knball · 5 years
Since it's my birthday tomorrow, I think it's fair to give Mayuzumi some love he deserves! Happy birthday to everybody who was born in March! (っ ॑꒳ ॑c) お誕生日おめでとう、黛さん!🍰🥂
The Best Gift
Featuring : Mayuzumi Chihiro x Reader
"...are you not coming home today Chihiro?"
"I don't think I'll make it."
Stepped into the moving train, Mayuzumi Chihiro talking on his phone.
"___ said she had something to do this evening. We'll be heading there next week."
"I see. I'll look foward to you two then." Mayuzumi could hear his mother quipped happily at the mention of his next visit. "Tell hi for ___chan will you Chihiro? Oh and happy birthday for you honey."
Saying his thanks, Mayuzumi cut the phone call short as another message come in.
It's from his former basketball team mates. Started from Akashi's early message, Hayama, Mibuchi and even Nebuya sent congratulatory message for his birthday.
No doubt Akashi told them to. Mayuzumi scroll down his phone with expresionless face. It's a wonder how that certain Rakuzan's former captain manage to remember him after all these years (since everyone barely even notice his presence at all). Though he should admit that 'normal' never goes together with Akashi Seijuurou.
His lip curved into small smile. Slightly amused, Mayuzumi typed a short replies for them before his eyes landed to certain name on his phone screen.
It's odd.
Mayuzumi Chihiro has never been a fussy person to begin with. But when the clock already ticked to seven in evening and he's not receiving even a single message from you, he began to question everything. Considering how worked up you were last year from surprising him at work to throwing a small party for his birthday, of course he can't help but notice something is wrong this time.
...Maybe she's just busy.
Trying to calm his wandering mind (thanks to that best seller mystery novels he finished reading last night), Mayuzumi sent his fifth 'where r u?' message to your number.
No reply.
Sighed, Mayuzumi slips his phone to his pocket.
Seems he just have to go home as fast as he can then.
Mayuzumi steps home to find it on it's usual stage. Seems like you decided not to glitter it with grey sparkles this year.
Should he be worried or happy....?
"___? Are you home?"
A loud crash followed with surprised shriek, making him lifted his eyebrow.
So you're indeed at home.
"___," Mayuzumi walked closer to where the voice is when you suddenly leapt out appearing after him.
"C-Chihiro welcome home! I-It's a surprise! Did you got off work early today??"
"It's my usual time arriving home, ___. And honestly..." He scanned you briefly. "What exactly are you doing?"
You're what his image as color disaster. White everywhere, yellow splatter on your apron, brown streaks on your cheeks, red hue on your palms. He didn't want to be rude, but his eyes must show his feeling as your cheek redden in embarrassment.
"Um... Nothing?"
Mayuzumi raised his eyebrow.
Sighed, you rolled your hair unconciously. "FINE. I'm... experimenting. I guess...?"
"What exactly are you making?" Mayuzumi is gonna steps into the kitchen but you stood on his path, blocking him. "___."
You smiled nervously under his warning gaze. "It's nothing worth seeing, so it's better if you- C-Chihiro!"
Using that chance to pass through you, Mayuzumi stood in the middle of your kitchen.
"Geez, I told you not to bug in. Come on..."
Listening to your protest half hearted, he take a look around.
It looks normal. Nothing out of ordinary. So why are you insist on keeping him for not coming inside?
At the corner of kitchen cabinet there's a large pile of plastic bag.
"C-Chihiro don't-!"
Ignoring your protest, he opened up the bag only to stare at pile of... brown chunks in front of him. Some of it are hard and some are even in dark black color. Smell of burnt sugar and butter hit his nose.
This and those...
It doesn't need deduction to reach to one conclusion.
"Did you try to bake a cake, ___?"
Standing nervously under his gaze, you laughed awkwardly. "If it's even worth to call them cake.... Yes...".
This explained his unanswered messages throughout the day. Judging from the amount of that thing, you must spent all your day on the kitchen.
So... You're trying to bake a cake for him.
"Stop looking at them like that." Sighed you took the result of your work today from his hand. "I'll throw it away. Akashi-kun sent us a cake so we can enjoy it instead of this thing. I'm sorry... I know I should not have tried but your mom encourage me to make it for you this year and..."
At this you stopped rambling to take a deep breath. "...I'm sorry Chihiro..."
Eyes down in shame you bit your lip in frustation. Why can't you do anything well at all?
Your eyes started to water at his desperate sigh. "I-I know right... I-"
"...what did you take me for?" Mayuzumi's large palm landed on top of your head, making you stopped your sullen mumble. "There's nothing worth apologizing. Stop it."
"If you're in my position will you upset with me, ___?"
"I'm ignorant. Selfish. And rude." As if ignoring the confused look at your face, that boyfriend of yours continued his words. "I can't do housechores. I hate talking and I can't even make my own fiancee believe in herself." Your hold breath as Mayuzumi's face zoomed out stopping only a couple of inch from yours. "...Do you think of me as a failure, ___?"
He...? A failure...?
"No! Of course not Chihiro!" Without hesitation, you shook your head. "You are never be a failure to me. Chihiro, I..."
"That's what I feel too." Cut your words with slight smug smile on his face, Mayuzumi poked your cheek. "Everything you want to say to me right on this second, just turned it back to you. That way, even with that brain of yours, you'll understand right...?"
Because he's not a man with words...
Because he just can't find any word that worth enough to express how precious you're to him...
...He can only make you understand with your own words.
After all, your words are always the one who helped him to be who he is now.
"I understand..."
Mayuzumi silently sighed in relief when you finally let your defense down and tackle him on a hug. He returned your embrace, warping you in his arms without words. "Thank you... and sorry. It's not something nice to deal with an insecure fiancee on your birthday right?" You smiled, leaning on his chest to listen to his steady heartbeat.
"...Anything is better than those silver glitters last year."
"Hey!" You gave him the best glare you can manage. Not that it can be scary to begin with since you had to hold back your laugh with smile.
"...It's the truth though."
His serious expression just makes you laughed more. "Silly, Chihiro. But really..." Stood on your tip toes, you circled your hand on his neck landing a short peck on his cheek. "Happy birthday... I love you..."
"Hn... I know."
Returning the kiss with more affectionate one, Mayuzumi is once again reminded that your smile is the true gift he always expects on his birthday every year for the rest of his life.
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knball · 6 years
Can you do a Nash Gold Junior cheating scenario where s/o finds out he was cheating. He regrets his action only to see the running s/o be run over by a car. (P.S. I'm also a sucker for angst despite it making me sad 😭)
“…you said what?”
“I only stated the truth.” The young woman in front of him said indifferently, eyes glinted with everything but kindness, “Why did you look so surprise?”
“…dammit.” Cursing under his breath, Nash didn’t even waste another second to dash toward the door.
He’s a fool.
‘…it’s okay. I understand you have to stay late for practice. Just don’t overdo it okay…’
He’s a jerk.
'…I’ll prepare some dinner for you so make sure you eat whenever you’re home…’
He’s such an asshole.
'…Have fun then. Love you, night…’
Wind slapping his cheek, Nash dashed forward. Pushing his feet to move faster and faster while his eyes darting everywhere.
Why?? Why did he even let that woman suggest that idea from the very beginning??
It all started with just a simple letter. A secret fan. It said. A bold stroke of handwriting phone number written across that sinful letter. One meeting grew into more. The excitement and thrilling adrenaline addict him, making him forget what’s truly important for him.
It finally hit him few days ago.
Your message came when he’s gonna spend another night again with that woman. A message full of love and sincerity. A proof of your feeling to him. The silver ring on his finger glitters brightly, sending an uncomfortable knot in his stomach. Cutting out the relation straight that night, he leaves that furious woman in that hotel room to go where he should go in the first place.
But guess people really reap what they sowed…
'…N-Nash… A woman just called me…’
That crazy mad woman called you. Telling you her sick stories, enjoying every details on how he spend nights away when you wait patiently for your lovely fiancé to come home.
He just wants to bang his head to the wall.
How the hell did he go this way…?
Breathing ragged with anxiety and rage, Nash just kept running like mad man.
He doesn’t care about eyes staring at him with stunning expression. He doesn’t care what those people whisper about when he shoved them away from his way. All he cares about…
It’s getting darker and with how minimum the light on the park is, it’s really hard to see anything.
“___! Answer me! Dammit, ___! Where-!”
His desperate shout stopped only when he spot familiar woman, crouching on tree trunk, faces hidden between her hands.
“Hey, babe. Don’t scare me like that. I-”
“Don’t,” Your raspy but stern voice stopped him on his way toward you. “…please leave me alone.”
“Listen baby. I can expla-”
“I! I always thought it was all wrong hunches…” You whispered, cutting him on his words. “I thought there might be really practice that you have to do until late. I thought Jason’s tease is all just his usual annoying lie. I thought… I thought we’re…alright…” You began to sob. “So why…? Why is it come to this…? Did I do anything wrong? Was there anything I do that annoyed you…? Something that make you don’t want to be with me anymore…”
“It’s not your fault-“
“Then why??” You shouted in frustration, making Nash froze at once. Never in your time together, you’d let your emotion drive you. Being with such a jerk like him, you’re the level-headed one, always kind to others and scold him for being so rude to others. Yet, here you are, shouting at him with honest sadness, hurt and anger. Something he really deserves for all the sin he done.
Nash just so lost of words that he doesn’t know what to say.
He had to say something.
He had to say anything if he doesn’t want you to go away from him.
But what? What to say?
That it was a lie? That the woman just trapped him?
NO. You don’t deserve more lies. He gritted his teeth. His heart clenched in pain as your sob became harder. “___-“
“I’m done…” Wipe up the tears that keep falling down your cheeks, you took a short glance at his face for the last time. That was a man you fall in love with. The one who protect you whenever you’re in trouble. The one who forcefully hold your hand when you’re stubbornly said that you’re not cold. The one who finally admit in his drunken state that he loves you and promise to make you his wife. The fiancé that you love even on this moment. But no. Now every beautiful memory with him only replaced by pictures of him and that woman making out behind your back.
Nash’s eyes widen when you flashed him a sad pressed smile. “Thank you… for everything until now, Nash…”
Before you regret your decision you ran. Tears blinding your eyes, you ran and ran. Away from your now ex-fiance.
“Wait, ___! ___! Don’t leave-!” Back to his senses, Nash ran following you. Desperate plea fall to deaf ears as you keep ran away. “___, don’t-“
It all gone in a flash. A scream. A sound of screeching wires and honking horn. A body. Thrown to the air before it landed on hard asphalt.
”…You promise to really celebrate it with me this year right?” You asked hesitantly as he cuddles you in his arms.
“What? You don’t believe me?” Smirked with confidence he pulled you closer to him. “You believe on what those fools said than your fiancé’s word?”
“It’s not that,” You pouted, “You always said the same thing but turns out there are other plans you have to do at the last second. It’s just… That day is our anniversary. I just want to spend that day alone with you. So promise me for real this time okay? I’ll prepare something special that day.”…
“…Nash? Where are you? It’s nine o’clock and you didn’t even home- Oh… Okay… I understand you have to stay late for practice. Just don’t overdo it okay. I-I’ll prepare some dinner for you so make sure you eat whenever you’re home. Have fun then. Love you, night.” You stared at the phone’s screen in silence as tears began to drop in silent. The candles dimmed sadly as the dinner you prepared are already cold long time ago.
Please come home to me, Nash…
“…Yeah, don’t be such a jerk Jason. If you joke about it like that again, I’ll really kill you.” Nash parked his car smoothly while talking on his phone. “I have to go now. Just pull your shit together and don’t make any trouble when I’m not there to save your ass.” Paying him no mind, Nash cut the connection down. Pulling out the prepared fresh flowers bouquet, he started walking down the hospital hall.
“Welcome back Mr.Gold. The doctor just finished his examination. You can stay until night again if you want.”
Thanking her with short nod, Nash stride down to stop in front of one room’s door.
“Hello babe. You’re awake?”
“Hi,” You smiled giving him one serene smile as he landed a short peck on your lip. “I just awake minutes ago. This little one is a little fuzzy today.”
Shifted his gaze to the bundle of joy curling in your arms, he let out a small smirk. “Well he certainly got that from his mother.”
“What’s that supossed to mean?” You pinched his cheek, pouting. “Last I checked you’re the one causing trouble in our house not me.”
Chuckling with amusement, he placed the flower on the hospital table before taking a seat on your side. He wrapped his arms around you, smiling when you lean on him in content.
“You still love me anyway.” He muttered, as his hand unconsciously rub the faint scar on your hand gently. A reminder of that one remorseful event a year ago. The day when he finally realize how much he’s willing to sacrifice only to see you smile again. “Thank you for sticking with me, baby. I love you…”
“The feeling is mutual silly…” Blushed by how affectionate his whisper in your ear is, you closed your eyes in happiness, savouring your husband comforting warmth and his unspoken promise to keep you and your child safe no matter what you’ll faces tomorrow.
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knball · 6 years
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Our precious Shuutoku's shadow and light pair 😆✨
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knball · 6 years
GoM reaction when receiving valentine’s gift from s/o that’s not good with cooking 🍫
Kuroko Tetsuya
“___san, where are we going?” For almost tenth times on the last five minutes, Kuroko tried not to stumble on his feet. “It’s quite dangerous to walk around like this. Can I open this now?”
“Not yet, Tetsu. Please wait. Right, turn left…and then…”
Soft wind blew on his face. Even with this blindfold on, he could tell that they’re going somewhere high.
Where are you taking him?
It’s right after practice time end, you suddenly asked him to accompany you. Leaving him no choice, Kuroko could only go along as you, with your pretty eyes, begged him to put on blindfold on his eyes and pulled-half-dragged him with you. Though to be honest he feels a little uneasy, relying only his left senses to try guessing what your intention are…
Sighed with experated smile on his face, he let you guide him through the unseen road after him.
“Ah, there it is…” Satisfaction on your voice, your hand worked on the knot, releasing him from the darkness.
“___san where-” Shadowing his eyes from the sudden light, his eyes widden on the beautiful view after him. Thousand of house all blanketed in white pure snow while the pinkish sunset gave them a glorious pink reddish glows. “So beautiful…”
“Isn’t it? Oh and…” You nodded smiling happily at him. “Happy valentine day, Tetsu.”
Blushing slightly you twirled your finger in embarrasment. “I’ve been thinking what to do to save you from eating my horrible cooking this year. Last valentine you passed out after eating my chocolate my after all…”
“It’s not your fault ___san. It’s-”
“Yet I know it is.” You smiled at his kindness. Because he knew you make it with all your heart. Because he knew you’ve worked so hard for it. You know without doubt that Kuroko will insist to eat it. However…
“…so I present different gift for you this year. I hope you’re not disappointed Tetsu.”
…that’s why you want to give him something better this year. To express your love in this very special day where people allowed to be more honest once in a year with what their heart feels…
Kuroko felt his heart tightened joyfully.
Disappointed…? How can he be…?
You jumped a little when he suddenly linked his finger on yours. Smiling with radiant happiness on his blue eyes, Kuroko squeezed your hand gently. “On contratory I’m very happy, ___san. Thank you very much. Can we enjoy the view together a bit longer then?”
Kuroko couldn’t be more happier when you nodded with big grin on your face.
Kise Ryouta
- Waiting for your chocolate since forever.
- Will be the most disappointed when knowing you’re skipping those common tradition (since he wants to brag it off to his teamates)
- His pout turned into confusion when you shove an little picture frame into his hands instead.
- It has photo of two of you posing in front of amusement land’s. That’s… There’s no way he forget. Your first date with him after you agreed to be his girlfriend.
- “I know I’m not good at making anything and this is not even worth as Valentine’s gift, but I want to tell you that I’m so happy because you’re on my side. Thank you Ryouta. I love you.”
- Lots of hugging and kissing.
- “I love you too. Thank you, I’m so happy. Then can you wait until practice is done? We should go for a little valentine’s date! Eh, why? Ah, I just don’t think I can wait for White day to show you how much I love you ___cchi. So promise? Let’s go together then! I can’t wait!”
Akashi Seijurou
- Suspected that you is working on something for him, but pretending not to know about it.
- Still he’s quite surprised when you dragged him to music room, playing a short melody awkwardly on piano as Valentine’s gift for him.
- Give you his most sincere smile accompanied with soft applause for your performance.
- “Why did you apologize? It’s such an outstanding play. I’m serious, ___. Thank you. I appreciate the effort you throw for me. This is the best gift I ever got. May I ask for one more song? Wonderful. Thank you ___. Allow me to join you this time. I’m sure this will be the best melody I’ve ever played.”
Midorima Shintarou
- Though he knew you’re terrible at cooking, he secretly hope you prepare some for him. A tradition is important for a guy like him.
- After hiding from Takao that keeps bugging you two, you finally offer him your Valentine’s present.
- Pair of deep green colored gloves. Hand knitting especially made by you.
- “So this is the reason why you lack of sleep in this past few days. Don’t lie to me ___. Your eyes are all red because of it. Don’t do that again it’s fool to sacrifice your sleep for- Wha- Why did you cry?? No, I don’t hate it! I like it! …y-yes. I-I like it… Wha- No I won’t repeat it again! Geez you’re an odd one, ___. Still t-thank you… I really appreciate this…”
Aomine Daiki
- Cares only a little for something like Valentine.
- Used to Momoi’s handmade so every year he already prepared his stomach to ‘enjoy’ (read:suffer) them.
- However he raised his eyebrow as he found himself with knee pad as Valentine’s gift from you.
- “Is there something you want to say for me ___? Wha- I don’t think I played that recklessly. Geez, okay okay. It’s just only one time. You’re such a worrywart ___. Still, thanks I guess. It’s pretty cool. Huh why? No, of course I don’t mind it to be my Valentine’s gift. Who says it has to be chocolate? Of course I’m right. Who do you think I am? Hey stop hitting me, I’m just kidding. But thanks babe. I really like this thing. I’ll wear it on right away.”
Kagami Taiga
- Of course he’s familiar with Valentine. He stayed at America for long time after all.
- Conflicted between relieved and disappointed when you confess that you don’t prepare homemade chocolate for his valentine’s gift.
- Thinking he do something wrong that made you mad at him.
- His eyes widden when you place a small charm in his big palm instead.
- “…I see. Where did you buy it ___? Huh it got a name on it’s back? Kagami Taiga? My name? Huh you made it yourself?? That’s amazing.. Wha- no! My face is not red! Don’t tease me ___! Uhh, o-of course I’m happy. Thank you ___. I’ll definitely use this everyday.”
Murasakibara Atsushi
- Always waiting for Valentine to come.
- Not only because of the sweets, you being with him has big role as part of his enthusiasm.
- Present him a store bought chocolate and an envelope with your handwriting coupon inside.
- Honestly you confess you still cannot get the hang of sweets making but you’ll try harder for it. The coupon is for when you’re ready to give him your handmade. So will he wait for you a little longer?
- “Hah~? No I don’t mind. ___chin gave me this chocolate right? I’m happy with this too thank you. Ah, but I’ll keep this one. I know ___chin wil be able to make it. So when it’s done, you’ll let me taste it first right ___chin? Yey~ It’s a promise then. Now then can we open this chocolate?”
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knball · 7 years
Hi :) I'm not even sure if ask box is open but I'm gonna take a risk. My favourite characters are Midorima, Hanamiya and Imayoshi (he's so masculine!), so could you do a fanfic about them when they fall in love with girl who loves books (and who is a bit weird) so they start to borrow books from her and give her their own to catch her attention. Thank you. ~Agnes
Whoaa I’m so sorry Agnes-sann. I just misread your request and it turned out a bit different, I’m so sorry! Hope you still like this!
Four times. 
You sighed in irritation. 
It’s four times on a week your notebook got swapped with someone’s else. Incredible. How can it be? Why can’t the class committee do their job more carefully? And besides… 
You raised your eyebrow to neat the handwriting on the cover that reveal the owner of that book.
Who is this Hanamiya Makoto guy anyway…?
One time, two times, you can accept it to be accident. But four times and it repeated with the same person? There must be an explanation for it. That’s why instead of letting the class committee to fix their mistakes like before, you decided to face this ‘Hanamiya Makoto’ and ask for his side of story.
“Hanamiya-kun? Why?” Your friends voiced their surprise through their confused eyes. It’s rare for you, who seems to not care about anything else but books, to actually look for… real human being?
“I’m just curious.” You shrugged lightly, getting used to their ‘rude’ yet true words. It’s not uncommon for people to judge you, yet you couldn’t care less. You have friends and family who accept you, so? If there’s people who see you as problem, it’s theirs, not yours. “Come on, tell me. I have to get back my literature book or else I won’t be able to make it on time.”
You walked down the school corridor toward the basketball gym. It’s past school time that you finally got time to look for that certain someone. If you’re not wrong, he must still on his club activity.
“Hara pass! You’re holding the ball too long!”
“Okay, okay~”
Lively shouts coming from guys running full speed in their practice court. You’ve heard about how your school basketball team almost managed to enter WInter Cup only to get kicked out by seemingly newborn team. You had no interest at basketball and all those sports, yet… You raised your eyebrow.
“Captain you have someone looking for you.”
You waited patiently at the side of the gym when Furuhashi Koujirou, one of your classmate you managed to remember, called for the one you’re looking for. You didn’t have to wait long when a black haired guy approached you, kind smile on his face. “Ah, ___san right? Is there anything you need from me?”
Kind, gentlemanly and genius. That’s sort of conclusion you are able to make from your friends long compliment. Listening to their praises you can see why almost half of your classmates adore the guy. Hanamiya Makoto is a rare almost perfect guy you ever want to be your captain, friend or even… boyfriend.
“I just want to give this back to you.” You smiled giving back the book to its owner. “Sorry to trouble you, but can you give mine back tomorrow?”
“Ah, thank you ___san! I’m so relieved to find it again.” And of course I’ll bring yours back tomorrow. Is lunch time okay for you?“
Nodded with wide smile, you bowed slightly. “Then, I’ll take my leave now. Good luck with your practice. See you tomorrow Hanamiya-kun.”
“Thank you, ___san. I’ll be looking forward to it.” Hanamiya flashed you a perfect smile and you walked out.
“Oh, and before I forget.” Midway in your steps, you turned your head back. Smile in your lip, your eyes stare into his black one. “It’s quite annoying how you swapped our notebooks for fourth times now. But I’m quite impressed by how managed to persuade our stubborn class president to cooperate with your plan, so I think I’ll let it slide this time.”
“Wha…?” Hanamiya blinked.
“…and for suggestion, Hanamiya-kun.” You grinned. “Since you’ve gotten my attention now… You know I picked something interesting in how your team plays and I’m not quite fond of it. So please don’t think I will let it slide easily next time I see it. Hm, how should I say it, oh right. I’ll be watching your back, Hanamiya-kun.”
GIving him a last smile, you spring back to your steps out from that gym leaving Hanamiya standing still with book on his hand.
“Backfired huh?” Furuhashi commented from behind him.
“I never knew someone who noticed our team stategy only by watching it once.” Chewing on his gum, Hara laughed amusingly.
“So what are you going to do?” Seto asked at their captain who became silent since the girl walked by. “It’ll be bad if she-”
“HAHAHAHAHA.” Kirisaki Daiichi’s basketball team stare at their captain in shock as Hanamiya suddenly laughed out loud.
“Watch my back huh? Fufufu. Interesting.”
He knew you’re different from first glance. It took special talent for someone who didn’t take interest to anyone but their books. Lost in your own worlds, Hanamiya’s been watching in interest how your expression tend to change endlessly only by burying your nose on thousand books of yours. That’s why. That’s the reason he willing to risk everything to make you notice him. To shift your undivided attention from your books to him. Yet from all that he expect… Seems like you’re much more than that. His hardwork is not a waste after all.
“Then let’s see then who’ll come as winner, ___chan. Let the game begin.”
“…Imayoshi, you just got that look again on your face.” 
Captain and vice captain of Touou high school basketball team were just studying on library, chatting lightly about their class subject when Susa noticed his friend’s attention was shifted to something, uh, no, someone else. Anyone else might not realize the meaning behind Imayoshi’s smile but Susa is his friend not for nothing. 
“Hm? What is it? I don’t understand what you’re talking about Susa?”
“Ah well… if you say so.” Not that it means he has to say something. Only the guy knew what’s inside that brain of his. So if he didn’t want him to interfere, Susa won’t.
“Then I’ll take my leave here. Thanks for accompanying me.” Smiled Imayoshi tidied up his books, took off to where his eyes trained to.
You are sitting alone at your usual place near school garden. Since finding that here is the only place you can get your peaceful silent among your energetic (read: quite noisy) classmates, you prefer to spend your lunch time there. With those cute dandelion and these pretty little cosmos, you smiled inhaling the sweet scent of flowers around you. Your friends said you’re weird. Saying things that you appreciate them more than people in general. But you cannot help it. People are just too troublesome to handle with. Though if you speak about that, there’s something, no, no, someone. Someone who picked your interest lately…
“Whoa so the babies already born ___chan?”
“Imayoshi-kun!” You turned your head only to find your classmate, Imayoshi Souichi, pointed at the little cosmos that just started to blossom. Nodded you smiled brightly. “Yes! They’re so cute right?”
“Yes, yes. So cute~”
The way he said it with usual smile of his, making your cheek unbelieveablely warm.
It was all like magic really. How can you, who is very absorped in your own happy little world, get close to someone like Imayoshi. It started by a fateful day. The accident happen when you found out the book you’re borrowing from library got mixed up with an unknown guy. Too lazy to trade it back, you just brought it home and read it. The book is surprisingly good that you ended up reading it all. The person’s who supposed to borrow the book shown up the next day. With apologetic smile, Imayoshi asked if his book bore you. And that’s the beginning of your daily conversation with him. Meeting with him here to talk about books, you two exchanged promise to share if you find new interesting one. Now talking to him is as easy as speaking to your friends, not that 'friend’ can make your heart ran like this… 
“Here it is Imayoshi-kun. Thank you for lending me this. It’s so amazing.” You took out thick book from your bag, giving it to him with wide smile. “The main character is so clever that he even able to set his strategist without anyone notice. It’s hard to believe there’s someone like that. He makes it look so easy to deceive person’s heart.”
“Ah I wonder, ___chan. But maybe it isn’t that hard to do so in the first place?”
“Huh? What do you me-”
“Anyway, here’s the final part of those books series.” Smile on his face, Imayoshi placed the said book on your hand. “Eh don’t underestimate it because it’s so thin ___chan. This is the most important of all, so read it with care okay?
Especially for the end part. I’ll be waiting for your opinion about it. Promise me okay ___chan~?”
Uh. Did you really see his eyes glint behind that glasses of his or…. “Sure. I’m looking forward to read it.”
Later that night, you hurriedly texted him, asking to meet him in order to give answer to his question that was written in bold neat letters at the end of that book.
'…Seems like it’s the perfect time so I’ll ask anyway~ Will you be mygirlfriend, ___chan?’
“Morning, is there anything I can help? Ah you want this? Please wait a minute.”It’s just a beautiful Sunday morning. You just do your usual shift helping your family book store, when two pair of eyes eyeing you from across the street.
“You know, you could just talk with her like any of those guys do instead of playing this game right Shin-chan?” Takao muttered from where he hide behind Midorima’s tall figure.
“What nonsense are you talking about nanodayo? I’m just here to bring back ___’s book that got mixed up with mine again.” MIdorima sighed pushing up his glasses with frown. “It’s not like I want to visit her in weekend without any special reason.” 
“Yeah, yeah I got it.” Takao’s grin said he knew exactly what is going on here. Who is he going to fool anyway? Midorima is a very bad liar after all. “So what are we waiting for? Let’s go Shin-chan!”
“Thank you for bringing it like always Midorima-kun. I’m sorry you always have to give it back to me.” Smiling sincerely at him, you bowed slightly. 
“I-It’s no problem at all nanodayo. I just need mine for my school project.”Takao sweat-dropped at two persons in front of him. After trying so hard (for Midorima’s level) for that many times, he’s going to end it up just like this again? Takao knew him well. He always take things seriously and this is not an exception. He’s serious about you and those feeling are the reason why Midorima is willing to walk through baby steps. He’s not the type of person who shove his affection forcefully. He’s kind of guy who will wait for you to realize it yourself. One by one. Until both of your feelings connect each other naturally. But unfortunately (or fortunately) for him… Takao here is not that patient.
“Well then we’ll be go-”
“Whoa ___chan!“ Takao cut off Midorima’s words. "Your family store is so interesting! I never knew there’s book store like this on our neighborhood!”
“Ah thank you. I’m glad to hear it.” You smiled bashfully. This store is your family pride. Though how you had to sacrifice your free time to help around store instead of spending time with your friends making you looked distant and odd on your classmates perspective. That’s why meeting with your classmate, especially Midorima who you never talked with before in school day off is quite rare indeed. And it’s all just because of that coincidence, no, coincidences to be exact. 
First time you realized your biology book disappeared, you were on full panic. With test coming up tomorrow, you’re desperately looking inside out your school bag. It did bring out big question when you just found out the book that doesn’t even belong to you. Have no other options, you studied and managed to pass the test with awesome mark. Midorima’s notebook is so neat and arranged that it took special talent not to understand it. Saying thanks to the guy who claims he had no idea either how their book got swapped each other, you’re just going to forget about the accident. But it seems like fate wants to speak different tale.
Two times, three times, even five times, the things repeated itself. And it certainly more than enough times for you to noticed him. Midorima is cold. He tend to speak only when its necessary and took everything almost too seriously. He’s not type of guy you got friend with, but after your fateful coincidence, you began to understand. His stubbornness. His diligence. And his desperately-tried-to-hide kindness. Slowly, yet steadily, you’re withdrawn to the guy whose notes helped you passing tests in big success.
Though his 'honesty’ still made you hesitate to make any assumption about his feeling on this matter…
“I don’t like any book in particular but… You know a lot don’t you Shin-chan? Ah then! How about we help you today? It surely more fun to do it together!”
"Eh?” You blinked as the situation got out of your hand before you realized it.
“Wha- What are you saying Takao?? It’ll be very rude to cause such bother in such busy times!”
“Ehh~ It’ll be fine! Besides this’ll be more efficient to keep eye on ___chan since her rank is the lowest today right Shin-chan?“
You tilted your head in wonder as Takao and Midorima seems debating something with those hushed whispers of theirs. "Guys…?”
“….I know you’ll agree Shin-chan!” Takao grinned triumphantly then turned to you. “Of course if you don’t mind___chan…?”
Midorima agreed…? Cheek heated, you shook your head. “Not at all…”
“Yosha! Come on Shin-chan! You helped ___chan while I handle those books okay? It’s fine, it’s fine. I can handle it on my own. You two just take your time~”
Well, though you had to ask them to move the huge panda statue Midorima brought in with him (that without your knowing, is your lucky item for the day), from getting in the way shop’s door, three of you managed to handle the shop for the day. And because of Takao who stubbornly asked, you cannot help but wait eagerly for next week when they’ll come to help again at your family store. 
Maybe, just maybe… You’ll be able to tell him those feeling of yours then…?
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knball · 7 years
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🎆Summer Celebration!🎆 Count on Kise to make your day much much brighter! (*´꒳`*)✨
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knball · 7 years
You haven't uploaded since March, I just found this tumblr and it's damn amazing I really wish you could go back, i'll wait for you crossing my fingers, hope you'll be here
You’re too sweet anon-sann….!
Guess I owe an apology for you all. I’m so sorry for not answering or posting anything for months. I really am. It’s just life running too fast, everything changes and all classic reason that would be count as excuses until it did happen for real believe me o.o’’ I decided to leave tumblr for a while in guilt since I don’t have anything to be posted until yesterday I stumbled here again and read your message. 
Thank you for reminding me how much fun I can get just by creating scenarios for our adorable KnB characters. I love them so much and I think I’ll create them again. In VERY slow pace I’m sure but one thing I’ll never end this blog so please stick with me as long as you willing to of course. I’m sorry I have to close the ask box for a while for request, since I don’t have confidence to answer your wonderful idea yet. But I’m still open for any idea and chat you all have.
Thank you to even give your time to read this. Thank you for you specially anon-san for sending me such motivating words. I’ll post something tomorrow so please enjoy it together! Have a nice night/day ahead everyone!楽しんでこっせ!*ˊᵕˋ*
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knball · 7 years
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🎊Birthday celebration (1/?)🍰
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knball · 7 years
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3 Ending Card Scans for the Fandisk-Kore Kara Nando Demo
*If you do use these scans for edits I would really appreciate it if you credit please. Thank you!
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knball · 8 years
Thank you for the previous Daichi's scenario! ( *´꒳`* ) Can you make one for Kagami where his s/o asked him to accompany her picking a new dog? Since her beloved dog died recently and she just hates to go alone. Thank you Kiko-chan~ ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝♡
You’re welcome, Cyrie~ It was my pleasure! And of course I can~ Well, I can try at least! I hope you’ll like it!
“Are you really sure you don’t mind?” You asked once again. You’ve been asking her the same question over and over and over again and Kagami kept answering the same way. You still weren’t sure though.
“I don’t.”
He pressed a finger against your lips to stop you mid-word, and offered a small smile, “Listen, _____, yes, I do know that I’m not good with dogs but I’ll be fine this time, alright?”
You sighed as he took your hand again, once again thankful that you had someone as kind and thoughtful as Kagami was in your life. Honestly, you weren’t sure that you would have been able to do this alone.
It hadn’t been long since the death of your dear Max, the large German Shepherd that you had loved ever since your youth. He had died only two weeks ago of a heart problem that no one in your family even knew he had. The short time between then and now felt almost like a betrayal. You didn’t want to betray Max by getting a new dog this early on but you just couldn’t stand coming home to an empty silence where there used to always be someone happily waiting for you to return. It had been a hard decision to make, but in the end, you had called up Kagami, and asked him to come with you to pick out a new dog.
He had been shocked that you had asked him of all people since you both knew about his crippling fear of dogs, but hearing how distressed you sounded when you had phoned him, he couldn’t bear to reject you. It was a relief now that he didn’t. He could see just how distressed you were at the thought that you might be betraying your old pet, and it was upsetting for him as well. Still, he couldn’t believe that this choice meant that you were betraying Max.
Gently, he squeezed your hand so that you turned towards him. You were biting your lip, brows furrowed as you thought to yourself about Jerry and picking out a new dog. Kagami lifted the corners of his lips and leaned down to place a small kiss on your forehead.
“Hey, it’s alright. Max wouldn’t want you to be sad, now, would he? I think he’d be glad that you’re trying to make yourself happy by doing this.”
All that he said were things that you already knew, but hearing someone else say them felt like such a relief. Almost as if, by having Kagami say it, it made the words much more true and believable than if it was only you repeating it over and over to yourself. Without realising, you had started smiling, and Kagami returned it with his own.
Once you were at the pet shop, any worries you had on the way there seemed to have just disappeared (save for a small pang in your heart when you saw the German Shepherds) as amusement at Kagami’s reactions replaced them.
You had been looking at the Dobermans, cooing at how they were playing together as Kagami stood a ways behind you, hoping to stay away from the dogs, when a small Chihuahua yipped at him. It hadn’t been pleased at how close Kagami was to its pen and had bravely walked up to him and barked.
Of course, your boyfriend immediately screamed.
He was currently at a corner of the shop, cowering in fear and hoping that there would be no more dogs coming up to him.
“Oh, Taiga…” you had giggled when he assured you once more that he was fine and told you to go and find a dog you liked so you both could leave quicker. You complied and started looking at the dogs again, fully intending to take your time even if it would probably be torture for Kagami. You didn’t want to regret your choice, after all.
As an hour went by and Kagami decided to leave his safe little corner, warily making his way towards you as you looked at a poodle.
“That one’s ugly.”
“Taiga, don’t be rude! It’s adorable.”
“It looks like it was shaved.”
“It’s adorable.”
“Not this one, please.”
“I wasn’t planning on it,” you laughed. “Which one do you like, Taiga?” You asked as you started walking towards another pen.”
“I’m more of a cat person.”
“You have to find at least one of these pups cute.”
“Nigou is enough for me.”
“Oh, but-”
You stopped your sentence at Kagami’s sudden yelp, turning your head towards him. You had to hold back a laugh as you saw that there was a tiny Golden Retriever wagging its tail as it stared up at him happily. Seeing Kagami glare stare back at it, it barked again happily.
“Aww!!!” You squealed as you went over to the two of them, “Taiga, it’s so cute!!!”
“_____, it just barked at me. It is not cute.”
“Taiga, it likes you!”
The dog barked again, as if agreeing with you. Your heart melted.
“_____, please no.”
“I want this one.”
“But, _____, it looks like Kise!”
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knball · 8 years
You're welcome Kiko-chan~ Let's have fun together in this fandom (ノ∀`)💕
Shoutout Promotion
A little promotion for my friend’s blog @from-basket-to-volley (*˙︶˙*)☆*°
She works from knb to haikyuu and other animes scenarios! Her writing is good so don’t hesitate to send her lot of love! (-´∀`-)•*¨*•.¸¸♪
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knball · 8 years
Shoutout Promotion
A little promotion for my friend’s blog @from-basket-to-volley (*˙︶˙*)☆*°
She works from knb to haikyuu and other animes scenarios! Her writing is good so don’t hesitate to send her lot of love! (-´∀`-)•*¨*•.¸¸♪
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knball · 8 years
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Some respective team shots from the movie opening! (Will update this post when I get better quality photos.)
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knball · 8 years
hello! just discovered this beautiful blog n love it very much! want to ask whether the ask box is open or not. i dont want to bother you if it's closed! thank you!
Thank you for such kind words! You all always know how to lightened up my day (´•̥ ω •̥` ’) Officially speaking my ask box is open so don’t be afraid to shoot anything in BUT as my dear followers knew I’m such a very very slow writer. Rest assured that your ask will get answered but it will take a long time (depend on my schedule and creativity) ( p_q) omg i’m sorry for this.
So if you don’t really mind my work pace and rules, feel free to send your ask! Thank you for asking anon-san! Let’s have fun together! 楽しんでこっせ!(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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knball · 8 years
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When shy boys squad asking their s/o for a date (੭*ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭♡ (4/3)
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knball · 8 years
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When shy boys squad asking their s/o for a date (੭*ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭♡ (3/3)
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knball · 8 years
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chizuru-yukimura-okita said:
Hi!! Love you fake chat… Could i req kuroko and his s/o fake chat.. about his s/o text him,asking his help because there a man stalk her?
Do not be afraid! Kuroko might not be the strongest man alive but he surely is tough. He will protect you at any cost! (๑•̀ •́)و✧
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