marshmallowcat666 · 4 hours
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I hate the background I tried to do for this but eh too late
Fish n’ Chips
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love how when i get a new interest, i’m like “oh god it’s happening again” and i’m stuck like that for about a week until everything explodes and any interest i’ve had prior is completely dwarfed for an unknown amount of time
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An updated ref for Brayn! He was made from this open species by Blizzy2 on scratch
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
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I started this comic back at the start of April, back when I made this other comic! It took an unfortunate amount of time to complete thanks to my condition.. but that's ok! All the lovely responses from the last comic kept me motivated! XDD (Thank you everyone!!🥰💞💞)
This time around I went with a more serious tone and put a bit more story in there! :00 With this comic I wanted to experiment with Bonnie and Gloria's relationship. And more importantly, Gloria as a character.
I've thought of her as the groups leader, some may even say she's a mother of sorts. She is always so calm in the face of danger.. She always knows exactly what to do and she does it perfectly. How is she so strong? How does she deal with the stress of it all?? Does she even feel stressed to begin with?? Well as its turns out.. she kind'a doesn't feel anything at all.. and she wishes she was stronger..
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
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Mad Guardian of Destruction
FTFO ("For the Forgotten Ones") Error by ImSorryBuddy on AO3
Here are some snippets of his first appearance in chapter 7.
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
Fatespeaker? Maybe Secretkeeper
Don't see much on those two
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Here's it!
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
Hate when people say shit like "all allwing designs will look bad mo matter what, all allwing ocs are inherently op and bad characters by default"
For one, you do realize not everyone is gonna make their allwing look like a neon rainbow 2012 my little pony OC, right? Even if they did, who cares, it's their character, let people have fun. But I've seen AllWing OCs that stick to a certain color pallette. I've seen an AllWing that was just different shades of blue, and another one that was purple. Believe or not, AllWings CAN turn out looking very pretty
For another, not every AllWing is going to have the powers of every single tribe. Again, fine if they do, because let people have fun, but a lot of AllWing OCs I've seen only have a small collection of tribe abilities. Some only have frostbreath and SandWing venom. Some only have RainWing spit and the ability to hold your breath. When you say every AllWing OC is OP, you assume every single person who has ever made an AllWing gave them every single power they possibly could, which is just ignorant
Also, where is the joy and whimsy in your soul when you say shit like that? Where is the excitement when it comes to putting every wof tribe into one dragon and getting to decide why they're like that? Whether they're just a result of a long line of hybrid parents, or if they were artificially created? You are the people of the mlp fandom who tell kids they're not allowed to have alicorn OCs, and if they do, they need to ultra nerf their powers, or else the character will be a "mary sue." You are the people who think you're giving "advice" on how to make good OCs, when really you are putting literal children down for making what they believe is a cool character. If you don't like AllWings, don't make one. Stop acting like you have the right to tell others what they can and can't do when making OCs
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
buses are limited by having to move through car traffic. with your help i will fix this
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
Yeah, no that’s not an Ancient Greek Dionysus and here’s why
My absolute proudest moment as an ancient art history TA in college was as a student in a class on Gender in the Ancient World (a for-fun class I took when I’d basically wrapped up all my other degree requirements) and it involved me catching my Classics professor royally messing up in his own lecture.
So this Classics teacher (poor guy) was going on about Dionysus and what the Greek god of wine could teach us about the morals of the time, specifically about over indulgence being anathema to Greeks (“all things in moderation”) and to prove his point he shared this statue of Dionysus:
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Which just happens to be the picture of Dionysus on Wikipedia, uh oh, first mistake! (Some of you nerds may already spot all of the other problems.)
And it only gets worse, because he starts rattling on about what this statue in particular demonstrates to us about how the Ancient Greeks viewed Dionysus and the sins of excess associated with wine drinking- his body is slightly puffy from over-indulgence, his muscles not as sharply carved as an Apollo. He’s off-balance, leaning on a faun for support. His eyes are glassy. He’s raising a huge, margarita-bowl of a cup. Basically, from this, we can see a clear visual of why Dionysus and his associated lifestyle and sacred objects were looked down upon in ancient Greece.
Meanwhile, I’m vibrating out of my chair like Hermione in the front row because oh my god how are you a professor, this is all wrong, oh my god…
Finally, the professor calls on my shaking raised hand, thankfully before I blasted off into the stratosphere with my sheer need to Be Right. 
And, with a voice only slightly shaking from high-octane adrenaline I say, “Except that statue is from the Renaissance. It’s by Michelangelo.”
The professor freezes like a deer in the headlights. I mean actually freezes, his eyes widen and he just stops. Dumbstruck. I wondered how many times he’s given this lecture and used this statue of Dionysus to make his point. I think the number of times he’d used this picture in a lecture was flashing before his eyes too.
Because if you go back to the ancient world there’s no effing way Dionysus would be portrayed so disrespectfully! Even if he’s the god of wine he’s not the one who overindulges, that’s his followers. He’s a god. Anyone who knows anything about Ancient Greece knows you don’t disrespect a god with a statue like that. Actually, Dionysus statues from Ancient Greece tend to look more like this in the Archaic period:
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And in a late Roman example (Hi, Antinuous!) like this:
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Yeah. There’s no “over indulgent” puffiness, no margarita glass, no glassy eyes or tottering form. Because Dionysus is a god. What Michelangelo’s statue of Bacchus reveals is what Renaissance people believed about Dionysus, not Ancient Greeks. 
But let’s briefly touch on all the other alarm bells about that statue. Because I didn’t know it was Michelangelo’s right away in that class–I was frantically looking that up even as my hand was raised–I just knew it was Renaissance and not Ancient Greek. Because sure, in Ancient Greece, this kind of sculpture denouncing excess existed, but we’d be looking at Silenus the Satyr, or just a Satyr in general to make this commentary, not ever with Dionysus who partakes in such festivities but is ultimately stands above them and definitely doesn’t fall prey to them (others fall prey to him). So basically, Michelangelo’s Bacchus has a lot more in common with an ancient sculpture of Silenus, not of Dionysus, reflecting on how Italians in the Renaissance viewed this ancient pagan god.
To tick off a couple other warning signs: the patina (that color stone and level of dirt, but without traces of cleaning or paint, was a give away because Renaissance people didn’t paint their statues the way ancient people did). The beautiful curly hair and laurels were impossible before about 200 CE because the drill tips needed to make fine curls hadn’t been invented yet, before that you tended to have carved masses of hair or lines of hair suggested on the scalp, nothing so elaborate. Also the features are much too fine, almost girlish, with a receding chin. Again, something you might see on a hyper realistic Roman portrait, but not something you’d ever see on a god. The child is out of place too, you do see children in ancient sculptures (like the statue of Hermes and Dionysus) but not really with such “childish” facial expressions, for the lack of a better word. 
So when I talk about how with material archaeology and art history it becomes impossible to mistake when a certain artifact comes from, this is what I mean. The ways of carving this weren’t available to the Ancient Greeks until way into the Imperial Roman era, at least. The stone is wrong. The morals visible in the carving are wrong. You’ll often too see Renaissance or 19th century statues being passed off as ancient here on Tumblr, but things like fine features are often dead give aways that something isn’t ancient. Stone work is a language of its own, and once you see enough to decode it, it’s as unmistakable to the eye as clothing from 100 years ago looks obviously out of date to us today, even if you’re not versed in fashion.
(P.S. the professor made the point to thank me and said he would stop using this statue in future lectures. As you can see, I was proud of this shining moment of pedantry a totally normal about.) 
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
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jesus no
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
please make the canon character simp for your oc even if it's in a minor way even if it's slightly OOC please please please do it I promise it's okay please do it please
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
I might be a girl but im still gay for boys idc
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
I'm always seeing this sentiment of "I have got to make my art weirder" or people begging for weirder art but here's the thing, Weird is not a brand. You cannot rack your brains trying to figure out the "Weird" formula. You don't get weird art by artificially forcing whatever you think is "weird." You get weird art (and I think "weird" is sometimes people groping for a way of saying non-corporatized) by figuring out what you like, deep down, even (especially) if you think it's embarrassing and wallowing in it like a pig
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
The moral of Matilda is that if you’re autistic enough you can destroy your enemies with your mind
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
I don't even remember last time I drew something on paper for fun. It's just studies nowadays
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 days
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Have I been on this site for almost nine years? Yes. Am I aware that ridgebacks are canonically hydrophobic? Yes. Will it stop me from drawing them as merdragons? no.
I decided to do my own mermay challenge where I turn a ridge into a mermaid every day, to practice painting and because I can.
May 1 - Goldfish Ridgeback
Despite its delicate appearance, these ridgebacks can thrive in the most life-aversive environments. With enough space, they can grow to massive sizes. Original ancestors of these ridgebacks sport bright orange scales, but many of the newer generation have taken on brown and gray colors to better blend in.
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