kayme-love · 5 years
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kayme-love · 5 years
Once upon a time, there was a city ruled by three sister princesses. They were much-loved in their kingdom- the eldest with eyes of brightest blue, the middle with lips of sweetest pink, and the youngest with hair of deepest red. They were incredibly close, acting as each other’s friends and confidantes. They were just, and kind, able to balance the people and keep the peace in their land.
For a time, all was well.
And then it wasn’t.
A neighboring kingdom, jealous of this city’s prosperity and peace, sought to disrupt it. They dragged to its gates hideous war machines, made of magic and steel and human skin. The king, a man of great magical learning and power, demanded the princesses surrender their city to him, and if they did not, he said, he would raze it to the ground.
Mother, I’ve never heard of this story.
Then listen as I tell it to you.
The youngest daughter, when she heard, did up her deep red hair, put on a delicate crown, and clothed herself in a beautiful dress. “I will offer him an alliance,” she told her sisters. “I will give him my hand in marriage for our kingdom’s safety.”
The other sisters wept, understanding the sacrifice that their youngest was making, and held her close until dawn. They saw her off at the castle gates, and watched until she disappeared into the still city.
When the youngest daughter reached the enemy’s camp, she stood tall, and did not show her fear. She spoke kindly to the weary soldiers, curtsied before the cruel sorcerer-king as custom demanded. She was brave, oh, my darling, she was so brave.
And the king spat at her fine words, and spoke the words that drew all the light from out of her, until she went mad with despair. As the sun set on the day, and on the youngest sister, who lay despondent in the middle of the camp, a soldier came upon her, and killed her in a fit of mercy.
But you said that she was brave.
Yes. She was.
When the other sisters heard, the middle sister donned silver armor, borrowed from the guards in the castle, and took up a crossbow. “I go to kill the king,” she said. “I go to avenge our youngest.”
And the eldest held her close, and wept, until she let her go and watched her disappear from sight into the streets.
When the middle sister arrived at the camp, she moved quietly, looking through the tents with eyes and a heart made cold with fury and grief. She reached the king’s tent- asleep, inside was the enemy, and she raised her crossbow to finish the job. And she would have, darling, she would have, had she not seen, hanging from the post of the kings fine bed, her sister’s delicate crown.
The king awoke when she sobbed at the sight of it, and spoke words that caused her to wither and decay where she stood, crumbling to rotted remains inside a suit of armor.
Mother, I don’t like this story.
You must hear it.
The eldest sister heard the news and she did not weep. She drew her courage about her, and set off into the forest to find her and her sister’s mother, who was a powerful witch.
Her mother answered the door and bade her come inside, offering her condolences about her sister’s fates. Once the door had closed, her mother hesitated, then spoke.
“I left you in that castle long ago, and I will give you your answers, and then I will give you your vengeance against the king.”
And so the daughter listened.
Mother, I don’t want to hear this.
Listen, daughter.
Long ago, there had been a queen with great magickal abilities, but she was never able to find a love, so she used those powers to create three daughters.
One, she formed from a bottle of light captured at the sun’s violent surrender to night. It woke last, a child with beautiful red hair, and so it was the youngest.
One, she shaped from a gentle pink anemone, the last in her castle’s courtyard to survive winter’s onslaught. It woke second, a child with curved pink lips, and so it was the middle.
One, she carved from a piece of sapphire the size of her fist, and as she did, she cut her finger with the blade, so it was made with blood, as well. It woke immediately, with bright blue eyes, so it was the eldest.
The sun took her first child home, she told the sapphire-girl. Her body turned to light, and then to nothing, what it always was. The body of her second daughter rotted in the encampment like a flower decayed beyond its lifespan. “All the king can do is turn you back to what you were before,” she told her daughter. “He will turn you back to stone if you are unprotected.”
She gave her daughter a vial full of black liquid. “This will turn your heart forever to sapphire. The king will be unable to change you- but you will never feel again. No blade shall pierce your skin, but no joy or grief will stir within you. You will never be warm, or cold. I offer you not immortality, but a half-life of invincibility.”
The daughter regarded the vial, and uncorked it. She brought it to her lips, but before she drank, she asked her mother, “Why did you leave us?”
And then she swallowed, so she would not care about the response, and she left her mother in her home before she found the answer.
But why did their mother leave them?
Because she knew, daughter, even then, that her eldest child was capable of committing this act.
The eldest daughter marched to the encampment, and to the kings tent. She was attacked, but nothing drew blood, and so she went forward. The king, upon seeing her, spoke the words that would have crumbled her to so many sapphire shards, but nothing happened.
She pulled out the king’s heart through his armor, and she felt no relief at having killed him.
She felt nothing.
The end.
Mother, that can’t be how the story ends.
Mother, that is not how the story ends.
Do you want another ending?
Very well, then.
The people saw what their queen had done, and began to fear her. The queen, unable to feel love or even affection, went back to her mother to find a way to make a child that her people would adore, because, without emotion, she saw that that was what they needed.
The child was made of ice over a pond, and her hair was the orange-white color of the fish, still alive in the cold.
And the queen raised her daughter to love the kingdom, to rule well, and to one day overthrow her mother.
Is that better?
No, mother, it’s- it’s not.
I am sorry.
Why did you tell it to me?
Because you deserved to know, daughter.
Deserved to know what?
You deserved to know what I did.
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kayme-love · 5 years
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kayme-love · 5 years
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kayme-love · 5 years
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Date: March 23rd Entry: Over all behavior and observation
The other day many hunters returned to Astera with findings of an Old World monster. Many have been quick to deduce what monster this is. The one and only DevilJho. This raises many problems for the fleets but also for the ecosystem and environment. Many hunters including myself have been asked to go out and research the DevilJho sightings. This puts my research on other monsters on hold for now. I have only been up against a DevilJho a handful of times anyway. (I could count how many on one hand of a Wyvarian.) So I figure it might be best to write out this report, as in all honesty the DevilJho isn’t my forte of monster knowledge. Prehaps making the comparison of the New World DevilJho to the Old World isn’t a good idea. Thus this report is strictly on the DevilJho found in the New World, the Savage DevilJho will not be talked about, should it be discovered in the new world then a foot note entry will be made. 
With the alert out about The World Eater in the forest it was shut down unless you were in the Researchers Commission. Though I am part of the fifth fleet I am still in a grey area. nonetheless I was granted access to the forest, despite already being asked to research the Brute Wyvern. 
Yesterday was my encounter with DevilJho in the New World. It picked up a Great Jagras into its maw and at first I thought it was swinging it around to kill and eat it as usual. It was then I noticed it was using the Great Jagras as a tool to try and attack me with. Watching the Jagras struggle was hard to watch, I wanted its suffering to end. My battle with the DevilJho had forced my hand when it attacked. Into the fight I was able to get the monster to fall over and release the Great Jagras. Watching the lesser monster run away to safety was the highlight of my day.
Today was another encounter but this time I watched from afar. Out in the Wild Spire I was doing some tracking of DevilJho. Trying to understand its arrival and how it got here to this island. A Bazelgeuse landed in the area and DevilJho took quick notice of it. I expected the two to be pretty matched, I was partially right. DevilJho was quick to grab the flying wyvern in its mouth and slam it onto the ground. Followed by a few tosses over itself before Bazelgeuse got up, DevilJho quickly tossed itself into the other monster only to go under its neck area. Causing all the bomb scales on Bazelgeuse ’s neck to explode, this knocked DevilJho back and gave Bazelgeuse time to escape.’
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Brute Wyvern DevilJho
Physiology Size:  1803.0 cm - 4097.8 cm Title: World Eater Element: Dragon Habitat: Ancient Forest, Wildspire waste, Rotten Vale, Coral highlands, Elder’s recess, (Any type of habitat.)
DevilJho is a large bipedal Brute Wyvern in a uniform field grey or forest green color while also being littered with scars with a muscular upper body. They are covered in rows of scutes that reach a peak height on its back and tail. It carries powerful jaws with rows of teeth sitting inside the roof of its mouth and on the outside. A thin snout but large lower jaw with rows of teeth growing out of its chin. With such large and powerful jaws it also boasts a large tail to balance it out, allowing the DevilJho’s jaws to grow into massive gaping maws. With its large tail to keep balance, this requires small and rather useless forelimbs… An evolutionary trade-off due to the size of such a monster. Severing the tail will cause DevilJho to stagger due to the loss of its own balance. It is supported on powerful yet oddly thin looking legs. The claws on DevilJho are a deep red color.  When a DevilJho becomes enraged its muscles swell and open up its old wounds. In this state, sections of the skin take on a bright red coloration.
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Behavior They have no territory and are nomadic, all ways searching for their next meal. Have a high body heat that brings about a high metabolism. Forcing them to constantly need to eat, meaning anything that moves including its own severed tail, other DevilJho and even all ready captured monsters. They live short lives due to how many battles they get into because of all ways being on the hunter. If given the chance these Brute Wyverns will eat other monsters to extinction. Putting entire ecosystems in danger, some say their potential damage could be matched to that of an Elder Dragon. DevilJho’s hunger seemed to be its diving force. No wonder it is given the title ‘World Eater’.
A highly aggressive predictor all ways on its search of prey, few are more aggressive then DevilJho. The monster is easily provoked and will attack instantly with little to no regard of their target. The DevilJho will attack even when it is weak and limping with all most no signs of stopping.
When put into a rage, its muscles swell and break open old wounds. Due to the swelling and opening of said wounds this puts the monster in a lot of pain, the pain only feeds into its blind rage. Continuing in its enraged state the monster has a range of weapons it can use against its foes and prey alike. 
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Though it has a massive size and sharp claws, DevilJho mostly uses its jaws to inflict damage. Capable of producing a strange clouded emission which can be spewed out of the mouth at hunters and other monsters alike. Said ‘breath’ attack with afflict one’s person with what is called Dragon Blight. When dealing this attack it will move its head from on direction to the other, making a full 180 sweep across the area.
Other attacks include stomping the ground to stagger its opponents, swinging its massive tail, running at high speeds to bomb bard or simply jumping onto them. At times the Brute Wyvern will dig up rocks (This changes depending on the region) with his jaws and hurl them at the target. DevilJho is powerful enough take on Bazelgeuse and even a Rathalos, along with lesser large monsters such as Great Jaggras and Great Girros. Going as far as to use these lesser large monsters for yet another way of attacking.
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Hunting Reasoning for hunting DevilJho is pretty just. Its to protect ecosystems of invites its self into. Though Apex predators may rest at the top of the food chain, they still have a role to play. Animals are adapted to predators with in their area. Often equipped with evolutionary tools to help escape them, invasive monsters ruin this. In short, they are up against another creature they have never seen before. On top of these animals being hunted to extinction, this leaves the predators in the area to starve or invade other territories. Taking down all the predators in the area leaves smaller animals to over populate. Aside for is deadly aggression, a DevilJho has the strength to single handedly destroy ecosystems if given the chance. DevilJho is often a high priority in observation because of its potential devastation. Its hunger has even been known to drive it into civilizations and villages.
When searching for DevilJho the quickest way to find it is the chipped teeth that become littered on the ground when it rubs it chin against the dirt, creating grooves into the ground. Removing old warn down or broken teeth to let knew ones grow and take their place. Some will say that doing this is a way of making territory, but that implies the beast has one. No matter its reason, the teeth are a sure sign one of these brute wyverns are in the area. Dead animals and left over meals that had been fallen to DevilJho are another that will help your Scoutflies tune themselves to the scent of the monster. Marking its tracks for last. The World Eater as three toes per foot and a spine like claw on the back. This claw could be reminiscent of a no longer used raptor talon due to evolution. DevilJho tacks are much larger then that of an Anjanath.
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Hunters looking to take on DevilJho for the first time should take extreme caution in dealing with such a creature. Unlike most monsters the tail is not a weakness despite that i can be severed. Leaving the monster to quickly lose balance. Its head, underbelly to chest area are the weak points of this monster. The top of its back is another point of interest but not as the others listed. Leaving both its teeth clustered head and underside breakable. Thus forcing hunters into position to attack the head or dance around its legs.
An enraged DevilJho can inflict Dragon Blight, when dealing its breath attack it safest place to be is under its legs or far away. As the stream of breath is a longer mid-range attack. The monster is weak to Thunder and Dragon elements. Be mindful of its massive tail and abilities to leap or throw rocks if you are away.
Though the saliva of DevilJho is harmless on closed skin, being binned and bitten can cause infection if taken care of quickly. Most likely from the amount it eats and bacteria in its mouth being rather potent thanks to the ominousness breath attack it has. Well armored hunters should not have to worry about this side from being rattled and taking more then a few dents or bruises. Over all, DevilJho requires more careful positioning due to weak point locations and types of attacks.
 Conclusion  The DevilJho in the New World is a spitting image of the ones found in the Old World. How they got here? I can’t say, I am not here to research them. With fleets arriving here over forty years ago its hard to say that such a monster could be missed. Then again its only the forth and fifth fleets that brought the most bulk of hunters. I am not the one to deem if they are the same as the ones back home. I can only turn in this report to let the Guild decide.
Disclaimer: All art used is concept art for the game Monster Hunter by Capcom (I only drew the foot print and put the graphics/pages together) * The info in this post is based off of Lore and observations I have made in Monster Hunter World, but also inspired by some real animals and personal headcanons. A report taken from the view of a Hunter. If you see something not based in canon this is why, its just a fun writing exercise.  * Anyone and everyone is welcome reblog so long as they don’t add onto the post.  Field Entry
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kayme-love · 5 years
Spell to silence voices of hate and oppression.
Likes to charge, reblog to cast!
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kayme-love · 5 years
saerys ft. august [love & legends]
haunting by halsey || all photos are property of lovestruck
click that HD button! tbh even when i play the other routes i’m still in love with saerys
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kayme-love · 5 years
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#chris evans #in where he is actually steve rogers
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kayme-love · 5 years
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Gosh I love them!!!
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kayme-love · 6 years
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1/? 2018 Reads 1. The Glass House by Rachel Caine College freshman Claire Danvers has had enough of her nightmarish dorm situation, where the popular girls never let her forget just where she ranks in the school's social scene: somewhere less than zero. When Claire heads off-campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be much better. Her new roommates don't show many signs of life. But they'll have Claire's back when the town's deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood.
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