Saleslady: so what would u like?
England : my colonies back
Saleslady: this is a sock-store sir
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Holy shit!
“Be honest, out of Francis, Romano and Gilbert , who do you is better in bed?” -From the curious/nasty mun
“Me, obviamente. Y Francisco maybe.”
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S h o o k e t h t o t h e c o r e . . .
There are so many people who recently followed me; I am grateful and shit, but I am too lazy to check their blog out to see if I will follow back or not. :)
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honestly though any of you seen that comic hima made where romano was crying about how he didn’t get into the “paint it, white” movie and overall was rly depressed about how ppl liked his brother more than him, and then prussia went and comforted him? anyone seen that?
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Me Being Honest..
Honestly, if your blog looks attractive at first glance, you will be followed by me and I will most likely not even look at your blog because I completely forgot about it. :)
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Holy shit!
Dia de Muertos
Hello guys today is Dia de los Muertos, so I want to share with you a very special MEXICAN movie that Metacube (mexican animation studio) is working on since 10 years ago, and offically registered since 2007. 
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This movie is called literally “Dia de Muertos” and for you to know Disney Pixar had trouble with this in 2012-2013 when they started licensing Coco, because they wanted to use the same name as the mexican movie, that is why Pixar took longer to work on Coco. 
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Now, I want you guys to support this mexican movie, because it is a Day of the Death movie made by MEXICAN PEOPLE IN MEXICO! 
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I will LOVE you if you like their facebook page, check their teaser and images! I hope you can support them because here in Mexico, we dont have that advanced technology like in other countries and that is why artists here are subestimated. I hope you guys can support this company because I know they have been working really hard to give us this movie. 
Here is the link to their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/diademuertosthemovie/?fref=ts
Teaser 1: https://vimeo.com/144182790
Teaser 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssdUla9LmeE
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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! I am overly confident! XD
I've been getting many notifications, and I have seen you are passionate about Spanish; thank God I live in a household where Spanish is the primary language. (But I speak in English with my family).
[[What kind of Spanish do you speak? Like from which region,, if that makes sense
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I had a mega brain fart while reading this because I had completely forgot about everything outside of America.
Like, what the Hell? XD
(I feel like I am getting a shameless free promo at the moment).
[{(Psssst. I'm awesome)}]!
I've been getting many notifications, and I have seen you are passionate about Spanish; thank God I live in a household where Spanish is the primary language. (But I speak in English with my family).
[[What kind of Spanish do you speak? Like from which region,, if that makes sense
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💝 (´ ∀ ` *)
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[[ @askbrasil hope I drew her right,, here you go hun ❤
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Hmm...? I come from Mexico. If that answers anything..?
So, Mexican Spanish? I wouldn't know..
(Sorry it took me a bit it reply)..
I've been getting many notifications, and I have seen you are passionate about Spanish; thank God I live in a household where Spanish is the primary language. (But I speak in English with my family).
[[What kind of Spanish do you speak? Like from which region,, if that makes sense
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Confess! Do you have sexual fantasies?
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I Am Not Going to Ask Politely Anymore...
Go read this and wait 'till I finish with it if you want another character.
Honestly, you guys are only here for my entertainment, meaning I LIKE to read your Spamano stories!
Just read it please... I need entertainment.
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but what if the reason the hetalia nation world meetings are so insane is bc that’s not the REAL meeting, that’s just where their bosses drop them off while they take care of actual business and let them play pretend. it is the nation daycare zone.
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Random Thoughts
tHAT PiEcE oF sHIt!
THeY sAY fANficTIoN wILl maKe yOU hAte cHarActerS, i nEVer fUcKiNg undErStooD thAt; nOw I dO muthAFuCkas, nOW I dO!
FuCK yOU, FEliCiano! FUCk yoU!
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Are You Bored and Looking for Something To Do?
Here is your change for greatness!
Read my book about APH Romano and feel free to request the character you want next!
Are you tired of people trying to get free promotions and trying to sell you stuff?
Well! We have found a place to help. With guns now allowed in pockets (in America), step right down to get racist and homophobic slurs thrown your direction!
Call this number now:
Me and my dark humour.
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