kraizeeh-blog · 5 years
Planning on drawing some Truly Devious fanart soon, because this fandom is starving for fanart and fanfiction! Probably as soon as I finish reading The Vanishing Stair. I'll do Stevie Bell first, then probably David, then Nate and Janelle. Hm...
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kraizeeh-blog · 5 years
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I really love this neighborhood. There’s a place in Brooklyn called the Brooklyn Women’s Exchange that I always enjoy going to. You can get a bunch of wrapping paper—not that I’m a wrapping-paper aficionado, but they have a lot of things there that I really like. Then, there’s this coffee shop called Two for the Pot, run by this guy named John, and it has the best coffee that I’ve ever had in New York. Restaurant-wise, Noodle Pudding in our neighborhood is really good.
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kraizeeh-blog · 5 years
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I waited a full year for this! Can hardly wait to read it because I la-la-loved the first book!
Much love all the way from the Philippines!
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kraizeeh-blog · 5 years
The Force Bond was a funny thing.
It was like this pocket of reality, where nothing existed but him and Rey and this fierce, enduring connection between them both.
If Kylo Ren had any concept of soul links, he would definitely liken it to them. But as such, this definition would have to do.
It was the first time the Force Bond had brought them face to face since Crait, and for the longest time, neither spoke. After all, what can they possibly say after everything that has happened? What can you say to someone to whom you’ve revealed your soul, and who afterwards turned their back on you?
For each, the other was the deserter, the betrayer.
But for one of them, there was the niggling doubt that maybe, maybe the other was in the right.
She was the one to break the stillness that they had allowed to shroud them.
Resolutely meeting his gaze, Rey took a step forward, and Kylo reflexively stepped back. This made her flinch as if physically struck, the pain in her eyes nearly crippling him with the answering pain in his own chest.
Once again, they both stilled, a strange dance choreographed over years of pushing and pulling, fighting against and yielding to the powerful force that kept bringing them back to each other.
He clenched his fist, unclenched it, then stepped forward. When she didn’t move, he took another step, then another, their gazes still locked.
Finally, they were nearly toe-to-toe, eternal asymptotes, just always nearly touching, but never actually doing so.
He closed his eyes, shuttering them against the intensity in hers that suddenly felt too much, shutting them against the question in hers that he didn’t know how to answer.
“Rey,” he breathed.
He opened his eyes.
And she was gone.
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kraizeeh-blog · 5 years
So people are saying that Kylo Ren killed Snoke so he can take the throne for himself.
But was that really the reason?
Maybe that was just a secondary thing.
Maybe he killed Snoke because it was the only way to free Rey (and himself, yes) and taking over as Supreme Leader was a secondary thing.
In fact, he didn’t even want to be Supreme Leader himself: he wanted to rule WITH Rey. Together. As a unit.
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kraizeeh-blog · 5 years
Me when Kylo Ren removes his helmet for the first time in TFA: Oh. Well, that’s… disappointing.
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kraizeeh-blog · 5 years
Do you think Anakin Skywalker ever thought he’d have a grandson who grows up to be a SEX ICON?
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kraizeeh-blog · 5 years
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i feel like having proper business cards could help Kylo Ren to make his offer more convincing
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kraizeeh-blog · 5 years
That "Please."
Breaks my heart.
Remember the scene where Yoda talks with Luke? Well, some of what Yoda says can also be applied to Ben Solo / Kylo Ren. 
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Namely, the bolded parts of this conversation:
LUKE: Master Yoda.
YODA: Young Skywalker.
LUKE: I’m ending all of this. The tree, the text, the Jedi. I’m gonna burn it down.
YODA: Hmm. (LAUGHING) Ah, Skywalker. Missed you, have I.
LUKE: (GRUNTS) So it is time for the Jedi Order to end.
YODA: Time it is. Hmm. For you to look past a pile of old books, hmm?
LUKE: The sacred Jedi texts.
YODA: Oh. Read them, have you?
LUKE: Well, I…
YODA: Page-turners they were not. Yes, yes, yes. Wisdom they held, but that library contained nothing that the girl Rey does not already possess. Skywalker, still looking to the horizon. Never here, now, hmm? The need in front of your nose. Hmm?
LUKE: I was weak. Unwise.
YODA: Lost Ben Solo, you did. Lose Rey, we must not.
LUKE: I can’t be what she needs me to be.
YODA: Heeded my words not, did you? Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is. (GRUNTING) Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters.
Aslo note this scene from the original trilogy:
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Now, imagine Yoda saying his TLJ dialogue to Ben Solo / Kylo Ren:
KYLO: “Master Yoda.”
YODA: “Young Skywalker.”
KYLO: “I’m ending all of this. It’s time to let old things die. Snoke, Skywalker. The Sith, the Jedi, the Rebels… Let it all die…I will finish what my grandfather started.”
YODA: “Hmm. (LAUGHING) Ah, Skywalker. Missed you, have I.”
KYLO: (GRUNTS) “So it is time for it all to end…and…perhaps…time for Kylo Ren to end, too.”
YODA: “Time it is. Hmm. For you to look past all of these things.”
KYLO: “I can’t. It’s too late [for me].”
YODA: “Oh. Sure of that, are you?”
KYLO: “Well, I…”
YODA: “Young Skywalker, still looking to the horizon. Never here, now, hmm? The need in front of your nose. Hmm?”
(REY appears through the Force bond as YODA and KYLO watch her)
KYLO: “I was weak. Unwise.”
YODA: “Lost Ben Solo, you did. Lose Rey, you must not.”
KYLO: “I can’t be what she needs me to be.”
YODA: “You are strong, yes. But weakness, folly, and failure, you have also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is. She has grown beyond the need for a master. Yet need her, you still do…as she does you.”
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kraizeeh-blog · 5 years
Rey: “Why did you hate your father?” I love how when she sees him, you can hear her voice get quieter and almost breathless, and she looks down. 
Kylo: *turns around and fucking stands there because he knows what he is doing.*
Rey: *is shook* “Do you have something, a cowl or something you can put on?” *looks away again so she isn’t caught staring at that beautiful man before her.”
Rey: “Why did you hate your father? Give me an honest answer.”
Kylo: *starts to actually fucking move for once, still not making a peep.”
Rey: “You had a father who loved you, he gave a damn about you.” *is now crying :(((( but is it because of Han’s death or Kylo shirtless (jk but seriously)*
Kylo: “I didn’t hate him.”
Rey: “Then why?”
Kylo: “Why what?….” *says this shit with a hint of humor in his voice, he is egging her on. Tension WHO?*
Rey: *is shifting her gaze because she don’t know what the fuck to look at. he’s standing there shirtless, pecs lookin BOMB, his lips are so red and plump i am quaking myself.*
Rey: “Why did you….why did you kill him? I don’t understand.”
Kylo: “No? Your parents threw you away like garbage….” (ouch)
Rey: “They didn’t!” 
Kylo: “They did. And you can’t stop needing them.” *( uh boy we all know who YOU are needng right now, that look says it all)* “It’s your greatest weakness. Looking for them everywhere, and with Han Solo and with Skywalker.” (don’t butcher my ass but i can’t really understand the playback all that well so I might’ve gotten that last part wrong). “Did he tell you what happened that night?”
Rey: “Yes.”
Kylo: *shakes his head with that fucking smirk on his face* “No. He had sensed my power, as he senses yours. And he feuled it.”(probably got that wrong too omg)
Rey: *looks shook again, shakes her head because she doesn’t want to believe that Luke Skywalker would think about hurting his family.* “Liar.”
Kylo: *starts walking closer again, you can hear them breathing kinda heavyish now.* “Let the past die. Kill it….if you have to. That’s the only way to become who you were meant to be.”
Rey: *is left alone again, in disbelief.*
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kraizeeh-blog · 6 years
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Adam + running his hand through his hair (requested by @nerdyfactsheartbroken)
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kraizeeh-blog · 6 years
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Midnight Special (2016)
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kraizeeh-blog · 6 years
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kraizeeh-blog · 6 years
Force choke me, Daddy.
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kraizeeh-blog · 6 years
One of my favorite things about the hand holding scene is that Ben has one small line. “You’re not alone.” Rey does all the talking. He just listens. Adam’s acting in this scene is just amazing. He says everything w his subtle facial expressions only.
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kraizeeh-blog · 6 years
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She is so looking at his lips and he is so following her eyes and I’m so wet and here for it 😭😭😍😍🔥❤️
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kraizeeh-blog · 6 years
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still my favorite kylo ren scene ↳ THE FORCE AWAKENS (2015)
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