letters-to-lark · 5 days
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Love is stored in the kitchen (insp)
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letters-to-lark · 25 days
its literally crazy that macklemore of all people is one of the few artists to be outspoken about palestine rn
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letters-to-lark · 25 days
You may be Lark but I am this Raven
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its ok to grieve what once was + what could have been
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letters-to-lark · 27 days
After you visited me, you said "we spent too much time together. I feel like I'm missing a limb." I thought it was romantic. I felt the same way. Like I was missing a limb. Like I was missing a part of myself.
I should have focused on "too much time together".
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letters-to-lark · 28 days
The exception is cheesy local commercials. Those should be the only ads. I will listen to someone who runs a store in my city doing an awkward rap. We once had a furniture store with these awful CGI ads and the slogan "where the deals are so low, it's almost criminal!" and then they got shut down, by the cops, because it turned out. It turned out the deals were so low because. You're not going to believe this but the prices were so low it was in fact
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letters-to-lark · 28 days
It's real history
If we forget our past we will be cursed to repeat it
No, the realization that Tommy Kinard served under DADT hurts.
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letters-to-lark · 28 days
I want to call you tonight
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letters-to-lark · 28 days
I called to my friend tonight. We talked about going to go see music performances this summer. We're going to see Muna and the Black Pumas. We spoke in excitement about all of our plans, after we had talked about our struggles and supported each other through them. Then we needed to go to bed and we said Goodnight! Goodnight! See you soon! And it really meant "I love you my friend. I value you. I wish all the good things in life for you". I hope you have made some good friends too. I love you also. You would like my friend. They are a music nerd like you. ♡
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letters-to-lark · 29 days
I think the weirdest thing is when you stop talking to someone and you still have all this leftover information about them. Like you still know their favorite song. You know their siblings names. You remember their favorite ice cream flavor and their weird dreams they told you about at 2 am. You know their dog's name and their favorite tv shows. You learned all these details about them and now they're gone. It's just weird.
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letters-to-lark · 1 month
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all of us snoopy, all of us
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letters-to-lark · 1 month
Even on here, this tiny platform you will never find out read, I am afraid to be mad or upset at you. A part of me always knew I could not ever be mad or upset at you, that it would make me loose you. SonI pushed down every negative emotion I ever felt. Everything I thought wasn't fair. I put myself down in hopes of making you feel safe enough to stay. And then I reached my breaking point and expressed my feelings. And you said "I'm sorry" and disappeared forever.
You left me and it makes me sad. It makes me sad. It's been years and it still makes me sad.
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letters-to-lark · 1 month
I was a person you shared intimate things with. I was the person you sent that tiktok to that you didn't post.
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letters-to-lark · 2 months
Lark I'm not strong enough to be a Buddhist. I don't want to be still in my pain and fear. I want to fidget and self sooth. I want to cry. I want to have a drink.
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letters-to-lark · 2 months
I would. I would do that. I would move the spider into my house. Because taking spiders outside just kills them more slowly.
just encountered a spider so big I very seriously considered downloading tinder exclusively to find a man to come over and move it outside
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letters-to-lark · 2 months
Me too!
PSA: Don't use Open Office
I keep seeing people recommending Open Office as an alternative to Word, and uh... look, it is, technically, an open source alternative to Word. And it can do a lot of what Word can, genuinely! But it is also an abandoned project that hasn't been updated in nine years, and there's an active fork of it which is still receiving updates, and that fork is called LibreOffice, and it's fantastic.
Seriously, if you think that your choices are either "grit your teeth and pay Microsoft for a subscription" or "support free software but have a kind of subpar office suite experience", I guarantee that it's because you're working with outdated information, or outdated software. Most people I know who have used the latest version of LibreOffice prefer it to Word. I even know a handful of people who prefer it to Scrivener.
Open Office was the original project, and so it has the most name recognition, and as far as I can tell, that's really the only reason people are still recommending it. It's kind of like if people were saying "hey, the iPhone 14 isn't your only smart phone option!" but then were only ever recommending the Samsung Galaxy S5 as an alternative. LibreOffice is literally a version of the same exact program as Open Office that's just newer and better – please don't get locked into using a worse tool just because the updated version of the program has a different name!
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letters-to-lark · 2 months
I love you. All the reasons you gave for why it's not really love or why the love will fail or fall apart or end were bullshit. You haven't talked to me for two years and I love you still. I will always love you. I think of you every day and hope and pray you are well, and healthy and being shown love and care by people in your life and you are not lonely or sad. It's the only way I have left to express my love and I do it with all my heart. I know you didn't feel safe to care for me, even as a friend.
But if you ever do feel safe enough to reach out to me, I will open the door. Because I love you. Take care of yourself Lark, since I can't.
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letters-to-lark · 2 months
To stay with the shakiness—to stay with a broken heart, with a rumbling stomach, with a feeling of hopelessness and wanting to get revenge—that is the path of true awakening. Sticking with that uncertainty, getting the knack of relaxing in the middle of chaos, learning not to panic—this is the spiritual path.
Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart
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