lemonjuicesims · 1 year
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in luv with her tbh
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lemonjuicesims · 2 years
Safely Pledging on Patreon
This may have already been made, but I plan on sharing this on my patreon/discord anyway.
I wanted to make this simple guide to let you know what I, as a Patreon creator, can see when you pledge to me, and how you can avoid malicious creators from finding your personal information.
When you pledge to me, I can see the email you used to sign up to the site. I can still see this even if you delete your pledge. I’ve noticed over my time on Patreon that many of my pledges use their real names and even have photos of themselves as their profile pic.
As has been said in other posts, with your email address, full name and picture, I would then very easily be able to track your other social medias and most likely find out more sensitive information about you.
How do I stay safe?
1. Use an email that doesn’t contain your name/date of birth/any personal identifier. You can always set up a different email address if you need to.
2. Do not set your profile picture to a selfie.
3. Do not use your real name as your username. 
Basically, just don’t treat Patreon the way you treat Facebook.
Most Sims Patreon creators are not out to dox you if reupload their early access content, I’m personally fucking appalled by this behavior. I wish I didn’t have to make this post and I wish you didn’t have to take these extra steps just to insure your safety online and I apologize on behalf of all sims Patreon creators for this, because you shouldn’t have to.
I can also guarantee that I have never, nor will I ever do anything to track my uploads nor will I do anything will my patron’s email addresses. Anyone is absolutely welcome to check any of my packages and textures!
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lemonjuicesims · 2 years
Patreon Sims CC Tracking - (trying to) help you understand the situation
I know the situation is alarming, and you want to act and judge quickly but I’d like to take a few minutes to help you understand the situation better and easier, as I see people panicking and unpledging from every creator, even without understanding what it is about. Your safety is the first, there is no doubt in that, there is a good post that summarizes how to safely pledge on patreon and what info creators see when you pledge to them. Please do read it and make changes to your information if needed!
Not gonna lie, I don’t have very big knowledge on tracking, haven’t heard about it till a few days ago, I have no idea how it works exactly, I gathered all my knowledge after reading this post and its replies, so correct me if I am wrong. I still want to share my knowledge though to help to understand it better.
Now the part I want to clarify, probably 95% of sims 4 content creators don’t track or doxx you!!
Who probably does it then? And how? You might be aware, that sadly quite a few people paywall their content forever, using NO early access, only so called exclusive content! Since these contents are not available unless you pay, there is a chance some people will reupload them for others! To prevent this, these creators put trackers to their downloads to see, who reuploads their content! Very important to mention, that these downloads are always personalized, sent you in DMs or in privately. Trackers only work if they are in individual downloads, not in a download file in a post that is accessible to all the patrons. I am no way saying that creators who send you their stuff in DMs all put trackers of course, but it is the only way to do so, so I warn you to be cautious with these types of methods of sharing content!
I am making this post to prevent us - who play by the rules, safe to download from, doing only early access - getting involved and put into the same bag as these ‘creators’ mentioned above. It honestly makes me super sad and angry to see that a few bad apples could spoil the whole bunch, and make us all look bad. Please be careful who you support!! 
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lemonjuicesims · 2 years
happy easter to anyone who celebrates! and if you don’t i hope you all have a great day as well!💖
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lemonjuicesims · 2 years
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Started the Not So Berry challenge, here is my 1st gen sim, Mitzi Berry
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lemonjuicesims · 2 years
Hi guys. I'm asking for some help. I obviously don't expect it from anyone, but I've come to a point where I thought I'd try.
I've been struggling alot recently with keeping down a job due to my mental illness and I can't keep up with all of my bills and rent. It's come to where I have to move out of my current apt. because I can't afford it. I haven't been able to buy groceries in 2 1/2 months and im running low on cat food and litter. Anything helps and I appreciate it so much if you do. Thank you. <3
Cash App
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lemonjuicesims · 2 years
10 Favorite Songs
List 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and tag 10 people to do the same!
I was tagged by @hazely-sims, thank you so much this is so fun!
disclaimer this is gonna be all kpop lol and this is not in order so yeah
1.) JUICE - MIRAE *this song is literally what my acc is themed on so yeah i love this song sm*
2.) Veronica - ONEWE *pls listen to this song it is amazing* 
3.) Rollin - VANNER *no other song makes me as happy as this song fr*
4.) Illusion - KINGDOM *one of their new songs and i loved it the first time i heard it why is it actually so amazing*
5.) DU DU DU - TAN *i don’t have words for this song it makes me go crazy*
6.) ALL IN - DKB *idek what to say it’s literally just one of my favorite songs ever and i love dkb so*
8.) WHAT’S GOIN’ ON - OMEGA X *one of my favorite groups!! and my favorite song by them!!*
9.) Lean On Me - Golden Child *my all time favorite group so it was rlly hard for me to just pick one song by them but i can’t even explain the emotions i feel when i listen to this song*
10.) WAVE - CIX *i was such a hater on this song but now i love it 😌*
i’m supposed to tag 10 ppl but i literally don’t know who to tag since i am new here 😭😭 so if u see this and want to also do it, do it!!!
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