lilydemshealing-blog 5 years
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I used to think eating healthy was restrictive. A diet.
Now I understand diet is temporary, where you go back to old habits, old ways, which also means same old problems.
Today, healthy means lifestyle. I look at foods as a source of nourishment. Not just for my body, but they affect my energy levels, how I feel, how I think even. I look at food as a way that keeps me looking and feeling my best. I look at food as a way to prevent disease now, and in the future.
The way I eat represents the way I feel about my body. I respect what my body does for me on a daily basis.
I never used to know tho. I used to think it was my genes that kept me thin and unharmed from all the harmful foods I ate that only nourished my taste buds, but wreaked havoc and posioned my body.
Now I understand I can inherit healthy genes, but it's up to me to keep my genes healthy. To keep them from mutating and determining wether I get sick or not. The food I put into my body affects me on a cellular basis, and it shows for it down the road.
You can pave yourself the way to sickness, and you can pave the way out of that sickness. Your lifestyle determines which way you're headed.
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lilydemshealing-blog 5 years
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Focus on what's I m p o r t a n t.
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lilydemshealing-blog 5 years
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When you eat more fruit, you detox. Fruit cleanses the liver, gut, lymph system, and all other organs.
As you detox, the toxins and pathogens go to your lymph system for elimination.
But if your elimination pathways aren't open, if you're not sweating enough, pooping, peeing, or breathing (deeply) enough then you're more than likely not cleansing yourself of the impurities that are leaving your organs.
This means waste gets backed up in your lymph nodes, while more waste accumulates as you continue to detox.
Acne is something I've been dealing with ever since I've changed up my diet and added way more fruit than ever before. It's not red-blotchy-cysty bad, but it's def not as clear and smooth as I would like it. This is because my lymph system is backed up, causing the strep bacteria to just come thru my skin.
If you're detoxing and healing, but notice more skin issues like increased eczema flares and acne, look into supporting your lymph system. This includes excercising, dry brushing, rebounding (trampoline), or just massaging your lymph nodes.
Excercise helps many people lose weight because what they're doing is removing toxic waste from their lymph nodes. Some people notice they may gain weight when eating mostly fruit...and this is all because they're detoxing but not eliminating that waste.
An excellent herb that will help you sweat out toxins is mullein.
I'm starting to drink mullein tea daily because while it is antibacterial and antiviral, helping you kill pathogens, but it also promotes sweating and urination >> encouraging the removal of waste out of your body.
Literally right after I drink this herb, I am sweating. I can just be sitting there and I'll be sweating. Some people can be sitting in the heat and just start sweating immediately while I'll be sitting there just fine, taking in the heat and all. Sweating is very healthy, it's a sign you're removing waste from your lymph nodes.
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lilydemshealing-blog 5 years
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馃崏N O T E TO S E L F馃崏
for every one else out there trying to heal, you're not the only one wishing you could just rid your body of every piece toxin all at once
Your body knows what it's doing, it's important to just trust it.
Your body knows where to send all the healing nutrients you're giving it. It knows that if it floods your blood with all the toxic waste all at once, there is going to be a heart and brain issue to deal with later.
Let it do what it does best... Let it heal.
All we can do is trust the process and keep fueling our body with fruits, vegetables, and fresh juices
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lilydemshealing-blog 5 years
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[[[[[ your health, your life...don't neglect it ]]]]] .
You don't realize how much your health affects your life, until it's taken from you. .
Sometimes this is necessary, because losing what you took for granted makes you appreciate it. And sometimes, this is what it takes for us to feel BETTER than BEFORE we realized we were sick. .
Don't neglect your health now simply because you don't feel sick... Your body is fighting for you. And don't give up if you are still, your body is waiting for you to give what it needs to heal
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lilydemshealing-blog 5 years
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Hello everyone on Tumblr! I'm new here and wanted to document my journey to healing on this platform, see if I can help anyone else! This first pic you see of my legs is when my eczema was actually in it's healing stage, I wish I took pics of my rashes when it was at it's worst, but it was humiliating enough at the time, and I never thought I'd heal from this. The day I took this picture was actually me being relieved to see progress because the skin was closing up for once and it wasn't as bright red, and u was itching less. Much less. Today, I get to wear my summer clothes and do what I love- exploring. I love exploring abandoned buildings the most.
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