ladottoressa 11 years
隆隆隆Hola desde Xela!!!
I've been in Guatemala for almost a week now and I'm absolutely loving it here! On Sunday, my group took the 5 hour trip from Guatemala City to Quetzaltenango. We had to stop for a half hour because there was a rock slide that blocked half the road. As we waited, venders came by trying to sell fruit and other snacks to the people sitting in their cars.聽
By the time we got to Xela, we were greated by huge mountains and volcanoes surrounding the small city. It's a sight like none other. I can't wait to upload pictures to show you all. The city is such an interesting combination of traditional houses with modern products and mountains in the background. Everyone here is super friendly and welcoming and patient when I attempt to use my Spanish with my super gringo accent.聽
On the first night in Xela, me and my housemate, Alyssa, met our homestay mother, Joaquina. A younger grandmother who has three kids and 3 grandkids. The grandkids, Joaquin, 12, Pablo, 8, and Pedro, 4, are the cutest kids ever. Joaquina's daughter, Aida, is close to my age and is very sweet. I love this family. This morning, Joaquina and I spent the morning talking about my family back home. I'm beginning to be able to actually have conversations and not just simple phrases.聽
Classes have been very intense. They are one on one for four hours every day. My teacher, Anabella, is super nice and we spend a lot of time working on abstract thinking and speaking. We have conversations that range from kidney stones to the cost of meats in the US to dance competitions. It's hard to form sentences that describe my thoughts and feelings rather than just simple sentences like "where is this or how do you say that?"
In the mornings, we've been exploring the city and learning about the history and culture of Guatemala and Xela. We watched a movie yesterday about the Guajeros, people who live in the garbage dump and take recyclables to sell for a living. And then we had a discussion completely in Spanish about poverty and health as a human right. It was a challenge to sound intelligent when we have the language skills of a 5 year old but it worked out well.聽
Today was a free morning so I went to explore the city on my own. I found an internet cafe downtown that costs Q4 per hour, or 60cents in American funds. And that's where I'm typing this from now.聽
So overall, I'm having a great time here. In a week and a half, I will begin volunteer work in a clinic nearby so I can use all the medical spanish I'm learning in class to use.
隆Hasta luego!
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ladottoressa 11 years
Hey guys! I apologize for not updating you all for months. This past semester's been extremely hectic for reasons I will blog about at a future date. Currently, I'm in Guatemala City! I will be spending the next two months in Quetzaltenango studying medical Spanish and volunteering in hospitals, with the EMTs, etc. I'll try to keep you all updated on my adventures as often as I can get Internet access.
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ladottoressa 11 years
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Today officially begins my studying for the Immunology final.
I got a lot of work to do....
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ladottoressa 11 years
A medical student's idea of a "break."
Oooo a new place to study! I need a break from my old study spot.聽
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ladottoressa 11 years
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ladottoressa 11 years
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I had that one about a month ago. It was all right. I think this one didn't go as well but we'll see. Good luck on your exam!!!!
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ladottoressa 11 years
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That biochemistry exam was not fun at all..... And I say this as someone who likes biochemistry...
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ladottoressa 11 years
How I felt when I got my white coat
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ladottoressa 11 years
Very important to be aware of this as future physicians. You want to create a relationship with your patients and work together and that means respecting them and their pronouns and their gender no matter what, while still providing them great medical care!
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ladottoressa 11 years
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The X-Ray Bicycle Suit, designed by Tomek Pietek and available for sale: muscleskinsuit.com! 馃毑
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ladottoressa 11 years
I apologize for not being very active lately. This will be fixed after this week, when I finish with my long stretch of exams. And then I will be responding to all my asks (I haven't forgotten about you) and update you all on my second semester. It's been quite busier than my first, I can tell you that...
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ladottoressa 11 years
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One of my classmates posted this picture on Facebook. I saved it to my phone and now look at it everywhere I go. Anything to pass this next test!!
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ladottoressa 11 years
How smart do you have to be in med school?
I don鈥檛 think I鈥檓 smart enough for med school. I have a 3.7 high school GPA, and I鈥檓 in a grade level math. I get mostly A鈥檚 and B鈥檚. I鈥檓 a sophomore right now, and I鈥檓 not one hundred percent certain I want to be a doctor, but I know I want to go into a career that involves helping people, and I think medicine is fascinating. How intelligent do you think you have to be in order to really succeed in med school, and as a doctor in general? And also, how do you know if you want to be a doctor?
How smart do you need to be to succeed in med school? 聽Well that is a complex question. 聽First, how do you define succeed? 聽I think most of my medical school聽colleagues聽would say passing is succeeding. 聽So then let鈥檚 change the question. 聽How smart do you need to be to pass med school?
I won鈥檛 deny that there is a level of intellectual ability every med student must possess in order to make it through the classes. 聽But I honestly believe it is grossly exaggerated. 聽As I have said time and time again, getting through medical school is more about work ethic than natural ability. 聽Most of medicine is not uncomprehendingly complex (I say that now as I study for neuro, which may be the exception). 聽It鈥檚 not comprehension that gets most people, it is the sheer volume of material. 聽If you are willing to put in the hours of work, then I imagine you can be successful.
As far as deciding on a career in medicine, that comes from exposure and soul searching. 聽Do some shadowing and talk to doctors. 聽Find out what the life and job is about. 聽It is a lot of work, but it is also very rewarding. 聽There are many careers in medicine that don鈥檛 involve having to go through medical school. 聽If you are worried about the sacrifice or chance of succeeding you could do any number of other allied health professions. 聽And if you decide you don鈥檛 like medicine, there are plenty of careers that involve helping people.
Go get some exposure to the actual field of medicine and see what you think. 聽If you have any more specific questions, let me know.
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ladottoressa 11 years
ugh... I don't even want to think about all the loans I have to pay back...
how I imagine cashing my first residency check will be
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ladottoressa 11 years
Happy Valentine's Day to all my followers and readers!!! Remember that today is not just about celebrating the love with your romantic partners, but celebrating the love you have for all the important people in your life!!!!
I'm off to take my physio exam... on the heart. How fitting!
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ladottoressa 11 years
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My roommate and I have officially lost it the night before our physio exam.....
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ladottoressa 11 years
Our professor is lecturing with different colored pieces of chalk on the chalkboard. We're going old school today!!
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