lizareads ¡ 4 months
I really hate the idea of Nesta having to play the courtier’s game. The dancing scene in ACOSF felt so yucky to me bc like - here’s a woman who was groomed to be a child bride now being asked to use her body and the promise of fucking her to achieve someone else’s ends. Again. It didn’t feel empowering to me, it felt belittling and objectifying.
Nesta is smart! Let her talk to Eris if you must make him want her. Don’t take one of the only things that gives her joy and debase it to sleazy political maneuvering. She shows over and over that she’s so much more capable if you just give her the opportunity.
Idk I just hate the way people continue to use her even when she’s “well”. Her powers, her sexuality, her physicality - let my girl enjoy things without spoiling them! It feels like Sarah had all these grand visuals in mind when it came to ACOSF (the ball, the hike, those godforsaken fucking stairs) and didn’t stop to think if any of it actually made sense character development-wise.
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lizareads ¡ 4 months
Bryce's mom lived with Rhysand for 5 minutes and had enough, she's just like me fr
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lizareads ¡ 4 months
Have y’all notice that in canon, everyone who meets Nesta that isn’t tied to the IC likes her? Just me?
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lizareads ¡ 7 months
Headcannons? Headcannons.
Part 1 Part 2
•Loves, loves, loves doings the accounts for her little shop, it is absolutely everything to her
•Is usually the rational one, but looses her last two brain cells when in the same room with Nes and Gwyn.
•Always has some batshit crazy ideas. "What do we do for the—"
Emerie, in the calmest voice possible, "~.•°○ .°•○°.~"
"How in the gods name did she manage to say it out like that—" Gwyn's brain had short circuited that time.
•Helped Nes look for a job after she was fired off her first one (nesta was, allegedly, drinking tea with 60% vodka in it) Emerie personally thought that was both hilariously smart and bravely stupid
•Is probably somewhere on the ace spec but she likes the idea of falling in love with someone (no gwyn, it's not the stupidly cute barista who makes stupidly good beverages)
•Fkn loves margaritas. Just... her visiting the autumn court, trying out bikinis and one-pieces, enjoying the sun as opposed to the weather in Illyria.
•Reads more of mystery/thriller/horror but nes and gwyn got her to read a couple romance books as well (they count it the greatest achievement of their lives)
•Learns how to make those fruity cocktails in the Summer Court. Gwyn and some other priestesses from the library are ready to kill each other for them.
•Used to be very close to her mom. It wrecked her, both mentally and physically when she died.
•Prefers using bow and arrows so she doesn't have to watch the gore from a close distance
•Can actually be very scary when she's pissed off
•I imagine her to have muscles? Like not in a buff, body-builder way but more in a kickboxer-who'd-kick-your-ass kind off way
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lizareads ¡ 7 months
In the afterlife—
Mama Archeron: you're not good enough for my daughter
Eris: 𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 not good enough for your daughter
MA: excuse me?
Eris: you heard me
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lizareads ¡ 8 months
Rhysand’s father being high lord with no heir at 900 years old is just so FAKE! Every man would be thrusting their daughters and sisters at him. He would be tasked with securing an heir immediately. Same for Rhys!!!
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lizareads ¡ 8 months
Tumblr media
Nesta "I'll eat your eyes for breakfast" expression. ❤
Art by: h.hartes
Comissioned by: @melphss
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lizareads ¡ 11 months
Rhy/sand: man hated by 2/3 of his own court, man stole an heirloom (Summer), man criticizes cuz they ain't following his mindless plans (Autumn), man has destroyed a whole ass court due to personal vendetta (leaving thousands of refugees in wake), man thinks another high lord would bow to him (Thesan), man has belittled women's authority (Human queens)
Enter Amren: oh, you should be the HiGh KiNg rhysie uwu :D
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lizareads ¡ 11 months
Rising from my fandom grave to say that if the next ACOTAR book has Nesta in any way supporting or fighting for Rice pilaf to be High King I will start burning books with the zeal of a fundamentalist in Texas.
That’s all.
Back to my obscurity.
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lizareads ¡ 1 year
Headcannons? Headcannons.
Because sjm has fked up too much and im here to give the characters some justice. No beta, we die like rhysand (at least in my dreams)
Part 1 Part2
Nesta Archeron
Antis dni
Her favorite season is autumn. You can't change my mind. She likes the gloomy weather, the rain pitter-pattering against her window, and if there is a good book in her hand and a cup of tea? That's heaven.
She also likes math. Her mother's prepared her to lie and manipulate people for her benefit, taught her that anyone would be willing to lie. But unlike the words, numbers never lied to her.
SHE. BLUSHES. EASILY. One time Emerie commented on how much she appreciated Nesta as a friend and Nesta just went red all over. Cheeks, neck shoulders and all.
Nesta doesn't like coffee. She does, however, like tea.
Her eyes aren't actually blue, they're grey with flecks of blue in the centre. Sometimes when she is in the sun, Nesta's eyes look blue but they're grey.
Nesta meets up with Gwyn and Emerie every Saturday evening to have a nice dinner and sometimes even drink and do stupid shit.
One time they were all so drunk that they forgot how to open the next bottle of really expensive wine so Gwyn being Gwyn got a hammer and just... hammered it? Anyway, the bottle was smashed to shit and they were all kicked out of the restaurant for causing 'ruckus'.
If Saturdays are reserved for her girlies, Nesta has reserved her Wednesdays for Lucien. After everything, I genuinely believe these two got so close that Nesta considers him more of a brother than rhysand.
Nesta is strangely good with animals. Every time she comes across a street dog or a street cat, they rub themselves against her legs and try to get her to pet them. One time she visited a farm in The human lands, a cow tried to lick her face like ten times.
She has a British accent. I just imagine this woman pronouncing chewsday and wotah and being the most extra when it comes to words.
She absolutely hates peaches and bananas. Something about the texture and the color just sets her off. She could never fighyre out why.
This woman is pansexual, love shouldn't have a gender and this woman is a strong believer of that. Goes by she/her pronouns.
Nesta can't draw or sing, but she is amazing at composing music, especially violin and piano.
Nesta can hold her alcohol really well. She's friends with one of the middle-aged tavern owner and sometimes they hold a drinking contest with Gwyn and Emerie cheering her by. She wins almost every time. The tavern owner hates loosing, but this woman was pretty fucking amazing and it's good for his business. So, he figured why not?
Nesta eventually leaves the night court for the day court. The books, the knowledge, the weather— it's all amazing and she likes Helion a lot more than rhysie.
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lizareads ¡ 1 year
Feyre's char in book 1 was... okay at best (even tho she was quite literally the 'im-not-like-other-girls' starter pack). But the way sjm slowly reduced her from the mc in HER own story to rhysie's love interest is just... terrifyingly phenomenal (pls note the sarcasm)
How can you go "Feyre is hated in the CON because they're sexist" (which is true) and then act like Rhysand having her play his whore in public was a good idea for her political future.
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lizareads ¡ 1 year
"Meet cute" but it's him (being well over 500 yrs) preying on a twenty something woman's trauma and feelings the moment he meets her— continuously antagonizes her— and wonders why she is rejecting his advances. Like my brother in arms... why don't you try to do it in a more mundane way???
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lizareads ¡ 1 year
You wanna know what pisses me off about the acotar series?
It's that sjm (the supposed feminist who ✨️empowers✨️ woman) gives each and every character some sort of trauma to try to gaslight us into liking that character.
Like, Rhy/sand was fine (in acotar book 1) as the morally grey man with his own agenda who did everything in his power to get his shit done.
But then sjm swoops in and ~explains~ everything in that piss-poor way and suddenly riceman is suddenly... the good guy??? Because of his trauma?? Which, btw, has never once been acted upon?
And then there's sjm again gaslighting us into believing that mor is good??
Add upon the fact that she wrote acosf in such a phenomenally worse way that everyone who has read it just either ends up hating nesta or hating both the plot and sjm?
I just— I can't with the inaccuracies in this series.
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lizareads ¡ 1 year
So you mean to tell me—
That Nesta Archeron, the woman who's wit was sharper than hundreds of year's of old fae bastards—yes, im talking bout rhysie and c/assian— who's beauty was so devastating, who could have been the strongest fucking woman in the damn world ended up in the court of 'dreams' being a housewife and quite literally changing her anatomy for a man who has continuously thrown her worst fears and insecurities in her face?
Sounds fake but ok.
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lizareads ¡ 2 years
Kaz Brekker, chapter 12: "I would have come for you and if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you. No matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out— knives drawn and pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting."
Kaz Brekker, chapter 14: "My mother is ketterdam, she birthed me in the harbor. My father is profit, I honor him daily."
On one hand, we have Kaz who was being an absolute sweetheart and the next we have this Kaz, professional cult leader and goth bitch.
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lizareads ¡ 2 years
This needs to be reblogged
whoever is writing my life has got mad writers block bc wtf am i doing
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lizareads ¡ 2 years
Cardan Duarte, husband of the high queen— Jude Duarte.
cardan: i like your last name
cardan: can i have it?
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