metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
☽ Witchy Hint ☾
Don’t go into a spell expecting it to fail, self-fulfilling prophecies can easily get in the way of an otherwise successful spell.
Go in with confidence, own your craft, and you will see prositive results.
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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Fire Correspondences - for a better view you can also find it on pinterest at https://www.pinterest.com/pin/384213411946842624/
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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Consecration of Crystals ritual Perfect to print out and insert into your Book of Shadows! :)
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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Consecration of Chalice and Athame ritual These are printable Book of Shadow pages.  Just print them out, hole punch em then throw them in a 3 ring binder for an instant BoS! <3
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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crystal shape meanings in my grimoire. 
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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Really nice recipes. Every hour.
Show me what you cooked!
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
SALTWATER SCHOOL:  Casting a Circle for Beginners
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Witchlings and Baby Witches, gather ‘round to learn how to cast a simple Circle.  You may be wondering, “Why do we cast Circles?” and that can be easily answered!  Most of the time, we cast Circles to create a sacred space where our spellwork and rituals can be conducted.  There are other various reasons, but you can discover that with time, research, and practice.  For this lesson, we are going to focus on creating that sacred space for you.
**Circles can be cast alone or with others.  If you are participating with other witches, you may want to print them off a “script” of what will be said and done that way everyone can participate.  Change “I” in the script to “we”, “me” to “us”, and so on and so forth.
**Circles can be cast indoors and outdoors.  However, I do caution you not to cast Circles without getting the permission of the person who owns said space, home, property, etc.  
**You can decorate and dress up for your Circle casting.  Using the appropriate colors, plants, stones, and meaningful objects can aid in powering your Circle.  This, however, is not necessary.
**Decide in advance what will be done in the Circle.  Make a plan of what you want to do inside your circle, whether it worship, prayer, spellwork, or meditation.  Don’t feel rushed and take your time.  
**Music may be used to accompany the Circle casting and rituals.  I typically choose songs that don’t have words.  (I get distracted easily by music.)
**Feel free to customize these words and tailor them to fit your own practices.  You can substitute “walls and floors” with “foliage, stones, and ground” if you are casting outside.  Names for Gods and Goddesses may be used in place of “Lord and Lady.”
**There is no right way to cast a Circle.  There are many traditions that different witches use.  Find what you like, experiment and customize your circle casting ritual.
**NOTE**  This is just one example of how to cast a Circle (one I used when I was just starting out.)
Candles, incense, matches (or a lighter), representations of the four corners, decorations, an athame (ceremonial knife) or wand. 
1.  Ground and center, and then lay out where your Circle will be cast.  This doesn’t have to be physically marked, but I have seen people use cord, chalk, and candles.  (Note: using lit candles can be dangerous.  Please take precautions when doing this.  We don’t want anyone or anything getting hurt.)  I used to create a small altar at the direction North with representations of the four elements.
2.  Light incense and candles, and make your announcement:  The Circle is about to be cast and I freely stand within to greet my Lady and my Lord.
3.  Take one candle in hand and begin walking the Circle.  Here, we are acknowledging the Four Quarters (North, South, East, and West.)  We will stop at each direction and call out the corresponding greeting found below.  For this, we will walk deosil around our Circle.  To move deosil is to move in a clockwise (or sunwise) direction.  Once you have finished acknowledging the directions, return to North.
–North:  I call upon Light and Earth at the North to illuminate and strengthen the Circle. –East:  I call upon Light and Air at the East to illuminate and enliven the Circle. –South:  I call upon Light and Fire at the South to illuminate and warm the Circle. –West:  I call upon Light and Water at the South to illuminate and cleanse the Circle.
4.  Return the candle to its rightful place and raise the athame or wand into your hand facing North.  Call out:  I draw this Circle in the Presence of the Lady and the Lord that They may aid and bless me in my work.
5.  Lower the athame or wand and walk deosil once more around the Circle, envisioning a blue light shoot out from the Circle’s boundary.  Call out:  This is the boundary of the Circle, around me, through walls and floors, above me and below me as a sphere is the Circle cast and consecrated to the Lady and the Lord that They may work with and through Their child, (your name/Craft Name).  This Circle is charged by the power of the Ancient Ones!  Only love shall enter and leave.
Begin your ritual, spellcasting, meditation, or any other word you wish inside the Circle.  Within it, you will be protected.  However, a word of caution: if you are a witchling, make sure you do not over exert yourself inside the Circle.  Casting any magic can make anyone grow weary or tired, so be aware of how much energy you are expending.  Like any magic, it takes time and practice.  When you have finished your work, you will open your Circle.
6.  Take the athame or wand in hand both hands facing North.  Call out:  Lord and Lady, I have been blessed by Your sharing this time with me; watching and guarding me; guiding me here and in all things.  I came in love and I depart in love.
7.  Raise the athame or wand high in the air in salute.  Call out:  Love is the Law and Love is the Bond.  Merry did I meet, merry do I part, and merry will I meet again.  The Circle is cleansed.
8.  Kiss the flat of the blade or the tip of the wand.  Here, we will bid farewell to the Quarters and move widdershins.  Widdershins, which can be spelled withershins, widershins, widderschynnes, appears to come from German and Lowland Scottish. In German, widersinning means “against the senses”, that is “not the usual”, or “against the grain.”  For our purposes, it means to move counter-clockwise.  So, we will go from North to West, South, and East.  As you move, this would be the time to blow out candles if they are how you laid out your Circle.  Once you have finished saying goodbye to the Quarters, return North.
–Depart in peace, Elemental Earth.  My blessings take with you! –Depart in peace, Elemental Water.  My blessings take with you! –Depart in peace, Elemental Fire.  My blessings take with you! –Depart in peace, Elemental Air.  My blessings take with you!
9.  Raise your arms into the air with athame or wand in hand.  Call out:  Beings and powers of the visible and invisible, depart in peace!  You aid in my work, whisper in my mind, and bless me from the Otherworld.  Let there ever be harmony between us.  My blessings take with you.  The Circle is cleared!
10.  Take the athame or wand in hand, and move widdershins once more around the Circle, calling out:  The Circle is open yet the Circle remains as its magical power is drawn back into me.  The Circle has been cleared.  My ritual has ended.
11.  Place athame or wand aside, and take a seat on the floor (you may also lie on your back.)  Close your eyes and focus on grounding excess energy by touching your palms to the floor.  Let the magic in the room (or outdoors) disperse and settle.  Take a few deep breaths, open your eyes, and begin cleaning up your space.
I hope all of you find this helpful.  Again, Circle casting can be completely tailored and customized for your needs, and you don’t have to cast one this way.  It is meant to be a resource for those just starting out.  If you have any questions, you can reach me via ASK or by messaging me.
Blessings, little ones!
Other lessons in the Saltwater School series:  Making Your Own Tarot Workbook
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
Clean House Powder
Intent: To cleanse a dwelling of negativity, “heaviness,” stale energy, bad atmosphere, etc. Ingredients:
Lemon Peel
Solomon’s Seal Root
Arrow Root
Blue Vervain
White Oak
Sage (any color)
Salt (both black & white)
Mortar & Pestle (or spice grinder)
Mesh Strainer
Collection Dish
Note: Powdered versions of most herbs are available online. See Online Resources for recommended vendors.. Also, if you can get your hands on a good spice grinder, you can make your own powder from dried herb products. Grind each ingredient separately to produce fine powder. Sieve the material through the mesh strainer into the collection dish; this removes the larger unground pieces and gives you cleaner powdered herb. (Pro-Tip: Putting a funnel under the mesh strainer reduces lost material and makes collection much easier.) Combine the component powders in the collection dish, mix well, and bottle immediately. For volume, go heavier on the less expensive or more easily available materials like Lemon Peel, Cayenne, and Salt. Otherwise, combine in more or less even amounts. Sprinkle a pinch in the corner of each room to dispel heaviness and clear the air, so to speak. Useful for spring cleaning and touch-up jobs throughout the year. Add to floor washes, incenses, or charms for general cleansing and purification of the home.
Note: For a quickie version of this powder, combine equal parts Lemon Peel, Cayenne Powder, Green Sage, Salt, and Black Pepper. It’s not as strong as the full recipe, but it is still effective for cleansing rituals, especially in a pinch.
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
Recovering past lives:
Close your eyes.
You are in a long hallway. There are thousands of doors to your left and right. Between each door is a marble pillar, elegant and strong. The walls are a deeper shade of your favorite colour. Torches dimly light your path. A long thin carpet lines the floor, straight. Each door is a different design and shape. Open the door to your left. It will take you to a memory. Where are you? WHO are you? Is anyone with you? There is nothing you can do here, this is a memory and it will play out the same each time. Don’t try to force it, let it play out. You can leave by turning around. The same door you entered from will be behind you. No matter where you go, the door out will always be behind you. You will enter back into the hall way. Good luck. *note: if you encounter a mirror that does not reflect your appearance, step through it
*note-note: If you encounter anyone else walking into and out of doors that you didn’t willing invite in, close and lock all the doors. There should be a key to the doors in your pocket. Proceed to the very last door, it is not marked by any pillars. This door leads nowhere. You control everything in this hallway, the hall is yours. Open the last door and let out the wolves.
*note-note-note: The doors farther down the hall are older. The last door (if you ever reach it) is your first life.
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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Happy Sunday everyone! <3
-Best colors to wear on Sunday are Gold, Gray, Orange, Pink, White and Yellow
-Sunday is ruled by the Sun and Leo
-This is a great day for creativity and attraction so if you practice the Law of Attraction, it's perfect for making vision boards or visalization
-It's also a great day to work with any gods associated with the Sun such as Helios, Lugh, Sol or Ra
-Sundays are also associated with solar energy and vitality, a perfect time to get outside and get some vitamin D
-The best crystals to work with on Sundays are Amber, Carnelian, Clear Crystal Quartz, Sunstone and Tiger's Eye
That's my little list. If you have any other correspondences or Monday tips please comment below.
Thank you for reading & have a blessed day <3
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
Sigil Tip
Draw sigils on your body, then charge them by tracing over them with the index finger of your dominant hand while channeling energy from the world around you through your body, out through your finger, and into the sigil.
Some options:
trace the sigil exactly as you have drawn it while repeating the intent in your mind
trace circles over the sigil, going clockwise for attraction and counterclockwise for banishing
dip your finger in a corresponding oil before tracing it - be careful of any skin conditions / sensitivity you may have
cup a crystal relating to your intent in your palm before tracing the design - draw the energy into the crystal then out through your finger
The options can be endless, feel free to experiment!
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metaphystudies-blog · 7 years
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Tonight is a very special night!  Hope everyone gets a chance to make the most of it. Follow me for more great posts! <3
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