matsunocanons · 6 years
Osomatsu san : Sanrio Boys edition
If you already know, Osomatsu san had a commercial where each of the brothers had a Sanrio character assigned to them. This season too, there's an anime which promote Sanrio, Sanrio Boys.
On this basis, let's imagine how the sextuplets gotten himself in Sanrio despite their twenty something.
All started by the days Jyushimatsu came back home with a giant plushie of Pomponpurin. Choromatsu, weirded out by the giant yellow dog ask him rapidly why did he bring it there.
Jyushimatsu replied cheerfully that the closest Sanrio shop were doing a promotion : three items for the price of two. He couldn't let it pass, and didn't hesitate to crash some people to get what he wanted.
What are the two other then? When Todmatsu pass by, a giant plush of My Melo get thrown at him
Todomatsu is frustrated at first but when he realise what is it, he is flattered.
"It's for my cute and only little brother!" Add Jyushimatsu, smiling to Totty.
Ichimatsu come at his turn and receive the same treatment.
"And here, for my fav-...uh Ichimatsu-nii-san!!"
It was a giant cat from sanrio, Ichimatsu doesn't know the name but already like it.
Soon, the little brother stay in the corner and their giant plushie under the gaze of their elder.
"Ha. They're really our little brothers, aren't they Osomatsu? Start off Karamatsu,
_ Well it make them cute to do something like that, Karamatsu. Keep going Osomatsu while gratting his nose
_ You two are jealous it's showing on your faces. You don't think we are a bit too old for that?"
Osomatsu and Karamatsu ignore blatantly the youngest as Todomatsu's voice come across the room :
"Typical from virgins who don't know how to get laid uh! Girls love when boys love cute things you know-"
He barely finished his sentence that Osomatsu and Karamatsu already left making Choromatsu sigh.
The whole time, Choromatsu keep telling himself how all of this is pueril, it's not until his brothers come back.
Karamatsu show off fiercely his giant Tuxedo Sam who inherited his sunglasses and Osomatsu is chuckling while holding his equally giant Hello Kitty with his signature smile.
_ Aw don't be like that Choromatsu! We took something for you.
Choromatsu is touched.
But it doesn't last when he realise he got the frog.
"What the-
_ his name is Keroppi. You two have the same smile. Made notice Osomatsu
_ Does that mean we should call Choromatsu-nii-san Keromatsu? Asked Jyushimatsu"
Choromatsu had to knock up some sense in his brother, but he actually like the gift as much than the others.
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matsunocanons · 6 years
Karamatsu learnt most of his French expression through listening Johnny Hallyday and Indochine.
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matsunocanons · 6 years
Jyushimatsu trying to act like a big brother to Totty and failing
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matsunocanons · 6 years
You guys seem to be confused about how I see each of you so let's be clear : Karamatsu is my partner in crime, Choromatsu is my best friend, Ichimatsu is my little brother, Jyushimatsu is my son and Totty is my rebellious teen daughter.
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matsunocanons · 6 years
If Osomatsu get kissed while he's smoking, the smoke become heart shaped
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matsunocanons · 6 years
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Skirts are better for your genitals. They’re also cute. Wear what you want.
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matsunocanons · 7 years
When they're beyond embarrassed and they just want to hide while they have no way out, the only solution for the Matsuno is to hide their face with their hood. Since it's not very useful their blushing face is still showing a bit.
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matsunocanons · 7 years
When they watch a horror movie :
Osomatsu : giggling when someone die, prank Todomatsu who want to have his eyes closed when something gory happen : he tell him that it's okay WHENEVER something horrible happen onscreen
Karamatsu : tears are rolling from his sunglasses but he want to stay strong : Todomatsu is clinging on him and is at this to cry on him. He pat his head from time to time, saying that he'll always be there to protect him
Choromatsu : rationalise the whole movie "it's just paint" "those people doesn't exist" "why a mummy would lose their time killing people? They can just become king again or something like that" but don't sleep at all tonight
Ichimatsu : stay silent but prank his brothers the upcoming night, Karamatsu and Todomatsu will cry a lot
Jyushimatsu : it was a bad idea to let him chose the film, he had no trauma after watching the human centipede
Todomatsu : you get it, he cry a lot
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matsunocanons · 7 years
Like Todomatsu, Osomatsu have no problem in wearing girls clothes just that it isn't his style. Still, once, he found himself searching for his little brother purse to steal his money again but went into his girly collection.
Later, Todomatsu found Osomatsu with a wig and a skirt on, acting like a cute high school girl.
And even later, Choromatsu found his two brothers in magical girls outfits, doing pose from Cardcaptor Sakura.
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matsunocanons · 7 years
When the little brothers want to obtain something from Karamatsu, they call him “Charisma-nii-san” which change him instantly in an adorable mess. He can’t even hold his sunglass to hide his embarrassment and joy.
The little brothers don’t always use it just for themselves though. Sometimes it’s just endearing to see him like that and still trying to act cool nonetheless.
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matsunocanons · 7 years
Since Todomatsu is his only little brother, Jyushimatsu have those moments when he just wants to act like a big brother.
As expected, he overdoes it by treating him like a literal baby. Todomatsu is okay with being spoiled, such as being feed for example, until Jyushimatsu wants to follow him to the toilet.
“It’s to be sure you have toilet paper!” Assure Jyushimatsu, but it’ll always be too much.
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matsunocanons · 7 years
Matsuno Brothers as Illnesses/Injuries
Osomatsu: Runny nose
Karamatsu: Blunt force trauma
Choromatsu: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Ichimatsu: Fever
Jyushimatsu: Hiccups
Todomatsu: Eyestrain
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matsunocanons · 7 years
Matsuno Brothers as flowers
Osomatsu - Cactus(SEX/LUST) or Poppy (Fun-loving)
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Karamatsu - Morning Glory (Willful promise) 
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Choromatsu - Hydrangea (Pride)
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Ichimatsu - Catnip
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Jyushimatsu - Sunflower (Radiance)
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Todomatsu - Carnation (Distinction)
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(its the Japanese meanings in wikipedia but catnip just fits ichmatsu without any other meaning.)
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matsunocanons · 7 years
Osomatsu san x Katekyo Hitman Reborn : Mafia Family and flames
Osmatsu : Boss : Sky flames (+storm)
Weapon : Giant Cissors
Animal box : Red Panda, petrify when asleep, dissolve when awake, dangerous combination of the two when half asleep
Karamatsu : Guardian of the Rain (+mist)
Weapon : Machine Gun
Animal Box : Wolf, weaken enemy by shouting
Choromatsu : Guardian of Thunder
Weapon : Electrified stick
Animal Box : Snake and Frogs. Frogs attract the thunder, and generally from an electrified zone. The snake stay around Choromatsu as shield.
Ichimatsu : Guardian of the Cloud
Weapon : Bombs
Animal Boxes : Cats but mostly one big tiger. The cats don’t stop coming
Jyushimatsu : Guardian of the Sun
Weapon : One big bat which change into an equally big hammer
Animal Box : Dog helper, lick wound to heal them, making the victim stronger after
Todomatsu : Guardian of the Mist
Animal Boxes : Bunnies which disturb every sense of the victim by eyes contact
Totoko : Guardian of the Storm
Weapo : Her own fucking fists
Animal Boxes : Shark and piranha
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matsunocanons · 7 years
They are all skinny-fat
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matsunocanons · 7 years
Karamatsu: Thats so rad
Karamatsu: Bombdiggity
Karamatsu: Groovy
Karamatsu: Coolio
Karamatsu: So lit
Todomatsu: Choromatsu nii-san get the knife
Karamatsu: *Runs* YEEEEET
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matsunocanons · 7 years
Matsu Bros as anime genre :
Osomatsu : Slice of life
Karamatsu : Romance
Choromatsu : Idol
Ichimatsu : Psychology
Jyushimatsu : Sport
Todomatsu : Moe
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