me10dy10 · 2 months
Lipstick - Spencer Reid x fem!reader
"I need to go to work, y/n," Spencer Reid mumbled, trying to move the girl away. Y/n rolled her eyes and kept kissing him. He was sitting in the passenger seat of her car, outside of his work. "C'mon, let me go."
She moved down from his lips to his neck, kissing it once before moving away. "I love you," she told him, giving him a smile. Her red lipstick distracting him. "Gimme one more," Y/n said, kissing him
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me10dy10 · 4 months
Ocean Eyes
Finnick Odair x fem!reader
Y/n Odair was laying on the dirt. She couldn't move, she couldn't even open her eyes. All she could do was think about the intense pain she was in. Her breathing was harsh and she was slowly falling unconscious until someone picked her up. Their hands were harsh against the horrible blisters the fog had created.
She gasped and her eyes opened. "It's okay, sweetheart. It's just me. It's Finnick," her husband whispered. He picked her up and walked her to the lake. Y/n's body was covered in blisters and boils and there was a large gash on her head from falling.
"This is gonna hurt a little bit but it'll get rid of your ache okay, sweetheart?" Y/n gulbed and nodded.
Finnick slowly dipped her into the lake. A scream releasing itself from her chest. She tried to get out of his grib, trying to get anywhere but into the water.
"It's okay, you're okay. Please, baby."
Slowly she stopped screaming and the pain lessened.
"Shh, shh, shh," he whispered. Something he'd do whenever she was upset back home. "I'm right here. You're safe."
He used his right hand to wash off her face, tears falling from her eyes but she could finally see. Her brown eyes making contact with his beautiful ocean eyes.
"Hi, baby. It's me."
"You're okay."
"You're safe."
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me10dy10 · 4 months
Remus Lupin x drunk!fem!reader
Remus Lupin was sitting on a couch, watching as his friends sang a song together. James Potter and Sirius Black screamed a Queen song into the microphone and somehow it sounded good.
Someone sat next to him and he immediately recognized her from her perfume. "Remmy," y/f/n whispered. A grin on her face.
"Come dance with me. Please."
Remus shook his head and laughed. "Merlin no."
"C'mon, love. Come dance. Lilly left and now I have no one to dance with." Y/n had already started standing up and was pulling him with her, she was much stronger than she actually looked and was able to drag him to where everyone else was.
For about an hour, the two danced together. But then their friends wanted to leave. Y/n and Lilly walked together, holding hands and stumbling on the side walk, running into each other and laughing. Y/n had almost fell of the curb and into the street but Remus grabbed her wrist. "Alright, you too are done," he told them. Remus held the girls and James put Lilly over his shoulder.
Y/n was mumbling things to Remus and although he was listening, none of it actually made sense. "Cause when- think about it. Are you thinking about it?" Remus nodded. "Kangaroos come from America. They're basically human."
"You're a human too, does that mean your from America?"
"I'm from Norway, you know this silly goose," she giggled and almost fell over. "But humans exist in America. My tummy hurts."
"We're almost home."
Y/n sighed and stopped talking. She had started counting her steps. "Hundre," she whispered. "Hundre og trettifire."
And soon the made it to the apartment. Sirius and Marlene McKinnon had gone to their own, James and Lilly went to a different one and Remus and y/n walked up to theirs. The two weren't a couple, but since the other four were they had to share a room.
Y/n cheered when she walked into the apartment and immediately went to the fridge to grab a shot. "Hm, nope," Remus said taking it from her.
"Please, please. I'm thirsty," she said, dragging out the 'y'. Remus pointed to the water bottles they had. "No, please. Just one."
She had started to try and get it from him, pressing herself against him and trying to grab his hand. But then she stopped and just looked up at him. He looked so pretty in the lighting. "Can I kiss you?" She asked.
Remus didn't say anything but just took a step back which surprised her. "I think it's best if you go to bed."
Y/n looked at him and nodded. "You don't like me?" She asked.
"I didn't say tha-"
"So you do like me?"
"...I didn't say that... either."
"Do you like me or not, Remus. Cause you'll dance with me and you'll hold my hand and you helped me in school and we'd kiss sometimes and you'd act like my boyfriend. But then you'll go days without talking to me and... and you'll say the meanest things sometimes and you make me feel so dumb an-and. Merlin! You're so confusing!" She shouted.
"You're drunk, let's talk about this in the morni-"
"No! No! I... No. You don't like me. That's that." She silently walked to the bedroom and went to sleep in her dress. Remus could hear her crying. He slept on the couch because he wanted to give her her space and was planning on what to say in the morning.
He did like y/n. He liked her a lot actually. Maybe even loved her and he never thought she felt the same way and now he was scared he ruined everything...
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me10dy10 · 4 months
Sight - Gilbert Blythe x fem!blind!reader
Gilbert Blythe was in love with a girl. A very beautiful girl. Everything about her, to him, was just absolutely stunning. He was madly in love with her.
Y/f/n was in love with a boy. A very kind and sweet boy. Everything about him, to her, just felt like home. She was madly in love with him.
Gilbert could see y/n. Y/n could not see Gilbert. Y/n couldn't see anything for that matter. Her eyesight was something she lost from a strange illness that struck her when she was six. But he then, Gilbert still loved the girl.
He'd help her when she needed it, although she'd always say she doesn't need it. He knows she does.
One day, Gilbert tied a tie around his eyes and stood at the front of the house. His lover was out for the week, at her families house a train ride away. So he had a whole week to do this.
He decided to fix the house. To try and make her life earlier. He sighed before walking into their house. The top of his shoes hit the floor board. Gilbert made a mental note.
- fix floorboard at entrance
He kept walking and tried to navigate around the house. His leg bashed against the side of the table, the sharp edge bruising his thigh.
- dull down table edge
Gilbert walked around the house carefully, until he thought he got everything.
- fix the floor at every entrance to each room
- dull down the edge of the cabinets in the living room
He spent the entire week make sure the edges of the tables and cabinets and dressers and bookshelves were no longer pointed and were round. Then he hammered down the wood at each door entrance, so she wouldn't trip when entering a room.
They were two small things but he tried.
When y/n got home, the couple walked into the house. Gilbert was carrying her back, since he got her from the train.
He watched as she raised her foot slightly when entering the house but was surprised when she didn't feel the floor graze the bottom of her shoe. She said nothing but just walked into the house.
They went to their room and her hand immediately went out of stop her from hitting the table but she was surprised when it was round and not pointy.
"Did you-?" She asked, looking around confused.
"Um, I just, I fixed some stuff around the house. To make it easier. I chipped down all the tables and dressers and fixed the floors at all the doors. Just some easy house work."
Y/n just stood there. She looked to where he was standing. "I... Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you so much."
"Yea, of course. Anything for you," Gilbert told her.
"Wow," y/n sighed. She could finally be comfortable in her own house.
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you, Gilbert."
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me10dy10 · 4 months
Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Steve Harrington walked up to the apartments. He looked at the number on his hand. 219. Room 219. He walked up the steps to the second floor and counted the doors till he got to room 219. He knocked, hesitantly. Steve heard shuffling inside of the room and then the door opened. Y/f/n stood there, a straight look on her face.
"Hi," Steve said, smiling at her.
She moved out of the way and let him walk in. Y/n went and sat down on the bed, watching as Steve walked around and looked at the room.
"This is very... small," Steve mumbled.
Steve walked over to her bed and just stood there.
"Are we gonna do anything or are you just gonna stand there." Steve took his shirt off and tossed it somewhere behind him. "You just took your shirt off."
"No, I didn't."
Y/n sighed. "Okay, whatever," she grabbed his belt and pulled him on top of her.
It was two days later, Monday. Steve was messing around with his friends when someone ran into him. "Freaks," one of his friend said. Steve looked at the two people. Y/n and Eddie Munson.
"Yea, fuck off," Eddie told them. Y/n and Steve held eye contact before Eddie dragged her away. She looked behind her shoulder and saw him still looking at her.
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me10dy10 · 4 months
Dance, Darling
James Potter x fem!reader
pov: it's the night Sirius Black escapes. excspt he's not alone. y/n black, his little sister, had came with him. all she can think about is their little brother, Regulus. James Potter calms her down with a simple dance
Y/n Black was pacing back and forth. It was the night when her and her eldest brother, Sirius, had ran away. All she could think of was her youngest brother, Regulus. He was all alone, he must hate her. James Potter had helped Sirius settle down and get him a room, although the two siblings wanted to share a room for a while. Just out of fear something would happen to the other. The man was showering in the other room and James Potter was just watching y/n walk back and forth.
"You're going to leave a dent in the floor, darling," James whispered. She stopped walking and just stood there, scratching at her neck. She felt like she couldn't breathe.
"I need to go back," Y/n quickly said, walking to the door. James quickly grabbed her arm and spun her towards him. Hugging her against him. "Stop, no. Reggie. He's all alon-"
"Just dance with me. Dance, darling," James whispered.
He swayed her back and forth. "You know it's not safe to go back. They'd kill you, Regulus is probably safer with you guys gone actually. Your parents need him now."
Y/n nodded slowly. Her head falling onto the mans chest. She could hear his heartbeat. It brought a sort of comfort to her. Letting her know she wasn't alone. For once, y/n didn't feel alone.
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me10dy10 · 7 months
I cried today. And for once, you weren't the reason why.
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me10dy10 · 7 months
Last Kiss - coriolanus snow x fem!reader
"never thought we'd have a last kiss..."
Y/f/n sat on her bed, her boyfriend, Coriolanus Snow was yelling at her. He ran his hand threw his blonde hair and stopped pacing. He moved and sat in front of her. Grabbing her hands gently.
"Y/f/n... I can't lose you," he whispered. "Please. You can't do this to me. The revolution... It won't work."
"We're two very different people, love," Y/n hummed, putting her hand on his cheek. She ran he fingers on his cheek, she watched as his head moved rest on her fingers. "I'm leaving tonight. I don't expect you to come with me but I wish you would."
Coriolanus shook his head, a tear falling from his eyes. "They'll kill you," he cried, his hand going to hold the one on his face. "I don't want you to die-"
"Then come with me," she begged. "Please, Cor... Please. I don't want to leave you but I can't stay here. I have to fight for what's right."
The couple just looked at each other, they both knew this was goodbye. Once y/n leaves, they could never be together again.
Coriolanus pulled the girl into a soft kiss. Their last kiss. Y/n she had to leave right after, so she made it last. She let her tears fall when she pulled away and hugged the boy.
"I love you Coriolanus Snow," y/n whispered into his ear. "I'll always love you."
Y/n stood up and sighed before leaving the room. That was the last time Coriolanus saw his love in person.
She died five years later, fighting with a peacekeeper. She was shot in the head and the news was spread across all the Districts and the Capitol.
"Coriolanus Snows ex-lover and a capitol traitor, shot dead for trying to revolte."
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me10dy10 · 7 months
Drunk - Finnick Odair x fem!reader
"and if I'm gonna be drunk... I might as well be drunk in love
Finnick Odair watched as the girl stumbled into his room. They had finally gotten home from mentoring for the 77th hunger games, their victors not winning, and it had taken a toll on his wife, y/n. She smelt like a bar floor and looked like shit.
"i missed you," she mumbled crawling into bed. She had drank as much as she could, in their living room, only stopping when she started missing Finnick.
"I missed you too, honey," he said, sighing as she curled up on his chest. "I do wish you'd stop drinking though," he whispered, knowing she couldn't hear him.
He knew it was the only way she could cope with the stress of mentoring for the hunger games. But he wished she'd find a different coping mechanism.
Y/n didn't hear anything he had said just looked up at him, a huge smile on her face. "You are so gorgeous, baby. So gorgeous," y/n giggled, running her fingers gently on his face. "You're handsome, Finnick. My Finnick."
He smiled at the drunk woman and just rubbed her back until she fell asleep. "I love you, my y/n."
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me10dy10 · 7 months
Finnick Odair x fem!victor!reader
Y/f/n sat on the train. She had won the 74th hunger games, a very brutal game. She had almost died, a fatal attack to her chest. If it was three millimeters to the left, it would have killed her.
She was on tour, going to every district to speak. She was given a script, written by her mentors Finnick and Mags. It was very boring but it made her look professional.
Y/n hadn't spoken outside of her speech's. She'd go to the district, talk, and go back to the train and sit. Everyone was very patient with the young girl, all of them understanding what she had gone through. Although Finnick and Mags had difficult games, they knew hers was atleast ten times worse.
She stared at her hands, her nails were done and her hands looked soft. Thanks to the Capitol -- thanks to President Snow -- she was taken care of. All of her cuts and bruises were healed, she looked gorgeous. Her makeup was done everyday and she had a brand new wardrobe and thousands of dollars. She was the Capitols favorite.
Finnick walked up to the girl. His steps were careful, almost like he was scared she'd snap. He sat next to her. "We're almost to District 7, you ready?" He spoke soft and slowly so she could understand him. She had lost all her hearing in her left ear.
Y/n nodded and looked up at him. For he first time, since she had won, he saw her eyes. Her gorgeous eyes. There was a harsh scar going from the top of her eyebrow to her cheek, part of her right eye obviously damaged but it somehow made her look beautiful.
Finnick stood up and held out a hand for her. Y/n placed hers on it and stood up. He didn't let go of her hand as they walked from the back of the train to the front. Right as they got to the front, they arrived to District 7.
There were siblings from this district. They had risked their lives to save y/n. Something she'd never forget. She already had tears in her eyes as she slowly walked into the District. People were cheering for her and waving. She let go of Finnicks had when she finally made it to behind the stage. There was a curtain covering where she was standing.
"Remember, your script," a lady told her and pushed her out of the curtain.
The 17 year old girl froze. She looked at the large groups of people who were all looking back at her. Then up at the families of the two siblings.
"I... I knew Cash and Harriet very well," y/n said. She decided to ignore her script and say what she felt. "They had saved me. Harriet... She was just. She was so selfless and caring and strong. And... And I tried to save her, but I couldn't," Y/ns voice started to crack and a single tear fell down her cheek. "Cash was so full of love and he adored his older sister. He had nothing but good things to say about his family. It's not fair... It's not fair that they weren't the ones that won."
At this point, y/n couldn't stop her tears. "They were loyal and amazing kids and I'll never forget them. No one should." Y/n couldn't look at the family any longer. "I'm sorry I couldn't save them, I wish it was them giving a speech instead of me. Thank you," she quickly said before hurrying off.
Mags tried to comfort the girl but y/n just shook her head and sobbed as she was walked back to the train. Finnick had a hand on her back, guiding her.
"You're alright, honey. You're alright," he whispered, keeping her away from the photographers who were following them. "Hey! Back off!" He shouted at one of them who had stood right in front of them.
He made sure no one was getting a picture of the distraught victor as they hurried to the train. Once they were all inside, y/n rushed away and into the bathroom, locking herself inside.
"I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this," she whispered repeatedly as she sat on the floor. She sat there until she stopped crying. Y/n stood up and looked in the mirror. Her makeup was fortunately water proof so none of it was ruined but her eyes were red and her head was pounding.
Finally someone knocked on the door. It was Finnick. "Y/n... Are you okay?" He asked.
She opened the door and saw the man. He held his arms open for her and let her fall into them. She didn't cry, she just stood there. Her arms wrapped around his waist, her hands holding onto the back of his shirt.
"You're alright, honey. You tried to save them, it's not your fault."
Finnick hugged the girl till the sunset, promising to keep her safe. To always keep her safe.
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