loominggaia · 9 hours
How exactly does centaur biology work in Gaia? Cause centaurs are quite infamous among mythical beings for being one of the most… biologically convoluted.
In particular how do they breathe effectively and maintain balance? Having small human nostrils and mouth and huge horse body. Not to mention a front heavy build with a human torso grafted onto a horse body.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly...and according to all known laws of biology, there is no way a centaur should be able to live. And yet, they do! It is one of the great mysteries of Gaia.
Centaur anatomy is indeed very complex. Most general physicians aren't qualified to treat them for this reason, so centaurs must seek specialized medical care for their kind.
Because of their convoluted anatomy, they are susceptible to a lot of convoluted health problems. Centaurs have short lifespans compared to other species, most of them succumbing to some kind of health issue in their 50s or 60s. Sometimes they can mitigate these problems with magic and live a longer life. But in general, centaurs start fighting an uphill battle against their own anatomy after age 30. There are just so many things that can go wrong with their many parts.
As far as breathing goes, centaurs have two sets of lungs. They pant through their noses and mouths, but in addition, they also "breathe" through their skin by sweating. Centaur facial features are not the same as human features; they are described as "harsher", kind of like the faces of neanderthals.
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Their mouths, nostrils, and airways are quite a bit larger than humans', which allows them to pass more air through at once. If you're up close and personal with a centaur, you will notice they actually breathe quite loudly, much like horses do. Both sets of lungs are very strong, and you can hear this power in each breath.
A centaur's humanoid half is connected to their equine half with one long spine, plus a complex system of muscles. This attachment is not as delicate as it looks; these halves are really secure and it takes immense force to separate them.
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loominggaia · 1 day
razzek Man that would suck, being a divine when your species was thriving then watching them die out, being unable to do anything and knowing you'll have to live in the world without them forever. Haha new OC idea? XD They even got revenge on the peoples who obliterated their kind but it was so long ago not even stories remain of it.
A divine orc, all alone and forgotten in their cave like:
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loominggaia · 1 day
razzek All of them but Mosswen had reasons for what they were doing and in some of those examples of being bad, they were doing what they thought was right. But Mosswen was so shit her own son murdered her and I think that says a lot.
kid-az Undeniably Moswen given she was in complete complete control of her actions and crimes, (Also the fact it drove one of her sons to kill her) but Oggsa takes 2nd place due to the sheer scope of her actions affecting not just her kids but people outside of her village. Moswen was godawful but she atleast put out a charitable front. Moswen is the worst parent and Oggsa is the worst person.
Imagine being such a shitastic mother that your son chooses literal slavery over living with you. Then when he returns like 20 years later, it's only to put your ass in the ground lmao. #LukasDidNothingWrong
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loominggaia · 1 day
randomhedgehog asked: I think we can all unanimously agree that Moswen, Tarajeen or Oggsa are the top three worst moms. All three of them get some credit for being the products of their environments and childhoods, but theyre still top of the list for me. I'm just not sure which of them is the worst. Sofia being a slave owner doesn't really have anything to do with her parenting imo. Like, yeah, it's awful but this isn't a Evilest Character Poll, it's for Worst Mom, which she imo isn't. Yeah, she could've and should've divorced Foster, but what would she have done then? Evangeline doesn't seem like a single mother friendly place. Renee is pretty bad, but was a product of her upbringing/location. She also loved her daughter. Karenza was literally a grieving mother desperate to bring back her unborn baby when she made Isaac. And to her credit- she didn't just leave him outside on the street for anyone to take him! She made sure that only a special group of people could get him! Now, who we should really talk about is Elskas mom! Aka, the centauress who abandoned her newborn! randomhedgehog Hold it! I just sent an ask In about my opinion on this poll, but I forgot to take into consideration that Tarajeen literally wouldn't have been able to get help with her condition even if she tried! Damijana would've locked her up anyway!
These are all excellent points!
>"Sofia being a slave owner doesn't really have anything to do with her parenting imo. Like, yeah, it's awful but this isn't a Evilest Character Poll, it's for Worst Mom, which she imo isn't."
I would argue that she's setting a bad example for her children by owning slaves, essentially teaching them, "it's okay to dehumanize other people, as long as they're this people or that people". Not all Evangelites own slaves. In fact, some are disgusted by the concept and refuse to engage with that cultural practice at all. If Sofia had better critical thinking skills, she could be one of them. But I think she is too narrow-minded and intellectually lazy to get more perspective on this. She's open minded about some things (like lycanthropy), and set in her ways on others (like slavery).
>"Yeah, she could've and should've divorced Foster, but what would she have done then? Evangeline doesn't seem like a single mother friendly place."
Very true! Evangelite women are encouraged to stay at home and take care of their kids while their husbands work. There are few business that will hire women, and when they do get hired, they only earn a fraction of a man's wage. It's almost impossible for single women to support themselves in this kingdom, but some manage by living with groups of other women and sharing expenses. It's difficult, but not impossible. In "Lost and Found", Sofia also expresses fear that the courts would grant custody of her kids to Foster. In Evangeline Kingdom, this is a totally reasonable fear to have because it's most likely what would happen. Divorce would have been a huge risk in her case, and may have just made the situation worse.
"Now, who we should really talk about is Elskas mom! Aka, the centauress who abandoned her newborn!"
Now that's an interesting point! Her actions seem pretty rotten on the surface, and I can confidently say it wasn't the smartest decision Jorun could have made...Though in her mind, she chased those wolves into the fog for the "greater good".
Apparently the local ecosystem was becoming destabilized (which we would later find out was due to Evangeline Kingdom's interference) and this was causing wolves to encroach into Loreham, emerging from the fog and snatching centaurs away--especially children. Jorun was afraid that Elska would get snatched one day if she didn't take action, so she began to hunt them.
But like Elska, Jorun's rage often got the best of her, which is exactly what happened when she saw one of her hunting buddies get dragged into the fog. Jorun leapt into action to save her fellow tribesman, but met an unknown fate in the mist.
I think Jorun's biggest flaws were her arrogance and lack of self-awareness. Not the sharpest knife in the block, that one...and unfortunately, her daughter suffered the consequences of her foolishness the most.
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loominggaia · 1 day
Adding onto the medieval kingdom isekia’d to Gaia, one of the biggest things I could see is holy wars galore. People underestimate just HOW much power the Christian church held over medieval life, they pretty much ruled everything. Protestant/ Catholic/ Orthodox/ dosent matter the denomination, these churches would be eager to expand the exact moment they reached gaian soil, wanting to spread Christianity to this newfound land. The holy wars with Evangline in particular would be insane!
Good point! A Catholic/Evangelite holy war would be nuts! Personally, my money is on the Evangelites simply because they have war dragons at their disposal.
Then again, it's possible that the medieval Catholics could learn the science of dragoneering and fight fire with fire--literally.
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loominggaia · 1 day
Could a Gnoll or Orc divine currently exist from the time when the species was alive? If so, how would the Divines act knowing they were the last of their kind?
I don't see why not! I'm sure there are extinct species divines out there, but because their kind has become so rare, they have all gone into hiding.
I suspect there is at least one divine hogman hiding out among the hogmen tribes in the Shrieking Mountains. Perhaps there is a divine orc still kicking around in the ruins of ancient orc civilizations, all alone underground. And it's easy to imagine a divine gnoll fleeing into the deep wilderness, basically reverting into a feral animal because they have no one on their side.
These divines would be forced to isolate themselves, or else just hang out with other divines. Cerno would be a safe choice, since he is ostracized from society as well. Green Witch might accept them too.
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loominggaia · 2 days
I feel like when you join The Cult Of The Crescent, you get one of these bad boys:
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Dude this made me laugh so hard this morning, I woke up my pet chipmunk lmao. What an awesome start to the day!
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loominggaia · 2 days
So Minotaurs can actually eat grass!? Does that mean Minotaurs have multiple stomachs/ stomach chambers like cattle and other ungulates have?
Yep! Centaurs have two stomachs and cecaelia have three. Many people believe that minotaurs have multiple stomachs as well, but they don't. They actually have one stomach with multiple chambers within it, and these special chambers allow them to digest really tough fibers that most other species can't.
Even centaurs and cecaelia, with their multiple separate stomachs, can't digest these fibers like minotaurs can.
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loominggaia · 2 days
Anonymous asked: Worst dad poll: At least Darshan meant well. Like yeah he's kind of an idiot but he was just trying to give his family a better life. Same could be said for Sebastian and Ojio. Ekwame was just old and lazy. Can't really blame him for marrying a teenager if that's normal in his culture. No excuses for Foster and Vingvar though their genuinely bad fathers. I voted for Vingvar because at least Foster put food on the table and didn't cheat on his wife AFAIK. /my two cents
randomhedgehog asked: In regards to the Worst Dad Poll, I feel like Foster or Ekwame is the only real option. Sebastion and Ojio both loved/love their families alot. Knowing Sebastions background, I'm willing to give him a pass on the Hoarding. Likewise, Ohio gets a pass on the Workaholicism since he was literally raised in Workaholic City where if he wasn't, he and his family would be in deep trouble. And! He's unlearning the Trans/Homophobia that's been shoved in his ear since his conception! He definitely scores points for that! Vingevar is literally just, there ig? His wrongdoings seem pretty average compared to Foster and Ekwame. Darshaan was trying to give Isaac the life he never got! Growing up a Child Soldier probably doesn't make you a cautious adult, either. Foster is a product of his environment, but that still doesn't excuse how he treated Evan, Abigail and Sofia! Not to mention he literally owned slaves. If someone thinks of a redeeming quality that he has, I'm waiting to hear it. Ekwame literally married a teenager. And impregnated said Teenager. I know we all hate Moswen, but I feel so bad for her thinking of what happened. Speaking of Moswen- Ekwame didn't even notice she was abusing Lukas and Jelani!!!! And If he did, then that's even worse!
Anonymous asked: I think Ojio is a good dad actually! At least he was in that one story (can't remember the title rn sorry)
These are all such great and thoughtful points to consider! I'm seeing good arguments on all sides!
In regards to Ekwame, @randomhedgehog raised an interesting question: did he even know about Moswen abusing his kids? The narrative says he barely acknowledged his sons' existence, and Moswen was very good at hiding her abuse. Still, he would have to be pretty damn dense (or perhaps senile) not to notice how scared they acted around their own mother, not to mention all the injuries they must have had. Moswen insults his intelligence a lot, so I think it's likely that he genuinely didn't realize what she was doing to them. However, even if he did know, something tells me he wouldn't care that much anyway. He would view it as good old fashioned corporal punishment and nothing more.
Anon also brought up a great point about the morality of marrying a teenager when he was raised in a culture that sees no harm in that. I think if Ekwame was a smarter, more empathetic man, he would be able to see how miserable Moswen was and refuse to marry her. But we get the impression that he doesn't think very hard about anything, and doesn't really view women and children as fully-realized people. This guy's misogynistic culture was really working against him, but I think half of the problem is just his own mental laziness.
He's not exactly malicious, he's just...kind of a dumb, privileged guy who bumbles through life and doesn't care about much beyond his own comfort. For this reason, I personally side with @randomhedgehog on this. I think he a bad father, a bad husband, and a pretty crummy person in general. Not because he's mean per se, but because he's so damn selfish and apathetic. Although not as overt as Moswen's abuse, his neglect still had a profound negative effect on his family.
Now, Foster...Anon brought up a good point about him staying faithful to his wife and consistently putting food on the table. That's true! He may have been a raging jerk, but to his credit, he worked hard and he never let his family go without. Evan actually brings this up in one story. He had enough sense not to physically harm his wife or kids, even at his drunkest, so the guy must have had some kind of love for them. He even has a few heartfelt moments with Evan in "Monster by Moonlight" after Evan's health improved. So, he's not totally incapable of warmth.
Foster strikes me as a guy who was totally sabotaged by his upbringing. If his own parents weren't so dysfunctional, I feel like he'd actually be a pretty good dad. Unfortunately his family tree was riddled with problems like alcoholism, incest, and poverty among other things, and this really worked against Foster. He was not strong enough to overcome his demons, and he didn't really have access to therapy or anything to help him out. All he had to turn to was a shitty, bigoted religion that just reinforced his bad behaviors. He never stood a chance.
I'm not saying I give Foster a pass for his abuse--because I don't. He clearly knew the difference between right and wrong, and he chose to do wrong by his family. I'm just saying that between him and Ekwame, I think I would choose Ekwame as the worse father. Ekwame wasn't mean to his kids like Foster was, but only because he didn't care enough to spend even a shred of emotional energy on them. Foster was mean because he cared, he just had no idea how to express things like fear or anger properly, so it came out as verbal abuse.
As for Vingevar, yes, it was awful of him to cheat on his pregnant wife and abandon his family for some side chick. Imagine how his kids must have felt when he disappeared! On the other hand, there are two sides of every story, and Vingevar hasn't appeared in person to tell his side yet. We know how aggressive Oggsa is, and there may be a whole other facet to this situation we don't yet know about. For this reason, I will hold my judgment on Vingevar until more is revealed.
I do agree that Darshaan, Ojio, and Sebastian all meant well and did the best they could with what they had. Maybe they weren't perfect, maybe they made some mistakes, but I don't believe for a second that these men meant their kids harm at any point. I think their worst crimes were just being misguided or not thinking things through very well.
I love to hear all these takes, it really gets me thinking!
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loominggaia · 2 days
Poll: Worst Mom
To accompany the Word Dad poll, let's now vote for the worst mom!
There are a lot of options, so I'll provide some context below to refresh everyone's memory.
Sofia, Evan's mom: Coddled her disabled son into helplessness. Owns slaves. Refused to leave her abusive husband. Embraces a bigoted religion.
Moswen, Lukas' mom: Verbally, physically, and psychologically abused her children. Gouged out a child's eye with a letter opener. Broke a child's finger. Sold a slave girl to violent bandits.
Oggsa, Glenvar's mom: Abused her kids verbally and physically. Showed favoritism towards her daughters and bullied her son. Sent her son on a dangerous journey with a stranger when he was only 13. Led violent raiding campaigns on neighboring villages.
Rene, Alaine's mom: Lived in squalor while dealing drugs from her home. Was usually drunk or high. Smoked indoors around her child. Let her child run around a dangerous, toxic swamp unsupervised.
Tarajeen, Jeimos' mom: Intolerant of her child's alternative gender identity. Stuffed her child's schedule full of extracurriculars, leaving them with just one hour of leisure time (which she'd take away as punishment). Denied treatment for her mental illness, allowed it to progress and endangered her family.
Karenza, Isaac's mom: Forged a monster-child using her own blood, her husband's blood, and the bones of the baby she miscarried. Performed a dangerous, novel experiment to transfer her own soul into that monster-child's body. Ultimately abandoned that child with mortals, but not before completely wiping his memory of her and his old life.
The poll will end in one week!
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loominggaia · 2 days
Inappropriate ask. Are their centaurs with a rider fetish? Wanting to ridden or made to pull carts like a horse for pleasure?
I guess technically anything could be a fetish, so I don't see why not! This is probably a more common one among centaurs, given how taboo the concept of riders are for them.
We know Javaan canonically enjoys it when people ride on his back...but how far does this enjoyment go? Is it just for fun? Does it make him feel important? Or is he actually indulging some sexual fetish?
His crewmen prefer not to ask...because knowing Javaan, it's probably the last one.
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loominggaia · 2 days
That troll dish Akwi, sound a lot like Garum. A Roman sauce made from fermented fish and salt, left to bake in the sun for months on end.
Interesting! I've never heard of this particular Roman dish, but the akwi was inspired by a similar thing from Scandinavia called surströmming. I think many real-world cultures have a food like this.
It's not something I'd personally eat, and I can't imagine how or why the hell people thought to eat rotten fish...what famine does to a mf.
In the trolls' case, it's a delicacy!
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loominggaia · 2 days
What Gaians need to do to use magic?
Gaians must go through a process called "arcane conditioning", which is performed by an experienced mage. I wrote more about this in another post <---
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loominggaia · 3 days
kid-az #just as evangeline deserves#it would be so funny if only humans#evangelines chosen peoples#were the ones that got the black plague#and all the other commoners#fae#and gaians#were almost entirely unaffected#looming gaia
Evangeline Kingdom: *crumbles under a crippling plague*
Literally the entire world:
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loominggaia · 3 days
Poll: Worst Dad
The poll will close in one week! Cast your vote to drag these dads!
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loominggaia · 3 days
I missed the poll but i would've punched Flora. Making Itchy believe his baby daughter is dead was f'd up IMO.
Yeeeeeah, that was pretty bad...
Although to Flora's credit, she did eventually feel guilty and try to fess up. It was Ginger who dragged the whole thing out for so long.
I think they both deserve a charlie horse for that one!
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loominggaia · 3 days
randomhedgehog Depending on which medieval culture, they'd either be relatively fine or hell would break loose. There's also the risk of disease contamination between Looming Gaia illnesses, which normal humans wouldn't be protected against, and real world illnesses that Looming Gaia people wouldn't be protected from. Some species would be fine from it, but if real world bubonic plaque was introduced to Evangeline, they're probably doomed
The disease aspect is a very good point I didn't consider!
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