I haven't been here in 1234552464278 years lol
Believe it or not I actually still exist. I don't think I will post things anymore, not only because I deleted all the cropped imiges, but also I haven't made anything for "haikyuu:to the top". I mean I did rewatch it 2 times but I wanted to enjoy ✨the volleyball✨
I have now been converted to genshinism too. I arguably play the game too much for my own good but also - gambling.
I don't think anyone would actually be interested in this update but it is here lol
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So it is the last days, huh. It was a cool pride month. Kind of bad too because I had my last month at school and that is always agony. But enough of that
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Day 28
I again had to read up about what happened because I'm still uneducated. It is quite interesting I still haven't heard about it to this day. I watch a lot of educational videos on YouTube and a lot of LGBTQ+ vids so I don't get why it didn't get recommended to me. But, yes, we do have to always remember protests for our rights because most of them wouldn't be possible without protests.
Day 29
This year is my first pride. I probably said it earlier. So I guess my favorite memory would be the parade on the 12th. It was just so fun and exciting. My anxiety wasn't through the roof even though there were so many people there. There was even a real rainbow at some point. It was amazing and I can't wait to go next year.
Edittttt: I didn't want to actually make that many updates but I think this is really funny. Pride 2023 here in BG was on the 17th of June and that day I had a chemistry uni admission exam. I didn’t even remember untill I passed the place where they do it every year bc it's near the university. It was a very bizzare experience honestly
Day 30:
The future... This is something my literature teaches would make me write an essay about. It's so vague-
Anyway, I'll just answer how I interpret it.
I think with society finally starting to be more and more tolerant and accepting there will be improvement. I love to think that one day everyone will be equal. But first I want to at least legalize marriage and adoption in all countries (including here in Bulgaria) and definitely on the countriesvthtavitvis illegal, the right to have a different sexuality.
This challenge was really fun to do! I also didn't think I'd be able to make it till the end. But here I am!
Now that I have free time I can probably rewatch season 4 of Haikyuu and finally find some weird cutouts. Till then, I will see what I will do here lol.
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I didn't forget to post it again-
Day 26 and 27
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Most of the things for my outfit are in the laundry but I will describe it to you. It's the pan flag but pastel version. The pink is a light pink button-up the yellow is an oversized pale yellow tee and the blue is very very ripped light denim overalls. I also have fishnets, a choker and some make up on.
I need to thank everyone who was there for me because as I said there isn't one person that had an impact on me as a person.
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Опааа ден 25 (ooop day 25)
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Bruh I don't know. Probably anime openings tho.
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I broke the streak
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Day 23
I shall do that right after I post this
Day 24
Today is quite exciting because yo boi has a holiday. It is kinda unconventional because not a lot of countries celebrating it but we in Bulgaria do and it is called a name day. We celebrate our names. My name is celebrated like 5 times but I chose the 24th 5 or 6 years ago because my grandpa celebrated today. Anyway, enough of me rambling about Bulgarian traditions.
My friends are on it of course! It will probably be so fun!
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Eeeey! I'm alive this time
It is day 22
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Lol I don't have a physical glow up-
I don't hate myself anymore, so I guess that is good-
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Naaah I didn't forget about this because I had exams or have been jus exhausted the last days, naaaah. Anyway!
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Day 16:
I do not watch TV-
And if we count anime I'd probably say the end of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi. Iykyk. No spoilers.
Day 17
So um... I guess it is getting repetitive but-
I don't really play video games except "osu!"
I guess I can't say anything here eather. Oops.
Day 18
@brokutoforever @walker-the-stalker @nedka1231
Day 19
It is time for cheeeeeeeese! 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀
Every person in my life inspires sme and makes me a better person!
Day 20
Idk I'd say Sewater weather
Day 21
Sigh this is getting stale but I don't really know a lot about drag. All the love and respect for drag queens and kings, I just haven't been able to get into the community I guess.
Edit: I still haven't had that much interaction with the drag community but I love what u see from the sidelines 😌
Taht is it for now
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Woop woop
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Day 15:
Damn... Um... I can't choose. There are just so many! But maybe I'd say DaiSuga. Idk I just love their dinamic.
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Here is me being inconsistent again lol
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I give my condolences to all the families and friends who have lost their loved ones on that tragic day. 😞
For day 13
It is quite an interesting story. It was maybe 2 years ago. I found out about pansexuals and was like "Waaaait". I thought it over and I came to the conclusion that "No, I'm straight" (ye that was bullshit). Fast forward to last year. I had a conversation that was similar to:
Why are you gay?
Who says I'm gay?
You are gay.
I still was in denial but the crucial moment was when with the same friend we are talking about that stuff on a slide in a playground at like 10 P.M. and I was like "So... I don't care who it is I just want to love someone and be loved by them." and my friend just said "you are pan". And I found out that I was demi when I was in front of my apartment building with the same friend (and some others). It was a very underwhelming thing honestly.
Edit, probably 2 years later: I was looking through some old messages from 2019 and I was actually questioning if I was a lesbian then. So the pan thing is even older... Funny thing is I really thought I was straight then and in 2019. And the last crush I had now was a girl... Ig jokes on me.
And for today:
This is an edit too
I have no idea what happened here so I'll just update this lol
Last one is my desktop wallpaper. I just needed ppl to see it (even tho I doubt they will)
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Hello hello!
I missed day 10 but it is an easy one to do lol
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I don't really know what is a cliché for pan ppl but I do listen to a lot of songs that are said to be gay lolol
For day 11
I just can't choose you know. There are so many and I kinda don't really know a lot about them because u know... Erasure. But probably Sappho and Alexander Hamilton (I think)
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Oop oop
Day 9
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Aaaand u got me here. I can't tell u that because I know I don't keep my following tab visible (I think) and I don't really follow any accounts that are strictly LGBTQIA+ Tumblrs. Some of them do do some fanart of LGBTQIA+ couples. Yeee.
I guess that us it for now! Bye byeeee
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I'm here again
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Day 8 bitchesssss
I don't really make my own playlists but I do have 2 that I love a lot:
Have a listen
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Cheeeeese 😌😼
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Reblog if you're bored and want random anons.
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So Day seven
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I don't read books that often but if manga or fanfiction counts-
The probability don't but still-
For my fave manga I'd say probably "I hear the sunspot". Interesting story
Fanfiction. There are some really good ones on Ao3 like "In another life" or "The galaxy is endless" (classics) and also "What you came for" and "The Sky and the Guilt are the only feelings I have left". Just so u know these two are angst too. Like heavy. But very good. Anyway this is it from me imma be back tomorrow
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Yeet yeet I'm back. I don't have any family members on Tumblr so... Yeee
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Damn the absence of mobile data. I'm back lol and for today it is both day 4 and 5
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