lavlis-art · 2 years
And eventually everyone will find the entire RPG team. Because I'm also connected to all this characters.
1- Clem's girlfriend and curse giver, Lia, is my character. I don't talk about her much but I love her a lot. She is a covener, a being that is able to control all spheres of magic. Instead she focused in using heat magic to become a blacksmith. Because she doesn't use the other magics a lot, the curse backfired, so both of them were cursed and if they didn't break it basically the eternal sleep was going to happen.
In the AU, Clem and her are childhood best friends and after a series of unsuccessful confessions, they finally got together. Lia is also a fencing champion who kicks everyone with the only leg she has.
She styles her own prosthetics and they look very art nouveau.
Also, yes, we wrote together the fic of Clem and Lia getting together in the AU and started dating a week later.
2- I love this boy so much. Okay, with Dig we have two very distinctive and important connections: Shallow and Arachne.
Shallow is Dig's brother's brother in law, this man is extreme AroAce and freaked out when Dig made out with him in a party. The one kiss for life to never again. In the AU this also happened, but Shallow freaked out for that and different reasons.
Arachne is Dig's evil BFF in the AU. They were paired to get together, rich people deals and stuff, but both of them are extremely totally gay. They pretended to date for a while just to cause chaos.
We have an AU of the AU (aka the Lavender AU), focused in their life if they got actually married.
3- As @mira-mirach already mentioned, Maesther, based in Howl from Howl's moving castle, is Galle's death father. Post-mortum dad I guess, she came back to life.
In the AU he saw the accident and was like "I WILL CARE FOR THIS YOUNGLING", so this random 27 year old adopted a 16 year old. He is the theater teacher, very dramatic, does cosplay and a bunch of other stuff. He learned French by listening repeatedly to the LesMis soundtrack, and probably some duolingo.
!! !! !! (go bestie show ur blorbos to the world)
xo i owe you my life and i forgor to post this bc i wrote it on my phone and i wanted to post art with it
1. Clementine Zhang (she/her)
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What Is There To Be Said About Clem. she's autistic she's adhd she's a mechanical genius she's dumb as fuck she's funny she's insane i love her i want to yeet her through a window
she was from a fairytale curses rpg and her curse was sleeping beauty, aka Getting A Full Night Of Sleep which iirc was predicated by her girlfriend being mad that she worked too hard
she has a mechanical horse which she is so bad at pretending is a real horse. the horse's name is peninsula. it only eats oil
she was named after clementine kesh bc partizan was starting around the time we started playing that. i sketched her appearance for the first time when i was with my mom in the hospital after her surgery. she's SUCH a product of her time
she's an older sister and she's forever mad she's short while her little brother is tall as fuck. her brother went away to school for years and she forgot about him (aka i forgot about him) until he showed up with a fairy wife and a Baby
in the modern au she's just a weird horse girl who's into engineering and scoots everywhere
the funniest part about clem is that me and lav roleplayed AND WROTE her and her girlfriend getting together in a dumb way and then we got together in a similar, somehow dumber way. the dynamics are damn near identical. clem and lia were INSTRUMENTAL for my relationship.
2. Dig Iwatani (he/him)
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MY SKRUNKLIEST SCRIMBLO i hate dig i love dig he's the worst Twink ever
so dig started because i wanted to do a star crossed lovers thing when i gmed a space opera rpg and i needed an Antagonist so i made the boy's older sibling be an absolute BITCH of a gay. he's the crown prince he's the golden child he's the worse he's their dad's favorite he's willing to commit murder he's the heir to a fucking mining planet (that's why he's called dig) he used to be with the prince of the whole galactic empire. he's a bitch and i love him so much.
dig in the au is much more interesting imo because while i love princes the dichotomy between him being the heir to his dad's fortune AND being gay is more interesting irl so of course i made his dad, and consequently, dig, homophobic. and then his whole development came from @mira-miranha and i thinking ha wouldn't it be fun if he met this very unapologetically queer character
and then we went wait a minute. what if they Dated
and now i have multiple thousands of words about him overcoming his repression and his guilt and becoming proud of himself and letting go of the caretaker role he assumed for his siblings :) i love him so much i think he deserves the world
3. Galle Boucher (she/her)
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she's such a creature. originally she was part of an amnesia rpg (you know that thing where you don't know your character traits and you have to figure it out little by little) and she was a knight and also a homunculus but that party became incredibly weird morally so she ended up becoming a knight of death herself???? her family is cheese farmers and her appearance was based off of that zendaya joan of arc look and she was ready to fuck
translating that into the au became so much. so she's still from a family of french cheese farmers but in a trip to the uk when she was 16 she got slammed by a car and lost her memory. so this weird dutch guy witnessed the accident and called emergency and all that and he felt responsible for her. so after that near death experience she didn't really feel a connection with her home anymore and became a goth and got adopted by the dutch guy who's not even that much older than her. now she's in mortician school, fucking her rich professor and her wife and the most recent development is of course that she's also fucking/dating nadia whom i love and whom is also rich as fuck from being a mafia princess. actually the most recent development is that she and her dad got a golden retriever named croissant. she's also a boxer and she's now on her way to becoming a wrestler. think about that one lady wrestler who's all goth and shit? that's the exact vibes for galle. her full name is gallebrie anne-marie boucher.
there's a whole thing i wrote about galle where she's gone back to her hometown and she finds out her ex girlfriend is now married with a baby in the way and she's taking care of her mom but she cant remember anyone's names. that was a fun experiment and when i know french i want to rewrite that
thank u for the ask xo sorry i took so long to answer <3
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lavlis-art · 2 years
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This is my sorcerersona, ✨ Nihal 🌙, from The Key to Cygnus, written by @thetitancurse and @mira-miranha
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lavlis-art · 2 years
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💜💚💛  feat. @llavlis‘s characters
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lavlis-art · 2 years
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when you go ham making offspring for your ocs
orange sweater is mine, strawberry blonde is @llavlis‘, the rest is all @mira-miranha‘s
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lavlis-art · 3 years
It was amazing to do that with you!
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I did a little collab with my friend @llavlis of her bakeneko character (Tabby) and my kitsune character (Vulpe), and they both happen to be very flexible and into gymnastics. And also they’re cousins now.
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lavlis-art · 3 years
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Tongdosa, the most precious temple in Korea
108, Tongdosa-ro, Habuk-myeon, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea
Canon EOS R6 + RF85mm f1.2L
Instagram  |  hwantastic79vivid
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lavlis-art · 3 years
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A couple of perspective notes I talked about during my webinar. I always have more notes on Patreon.
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lavlis-art · 3 years
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bustopher jones
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rum tum tugger
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mr mistofelees
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lavlis-art · 4 years
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The Squad™ watching Barbie Fairytopia
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lavlis-art · 4 years
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lavlis-art · 4 years
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uh guys…
This one was sitting on my drafts folder for MONTHS for I could not come up with a decent background for it. I’ve been experimenting more with backgrounds lately and I finally gained some confidence and decided to finish this one. I’m happy with the results!
Electra (middle one) was supposed to be like, behind them, but she ended up just looking tiny laskjdalksjd
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lavlis-art · 4 years
Demonstration Of Constant Velocity With A Moving Trampoline
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lavlis-art · 5 years
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lavlis-art · 5 years
So me my mom and my moms cousin went out for dinner and were eating and there’s a family in the booth next to us and they’re talking about how his family came from Germany and he mentioned his father came from some small town in Germany (said the name I don’t remember what it was) but it was one of those small towns where everyone knows everyone it’s super tiny.
So my moms cousin goes “I’m sorry I don’t mean to eavesdrop but my family is from there.” And this guy looked so excited and they start chatting for a bit and the guy goes “What was your family name?” And she goes “Zimmerman.” And the guy gets suuuuuper quiet and goes “…… oh.” Like flat tone nothing.
She goes “What’s yours?” And he quietly tells her but won’t look at her and she goes quiet and goes “Oh.” And goes back to her food and the tables got SUPER awkward and tense and I’m sitting there going “Wtf is going on?” Cause they both suddenly stopped talking to each other.
On the way out I’m “What was that about?” She goes “I’ll tell you in the car.” So we get in the car and I’m like “Okay wtf was all that about?”
She goes “My great grandfather assassinated his grandfather.”
I’m like O_O ……….
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lavlis-art · 6 years
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lavlis-art · 6 years
Where are we? ”Paris, 2010 AD, and this is the mighty Musée D'Orsay, home to many of the greatest paintings in history.” [Vincent and the Doctor]
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lavlis-art · 6 years
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Mermay week 2
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