lazyparallelworld · 2 years
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day 3: mermaid scale/red string of fate🐟
couldn’t help but merge the two prompts together for today;;
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lazyparallelworld · 2 years
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first kiss, last goodbye
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lazyparallelworld · 2 years
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lazyparallelworld · 2 years
「 最原 」  🥀  [ ahogedetective​ ]
Ever since that day he met Hanako, Shuichi occasionally found himself visiting that bathroom in the old school to see him. He knew by now he didn’t seem like a dangerous ghost, and was admittedly still curious about him…
He honestly didn’t even think about if Hanako celebrates his birthday or when it even was, as he wondered if ghosts still cared about that kind of thing… so, he curiously asked Tsuchigomori about it, willing to do whatever he would need to in exchange for being told the date. Finding out it was today, he was surprised. For a second, he wondered what he should give Hanako… but remembered learning at some point that he was a fan of donuts.
“Maybe I could buy him some…” Once classes were over for the day, Shuichi found himself rushing to the nearest bakery to buy some. Then visits the bathroom in the old school where Hanako resides, poking his head in. “Hanako-kun…?”
Spotting him, he saw that he looked sad… was his birthday not a happy day for him, he wondered? If so, then… he hopes that the donuts he bought him will make for a nice enough present to brighten his day. Fully entering the bathroom, he slowly approaches the other.
“H-Hello… ah, I found out that… today is your birthday, Hanako-kun. I’m sorry if that wasn’t something you might have not wanted me to know, but… I brought you something, if that’s okay.” From the bag, Shuichi pulls out a box of donuts. “Here you go… you like donuts, right? There are some plain ones in there… along with some other flavors. I would have made them myself, but… I didn’t know it was your birthday until today, so I wouldn’t have had time, I’m afraid… so I hurried and bought you some.”
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“Hopefully that’s okay and you will enjoy them. A-And that… it helps cheer you up…!”
Other than Yashiro and the boy, nobody came to visit him. Why would they, anyway? It wasn’t like just anyone could summon him! None of the other supernaturals approached his domain. The one exception were the Mokke, but they were aggravating him anyway... why were they so good at Hanafuda!?
The spectre was lounging on the bathroom’s windowsill, watching the people outside. Classes had just ended, so he’d have to put on a bright smile once his dear assistant set foot in the bathroom. But instead of her, the one who was greeted by his cheery smile was a certain paranormal investigator.
“ Ah... Saihara? ” Surprised, he bounced back onto the floorboards. Damn that Tsuchigomori... Hanako was about to ask lots of questions, but then spotted the bag in Saihara’s hands.
Donuts... some with frosting, some even plain... he would’ve made some himself if he had known...!
“ Aaah! Donuts? You brought me donuts, for my birthday? Really!? ” A grin lit up his face as he accepted the bag, buzzing with giddy energy. “ You shouldn’t have! No no, I’m kidding. Donuts... ” He wasn’t sure how Saihara had found out, but he knew the other was quite attentive. Perhaps he had caught a trace of the bag Yashiro gifted him a while ago.
“ I need to have a word with Tsuchigomori-sensei, I think... hehe. I’ll keep them, I’ll eat them. Thanks! ”
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lazyparallelworld · 2 years
「 ね ね 」  🎴  [ siilkyhearts ]
          Through the week, Nene was given so many reports from different students including those in the gardening club talking about their missing vegetables! How could this happen? Surely they were careful enough tending and protecting the garden. At first suspicions were towards animals possibly sneaking in to steal some or maybe some half eaten left over could be the next clue. But they would only disappear, nothing more! It only happened for days and it made Nene increasingly more concerned to try and save as much of the garden as possible. She would have to stake out in order to capture this thief once and for all.
       When that Friday came around, she came prepared with a bag of treats or snacks, a broom to scare them away and a bucket to capture just in case if it really was an animal. As soon as most of the students had gone home for the day, it was up to her to solve this mystery! Scared yet determined, Nene held her grip on the broom, peeking around the corner to see there was someone at the garden! She took in a deep breath to gather her courage and charged out from her hiding place with a battle cry, raising her broom and smacking it down against the thief. 
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         “Get out of our garden!!” She yelled out, hitting them over and over. Until she realized it was a young boy with familiar dark uniform. Hanako? No, it couldn’t be…he wouldn’t! Then the full realization kicked in when it was only “Tsukasa!! Wh-what are you doing in the garden? They’re not yours!!” That slight fear returned back, she may have found the culprit, but the culprit wasn’t some nice and innocent rabbit. “Leave them alone, you’ll just ruin them even more!”
When Tsukasa turned towards the quickly approaching steps, something dark flashed into his vision and bonked him on the head. He got dizzy — it took another hit before he shielded himself with his arm. His fingers wrapped around the broomstick when it approached him again and with one strong pull, he ripped it from Yashiro’s hands. The thing was uselessly tossed onto the ground before he jumped to his feet and dusted his hakama off.
“ It’s Nene! Ne ne, Nene~! What’d you hit me for? ” He inquired curiously. Tsukasa stepped into her personal space and tilted his head. “ Oh, is it for the veggies? ”
He quickly gathered his bounty in his arms, set on keeping it all to himself.
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“ But I found them. Finders, keepers! What are you gonna do with them anyway? ” He asked with childlike innocence. “ I need these. It can’t be that important, right? ”
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
Redraw of the latest chapter and yes baby tsukasa 😔👐💕
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
@birdymuses​ liked { ✦ } for a starter!
Wasn’t it unfair? Outside of their occasional encounters when Tsukasa stuck his hands where they definitely didn’t belong, his brother was busy being wherever he couldn’t find him! It made sense, of course. But they were twins and twins always stick together. Wasn’t it only fair that he paid more attention to Tsukasa? After all, he had killed him. He deserved some fun in return!
It was sort of a coincidence that lead to his newest plan. Earlier that week, he had observed one of Kamome’s students carefully slip a love letter in somebody else’s locker... and so, he started pushing all sorts of things through the gap of the girls’ bathroom’s door. Slips with washi tape, lollipops, paper charms... 
One might have assumed that the culprit would stop his act at some point, but the more time passed, the more obnoxious his little gifts became. Instead of purposefully trying to catch Amane’s attention, Tsukasa now challenged himself to see how much he could fit through the gap. One Hanafuda card turned into a whole deck, little paper shapes turned into origami he had squished flat on the floor, and he even managed to steal a few pages of someone’s secret porn magazines. 
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“ I wonder if I can put clothes inside... ” Tsukasa was on his hands and knees, carefully considering the star candy he was squeezing under the door. They came in all sorts of colours! He was reminded of the glow in the dark stickers one of the girl students had shown off. They were shaped like some cutesy mascot he didn’t recognise... maybe Amane would like it?
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
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The premonition of a case!
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
「 あ ま ね 」  🎴  [ dreamtofbluebirds​ ]
They weren’t entirely innocent even before all of this. Ghouls, lives, captured in a wavering dance that was too big for their heads to wrap around had been a thing for some time now. Once, they’d joked about aliens mixing with humans to make ghouls. Now, that joke felt ironic to a boy who had never felt more estranged from himself.
He was slow, his mind collapsing inward as he fought himself. Hands clutched his head and he doubled over, whispering and whimpering as if to make it all go away.
No, no, I can’t do that!
The scent of blood was renewed. Wetted, from a special blade he knew all to well that Tsukasa wielded. Weight on his shoulders had him lift out of the shell of his mind, looking up into molten gold irises he no longer matched, desperate for an answer he wouldn’t get.
Tsukasa didn’t lie to him, after all.
His face felt hot, but not because of the tears that ran down it. He’d shoved his hand into his mouth to stop his teeth snapping at his brother, making him bleed and cower further; it was not the first time he’d come so close to something so terrible. He wanted to argue and form a debate, to call out the wrongness of this all and how he could handle it just a little longer, but nothing came from his mouth save for his legs pulling him up letting the bitter taste wash him away. The decision to protect Tsukasa won above everything else.
Amane was forced to make multiple decisions against his own will, with few options. Life had more value in his eyes than it did in Tsukasa's. When the younger twin looked at the pile of limbs that was once human, the only semblance of emotion he felt was curiosity. But when he looked into Amane's eyes, two dark pupils surrounded by crimson bloodlust and golden despair, he felt himself ache.
The clicking of sharp teeth sent shivers down his spine. Something inside of Amane seemed to snap and he got to his feet. Tsukasa had been fully prepared to force dead meat down his brother's throat, but that turned out to be unnecessary. The tearing of skin and the cracking of bones filled the otherwise silent alleyway. 
Tsukasa knelt down next to the corpse and watched while his twin ate what looked like his very first meal. Only one of his eyes had changed colour and a non-human strength had taken a hold of his body. Once Amane's pace had slowed down a little and it seemed to be safe, Tsukasa reached out to pet his head.
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" There there, Amane... it's alright. Eat until you're satisfied. "
Whenever he came back to his senses, he was sure Amane would think he had turned into a monster. Something dirty, irredeemable and perverted. Tsukasa thought it was ironic. If he looked at his brother, blood dripping from his lips and entrails in his grasp, he felt breathless. A sick sort of excitement wormed its way into his stomach and summoned a smile to his face.
Amane didn't have to starve anymore. Amane was eating well and soon, he would feel much more content. That thought, no matter how crooked, made him happy.
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
Now that I’m playing drs let’s hope I’ll have the energy to move my Ouma here soon. I’m sad to put his solo blog down, but I know I only have energy for one blog atm. I finally wanna write him again...!
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
He’s spread out on the ground, crayons scattered about and a sheet of paper in front of him. He’s drawing himself and Amane holding hands with a huge cake next to them. It’s even bigger than they are! There’s no use in asking Amane to celebrate together, but the thought is still tempting. Maybe Sakura will bring him cake and donuts?
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
He hasn’t mentioned his own birthday, because it brings up... sad memories. But if one were to strike a deal with Tsuchigomori-sensei, he knew the date for sure. Even if things were tough, some donuts or a hug were sure to brighten the spectre’s day.
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
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Happy Birthday to the Yugi twins...! ♥
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
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happy fucking birthday to these two! love them!
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
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A gift for my friend
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
lol happy birthday twins
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lazyparallelworld · 3 years
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25th November - Happy birthday to Yugi Twins
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