maskedteaser · 4 days
guys I can't believe I actually wrote Javier x Reader, I will post it when I finish other characters (this publication will have 2 more...)
Writing in English (not my first language) is not that hard??? I actually expected it to be really hard but somehow I wrote a decently long thing
????!!!! I'm shocked!!!!!!
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maskedteaser · 4 days
...guys...i think I might be onto something!! (still haven't finished the request I got like 2 weeks ago... I didn't forget about you, dear, I was just playing rdr2 for 5-6 hours a day since then and I have no free time....)
Spicy Romance Prompts
I'm constantly looking for more spicy romance prompts so I thought I'd give writing some a go! Let me know if you want more prompt posts!
"I crave you."
"Let me distract you."
"You like that, huh?"
"My breath just made you quiver. Can you imagine what my tongue will do."
"Shh... just a little bit more."
"What do you want to eat?" "Bend over."
"Oh, shut up." "You shut up." "Make me." "Okay, but you might moan a little."
"Lift your hips for me, love."
"I'm not the jealous type, but what's mine is mine. End of story."
"Go fuck yourself." "Fuck me yourself, you coward."
"Kiss me, you piece of shit."
"Let me ruin you."
"Say you want me too."
"You could stay."
"You deserve to be loved."
"I shouldn't be jealous. You aren't even mine."
"You want me. I was inside you. I tasted you. That is a truth you will never escape."
"The problem is, if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."
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maskedteaser · 4 days
this post made me so happy, I'm glad that my idea was "favorite request you've gotten in ages" (me using anonymous ask feature just to uncover my identity later because I just need to compliment the fics I read) [but I think that ~🦎/🐊 makes it so obvious that it is me...)
not sure if your requests are still open but I'd devour your take on how rdr characters would react to you giving them a hot lunch while they are hunting. Like they are sitting at the top of the hill with a hunting bow in their hands and you sneak up to them, handing them a hot meal prepared for them.
preferred characters are javier, sean and kieran but you can add your favourites as well, I will gladly read your take on that about any character! :)
also don't feel pressured if you don't feel like writing it! much love anyways, have a nice day :))
- 🦎
hot n' ready 🍰 various rdr2 characters x gn! reader
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!! divider by animatedglittergraphics-n-more ♡ !! hi sweetheart ! i hope you're doing amazing today ! ♡ this is my favorite request i've gotten in ages ! it's so cute. thank you so much for sending it in. ♡ i'm so so sorry it took me so long to write, i've had like.. 0 motivation to write lately, and this is just to get back into it. i'm also very sorry if this sucks and if i didn't portray any of your favorites right, i'm only really used to writing a few characters. synopsis:bringing your dearest some good lunch you made just for him while he's out hunting. pairings (in order): ♡ charles smith ♡ arthur morgan ♡ javier escuella ♡ eagle flies ♡ sean macguire ♡ kieran duffy ♡ john marston ♡ the boy warnings: none, this is just fluff !! mentions: @pursuedbyamemoryy @deaddoedonoteat
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charles smith:
he didn't expect it. at all.
although, that doesn't mean he didn't appreciate it.
when you crept up to him, his focus was entirely on the doe, whose head was tipped down to nibble at the grass beneath her hooves.
as soon as you prodded at him with the tip of your finger, he jolted and made a discontented, uncomfortable sound.
he was quick to whip around to see who it was, gripping his bow a little tighter, but when he realized it was you he visibly relaxed almost instantly.
he greets you and asks you what you have in your hands, disregarding the doe immediately. you were more important.
"a warm lunch, just for you. i know pearson's meals aren't so satisfying to eat, especially since they lack seasoning and any variation, so i made something of my own. i also made myself something, that way, we could have some lunch together.
when you say that, he feels his face go warm.
he has to clear his throat before attempting to tell you that you didn't have to do this for him and that he didn't want to be a waste of time, but you were quicker, promising him that he deserved a break from low quality food and that he deserved something nice.
so, now understanding you were absolutely sure, he takes his warm lunch from your hands with a smile, and you eat together underneath the shade of a tree, sharing conversation and warm, loving smiles.
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arthur morgan:
he was a bit frustrated.
he had tried to get his hands on this damn buck for so long, but every time he'd try and shoot, the thing would get spooked off by quickly passersby.
so now, here he was, sat atop a hill, grumbling to himself about how irritating the prey was, fidgeting with an arrow and trying to calm himself down.
he had heard hoofbeats on the grass and quickly turned to see who it was, and as soon as he saw your face, all of his anger was gone. he put the arrow he held down onto the grass with his bow, and watched you approach. he noticed you had something in your hands.
"hey, darlin'. what's that you got in your hands?" he asks, watching you sit down beside him with a bit of a smile present on your features.
"some lunch for you. made it myself." you say, smiling bigger. "i figured you'd like something that isn't as bad as pearson's cooking... so i made that something."
arthur was a bit shocked, taking it from your hands when you held it out to him. he looked from the box up to you, unsure. "i don't deserve this, darlin', it's.. you didn't have to."
"i wanted to."
this makes his face go red, because he wouldn't really figure someone would want to do something like this for him. but it made him happy, and he really enjoyed your cooking. who knew you were so good?
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javier escuella:
he's more of a fishing guy, so that might make it a little harder for you to reach him, but that doesn't deter you.
he went down to the dakota river to do some fishing, and he asked you to tag along, but you initially said no. he was a little sad about that.
however, when he was in the middle of wrapping a smallmouth bass so he could return it to camp, you prodded at his shoulder, causing him to yelp and drop the fish.
you apologized quickly, but he was quick to put the apology down. he wasn't mad at you, he could never be. plus, he insisted he should've been more aware of his surroundings.
after that, you handed him the lunch you made.
"querida, what's this?" he asks, inspecting it closely, as if unsure. it wasn't like you'd give him something that'd kill him, so he stopped his looking.
"a lunch i made for you, since pearson's cooking tastes like shit."
"it has a few of the meals you told me your mother used to make you, and i wanted to sorta give you some sense of home. i hope my cooking is as good as hers, and that i captured the flavors right."
his heart warms, and he feels a bit of a hitch in his breath. you took the time out of your day to make him one of the dishes from home? oh, you were just the sweetest.
he holds the lunch carefully as he brings you into a hug and kisses your cheek, thanking you before quickly sitting down to enjoy what you picked to make him.
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eagle flies:
today's hunt had been very successful, and he was proud of that.
he had managed to shoot down some rabbits, and he wanted to finish off a deer as well. he found it most refreshing when he did this.
when you came over the hill, he was poised to shoot, rough fingertips pulling back on the string of his bow.
you decided to stay quiet, watching him release the string and puncture the unaware doe's neck. you smiled when he released a pleased sigh, standing to go collect the arrow and the fresh kill.
"that was a good one," you say, spotting him turn and smile right back at you. "thank you." he replies. he'd known you were there, but he had already gotten the opportunity for a perfect shot, so he didn't greet you despite how bad he'd wanted to.
you watched him pluck the arrow from the carcass and hoist it over his shoulder, bringing it back to his horse before helping you down from yours.
"so, why'd you come?"
"made you something." you say, handing him a small box lunch. "you deserve a treat for all of the hard work you've been doing lately. i know it's the least i could do for such hard work, but i was in a rush."
eagle flies smiles at the gift, his heart fluttering. "thank you, my love. i appreciate this a lot. i've always liked your cooking." he says, leaning in and pressing a tender kiss to your temple, before sitting down to eat the meal you made specially for him.
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sean macguire:
he didn't know why he came on this hunting trip. hunting irked him.
he wasn't even all that good at focusing on the prey, let alone shoot it in a vital spot to kill it. he wouldn't admit that, nor the fact that he'd rather be doing something more entertaining.
he just about tossed away the bow, but you twined your arms around him in a hug and gazed up at him, a smile on your lips.
"hi honey." you say gently, "i brought you something to eat. hunting isn't your forte, and i know you like my cooking. maybe it'll calm you down."
sean stared at you for a moment, his expression flat before it grew a bit embarrassed, "i can hunt just fine!" he snapped, and you laughed. "i saw the anger in your face, honey, you hate it. here."
you pushed the box meal into his hands, and he wasn't going to deny this. as you said, he loved your cooking. he'd never say otherwise... even if he didn't like the flavor of something, he was the biggest fan of your meals and would eat up the whole plate.
he was quick to slump down underneath a tree with you, blabbering on about his day with you leaning against his shoulder. he didn't have any manners when eating, but that was fine. at least he was back to being happy.
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kieran duffy:
he prefers being back at camp with the horses, let's just say that.
he didn't like the idea of hurting animals, preferring to take care of them. so, he purposefully made this a bad hunt.
he didn't even know why they asked him of all gang members to go out and hunt... although, he'd still try. he wanted them to trust him at least a little bit more. he wasn't just some o'driscoll..
he sat crouched behind a bush, expression a bit worried as he aimed the bow he borrowed at an unaware rabbit.
when he let go of the string, he jolted back, the squeaky, high-pitched sound from a pained bunny not meeting his ears. only the sound of panicked scuttling and the small thud of an arrow.
"oh..." he sighed, a bit displeased with himself. although, he sorta preferred that he didn't kill something so innocent.
the sound of your voice caused him to jolt once again, and he looked up at you. "o-oh, hey, darlin'.. um, i uh.."
"i see you haven't caught yourself anything."
"nope.." he mumbled, gaze straying elsewhere. he listened to your soft laughter as you sat down beside him. "that's okay," you promised, earning his eyes on you again, "don't worry. i'll catch something later. anyway, i brought you something."
when you handed him a box, he felt the warmth seep into his palms. he looked at it, then at you. "what's this?"
"some lunch. i made it specially for you, you deserve a break from all that harassment they give you. even though it's not much, i thought you might like it."
kieran blushed at this, putting the box on his lap and managing a small-voiced "thank you."
you made him feel so dizzy, so stupid in love. but he liked that. he liked it a lot.
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john marston:
he was pretty self confident in today's hunt.
he'd managed a few kills, a deer and some birds. nothing too big. but he was still pretty proud. and with this confidence, he felt he'd be good with another kill.
however, as soon as he plucked an arrow to shoot with, he noticed you coming up the hill. he was quick to smile all dumb, shoving his bow and arrow away.
when you came over the hill, you halted your horse, looking to him as he made his way over to you and pulled you from your horse.
you noticed quickly that he was in a good mood, as he began to swing you around when you were in his arms. "there's my angel! how are you doing?" he asks, nuzzling you as he sat you down, listening to your giggles.
"great! i don't think i have to ask you how you are..." you tease, before stepping slightly back from him. "made you a little something, by the way.
this caught his attention, and he raised a brow, "what's that?" "made you a lunch, with your favorites." you said as you handed him the lunch. "i figured you'd like it. you've told me about two million times that my cooking's your favorite." holy shit, was this day going good. john was through the roof now.
john grinned like the idiot he was and took the box from you. "thanks, my angel. always did like your cooking, you do it real good. i always wonder who taught you." he admits, wrapping you up in his arms again, careful not to spill what he has in his hands. you giggled, pressing a chaste kiss to his jaw, "i try, and i'm glad my hard work is met with a good product."
"mmmhm. now, wanna sit down and share?"
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the boy:
he wasn't usually the type to hunt.
however, today, he went out hunting, and it wasn't going so good. he ended up pouting on the forest floor, leaning against a tree.
"honey?" you call out, which distracts him from his moping. he looks like he lightened up a bit, but not as much as you hoped. you sighed when he looked back to his hands.
"not much of a result, huh, love?" you ask, dismounting your horse and approaching him. you squatted down beside him, putting a hand on his cheek and tipping his head up. he grunted a "no."
"huntin's stupid. i'm the best 'round here, but these damn animals.." he huffed. you only smiled softly, leaning in close to him and pressing a kiss to his temple. "will this cheer you up?" you ask, putting a small box in his hands.
he looked at you, confused, blue eyes searching your face and waiting for an explanation.
"it's lunch i made for you. i know you're not the biggest fan of hunting, so i decided i'd make you a lunch to cheer you up... and before you ask if there's any watermelon, yes, i put watermelon in it."
he grinned dumbly, his face growing warm and dusting with a rosy color, leaning in and giving you a quick peck on the nose. "thanks, i always did like your cooking... makes me feel better 'bout this."
"oh, i know. you're blushing all silly."
"i ain't!"
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here's this! i hope this suffices for my first post in 8 centuries. i hope you enjoyed, have a nice day! love you guys ♡♡♡♡
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maskedteaser · 4 days
this is so me
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Always the writer, never the reader.
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maskedteaser · 13 days
damn my mind is really something else
I started hyperfixating on rdr2 now?? like this fandom is dead what am I supposed to read?? Any fic recommendations? I love Javier, Sean, Kieran, John and Arthur please I'm begging you just recommended me your favourite fics!! I will do anything you want, doesn't matter if we are not mutuals or we never talked to each other before
hand your favourite authors and fics and headcanons posts right now 🔫🔫🔫
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maskedteaser · 2 months
10/10 fic I love Kenshi so much and I swear I'm not ovulating rn but I'm still so horny cause of it oh god
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Pairing: Bodyguard!Kenshi Takahashi x AFAB!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: first person POV, no use of (y/n), dirty talk, fingering, mirror sexy time, the reader is absolutely obsessed with him (I mean who among us isn't), pre-blinding
A/N: Guys. Guys…this fic has been such a trek. Originally it was going to be a one shot, then I was like 'oh I have so many ideas for a longer sex scene, so I'll make it two parts', then I completely stalled. I felt like it was unfair to me and the fic to just let it rot away on my computer. So here it is. It is complete but if I'm feeling especially smut inclined, maybe MAYBE I'll write the marathon sex I had been thinking of adding. AO3
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Kenshi was a brick wall, unmoving, firm, rigid. 
It was infuriating. 
All I wanted was his eyes on me. Not in the brief glances I got, but in a way that said he cared. That told me he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I would count how long he would linger on me, where his eyes hovered. Then I would accentuate it. A little extra highlight on my collarbones or especially sparkly earrings to draw attention to the slope of my neck. But he would stay silent, only speaking when spoken to. There were a few touches to my lower back, or fingers brushing my arm, that would ignite me for days. They weren’t adoring caresses. They were always in a way to guide me. 
I wanted to claw at him in desperation, in anger. In the four months that he’s been assigned as my closest bodyguard, he had paid me little mind. His head was forever on a swivel. My Father had more enemies than men to fight against. I was his most precious gift, as he always called me. Kenshi served as the last line of defense between me and any would be assassins. I had many guards most days, anywhere from three to ten. But Kenshi was the closest. Frustratingly close. His room was next to mine in any hotel. He sat next to me in any car, plane, or train. Everytime his knee would brush against me, my skin would flare, clit twitching in interest. I would press my ear to the wall when I heard the shower going next door, praying that I would hear my name in his smooth voice. 
I was suffocating under the need for him. Sometimes I would sneak out of my house in the dead of night to find myself at some hook-up’s apartment. Even while he’s trying to coax moans from me, they only come if I imagine Kenshi. It’s his tattooed hands curling inside me. It’s his cock pushing into me. It’s his moans filling my ears. But my brain can never smooth over the clumsiness of these men. I knew Kenshi would never fumble at me like this, only doing enough to open me to them, never enough for toe curling pleasure. I would never stay with these men once I had my meager fill. What was the point? They weren’t him. Other nights, I was forced to shove my fingers in my soaked pussy myself. This is when I could moan his name with reckless abandon. If I knew he was next door, I always imagined pounding on his door. He would open, shirtless and only in boxers, rumpled from sleep. Then I would demand, order, him to fuck me. He wouldn’t refuse my direct request. 
Then, in the harsh morning light, I would be overcome with hot, burning shame. I felt disgusted at thinking of my employee like that. That it always made me come hardest when I imagined ordering him to fuck me. That he would say yes ma’am and drop to his knees before me. But inevitably, I would find myself in the same position. I thought of him in the same primal, lustful way I knew some people thought of me. But my body recoiled at the idea of showing him. I never wanted to be a predator, using my power to convince, or worse, force him. So I struggled to maintain an aloof air around him to keep a wall between us. Unfortunately, it sometimes came out wrong. At worst it made me seem bratty and spoiled. Which I could be if it benefited me, but it usually resulted in the briefest flash of annoyance on Kenshi’s handsome face. 
The business trip my Father brought me along on had been boring. Shanghai was similar in certain ways to my home city of Tokyo. But I loved exploring more than anything. Unfortunately, I saw none of it. I was shepherded from home to grand home, smiling at old gang bosses and fluttering my eyelashes at their sons. If even one of them showed interest, I would have pulled them to the nearest bathroom, language barrier be damned. Words didn’t matter much when it came to fucking. Anything to get rid of this ache in me. Kenshi and I had been stuck together, his body always protectively standing behind me. All I could smell was his cologne, fogging all my senses. I felt like I was going insane. How could just one man have me so devoted with such little effort. I was barely able to pry the barest conversation from him and yet I was so entranced. Talks of merging ties, merging families, did little to wash away the desperation in me. If anything it made it burn hotter. I was running out of time to make Kenshi weak for me. 
 It was our last night here and I had barely seen the city. I felt like a caged animal, tail flicking in anger at being restrained. So I decided that I would do something about it. My knuckles rapped against Kenshi’s door, my platformed toe tapping on the carpeted floor. Nothing. I raised my fist to bang but the door swung open before I could make contact. He was still in his uniform, maroon suit and black button up. The first few buttons were popped open and his sleeves were rolled back to show off the delicious tattoos inked there. Just that extra bit of skin made my mouth water. “What would you like from me?” So much. Everything. I can’t remember when he started saying this instead of how can I help you. There was something about the phrase that made the back of my brain perk up in question. Maybe he knew how much I craved him? 
“I want to go out,” I said simply, gesturing to my short sparkly dress. It was tight and low cut. A fervent recklessness had settled deep in my stomach. The chance I would have a ring on my finger by the end of year was growing. My chance for a touch, a kiss, from the man who consumed me so completely was slipping away. His brown eyes flicked down me. I was seeing things, surely. His gaze was slow as it pulled along my skin, taking in the curve of my calf, the dip of my knee, the swell of my hips. I suck in a sharp breath. The trail burns along my skin, makes my nipples pebble when he takes in the carefully placed line of glitter between my breasts. Then he meets my eyes and my heart stutters. His eyes were blazing with desire. I blinked. That look was gone. Had I just imagined all that? Silence hung heavy between us as I waited for him to say anything. 
He didn’t.
“There’s a club twenty minutes away,” I mumbled, feeling dazed, confusion keeping hurt at bay. Kenshi leaned against the door frame, a little sigh escaping those dream worthy lips. 
“You want to spend your last night in Shanghai at some club?” I crossed my arms, titling my chin up on defiance. 
“I’ll go myself then,” I turned without so much as another glance and stomped down the hall. I reached the wall of elevators but it was Kenshi’s multicolored finger that pressed the down arrow. Only a few moments of silence pass before the elevator dings, metal doors sliding open. “It’s the best you come with. I don’t have my key.” My heels make satisfying clicks on the marble floor as I step into the elevator, jabbing the lobby button. Kenshi huffs but I caught a tiny, fond smile on his lips before he turned his back to me. 
The car dropped us a block away as the crowded streets grew too thick for it to pass through. I didn’t mind the walk. The street was bathed in a kaleidoscope of neon. Small food carts with fragrant meat skewers and crunchy scallion pancakes dotted the sidewalks. Curls of cigarette smoke puffed from open bar doors, the men holding them nursing beers. A group of women drew closer, stumbling a bit on their too high heels. My Mandarin wasn’t refined enough to keep up with their rapid conversation but I picked up on tattoos and handsome. They giggled, shooting glances at Kenshi behind me, the alcohol making them bold. I bared my teeth and sped past them. 
It wasn’t the first time I had heard someone swoon over him. In fact, it was a near constant occurrence. Women would fall in his lap or men would shyly pass him a drink, intentionally brushing their hands against his. I tried to let it not affect me in the beginning. He was his own man and he could sleep with whoever he wanted. But that reasonable understanding gave way to burning possessiveness soon enough. My jaw would flex, anger flaring suddenly. He did nothing to invite others to approach him and when they did, he would politely rebuff them. I knew I had no claim over him, over his body or his heart. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t selfishly clinging onto them. 
I heard, felt, the club before I even saw the last man in line. The bass of energetic house music was rumbling through the concrete walls of the building. We rounded the corner and saw the line wrapped all the way around the building. But neither me nor Kenshi paused to wait, like good club goers. We went immediately to the bouncers at the entrance. The man on the right held up a thickly muscled arm. “No VIP, no entrance. In line.” His Japanese was clipped but understandable. He had to shout to be heard over the music seeping out from the open door. 
“I’m not a fan of waiting,” I said in Mandarin. I knew it would put him on the backfoot. I glanced over at Kenshi who was already tugging a thick slab of yuan from inside his jacket pocket. The bouncers’ eyes widened as Kenshi deliberately thumbed through the notes. We both knew all of it was going to the men anyways, no need to count, but the show of excessive wealth was as important as actually having it. But all I could see was the way Kenshi’s inked fingers easily delved between the money, how nimble they were. The simple act of counting shouldn’t have had my panties this damp. I had to look away, catching the eye of the bouncer to the left. He glanced away, his cheeks pink. I gave him an appraising once over. He wasn’t particularly handsome but he looked strong enough to hold me down. If everything fell apart tonight, he would do. Kenshi split the notes in half, handing the equal chunks to each man. They smiled, unclipping the velvet rope they guarded and bid us in. I made sure to wink and wave at the bouncer I caught staring. 
The music was thunderous, rumbling into my very bones. I could hear a mixture of languages, their sounds only adding to the cacophony. Women in dresses like mine, wisps of glittery fabric, weaved between clumps of men. My heart leapt in excitement when I saw that the dance floor was packed. I wouldn’t have to be dancing alone tonight. The swaying purple and blue lights caught on my sparkly dress, sending bright stars across the floor. Small leather booths were tucked into the walls. Very few were filled, most were couples that used the relative darkness to their advantage. “I want a drink,” I called, before snaking my way through the crowd, trying to get to the silver bar. 
With a good amount of shoving, I was able to finally reach it. A bartender appeared, a smile on her pretty face. I opened my mouth to respond but stalled when I felt Kenshi’s chest press against mine, his hands planting on the metal bar top, caging me against him. His breath fanned across my hair, dusting down my neck. He’d never been so forward before. I let out an unexpected whine that was hopefully drowned out by the thudding music. The bartender was looking between me and Kenshi, a look of concern on her face. “Don’t worry about him,” I shouted, giving her a nervous smile. I wanted to assure her that my look of shock had nothing to do with Kenshi being creepy. I gave my drink order and she left to make it, constantly glancing back at him looming over me. “You’re so close,” I said, peeking over my shoulder at him. 
He…wasn’t looking at me. Instead his eyes were scanning the bar, trying to find anyone suspicious. My stomach dropped and embarrassment filled me. Of course he wasn’t looking at me. That wasn’t why he was paid. This new closeness was just a symptom of the climate we were in. If he were to hover behind me, he would be buffeted around in the moving crowd. A glass was slid in front of me and I moodily plucked the cherry from it, snapping the fruit off its stem with my teeth. The sweetness, then the burn of alcohol once I downed my cocktail did little to dull my sense of shame. A different bartender passed by, asking if I wanted another. I nodded. 
The song changed, a lighter pop song. I absently tapped my foot along to the beat as I tried to ignore Kenshi against me. A new cocktail was put in front of me and I sipped at it. The new drink was made with a much heavier hand than before. The liquor burned my throat and made my chest heat. I still swallowed all of it in a few big sips. That restless need deep in me to confess to Kenshi hadn’t disappeared. I would need something strong to let me be that vulnerable. I placed the new cherry in my mouth, chewing without tasting much. Kenshi’s breath tickled my ear as he leaned toward it. 
“Just let those two settle before you drink anything more,” he hummed. My eyes squeezed shut as I battled against all the emotions raging in me. I wanted to snap at him, remind him that he had no right to tell me what to do. But I also wanted to collapse into his arms and beg him to understand my feelings, unload everything I have felt onto him. Instead I spun in my makeshift enclosure to face him. Kenshi didn’t flinch when our noses brushed against each other. My eyes narrowed. 
“I’m going to dance.” It looked like Kenshi would keep me pinned there for a moment. His eyes were on me but I couldn’t read the emotion in the flashing dark. But I felt it. It was something heavy and my skin rippled in goosebumps at the feeling. The moment hung, thick with tension that he had never allowed before. Then he nodded and moved his arms away, standing straight. When I blinked dumbly at him, he gestured with a broad hand to the pulsing dance floor. Once again, rejection bit at my skin and I pushed past him and practically dove in the thick crowd of people.
All my senses became numb as I began to dance. The lights were too bright so I let my eyes fall closed. The music overwhelmed my ears and I let it, reveling in the strange almost silence it brought, my thoughts completely drowned out. My nose was invaded by the smell of hundreds of different perfumes and colognes, the tangy scent of alcohol, and the sharp undertone of sweat, washed over me. It was easy to fall in the rhythm of those around me. Everyone’s bodies moved as one, like a wave. Men turned to allow women to press against them. Women giggled and threw their heads back. Rouge hands grabbed at exposed skin and hips. Maybe the cocktails were finally hitting me because I just giggled when the man I was flushed against laid his hands on my thighs. I could feel him getting hard against me. It felt like some nasty victory against Kenshi. I didn’t know where he had planted himself, I did not care. But if this man, completely random, found me so alluring, clearly it was Kenshi’s problem he didn’t as well. 
The song changed and I gave my dance partner a sly smile before moving onto the next one. Several songs passed like this, letting random people touch me, press brave kisses on my neck. Then I stumbled upon a group of women. They immediately drew me in, talking excitedly in very rapid Mandarin. I let them know I only spoke a little but they all flapped their hands wildly, waving any concerns away. One of them, a particularly tall bleach blonde, said she could speak Japanese. With the pesky issue out of the way, I was invited to dance with them. They were clearly several drinks deep and mine were settling in. We all traded off with each other, allowing the other woman to shamelessly grind against us, laughing the entire time. I was starting to feel light, all of my worries fading. The tall blonde offered me some of her drink which I gladly took. She winked at me in a very not lighthearted way when I handed the glass back to her. I could feel a blush rush up my already hot cheeks. She leaned close, gloss-covered lips nearly sticking to the shell of my ear. “That guy has been staring at you this whole time. Do you want me to get the bouncer?” 
My hazy head felt a rush of fear. Was I being stalked? Then I realized. Kenshi had somehow managed to fall behind in my mind. I followed her gaze and found him, standing with his arms crossed, eyes squarely on me. I chuckled, “I’ll be back!” I disentangled myself from the women around me, stumbling a bit as a man knocked into me. I was able to squeeze out of the throng of bodies and walked over to Kenshi. I could see him tracking my progress but he didn’t move. “My new friend says you look dangerous,” I say, almost scolding, once I plant myself in front of him. A dumb, tipsy smile was spread across my warm face. Kenshi raised a perfect eyebrow. 
“I am dangerous, that’s why I’m paid.” I scoff. 
“You’re not dangerous to me!” Kenshi cocked his head to the side. He was surely dangerous for me. I turned into nothing but a horny desperate mess around him. But that wasn’t what I was talking about. “Come on,” I say, tugging on the lapels of his jacket, “let’s dance!” If I wasn’t feeling so light and carefree, I would realize that I was starting to walk a dangerous line. 
“I’m not dancing,” he says simply. I pout unabashedly, looking up at him through my mascara covered lashes. 
“But you can’t protect me from all the way over here! What if an assassin stabs me on the dance floor? You might not even see it happen.” He glared and I glared back playfully. Then he sighed, unlatching my hands from his jacket, his rough fingers scratching against the sensitive skin of my inner wrist. “Come on,” I shout, dragging him to the dance floor. People part for him instantly, either due to his height or the air of power emanating from him. He plants himself in the middle of the crowd and waits for me to make the next move. 
So I close my eyes again, letting music thrum through me. My arms float up, hips swaying, head thrown back. I allow a small space between me and Kenshi, but soon I miss the press of someone against me. I shuffle my feet so my back molds against his chest. I can feel him tense, his hands diving into his pockets. A song passes like this before I turn, breasts squished against him, eyelashes fluttering. “Kenshi, relax. Touch me like you want me. You only have to pretend for a bit. Just please.” He shifts, eyes darting between mine. Then he nods. I turn, cupping my hand around the back of his neck, head tossed back against his chest. 
The new song is heavy, bass rumbling, my heart pounding with the intense beat. Kenshi’s hands go to my waist, tentative at first, then his fingers dig into my hips. My shocked gasp is lost in the song. His touch is possessive. He guides me against him and I become liquid in his strong grip. He doesn’t grind desperately against me like some of my previous partners. Instead, he sways our hips together, perhaps a bit slow for the current song. My breath is already ragged. First from an hour of dancing, but now, just his touch is making my body shudder. 
The booze makes me brave and I ease his hand on my hip lower, to the hem of my dress. There’s a moment where it feels like he might pull away. He stills behind me, hand hovering. But he plants it on my skin, much higher up my skirt than I had positioned him, but still not close enough. I feel his breath flutter over my ear as he leans down. “Desperate?” His cheek rests against my sweaty temple.
“Only for you,” I gasp back. What was the point in lying? The truth is what will get me what I crave. I turn my head, our lips brush, for just a moment. It’s too dark to see the emotion in his eyes but I’m too impatient to wait for him to move. My face draws closer to his and to my relief, he doesn’t recoil away. Just a little more-
Ice cold liquid splashes against my chest. “I’m sorry!!” If looks could kill, the man in front of me would have died a million deaths. The moment I had wanted above all else was gone. Kenshi had stepped back and my body felt cold without him. I wanted to scream, beg him to touch me again.  I stomped away, being maybe a little too mean in my shoving to get dancers out of my way. My aching feet drag me toward the back of the club, finding a row of bathroom doors. I try a few before I find an empty one. As I turn, my eyes connect with Kenshi’s. His mouth opens like he intends to say something but the door snapping shut cuts his words off. 
Near silence falls in the open bathroom, the music muffled. My eyes can’t tear themselves away from where Kenshi had been. He looked…confused? Worried? Sad? That careful, blank mask had cracked for a moment, for only my eyes. Emotions, confusing as they were, so plain on that face for the first time since I met him. 
And I slammed the door on him. 
I sigh, eyes squeezing shut until stars pop behind the lids, before opening them again. The bland gray door was still there, right where I had put it. My heels clicking against the stone floor echo off the walls as I go to the sink. I grab fistfuls of paper towels, wiping at my drink soaked skin. It had become sticky so I was forced to go over again with damp towels. I can feel beads of liquid dripping down my shoulders. I try to catch them but fail. I huff, annoyed gaze catching itself in the large mirror. I had been careful to avoid it, scared that I would see some defeated, broken woman. But all I see is cracked foundation around my mouth from laughing and smudged mascara from sweat. 
The bathroom door creaks open and I poke my head out. Kenshi stands sentinel, scanning the dance floor, arms folded. “Can you help me? That idiot got some drink on my back.” Kenshi gives a curt nod, following me into the cramped space. I take my place in front of the sink, drumming my finger anxiously against the faux marble. All that wild assurance of Kenshi’s desire for me is gone. It died once the harsh LED light of the bathroom hit it. 
Kenshi’s rough fingertips graze the nape of my neck as he clasps the back of my dress, the zipper gliding open. With the low cut of my dress, a bra would be completely impractical, so my back was bare to him. His inked fingers reach for a paper towel, wetting it before beginning to pat at the liquor. I can only stare at the sink. The idea of our eyes locking was too much. The wet towel was dropped in the nearby trash can before he used a fresh one to dry me. “Do you want to go back to the hotel?” His voice is low and soft as he works the zip back closed. 
“I don’t know.” Part of me wanted to stay, drown my embarrassment in booze and that bouncer out front. Sinking into the plush bed at the hotel also sounds appealing. But once we leave this bathroom, any tension between us will evaporate. I have to do something now or risk losing my opportunity forever. I turn to face him. Our bodies are close enough that every breath I take pushes my breasts into his chest. God he’s so handsome. Up close, I could see faint white scars along his square jaw, a small dent on his right cheek bone. His hands go into his pockets as he allows me to drink in his face.
Kenshi makes the faintest noise of surprise when my lips press to his. The tipsy part of me is begging to give him every ounce of my kisses I can but I hold myself back. His lips are so soft against mine. But they don’t move with me. Instead they stay still. My eyebrows cinch together over my closed eyes. I linger, stupidly hoping that he would reciprocate the kiss. A single touch of those long fingers on me would have reduced me to a puddle. The tears collect behind my lids before I drag my face from his. The silence is deafening. I can feel Kenshi’s focus on me but I can’t bare to see his face. It was a clear rejection, among a series of others from tonight, and it still stings. 
“You’ve been drinking, you aren’t thinking straight.” I bite my lip at his understanding tone, it’s near pity.
“Don’t,” I snap, eyes flying open. Kenshi looks startled at my sudden change in attitude. “We both know that this isn’t new. I know I’m not subtle with my desire for you. If you can’t see that, I need a new guard. My Father is clearly wasting his money on you.” The corner of his lips turn down in a frown. That was perhaps a bit too far and harsh, but my frustration is bubbling up faster than I can quell it. “I can’t do this anymore. You have two choices now. You can leave, I won’t be angry. If you walk away, I’ll call my Father in the morning and request a new guard. But if you stay, kiss me, fuck me, make me go to my knees for you. Do whatever you want to me. I’ll take anything you give me. Pick.” 
Kenshi’s eyes had widened as I ranted. My chin jutted out in defiance under his scrutiny. It wasn’t romantic or eloquent, but it was the truth. This burning need for him couldn’t go on anymore. I made my wants clear. It was his choice now. If he left, I knew I would cry. It would hurt like when my pet fish died at age ten, like something was pulled away from my heart. Perhaps in all my craving, real feelings had grown, sprouting in secret, shadowed by desire. 
Kenshi considers me and I instantly flush under him. There’s something distinctly unprofessional in the way he regards me. It’s that same hungry stare from his hotel door. “If I tell you what to do, will you listen?” My stomach swoops at the question and I hurriedly nod. “Then turn around.” I do, nearly stumbling in my rush, heels clicking loudly. My eyes go to him immediately only to find him staring back. His head is perfectly framed above mine. “Why are you finally admitting this?” My mouth opens to answer, but my voice dies in my throat as his calloused fingers trace up my arms. They start with tender skin on the back of my hands, then take long, languid paths up my forearms. Every touch makes my body tingle like his fingers are electrified. He gives both my elbows a squeeze as he passes them. “Tell me.” 
“Because I know I’m going to be married soon. That I’ll be shipped here, marrying a man I probably won’t love, expected to pump out sons every two years.” My shudder has nothing to do with his touch. “And I just…” I break eye contact, gaze downcast. It feels too personal to say out loud. But I promised him I would obey him. “I like you too much to not say anything.” Kenshi hums, his body pressing closer. 
“In what way do you like me? If you tell me, I’ll tell you how I like you.” Shock ripples through me as I gape at his reflection. His face is mostly impassive, but there’s a gleam in his eye I haven’t seen before. His digits slide under the straps of my dress, outlining my collar bones. Once again I find my mouth trying to form words, but my throat refuses to make sound. I can’t say this. Not out loud. “Hey,” his voice is soft as he leans close, breath ghosting down my neck. “You said you would do what I asked.” 
“I want you so bad that I,” my face must be a magnificent shade of red right now. “I fantasize about you. All the time.” Once I say it, the dam opens. “I go out at night and imagine I’m having sex with you. When we travel, I have to stop myself from going to your room and making you fuck me. On trains or planes, I want to drag you to the bathroom and jerk you off till you beg me to stop.” Kenshi hums, body curling close around me. That’s when I feel it. It’s a boner hard and big enough to make my eyes pop wide. Heat blooms between my legs so quickly that my knees nearly give out. “Your turn,” I mumble. He chuckles, low and deep in my ear. The raspy sound makes my thighs clench, nipples hardening. 
“If you were to ever ask, I would have done anything you ordered of me. If you knocked, I would fuck you until my lungs gave out. I would let you jerk me off in those small plane bathrooms even when I have nothing left to paint over that pretty face.” Those sword worn hands go to my plunging neckline and pop each of my breasts out with care, caressing them like they are something delicate. I bite back a few moans as his fingers pinch and roll the tight buds. “Hm, these look so pretty,” he muses almost to himself. His skin, covered in dark green ink, is in stark contrast to my unblemished chest. “Even now, you could demand me to lay on this floor so you could sit on my face and I would let you.” I can feel my panties become sticky. “Why haven’t you done anything?” He tweaks my nipples and my hips jerk against him at the feeling.
“I would feel too predatory, like some creepy old man.” My words are breathless, back arching to expose more of my chest to him. His head ducks, lips grazing at my thundering pulse point, not quite kisses, but enough to make me tremble. “And you never gave me any hints you wanted this.” I try to sound biting but only manage a pitiful gasp as his hands descend lower. They skim over my thighs, avoiding the hem of my dress. Anticipation is rushing through me, eyes glued to Kenshi’s hands in the mirror. 
“How could I? You are your Father’s precious gift.” I can’t stop the annoyance from flashing on my face. That nickname will haunt me till my grave. “I don’t think he would want the help pumping his daughter full of cum every chance he gets.” Finally, he begins to press wet kisses along the column of my throat. “Imagine we get caught,” he murmurs. “How would you explain my dick down your throat? Princesses like you shouldn’t act like whore for men like me.” 
“Oh god,” I whimper. It feels like my skin is melting with every filthy word. His deliciously rough hands drift to the side of my thighs as he works the end of my dress over my hips, revealing the pink lacy panties there. Kenshi props his chin on my shoulder and I can feel his focus practically burning me in the mirror. My head falls back on his shoulder, a blush rushing across my exposed chest and throat. “Kenshi,” I’m begging now. I think even one touch will send me over the edge. One of his feet nudges my ankles and I spread my legs without question. 
“Look at yourself.” His fingers pinch my chin, forcing me to look at my own reflection. “Is a few kisses all I need to do to get you so turned on?” I look wild, pink chest heaving, lips parted on shallow pants. “Did all those other people get you like this? The ones you imagined were me.” 
“No, only you make me this crazy.” The smile he flashes me nearly brings me to my knees. The dull bathroom lightning catches perfectly on the points of his canines. For a moment, all I can think about is how those teeth would feel against my clit. “Fuck,” I breathe and it only makes his smile grow. “Stop toying with me,” and I press my ass against the rock hard monster in his pants. “Just fuck me, please.” He gives a thoughtful hum. 
Then shakes his head. 
There’s a terrible moment where my heart clenches. I expect him to walk away and leave me. But that fear eases when his left hand bunches my dress in a fist, his right delving between my slick thighs, middle finger teasing my clit. My wanton moan is thankfully covered by the thudding base outside. “You’re already so wet for me,” Kenshi purrs in my ear, littering the space behind my ear with feather light kisses. He moves in quick, sure movements that have me quivering in his arms in mere moments. The lace scrapes against my sensitive skin and I grind down on the digit.  “Be good and bend over,” his hand draws back and I whine at its absence. 
“Kenshi I don’t-“ my voice is slurred. I go to turn to him, order him to stop teasing me. But before I can, his hand splays between my shoulder blades, guiding me flat against the cool counter. I allow him, elbows crossed in front of me so I can still see him in the mirror. The hand holding my dress flips the material over my hips and exposes my ass to him. Kenshi’s agile fingers hook into the band of my too expensive panties, easing it down my legs, until it’s dangling around my ankles. He takes a step back, admiring.
“You look so pretty like this,” he mumbles, thick fingers trailing over my ass. He suddenly takes fistfuls of the flesh, spreading me open more to him. The roughness forces a gasp from me. “Fuck,” he groans, hands dragging down my legs, nearly ticklish with how sensative I was. “You’re dripping.” As if to prove his point, he runs a finger over a river of slick on my inner thighs. I feel tight, like a string about to snap if he doesn’t touch me right now. “I won’t fuck you, not yet at least.” 
“Why!?” I sound pathetic, voice frail and a gasp. That cocky smirk flashes across his face again as he catches me in the mirror. I hope I’m too wet for him to notice just how much that face is working on me. His hands go to his maroon suit jacket, inching it down his broad shoulders. He definitely knows how much this is affecting me. He does everything he can to make the simple act as sensual as he can, chest puffing out, forearms flexing under his tight black button up. His first two fingers make a curling motion, signaling me to stand up. All I can see is how thick those two fingers together look. I follow his silent order though, and the folded jacket is put under me so my elbows have a comfortable place to rest. “Thank you,” I mumble. When I go back to bending forward without prompting, he makes an approving noise. 
Kenshi’s fingers go to the buttons along his cuff, slowly rolling back the arms of his shirt. My eyes are glued to his hands, nearly drooling as more and more of his veins are revealed. More of the tattoos I know he has. More of him. It has no right being so goddamn erotic. “I’m not going to fuck you now because,” he says, hands back on my hips, “when I get my dick in this pretty pussy, I’m going to fuck you until I can’t get hard anymore. Or until you’re passed out under me. Whichever happens first.” I swallow. His right hand skates down my skin, fingers carding through my folds. The rough pads of his fingers make me tremble, back arching. His middle digit peaks up, teasing at my clit, finally. Once again, he moves in tight circles, pulling moans from me with every flick. I can hear how slick I am. But the lewd sounds only spur Kenshi on. My toes curl in my shoes and I try desperately to push against him, something more. Heat is rushing through my body and I know I’m close. As if sensing it, his speed picks up. 
“Kenshi!” I cry, my whole body shaking as the orgasm rushes through me. My pussy clenches, hard, around nothing. But he keeps going, drawing out my pleasure till his fingers are leaving behind burning bites on my tender clit. I whine, trying to wiggle my hips away from him. He tsks like an unhappy teacher and tightens the hand on my hip. Just as I’m about to beg him to stop, he does, sinking the finger into my trembling hole. We groan in unison, my eyes falling shut as my head drops forward. His finger pumps into me slowly, curling and arching, as if to discover something. I push against him, overstimulation all but forgotten. “More.” 
Even if I can’t see him, I know he’s smiling, as he slips a second digit in. My breath comes to me in weak little moans as he continues the maddening exploration in me. He strokes against every stretch of muscle he can reach, which is seemingly everything. My thighs are trembling now. That hot pool at the bottom of my stomach is forming again. “You're squeezing me so much, feel good?” I nod my head, words having escaped me. The hand at my hip disappears and weaves into my hair, giving it a firm tug. “Keep those pretty eyes open then, watch yourself fall apart.” I lift my heavy head, blurry eyes opening. The apples of my cheeks are a bright pink, chapped lips open on my pants. Then I glanced at him. His gaze practically burns through me with its intensity. He drinks in my body like it’s the last thing he’ll ever see. “Is this the attention you wanted?” His fingers speed up, finding that spongy spot over and over again. 
“Kenshi I-“ I whimper, desperate to keep my eyelids open, to watch myself like he asked. But it’s so fucking hard when those fingers are stroking inside me in just the way I want, the way I need. I can’t get anything else out before the heat in my stomach finally explodes. My eyes roll back, mouth slack. He doesn’t stop, only goes faster, like a dog who finally pounces on its prey after playing with it too long. There’s something he’s doing, pushing just the right area, that has me keening. Tears bubble at the corners of my eyes before streaking down my cheeks. The euphoria is never ending as he continues to work me through the orgasm, not allowing it to die off in the first place. His thumb presses against my clit and his free hand leaves my sweaty hair to delve under me to tweak at my nipple. The sensation has me slapping a hand over my mouth to stop a wail. Then he slips a third finger in me. I’m a sobbing, mewling mess, babbling nonsense, strings of his name and so good over and over again. 
It’s all so much. The tail end of my second orgasm disappears just in time for my third. It hits me like a train and my legs become liquid under me. My knees knock against the cabinet under the counter. I can’t hear anything beyond the rushing in my ears, just a faint voice. Then Kenshi slows, then stops, and removes himself completely from me. I lay, half melting off the counter, sweaty forehead pressed to the faux marble. A handful of heartbeats pass before I feel a warm expanse of fabric press against my back. There’s a gentle voice that says my name. His breath catches the sweaty hair by my ear, tickling my skin. “You okay?” I give a weak grunt. Kenshi chuckles in response, leaving an affectionate kiss on my cheek, before pulling away. 
I hear rustling behind me, then his voice, hard and detached, rumbles out. “Yeah, we need you to come pick us up.” My heavy eyes open, finding his phone wedged between his shoulder and cheek in the mirror’s reflection. The driver from before was undoubtedly talking on the other end. Those agile, thoroughly slick coated, fingers slip between his full lips while he listens, tongue flashing as he licks them clean. I stifle a moan at the sight. He doesn’t say goodbye, just taps to end the call, the phone slipping back into his trouser pocket. “We only have a few minutes.”  He draws closer and turns on the tap, dampening a paper towel. I watch as his mirrored self dips low as he kneels behind me. The towel is lukewarm and eases the lingering intensity in me. He takes his time cleaning the crease between my thigh and my overly spent pussy. Then he moves to my other leg. A sleepy quiet passes while Kenshi finishes wiping me down. His teeth briefly sink into my ass, just hard enough for me to yelp, before his tongue laps away the sting. “Time to get up so we can go to the hotel.” My eye flick to his and found a glint of anticipation that was undoubtedly reflected in my own.
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Reblogs are always appreciated <3
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maskedteaser · 2 months
can you even do a super boop on mobile phone...? never ending nightmare... I'm unable to super boop...
6 notes · View notes
maskedteaser · 2 months
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7 notes · View notes
maskedteaser · 2 months
when I learn how to do super boop you are all over!!!
3 notes · View notes
maskedteaser · 2 months
b o o p!!!!
hi guys can I boop you platonically on tumblr?? 🎉🎉 #boop
14 notes · View notes
maskedteaser · 2 months
hi guys can I boop you platonically on tumblr?? 🎉🎉 #boop
14 notes · View notes
maskedteaser · 2 months
11/10 I love Syzoth
please please please please I need to see any submissive pathetic man please like anyone, Syzoth, Johnny, Kenshi, Smoke, can be all of them separately (or not, they all have a crush on the same person) and they are touching themselves to thoughts about them. I want to know they thoughts and how they eyes roll to the back of their heads oh my god like I swear I'm going insane (or maybe, just maybe, I'm ovulating)
leaving it here so I know me is me: 🐊
down on my knees
a/n: i'm always ovulating for syzoth fr
pairing: syzoth x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), pussy eating, orgasm denial, overstimulation, creampies, hands jobs, blow jobs
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Syzoth lays in his bed, blanket strewn about and sheets mussed as he pumps at his cock, the other hand covering his face as he blushes at the image of you
you hadn’t meant to do anything, but you had gotten close to him, leaned into him close enough for him to catch your sweet scent
and then you had gone and put a soft hand on his thigh absentmindedly as you talked to him about something regarding the current court
you huffed and pouted at their treatment regarding Mileena and Tanya, but Syzoth can’t focus, not with your scent in his nose and your hand squeezing his thigh as you talk
he can feel the way your nails dig into his thigh, and he has to try and wave away the thought of your hands squeezing his cock as you tease him
he had hurried away from the meeting, trying to hide his hard-on, and just said he was tired before retiring to his bedchambers
and now, here he was, hand pumping slowly at his cock as he imagines how you would tease him, mock him for being so reactive and sensitive you
you would kiss him first, tongue pressing into his mouth as you grind your hips onto his lap and clothes cock
his hands go up to grip onto your waist, to dig bruises into your soft skin, but you would tell him to keep his hands to himself or else you wouldn’t let him come
he whines into your mouth at the order but would grip onto the sheets obediently as you continue to grind your pussy into his cock, and he grows desperate to feel you
finally, you would part from his lips and trail kisses down his neck, pausing at the junction between his neck and shoulder to suck a dark hickey into his skin
he would groan at the feeling and clench the sheets at he struggles to compose himself, panting into the air as his eyes squeeze shut to focus on not touching you or himself
you smile up at him, before moving down to his sensitive nipples and latching onto them, and he would whine into the air as you suck and nip at him
you leave bite marks all over his plush chest, sucking on one nipple as you pinch the other one with your hand before moving to the other one to lavish it with the same attention
by the end of your teasing, Syzoth can barely think at all, just trying not to concentrate on not cumming in his pants as you give his nipples one last teasing pinch and admire the bite marks and hickeys on his chest
you would pull off his pants, his cock springing free, and you would just let it slap against his stomach as you make him beg for you to touch him
he would easily open his mouth to plea with you, asking you to please touch him, to please make him cum, please he’s been so good
he needs to cum desperately, to feel your hands on him, and Syzoth lets out a high-pitched whine as you slowly pump at his cock, thumb pressing into the slit
you spread his pre-cum along the shaft as you coo at him, mocking him for being so sensitive after only pumping at his cock
he whines and throws his head back, chest heaving up and down as his mind spins with pleasure, and he struggles to formulate words as you stroke his cock
he begs you to cum, please, his mind spinning with the pleasure, and you cock your head at him and give him a coy smile before denying him
he cries into the air as you shift down and place a small kiss on the tip of his cock
you lick from the base to the tip, keeping your gaze on him as he rips into the sheets and tries to keep his calm as you press little kisses to his tip
Syzoth’s cock twitches in your hands, and his hips buck upward as he feels himself teetering over the edge
he begs you to stop, he can’t, he’s going to cum, he doesn’t want to be bad for you
you coo at him and fist the base of his cock, and Syzoth keens as he shoots blanks, unable to cum properly with the way you tightly grip him
his hips would jerk upward and small tears would drip down his face as you praise him, telling him he’s such a good pet for you for telling you that he would cum
he whines into the air, words blabber and mind blank as you take the tip of his cock into your mouth, suckling on the tip and peering up at him through long lashes
you would bob your head up and down slowly, pressing your tongue into the underside of his heavy cock, and he would slowly go insane with the way he can’t cum
his nails dig into the mattress as your wet and warm mouth takes him all the way down to the base, and he struggles to not move as you stay down there
you hum around his dick, and Syzoth’s hips involuntarily twitch upward into your mouth as he lets out a long whine
you glare up at him and come off his cock with a small pop, slapping the inside of his thigh and telling him to not move and be good for you
Syztoh nods, tears blurring his vision as you go back down and take him deep into your throat
he tries to take deep breaths, but it’s hard with the way pleasure fizzes through his entire body and fills his head with a pleasurable buzz
he would try to warn you as one of your hands go down to fondle his balls, but it’s too late and his back would arch off the bed as he cums into your throat
you immediately come off him and stop touching him, ruining his orgasm as he cums into the air and lets out pitiful needy whines
he sobs out apologizes, that he couldn’t hold it in, and you would tut at him before pulling out a cockring and putting it on him before stroking him back to full hardness
Syzoth would moan at the pain weaved into the threads of pleasure, but he can’t cum
he whines and cries at the feeling as you swipe your thumb over the tip and pump him quickly, but his dick can only twitch in your hold as the ring keeps him from cumming
he whimpers out apologizes, and you grip onto his face and tell him to behave
you would tell him to get on his knees on the floor, and he would scramble off the bed, eager to please you as a haziness takes over his brain
he waits at the foot of the bed like an eager puppy as you undress, revealing your body to him, and he salivates at the sight as you sit at the edge of the bed and spread your legs to show your pussy to him
you tell him prove it to you, to prove that he deserves to cum and that he’s actually sorry, and Syzoth wastes no time to dive into your pussy
he moans at the taste of your sweetness coating his tongue, and he digs his nose into your clit as his long forked tongue fucks into your pussy
his tongue pushes and prods until he finds your most sensitive spot, the only indicator is the way you pull on his short hair and encourage him
he whines into your pussy as you press the heel of your foot into his weeping cock, and the pressure makes him lose his composure as his hands fly up to grip onto your hips
you growl and slap his hands away and tell him to behave or he would be wearing the ring for the foreseeable future, and Syzoth would remove his hands in a hurry
his tongue would fuck deep into you, tasting all of your wetness, and Syzoth head spins with pleasure as your pussy clenches down on his tongue
you cum on his face, and he eagerly laps it all up, eyes fluttering shut at the taste of your release
he continues to fuck you on his tongue through your orgasm, and you hum and pet his hair as you ask him whether he think he deserves to cum tonight
he whines into your cunt, wanting to please you, needing to cum, and you coo at him as you tell him to get back up on the bed
he lays on the bed on his back as you straddle his hips, grinding your pussy into his hard cock, and Syzoth groans at the sight of your clit dragging against his cock
you’re so wet on him, and he can feel the way your pussy drips onto his cock and onto his pelvis
he looks up at you with wide eyes, begging you to please touch him, to please ride him, and you smile at him and lift his cock up off his stomach to align your cunt with him
you slowly sink down onto his cock, and he whines at the feeling, eyes squeezing shut as you bottom out
you can feel the ring still at the base of his cock, and you raise yourself up and down slowly, teasing him with the slow drag of your wet pussy on his flushed cock
Syzoth would pant out into the air, needing to feel more of you, and begs you for more, that he needs more, please, he’s been so good for you
you ask him if he’s going to be good, listen to you for the rest of the night, and he nods frantically, desperate to please you and make you happy
you smile coyly up at him and finally quicken the pace, reaching one of your hands down to rub at your clit
Syzoth whines and begs to touch you, to make you feel good, and you tell him to keep his hands on the bed, like a good boy and to watch
and so he watches with wide eyes as you bite your lip and moan as you touch yourself, and he can feel the way your cunt clenches down on him as you rub your clit in tight circles
tears brim in his eyes as he feels himself nearing the edge, and he whines and arches his back off the bed as he tries to cum
but the ring on the base stubbornly keeps his cock hard and aching, and pain flashes in with the pleasure as he cries out that he needs to cum
you just smile back at him until you throw your head back and cum, pussy clenching down on his thick cock
you ride yourself through your orgasm, a creamy white ring forming at the base of his dick, and Syzoth wouldn’t be able to help himself from whimpering at the sight
yet, you continue to ride him, even after your high, and Syzoth whines at the overstimulation, hips twitching away to get away from the stimulation
you mock him, asking if it’s too much before saying that that’s too bad because you aren’t satisfied yet
you would ride him until you’re satisfied and your cum drips down his pelvis and onto the bed sheets
Syzoth would only be able to twitch and whine as pleasure completely takes over his sense and makes him melt into a puddle on the bed
but finally, as you groan from the overstimulation, you would get off him and take off the ring and tell him to fuck into you properly
he grabs onto you instantly, flipping you over and throwing your legs over his shoulders as he fucks into you desperately
his hips grind into your puffy clit as he begs to cum inside of you, and you cup the back of his neck as you give him your permission
Syzoth immediately cums, burying his face into your neck and whining loudly as he seats himself deep inside of you and spills his load inside of your abused cunt
he would give you shallow little thrusts as he cums, his seed spilling out from your pussy despite his cock keeping you plugged, and he pants into your skin
it feels like forever until his high finishes, and when it does, he collapses onto you, tiredness overcoming his entire body
you would coo and pet his hair, telling him what a good job he did, what a good boy he is for you
Syzoth cums into his hand and stares at the ceiling of his bedroom as his wet dream fades into the distance
he breathes into the cool night air as his cum cools against his hand and his stomach, and he sits up to clean himself up before going back to sleep
he hears a few knocks on the door, and Syzoth hurriedly throws on his pants, nearly stumbling into the floor in a hurry, and opens up the door to find you
you’re holding a tray of soup for him, and you ask if he’s alright, he looks flushed, like he’s about to get sick
he waves off your concern but gladly takes your soup, and you bid him a goodnight with a worried look
Syzoth closes the door and leans on it, head leaning onto the wood as he holds the soup in his hands
he wants to so badly tell you he likes you, wants you, needs you
he stares down at the soup in his hands and takes it to his desk to have a bite
he sighs at the taste: you were a wonderful cook, better than the kitchen chef if you asked him, and it was something that he could actually eat
he finishes the soup quickly and cleans himself soon after
as he lays in bed, he wonders if he should just court you, and he falls asleep to the thought of you
he doesn’t see the note attached to the bottom of the tray meant for him, a small confession for him from you about how you liked him
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maskedteaser · 2 months
10/10 fic 100% recommend
will probably read again
Why are you sorry?
This is a second part to Truth or Dare with Kung Lao, read that part ˗ˏˋhereˎˊ˗
Word count: 12.8k
Pairing: Raiden x F!Reader
A/N: It is done! It's a bit longer than I had planned for it to be but not by much <3 hopefully you all enjoy :) if it's not quite comprehensive, it's because I am listening to Hozier's new ep while editing and I maybe was not paying as much attention as I should have been :3
Summary: Things in the house are tense when Raiden finds out about your night with Kung Lao but even more than that, you are confused on how you're feeling about both your roommates.
Warning: 18+ only, smut, praise kink, fingering, minor handjob, spit as lube, p in v sex, multiple orgasms, squirting, big dick raiden lol, no use of y/n !!
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Not much at all has changed since what happened between you and Kung Lao, he’s been more affectionate? You guess, or more openly touchy but he doesn’t cross any lines and you haven’t even kissed since that day. You’re a little bit confused on what you’re meant to do now, should you ask him what you mean to each other or are you reading into things too much? Was it just a one-time thing? But then why did he say to only sleep with him?
Being casual is not something you’ve ever done before and you aren’t even sure if that’s what you are doing. You’ve been too scared to ask because you don’t even know what you want from him… you’re just worried about your friendship. Things have been mostly the same though, as in, it’s not awkward, you’ve both just gone back to how things were.
It’s the weekend and you’re playing a game of cards, ‘bullshit’ to be precise, you wanted to play scrabble – naturally – but both Raiden and Kung Lao outright refused to play with you. It was mean, this is the only time they ever gang up on you, well this and your wellbeing. Whatever, you’re more upset about being denied a scrabble game, Kung Lao played one game with you after you deleted the shy strangers phone number and cancelled your date with him but he hasn’t agreed to a game since and you feel slighted.
Pushing your thoughts to the side you glare at Raiden; he’s glaring back at you over the top of his cards. Moving slowly, he places two on the pile in the middle, “Two… queens,” he raises a brow at you.
You can’t tell if he’s lying or not but you’re too scared to call him either way, considering you currently hold a hefty amount of the deck in your hands, sighing you place three cards down, “Three kings,” both Raiden and Kung Lao share a look but ultimately don’t call you on it.
Kung Lao’s smile twitches slightly, “Three aces,” he boldly claims, placing his last three cards onto the table.
You squint at him and then laugh slightly, “Bullshit!”
“Wha– how did you know?” He exclaims
Raiden shakes his head at his stupidity, lightly snorting at the scene.
You fully laugh at him now, “I have all four aces, dunce, pick up the damn deck!”
Kung Lao groans dramatically, “Ugh, this is no fair when you have… every card ever,” he complains, picking up the cards on the table.
“Use your brain some more and you could’ve ended the game,” you smile at him.
“Whatever,” he rolls his eyes, “Raiden, carry on,” he huffs.
Raiden eyes his hand for a sec before placing two, “Two threes.”
The game continues around for a bit, mostly it’s just you and Kung Lao stopping Raiden from winning, he tries to bullshit but since both of you have a large chunk of the deck it’s proving to be a little difficult. This game is better played with a few more people. Both your hands start dwindling though and it’s all becoming muddled as the deck is split more and more. You’re losing track of what you’ve lied about at this point but you’ve somehow gotten yourself down to two cards and they’re a pair, they’re just not the pair you need right now.
Luckily for you, Kung Lao calls Raiden on his two fours, a risky move, considering the pile on the table has grown very large, “Bullshit.”
Raiden smiles at Kung Lao, “Have a look.”
Kung Lao is already groaning in annoyance as he flips the cards over to see, he was in fact, not bullshitting, “How are you good at like, every game we play, this sucks,” he grumbles to himself as he picks up the cards on the table.
It’s your turn now and you place both your cards down, “Two fives, I win,” you smile victoriously.
“Uh uh, not so fast, I call bullshit,” Kung Lao points at you.
You raise a brow at him, lips quirked up in a very self-satisfied way, “Check?” He squints at you and flips the cards, the cards that are in fact, a pair of fives. Kung Lao’s head falls to the table in defeat and Raiden starts laughing, hard. “Should’ve trusted me,” you shrug simply.
“This is crap,” Kung Lao laments, head still planted on the table.
You elbow his ribs, “Bullshit even?”
“You have too many trust issues, Kung Lao,” Raiden chastises him.
Kung Lao ignores him and continues wallowing in his shameful loss, “Just a few rounds ago… I was going to win…”
“…But you didn’t, because you suck,” you snicker at him.
He turns his head to the side to look at you, “That is just plain mean.”
The pair of you look at each other for a bit, apparently in a suspicious way because it prompts Raiden to state, “Something has happened between you two, something has changed.”
“What?” You question, taken aback.
Kung Lao denies, “Nothing has changed.”
“That wasn’t a question, I was stating. Something has changed, what was it?” Raiden scrutinises the both of you, looking back and forth between you.
You feel shy under his eyes and look away, you’d prefer he didn’t know that you slept with Kung Lao, you aren’t sure why but it hurts. You don’t regret sleeping with Kung Lao but you also feel like… you don’t want Raiden to know about it.
Kung Lao doesn’t shy away from Raiden, in fact, he looks proud of whatever he may or may not have done.
Raiden takes a moment to assess you both closely and then concludes, “You slept together.”
You go to deny, “No!”
“Yes,” Kung Lao confirms, and you pinch his side, “Ow, what was that for, he already figured it out.”
Raiden pinches the bridge of his nose, “When… when was it?”
“Couple weeks ago,” Kung Lao shrugs easily, no guilt at all, or if there is, he’s hiding it well.
Crossing his arms over his chest, Raiden asks, “Is it going to happen again?”
You answer, “I… don’t know–”
“–Probably,” is Kung Lao’s answer.
You shoot him a look from the corner of your eye and he looks blasé, not really understanding why you’re so uncomfortable or guilt ridden.
Kung Lao leans back in his chair and stretches, “Is it such a big deal?”
“I cannot say I am overjoyed at the news,” Raiden closes his eyes, thinking for a moment.
“Raiden… we’re sorry,” you try apologising.
“Speak for yourself, I am sorry for nothing, best lay of my life,” Kung Lao interjects.
Smacking him you say, “Ew, don’t be crass.”
Kung Lao adds smugly, “You didn’t seem to mind when–”
“–I am going to my room,” Raiden sighs, moving away from the table and heading back to his bedroom.
You feel… so bad for Raiden, sighing you look at Kung Lao, “What the hell? Can’t you see he’s obviously upset at us?”
“Yeah and I don’t get why, it was just sex,” he shrugs back.
“Just sex?” you clarify.
His brows pull together inquisitively, “…Really good sex?”
“You’re a dick,” you shake your head solemnly, angrily packing the cards away before heading back to your room too.
Kung Lao sits at the table, confused as to what the hell just happened.
When you wake up in the morning, you can hear Kung Lao and Raiden thumping around in the kitchen. Their voices are muffled but you can tell they are not happy with each other, their voices are raised but hushed, the walls between your room and the kitchen also dilute the sound. Getting out of bed, you walk towards them, catching the tail end of their argument.
Kung Lao groans, “Ugh, Raiden! It was just sex, why are you so annoyed at us?”
Hearing him say that again, makes your heart pang and your footsteps slow, taking your time in getting to the kitchen.
Raiden is silent for a moment, assumedly glaring at him, “Would you be so nonchalant if she and I had slept together?”
Kung Lao stands there idly, his expression showing that, no, he would not be so relaxed about it.
“Exactly,” Raiden sighs, turning back to the sink, scrubbing at the dishes.
Something clicks for Kung Lao in that moment though and he frowns as he has his silent realisation about Raiden, watching him impatiently and trying to think of something to say.
Moving closer to the kitchen, you lean against the archway and ask, “Why are you both arguing so early in the morning?”
“It is nothing, do not worry about it,” Raiden dismisses, his focus on the dish he’s cleaning.
Kung Lao shakes his head before gesturing to you, “No, well let’s see, would you be upset if you were in his position?”
“Would I be upset if you two slept together?” You snicker at him.
He frowns and looks at you straight on, “Come on, you know what I meant.”
“Sorry, sorry,” you wave a hand at him and walk into the kitchen, sitting on one of the counters, “But yeah, I probably might be, we’re not just all friends, we’re also roommates, it makes the situation a bit uncomfortable, no?” sighing, you roll your neck and add, “I told you at the time… it might end up being a bad idea.”
Kung Lao also sighs, knowing you’re right, he turns back to Raiden, “I do not know what you want us to do to make this better.”
Raiden ignores him, seemingly done with talking.
You go to lighten the mood, offering, “Well… I could always sleep with Raiden and make it even.”
“What? No! That is not what I–” Kung Lao’s words are frantic.
Raiden turns to face the pair of you, “–Well, why not? She slept with you and I thought it was ‘just sex’,” he throws Kung Lao’s words back in his face and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t bring you a little sense of joy.
It’s silent for a moment, both of you looking at Kung Lao, who is scratching at the back of his head and thinking really hard, he hesitates momentarily, “I guess… she can sleep with whoever she wants…”
It hurts again, hearing that, especially since those weren’t his sentiments those few weeks ago but now you’re wondering if that’s just something he said and didn’t actually mean. Did he mean any of it? Or was he just really horny? Raiden eyes you carefully, catching something that you thought you were hiding well. You shy away from his gaze, how he always manages to read your feelings gets annoying when you’re specifically trying to hide something that you can’t even identify yourself.  
Raiden wipes his hands off on a towel, “I am… not annoyed with you both…” Kung Lao and you give him a look and he breathes out an annoyed but amused sound, “Alright, I cannot say I am overjoyed but I am not… angry, you can do whatever you want.”
It’s fairly obvious that Raiden is still… upset but you’re also inclined to believe him, you think he’s trying fairly hard to not be upset about Kung Lao and you sleeping together. At least, you think he’s trying to not be angry at you both but you can tell he’s feeling some type of way about what happened.
It’s silent again in the kitchen as Raiden puts the clean dishes away, only the clanking of porcelain remains. The three of you not really sure what to say, the atmosphere tense, this is something you were worried about happening but you have no idea what to say to make this situation better and your heart continues to ache because of it.
Breaking the quiet, you suddenly ask, “Do you mean it, Kung Lao? I can sleep with whoever I want?”
Raiden stands stock still, feeling like he’s intruding in on a conversation he should not be privy to.
Kung Lao looks at you, his eyes slightly widened in shock, put on the spot suddenly, “I mean, yeah… we are not… exclusive and you have your own autonomy, do as you like.”
“Right,” you force yourself to sound agreeable, not wanting to show your souring mood, “I am going back to bed, you two need to start getting along again or I am going to do something drastic,” you point at both of them, your tone full of mirth, back to teasing them.
Before they can say anymore to you, you’re heading back to your room and crawling into bed. You don’t sleep, even though you try, you just lay there for a bit, numb. This awkwardness, this uncomfortableness and the weird feelings, is exactly why you said sleeping together was a bad idea. You wish you’d had more will power to stick to your guns but you let your judgement be clouded by emotions and feelings you aren’t even completely able to explain.
The time ticks by while you lay flat on your back in bed, staring up at the ceiling, motionless. You can hear the guys stomping around the house, their footsteps tracking back and forth as they go about their days, you know you’ll have to get up soon and be productive but you don’t know if you really feel like it. Everything feels like effort right now and you don’t have a good reason as to why.
Soft taps on your door force you to sit up, calling out as you do, “What?”
“Are you going to come out of your room at all today?” It’s Raiden’s voice, he’s clearly concerned but it also feels like you’re being scolded by a parent rather than being checked in on by a worried friend.
He’s quiet for a moment before speaking again, “…Kung Lao has gone out… if that changes your answer at all.” You grunt out at him in acknowledgement and he asks, “Do you… want to hang out?”
You consider him for a moment before smiling to yourself, “Can I braid your hair?” you’ve asked him multiple times before and he always says no, you’re hoping he acquiesces this time.
He asks though the door, “Is anything else going to make you leave your room?”
“Not even scrabble?” He challenges.
You feel yourself perk up a bit at that but ultimately decide, “No, not even scrabble.”
A soft sigh leaves him as he gives in, “Fine.”
You giggle as you pull yourself out of bed quickly and race over to the door, pulling it open to reveal Raiden in front of you, already looking regretful at agreeing to this, “Amazing, let me get my stuff and I’ll be right out.”
He hums at you, “Take your time,” he says as he walks away to the living area.
It takes you no time at all to collect your brush and hair ties, not wanting to give him the chance to change his mind. Your footsteps are rushed as you shuffle out of your room and into the lounge with Raiden, he’s sat on the couch waiting patiently for you, half wishing you changed your mind and want to play scrabble instead. When he sees the stupid, giddy smile on your face though, he finds himself not really minding that he’s agreed to this.
“Okay, sit on the floor,” you direct, moving to sit on the couch yourself.
He supresses his smile at your happiness and moves to the floor, “How long are you going to drag this out for?”
“Only until you look really pretty,” you snicker.
You spread your legs, him sat between them on the floor, his frame is larger than you have ever taken notice of. It’s hard to ignore Kung Lao’s stature, he’s frequently shirtless and showing off… but Raiden is just as built and you find yourself forgetting that a lot. You’re careful as you undo his hair, not wanting to pull too harshly and hurt him.
His hands come up to yours, placing them over top and stopping your movements, “You could pull harder, I will not break,” he half laughs, “But I got it.” He tugs his hair free of the bun.
Your skin heats slightly as his touch feels like it lingers on your skin, even as he’s moved them back to his lap, he was so gentle, his hands so large. Shaking your head slightly, you bring your attention back to the task at hand, you run your hands through his hair a bit, it’s soft, softer than you were expecting.
“You have soft hair,” you mention mindlessly.
Raiden scoffs, “Were you expecting otherwise?”
You grab the brush and start gently untangling his hair, “A little… yes.”
He mumbles out, “Rude.”
Your tone is full of mirth, “Hey! You’re the farm boy, what else was I supposed to expect?”
“I am clean! Thank you very much,” he’s pretending to be offended.
“Hmmm, I am not convinced,” you prod further.
He drops his head back onto the couch between your legs, looking up at you, “I can leave? If I am so unclean?”
“No, I am sure you’re so clean, the cleanest even,” you smile innocently.
He smiles back at you but rolls his eyes at the same time and then raises his head again, letting you continue to brush it.
“Where has Kung Lao gone?” You ask him.
He hums at you, “It is his turn to run errands… but he will probably get distracted, knowing him.”
Your laugh is airy as you recount, “It’s sweet though, he plays with the kids, he can’t help but get roped into their games.”
“It is nice until you actually need whatever it is he went out for,” he grumbles slightly.
You continue brushing his hair, “Remember when he didn’t come home until sundown?”
Raiden’s face scrunches at the memory, “Yes… I remember, all I wanted was tea and had to wait hours for it.”
“What about the time you had to go looking for him,” you remind.
He scoffs, “It was getting so late, for all I knew he could have fallen in a hole and gotten stuck.”
You laugh a lot at that, Kung Lao has a bad habit of getting really involved in whatever game the kids are playing, sometimes he even lets them win… if he’s feeling benevolent, that is. There are a lot of memories that both you and Raiden share of having to wait on him longer than expected because he was trying to win a game of hide and seek or something similar. It can get annoying but for the most part, it’s just endearing.
Mindlessly, you continue to untangle Raiden’s hair, though it’s mostly untangled now, it wasn’t even that bad to begin with, you’re just caught up in thinking of all the times Kung Lao did something kind or stupid, stuff that makes you laugh at how dumb he’s being.
“Are you okay?” Raiden asks suddenly.
You drop the brush onto the couch, coming back to yourself, “I’m fine.”
The scepticism in his tone is hard to miss, “And that is why you spent all morning in bed… because you are fine?”
His hand wraps around your ankle, the only part of you he can reach without moving too much, “You do not have to talk about it if you do not want to… but I can tell something is bothering you.”
You rub at your eyes, thinking, “It’s not and I am fine, I am just… confused.”
He pushes, “About?”
“Kung Lao has just… said some conflicting things… whatever, it doesn’t matter,” your hands drop back to your lap.
Raiden thinks for a moment before asking you a question you don’t have a concrete answer to, “Do you want to be with him?”
You don’t know what you want from him, so you answer honestly, “I don’t… I don’t know, like I said, I’m confused.” You fiddle with your fingers, “I am sorry though… I mean, I don’t regret sleeping with him but I am sorry… for upsetting you.”
“I am not upset at you, and you have nothing to apologise for,” he’s taken aback by your apology to him, not expecting it.
“Good.” You smile to yourself, “I’m gonna start braiding your hair now then.”
He slumps a bit, “Go for it.”
Moving your hands, your fingers delicately brush his hair away from his forehead, pulling it back, you’re careful as you collect the hairs by his temples. Grabbing three strands, you start the braid, collecting more as you go. Raiden holds still for you, letting you quietly do your thing. Aside from your small humming the house is silent, he doesn’t mind it though, he’s not even sure you’re aware that you’re doing it. He doesn’t want to bring your attention to it though, he doesn’t want you to stop.
It tickles him when your hands gently brush against his neck, gathering stray hairs. You’re being so gentle with him, soft brushes of your fingers against his skin, light tugs of his hair when it’s uncooperative, it’s overwhelming him. Your legs either side of his body close in on his sides, he’d started moving unconsciously and you’re attempting to keep him still.
“Hold still, please,” you murmur, still focusing on his hair, wanting it to look nice. He involuntarily moves again and it causes you to tug at his hair, it jolts him and he has to bite his lip to stop himself from whimpering aloud, “Shit, sorry, Rai,” you apologise to him guiltily.
“No, that was my fault,” he’s quick to reply, not wanting you to feel bad.
He’s feeling uncomfortable, particularly in the lower region, your touch and proximity is setting him on edge and he can’t help the way he grows pitifully hard at just your hands in his hair and legs hugging his sides. You don’t notice anything though, still braiding his hair, humming to yourself again. Somehow, even the sound of your soft, singsong tone, has his erection throbbing in his pants. This is part of the reason why he always said no to you doing his hair, he doesn’t trust his reactions to you.
The pressure of your legs holding him still is filling his head with images that are more… graphic in nature, the context completely shifting in his mind. Instead, imagining your legs hugging his waist as he–
You lean down beside him and speak next to his ear, “I am done!”
His train of thought is cut short but the effects of it remain, he’s flush in the face and fully erect. Feeling beyond embarrassed right now and wanting to leave the room without it being suspicious, he’s actively thinking of ways to remove himself from this situation.
“Great… thanks, I am sure it looks great,” he rushes out quickly, trying to appear normal but failing miserably.
You shuffle to the side more, trying to see his face as you ask, “Are you okay, Rai?”
He turns to look at you, his skin heating at how close you are, “I am.”
Your brows pull together, “Are you sure? You look a little flush… do you feel sick?”
He feels like there’s a lump in his throat, “I feel fine, honest.”
You hum at him in thought before leaning into him and pressing your forehead to his, your hand coming up to rest your knuckles against his cheek, “You feel a little warm.”
Raiden feels like he may pass out, any chance he had of redirecting his thoughts and calming down are gone. You’re so close and you smell so nice and your hand is so soft against his skin and your lips are right there.
As you pull back slightly, he takes a shaky breath, your hand comes away slowly, as if to give him time to stop you. You both look back at each other silently for what feels like too long but is only probably a few seconds, ultimately you’re interrupted by Kung Lao walking through the front door and into the house.
“…Hey guys,” Kung Lao greets, a little confused by the scene in front of him.
You pull away from Raiden completely and sit back on the couch, your legs coming away from his sides as you pull them up onto the cushions, “Hey,” your tone comes across as slightly dismissive but you smile politely at him.
Raiden clears his throat, “What took you so long?”
“Before we discuss that, we have to talk about your hair,” he replies, voice full of mirth.
“No! Don’t mock him! I did that for him and I think it looks very nice,” the last thing you want is for Raiden to get mocked so severely by Kung Lao that he doesn’t let you do his hair ever again.
Kung Lao raises his occupied hands in defence, “Sorry, sorry! I love it so much, it does look… very nice,” he’s holding back a laugh, you can tell by the way his face is scrunching up and his mouth twitches.
“You’re next,” you squint, pointing a finger at him, feeling slighted on Raiden’s behalf.
Raiden interrupts before Kung Lao can attest, “I do not think he deserves such an honour!”
“You know what, you’re right, my hair braiding skills are too good for him,” you raise your head up and away from Kung Lao, playing up your offence.
Kung Lao squints at Raiden who looks back at him with an incredibly smug look on his face, clearly proud of keeping this act between the two of you. Happy that he’s convinced you to deprive Kung Lao of an intimate moment like the one you had just shared. Maybe he’s being petty but also… maybe he doesn’t care.
You glance back at them and laugh at their battle, unaware of the very real and very tense underlying emotions between them, “Anyways, what took you so long? Fall in a hole?”
Kung Lao looks back to you and his gaze softens but still contains a teasing edge, “No… I just got really involved in a game.”
Raiden scoffs and you hum a small laugh, “Yeah, we had assumed as much, at least you came back without us having to come and get you.”
Kung Lao groans and rolls his neck before walking into the kitchen, calling back, “Come on, you have only had to come and get me a handful of times.”
Raiden sighs, “Two handfuls, maybe.”
You’re thoroughly amused and you giggle softly but take the lull in the conversation as an opportunity to leave the room. Choosing to hide yourself back in your room before either of them can question you on what you’re doing or where you’re going. It felt normal, the conversation between the three of you, for the most part anyways but you still can’t help but be upset at Kung Lao and that frustrates you more because you don’t feel like you have a good reason to be upset with him. You’re friends, not lovers, you don’t even know if… you don’t even know if you like him like that.
The only thing you wish had changed… was that he didn’t say the things he did only to contradict himself later. If he hadn’t done that, you think… maybe, you wouldn’t be this upset… or at least not this confused.
It’s unintentional but you ended up drifting to sleep too early in the evening and now you’re awake at some ungodly hour in the morning, it’s too dark in your room to read the clock on your wall. All you know, is that it has to be late and you’ve just had the kind of nap that takes you a few seconds to readjust to real life after waking up. You’re confused momentarily on where you even are before settling and then you’re just really thirsty.
Peeling yourself off the mattress, you stumble your way through the dark house and head towards the kitchen, your eyes slowly adjusting to the dark as you go. You knock your knee on the corner of a wall and hiss slightly, stopping to silently lament your clumsiness, how long have you lived here for? You’d think you could navigate the house in the dark without hurting yourself.
Sighing and in a slightly worse mood than before, you hobble the rest of your way into the kitchen. As you enter the room, you jump at the shadowy figure already lurking in the dark, the surprise making you gasp and clasp a hand over your beating heart.
When the initial shock wears off, you can immediately tell who it is, “Rai, geez, give a girl some warning.”
He mumble at you, voice thick with sleep, “Sorry, thought you saw me.”
The deepness of his voice pricks at your skin in a… not unpleasant way, ignoring it you ask, “Does that mean… you heard me knock into the wall?”
He tries to hide it but you can hear the quiet laugh he lets out as he admits, “Yes.”
“…Great,” you sulk.
“Just wake up?” He asks, changing the topic.
“I didn’t even realise I’d fallen asleep,” you sigh, moving for the cups, “Why are you up?”
He rests against the bench, “Having trouble staying asleep, was in here for some water.”
“Mmm yeah, I need some too, I woke up and felt like I’d been eating sand in my sleep or something,” you grumble, filling a glass with water.
He laughs as he watches you chug the whole glass before refilling it, “You were not kidding.”
“I never kid,” you say seriously, moving to lean against the bench next to him.
“That is the biggest lie I have heard to date,” he says deadpan.
You shrug, smirking into the lip of your cup, “You are entitled to your incorrect opinion.”
“Well, thank you so much for allowing me at least that much,” he breathes out a small laugh.
“You are most welcome,” you tease, lightly bumping his shoulder with yours.
It goes quiet after that, neither of you having much to say right now, slowly, you finish your second glass of water and place the cup in the sink. Continuing to linger in the kitchen, not wanting to leave but not having a reason to stay.
When you can’t find a good enough reason to stay any longer, you push off the counter, “Good night, Rai,” you pat his shoulder before walking back to your room. 
You’re careful not to knock yourself against another wall on your way back and successfully make it to your room injury free. Just as you go to close your door, Raiden presses a hand on it and opens it again, letting himself into your room.
Before you can ask him what he’s doing he instead asks you, “Why are you sorry?”
You don’t know what he means, “What?”
He barely lets you get the word out before he’s asking again with more words, “Earlier today, you said you do not regret sleeping with Kung Lao but you are sorry to me… why are you sorry?”
You stammer, not really sure how to answer because you aren’t even really sure of the reason yourself. It doesn’t help that he’s walked closer to you, it’s making you feel like he’s in your space, he’s moved so close to you, looking at you so intently, waiting to see what you have to say.
When you can’t manage to produce anything, he sighs softly but puts his hands on either side of your face, his thumbs gently stroking the highest parts of your cheekbones. He seems like he’s considering something, weighing the pros and cons of his next actions. After a few moments of consideration and holding you like this, he pulls you to him and kisses you.
Initially, you’re taken by surprise but when you register his soft lips on yours, your hands grasp his shirt and you kiss him back. It’s electric, he kisses you in a gentle but consuming manner, like he’s being careful but reckless all at the same time. His lips are insistent but hesitant at the same time, knowing what he wants to take but worried about taking it. He’s making you lightheaded either way, a small sound escapes you when he kisses you a bit more forcefully.
He stops the kiss before it progresses any further, pulling his face away from yours but still holding you. You’re lost at his sudden absence, you were enjoying the kiss, you… don’t want to stop kissing him.
You’re slightly out of breath when you ask, “Why did you do that?”
“I wanted to see,” is all he says, scanning your face.
You frown up at him, “See what?”
His gaze lingers on your lips, “If you would kiss me back.”
You’re shocked by his answer and also still dazed from his kiss, what the hell does he mean ‘he wanted to see’?. You’re still frowning up at him and he presses his thumb into the crease between your brows encouraging you to relax. He smiles at you, it’s kind and also somehow, a bit smug, a quiet kind of smugness that he has shown only a handful of times in the past.
You pout, “That’s it?”
He seems a little nervous now, “Why? Do… do you want me to kiss you again?”
“No– I mean, I wouldn’t mind– that’s not what I was asking!” He smiles softly at the way you fumble and you have to gather yourself before asking clearly, “I mean… Is that the only reason you kissed me? To see if I would kiss you back?”
He removes his hands from you completely, “No.”
He nods, “No.”
You place your hands on your hips, “Are you going to give me any more than that?”
He offers, “I will give you more… if you can tell me why you kissed me back.”
You’re annoyed at how well he reads you, especially right now because you don’t have an answer.  You kissed him back because you wanted to…
He smiles at you wistfully, “When you have worked out your answer, find me and I will have an answer to your question.” He pats your shoulder and then leaves your room.
What the hell just happened? You don’t even know how to react, he just… what are you… why was this so attractive? Collapsing into bed, all you can do is think about how much you enjoyed kissing Raiden and what that means for you. Going back to sleep seems like an impossible task now.
In the morning, when it’s a more appropriate hour to be awake, you spend your time avoiding both of the guys. It’s a little difficult but you think to yourself, you only have to do this until your afternoon shift at the tea house and then you’ll be at work and it’ll be so much easier to avoid them.
You time your exits from your room carefully all morning, to dodge possible run ins with them. It feels silly but you crack open the door and peek out to see where they are adjacent to you, straining your ears, listening for them when you can’t see them. It’s all a bit childish but you don’t want to talk to Kung Lao because you’re still feeling upset over how he’s been acting after your night together and you don’t want to talk to Raiden after last night, you will talk to him though… when you have that answer.
Thankfully, you make it the whole morning without seeing either of them on your trips to and from your room. They also don’t come looking for you and leave you alone, probably assuming you’re sleeping in. The only time you see them both is in passing as you leave the house.
“I’ll be back later this afternoon, bye!” You call out as you rush out the front door, not stopping to give them the chance to reply properly.
You feel just the slightest bit bad but also not really, you’re allowed time to collect yourself and your thoughts, it’s not your fault they’re the cause of your confusion. On your walk to work, you consider what it all means, how you’ve been feeling, why Kung Lao’s blasé attitude upset you, why you liked kissing Raiden back and there’s only really one, glaringly obvious answer to both of those situations. How annoying, you cannot have this realisation right now, you have work.
Ignoring the answers you had been searching for, you get to work and waste no time in distracting yourself. It’s ironic really, you’d been trying so hard to think and have this realisation and now you’re pissed at yourself for figuring it out now and trying to ignore it. You don’t even have time to process how this makes you feel, well… you do and you could, you’re just choosing not to.
Focusing all you attention on your job kind of works as a replacement for thinking, you’re forced to put all your energy into other things but your thoughts tug at the back of your head and you know you’re going to have to confront this if you want it to stop. Just… not right now.
The shift itself is actually pretty good, there aren’t many people here today and the people that are here and that you interact with are incredibly kind. Some regulars come in and you get roped into polite chatter with them but you don’t mind, it’s welcome today.
It’s getting to be towards the end of your shift and though you’re happy to be almost finished with work, you also feel nervous about going home. Those nerves aren’t eased when you see both Raiden and Kung Lao walk into your place of work together. They do leave you alone to finish your shift, though Raiden stands by the exit, waiting for you to be done for the day. You don’t know where Kung Lao is, you’ve lost sight of him. Disregarding their presence, you tidy up and do some other things for Madam Bo before realising your shift is over and you’ve also managed to stay back a little by helping out with things that really weren’t urgent.
Feeling bad for making them wait, you head over to where you saw Raiden, still unsure on where Kung Lao has gone, “If you were waiting for me… I’m sorry, I was just helping out with some stuff.”
Raiden straightens up when he sees you, “I was but it is fine, I would have waited longer… if you needed extra time.”
“No, no I’m good to leave now,” you smile at him.
He smiles back but nods down at you, “Are you sure?”
You look down at yourself and realise you had kept an apron on, sheepishly, you rub the back of your neck and laugh, “Right… sorry, I will be right back.”
Raiden laughs lightly at your embarrassment as you jog away to the back area of the tea house. Quickly, you tug off the apron and put it away, taking a second to calm down and try to look like less of a mess and then you walk back out to where Raiden is still standing and still waiting for you.
“All better?” You ask, spinning around in a circle for him.
He confirms for you, “All better.”
You look around the tea house, trying to spot Kung Lao, “I thought I saw you come in with Kung Lao earlier…”
“Ah, so you did see us,” he jabs at you for avoiding them, seemingly, you are not as slick as you like to pretend you are, “He… uh… he has a date? Kind of? He’s meeting someone here… now.”
That makes you stop, you try not to but you can’t help but feel dejected, “Oh.”
“Hey…” Raiden reaches his hand up and places it on your shoulder, “I do not think he actually wanted to go… it was set up a bit ago by one of the ladies who is friends with Madam Bo… he is doing it more of a favour to her.”
Shaking your head, you say, “I don’t mind, he can do as he likes, or who he likes, for that matter…” trailing off you add, “He always does…”
You say that but you still feel hurt, he made you get rid of that guys number after you slept with him but he’s going on a date after saying he’d never want anyone else… Whatever, you’re ignoring this… this whole thought process has been added to the huge ignore pile you have created in your brain.
Raiden squeezes your shoulder and recaptures your attention, “You ready to head home?”
“Beyond ready,” your smile is tired when you look at him and he pats your shoulder, the pair of you turning to walk out of the tea house together.
The walk back starts off quiet, a peaceful and unhurried pace is shared between you, he breaks it though, asking, “Are we okay? I… did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable last night–”
“–I have an answer,” you look down to your feet, feeling his eyes on you, your steps slow slightly, “I wanted to.”
He stops completely, “You wanted to?”
You also stop but you can’t look at him, feeling embarrassed and instead choosing to look off in the distance where the house is waiting, “…I kissed you back… because I wanted to kiss you.”
“…Then conversely, I kissed you because I wanted to,” he sounds nervous as well but he’s hiding it better than you. You still won’t look at him and he sighs from beside you, “Because I like you.”
It feels like cold water has been dumped on you and you look to him with a shocked expression on your face, “I– I can’t, I don’t–” taking a deep breath you try to verbalise your response better, “I think… I– I am confused, Rai.”
He smiles softly at you, “I know,” he reaches out to your arm and touches along it before taking your hand in his, “I will wait… until you figure it out.”
You look to him and your eyes feel wet, it’s like… he already knows how you’re feeling, he’s steps ahead of you and just waiting patiently for you to catch up to him, “I’m not asking you to do that.”
“No… but I will,” he squeezes your hand and starts walking again, leading you back home.
You follow with him silently, not having much else to say, you think for now, everything that needs to be said and that you can manage to say has been. If he’s willing to wait just a little longer, until you can sort yourself out, until things can start making sense, that would make you ridiculously happy. He’s so… kind to you… and he always has been, you’re being overwhelmed by feelings for him.
When you’re back in the house, he lets you through first but as soon as he closes the door, you turn around and face him, stopping him from moving into the house any further, “I would like… I would like it if you would kiss me again… please?”
His eyes grow wider, surprised by your sudden question, “Right now?”
You’re feeling foolish now, “Only if you want to… you don’t have to.”
“I want to… I always want to,” he murmurs, moving closer to you, one of his hands reaching up to your face, “Are you sure?”
It feels like you soften for him all at once, “Yes.”
Leaning down, he presses a lingering kiss to your lips before pulling back enough to ask, “Is this alright?”
“No. I want more,” you mumble, looping your arms around his neck and pulling yourself to him, kissing him firmly.
His hands move to your hips, holding you close, his mouth moving against yours enthusiastically. He grips the fat of your hips harshly and pushes you back towards the wall, crowding you in, you gasp when you make contact with it. He takes the chance to deepen the kiss, his lips are insistent, eager, it’s making you dizzy. He moves his leg between yours, pinning you to the wall, the movement against your core shocks you and you let a small noise slip from the back of your throat.
Raiden pulls back at the sound, his forehead falls to your shoulder, breathlessly he apologises, “Sorry… I– I am getting worked up… I can stop–”
“–No… that’s not… I don’t want you to stop,” your voice feels small, you feel shy but you don’t want him to stop… you want him to go further, you want him worked up. Moving your lips to his ear, you say softly, “I want you.”
A shiver runs down his spine and you think if your hearing was slightly better you would have caught the small whine he made at the sound of your voice. He doesn’t move though, holding completely still, trying to reboot. Taking initiative, you grab one of his hands off your hips and lead him down the hall to his bedroom. He dutifully follows behind you, letting you take him wherever you want, he thinks he’d follow you into hell like this.
Once you’re in his room, you turn around to face him, you got him in here but now you’re feeling unsure, your confidence short lived, “Rai, I’m not good at… this.”
He’s a little dazed as he looks down at you, gaze busy watching you, “I think you were doing fine,” he hums. You go to complain to him, bothered by his response but he’s reaching out to you, grabbing at your waist, his lips close to yours, “You still want me?” He checks.
Breathlessly, you answer, “Yes.”
He smiles at you before leaning in and kissing you again, this time letting himself be unrestrained, his tongue in your mouth immediately. His hands roam more freely, groping at you. Your arms loop around him again, pulling yourself to him, you moan into the kiss and it drives him crazy.
He walks you back towards his bed and you let him but as you reach the edge of the frame, you part from him, you have something to say but you’re huffing, trying to catch your breath. His hand holds your face and his thumb wipes your bottom lip, cleaning you of the messy and rushed kiss you shared.
His eyes linger on your lips before asking, “Is something wrong?”
You feel like an idiot as you awkwardly get out, “No… I– I just… wanted… you to sit… first? maybe?...”
He looks confused for a moment before clarifying, “You want to sit on my lap?”
It’s said in a way where he’s only asking to be sure but it makes your skin feel hot and now you’re embarrassed, “…Only if you’re okay with it.”
He smirks at you in a way you’ve not seen before and it makes your heart skip a beat, “You are welcome to sit anywhere you like.”
You make a shocked expression at him, not expecting him to say something so suggestive. He kisses you again, not removing the stupefied look on your face, only changing the reason for it and then he removes himself from you to sit on his bed, waiting for you, he even pats his lap lightly with a small and welcoming smile on his face.
It feels silly as you crawl over to him, especially since he watches you so closely, he’s always watching you closely and it makes you lightheaded. You sit in his lap and his hands stroke your thighs, up your sides, caressing your body tenderly.
He goes to lean into you but you stop him, “Wait–” you crawl off him and he sighs in disappointment but watches to see what you’re doing. You shuffle out of your pants before crawling back and sitting on him again, he groans when your covered pussy makes contact with his cock, “Sorry… I thought this would save time.”
He intakes a deep breath, “I think you may kill me,” he mutters, his hand drawing towards your cunt, thumb swiping over the front of your underwear.
His cock is hard underneath you and he feels… “Rai?”
He hums at you in response, he’s distracted, his fingers pulling at your panties without actually moving them, waiting for your okay. When he realises you’re waiting for his full attention, he moves his hands to your inner thighs and rubs them, fingers digging in a tiny bit, it has you wiggling down into him, the pressure flipping your tummy.
He looks into your eyes, “Yes?”
You falter a bit, “Are… are you… fully hard?...”
“Pretty much… yeah,” his brows crease, confused at your question, “…Why?”
“You just…” your hands grip onto his shoulders and you drag your clothed cunt along the length of his cock, he chokes and grips you harder, shocked. You bite your lip to supress your sounds, you’re just trying to see something. When you stop grinding into him, he lets out a sad sound, his hands pulling at you, wanting you to keep going, “Rai, you’re huge.”
“What?” He looks genuinely confused, “I am not, I am average.”
You shake your head at him, “Rai, you might not…” You frown and look away, feeling flustered.
He understands what you’re worried about though, “Oh, I will,” he assures. The way he says it makes your heart skip a beat, he’s so certain, you’re so… not. “Can I?” He asks, nodding towards your panties.
“You have to take something off first,” he cannot see your pussy while also still being fully clothed.
He easily takes off his shirt and chucks it down onto the floor, “Now?”
You nod at him and he eagerly pulls your panties to the side, his index and ring finger slide through your wet folds and he grumbles lowly to himself at how slick you are. You grip his shoulders for purchase, needing the stability. He plays with your cunt, fingers making a mess of you, gently touching your clit every now and again just to see the way you jolt and get an increasingly more desperate look in your eyes.
You gasp out to him, “Rai… you’re being cruel.”
He smiles to himself, “Sorry,” he replies, although, he doesn’t really seem all that sorry.
Thankfully, he does actually move his finger towards your entrance, his ring finger slowly pushes forwards, careful not to hurt you. Your pussy swallows the digit and he moans at the way you grip him. Your thighs shake and little noises you aren’t quite aware of slip past your bitten lips.
Raiden has to control himself, wanting to finger fuck you until you’re blind but not wanting to hurt you or go too fast. He focuses on opening you up on his one finger, cock twitching in his pants at how you make little whimpered sounds for him.
Your eyes are low and wet, looking to him and asking, “More, please.”
You look dazed, eyes sparkling with how malleable he’s making you. He might melt into a puddle for you right here, “Mmm, you look really pretty,” he comments. The compliment goes to your core and your cunt throbs on his finger, “Oh… you like being told how pretty you are?”
“Rai don’t,” he’s embarrassing you.
“Why not? Do you not want to hear how beautiful you are to me while I stuff my fingers inside you?” He singsongs, another finger moving to join the one already inside you.
You go to speak but he fucks them up into you and crooks them, rubbing them against your inner wall just right and the only thing that comes out it an incredibly pitiful whine. A sound that Raiden delights in, if his smile and bright eyes are anything to by.
“Make cute noises, too,” he utters to you, his other hand leaving your waist and holding the side of your neck, “Wonder how you will sound when you cum, though I think I know…” you look at him with wide eyes and he looks back to you, his eye contact intense, “You seem to forget that you have roommates.”
You try to look away from him but he moves his hand up to your cheek, forcing you to look at him. How are you meant to reply to that? You’re feeling really embarrassed and exposed, especially since his fingers are knuckle deep inside your cunt, reaching places you can’t touch when you’re doing this by yourself.
“I can’t– I don’t– If I’m so loud… why do you –ngh– never say anything?” It’s a struggle to get the question out, you’re trying to refrain yourself from grinding down into his fingers.
His smile is saccharine as he replies, “If I did that… you would probably stop.”
You gasp at him and he begins thrusting his fingers into you again, not caring to hear your protests to his answer. The sounds in the room are embarrassing to say the least, your skin feels hot and you can’t tell if that’s because of him or your humiliation at how wet you are. His eyes flick between your pussy and your face, lingering on your face for a few moments and pulling your lip down with his thumb before focusing his attention back on where his fingers are devastating you.
“Could you take another?” He asks gently, glancing up at you and waiting for your response.
You nod enthusiastically, “I can.”
“That is good, you are doing so good,” he practically purrs, it makes your pussy spasm and his smile grows, he’s going to use this against you a lot and that makes you nervous… and aroused, something he definitely knows.
He scissors his fingers, trying to open you up for a third, you squirm and look down, his hand is so large and… slick. Glistening with how you spill down his fingers and into his palm. It’s an obscene sight that makes your heart flutter, you moan as your hips wriggle down, silently begging for friction, for more.
It’s slow, when he first adds a third, it’s a lot more to take but you’re getting impatient and the sounds you make convey as much, Raiden tuts at you, “Just stay still for me, please.”
You clench down on him but hold as still as you can manage, noises you didn’t think yourself capable of getting stuck in your throat as his thumb rubs at your clit. He eases his third finger inside and your own fingers grip at his shoulder, gasped and stuttered breaths leaving you as you try to take it.
Raiden holds a moan in his chest, getting off on how you look right now, his cock painfully hard. He’s trying to be so patient, trying his very best to not lose it at how well you’re doing for him, how compliant you’re being. He’s not asked much of you at all and you’re so completely willing, eager even, it feels like electricity is running through his veins.
Your voice is pitched high when you plead with him to move, “Rai– please~”
He looks to you, his smile kind but his aura smug, “More?”
“More,” you confirm. You’re getting close to finishing, your stomach tightening, pulling taut, your pussy throbbing around his fingers. All you need if for him to move, “I am –hah– I am getting close–”
“–I know,” is what he replies with, apparently perfectly aware of how close you’re getting but still taking his time anyways.
Once you relax more, he retracts his fingers and begins thrusting them in and out of you, the sounds that result make even him blush. His eyes dazed and lustful, his ego growing with just how wet you are for him. His free hand moves to grip your hip, holding you still, preventing you from bucking into him. Something he’s glad he did because when it begins to feel like too much you try to pull back and he doesn’t want you going anywhere.
“Is too –ngh– much,” you whimper to him, the feeling overwhelming you.
His eyes stay on your cunt, not looking away from what he’s doing, “You can take it, you have been doing so good.”
The moan that his praise pulls from you is damning evidence of how much his encouraging words effect you and he huffs a small sound of amusement at how much he’s effecting you just by telling you how good you’re doing. You’d snap at him if he weren’t so close to making you cum, you don’t want to risk this slipping from you. Your thighs shake and your tummy flips, your hands pull and grasp at his shirt and you all but hold your breath as you cum on his fingers.
Unable to stay upright, you fall into his chest, your head on his shoulder, your moans being muffled into his skin. Your eyes shut tight as you jolt against him, your orgasm wracking over your body. Raiden groans at how your pussy trembles around his fingers, a shiver running down his spine.
You can’t speak, not yet, you’re shaking still and you just need a moment to collect yourself. Raiden retracts his fingers to let you collapse into him completely, your weight sat comfortably on top of him, his cock jerking underneath you from the friction and heat of your bare cunt.
He moves his head slightly to the side, his nose brushing against your cheek, “Are you okay?”
“More than, I just wasn’t… expecting all that,” it comes out mumbled, you’re even drooling onto his skin slightly.
He counters, “You are the one worried about taking me.”
You harrumph against him, pouting slightly, “For good reason!”
“We do not have to, if you are worried,” he strokes the back of your head, his touch delicate.
Pulling back to look at him properly, you assert, “I want to.”
He pulls you into him, kissing you deeply, his lips tender despite the depraved manner in which he’s kissing you. His lust clouding his head as he kisses you deeply, hands searching your body, groping and pulling at you, on your hips, your ass, your waist, your breasts, anywhere he can get to. All you can do is hold onto him and let him kiss you into oblivion, that’s not a complaint though, you think you’d let him kiss you for as long as he wants to.
His hands slip under your shirt, resting against your bare skin, revelling in the feel of your soft skin against his rough palms. His arms move to wrap around you completely, tugging you to his body, your front pressed against his as he kisses you stupid. You need air, you’re being deprived, slipping your hands into his hair, you tug, signalling to him that you need to breathe. The action pulls a moan from him, shared in the kiss, he understands your ask though and rests his forehead against yours. He’s huffing harshly, apparently needing air too and just refusing to pull away from you.
You go to ask him if he’s okay but he beats you to it, instead asking you, “Can you take this off?” He tugs at your shirt.
“Hmm?” It takes your dazed mind a second to catch on, “Oh! Yeah, okay,” you giggle softly at your stupidity and it makes Raiden smile goofy and big.
He slips his hands under your shirt and tugs it up and over your head, exposing yourself to him. He chucks it to the floor before his hands hesitate at touching you, grabbing one of his hands you place it on your body, encouraging him to touch you, that it’s okay. He’s more comfortable after that, both of his hands on your body, he holds your breasts in his large hands, pawing at them.
Leaning down, you kiss him again, he welcomes it but doesn’t take his hands away from your tits. Reaching for his pants, you begin tugging at the layers of clothes between the two of you, you’re struggling though, lost in his kiss and his warm hands. You let out a shocked moan when he pinches at your nipples, rolling them, your moan disconnects the kiss and your head falls to his shoulder.
He softly chuckles at your reaction, removing his hands from you and down to his pants, “…Sorry.”
“I don’t think you are,” you grumble against him.
He presses a kiss to your shoulder, “You are right, I am not.”
He hisses as he pulls himself out of his pants and you lean back to look down at him, his cock is slightly larger than you were expecting, average your ass. The tip is angry and red, leaking precum profusely. Clearly, he’s unbelievably worked up, his dick twitching as he holds the base of it. Your hand moves towards him, hesitating just as he did before, he lets go of his grasp and pulls your hand to him, mirroring your previous action, showing you it’s okay.
When you take him in your hand he holds back a moan, resulting in a small, hummed noise instead. It makes you smile to yourself, the noises he makes are cute… you want to hear more. You pick a languid pace and jerk him off, his chest stutters and his cock jumps, your thumb rubs at the tip of his dick, collecting the precum there and working it up and down his cock, making him slick.
His hips rise and stutter, wanting you to go faster but you don’t want to make him cum, you just want to tease him a little bit. You wonder how much you could tease him before he can’t take it anymore and just takes what he needs from you, the idea of seeing Raiden break and be little bit mean to you excites you more than you care to admit… but it’s a lot.
You’re still worried about taking him, he’s not slick enough and you need it slick if you’re going to sit on all of him, which you are determined to do. Gathering the saliva in your mouth you spit down onto the tip of his cock and he groans at the sight, fighting the urge to tip his head back, wanting to watch what you’re doing instead. You use your spit to lube his cock, your hand glides up and down his shaft easier like this. Raiden stutters out a sharp breath, he’s beyond horny, he’s getting twitchy, needy.
He huffs out, “Can I –hah–”
“Hmm?” You can’t tell exactly what he was going to ask, though you probably could guess.
“Can you just–” He sighs, exasperated, “Sit on it,” he waits a moment before adding “Please?”
His phrasing makes your pussy jump, you weren’t expecting that kind of directness from him, it is welcomed though. You bite back a smile at his increasing impatience, which he doesn’t miss, his eyes narrowing at you but before he can even think of something to say, you grip him tightly and sit up on your knees, drawing closer to him. His focus is suddenly back on your cunt, waiting for you to sink down on him.
You get frustrated at your underwear though, wanting them off before taking him, you let go of his dick and he grunts, “Hold on, I want to take off–”
Raiden looks mildly annoyed in front of you, his hands stop you from going anywhere and in an entirely bored manner, he tears your panties off of you. The material ripped from you and chucked across the room, a pathetic noise leaves you at it and he sits back, waiting on you again.
He looks up at you, “Better?”
You gape at him, “That was… impressive.”
He blushes a little but is serious as he says, “I can be so much more impressive, if you would just sit down, please.”
You squint at him but take his cock back in your hand, hovering over it again, you feel nervous to take him and you falter slightly. Just as you’re about to follow through, Raiden’s hands are on your hips, stopping you.
He looks concerned, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I am still a little worried about how large you are,” you’re genuinely fine, you are determined to take him.  
He strokes your thighs, “You do not have to–”
“–I am fine, I can take it, I will take it,” you cut him off, you can do this.
He shudders at your assertion, “Fine, just… take what you can, do not force it.”
“Mhm,” you mumble out dismissively, already looking down again.
His hand moves to your face and makes you look at him, “I mean it, do not force it.”
“Okay,” you answer him properly this time, knowing full well… you probably, might, definitely force it… just a bit.
He squints at you, inspecting you for a moment before letting your face go and allowing you to carry on. You notch the tip of his cock at your entrance, breathing deeply as you begin sinking down on him. Raiden grips your thighs, his breath faltering in his chest, all of his focus put into not slamming you down onto him. It’s slow going and the stretch aches, you bite your lip as to not make any noises, not wanting to sound completely pitiful.
Once you get the tip of him inside you, your hands move to hold onto his shoulders, keeping yourself stabilised. You need to wait a moment before you can continue, you need to adjust. Maybe gaslighting yourself will help, you can take him, he’s not even that big. Looking down to where his cock is sitting, you realise gaslighting did not help, a small whimper leaves you at the sight of his dick not even close to being fully inside you.
He strains himself to say, “Take it easy.”
Raiden rests his head back against the headboard, his eyes shut tight, pleasure crawls up his spine and he’s having the hardest time not fucking up into you right now. His stomach pulls taut, he could probably cum just like this, which embarrasses him beyond belief. What kind of grown man cums from this much? Oh, but he’s so on edge and you’re so warm and tight and wet and he could die now and be happy.
Almost out of spite, you drop down onto him more, forcing it only slightly, still not quite halfway but significantly more than before. The shock of it causes Raiden to moan loudly and raise his head to look at you, his hands gripping you, not allowing you to do that again. His eyes are angry and wet, he’s in disbelief at you.
He’s a bit breathless now because of you, “I just said to take it easy.”
“I know,” you mutter, looking down, eyes looking at how he’s stuffed inside you.
You’re distracted, he might be saying more but you raise yourself back up before sliding down on him again, fucking yourself on what you’ve managed to take. He chokes and whimpers at the feeling, his eyes also watching where his cock is gliding in and out of you, his hips want to chase you, he wants so much more. He settles for gripping your skin and watching how you leak onto his dick.
He lets you take your time; you take what you can, fucking yourself open on him, his heart beats hard in his chest at the scene in front of him, his eyes all glazed over. Looking at you, you’re doing no better, you’re all fucked out with the cutest, dumbest look on your face, eyes gooey and mind far away. The noises that leave him make his skin flush but he can’t stop, not with how you devotedly ride not even half of him, he’s genuinely worried you’re going to kill him.
Eventually, after working yourself up and down his cock for a bit, you manage to take half of him. You slip down and whine at the feeling of him being so deep in you, “I don’t –ngh– know if I can take it all.”
“Does not matter– just– do not stop,” his words are rushed and borderline begged, pleading with you to keep going.
You do keep going, continuing to take what you can. Raiden leans forward, his face resting between your breasts, his hands gripping you higher on your back, still refraining himself from thrusting up into you.
“You feel so good… so good, such a pretty girl, doing so well,” he’s mumbling mindlessly into your skin, “Taking me so nicely, make sweet little noises, love listening to you.”
He’s going to make you cum if he keeps complimenting you like that but based on the way he doesn’t stop, you think that may be his intent. Compliments and sugar-coated words leave his lips as you try to keep the pace you’ve set, you’re throbbing around him, you’re so unbelievably close and if it didn’t feel so good you might be a bit more ashamed over how much his words effect you.
“Mmm, gripping me so tight, so perfect, have such good reactions –hah– I know you are close,” he’s still speaking into your skin, one of his hands moves to your cunt, his thumb rubbing circles into your clit, “I want it,” he groans.
You gasp, nails clawing at his skin, he shocks an orgasm out of you, it takes you by surprise, you knew you were close but not that close. You want to grind into him, you need more, and in your hazy, needy fog, you take more of him, dropping down as far as you can go. The sudden, extremely full feeling has you moaning loudly, your orgasm shuddering up and down your spine. You rock down onto him, at this point, forcing yourself to take him all, the pain only adding to the extreme pleasure you’re experiencing.  
Raiden is holding you close, still not fucking up into you but whining under you, the pleasure he’s feeling taking over his mind. He can’t believe you did that; he can’t believe you forced yourself the whole way down his cock while cumming on him, he’s going to pass out. His dick is twitching, his teeth bared as he holds off on finishing.
Your limbs relax and you slump into him, your body trembling with the post orgasm shocks that run through you. Raiden pulls his head back to allow you the room to rest on him properly, his hands run up and down your back, soothing you, giving you time.
Being fully sat on him now is driving you mental, you’ve just cum on him and you’re greedy for more, he fills you so nicely, you feel so fucking full and it makes your head spin, “I can go again,” you promise, your hips grinding down into him.
He moans, surprised, “Take a break.”
You shake your head no at him, continuing to grind down onto him, it’s lazy and needy, basically only serving to try and pull another orgasm from you. It’s frustrating Raiden, he wants to go easy on you but you’re not letting him, you’re making his skin itch, he’s so fucking desperate for you and is still trying to be a gentleman, something you’re not appreciating. You’re being a brat but oh, it feels so good while you do, your walls hug him so firmly. His dick fully sheathed inside you is going to have him going insane.
He can’t take it anymore, the way you ardently rut down into him, eager for more, it pushes him over the edge. His hands grip your thighs and he readjusts his footing on the bed, giving himself leverage.
He speaks through gritted teeth, “Take a break, sit there and let me do it properly.”
You whimper at him and he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, memorising the sound you just made at him. He uses his new position to fuck up into you how he likes, how he needs, this is all he’s wanted. He just wanted to drag his thick cock through your tight walls how he liked and now that he can, it’s making him release strangled moans and whimpers.
All you can do is take what he’s giving you, his thrusts harsh and targeted, he knows exactly where to hit and it has you moaning and drooling onto his skin, your head tucked into his neck. You take the opportunity to suck a hickey into his skin, a particularly hard thrust from him makes you bite his skin lightly. He whines at the feeling, his dick jerking at the way you’ve dug your teeth into his skin.
You need him to know, “Rai –ngh– feel really –mmph– good–”
A shiver runs through him at your compliment, he turns his head to the side slightly and speaks lowly to you, “If I feel so good… cum again.”
You gasp at him, your mind reeling, he says the most shocking things, not even all the obscene, just completely shocking to you.
“So desperate for it,” he mumbles, mostly to himself, before directing to you, “Taking my whole cock so nicely, taking it all just like you said you would,” and then he adds something that devastates you, “Such a good girl.”
He’s done that on purpose, you know it, “Rai– I can’t– it feels–” It feels different, your orgasm is tightening all your limbs, your stomach flipping, your mind going foggy.
You try to move away from him, pulling back but he keeps fucking you how he likes, “It is fine, let it happen.”
He’s so sure that it’s fine and it convinces you that it is, you let it happen, you let your orgasm wash over you. It has you almost thrashing, your hands digging into his skin and your feet kicking against the bed as you silently scream, panted gasps leaving you as you squirt all over his lap. Raiden relishes in the way your eyes roll back and your body shakes, your cunt clutching and spasming around him so tightly he can barely fuck you through it.
One of your hands move to his hair and tugs him harshly, his head moving back with it, he moans loudly and his balls tighten. He doesn’t fight it this time, he lets himself cum, filling your pussy with his thick load, finishing so much that it leaks out around where he’s stuffed you full. His moans trail off into small whines until he takes a deep breath and calms down, his eyes watch how you leak your shared releases down into his lap.
Your eyes are bleary, wet with unshed tears, you’re not capable of cohesive thought and it feels like electricity thrums through your veins, jerking you every now and again. You feel like you might collapse backwards at any moment, it makes you grateful for Raiden’s hands on your hips, giving you some stability, enough to keep you upright anyways.
You look to Raiden and he smiles at you, “You look beautiful.”
You make a distressed sound at him as your cunt jumps but that just makes him wear an even larger smile, it reaches his eyes.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Mhm… I didn’t think– I didn’t think I could do that,” you slur, shocked at how he’s managed to do that to you.
“No one has ever made you squirt?” He says it so earnestly and it makes you feel shy.
You look away from him, “I hadn’t even cum from anyone else before Lao.”
“And how many times did he make you cum?”
You glare back at him, “Why?”
He smiles politely, “Why else? Want to compare.”
You frown at him, “This is not an analytical essay, we are not comparing and contrasting.”
He continues smiling at you, waiting patiently for the answer he knows you’re going to give him.
And you do, you concede to him and reveal, “Twice.”
You can feel the way he’s proud of himself for not only having you finish three times but also making you squirt. He changes the topic though, not pushing you, “I hope you know; this was not just sex to me.”
“…It wasn’t to me, either,” you look away from him.
You can’t bring yourself to tell him what you had realised earlier, you’re painfully aware of how much you feel for him, of how much you feel for both of them but you aren’t quite ready to have that conversation yet.
His hand guides your face back to look at him, “Hey, it is okay, I told you before, I would wait. If it is you… I can wait.”
You lean forward to hug him and he holds you back, he’ll hold you for as long as you need and you know that. He makes you feel so cared for, you won’t make him wait, even though you know he will, you won’t do that to him because he may be able to wait… but you can’t.
Thank you for reading !!! I hope it was good and silly and that you had fun reading <3 if you have any thoughts, feeling, questions, don't hesitate to reach out !! have a beautiful day/night :3
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maskedteaser · 3 months
What order do you take pills in?
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maskedteaser · 3 months
I'm 100% a switch in bed I can go top and bottom and it is such a rare trope to see in fics like I need to get pinned down and I want a submissive, pathetic guy in my bed at the same time
(is that what people call "unrealistic standards"?)
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maskedteaser · 3 months
It's irritating seeing bloggers repost someone else's gifs.
You should instead reblog or use Tumblr's gif adding function so the original maker gets the credit:
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When you repost gifs then Tumblr's servers end up miscrediting the gif as YOURS rather than the original maker.
Gifmakers put a lot of hard work into making these.
Here's a correctly inserted gif. Please notice the credited url below it. If you use the gif adder in the post editor, Tumblr will add the credit for you:
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maskedteaser · 3 months
it would
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