a good idea,” he said. 
I think learning about stutters is also helpful. And while stuttering is a neurological and physiological speech impediment, a stammer can be out of stress or excitement, which means anyone can stammer.
If you want you can make your character both stammer and stutter, if you think it won’t be annoying to read and you don’t exaggerate it. 
Something that you shouldn’t do (or at least not a lot) is write the stutter and use a dialogue tag at the same time. It’s kinda redundant. 
“I-I don’t think this is a good i-idea,” he stuttered.
I think by writing the stutter I already got the idea he was stuttering.
Some extra info:
[The severity of stuttering] may also vary in the same individual from day to day and depending on the speaking situation. Saying one’s name and speaking to authority figures may be particularly difficult. For some individuals, fatigue, stress, and time pressure can increase their tendency to stutter. When stutterers feel compelled to hide their stuttering, it generally becomes worse.
Patterns of stuttering behavior also vary. Some individuals try to avoid stuttering by pausing before words, substituting words, and interjecting phrases such as “you know,” “well actually,” “um,” etc., whenever they anticipate a block.  Quoted from the National Stuttering Association
Hope this could help!
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miaswierrp · 10 years
Esperando a que aprueben mi audición para poder crear la cuenta y así terminar tumbada en mi cama otra vez.
Ya no quiero estar en la computadora.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
Send me a number and I’ll tell you my unpopular opinion. 
1. A selection of television programs you do not care for. 2. A selection of musical artists you do not care for. 3. A selection of celebrities you couldn’t care less about. 4. A hobby you “don’t get”. 5. A habit you find disgusting. 6. Something in school you really liked doing that everyone else bitched over. 7. Your favorite household chore. 8. Popular video games that make you go “meh”. 9. PC or MAC? 10. A sport you don’t like, for whatever reason. 11. A sport you really like, for whatever reason. 12. Television programs you love but have gotten shit for liking. 13. Musical artists you love but have gotten shit for liking. 14. A hobby you have/find interesting that other people bother you over/make fun of. 15. A habit you have that other people bug you over. 16. Something in school you hating doing and it felt like everyone else loved. 17. The household chore that makes you want to shoot your own face off. 18. A selection of video games that you enjoy that perhaps you really shouldn’t. 19. A celebrity crush that maybe even you don’t understand. 20. Free rant on whatever you want.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
Me iré a dormir. La espalda me está matando. Los ojos me pesan. ¡Al fin tengo sueño!
Adiós. Al parecer mañana no saldré a tomar en vez de comer.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
OMFG, ¿TAMBIÉN VEÍAS LUCKY STAR? Yo me aprendí el baile de Haruhi, nunca lo voy a olvidar, aunque ahora ya lo olvidé así que lo primero fue una mentira. He. Pero, man, LO DE LUCKY STAR JAMÁS LO LLEGUÉ A APRENDER. Aún no supero ese nivel en mi vida real (¿?).
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Omg Yuuki es lo más… bueno, toda esa serie y el bailesito y todo *n* recuerdo cuando la vi, iba en ¿Secundaria? y luego estuve en un grupo de música y tocábamos esas canciones y dios, era bello, pero nunca leí nada, sólo vi la serie y Lucky Star también bebés.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
Yo me alucinaba Yuki y era como que "tengo lentes como Yuki, y no tengo emociones; somos idénticas". Aw, ese anime es todo. Me leí las novelas y enserio, lo es todo.
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miaswierrp ha respondido a tu publicación:Notas nocturnas:  Quiero mi plot de Harry Potter…
OMFG, ¿SUZUMIYA HARUHI? Man, mi infancia…
S A M E :c Ese es de mis animes favoritos de esos que me pongo a cantar y todo ADEMAS que me corté el cabello y me dijo una amiga “es que eres como Haruhi” y bueno, si (?) ah 
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miaswierrp · 10 years
Me duele la espalda luego de escribir la biografía del Jospeh Gordon-Levitt.
Y ahora sí tengo sueño.
Y hasta la  girl se fue.
Man, estoy cansada.
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miaswierrp · 10 years
Enserio, no me molesta que te vayas con tu amiga. Enserio, no me molesta. Lo juro por Dios, no me molesta.
Me J-O-D-E que me mientas. ME RE JODE QUE ME MIENTAN.
Y si vas a comenzar a mentir, hazlo bien. Y si vas a comenzar a "dobletear", hazlo bien. Porque eso de que estás trabajando, no te la creo. No cuando haz colocado una foto de su fiesta en tu Instagram. Dude, no cuando yo te sigo en tu cuenta de Instagram.
Y no, no son celos, simplemente que te dije que me JODÍA que me mintieran, y me jode que hagas eso.
Pero, okay, respiraré tres veces y te daré el beneficio de la duda.
Enserio, te lo daré solo porque hasta ahora has sido sincera te lo daré.
Sino, fuck you.
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