meaganjacobshpu · 10 years
Robbers- The 1975
Man and women walking- woman wearing a fur coat, man wearing leather jacket and sunglasses, clearly a couple
Man wearing floral shirt, passes joint to woman
Man smoking cigarette by window
**Flashes of scenes foreshadowing future events**
Smoking and drinking by abandoned pool, popping pills and passing out
Singing into microphone and dancing about, money falling through the air
Flashes to diner, she passes a note to him in lipstick that says “you look so cool xx”, clearly under the influence of something
Movie theatre, girl starts to annoy him -> passes her coke and she stops
Sitting on window sill, he pulls out a gun and plays with it -> she isn’t amused when he points it at her
Walking separated down a dusty path, her arms are crossed and she looks pissed, he comes and kisses her and they appear to make up
He has a bandana across his face as they appear to be preparing for a robbery
The kiss and are holding hands as they enter the store they’re about to rob
Nervous coconspirators wait in van outside
Pause in the music, the man can be faintly be heard shouting “get on the fucking ground”
Gun shots
The music resumes, he emerges bleeding clinging on to her as she supports him back to the van
Flashes back and forth between whats going on right now and previous scenes, mostly sex
Bloody handprint on the door
He kisses her while she bandages him up and he gets his blood on her face
They throw around the money from the robbery with their friends and smoke more weed
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meaganjacobshpu · 10 years
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Jerry Lee Lewis
At the age of 9 he learned how to play the piano, he was very innovative and flamboyant which is what got him noticed. When he was 14 he gave his very first performance at a local car dealership, he soon left school to focus on music. In 1956 Lewis auditioned for Sun Records, he soon was a solo artist and a session musician. One day while Lewis was playing the piano in back of Carl Perkins Elvis and Johnny Cash stopped by and they pro formed an improved song session. In Lewis’s life he has been married seven times. The most controversial one was to his cousin who was thirteen years old. During all his marriages he had six children but two of the boys died before they reached the age of twenty. With all of Lewis’s struggle and hardships he still manages to continue his extravagant performances, which is very honorable of him. 
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meaganjacobshpu · 10 years
This is a video shot at the Levitation of the Pentagon in Washington D.C. on October 21, 1967.  In response to the Vietnam war, many protesters, including those of the Yippie counterculture, congregated at the Lincoln Memorial. Abbie Hoffman and Allen Ginsberg were among the 50,000 that marched to the Pentagon. Pranksters recited a chant that would lift the Pentagon into the air. Even though the Pentagon was not levitated, high spirits and antiwar enthusiasm was evident throughout the crowd. 
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meaganjacobshpu · 10 years
I chose this video because it's one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands. I have watched it a million times and still notice new things every time i see it. I would love to be able to decode it better because even though I've tried to analyze it a lot on my own, I'm still not 100% sure what it means. 
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meaganjacobshpu · 10 years
I feel this video is somewhat  similar to the one we saw in class, but I really like the feel of it. I think all the girls in this video define hip as it as seen present day. I would like to break it down a little better. 
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meaganjacobshpu · 10 years
This video is too cool. I love the '80's pop feel of the song itself and when added with the symbols and cool dancing and effects and stuff, I just couldn't pass it up. 
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