mayura424 · 3 years
I really want to see this written as a long story.
I'm just imagining how funny and how serious some of the scenes could be
📒📒📒 🤭
So probably the first one I have is the "Gabriel Get's Amnesia AU."
None of these have titles yet by the way guys, because I'm terrible at titles and usually what happens is I get to posting on Ao3 and then have to scramble for one.
But it's pretty much what the title sounds like. Essentially at some point in either an earlier season or I guess later this one if Nathalie's health improves because she's up and ambulatory for the fic, Gabriel gets injured, I'm not sure if it's in an accident while transformed but after Ladybug's already fixed everything, or a freak thing (car crash? falling lights at a fashion show?) one of the few times he actually does leave the house.
Nathalie of course blames herself.
Adrien is terrified he's going to lose another parent permanently. Sure Gabriel isn't around much for him, but it's different to have even the chance of that taken away.
Luckily for him, there's an akuma attack to take his mind off everything!
It's Nathalie.
Who managed to take the brooch off Gabe in the ambulance and is now using it to make sure no one connects Gabriel's hospitalisation with a lack of akuma attacks.
Unfortunately for her, whoever she akumatises realises they're mind-talking to a woman, and addresses her as Mme. Papillon.
Which a) defeats the purpose of the whole thing, and b) gives her a lot of unwanted feelings.
Thankfully for both of them, especially Nathalie who's ran off her feet dealing with company issues, Gabriel wakes up in hospital and seems mostly alright apart from the fact that he's missing his memories of the last five years.
So he has no memory of Emilie's "disappearance."
Or of becoming Hawk Moth.
Meanwhile his son is apparently a teenager who goes to school now, while apparently he's had everything set-up legally to give his assistant power over everything he legally could if he was incapacitated.
Which. It's not that he doesn't trust the Nathalie he remembers. He does. But this seems excessive? And apparently she lives in his house now? And until she noticed his reaction she doing things like taking his hand to reassure him?
Needless to say Gabriel is very confused and concerned.
He's also a little lost when it comes to Adrien. Because quite often his instincts tell him one thing, but Adrien and/or Nathalie act as if he should do another, and he guesses that if he decided to send Adrien to school maybe he decided this to? And he doesn't want to look stupid but contradicting himself?
Nathalie keeps having to hide her smiles at Adrien and Gabriel spending more time together, and Adrien's...feeling very conflicted because this is the best things have been in years, maybe even ever, but it's partially b/c he's lied to his father about things like the fact that he's totally a member of Kitty Section full-time and has to go rehearse.
Gabriel:...I guess it's good for his image????
Nathalie is also conflicted because...Gabriel seems happier than he's been in years too. And she's struggling to find time to be Papillombre, and Ladybug & CN don't seem to have connected Papillon's disappearance to Gabriel's amnesia. So. Maybe. Could she just stop?
And there is Emilie.
Gabriel's happy. Adrien's happy. Isn't that enough?
Gabriel on the other hand is furiously trying to work out if he's been having an affair with his assistant and dealing with the fact that now he's thought of Nathalie like that the idea won't leave his mind, and work out what the hell happened to his wife.
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mayura424 · 3 years
Your not alone 😅🤣
I must really be shipping trash because now I’m imagining a Din x Cara + Boba x Fennec double date. What is wrong with me???
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mayura424 · 4 years
The only one I can find is GoGoanime but that's a little iffy but once the epsidoe starts it's good quality
Hey so does anyone know where I can watch good quality subbed episodes of Zexal? I need to rewatch a couple episodes for a fic for Zexal Month and I don’ wanna forget stuff that the dub cuts out.
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mayura424 · 4 years
Some write this please.
Story idea: Felix returns and causes trouble by...encouraging Nathalie to tell Gabriel about her feelings for him. He also sends Nathalie anonymous presents to make Gabe jealous. It works.
Nathalie probably wouldn't listen to Felix after she found out he stole Gabriel's ring... but she'd listen to Adrien.
I can see Felix casually asking Adrien about Gabriel and Nathalies relationship just to get a feel of the house dynamics and maybe find something he can use to his advantage for whatever pranks he might have up his sleeve... and when Adrien let's it drop that he thinks they're a thing but his dads in denial, a lightbulb goes off in Felix's head. If he can get Gabriel to move on with Nathalie than maybe Gabe would be okay with giving up the other twin ring...which is currently impossible for Felix to get since Gabriel obviously no longer trusts him.
So Felix tells Adrien he's pressing the wrong person. He should TOTALLY talk to Nathalie. Should totally convince her to hook up with Gabriel. And Adrien is like yeah I totally should!! Great idea Felix!!
And in the meantime Felix finds the name of one of Adrien's photographers, someone Nathalie would have met before, and uses said name to send flowers and love letters to Nathalie. Making it a point to always have them delivered when she's around Gabriel.
Which unfortunately leads to a certain innocent photographer getting fired.
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mayura424 · 4 years
Can anyone tell me which epsiode the top picture came from please
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Idk why I like to think that at the end of the group photo everyone took an individual selfies with their friends and their group...
I can actually imagine Kaito to be down for a selfie but he probably doesn't how to pose like that... shhhh let me dream
Ps. Idk if it's a charming pose or a pistol pose
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mayura424 · 4 years
One of my only problems with zexal is that droite/dextra and Gauche/Nistro was that they were heartlands left and right hands so I feel like they would have known more about everything than kaito/kite. I just felt they could have been used more against the barians
Reblog this with your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal male and female characters
You can also explain why if you want! These are my favorite YGO Zexal characters:
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Favorite male character: Kaito Tenjo
Hard choice really, since Zexal has an amazing cast of male characters. Still, I chose Kaito as my favorite because he was the first character who caught my attention particularly ♡ His first appearance really had a strong impact on me. He’s extremely badass and smart, a fantastic duelist with a perfectly suitable deck, and a well-developed character: what more can you ask for? He’s also the only YuGiOh rival who managed to beat the protagonist, which makes his dueling score even more impressive. I love his personality and his attitude too ♡ An amazing character, really ♡
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Favorite female character: Akari Tsukumo
While Zexal has amazing cast of male characters, it has a veeeeeery poor cast of girls, unfortunately… Kotori is actually not that bad, but she’s too weak; Cathy had a bit of potential, but she was reduced to a Yuma-lover; Rio is basically a shallow Mary Sue who could’ve been written so much better and could’ve made a decent female character… Anna and Droite are much better, but in the end they didn’t add anything at all to the show. I had to pick Akari because she’s the one I like the most among all of these girls x’) She’s cool and badass, and despite not being relevant in the show, she left a good impression on me :)
IMPORTANT: this is my opinion, you’re totally free to disagree and ask me more info as to why they’re my faves, but please don’t disrespect my opinions :) That goes for anyone who reblogs this post as well, don’t disrespect anyone’s opinion, thank you!
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mayura424 · 4 years
So i started watching this fox show called "bones" and there's this one character Cam, who is the head of the forensics devition at the jeffersonian. And I've noticed no one treats nicely at the start.
For example:
Its takes Zach to encourage her to come with them to celebrate his new job at their lab. He lifts his hand over the others and does the "come on" move. And no one else seems to notice she wasn't thinking of going.
Another time is when "bones" is having her hendo (Bachelorette) party. Angela and Temprance wre talking about it and they say 'we're' and cam looks surprised. She questions them and temperance says "yes it wouldn't be her party without her".
One of the first episodes she is in brennan states she can't work with Cam because she doesn't let brennan do what she wants when she wants to. Cam asked if she should start looking for a replacement. Angela steps in and says if temprance goes they all do. When it was clear temprance was the one who stated she would leave not Cam threatening her to fire her.
I feel so sorry for her cause everyone, even her best friend Seeley booth was against her for a while and said he would go with temprance 'bones' brennan not Cam. And they always put her last and expect her to accept everything they do and don't think maybe she does thing for them
Another time is when bones is on the run because she has been framed for a murder. Angela is with Caroline and says she blames Cam for bones having to leave. Caroline sticks up for Cam and says if not for her they would all be of the case and possibly fired for tampering with evidence. She continues and says Cam is the hero of this case.
I was so happy when she and Arastoo got together because she finally had someone who wasn't going to hurt her and they only fought about twice and there are theroys and ideas that he stood up for Cam when Bones was on the run.
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mayura424 · 5 years
Most of the miraculous fandom: OMG the chat blanc trailer was so c9ol my heart stoped. Look at all that action
Me and a few others: it was great but 'WHRRE THE F WAS NATHALIE/MAYURA'
I did love the trailer but the whole time I was like so where is Nathalie.
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mayura424 · 5 years
Or this all happens after love eater and miracle queen
Or maybe it was all a dream
Or idk
Zag faked us out, Chat Blanc and Felix is the true finale, loveater and miracle queen was a fakeout
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mayura424 · 5 years
Gabriel "i love my assitant but won't realize till she is practically death itself" Agrest
Gabriel "I f..king lost my Akuma" Agreste
Gabriel "Oh sh.t my Akuma is in space" Agreste
Gabriel "Holy sh.t my son is in space" Agreste
Anything else?
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mayura424 · 5 years
I am the only one who wants both.
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for real
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mayura424 · 5 years
This is so cool. Honestly though I feel like vegeta and bulma and more like gabreil and Nathalie but there we go
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OMGOD I fuckinasdafas i said i was gonna be gone for awhile and here i am! goddamit!! I ALWAYS DO THIS asdf but OK just posting this and THEN im out for real this time asdkfgalf
but omg yea miraculous ladybug best show best show go watch it asdfghj
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mayura424 · 5 years
I need someone to write this. It would be so cool.
AU where Gabriel doesn’t know Mayura’s secret identity.
She just shows up one day to aid Hawk Moth, right, and afterwards Gabriel is like “Nathalie, who could it be??? Who would risk everything to help me? Nathalie we are on the verge of something great here! An ally I never knew I had!!”
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mayura424 · 5 years
Wow I can really see that happening. Can someone right a fanfic of this
AU where Gabriel doesn’t know Mayura’s secret identity.
She just shows up one day to aid Hawk Moth, right, and afterwards Gabriel is like “Nathalie, who could it be??? Who would risk everything to help me? Nathalie we are on the verge of something great here! An ally I never knew I had!!”
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mayura424 · 5 years
Nathalie's outfits
Is it me or are Nathalie's outfits always linked to Gabreil in some way.
Her normal suit is dark purple, his hawk moth suit is a dark purple.
The collector and Catalyst look so similar.
So is think a coincidence or did the shoes creators have a deeper meaning. Apart from she know everything.
Theory 1 -
He need an ego boost.
Theory 2 -
He is rubbing it all in Nathalie's face.
Theory 3 -
He just wants everyone to know she works for him. Idk.
Repost with your thoughts.
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mayura424 · 5 years
Yes yes yes. I really want a fanfic like this i might try writing one. Still this would be really funny. I can really picture this.
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Gabriel Agreste when he finally gets his wife back only to realize he’s in love with Nathalie but now she’s in a coma after using the peacock miraculous too much
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mayura424 · 5 years
I agree either we get to see how she finally let's him help her or they shorten it down. It would make sense to show it because like stormy weather 3 we saw the villain but got a background of sorts from the main charters.
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I’m going to guess the reason Mayura is suddenly back in Miraculer(309) is because of something that happens in Reflekdoll(305). I know production code is not always the right order, but Reflekdoll’s plot mentions Reflekta not being alone and it’s the only episode produced before Miraculer not to have aired. 
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