lit-described · 2 years
(id: a painting of delicate white flowers surrounded by green leaves. end id)
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James Winn “Azaleas No.3" acrylic on panel 37x46 in.
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: two portrait photos of a person looking to the right.
1. They have medium brown skin and long black hair that is styled in big curls, one framing ringlet their face, the rest tucked behind their ear. They are wearing a white blouse with a green vest.
2. The same person, but they are turned more away from the viewer so they are seen completely in profile. end id)
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My hair came out really cute a few weeks ago.
IG: iridessence
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description. black text on a white background. The first line is bold and underlined and it reads “This Year”. The rest of the text is broken into two sections, the first reads “This year I feel like a tulip wilting on a vase. One purple petal untangling itself after another, and falling. The floor is covered in them, the air drowning in their sickly sweet smell, almost asphyxiating.” The second sections reads “Craving you now is like ripping eyes out. Like piercing my throat with a black ink pen. I can still see the imprints of your fingers on my ribs, these little dark dents, like my body remembers. This year I feel like soil that still remembers, that still aches, still craves the stems and buds that were cut off; I live for the day they will grow right back.” end id.)
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This Year / Demi Ev.
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: a photo of an old looking brick building on a cloudy day. The photo looks as though it was taken looking up at the building and it only takes up the bottom half of the photo. The building has two arched windows on either side and one big one in the middle. end id.)
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the place i had my first ever english literature class ✨
instagram: juneacademia
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: three photos, in a row horizontally. Descriptions are from left to right
1. A person with dark brown skin is staring at the camera, looking vaguely sad. They are wearing a dark gray coat and the photo is cropped so it is a bust photo but the top of their head is cut off.
2. an image of a person with dark brown skin. They are wearing a brown coat, the image is cropped so neither their face nor their legs are visible, but you can see their hands resting at their sides.
3. a portrait of a person with medium brown skin. They have loose curly black hair and are looking the left so the photo is of them in profile. end id.)
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: black text on a white background. The text reads “I have often attributed my attachment to, my passionate enthusiasm for, the dangerous mysteries of the ocean to that production of the most imaginative of modern poets. (the next sentence is highlighted in light blue) There is something at work in my soul which I do not understand. I am practically industrious - painstaking, a workman to execute with perseverance and labour - but besides this there is a love for the marvellous, a belief in the marvellous, intertwined in all my projects, which hurries me out of the common pathways of men, even to the wild sea and unvisited region I am about to explore.” end id.)
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from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: a moodboard with nine images
1. a photo of an off-white cloth with grey lines on it, and a book with glasses sitting on it, a black purse, and a grey jacket with elbow patches, on top of it.
2. a person with brown skin and an afro is leaning against a teal wall with yellow writing on it. They are wearing rolled up light blue jeans, a brown jacket, and white shoes. There is a roof over them but they are outside and behind them to the left is a road and white building.
3. a photo of a white teacup and saucer sitting on top of two open books on a dark brown table.
4. A person with dark brown skin, big round glasses, and very curly hair held up with a dark red scarf is walking towards the camera. They are walking past a black lamppost in a city and the background is blurred.
5. a portrait photo of a person with black, almost grey hair, wrinkles, and brown skin. They are wearing a green sweater, and are smiling at the camera.
6. a person wearing a dark green sweater and rolled up light blue jeans in sitting surrounded by boxes. They have dark brown skin and are smiling up towards the right. On their left is a keyboard leaning against the same boxes the person is leaning on and surrounded by.
7. the black silhouette of a small bird in cage with against a light brown background.
8. a portrait of a person with medium brown skin looking down, their black locs are being held back in a ponytail with their hand. They are wearing a black turtleneck and coat.
9. two shelves of a bookshelf made of dark wood. The books on it are various shades of a similar brown, with some cream colored things. end id.)
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“The caged bird sings   with a fearful trill   of things unknown   but longed for still   and his tune is heard   on the distant hill   for the caged bird   sings of freedom.” - Dr. Maya Angelou “Caged Bird” I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: black text on a white background, formatted as a script. The text reads “Cleo. Give me my robe, put on my crown; I have (this next part is written on different line) Immortal longings in me” end id.)
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Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra, Act V Scene II
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: a realistic painting of pink roses spilling out of a vase on a table with a teal tablecloth. A quote from Jackie Wilson by Hozier is written in white in all caps over the painting on the right side. The quote reads “Youthfully felt ‘cause, god, I never felt young” end id.)
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Roses by Sophie Gengembre Anderson // Jackie and Wilson by Hozier
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: black text on a white background that is split into a line and a paragraph. The first line reads “Mathematicians call them twin primes:” and the paragraph after it reads “they are pairs of prime numbers that are close to one another, almost neighbours, but between them there is always an even number that prevents them from really touching. Numbers like 11 and 13, like 17 and 19, 41 and 43. If you have the patience to go on counting, you discover that these pairs gradually become rarer. You encounter increasingly isolated primes, lost in that silent, measured space made only of numbers, and you become aware of the distressing sense that the pairs encountered up until that point were an accidental fact, that their true fate is to remain alone. Then, just when you’re about to surrender, when you no longer have any desire to go on counting, you come across another pair of twins, clutching one another tightly.” end id)
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Paolo Giordano, The Solitude of Prime Numbers
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: four paintings of women reading in a block-like painting style
1. a woman with light brown skin is reading on a bus. We see her from the side, she is looking down at her book and wearing glasses with dark hair in a low bun.
2. a woman with medium brown skin laying in bed holding a book over her head to read. We cannot see her face as we are looking from behind as if we are in the position of the headrest of the bed
3. a woman with pale skin laying on a green bench. Her head is resting on her arm which is on the top of the bench’s back, and she is leaning over towards the viewer slightly. Her book is held in the hand she is not resting her head on.
4. a woman with dark brown skin kneeling with a book resting on her knees. She is wearing a white dress with spaghetti straps, and has a white scarf tying her hair back. end id)
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women reading mb (bc i love women. and reading.)
darren thompson / laura lacambra shubert / fongwei liu 
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: black text on a white background, reading “To accept one’s past — one’s history — is not the same thing as drowning in it; it cracks and crumbles under the pressures of life like clay in a season of drought.” end id)
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The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: two photos the inside of a used bookstore
1. a table with various books stacked on it, facing up, others with their spines facing towards the viewer.
2. a bookshelf filled to the brim with books, they are all stacked sideways, instead of sitting vertical. The books go all the way to the ceiling. end id)
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idk what it is but there’s always just something so enchanting about used bookstores
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: two photos
1. a person with brown skin and curly black hair in a bun is standing against a white background. They are wearing a brown blazer, black shirt, and glasses, and are looking a little bit down and to the left.
2. a collection of white teacups with varied amounts of tea left in them, some of them in saucers, on a white tabletop. end id)
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Instagram: dark.academia.fashion
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lit-described · 3 years
(image description: four photos of forests in the fog
1. there is a line of trees on either side, with a space in between, leading off into the distance away from the viewer as if a path has been made.
2. a tree is leaning towards the viewer as if it has grown wrong, and there are are large branches growing out the other way, towards the trees in the background.
3. a tree stump with leaves growing out of it, and a foxglove flower in front of it, but out of focus. There are dead leaves of the forest floor and more trees in the background.
4. a single light pink rose-like flower is in focus, the rest of the image is just faded green. end id)
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by bobbimac
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lit-described · 3 years
…Able-bodied supremacy has been formed in relation to other systems of domination and exploitation. The histories of white supremacy and ableism are inextricably entwined, both forged in the crucible of colonial conquest and capitalist domination. One cannot look at the history of US slavery, the stealing of indigenous lands, and US imperialism without seeing the way that white supremacy leverages ableism to create a subjugated ‘other’ that is deemed less worthy/abled/smart/capable… In many precolonial contact communities, there existed ways of being disabled that did not mean stigma, shame, exile, or death. Disabled Cherokee scholar Qwo-Li Driskill has remarked that in pre-contact Cherokee, there are many words for people with different kinds of bodies, illnesses, and what would be seen as impairments; none of those words are negative or view those sick or disabled people as defective or not as good as normatively bodied people. With the arrival of white settler colonialism, things changed, and not in a good way. For many sick and disabled Black, Indigenous, and brown people under transatlantic enslavement, colonial invasion, and forced labor, there was no such thing as state-funded care. Instead, if we were too sick or disabled to work, we were often killed, sold, or left to die, because we were not making factory or plantation owners money. Sick, disabled, Mad, Deaf, and neurodivergent people’s care and treatment varied according to our race, class, gender, and location, but for the most part, at best, we were able to evade capture and find ways of caring for ourselves or being cared for by our families, nations, or communities—from our Black and brown communities to disabled communities. At worst, a combination of legal and societal ableism plus racism and colonialism meant that we were locked up in institutions or hospitals, “for our own good.” The Ugly Laws, on the books in the United States from the mid-1700s to the 1970s, stated that many disabled people were “too ugly” to be in public and legally prevented disabled people from being able to take up space in public. The Ugly Laws were interwoven with a mass creation in the 1800s and onward of hospitals, “homes,” “sanitoriums,” and “charitable institutions” where it was the norm for disabled, sick, mad, and Deaf people to be sequestered from able-bodied “normal society. These institutions overlapped with other prison/carceral systems, like residential schools, where Indigenous children were stolen, abused, and stripped of their language and culture, and prisons where Black, brown, poor, criminalized, trans, queer, and sex working people were locked up for profit. People’s fear of accessing care didn’t come out of nowhere. It came out of generations and centuries where needed care meant being locked up, losing your human and civil rights, and being subject to abuse. The specter of “the home” and lockup still haunts everyone when we consider asking for or needing care.
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice 
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lit-described · 4 years
25 Black-owned bookstores you can support right now
while i don’t claim to be a “book blogger” by any account (more of a cranky publishing-person blogger most days), i know a lot of people have followed me through my book posts, so i’m taking advantage of that captive audience to boost these bookstores. shop them through their own websites and if you’re local, look into curbside pickup to minimize shipping costs and overhead. okay that’s all thanks bye stay safe.
the lit bar (a personal favorite and the bronx’s one remaining bookstore)
hariett’s bookshop
semicolon bookstore
mahogany books
uncle bobbie’s
loyalty bookstore
dare books
listening tree books
underground books
multicultural bookstore
pyramid books
black dot bookstore
brain lair books
medu bookstore
wild fig books and coffee
frugal bookstore
olive tree books
detroit book city
cafe con libros
revolution books
sisters uptown bookstore
source booksellers
hakim’s bookstore
sankofa books and cafe
turning page bookshop
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