mb-concepts · 6 years
Very strange...
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mb-concepts · 6 years
But they forgot the blackhole in the sky.
The starset society.
See the placebo effect and cosmology.
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mb-concepts · 6 years
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Your consciousness doesn’t exist within the brain alone. Consciousness is everywhere and within everything even particles.
With infinite energy and power the LHC would find smaller particles forever.
The universe or realm we currently inhabit at this moment is infinite meaning anything you can imagine will happen and is happening at this very moment somewhere within it.
When I say universe I include the multiverse, and all alternate realities within that one word for that explanation.
Fields of energy as we as humans know them to be are the only real physicality we interact with that our consciousness currently interacts with and our consciousness is eternal. Our bodies merely receive and transmit consciousness. As we live within these bodies we gather karma, some of which comes back to us in the physical world, but in death when we die this karmatic energy rejoins your pure conscious form and immediately results in a form of judgement by the universe itself which as many religions have called God and Gods with many different names over the existence of mankind.
Think of consciousness as the scientific term for the soul.
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mb-concepts · 8 years
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