littlebodydollheart · 6 months
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · me when i don't know anything about how to exercise/get enough physical activity so im starting by teaching myself vocaloid dances. idk if it'll do anything to help with burning calories but ive been so physically inactive that whenever ive tried starting out with actual workouts i haven't been able to keep it up, so it'll probably help if i start slower and then move on to serious workouts. and i also just want to know the dances anyways tbh i love vocaloid and im a cosplayer and it'll be fun. im starting out by learning the dance for rolling girl and if anyone seeing this does dance and has any recs for cool dances for beginners ill take them lol
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littlebodydollheart · 6 months
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · does anyone have any good exercise advice?? i think i want to start exercising, bc im getting skinny fat bc im not toned at all. but i don't know anything about exercising and im very weak (and have chronic fatigue/chronic pain issues) so it's really hard to know how to get started and stay motivated. i go out on long walks all the time which helps with burning calories but not with the skinny fat thing. and then also i can't help but worry about building too much muscle lol bc i don't want to do that. any advice/workout recommendations/etc would be very much appreciated tysm
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littlebodydollheart · 6 months
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · im finally starting to come back from my shitty binge cycle but i wanna drink so badly and alcohol has so many calories 😭😭 and i have a really really sensitive stomach too so i often have to eat something whenever i drink alcohol so i won't throw it up. hate it here
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littlebodydollheart · 6 months
god this is actually so me bc my little sister (who has an ed of her own now which makes me so sad bc i think she deserves to love herself and not worry abt her weight) thinks im so skinny and perfect and is so jealous of me (which i guess is maybe fair?? bc im taller than her and still weigh less) but it's like. no!!! im still fat!!! but then i don't think she's fat. ana logic
”How does it feels to have a perfect body ?” Asked me sister.
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
,, ♡ ︰day 2﹒🍓 ୨୧ ˖˚⊹
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`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · im 5'7 or 170 cm!! and i love my height!! i was always tall for my age as a kid, and i always wanted to be tall. my parents aren't very tall though, so they thought it was unrealistic. when i was 12 and 5'4, my doctor said id probably never grow any taller, and i was 5'5 until i was 17, when i grew to 5'6. i only grew to 5'7 when i was 18. and 5'7 probably isn't quite "tall," but it's above average height, which makes me super happy. i also love being on the taller side bc it makes it so much easier to be skinny. i have a higher bmr automatically and i can weigh more but still have a lower bmi. i wouldn't be opposed to being a bit taller but im definitely happy with being 5'7.
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
Reblog if you started worrying about your weight before you were fourteen.
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · i ended up going back to sleep but im ending my fast now at 141 hours bc of the poll results and not feeling well and for once im even making sure to get protein and all. and ngl im too tired to even be especially disappointed. maybe i can just fast for half of every demon slayer season for now or something.
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · so like i woke up in the middle of the night and got up to do something quickly and i felt so so bad like i was actually going to die or something. my ears were ringing like crazy and there was like black/grey spots all over my vision far worse and for far longer than usual and i felt so so so nauseous. it's been 130 hours of fasting and im wondering if i should change the time that i plan on fasting bc of it so like id appreciate if y'all could help me out by voting 😭😭
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
weight loss spell !!
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like to charge, reblog to cast
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · im starting to feel so sick and exhausted. im 124 hours into fasting, and for the most part im still not hungry but today i have started to feel a little hungry sometimes and ive definitely started getting some cravings. but that's barely even noticeable, especially compared to everything else. ive been so tired today that even getting up to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water has felt like a herculean task, and every time i stand up, i feel so dizzy. im also freezing cold all of the time (which ik is technically good bc it burns calories but im just not one of those people who can handle being cold in order to lose weight) and ive been irrational and emotional and ive felt so hopeless all day. and the worst part is that ive only finished episode 16 of demon slayer. there are 39 more episodes. and it's getting harder and harder to actually focus on the show. i feel dumb and silly for already feeling so terrible and weak. ive even considered ending my fast when i finish season 1 (which would only be 10 more episodes) but it feels weak to just give up and reduce the amount of fasting time. i might make a poll about it tomorrow asking whether i should change the amount of fasting time.
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · on the bright side, i did wake up this morning at 127.2 lbs and bmi 19.9!! im excited to have a bmi in the teens for the first time!! and im honestly not too far away from my first gw. it'd be so cool if i reached it during this fast. im thinking of rewarding myself for reaching 122 lbs by getting my nose pierced!!
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
,, ♡ ︰day 1﹒🍓 ୨୧ ˖˚⊹
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— ୨୧₊˚ cw: 127.2 lbs // 57.7 kg
— ୨୧₊˚ bmi: 19.9
— ୨୧₊˚ ugw: 88 lbs // 39.9 kg
— ୨୧₊˚ ugbmi: 13.8
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · im so happy!! this morning (or technically yesterday morning bc it's 3 am lol) i weighed in at 129.8 lbs!! which ik is just barely under 130 but it's still under 130!! and my lw (before the past few weeks lol) was 134.4 lbs (embarrassing i know) but now every new weight is a new lw for me. im 82 hours into my fast and still going strong. i haven't felt hungry at all honestly, but i have been pretty sleepy, and sleeping has definitely helped me get through it. i have felt very dizzy at times unfortunately, and ive felt extremely similar to how i felt the few times ive actually fainted in the past. that's worrying me slightly. but still, i refuse to end my fast until ive finished demon slayer, and if i faint, that's fine. i also hung out with my best friend today and we went on a walk (we always go out walking together when we hang out) and she's seen demon slayer before so we actually watched some of it together. and she had some snacks but ofc i didn't. ive finished episode 9 now and i really like it so far!! i relate to tanjiro a lot because i have a little sister who i love more than anything, and id go to the ends of the earth to save her or even just to make her happy. he's also relatable bc he has empathy for everyone and everything (and i have hyperempathy lol) and because he can be kind of weak and sensitive but he still does his best whenever it comes to his little sister and that's exactly how i am. and then nezuko is so real because i, too, sleep all the time so that i don't have to eat.
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · ive started watching demon slayer today!! i'm not going to eat anything until i finish the show. ive already been fasting for 43 hours but honestly the extra fasting time will probably be really good for me especially because ive barely lost any weight over the past few days even though ive been fasting a lot 😭😭 and i kind of feel really dizzy and like i might black out but im used to dealing with that because i have orthostatic hypotension and the dizziness is only slightly worse than normal.
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · i was 131.1 lbs when i weighed in this morning and im really excited to see where ill be by the time ive finished the series. i really hope this finally gets me under 130 lbs!! and im also excited to get under bmi 20, which will happen as soon as im 127 lbs. it'll be a really cool experiment to see how much weight i can lose during the duration of watching an anime!! and honestly ill probably hyperfixate on it (it seems really good so far) and calculate all the character bmis and make themed diets and post all of that and it'll be so fun.
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · so i cosplay and so do some of my friends, and one of my friends just got a muichiro cosplay and said that i should cosplay shinobu and that it'd suit me really well. and i haven't seen demon slayer yet but some ppl in an old @n@ discord server that i was part of years ago would do this thing where they'd start a new tv show and then they wouldn't eat until they finished the show or finished a season. so im thinking of doing that with demon slayer!! and i think it might help a lot bc i usually take forever to finish shows so either ill finish it faster or ill be fasting for a long time. and it'll also help me be skinnier for my cosplay. shinobu kocho's canon bmi is 16.2!! and there's no way ill reach that by the time i get my cosplay but at least ill have lost some weight. and maybe i can post my cosplay on here when im done with it and make some cute demon slayer themed diets!!
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
Reblog to lose 7 pounds in a week
Reblog to weight less than yesterday
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littlebodydollheart · 7 months
`` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · i want to fast until i finally get under 130 lbs but i've been fasting 42 hours already and i can't really check my weight again until tomorrow morning bc ive had water and diet coke and im so impatient i just want to know my weight now </3 and normally i wouldn't mind fasting longer but i have some pomegranate seeds in the fridge that i bought a few days ago and i need to eat them soon while they're still fresh
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