localbadger · 11 months
Someone’s got to tell Snooki!!!
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localbadger · 11 months
Tell me why I randomly opened Twitter after not checking it for months only to find out 10 minutes prior Mr. Barry officially confirmed Warrior Nun has been saved?!??!? Is this real life???
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localbadger · 1 year
Did no one in Netflix’s social media team let the execs and analytics team know that canceling Warrior Nun would probably make them lose more money than save it?
Like no one spoke up at the meeting and said heyyyyy you might want to look at social media before you do this, these fans are crazy af I don’t think we should mess with them😬
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localbadger · 1 year
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Dang, 2022 was really the year of werewolves huh?
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localbadger · 1 year
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Matching jealousy gfs
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localbadger · 1 year
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What a slippery slope of events 😭
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localbadger · 1 year
WN theory: the “other side” isn’t speed up compared to our world it’s just that Reya controls time there and needed Micheal to grow up so she could use him and wanted to punish Lilith by making her walk for hours in a desert because the conversion rate for our world to the other side doesn’t match up with these two examples. Like I know somebody tried to do the math and Simon even retweeted it but their fractions were actually off by a decimal and instead of 13.5 years passing for Michael’s two months it was actually 135 years! I think it’s totally possible Ava comes back and it’s been days for her and months for everyone else because Reya made it that way and that would be kinda cool because it would let the characters deal with her loss more and subvert our expectations for season 3
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localbadger · 1 year
Netflix is probably so scared to try and cancel Warrior nun because of “viewing numbers” because it would literally be 100% on them for not promoting it more since it’s gotten record breaking good reviews and everyone would blame them
Plus I have a good feeling they won’t cancel since they are doing so well with viewership, like Netflix is kinda going through a revival right now and staying a strong streaming contender despite a lot of fear at the start of the year that they’d start to really lose viewership but the success of other big Netflix shows like Wednesday would actually give them room to keep other shows
Also I see a lot of comparisons with WN to First kill and I got to say I don’t think we can compare the two? Like WN is getting amazing reviews that first kill didn’t get and I remember trying to watch first kill and being one of the people who stoped watching it because it was just too...cheesy/cringe? Honestly I almost stopped after I saw the title intro and they referenced twilight. Basically my point is not to trash first kill but to say these two shows are not completely comparable
Two other little things to add
- season 2 has under 8 hours of content, meaning bigger shows with longer season can get higher watch numbers because there is straight up just more content to watch without rewatching and I think Netflix will take that into account
- and a lot of cancellations from 2020/2021 was due to the increased cost of filming during the pandemic and with the world kinda getting back to normal I think Netflix won’t be as cancel heavy as they were
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localbadger · 2 years
I know the numbers for this week aren’t great and we need to be streaming the shit out of it to stay in the top ten but I’d like to remind everyone of the positives like
- they didn’t go over budget, I think Simon mentioned in an interview about how he had to balance the budget and that’s why there are a lot of fights at the end because they had room in the budgets so I’m assuming that means they didn’t go over
- filming in abroad is cheaper not to mention cost of living is cheaper in Spain too compared to major US cities
- they don’t have a huge cast, and their cast is “relatively unknown”/ got their big break on WN so they aren’t having to pay movie star prices like other shows that feature very well know actors and actresses
- the rotten tomato score is insanely good, like so good they have Forbes writing about it
- it’s competing with other huge shows that did get promo where it got a buget of $0 for promo during a month jam packed with new things for people to watch (World Cup, Football, Wednesday, Glass Onion, Manifest, The Crown)
- it’s popular globally a market Netflix wants to expand on and a reason they have canceled other shows like teenage bounty hunters
- it has an active and loyal fanbase, literally the most commented on posts form Netflix Twitter are about Warrior nun lately and even post on other shows have Warrior nun fans promoting it
- the optics of cancelling it is bad after it got so much praise and good scores I think they know if they do they will have a lot of backlash and media attention and it will overall be more expensive to cancel than to renew if they think enough people will cancel their subscription
- even with this week only bringing in about 11 mil we still have a total of around 80 mil if you include the season 1 numbers from last week. Plus everyone dropped except Wednesday and 1899 which got a shit ton of promo
I totally think we can get a renewal if we really bring up those numbers up for week 4 and keep it in the top 10 again but we might get it with a smaller budget or again no promo because Netflix has spread itself too thin with new high budget shows (sandman, 1899, Wednesday, etc)
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localbadger · 2 years
Alba must be like: This is the actress who plays my on screen love interest, her name is Kris! And here is my off screen love interest, his name is... also Chris
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localbadger · 2 years
I don’t think Beatrice and Ava are at all oblivious to each other’s attraction I just think they both had reason to not pursue it those two months
For Beatrice
The obvious obstacle is she’s a nun who has vows but also very afraid of rejection for who she is from society, God, friends and family, not to mention how she was raised is a big ol’ wall in her path to a relationship with Ava.
One thing I don’t see brought up enough is that she could have totally realized Ava was attracted to her but thought it was like a fleeting thing, because from Beatrice’s perspective Ava probably flirts with a lot of people (JC, Micheal even tho she wasn’t Beatrice still sees it like that plus all those “friends” she apparently scared off) she doesn’t want to be an experiment for Ava or something Ava wants in the moment because she believes Ava’s impulsive and in Beatrice’s mind it’s a lot more real than just attraction to her
They are living together working together and training together and if that tight rope of friendship isn’t walked on perfectly there is no escaping each other possibly leading to disaster not just of their friendship but of the whole mission. And speaking of the mission I think it’s always been in the back of Beatrice’s mind that Warrior nuns don’t last long after seeing what happened to Mary and Shannon she didn’t want to repeat it
For Ava
A couple of people pointed out how much Ava respects others consent like I don’t think she would have went for it no matter how much she wanted to or even if she knew Beatrice liked her like that because she believed Bea wasn’t ready to go there. I think if anything happened in Switzerland Ava wanted it to be Beatrice who made the first real move since it was her who took vows. They were definitely on the right path in Switzerland but not in a place to make that leap yet at least form where Beatrice was
I noticed a lot of the times Ava got emotional or mad at Beatrice it was because she was frustrated Beatrice didn’t see how much she had grown or changed as a person. Like she is working so hard to become a person she thinks is worthy of Beatrice and anytime Bea was disappointed or mad at her you can just see how distraught Ava gets. She wants to get into a relationship with Beatrice when Bea finally sees her as a changed person who isn’t selfish, impulsive or flighty. Basically she wants to feel on equal footing with Beatrice not someone who has to be looked over protected and told what to do she needs that validation that she’s ready from Beatrice and she didn’t feel she earned that until she was willing to sacrifice her life for the mission/Beatrice
Kind of leaping off the last one is that Ava has major abandonment issues, she’s worried she’d scare Beatrice away if she revealed just how deeply she cares for her because attraction is one thing but Ava is literally head over heels I’d sacrifice my life, I’d sacrifice the world for you kind of in love and if Beatrice was only attracted to her and not at that deep level of love I think Ava would be scared that would be the one thing that could make Bea run away
I think both of them are really smart people so to say they were just oblivious to all/most those looks, touches, jealousy and affections while being around each other 24/7 practically is kind of an insult to their social/emotional intelligence. They just had some really big things holding them back in Switzerland and it took the “end of line” for them to have that dam finally break
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localbadger · 2 years
Not all hero’s wear capes, some wear bumpits
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localbadger · 2 years
Snooki promoting warrior nun was not on any 2022 bingo card I would have ever been able to come up with
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localbadger · 2 years
Ava Silva is Percy Jackson in a different font, just try to change my mind
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Like I love them both but who else would be like “I’m gonna go tell deities to go F off” and actually live afterwords
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localbadger · 2 years
Where I feel Beatrice and Ava from Warrior Nun could be by season 3/ these are my head canons that I hope happen if we get a season 3
- I think without the OCs she is going to try to start living her life but for her she’s going to start at the beginning and we will see her parents and her relationship to them at the start of the season
- It would be a really interesting situation to put her character in because we’ve never seen how she relates to the world outside of the OCs or missions and we’d get to see her as an heiress and all that entails
- it’s been hinted at in the previous season with Mary saying something like “is this where Beatrice’s parents come to buy their artwork”, and even in this season when we get a tipsy Beatrice denying ever saying she’s royal to Ava that she must have said something to Ava to imply that her parents aren’t just “rich” they are like royalty rich
- this would make her reunion with Ava more complicated if it happened at her childhood home with her parents but also she would realize through being back home that she can’t keep holding herself back now that the walls of being a nun are down and she doesn’t need to be perfect for her family, like it won’t matter to her anymore
- this would make a great arc for her as it’s always been something we can very much see hold her back but have few details on, plus it would add/show angst, complicated family issues, and her healing. I saw someone mention that not a lot of people talk about Beatrice’s anger and I think this would be a perfect place and breaking point for her in the show to make her character come to terms with everything
- I do think there will be a time jump for her maybe a year maybe 6 years but I think the Ava we will get back is not exactly the same one that went into the portal and of course that will cause some tension and readjusting to both her and Beatrice
- season one Ava said screw the world and screw fighting, then in season 2 she feels guilt for Adriel and she’s willing to fight but not put her life down until it means that she would be protecting Beatrice. I think in season 3 we will get her at full hero mode like her self preservation instinct gone she’ll be all about being that classic halo bearer
- she’ll be much much better at fighting basically up there with the best and super comfortable with her Hero/savior/leader role. She’ll be wiser more cautious and come out on top way more often. This isn’t something we’ve seen her fully execute well. Like anytime she’s tried to be a leader or be the hero it’s always been stopped or not gone her way they really show how much she’s progressed from season 1 but she’s still a beginner in season 2. I think here will be her biggest win moments where we aren’t as worried she’s going to fail all the time
- Her character arc will actually become like a reverse arc where she has to relearn what it means to not be so dedicated to the mission and putting your life on the line. She needs to find that balance and Beatrice being there basically coming off her own arc that taught her being selfish is not just alright but necessary in some cases would make for interesting clashes and discussions between the two of them.
- not only that but one of the last conversations they have Ava echos what Beatrice said about learning that “ not everything is about you” and I think Ava will cling to that in this alternative dimension because that’s the premise she gave her life away on and from Beatrice’s perspective she will regret ever saying that because it’s what made Ava sacrifice herself and she no longer believes that the mission is everything
I think ultimately they will both be fighting in the “Holy war” but seeing it from two different sides. Basically they will be kinda flipped from where they started their journey in season one in how they approach life and conflict
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localbadger · 2 years
I think Beatrice had 3 “personas” going on based on her habits/ lack thereof and I think it really played a great part in her characterization .
First we have no habit Beatrice
- she’s awkward more like fish out of water, she doesn’t have her “protection blanket” of her habit, just look at how she responds to Ava asking if she ever had a drink before
- more jealous/petty but also more easy to compromise with and joke with, she looks around like everyone is watching her and she’s nervous about it like she’s insecure about her place in the world
- she’s basically thrown back into the real world that she left long again to be a nun and it reads as her trying really hard to fit in and still prove her worth. But she’s much more free, she dances, she curses, she is still a badass nun but you get that her sometimes acting like a “70 year old” is more of her personality and nothing to do with being a nun
Then we have tactical nun habit Beatrice
- she has a mission and is solely focused on it, she’s deadly, barely any room for emotions, is very precise
- she’s in charge and ready to give out orders or even step on people’s toes the level of confidence skyrockets
- I think this is where she feels most comfortable when it comes to a dealing with new situations like it’s her physical armor that reflects emotional armor and lets her put herself in the position of someone she believes has value
Then we have blue habit Beatrice and here I think is her middle ground between no habit and tactical habit
- she’s more open and soft but there isn’t that insecurity we see without the habit because she has the identity she chose wrapped around her
- This is where she’s most comfortable interacting with people like she has her habit to ground her so she’s not as flustered but still open more emotionally
- I also don’t think we’ve ever seen her fight in the this outfit like it represents what an actual nun is like where “no habit Beatrice” is actually Beatrice just a girl with a lot of expectations put on her trying to be perfect and the tactical nun habit shows her as this warrior with great fighting skills and an arsenal of knowledge, this blue habit represents an actual nun who is supposed to be faithful caring kind and devote.
And this season put all 3 “personas” you could say in extreme different circumstances
- Beatrice without a habit having to fight in the street and giving orders/ information out to follow the FBC while in the car
- tactical nun habit Beatrice had to deal with the emotional turmoil of losing Ava and kissing her/ saying I love you
- blue habit Beatrice losing her cool/ faith and becoming jaded after losing the crown
They are all starting to merge together to make Beatrice whole again!
Anyways thanks for coming to my 5th Ted talk about this lovely show
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localbadger · 2 years
I’ve got to say I really appreciate the way Warrior Nun s2 ended vs how it could have ended. Like if we don’t get a season 3 we weren’t left on a cliff hanger like season 1 they completed a lot of character/plot arcs and gave us canon Avatrice not making us wait for a kiss or declaration of love until season 3 and they did all of it while leaving a door open for season 3 that’s a tough line to toe. Like to show a complete story and ending but also there can be something more given the opportunity it reminds me of watching the first season of Stranger things and I thought wow what a good show they wrapped everything up to where you wouldn’t go crazy if that was it but gave enough hints that you’d be excited for the next season. The wilds unfortunately didn’t do this and very much felt cut in the middle of their story which was why it was so hard to hear it had been canceled same with teenage bounty hunters or I’m not ok with this, they didn’t wrap up their seasons in the assumption they would get more and they didn’t leading to a lot of frustration.
Like WN creators they really do love their fans and I really hope we fight to keep this show because Netflix released it in like a SUPER busy month where Wednesday, Florence Pugh, Linsey Lohan, Manifest and the Crown and many others are all competing for viewership and that gave the show a lot of competition to the point that it basically feels like a test to really see if they should keep the show.
But also I feel like this practice of not telling showrunners how many seasons they get and them always feeling like they are on the chopping block is ridiculous like it totally hindered legend of Korra because they were constantly told different things about how many seasons they’d get. How can you plan ahead and set up complete arcs if you have no idea how much time you have to do it?!
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