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The urge to rewrite chronicles with your friend
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Do you think there were in universe signs for Jack being a Xiaolin dragon?
I always thought he was meant to be one. And when Chronicles came out with Ping Pong, I was even more hoping he would eventually get to be good.
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Vlad is a most welcome addition to our team... but he is the last one, right? I mean, just how many dragons-in-training can there be?
The way this line is written and delivered definitely implies that, even though Vlad was clearly not a permanent addition, there are other dragons-in-training that were supposed to join the team that Omi didn't know about, just like he didn't know about the other three in the first place.
There were little hints here and there that there were theoretically more dragons-in-training, but it was never seriously followed up on.
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As for Jack, there were multiple instances that hints that he's not as firmly evil as he likes to posture himself as.
Hannibal himself reads Jack as "a single generation from good," every season finale has Jack team up with the monks to fight against the current villain, Jack's been invited to the temple multiple times and he turns them down for flippant reasons like the "bathrobes" instead of being deeply opposed to it. In the alternate timeline, he lives with the monks already.
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Good Jack shows that there is a part of Jack that always believes that good prevails no matter what evil does, which even builds into Jack's motivation for being evil at all. It also shows there's a part of Jack that really likes Dojo and the monks.
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"The Apprentice" opened up a whole can of worms where Jack genuinely tried, and only stopped because he didn't think anyone was genuinely trying to accept him there. He's shocked and doesn't know what to say when he unequivocally learns that Omi really did believe in him and truly wants Jack there with them no matter what the other monks think about it.
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And there are small implications that Jack might cosmically belong at the temple, in the grand scheme of things. When the timelines are coming back together, that's where Jack's deposited.
Sadly, in season 3, basically all character development and character arcs were dropped and regressed to make the leadership competition work. So it definitely wasn't about to continue anything the earlier seasons started with Jack.
But I'd say you could argue there were possible signs, yeah.
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gm to the xiaolin showdown fandom😘
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