leeandkaradaily · 37 minutes
Thinking about how in Maelstrom, Starbuck is hallucinating and her best friend suggests an oracle. How everyone thinks she's seeing things but Lee offers to ride her side. How she spots the heavy raider again, and everyone in CiC is rolling their eyes but Adama sets the fleet to condition one. This whole show is about faith--faith in God(s), faith in your family and loved ones, faith in your community. And the faith Kara tries to learn in herself.
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leeandkaradaily · 2 days
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Pilots call me ‘Starbuck’, you may refer to me as 'God’.
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leeandkaradaily · 4 days
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leeandkaradaily · 6 days
Script Excerpts from The Passage
So I was spelunking on No_Takebacks the other day and I found this psot and I'm feeling very normal about it. And I was confused because everyone is saying this is platonic and I'm like Lee and Kara??? were having a whole ass affair??? have you tried reading these scenes??? with the assumption they're fucking on the sly??? I mean idk maybe I missed something, but these two idiots are Dating Each Other with spouses on the side as insurance.
Legit what are these even? I'm climbing walls!!!
----- Kara looks to Lee for confirmation. Kat watches the exchange. She doesn't like something about it. Maybe it's the fact that Lee is considered the authority here. Or maybe it's the easy non-verbal communication these two share. (can yall believe love is real)
They pick up the vibe, tell each other about it with a look. After a beat of them standing there like Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee ...
ADAMA: I only sent for you, Apollo.
LEE: I thought Starbuck should join us, sir. None of us is at our best, and she's been CAG, too. [...] ADAMA: …That make sense to you, CAG?
Apparently Kara forgets which one of them that is, because:
LEE / KARA: Yes sir. (they are soooo embarrassing. and this is the tamest one.) -----
KAT: Kara, you are the CAG. You and Lee are one person right now. Everyone knows that. Kara’s turn to be shocked. She didn’t know anyone saw it. (christ alive!!!!!!!!)
----- They both spit out their wads of paper, laughing.
KARA: I gotta go.
LEE: What? Is this because I wouldn't chew any more … (reads off magazine) Hot Looks for Summer?
Kara's already on her feet, grabbing her bag.
KARA: Sam wants me to stop by before we launch. They've got him billeted with some civilian officials and he's bored to tears. He says they're so used to routine, they all still sit down at night to not eat their I-don't-got-no-dinner.
She laughs, making Lee laugh, and she exits. Missing her already, he looks at his watch, time to kill. (they're married and also so gross actually get a room kjdfalkjsdfhlkas)
(also if I understand correctly Lee's time to kill activity is...going to see Dee lmao)
------ Insane script. Assuming this is real, it's not like there's a source lolsobs. In my heart it's real, though. I want to believe, we were ROBBED etc.
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leeandkaradaily · 8 days
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another meme i won’t finish » [8/20] otp’s: lee adama & kara thrace
I’m here. You’re here. ‘Cause I’m Lee and you’re Kara. The rest of it isn’t worth a damn, right?
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leeandkaradaily · 9 days
Watching "Unfinished Business", which might be my absolute favorite episode of Battlestar Galactica, and I think my favorite aspect on this rewatch is the strength of Helo and Starbuck's friendship. They are so ride or die and I'm here for it.
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leeandkaradaily · 11 days
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leeandkaradaily · 12 days
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i’m lee and you’re kara. and the rest of it isn’t worth a damn.
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leeandkaradaily · 13 days
StarbuckApolloFic/Fallout Shelter Authors and Fics
Thousands of emails later, I come bearing loot! Turns out a lot of the fics from The Fallout Shelter are around the web, which is good to know. I've linked to author profiles and archived version of fics when available -- mostly so we know we don't need to have FOMO about them.
The last section of the post include fics that aren't available anywhere online that I could find. If you want those fics, send me a DM with the author's name and/or fic titles and I'll send you the files I have.
There are some drabbles, wips, and random odds and ends that I didn't include here, so if you're looking for something specific DM me the title of the fic or the author name and I'll see if I have it.
You can also download all the group data yourself. See here for more information.
Full (or Mostly Full) Archives: 74CrazyChick, abelard (ffn, lj), Alec Star, Aleja21, bea, becisvolatile, chaosti, cliosmuse, CrysWimmer, Farringtongirl, greensleeves104, igore, Jason Thompson, kathgrr, leavingslowly (ffn, lj), lynnmichelle, lint, Maevenly, maroon-notebook, Monti (aka mlsky), msk1701, mystic83 (aka hackaddict), nancy777ca, nebakanezer, Noda2, PTBvisiongrrl, Ring Red, Shanna1, ShinyFab, Toptoffee, Waldo Deleted/F-Locked Fics (Wayback Machine):
Other fics on bsg03fanfic
latteaddict: The Choices We MakeDo You Love Me?Everytime I Close My EyesFinally HappeningGive Me a ReasonGuilty HeartsIt Was All A Bit of a Frakking Mess ActuallyKissing in the MoonlightSecond ChanceWe Make Our Own HappinessWith Nothing Standing Between ThemYou Don't Want Me marimba:
Time Will TellBlueA Little Less ConversationLost
Captain's Privilege Shoot Your Shade Deleted/F-Locked Fics (DM me):
Taste Taste: Fulfillment After the Dance A Losing Game
Larry Edwards:
A Reason to Live Of Dreams and Vipers Secrets Shared Starbuck Blue Show and Tell Two of a Kind
Taking Action Fun with Lee and Kara The Choices We Make Timing Is Everything My Heart That Breaks Finding Reality Falling from the Edge of Love Testing Theories Secret Kiss Ugly on the Inside Nothing Is Perfect There Is No Us Breaking the Pieces The Lies We Tell Omission of Truths Memories of You Assignment Turnabout Unbreakable Catharsis Very Close to Far Away 50 Sentences, Beta Set The Last Good Thing Inescapable Darkness Kisses Slowly Rising on the Air Expectations and Other Moving Pieces The Hard Way Almost Everything You’ve Ever Wanted All Good Things Words Whispered in the Silence Maybe This Time Making It Happen Sleep Deprived The Heart Wants Today Is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life Angel Kiss Cranberry_Jei:
Speak Softly, Without Regret (1-23, wip) UnexpectedTwo More PointsA Picture’s Worth (1-2, wip) As the Earth, She RevolvesChanging the Girl The Caprican Rebel: Skin Trade (1-6, wip) Perchance to Dream
Rush Burn the Pipe Iced (1-6, Coda) Minotaur (1-6, wip) Ephemeral
Humpty Dumpty The Festival War of the Angels (1-6, wip)
Other Fics:
A Brave New World by Dekardkain (parts 1 through 24, wip) Cherish and Jake by KolothBandit (parts 1 through 8, wip) The Choices that Define by Codyoktober Gravitation by leavingslowly (parts 1 through 8, wip) In the End by Jayblue00 (parts 1 through 46, wip) Operation Aphrodite by JSO-Spoiler Operation Cupid by JSO-Spoiler Rage by Marimba Thirty-Three Minutes by Marimba Without a Trace by Rael
Other Authors: Buffyanp, Jill, nancy777c, Pandora_576, Roxane, Sanssong, Sairs.
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leeandkaradaily · 16 days
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KARA THRACE 1.03 "Bastille Day"
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leeandkaradaily · 18 days
9, 18 & 24, for Kara where relevant! For the fandom asks :) :)
9: i have some recs with my thoughts here! in the spirit of the game, though here's another rec: i read reunion by choosing_sarah again last week, and i still find that fic so fun. it's a time-travel fix-it of sorts set during new caprica then pre-mini: fluff with a healthy serving of angst. delicious. also there's some delightful fun times in the sims with lee and kara being badass (and squishy and in love and and). in short: this fic is pure comfort food. it's a wip, unfortunately, but it doesn't really read like one and the last chapter is a good end point. plus i also kinda like daydreaming about how the story would continue, as a treat. 18: autocomplete says: [kara] is. so true. kara really is. 24: unsure how i'm supposed to pick just one favorite thing about kara, but ok..........let's see.... i guess i'd have to go with how compassionate she is. kara feels so much and so deeply for other people and it doesn't always come out nicely. often she's not nice at all, but i do think she's fundamentally kind. she just cares so much, you know? (torn is such a hard episode to watch precisely because she's so horrible in it and it's such a break down of her character) also kara goes full >:3 sometimes and i think that's neat. thanks for asking! 💜 --------- doing this thing
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leeandkaradaily · 19 days
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Battlestar Galactica
The Minisseries - Part 1
Daybreak - Part 3 
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leeandkaradaily · 22 days
For all my Kara x Lee/Starpollo shippers/readers, I want to know which of these ideas you'd prefer to see more.
It's a patient/nurse au and either:
1. Kara as a reluctant bedridden patient who's annoyed she has nothing to do (or at least nothing she wants to do) and is snappy with nearly everyone and Lee as the only nurse that has continued to treat her well despite her behavior. (And he falls for her because he agrees to stay and talk to her sometimes when she has nothing to do and learns more about her than just the tough exterior she puts on).
2. Lee as a recurring stubborn patient who always insists he's fine (when he's not) and Kara as a blunt and rough around the edges nurse that doesn't baby her patients and eventually starts teasing him about how he keeps coming back, "I'm starting to think you keep getting injured on purpose just to see me again."
As for time periods I really like the idea of #2. with Lee being a soldier in World War 2 and Kara being one of the war nurses (bonus, she was engaged to Zak but he died in the war, a twist could be he and Lee are related like in canon so when she gets Lee as one of her patients she kind of already knows him but he doesn't really know her because Zak died shortly after their engagement/before he met Kara).
And I feel like #1. would be more of a modern one with Lee being a nurse because I think male nurses weren't really common until later on, or at least it wasn't really a thing during the World War 2 time period.
But yeah, let me know which idea you'd like to see more!!! I may just end up writing both because I have no self control lol but even if I end up doing that this will help me to know which one to do first as I'm curious which one you guys would like to see more/are more intrigued by!
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leeandkaradaily · 23 days
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guys they’re perfect
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leeandkaradaily · 24 days
Baltar, Teller of Secrets is a one shot that is very closely related to canon just where things play out a bit differently the day after Kara sleeps with Baltar.
The main premise is when Kara gets offered to play cards with the group including Lee and Baltar she actually agrees but Baltar makes it even more awkward by making comments to Lee, nearly revealing what he and her did (but more so her slip up and feelings for Lee) in front of everyone. Kara gets violent in threatening him and Lee has to stop her. It makes him curious to what Baltar was going to say/what happened to make her react that badly. Baltar ends up telling him and he tries to confront her about it later and that doesn't go very well, like in canon.
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leeandkaradaily · 25 days
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309, Unfinished Business
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leeandkaradaily · 26 days
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Kara x Lee, 4x02
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