ltjlily17 · 3 years
I don’t know if I could ever go without
If you could wipe out any bug on the Earth forever, what bug would it be? CICADAS. I picked this survey just to complain about how much I hate them. We are supposed to have a once every 17 years swarm this year and I’m disgusted. 
What do your parents think of the music you listen to?  I’m not sure my mom really knows what I listen to other than the stuff I used to listen to when I was younger.
Have you ever fallen asleep while on the phone with someone? Nope. I don’t fall asleep easy.
Do you chew on your straws? Negative.
What is something that you have struggled with lately?  Feeling like I’m contributing to our life. Trying to decide what to do it myself. Not being a slug.
Video Games or Board Games?  I like both, but definitely play video games more.
Do you miss being a kid?  No way. I’m much better equipped to deal with the world now.
Do you know anyone that has murdered someone? There was an old guy in my neighborhood growing up who lived alone and would buy us ice cream from the ice cream truck sometimes. One day, my mom called me while I was at a friends house sometime in my teens and told me not to come home because she noticed that there were a bunch of cars in the neigborhood with consecutive license plates and thought something was going on. It was the FBI watching his house and they arrested him later that night without incident for the murder of a hitchhiker sometime in the 70s. I also met a guy from a band I really liked and have his signature and a pic with him and he went on to kill someone years later.
Do you like wearing socks that mismatch?  I have a bunch of socks that are identical besides pattern and I’m cool with mixing and matching those. They have to be identical otherwise, or I would not.
Do you know anyone under 18 who is pregnant?   I don’t even really know anyone under 18.
Do things ever get lost in your purse?  Nope. I carry what was sold as a clutch but I took the strap off and use it as a wallet. When I did carry a purse, it wasn’t huge and I didn’t pack a lot of stuff in it.
How many meals do you eat in a day?  Typically two. Sometimes a snack at night.
What is the drinking age where you are?   21.
What's a common drink you get when out for dinner?  Pop or a sweet tea.
What hair color do you think suits you best?  I actually really liked being a platinum blonde and loved the way it looked but my hair is a really dark brown so it was a LOT of upkeep. I’ve actually let my hair grow out and its mostly my natural color and I’m kind of digging it right now. I’ve got a bunch of silver showing up kinda evenly disbursed throughout and it shows up really well against the dark hair. I also think warm tones- reds, oranges, suit me pretty well.
Have you ever put Silly Putty on a newspaper to copy the print?  I did when I was little. 
what's your favorite animal print? I’m not crazy about animal print stuff. I’ve only embraced wearing it in the last couple of years. Can’t say I have a favorite.
What music genre do you hate?   I’m really not a fan of being screamed at and I prefer music with words. Otherwise I’m pretty open.
Have you friends ever argued with their parents when you were there?  When I was a teenager for sure. 
What's the nearest grocery store to you called?  Dorothy Lane Market or Kroger.
Do you know someone who thinks they are perfect?  We are friends with a couple that like to pretend they are.
Can you drive?  Yes.
Do you ever wonder if there's someone who looks exactly like you?  There probably is. When I was younger, the movie Casper came out and the lead character was just a few years older than me and people would stop me all the time and tell me I looked like her. We don’t look all that much a like now.
Is it easy to make you laugh?  I think so. I get the stupid giggles at least once a week either from something my husband or I said. Theres this picture of a salad bar with spinach in it and its labeled SPINCH and I tried to tell my husband about it but couldn’t because I was laughing too hard and we like to just randomly send the pic to each other now.
What was the last thing you googled? Kitchen cabinets. We need new base cabinets for the house we are rehabbing and I told the contractor Friday to order those sooner rather than later because they are hard to come by right now and sure enough he couldn’t find any that were a close enough match to the existing. Or he’s just shitty at looking for things because I found some that are pretty close and reserved them for pickup locally.
Do your parents ever compare you to other kids?  My mom likes to compare me to her friends kids, mostly as I’ve gotten older, because a lot of them have had substance abuse issues or multiple divorces or are living with their parents and I’m a little more put together. It’s always more of a “I raised a better kid” type of tone than a “you’re a good kid” kinda thing.
Do you wait for your parents to be in a good mood before asking them for something?  When I was little I knew to wait til my dad was drunk to ask for things. He hated cats, but I got my first kitten when I was 5 because I waited til he was drunk and happy to lay it on thick.
When was the last time you ate chocolate?  I had a pecan caramel chocolate nugget thing earlier.
Are you scared of thunderstorms?   I LOVE THEM.
Do you prefer to watch or play sports? I mostly enjoy going to baseball games, but some of that is just the atmosphere. Otherwise, I definitely don’t like watching sports. Also, I’m fat and lazy so I don’t really play them either. I do enjoy going to the batting cages every once in awhile, though.
Are your first impressions of people usually pretty accurate or way off? If I actually talk to them, I think so. If I’m just observing them, it can be hit or miss. In work situations, I on several occasions thought someone was kind of a jerk when really they were just intimidated by me.  
Do you have a calendar in your room?   Nope. There is a World Wildlife calendar in the kitchen we got from donating to them. My husband was using it to plan his meals for awhile, but stopped. It’s probably not on the right month at this point.
Are you an only child? Yes I am. It’s looking like my kid will be too.
Do you look more like your mom or dad?  When I was younger, I looked just like my dad and nothing like my mom, but as I’ve gotten older I think I look like a perfect mix of both now.
If you had the power of making people disappear forever, would you take advantage if it?   No way. Where do they go? Do they just not exist anymore? Thats horrible if so. I don’t even believe in the death penalty let alone having the responsibility to banish people from existence.
What do you think is the best part of waking up?   When you can go back to sleep.
When was the last time you were nervous? Hmmm, I don’t know. I get anxious a lot, but I don’t think I’ve been in any situations where I’m nervous in quite awhile.
What food could you eat over and over again without getting sick of it? Pizza- theres just so many variations.
What was your favorite TV show as a kid? There was some weird, spooky show about unexplained stuff that was on Saturday afternoons that I loved. Even as a 6 year old I slept til like noon and I’d eat some ramen for breakfast/lunch and watch a show that was certainly not age appropriate, ha ha.
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ltjlily17 · 3 years
Its hard to dance with the devil on your back
Was it a boy or a girl to text you last ? It was my husband. He was responding to a meme I sent him about Napoleons penis.
Name something you are doing tomorrow? Feeding the baby.
Do you sleep on your stomach? I used to. I wish I still could. Like my body wants to roll on my stomach, but it hurts my back and pelvis when I do it. I’m hoping that will change eventually.  
Where are you going to be at 4pm tomorrow? No idea. Probably hanging out on the couch.
Last time you saw fireworks, with whom & where? All the 4th of July celebrations were canceled around here this year, so people just bought fireworks and lit them off at their houses. For months, ha ha.  
Are you missing someone? Nah.  
Do you like horror or comedy? Both.
Who did you last share a taxi with? The first time I went to New York was before Uber existed, so we used taxis. It was my roommate, Lori
Dogs or cats? Both are pretty cool. 
What were you doing at 12 this afternoon? Sleeping. I sleep from 8a to 1pm these days. Completely normal, I know.
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? Yep.
What’s your favorite season? Fall. Although the fall is getting less and less fally here every year.  
When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong? I’ve been taking what I assume are hospital bills and just putting them in a pile to be dealt with later. Dealing with all of that is just insane. I actually got a phone call the other day and the lady ledt me a voicemail saying I needed to call and make a payment plan to pay my $105,000 balance and I just don’t know how someone could even leave a voicemail like that. 
Do you hate being alone? Nah. I’m actually pretty good with whatever circumstances. I have a limit to maybe being too alone, but mostly I’m good.
Is there a girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you? Close-ish. I’ve had the same best friend for like 20 years.
What about a guy? The husband.
What color shirt are you wearing? Plain black. Second shirt of the day, first one was vomited on. 
What are you listening to right now? Spotify Daily Mix 1. Husband banging things around in the kitchen trying to cook, ha.  
If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first? Hmmm, no idea. Maybe bedroom furniture? We painted and pulled up the carpet to reveal the hardwoods and got a new ceiling fan, but I still have the same dressers and nightstands that I had when I was 15 and I’m, just, tired of them. They’re in great shape but man, 21 years is a long time to look at the same dresser ha ha.
What was the last thing you bought? Target order online. The baby is on special preemie formula and we can only reliably get it at Target. 
What’s your greatest fear in life? Death.
Who was the last person to see you cry? Husband. The aftermath of having a baby and then just coping with life caused a lot of tears. Also, lack of sleep. 
Who was the last person you hugged? My husband. Hugging other people is still frowned upon due to the pandemic. 
Do you think you would be a good parent? Ha ha, hopefully, its a little too late to go back now. 
When was the last time you cried? I need one of those workplace accident style signs for this. 3 days since the last sobbing. 
Who was driving the last time you were in a car? I was. I dropped off some paperwork to a mailbox to get out of the house the other day. 
Does any part of your body hurt right now? My tailbone hurts when I’m sitting like all the time these days and I don’t know why or what to do about it. 
Who was the last person that text you and what did it say? I was chatting with a friend about one of my house plants earlier. A bunch of them were neglected when the baby and I were in the hospital for two months and I’m trying to nurse one back to life. 
What was the first thing you thought this morning? When my husbands alarm went off at 8, I thought oh good, I can finally sleep. 
How many times do you talk on the phone a day on average? Zed. 
Do you like your bed? No. I fucking hate it. The blankets and whatnot are great and we got one of those adjustible bases so we can sit up and read and stuff but our mattress is just so awful. My husband for some reason convinced himself he wanted a firm mattress- spoiler alert, he didn’t- and we ended up with this compromise memory foam thing that is so hot and uncomfortable. If it wasn’t so exensive I would’ve set it on fire by now.
Hey, that’s what I’ll do with my lottery winnings from above- new mattress.
Do you like your life? Zoomed out, yes. Day to day, questionable.  
When did you last talk to your brother or sister? I have neither. But I do have two friends that might as well be sisters and I’ve talked to one today and the other last night.
Do you ever wanna know who you are going to marry? I do know. Why did we have to spoil the surprise? Ha ha.  
How much cash do you have on you? Zed. There are some dollar coins in my wallet from having to put a $20 in a vending machine a couple of months ago.
Who are the 3rd and 7th texts in your phone from? One is some automated system thing from the vet I take the dog to that I never even opted in on, and the other is me sending my husband a door code that our contractor gave him over the phone so he wouldn’t forget. 
Are you tanned? Nope. Rarely am. This summer it was over 90 degrees and I was pregnant, so I didn’t spend a lot of time outside. 
Are you upset with anyone? Nah.
Did you get any compliments today? Ha ha, no. I only saw my husband and the baby.  
Have you ever gone to court? Once, because I got 3 speeding tickets within 6 months when I was 19.
Do you get jealous easily? I’m like low level jealous sometimes, but not like seething with it.
How good is your eyesight? I can see perfectly for about 14 inches. 
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks? Sure. I did this snorkel/scuba thing in St. Kitts and there were wild Manta Rays swimming around/below us and it was amazing.
What time did you wake up this morning? I was up pretty much all night and then went to sleep at like 9am and got up around 1pm. 
What are you doing Saturday? Same thing I do everyday. Being pregnant/having a newborn in quarantine is even more isolating than I thought it would be. We can’t have any one over to even give us a half hour to be human again.  
What is in your back pocket? I am wearing fuzzy penguin pj pants and they have no pockets unfortunately. 
What were you doing at 3am this morning? Reading. I’m on my 4th book this week. I finished two and got halfway through the third and just decided it was awful and to call it.  
If people see this- book recommendations please! I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction, but like most everything but smutty romance and fantasy. I’m also not reading scary stuff right now because I’m doing all my reading at like 4am and I don’t need to spook myself, ha.
What do you usually do first in the morning? Hope for more time to sleep.
What color is your room? Darkish green.
Are you any good at math? I am. I don’t particularaly like it but I can do a really good amount of math in my head easily.  
Any plans for Friday night? Pretending that weekends have any meaning to me whatsoever any more.
What did you do last weekend? Fed the baby. Ate some food. Didn’t really sleep. I think last weekend is when I finished putting most of the nursery together.  
Do you have a little crush on someone? Nope.  
How old is the last person you kissed? 35. 
Why did you last cry? Exhaustion. Change. Feeling like my body isn’t my own. 
Why did you kiss the person you last kissed? Unsure, other than like, we love each other and stuff.  
What's his name? Steven.  
How has this week been? Tiring.
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ltjlily17 · 3 years
I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit
Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up?
I think so. My husband usually sends me memes or articles while I’m sleeping.
What’s your relationship with the person you last texted? 
I generally talk to most of my friends on snapchat for some reason- last snapchat was from a friend I used to work with that I haven’t seen in like two years at this point. I miss her, but we only hung out after work occasionally, so our friendship hasn’t really kept up since we don’t work together anymore.
What are your plans for today?
This. Feeding this baby every 2 hours. Probably eating food again. Carrying in my Target order when it gets here. Reading into the wee hours.
When was your last day of school? 
Man, I have no idea. I didn’t know it was my last day of school when I went though.
Are you in a relationship, single, complicated, married, or engaged? 
Do you have a flip or slide phone? 
Ha ha, I have an iPhone 12 mini. I just got it because verizon gave me a crazy trade in on my old phone, so this new one was $120. I wanted something smaller so I can text or internet with one hand. I’ve got short thumbs, lol.
Have you ever played hard to get? 
No, but I’m very stand offish with the opposite sex and more than one person thought that I was playing hard to get when I wasn’t. 
Who is the last person you shared a bed with? 
My dog, Finn. When my husband gets up in the morning, Finn takes his spot and we snoozle.
Do you love anyone? 
Have you ever broken someone's heart? 
I suppose so. Not in like a spectacular dramatic way, but calling it on a relationship that has far outlived its good times is a quiet kind of heartbreak.
How did that make you feel? 
Relieved, yet, sad.
Who do you hate? 
Meh, I don’t have that kind of energy.
What is your relationship with the last person you kissed? 
We are married.
Do you wish someone would call you right now? 
No. I prefer texts anyway, but the baby does not seem to like it when I talk on the phone, ha ha.
Who called you last and how did you feel about the last person that called you?  
Man, I wake up everyday to missed calls from random numbers that don’t leave messages. Just junk. 
Do you have any weird inside jokes?  
Who are your favorite people to talk to when you’re down?  
I really prefer just to be quiet and listen to music instead of talking to people.
What song are you currently listening to? 
Spotify- my Daily Mix 1- Matt Woods In The Dark
How long has it been since you last liked somebody? 
I like my husband sometimes, ha ha.
What’s the worst abuse you have done to your phone? 
I had this Motorola flip phone sometime in the early 2000′s that I left on top of my car and drove away. It flew off in the parking lot and I came back hours later and found it. Just a dented corner. Later that year, I dropped the same phoen out of my pocket getting out of my car when it was snowing. I found it the next day when my roommate was calling it and I noticed a snow mound was ringing. It stil worked just fine.
Do you personally know anybody who has more than five tattoos?
One of my husbands best friends is a tattoo artist.
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having?
I’m just not in a groove of being able to baby and do stuff at the same time, so most of my day is largely just sitting here next to her sleeping in her donut. I’ve done nothing other than place a Target order today.
How did you meet your first love? 
I met my first love in homeroom in 6th grade. I loved him for the next 6 years.
Have you ever worn the opposite sex’s underwear?  
Well interesting story- girls had these plaid shorts they wore when I was in like 6th or 7th grade. I was overweight and we were poor so there was no way I coud get whatever mall store plaid shorts other girls had that I wanted, so my mom was at the dollar store and noticed they sold these plaid mens boxer shorts that looked just like the shorts I wanted and she bought some. Stretchy band worked for my weight and they had a button over the opening that my shirt covered anyway. I wore them like the whole time it was warm that year until this boy I had a crush on noticed that I was literally wearing mens boxers as shorts and called me out on it. I never wore them again.
Have you ever kissed in a pool?  
Probably? I’ve no specific memory of kissing in a pool, but I’m sure  probably have.
Is there anybody you’re really disappointed in right now?  
What was the last graduation you attended?  
My friend Rikki graduated from college a couple of years ago.
Do you owe anyone money? 
Do you ever wonder what your ex or most recent “thing” is up to?
Ha ha, nope. I’ve been with my husband for 11 years, so its like no other relationships ever happened at this point,
If you could go to any place right now where would you go? 
I don’t even know. Even on vacation I still have a baby to feed every three hours, so I’m not gonna get any rest, ha. I guess feeding her a bottle by the beach would be preferable though.
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ltjlily17 · 4 years
To be young and in love in New York City...
Do you flush the toilet with your hand or your foot?:
I literally picked this survey because of how STEAMED this question makes me. You people are seriously walking on the dirty bathroom floor and then using that shoe to flush toilets? The same toilet that I’m flushing with my hand and then touching the bathroom door with? What exactly are you accomplishing there? You’ve actually made the toilet handle more gross and then just touched it anyway on the door. Come on, common sense.
What is your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? 
Man, I don’t know. I’ve like taken this thing online but for the life of me cannot remember what the results were. Theres a type of person that knows what these things mean, and I’m the other type, ha.
Do you read any blogs? If so, which ones?: 
No? Do people blog? I read peoples survey responses on Tumblr. 
Where do you typically buy your clothes?: 
The internet. Almost exclusively, even before the pandemic. So many places that carry plus sized clothes online, just don’t in store, or have such a tiny selection it isn’t worth it. I’m looking at you, Anthropologie.
On a scale of one to ten, how healthy do you eat?: 
Um, 5 maybe? I have celiac disease and I stick to a dedicated gluten free diet, so thats healthy. Currently, I am gestating and have some serious food aversions, so I eat whatever I want when I want it. 
What do you think is the most valuable college major?: 
I think the most valuable depends on what is right for the person. 
Which book(s) should I read this summer?: 
Summer is over homie. May I suggest some Stephen King for fall? The Outsiders feels kinda fally to me. Rebecca, for sure. 
Would you rather have curvy legs or skinny legs?: 
Curvy. I don’t think my legs could be anything else, but curvy appeals to me more anyway.
Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever seen one?:
My friends and I did see a man who was somewhat unexplainable once, but I still can’t say I believe. I really just belive when you die that’s it, so it kind of rules out the possibility of ghosts. Just people ascribing fears to something.
What is your favorite game show?:
None, lol.
How many times a day do you use the restroom?: 
I am currently 30 weeks pregnant, so every 30 minutes, ha ha.
How much fruit do you eat on a given day?: 
Not a lot. My husband buys a lot of fruit, but I rarely eat it. Right now, most fruits makes me wanna barf, but thats just a pregnancy thing.
What was the last thing that made you cringe?: 
Hmmm. I don’t know. It’s been awhile since something made me cringe I guess. I’m not around many people these days.
What is your favorite 80s movie?: 
What time did you go to bed last night?:
Do you have your own car?: 
Yes-ish. Feels weird to say, but we just bought a car and both my husband and I are on the loan, so in the banks eyes it belongs to both of us, ha ha.
Do you own a romper?: 
I bought one once and have no idea why. I never wore it. Why would anyone want a garment that requires basically stripping down naked to pee? Also, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen one that didn’t look like the shorts weren’t too short and possibly giving a front wedgie.
Who was the last person who drew you a picture?: 
Koehler, my best friends son. It was Pusheen, but in different pokemon types. Very inventive. Hangining on the fridge.
When someone takes your picture, do you smile with mouth open or closed?: Oh man, either way it just always looks like I’m uncomfortable. 
Be honest -- do you floss?:
No. I have this permanent bottom retainer that is cemented in and requires some special loop thing to get floss under it and I absolutely never bother. I should, I know.
Five years ago, what did you want to grow up to be?: 
Hmmm, I think I was thinking about becoming a project manager around that time. I thought about it for a bit, then did some research and got a lot of study materials so I could study for a certification. After a year or so, I got certified and then left the place I had been working for 15 years to become a project manager. And I hated it. Ha.
What do you want to be now?: 
I do not know what my future holds professionally. I’m getting ready to have a baby, so I’m not going to get a new job any time soon. I think I’d probably prefer to just continue handling our real estate projects and not go back to the corporate life.
Would you rather hold a scorpion or a snake?: 
Scorpion, I think. I don’t want to touch a snake and I’ve held a tarantula before and I feel like thats probably similar to a scorpion.
Can you do the splits?: 
When I was younger.
What is your favorite type of personality in a person?: 
Down for anything, spontaneous.
How about your least favorite?: 
People who subtly let on that they think they are better than everyone else.
What is your favorite breakfast cereal?:
I don’t really eat cereal. Every once in a while, I’ll buy a box of Reese’s whatever they ares and eat them dry like a snack. I don’t do soggy so def no milk.
How do you usually get your exercise?: 
I don’t. Ha ha. 
Who are your godparents?: 
No one. 
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?: 
Cookies and cream. 
Are any of your siblings married?:
I don’t have any siblings. My husband has two brothers, but neither is married.
What does your phone case look like, if you have one?:
I am testing fate and do not have a phone case. It’s like once you no longer enjoy the phone, why have a case?
What is something about you that the opposite sex finds attractive?:
I think my strong will or sassy nature.
What are your three favorite girl names?: 
Well, we are naming the baby Clementine, so thats the favorite.
What are your three favorite boy names?: 
I really liked Archer for a boy.
What do you usually put in your omelettes?: 
Have you ever tried to go vegetarian? How long did you last?: 
I was pretty close to being vegetarian growing up. I just didn’t like the taste and texture of 99% of meat.
What kind of exotic animal do you think you could keep as a pet?: 
I wouldn’t because I know it wouldn’t be fair to them. But man, I’d love to have most anything as a pet.
If you could be any kind of building, what would you be and why?: 
A craftsman style house. Attention to detail, homey, maybe some secret passages.
What is your favorite type of dog?: 
I’ve got this corgi and hes pretty great.
What is something you can draw really well?: 
Hmmm. I don’t know. I’ve never concentrated on just one thing.
What is your favorite fast food joint?: 
I don’t really eat at any fast food places. They don’t really serve gluten free food.
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ltjlily17 · 4 years
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ltjlily17 · 4 years
The truth about vampires
Let’s start off with some basics. What’s your name? Rachel How old are you? 35 What’s your hair and eye color? Green eyes, brown to teal hair. How tall are you? 5′6″
What’s your relationship status? Married Alright, enough of that. Let’s move on to the random shit. What’s your favorite song? Mayonaise by the Smashing Pumpkins, Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton and In Your Atmosphere by John Mayer. What does that song mean? What is the message behind it? They are all pretty different theme wise, but all three really evoke a feeling. Is it your favorite because you relate to it, or do you just like the beat? They’re all more guitar heavy than having a beat, the lyrics and overall feeling the songs provide are what really get m, though. Have any pets? If so, what are they and what’s their names? I have a dog named Finn, and a cat named Mateo. Have you ever met your idol? If so, were they nice or were they kind of an ass? I don’t have an idol. What’s your favorite method of gaming? (PC, Xbox, Playstation, etc) Either the Switch or my laptop. Xbox is fine, but I guess I prefer a handheld type device.  If you’re in college, what’s your major and why did you pick it? I am not in college. My major when I attended varied between visual communications, education and IT. I didn’t choose nor graduate. How’re you doing today? Meh, theres a lot going on around me with people I care about. I was talking to a friend earlier about how most people are stressed or unhapy this time of year, which is really not my experience. I love buying gifts for others, decorating and baking, so this is generally a good time for me. What color are your bedroom walls? Ugh, like a pastel yellow. I really dislike the color. I have painted some grey paint splotches on one wall to see which one I liked most, but I’ve never gotten around to actually painting. Describe your favorite shirt. I don’t know that I have a favorite. I typically wear a shirt I got from John Mayer’s last tour the most- its got a cool fish and cat graphic on it. Use this space to tell someone off. I’ve no one to tell off. What’s your view on smart watches? Cool or a waste of money? I have one. I like it. I really like watches in general, though and I feel a little sad I don’t wear the analog ones anymore, but I’d miss the functionality of the smartwatch. What is one poster that you have hanging on your bedroom wall of? I don’t have anything hanging on the walls in my room. We have slanted ceilings, so there isn’t even enough space for a poster. My room was covered in band posters as a teenager, though. How many times have you moved in your life? I lived at home til 20, lived with my first roommate til 25, a townhouse with a friend and my now husband for a year, an apt with my now husband for 4 years and now our house for 5 years. If you moved, do you like where you are now better than where you were? I’ve stayed in pretty much the same area, but living in our house is definitely better than the one bedroom apartment we were in. What’s your favorite color and why? Grey. Darker earthy tones. Do you have a calendar? If so, what’s the theme? Nope. Just use my watch/phone. Have any famous person’s autographs? I do on some concert tickets from when I was younger. Do you draw well? Depends on your perspective, to my non-artistic friends, they think I’m amazing. The artistic friends, probably just roll their eyes lol. What type of cell phone do you have? iPhone X. Should you be doing anything else right now or are you just bored? I finally finished the wedding I had been editing and the only other project I have right now is the paint by number of our dog I got for my husband as a gift, but he’s here, so it has to wait. Finishing that wedding was a huge weight off my shoulders.
If you’re in school/college, what’s your favorite subject and why? Not in school. Maybe now that I’m done with the wedding I’ll start exploring some learning opportunities. Are you a cat or a dog person? Why? I would’ve always said cat until I got a dog. There are a lot of things about dogs I was really not into, but I love my dog so much. Personality wise, I’m more of a cat person, but in practice I like dogs. Tell me about the plot of your favorite book. I have several. One has a ghost that rings a bell around a mounted moose’s head. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses. What do you think about horror movies? I like them. I’ve seen a lot of old ones. Back in the day, my mom and I would go to Blockbuster and I’d get a different horror movie every week. If you love them (I do), what’s your favorite? Nightmare on Elm Stree is a classic for me. It Follows is probably the one that fucked me up the most. Got any cool Christmas presents picked out for family or friends yet? I’ve got all my gifts purchsed except for the hub. He sent me a ridiculous wish list that included a suit of armor and a castle and then decided he didn’t want any gifts this year. I’m running out of time to figure something out. Do you do Black Friday shopping or wait for Cyber Monday? Neither. I’m definitely not going to go out on Black Friday and deal with all those people for junk I don’t need. As for Cyber Monday, I don’t really pay much attention to any of the deals and don’t really buy more on that day than I would on any other. Have any mental illnesses? Not encompassing enough to get any kinda of diagnosis. What’s your favorite word and why? No idea.  What is the most expensive thing you own, and what is it? My car? I mean, I don’t outright own it yet. Singular item, my MacBook or iMac, I guess.  Did you buy that item yourself? Yes, I bought the macbook and iMac after I left my job at Cassano’s and needed a new laptop since my previous one was owned by the company. Where do you work and what is your position? *I am currently unemployed. How often do you cuss? A fair amount. Maybe just a little bit more than whomever I’m talking to. What type of car do you drive, if any? I have a 2012 Volvo s60. Are you happy with it? If no, what’s your dream car? I prefer to drive my car than my husbands, but I’m like 50/50 on liking it. Right now, my dream vehicles are the new Land Rover Defender or an Audi Q8. Do you have a lot of social media accounts? Which ones? I have Instagram, Facebook LinkedIn and Tumblr. I very rarely post on any of them. I use snapchat a lot, though, if that counts. What is your favorite genre of music? My Spotify year end review said I listen to Pop, Rock, Indie, Folk and Emo the most. In that order. Does your family have holiday traditions? If so, what are they? Nope. My fmaily just barely cobbles themselves together for major holidays. If you’re in a relationship, are you happy with it? Sure. People are breaking up around us, and it really makes me appreciate the relationship my husband and I have, even if it doesn’t always feel like its going as well as it is. How long have you been with your significant other? Just hit the 10 year mark. Do you like psychology? (It’s my college major). Nah. Never really been something I’m too interested in. What is something your state is popularly known for? College football I guess.  Do you like to do craft projects? If so, what’s the coolest thing you made? I do. I recently drew a bunch of Dungeons and Dragons monsters to use as ornaments on a tree in my dining room where my husband and his friends play Dungeons and Dragons on Sundays. I’ve made some painting as house warming gifts or nursery art for friends children that they’ve hung up and thats nice to see. Do you watch sports or do you think they’re overrated? Nah. Not really a fan. What’s one occupation you think gets paid too much and doesn’t deserve to? Meh, I don’t know that I want to hate on any specific occupation. The extremely rich do bother me, however, with how much money they make, often at their employees detriment. Do you straigthen your hair? Not usually. I have more lately, since its getting long again. I’m more likely to do the loose waves thing, though. Ever dyed your hair a color that isn’t natural? (blue, pink, etc) Yes, it is currently teal. How’s your relationship with your parents? Relationship with my mom is okay, none with my dad. Do you still live with them or do you have your own house? I live in my own home. What’s something you are currently saving money for to buy? Hmm, nothing. The couple of items I want at the moment, I asked for on my Christmas list. Do you smoke/vape? If so, what brand do you smoke/what device do you use? Nope, I’ve never smoked. Ever done drugs? Nope. Tell me one of your worst habits. Picking at my cuticles? What’s a weird quirk you have that no one else you know does? No idea, I kind of doubt that theres something I do that no one else ever does. If you game, what type of headset do you use? I don’t ever need a headset. What type of computer do you own, and do you like it? I have a MacBook Pro. I used to have an Air and I loved it, but my husband talked me into getting the Pro instead and I regret it.  What’s the thing that annoys you the most? When my husband asks google to make his cellphone ring at max volume without even trying to look for it. Today, it was in his pocket. What brand of TV do you have? Samsung. Are you excited for Christmas? (It’s December 1st today when I made this) Kind of? I love how cozy my house feels with all the decorations.  Tell me about your favorite vacation you’ve taken. We went to New York for my birthday/anniversary/Halloween 2 years ago. Tell me something cool about yourself. I am not cool? Did/do you get good grades in school/college? Not in my middle school/high school years. What’s your ringtone on your phone? Vibrate. What’s your favorite store to shop in? The internet. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy and why? I have no idea. I’d probably sit on the money for a long time and then once I finally broke the seal, buy a bunch of stuff. How long have you had a Bzoink account? Don’t have one. Ever been to Field of Screams? If so, what’s your favorite attraction? Nope. Do you own a Polaroid camera? I have an Instax camera. Do you have hardwood floor in your room or carpet? The two bedrooms upstairs have carpet, but the rest of the house is hardwood. It’s a Saturday night, what are you typically doing? Relaxing at home, most likely. Doing a crossword puzzle, probably. Do you have a lot of friends or do you not have any at all? I have a couple. What’s your all time favorite movie and why? I don’t know, really. I watch the Iron Man movies and Thor Ragnarok the most these days. How many blankets do you sleep with at night? A sheet and comforter. What’s the last TV show you watched? Did you enjoy it? The Mandalorian. I do enjoy it.  Do you prefer cable TV or do you use Netflix? We have cable, but never really watch it. Everything we want to watch is only Netflix or Disney+. What is your dream job and why? I have no idea. Need to get to thinking on that. Do you think you would be a good therapist? I do. I think I can listen to people and help them come to their own answers pretty well. What’s your favorite brand of clothing? I don’t know that I have a favorite. Anything that fits well and has a lot of sales lol.
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ltjlily17 · 4 years
Oh, can we call it a night?
What’s the most played song on your iPod? I don’t iPod anymore these days, but theres a site that will aggregate your Spotify listening, and the song I’ve listened to the most all time on Spotify is In Your Atmosphere by John Mayer. What is one quality you admire most in others? People who know what they want to do with themselves. What would you do with a million dollars? Invest it, maybe? Buy a new car. Start a non-profit that will save the world. Or just a small part of it. What’s your favorite song to dance to? All of them. What would your ideal birthday party be like?
No idea.This year I went to my favorite pizza place with a couple of friends, my mom and husband. Was pretty good.
If you could be reincarnated into anything you wanted, what would it be? I’m not sure I believe in any of that. What talent would you like to have? I wish I was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC at something. I’m good at most things, and can get by, but I’m not outstanding at any singular thing.  Are you ticklish? Nah. What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep? 3 days or so. I basically had the flu and felt like I was dying. Not like the real flu either, theres this illness you get when your body hasn’t slept in too long. What New Year’s resolutions did you make? None. What are three songs that mean the most to you? Mayonaise by the Smashing Pumpkins, Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton and Bornand Raised by John Mayer. Someone else used these italics and I’m just running with it.
Who is the one person you miss the most? No one? What do you think of your parents? They are flawed people. I make the best out of my relationship with my mom, but I’m just not sure I want to bother with my dad. What is one thing you would do to make the world better? Instill a sense of community. People would be so much better off if we all gave a shit about the other people we are on this planet with. What is your favorite kind of sandwich? Hot, cheesy, some kind of sauce. Other than that, I’m flexible. If you had a puppy, what would you name it? I got a puppy 2 years ago and his name is Finn. We wanted a Star Wars name and Supreme Leader was the runner up name. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? I can’t think of anything I’d wanna see. What people do behind closed doors is their business lol. How much cash do you have on you right now? None. I’m in pjs, but beyond that, I rarely use cash. What do you think makes you attractive to other people? Humor or personality? Would more money make you happier? I don’t know. We have a comfortable amount now, minus paying for healthcare. Steve may have a job offer that would cover the healthcare, but would I be happy not working? Would I just turn into a loser slug? What is one of your favorite memories as a child? I really don’t know. My parents pretty much screamed and threw things all the time until my dad moved out. Then they played horrible games with me in the middle. There’s a lot of stuff I don’t even remember about being a child. I’d say the good stuff started happening when I was a teen and could seek refuge in my friends and their stable houses. I had one friend in particular, Andrew, whose mom and dad were super nice and he had a fun little sister- every time I was over there, which was VERY often, it was like a slice of the good life. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life? This was on another survey and I didn’t know how to answer it. I think once it’s done I just move on, I’m really a dweller. How do you measure intelligence? Unsure. I guess you just get a feeling for someones intelligence as you’re interacting with them.
What cartoons do you watch? None at the moment. I did just get Disney+, so that may change, but there aren’t really any cartoons I’m planning on watching. Have you ever used drugs? Nope. If you were a Skittle, what flavor would it be? The purple one. Sleeper hit. How would you describe your style? Hmmm. Casual indie bohemian with a side of lazy fat person. If you had to spend $1,000 in one hour, how would you spend it? The internet. Generally, my money goes to clothes or Halloween decorations. I really wanna buy some regular decor for the house though, so maybe that. What’s your favorite smell and why? I don’t have one. Something not flowery or overbearing. Something fresh and natural. Where do you buy your clothes? Anthropologie, ModCloth, Target, Gap, Old Navy, Loft. What’s your favorite kind of cake? Birthday cake? Funfetti? Does intelligent life exist elsewhere in the universe? I have absolutely no idea. I used to think that it was just statistically impossible that there wasn’t, but fuck I don’t even know how any of this got here, so I no longer have an opinion. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be? MilkBar birthday cake. Are you into tattoos? I guess so? I like the art of them, I follow a lot of tattoo people on instagram and keep up with their work. I just got my first tattoo a week ago and I’m 35, so it’s not like something I do a lot, ha ha. Do you like photography? I do. I have illusions that I’m a photographer sometimes. I should be currently editing a wedding right now, but here I am. I’m just not sure I’ll ever be the kind of photographer I’d like to be, so I don’t know what I wanna do with it going forward. If you were a holiday, which one would you be? Halloween 100% Do you have any siblings? Nope. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be of? I just got one. It’s a bat pusheen. I really wanted a bat of some sort and pusheen is my favorite so I just went for it. I always thought my bat tattoo would be a little more dark, but it is what it is lol. What’s the biggest celebrity you’ve ever seen in real life? I hid behind a dumpster when I was like 14 and 3 of the Backstreet Noys walked right by me, ha ha. I have some photos with me and the guys from Good Charlotte from when I was a wee teenybopper. How many pushups can you do? Absolutely zero. What person in history do you admire most? None? I don’t think I admire anyone. These surveys are quickly informing me that I don’t believe in anything or look up to anyone. Am I inert? Who is your favorite actor? I don’t have one. Ha ha, see above. I like most of the stuff Chris Pratt is in. Robery Downey Jr as Iron Man is iconic, but I’ve never seen any of his other movies. I like Adam Driver in Girls and Star Wars. What is the most daring thing that you have done in public? Spoke. Have you ever lied about your age? I don’t think I’ve ever had cause to. Have you ever cried while watching a movie? If so, what movie? For sure. Everything makes me tear up in my old age. Last movie was probably Endgame, though. Are you afraid of anything that most people are not afraid of? Not like huge, life changing fears, but I’m always afraid a bug will get caught in my hair and I can’t touch drains because they freak me out. Where do you see yourself five years from now? I’ve never been one to make plans. Hopefully happy with more direction. What is your favorite candy? Fun Dip, Nerds, Starburst. Have you ever watched someone struggle with addiction? Not someone suer close, but there are lots of auxillary people I know that have and do. Who do you look up to for your style? No one in particular. I see things on the internet I like and try to incorporate that, but its always varied sources. Who is your favorite sports team? I don’t follow sports. How often do you drink alcohol? Once every two weeks? Even then, its usually just one drink with dinner. I don’t much care about drinking. It seems like a lot of work to fill myself up with something I don’t really like the taste of just so I can potentially feel bad later.  What is your life in three words? Evolving yet bland. If you could be anything in the world, what would you be? I knew that, I’d be working towards it. Would you have a pet dragon? If so what color would it be? Sure. Whatever color dragon is fine with me. What’s your favorite sport? The only one I even kind of pretend to care about is baseball. Do you believe that homeless people are dangerous? No.  If you could be skinny and miserable or fat and happy, which would you be? I’d always pick happy. If your life flashed before you, what do you wish you would have done? Hmmm, I don’t know. I don’t have like any huge regret at the moment so probably just wish I’d have enjoyed myself more. If you were to invent something, what would it be? Hopefully something that makes the world better. Some kind of climate change related thing?  Who would you like to get to know better? This wholesaler real estate guy that has been selling us properties. Maybe if we knew him better, he would give us better deals, lol. Have you ever had a near-death experience? Near drowning when I was seven. Do you fear death? Yep.  What is the strangest food you ever ate? Hmmm. I like food with interesting combinations. Like smelly cheese or beet pesto or something, but I’m not on board with weird meat and I don’t eat seafood. Do you think you’re cool? Nah. What reality show would you like to be on? None. I don’t watch any of them. The only show like that I ever watched was the Osbournes, ah aha. What’s your favorite thing to order at a Chinese food restaurant? Whatever is gluten free. Ususally no choices for me at most chinese places. PF Changs has pad thai and general tsos I can have and another place nearby has general tsos too, but thats about it.
I loved lo mein and crab rangoon in my former life, though. Are you happy with your life? For the most part. If you could name your own planet, what would you call it? I’d need some plantary details before coming up with a name. If you could live another 200 years. What would you hope to see? People learning that we need to work together. Would you rather be hot or cold? Well, I’m cold like 90% of the time and that sucks, but at least you can do something about it and layer up and get blankets and such- if you’re hot, you’re just stuck. How would you rate yourself? What am I rating here? I’m like a 0 at makeup skills, but like an 11 if you need someone to pick you up in an emergency. 10 at playlist making. 1 at doing the dishes. Would you ever move to a different country in an attempt to start over? Maybe not to “start over”, but I would definitely consider a dream job in another country if all the details worked out. If you could be a character from any book, who would you be? No idea. I read a lot of Stephen King and none of those characters are alright.  Do you prefer taking baths or showers? I’d love to take a bath, but I’m a little big for the tub. Do you still collect toys from Happy Meals? Nope. I never ate happy meals even as a kid, so I never did. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done? I drove two states over for a sandwich once. It was like a 15 hour round trip. In your opinion what is the greatest challenge the world faces today? People being willing to fuck over every one else if they think it will benefit them in any tiny, miniscule way. You are destroying everything by being an asshole and letting the people that really have all the money get away with it. Do you like dogs or cats better? I was 100% cat until I got a dog 2 years ago. I’m mostly dog at this point. Don’t tell my cat. What have you achieved that you once thought was impossible? Hmm, I don’t know. I’m a lot better off than my parents were. I just kind of thought the constant worrying about the car breaking down or the bills being paid was grown up life, so its nice to get here and know that I worked hard to not have those problems. If an ex texted you out of the blue, how would you respond? I don’t think I would. I’ve been with Steven for a decade, so theres def nothing that needs to be said to anyone that far back. Do you have a favorite poet? I don’t. I really like some poems I’ve read randomly in my internet travels, but I’ve never really been able to sit down and read a book of poetry. What have you tried to quit, but weren’t able to? Eating too much food? Would you rather go on a shopping spree with $200 or put it in the bank? I’d rather go shopping. I might save it, though. What was the last rumor that you heard? No idea. I don’t really have rumors around me at this point in my life. My friends aren’t like that and I’m not working anywhere at the moment. What country star would you most like to meet and why? I don’t really know who any of them are. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes. One of them happened when I was like 15 and it pinched a nerve in my neck and half of my left hand went numb. My mom didn’t believe me for a really long time that there was something wrong until she watched me try to pick up a glass of milk with my left hand and it just fell to the floor. Are you an organ donor? Yes! What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? Unsure. I’m fairly adventurous, but I don’t do super dangerous things. I guess just trespassing in old abandoned buildings when I was younger could have been dangerous. What is the meaning of life? Moments of joy. For you and others. What word do you like the sound of? Nothing in particular jumps out to me. Isn’t Cellar Door supposed to be lovely? What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Hmmm. I don’t know. Its more about the brand I think. I usually get Jeni’s or the other fancy ice cream brand when I get the chance. 
I always get the cake flavored froyo, though.  Do you prefer cupcakes or muffins? Cupcakes. Are you an athlete? Ha ha, no. What did the last text message on your phone say? From my brother in law. He’s doing the work on the house we just bought, getting it ready for a renter. He wants more money, lol. What is the funniest movie you’ve seen in your whole entire lifetime? Man, I don’t know. I think maybe Grandma’s Boy was the funniest I had seen at the time. I usually don’t even like movies like that. What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had? I had this dream when I was a kid that I left the scissors out and they flew up and cut my moms fingers off and the whole dream was dark and black and white because it was night, but at the end, she picked up the phone (landline, because cell phones weren’t a thing then) and the only color was the green light coming from the phone that illuminated the numbers and she was trying to dial 911 with her fingers that weren’t there. 
I probably had that dream close to 30 years ago now and it’s still clear in my mind. 
What do you know how to cook? Lots of things. I’m especially good at carbonara or alfredo. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had, and what was it from? I fell down the stairs and broke several bones, severely sprained both ankles and ended up getting surgery to fix the cartilage in one ankle. What’s your favorite amusement park ride? Any that my fat ass can fit on. What do you wish you were doing right now? Well i’m doing this instead of things I should be doing. Who are your musical influences? I don’t play music, so I’m not really influenced? What was your favorite band or musician when you were 12? The Smashing Pumpkins, Bush, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson and the Back Street Boys, ha ha. What’s the best pick-up line that’s ever been tried on you? I don’t think anyone has ever given me one. How many drinks can you handle? I don’t really know at this point. Getting older changes things. I know that if I have one drink and then stop, I get a headache, lol. What was the longest phone conversation you’ve ever had? Hours and hours. Like 7 or 8 probably? Back in my day you could only talk to boys on the phone because we didn’t have cell phones or text messaging and you only had dial up internet. What’s your favorite candle scent? I got one from Anthropologie called Riviera that was my favorite candle scent ever. I bought two, but they are sold out now and I am very sad.
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ltjlily17 · 4 years
Your name, in lights
What do you believe happens to us after death? Nothing. Thats it, homie.
Have you ever cheated on someone? Nope.
What are your plans for this weekend? A friend may come over to play a board game Saturday afternoon and I’m going to ask them to help Steve get the window AC out of the upstairs window since it is now snowing. Being an adult is just a barrel of fun.
Does the thought of growing old frighten you? Not really.
What is the best movie you’ve ever seen? I think Seven Pounds and The Matrix had the biggest effect on me when I saw them. Also the Butterfly Effect, as well. I wouldn’t say any of them are my favorite movies, though.
Have you ever hurt someone for your own entertainment? Nah, I’m too anxious for any of that nonsense.
What is your favorite song of all time? Mayonaise by the Smashing Pumpkins or Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton
Has anyone you’ve known died on a holiday? Nope.
If you could write a book, what would it be about? Don’t know. Probably throw away fiction that hopefully had a good enough cover for some people to buy it.
Do you think most people understand you? Meh, probably not. That’s fine.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I’d be less lazy? I feel like I was more of a go getter when I was younger and now I’m just so blah about everything.
What are some lyrics that speak to your soul? Uh, nothing at the moment. My soul doesn’t feel like talking lol.
Are you in love with anyone at the moment? Yep.
Have you ever been in love with more than one person at the same time? Hmmm. Yes, I think so. When I was a lot younger.
What is your favorite time of year? Fall.
What is your ideal first date? No idea. Don’t plan on ever having another one, so doesn’t matter anyway.
What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you? "You have all of the qualities I look for in a vampire”
Do you have any taboo fetishes or preferences? Not that I am currently aware of.
What is the thing you are most ashamed of? Meh, nothing I can really think of at the moment. Anything I’ve ever done was for a reason to me at the time, and if it was awful, I’ve hopefully learned from it.
What is the emotion you seem to feel most strongly? I think an anger or hurt when I feel left out or passed up.
Do you think of yourself as a unique person? I guess so. I’m sure there are others like me out there though.
What is a movie from childhood that you loved? Steve and I were just talking about this last night since Disney+ launched. Cinderella and The Little Mermaid were my first favorites, but I also loved Bedknobs and Broomsticks, The Brave Little Toaster, The Aristocats, The Indian in the Cubboard and The Lion King.
Are you afraid of death? Yes. Most likely thats because I know its the end and that is scary.
What are your top three biggest fears, actually? Death, being replaced, falling. Oh, I also really worry about a bug flying in my hair and getting stuck.
Do you have an accent of any kind? I’m from the midwest so like the generic, non-specific American accent.
What do you want to be remembered for? Making people happy.
What is your favorite number? 17.
Do you have a favorite television show? If so, what is it? I don’t watch any shows that are currently airing, I don’t think. I just don’t have the patience to remember to watch something every week at the same time. I didn’t really watch any shows at all until my friends started buying some on DVD and then Netflix came out. I really liked My So-Called Life when I was younger and I watched Girls on HBO as it was ending.
Are you currently sad about anything? Nope.
What was your first job? CSR for a pizza place. I worked there for 15 years. 
And what job do you have now?
Stay at home dog mom, ha ha. I do not currently have a job. I should be doing this video interview thing for a job I’m applying to right now but I just don’t feel like it. Why do I have to submit a video interview in order to get an in person interview? I don’t like the idea of them judging me by how I look right out of the gate.
Have you ever changed your spiritual beliefs? Yah, they’ve progressed. When I was younger, it was “I don’t think I believe in some of this” and now that I’m older, its “I don’t think I believe in ANY of this.”
What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Wine that tastes like juice. Sweet ciders. Fresh tasting stuff- Gin with basil and lime or something like that.
Do you ever talk to yourself? Most of the time while I’m alone. If you don’t pretend you’re answering questions on a show or something when you’re alone, are you even alive?
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep in your adult life? Sure.
What do you think is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? I don’t know. If I’ve said anything truly awful, I guess I’ve blocked it out. Or didn’t fully grasp the effect it had on the other person.
How do you celebrate your favorite holiday? Passing out handfuls of candy to strange children.
Do you have a favorite book? If so, how many times have you read it? I have a couple. Some books I read like once a year or so. Like oh this is this book season. Theres a couple of books I like that I’ve for sure read more than 10 times.
Do you have any teachers from the past who inspired you? Not really? It feels like everyone is supposed to have an inspiring teacher or adult in their life, but I don’t think thats really statistically possible. 
Do you prefer sad or happy music? Sad.
Speaking of which, what is your favorite genre? Indie folk? Thats what Spotify tells me. Rock, pop, indie, indie folk, things like that.
What is your best talent? Creatig things. You need artwork for your house? Large spiderman drawing? Birthday party decorations? 3 dimensional dinosaur racetrack for your D&D game? Some 3d printed figurines painted? A cupcake that looks like a certain thing? A cake with a character on it? No worries, I’ve got you.
Have you ever wished you were from another country? Not really. I have considered moving to a different country though.
What are you thinking about currently? Baking and this interview thing I have to do. Gotta change out of my pjs and everything.
What is the closest red thing to your body? Theres an empy fundip packet on the coffee table.
What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable to speak about? Um, I don’t know. I think its more about the company than the topic.
What is your favorite clothing store to shop at? Probably Anthropologie because they just started carrying plus sizes.
Do you have anything you are extremely particular about? Um, I’m either very particular or I don’t care at all, I think.
Have you ever seen the ocean? Yep.
What is your most fond memory of your current S.O, if applicable? Hmmm, I don’t know. We’ve been together for 10 years, so I’m not sure how I’d pick just one thing. We had a really good time in New York last year.
Do you find yourself confused often? Nope, not really.
What is your dream career? I really don’t know. I’m supposed to be spending my jobless time figuring that out, but where do you really even begin?
What was the best time of your life? Maybe like my early-mid twenties?
Have you ever been on a cruise? Yes, twice. We had a really great time both trips. 
Do you miss any of your exes? Nope.
Who would you like to say something to? No one?
Are you religious? Not at all.
Do you think you are attractive? Not especially. I think I’m good at picking out outfits and accessorizing though.
How many people have you slept with? Two.
Do you consider yourself a catch? Ha ha, I’m currently jobless, so probably not.
Do you enjoy naps? Nooooooo. Naps throw off my already fragile sleeping schedule and ruin my life for weeks.
What kind of sauce do you eat your chicken nuggets with? Ranch or ranch and hot sauce.
Are you happy? Occasionally.
What do you think you could do to improve your life? Be less lazy and procrastinately.
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ltjlily17 · 4 years
2XP for killing that robot
Where was the last place you drove to? I went to Meijer and then Trader Joe’s today for groceries. What is your favorite move franchise? Can I choose the entire MCU?  What was the last fast food you ate? Fun Dip. Before that, baked brie and some salami. I’ve had a weird food day. What is your zodiac sign? Scorpio. I’m not really into that stuff, though. Do you think you’re a good dancer? Nooooooo. But I like to do it.
What is the saddest book you’ve ever read? Hmmm. The Green Mile, maybe? I know I cried while reading it.
How old will you be this time next year? 36. What subject do you think you are best at? No idea. Can the internet be a subject? Do you prefer heroes or villains? Heroes, I suppose. I couldn’t quickly think of a villain from like a movie I rooted for. What is something you think is overrated? Most everything, except for pizza. What political cause are you most passionate about? Not re-electing Trump. Healthcare and climate change coming in after. What country would you most like to visit? Italy. Really, anywhere in Europe would be fine. What is the worst job you’ve ever had? Ugh, my last one. I was a project manager for one of the largest retailers in the US, and it was the worst experience of my life. Catty, high school type drama everywhere. Who was your best friend as a child? Traci and Jen. I’m no longer in contact with either. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? Hmmm. I don’t know. Not sure that I’ve ever been in such a situation?  Have you ever considered having children? Ha ha, yes considered. Husband has baby fever, so we have been talking about it a lot.  If you ever took field trips as a child, which was your favorite? In Girl Scouts, we spent the night at the zoo once and that was awesome.  Do you have any weird family traditions? I’d go as far as to say that my family has no traditions.  Have you ever considered acting? I was in a couple of plays with the childrens theatre in my hometown, but it was like if you sign up, you’re in, not like I got the part by being decent. I don’t think acting was my thing lol. Who was the last person you slept next to? The hub.
Do you think you can be in love and still cheat on your S.O.? Possibly? Nothing I could ever do, or even consider. Do you subscribe to any streaming services? Netflix and Spotify. Disney+ tomorrow. Do you consider yourself a crafty person? Yah, I think so. I love to make things out of paper. What is your ideal weather? Wearing a hoodie comfortably. Cloudy. Have you ever been in a physical fight? When I was younger, the twin neighbor boys used to beat me up lol. What is the most embarrassing thing anyone has on video of you? I’m not really easily embarassed. My husband has some videos of random stuff but again, nothing I’m worried about.
Did you ever get lost as a child? I don’t think so. I’ve always been very aware. What is your favorite condiment? Ranch. On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are? Um, 5? Do you prefer horror or romance movies? Horror. What was the last film you saw in theaters? IT. Unsure how I feel about it. IT is one of my favorite books.
Have you ever been to a concert? Lots. Probably well over a hundred. I saw my favorite band from my teens and early 20s about 18 times, let alone all the other artists I’ve seen. Have you ever had an existential crisis? Yah. Every 5 years or so, ha ha. Where is the farthest from home you’ve traveled? Jamaica, I think. Do you like country music? Not really. I don’t listen to any modern country, but I used to have friends that listened to country when I was younger and there were some songs I liked then. Can you play any instruments? Not well. I can make my way with a violin or guitar, but no one would really want to hear it. What color are your eyes? Green. What color are the eyes of the person you love? Blue. What is your favorite kind of flower? I like Peonies, Ranunculus and Cabbage Roses. Have you ever had your heart broken before? Sure have. Once, it triggered the aforementioned existential crisis. What town were you born in? Dayton, Ohio.
Do you believe you had a good childhood? I made the best of it. Learned and grew up quickly because of it. What was the last dream you had? Something about a movie set. I can’t remember well now. Do you know how to play any card games? Euchre comes to mind first.  Have you ever taken a taxi before? Yes, the first time I went to NYC were the days before Uber. What is something about your childhood that you miss? Seeing my friends everyday. What are you currently most looking forward to? Hmmm. Unsure. My future is somewhat up in the air at the moment. Maybe I’ll get a job, maybe I’ll wait til the new year ha ha ha. Did you ever have MySpace? Do you miss those days? I did. Those were pretty good days. What is the best television show you’ve ever watched? My So-Called Life. Are there any songs you can’t listen to because they bring back memories? Nah. There are a lot of songs that meant a lot to me when I was younger that just seem very trivial to me now, though. Have you ever saved someone’s life? No idea. Hopefully, no one I know has needed me to, but if they did, hope I was there. Do you tend to sleep well at night? No. Never have. I’m just not cut out to not be nocturnal. What do you believe is your weirdest habit? Hmm. I get like crazy consumed with something and have to learn everything about it I can find on the internet and then eventually I feel like I’ve learned all there is and I move on. Sometimes its a couple of days, sometimes a week, and I think I’ve been into some stuff for months like that. It doesn’t like disturb my life, though, just my free time I guess. And I tell my friends about a plane crash every time I talk to them for like weeks and they are probably annoyed lol. When was the last time you were sick? Hmm. I was gluten sick twice this year. I think thats it. What color are your parents’ eyes? Hazel. Do you have any credit cards? Yes. I play the credit game so as to have a high score. Have you ever broken any major bones? Not major. Just ankles and feet. Have you ever had a surgery before? Ankle surgery. I messed up my cartilage- among other things- and had to have it fixed. Are you ever afraid people will just stop talking to you one day? No. I am randomly sure that everyone hates me fairly often though. Anxiety at its finest.
Can you tell me the last deep thought you had? Um, no idea. I just watched Cinderella, so not really in the deep mindset lol. Are there any websites you’ve used for over 10 years? Sure. Propbably lots of them. Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their ages? Nope. What is the best movie you’ve seen this year? Hmmm. I have no idea. I can’t even recall all the movies I’ve seen this year. I think Endgame made the biggest impact, but I wouldn’t recommend that movie to just anyone. Did you ever make straight a’s in school? Nope. I wasn’t really a great student.  What color is the shirt you are currently wearing? Purple.
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ltjlily17 · 4 years
Oh my love, don’t you worry.
What song can you relate to the most? None? All of them? I can’t say theres like one at the moment that I’m really FEELING, but it does happen. Sometimes, you hear the right song at the right time, and it’s like, your LIFE. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever experienced? Hmmm. I don’t know? I’ve never experienced anything outside of the normal human condition- heartbreak, actual bones breaks, you know. That stuff sucks. What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? There’s no one thing. Nature, perfect times in the city, the wind blowing in the trees- just new beautiful moments that keep on coming. Do you have a secret crush? Nope. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Someone left a note in my desk in 4th grade that said “You’re Awesome” in like drippy block letters and I never found out who it was. Some say they still think I’m awesome to this day. Do you write “Dear Diary” when you write in your diary? No Diary. What is your escape from your problems? Um, waiting too long to make a decision on something that it decides itself? Sooo lazy. What do you want to name your children? I really like the name Samara. Like the murderous child from The Ring that crawls out of the well. My husband doesn’t know thats where that name comes from. Don’t tell him. Do you watch youtube videos a lot? No. I purposely don’t watch any youtube videos. I just don’t like watching videos, just write an article and let me read it for heaven’s sakes. This is really where I feel a generational divide most in my life- youtube didn’t exist until after I graduated high school, and I just never adopted it into my life. Do you feel all alone in the world? Nah. What year do you want to re-live again? None. That sounds tedious AF. What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done? Oh man. I blurt out  the stupidest shit when I’m anxious. All 34,968 things I’ve said inapropriately count as one collective stupidest thing, lol. Do you have an embarrassing period story? No, thankfully. Would you ever post all your secrets on the internet? Nope. I don’t really post much of anything on the internet, save for this right now.  Do you have any secrets? None that would be of any interest to anyone, most likely. No soap opera level reveals here, sorry. Would your life be at risk if someone knew everything about you? Ha ha, no.  Is your life at risk? Not that I am aware of? Do you feel safe in your hometown? Sure. I live like 2 blocks from the police station. I’ve always felt comfortable walking here alone at night. Even after the mass shooting downtown this summer, I think I’d still feel relatively comfortable even there, if not just cognizant of what had occurred. Where do you dream of moving to? Everywhere, all the time. Seattle, New York, somewhere in the Caribbean, a beach house somewhere on the east coast... I’m honestly not sure we will leave our hometown area at this point, though. What fascinates you more: outer space or the bottom of the ocean? The ocean is scarier. Do you ever hear from God? Ha ha, no. Does God speak to you often? Must’ve lost my number. What day of the week were you born on? * I think I was born on a Tuesday, near midnight
^Same. A Tuesday at 11:47 pm.
Do you have a piggy bank? There is one in my house. I don’t ever use cash, though, so theres probably nothing in it. Who do you hate?  No one. Did you choose your sexuality? I didn’t chose the thug life, it chose me. …Do you feel you could have chosen a different one? I really don’t think thats a thing. What does your middle name rhyme with? Nothing? Barry? What middle name would you pair with Eliana? Nothing, I don’t like that name lol Would you ever name a child after yourself? Definitely not. It’s like how I feel about cars- you only get so many in your life, why would you buy the same one twice? Do you want to be famous? Probably not? I think everyone has some type of fantasy about being famous, but I have no idea what one such as myself would ever be famous for?  Are you an alien? Sure Have you ever had an alien from outer space land in your backyard? Nope. Have you ever seen a UFO? No. My friend and I saw the same thing once and she thought it was a UFO and I thought it was some type of meteor. I’m just not a believer. What’s your favorite type of moon? Um, the Earth’s? Do you make wishes on the moon? No, but sometimes I tell him he’s pretty. …or the stars? dandelions? What do you make wishes on? I used to wish on the stars. Not like shooting ones, even, just regular ones. Didn’t seem to work, they’ve probably got some important star stuff to do. Are you superstitious at all? No. Again, I really don’t believe in things, lol. Has anyone ever beaten the life out of you? Figuratively, yes. Literally, no. Does anyone encourage you to go after your dreams? My husband kind of does? What is the stupidest thing anyone’s ever said to you? Ha ha, no idea.  Do you get offended a lot? …why? No. I don’t really ever get offended. What color are your cargo pants? I have no cargo pants. Cargo pantsless. What’s the most amount of weight you’ve gained from a medication? I’m proud to say that all the weight I’ve gained has been from delicious food.  Do you name inanimate objects? I do, occasionally. What do you throw across the room when you’re mad? No. Sometimes I want to, but then if I did, I’d have to go pick it up and I am very lazy. How many subscribers do you have on your youtube channel? Zed. Do you believe in fairies? Nope. …in unicorns? Nyet. …in dragons? Again, I believe in very little.
What do you think the constellations mean? Nothing? Just humanity reaching to ascribe some type of meaningfulness to the world around them. Have you ever had a near-death experience? Once. I got hit by a wave that broke behind the breakers and it slammed me into the ocean floor when I was 7. I was a good swimmer, but I was so disoriented, I was just swimming straight into the sand over and over again. Luckily, my dad saw me and was able to pull me out. Do you eat a lot of crackers? I can eat no crackers. Did you like the venue your senior prom was held at? It was in a gym, so typical, but not exciting in any way. Which spelling do you like best: Hayley, Hailey, or Haley? Hailey, I guess? Which name is better: Hailey, Bailey, Kailey, or Shailey? The last two are just made up. Are you mad at someone? Nope. Do you feel like your life was stolen from you? I think it’s still in my possession? Do you have a professional camera? My camera is technically a “prosumer” camera, but jokes on you, I shoot weddings on it and people pay me anyway. What would you change about your hair? I kinda want to change the color, but the current color is so dark and the pastel I’d like would be really challenging. When was the last time you changed your hairstyle? Maybe 3 months ago I just gave up the fight and dyed my hair teal like I wanted to, adulthood be damned. Now I don’t have a job, so maybe not the best decision? Do you like rose gold? Yes, I prefer it, I think. Do you pull all-nighters? Nah, I think I’ve outgrown the desire or ability for that.
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ltjlily17 · 6 years
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ltjlily17 · 8 years
not voting for hillary clinton is a vote for donald trump
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ltjlily17 · 8 years
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ltjlily17 · 8 years
I wish I could vote for her.
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ltjlily17 · 8 years
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ltjlily17 · 9 years
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ltjlily17 · 9 years
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By far one of my FAVORITE signs I’ve seen this week!
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