karmaaf · 1 year
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ex-boyfriend! gepard who broke up with you after he has to cancel your date for the fourth time in a row and who knows you deserve someone who will always put you — not belabog, not their duty to the supreme guardian and the citizens — before anything else
ex-boyfriend! gepard who still sends you flowers for your birthday and for other special events in your life
ex-boyfriend! gepard who knows you leave work late on tuesdays and makes sure to escort you home
ex-boyfriend! gepard who takes out two mugs in the morning out of habit when he goes to pour coffee, only to remember that you’re not here nor are you on your way over
ex-boyfriend! gepard who hasn’t taken down the photos of you two together from his walls or the photo of you that he took on your one year anniversary together that sits in a wooden frame on his desk in his office
ex-boyfriend! gepard who can’t bring himself to tell serval why she hasn’t seen you recently but he knows from her tender, sympathetic looks that she already has it figured out
ex-boyfriend! gepard who is on his way home from a long patrol and sees you at the cafe the two of you went on your first date in, sitting and laughing with someone else, and chooses to take the much longer way home
ex-boyfriend! gepard who picks up your call the moment your contact pops up on his screen
ex-boyfriend! gepard who tries his best to pretend he’s not still hopelessly in love with you, telling himself over and over again that this is for the best and that you deserve much better than him
ex-boyfriend! gepard who melts when he receives a care package from you when he’s on a long mission on the frontlines
ex-boyfriend! gepard who reads the letter that comes with the package over and over until he has it memorized word for word
ex-boyfriend! gepard who can’t help but think about your sign-off: ‘all my love.’ did you really mean that? do you still love him too?
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karmaaf · 1 year
Dearest GodMikalla, I humbly request a HC where Zen and Vandy are fuck buddies (friends with benefits) with MC. Like, how did they arrive at that situation, does anyone catch feelings? If so, who? What happened if the rest of RFA find out? It can be nsfw. It can be angst if you like. I'll let you take control.
Your wish has been heard, loud and clear! 
“We need to get back to the party soon, you know. The others will start getting suspicious.”
“Hm,” Zen hummed against your neck, “Just a few more minutes.”
“You said that a few minutes ago.”
“I really mean it this time.” You could tell he was barely listening to you, his lips buried on your neck, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses all the way down to your collarbone
“Zen,” you moaned, tilting your head back so he could have access to more of you, “We need to go, the others will start getting suspicious.”
“They won’t,” he reassured you, “There are a million guests this time, they won’t even notice that we are gone.”
“But if they find out…!”
“They won’t.” Zen said, and to himself, he added, but would it be so bad if they did?
And as if on cue, in barged in a hacker and a gamer, their callings for you interrupted by the sight of your intertwined figures at the back of the dark room
“Zen? And M-MC?!” Yoosung gasped, his purple eyes wide and mouth agape, “Were you two…?” 
“Please tell me this isn’t what it looks like.” Said Seven, still trying to process the scene unfolding before him
When you two didn’t reply, which the blond took as confirmation that it was indeed what it looked like, he exclaimed, “How did this even happen?!” 
Ah, how did this happened, indeed?
It had maybe been a month since it had all started; after your first party as the new coordinator, the RFA agreed that having you stay in an apartment with a bomb was rather…dangerous, to say the least
And its not that Zen and Yoosung didn’t trust Seven’s nearly perfect algorithm for the security system, but the pair of them were the most outspoken ones about your safety
“She’s already planned a party for us, there’s no reason for her to stay there anymore!” Zen argued, angry at V and Seven for allowing you to ever step foot in there in the first place
Though you appreciated his concern for you, you pointed out, “I don’t really have anywhere else to go, I already got kicked out of my old apartment for missing the rent. Is there really no way you can disarm the bomb, Seven? Just so I can stay?”
The hacker scratched the back of his head, “I can’t really do anything about it without talking to V first…Sorry, MC.”
“Where the hell is she supposed to go?!” You could tell Zen was furious by the way he spat, even more so than you were
“I have several extra rooms in my penthouse, MC is more than welcome to-” Jumin offered
“No!” The actor objected, “She can’t stay with you!”
“Why not?”
“She’s…She’s a woman, and you’re a man! It’s not right!”
“MC, do you have a problem with staying at my home for a few days?”
“Not really-”
“Of course she does!” Zen said, “Listen, MC. You can’t go around trusting everyone, alright? You already got yourself involved with that hacker, don’t go trusting this guy. He might be charming and all, but you never know! He might lock you in a cage or something!”
“I would never do such thing.” Jumin waved him off
“Where am I supposed to go, then?”
“Uh, well,” he began, “You could stay at my place. Just for a while, until you find somewhere more permanent.”
“I fail to see why you deem her staying at my home immoral but it’s fine as long as its with you.” Jumin spoke, but his words were ignored by the silvered-haired man
“What do you say, MC?”
“Is it really okay? I don’t want to bother you or anything…”
“You could never bother me, of course its okay,” He gave you a warm smile, “Are you in?”
“I’m in!”
And so, in the span of 2 days, you managed to get all your belongings over to Zen’s place
It was smaller than you thought it would be, and there was only one bedroom, but Zen insisted he was fine sleeping on the couch
“Are you sure?” You lifted an eyebrow, “Jumin has plenty of space over at his place, maybe I should just stay there…?”
“Trust me, MC,” he scoffed, “You don’t want to share a home with him, he’s so…boring. You’d be dying of boredom in two days.”
“Yeah, but…I don’t feel so good about making you sleep on the couch.” You shifted awkwardly on your feet.
“You’re not making me do anything, MC. I offered you a place to stay, I’m more than happy to have you here. Its what friends do.”
“Its what friends do.” You agreed with a grin
And so began your adventures living together 
You found Zen to be a great roommate, always fun to be around and never really getting in the way of your daily routines
Friday nights were beer nights while Saturday mornings consisted of him nursing you back from your hangover so you were well enough for a movie marathon later that evening
Zen liked to cook for you, though it was always super healthy and low-fat things, and that was one luxury you didn’t have if you were living alone
The only downside to it all was that, although you got the bedroom, Zen’s snores could be heard from the living room all the way to your tired ears
You felt yourself having a great time with him, so much so that you didn’t even want to leave his place anymore, and he did everything in his power to keep you there, as well
It had been weeks since you had moved in, and now neither of you were ready for you to move out
“Zen,” you giggled, reaching across the couch to take away his can of beer, “I think you’ve had enough for tonight.”
“This is just my fifth one,” he said, “I’m not even tipsy yet.”
And while alcohol had barely an effect on him, the room was already spinning for you
The movie you two had previously been watching was now ignored and replaced by drunk chatter
“How can you drink this much without getting a beer belly?”
“I told you, I’m superhuman,” he winked, “God’s-”
“God’s mistake.” You finished his sentence, dramatically rolling your eyes
“Hey,” he nudged your foot with his, a smirk playing on his lips, “Don’t steal my lines. And I don’t get fat because I work out. See?”
Lifting up his shirt, Zen revealed the defined muscles of his abs
In your drunk state of mind, all you could do was stare
I mean, you had seen plenty of fit men shirtless before in your lifetime
But Zen was not exaggerating when he compared himself to a statue and you were too intoxicated to care about whether it was appropriate to stare at his body for this long
“Speechless?” He asked in amusement
“I…” The alcohol took over control of your tongue while the little part of your brain that was still sober heavily protested, “I want to touch it.”
This sent Zen into a laughing fit, his eyes screwing shut as he bent over, “Don’t laugh!”
“I’m sorry, MC,” he managed to say in between laughs, “I was just not expecting that from you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re just so…innocent! I never thought you’d ask to touch me like that.”
“I’m not that innocent, you know.” You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest
“Sure you aren’t, MC, sure you aren’t.” he chuckled, opening a new can of beer and taking a large sip
You mimicked him, helping yourself to yet another can
Innocent…was that supposed to be a compliment?
It was half past three by the time you were both passed out on the couch
You were so drunk, even Zen’s loud snores and long limbs tangled with yours didn’t seem to bother you, and the only thing that could interrupt your drunken slumber was a nagging urge to pee
Zen didn’t wake up when you untangled your legs from under his and stumbled over to the bathroom, nor when you decided to settle next to him in the small couch instead of going to your room like you usually did
He didn’t wake up as your stared at his sleeping face, bringing your fingers to trace his features, so perfect and serene, even in slumber
Neither did he wake up when you whispered his name, wishing he would wake up and talk to you some more
He did, however, open his eyes as you lifted his shirt back up to get another look at him, this time up close
You didn’t know what you were thinking, the alcohol still affecting your judgement, but one thing was certain; you needed to see him again
Grabbing your hand, he mumbled, “What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered back, “I just…I’m not as innocent as you think.”
“MC,” he let out a breathy laugh, “I don’t think just looking at my abs while I sleep makes you any less innocent.”
Perhaps it was the challenge in his voice or the alcohol in your system, or the mingling of both, that made you cup his cheek and run your thumb over his bottom lip 
Or perhaps it was how good he looked and how delicious he smelled that urged you to bring his lips to yours, kissing him as if you had wanted to for ages
His lips still had a lingering taste of beer, but they were otherwise sweet, addictingly so
He kissed you back immediately, grabbing your face and bringing you closer, leading the ardent kiss
You took the hand that traveled from your waist to the small of your back as an invitation to go further
Shifting positions, you straddled his lap, knee on the either side of him and your center pressed against his
In the dim light of his living room, you could make out both shock and lust in his scarlet irises, the parting of his lips urged you want to close the gap between them and yours again, and his silver hair that was messily sprawled out underneath him made the man look unreal
He was so beautiful, you realized
“I’ll prove to you that I’m not innocent.”
And, yup, this is indeed how it had happened
“So you’ve been sneaking around for a month?!” Yoosung sputtered, still unable to process the story you had just told and what he’d just seen
“But why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because,” you began, “We didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. It’s not like it means anything anyway, it was just for fun.”
While both Yoosung and Seven uttered their responses, Zen felt a painful tug of his heart, and his gaze fell down to the floor
“Hey,” he croaked, “Could you guys give us a minute?”
After the two men left, Zen dropped his hold on your hand, refusing to meet your eyes
“Is something wrong?” You eyed him curiously, reaching for his hand again only to have him reject your touch
“I…I don’t think we should do this anymore, MC.”
“Zen, what are you saying?”
“I think we should stop this, whatever this is.” He motioned in between you two
“Hey, look at me,” you brought up your hand to cup his cheek, but he gently swayed it away before you could, “Zen…Why are you being like this all the sudden? You seemed into it just a minute ago!”
“Yeah, well,” when his eyes met yours, you were shocked to see they flared with anger, and how his brows pulled together in hurt, “That was before.”
“Before what?”
“Before I found out that it means nothing to you!” He snapped, his hand running over his face
You opened your mouth, but no words would come out. Huh?
“All this time I thought that maybe…Ah, forget it. Just…Forget it, it’s my fault for ever thinking you felt the same.”
“Zen, wait,” you grabbed his hand before he could attempt to leave, “Talk to me. What’s going on?”
It had been true from the moment he had met you; all the shared jokes, silent flirting and secret touches under the table made him hope, words of affection whispered after moments pleasure and the way your eyes seemed to linger longer on him all made Zen believe you could possibly feel the same
It was how giddy he felt knowing he had someone to come home to, how incredibly happy he became when you two started to share a bed. It was how absolutely thrilled he was knowing that you were there, that you were his, even if only in the moments he kissed you
It was a combination of all those things that made the actor realize he was utterly in love with you
“It’s nothing, MC. Forget I said anything.” He mumbled, leaning in for a kiss
Having you like this, he realized, even if only one-sided, was better than not having you at all
If you didn’t feel the same, the short moments of bliss in which he could pretend you did were enough. They had to be enough
“No,” you turned your head before his lips could find yours, “I know its not ‘nothing’. Tell me. What did you mean by that?”
“It wasn’t just meaningless sex to me, MC,” he confessed, “It wasn’t just that.”
“But I thought…”
“I know, and it’s not your fault. I’m sorry, please forget I said anything, please. I don’t want to stop being with you, even if its like this.”
You took a step closer to him until you were mere inches from his chest. His head hung low, all you had to do was simply look up to meet your lips with his
“I didn’t know you felt that way.”
“Jesus, MC,” he let out a defeated laugh, “How could you possibly not know?”
“I…I didn’t want to hope for it, Zen.”
“I didn’t want to fool myself into thinking that you might feel the same way I do.” You admitted, finally looking up to meet his eyes, your lips millimeters apart, “I didn’t want to hope that you were in love with me as I am with you.”
It took him a second to process your words, “A-are you saying what I think you’re saying? Don’t get my hopes up like this, MC.”
“I would never do that.” 
“Then why did you tell them that it meant nothing?” He question, still skeptical about your confession, still refusing to believe that you might actually feel it, too
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. You never mentioned anything so I didn’t know what to think.”
He caressed your cheek, adoration so vivid in his eyes and the beating of his heart so strong against his chest that he was sure the guests outside could hear, “MC, I had no idea…”
“How could I possibly not fall in love with you, Zen? After everything we’ve been through?” You smiled, and when he found himself to be at a loss for words, you brought your lips together, tasting them as if it were the first time
“Just kiss me, you fool.” 
Czytaj dalej
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karmaaf · 2 years
-just a snippet from something I won't post here, but I loved-
"Asmo, seriously, knock it OFF."
"No, not until you realize that we all love you and you're amazing-"
"Asmodeus!" MC doesn't outright yell, but the power behind their command forces Asmo into silence. MC finally looks back at him, tears in their eyes, chest heaving in panic and desperation, but their voice holds steady. "Asmodeus, you are never allowed to say anything nice to me, ever again."
"Every positive comment towards or about me will die on your lips, even if I'm not around to hear it. You can't compliment my appearance, or congratulate me on a good grade, or even my cooking." MC walks up to a horrified Asmo, betrayed and hurt. " And one more thing-."
They take his hands and he physically can't pull away as they cross one hand over the other and bring them up to cover his lips. "You can never tell anyone of this command." MC lets go and Asmo lets his arms drop, too stunned to speak.
"Please. Just leave me alone." The power is gone from their voice, and MC is already moving around him but Asmo doesn't need to be told twice, now 2 broken hearts leaving the music room.
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karmaaf · 3 years
He's like Shakespeare and Edgar fusion.
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day eighteen of waiting for clavis’ route
is clavis a bitch? yes. is clavis annoying? yes. is he the best character? YES
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karmaaf · 3 years
"stop staring at me to distract me."
"oh, i'm not staring at you to distract you."
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Pairing/s: Marius Von Hagen X Reader
Genre: College AU
Warnings: none
Notes: alrightyyy let me drop this before sleeping, i need to practice writing without getting too into it that it becomes a longfic🤒 enemies to lovers got me in a vice grip sjsksk. prompt from this list
as for the requests, i'll answer them soon! reblogs are appreciated <3
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They say that the library is the best place to do brain gymnastics, and get the best out of your mind's concentration because of the silence and the quaint ambience it gives off.
So why.
Why does your braincells feel like evaporating right now?
The library that was once filled with peaceful silence just 30 minutes ago is now a rippling crash of waves in your eardrums as the presence across from you on the table keeps pesking your precious study time.
You're not sure what's causing the aggravating pounding in your head anymore: the 5 page essay that you need to turn over in less than an hour, or the absolute menace to your finals project in the flesh that is Marius Von Hagen.
Even the sharp librarian couldn't seem to tell that he was being a bother.
Of course they won't notice. The little devil isn't being loud after all, he's pestering you in his own way.
"Stop staring at me, idiot," you chewed a little too harshly on your pen, the anger boiling inside you directed at the poor object.
"Don't. Wanna." He flashed you a coy smile, "you look so pretty all focused like that I can't help but stare." He cooed with a kissy face.
You grimaced internally.
Oh, you could throw a book at him right now.
You know better than that of course.
Marius is a competition to you, and you to him. Of course the first thing that's gonna come to your mind when he's being like this is that he wants you to fail.
Ever since the start of your college life you were doomed to fight at the top ranks against the one and only, the heir and the king, Marius. You would always wrestle each other using intelligence and now that the semester is coming to an end, the result of your hardwork is going to be revealed soon.
That's why you absolutely can't let this happen!
"Don't make me repeat myself," You inhaled a deep breath in an attempt to not snap in the very place you swore was the epitome of peace and quiet.
You pointed at him, "Stop staring at me to distract me!" You half screamed, half whispered, your eyes darting to glance on the librarian.
"Oh," he smirked, and before you could move, he leaned to you from across the table, he placed his hands to tip on your chin. You sat there, unmoving.
"I'm not staring at you to distract you, sweetheart." His amethyst eyes bore onto yours, strange softness filling them.
You were taken aback by his sudden shift of tone from teasing to tenderness, you swatted his hand away.
You weren't going to give in to his charms just like that, "Don't give me that," you snarled.
"Do you see this essay?" you turned your laptop around to give him a better view of the paragraphs that mentally tortured you these past few hours.
"I'm sure you've already done this, and I'm sure you know that this is worth 30% of our grades this semester so please," you massaged your temples as hard as you could, "stop trying to fail me, Marius. I can't believe you're resorting to this sort of tactic." You slammed your head to the table.
Before you could rant and rant about how this essay could literally be the verdict for your future, you heard Marius snicker.
"High grades aren't what you need right now," he winked at you, "you need sleep, babe."
You convinced yourself that the heat rushing to your cheeks right now isn't caused by whatever he just called you, but rather, caused by anger, "What? I had enough sleep," you cleared your throat, "thank you."
Lies. You barely got any wink of sleep this week because of the various events you needed to organize and participate in, as one of the university's top students.
He looked at you blankly, "Then, pray-tell, I want you to recall when's the deadline of this project."
Your brain buzzed as your sleeped deprived brain desperately search for answers, "In an hour?" you weren't so sure right now, your eyes looking anywhere but him.
His eyes gazed over you with concern, unbeknowst to you.
"The deadline's next week." He declared as he showed you the professor's memo that you misunderstood, "My, my, you should take better care of yourself." he shook his head.
You on the other hand, gaped and spluttered incoherent words, mentally slapping yourself for mixing the dates up.
For once, you admitted he was right. You needed sleep.
He grinned, "Like I said, I'm not trying to distract - or as you put it," he rolled his eyes, "fail you or whatever."
He sent you a smile so full of what seemed like fondness, "You're the best college rival I could ever ask for. You test my limits, you know? Bring the best in me."
You widened your eyes as you process his words. Is he for real? You narrowed your eyes, he doesn't look like he's lying, the usual teasing tone is completely gone.
He suddenly looked so enchanting, basked in the library's soft light.
"I won't let you fail if I can help it. I would even help you," He stood up, and he stretched his right hand to reach out to you, "Please take a rest, you deserve it for your hard work." you saw the warmest smile you've ever seen him show you, and you don't know what to feel about it.
"You.." You started, wanting to ask him why he was staring so shamelessly at you, but drowsiness took over your brain now that you know you have no deadlines to worry about at the moment.
Instead, you took his warm hand, clasping it in yours, "Let's take you home." He announced, eyes filled with delight and you find yourself wanting those eyes to stare at you again.
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do not repost © lavynrose 08/19/21
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karmaaf · 3 years
When their partner dies in an NXX incident
Note: I have unfortunately chosen violence today and you're all gonna suffer with me.
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It all happened so quickly, you were both on your way back from a NXX case related crime scene that happened in an alleyway on the outskirts of the city. You both gathered enough info to rule out a few possibilities and were now talking about what may have happened. Until suddenly you heard footsteps coming closer, they were quick, too quick for him to push you away before it was too late. Gunshots. There was no time to see who it was, all he could focus on was your body falling to the ground, lifeless.
Marius von Hagen
No, no this couldn't have happened. You were just standing next to him, happily talking about how you two may have learned enough to figure the case out. But now all he saw while looking at you were your lifeless eyes staring back at him.
Marius doesn't want to let your body go, even when police arrives. What if this was all just a joke? What if you were fine? This couldn't be real, right? If he let your body go now then he knew that the reality of the situation would set in. He couldn't let you go.
He's going to spend days just looking at pictures of you two being happy. Hours spent just wishing for him to be able to relive those memories, to see you smile at him just one more time.
He's going to spent hours trying to paint something for you. A rose, he remembered that you liked roses. Or the lanterns at the festival, you even asked him to paint them for you. He drew your favourite thing! Now please come back to him.... don't leave him, please don't leave him.
Every time he sees something in a store that he knows you liked he will buy it to bring it at your grave. It's full of small items, paintings and flowers. He visits it every day, wishing that perhaps some day you'll greet him when he comes back home.
Hey... I drew this small painting for you. I know it won't be able to fully capture the beauty of the lanterns but I hope you like it nonetheless. I also got you this hairclip, it have looked so pretty on you... please come back, I promise I'll be a good boy, just please let me see you smile again
Vyn Richter
Vyn considered himself to be able to handle quite a few things, it's important in his field after all. But nothing could have prepared him for the way you gasped for air while you were slowly dying in his arms, it wasn't a quick death, but too quick for there to be any chance of you surviving before an ambulance could arrive.
He spends months unable to do his job, no matter how hard he tries to visit a patient, he can't eat or sleep properly anymore. How can he help others when he can't even help himself?
He tries everything he can to stay positive, you wouldn't have wanted him to feel so horrible, after all. But he starts blaming himself, what if he was quicker to react? What if he did a better job at stopping the blood flow?
After a while he resumes his job and he visits your grave as often as he can. He spends hours, no matter if it's sunny or raining, telling you about some things you need to know as a psychiatrist, he remembers you being interested in his courses and while you may not be able to see them with your own eyes again, he tries his best to teach you even now, hoping that you're somehow listening.
I remember you being fascinated with this specific subject so I thought I could prepare a few notes for you, we wanted to go over it together a few days after... but I could tell you a few things about it now, if you'd like. I believe that I even have a book about it that I could bring you next time.
Artem Wing
No... not again... this can't be happening again...
He tries so hard to bring you back while the ambulance sound comes closer and closer but it's too late, you were gone by the time they arrived.
He won't be able to attend any NXX meetings for weeks and he even considers quitting for a while. But then he realises that he has to find the person who did this to you. He knows that it won't bring you back but it's the least he can do now.
Artem spends all of his nights on the case. He drowns himself in as much work as he can to, at least temporarily, forget the images of your lifeless body laying on the ground next to him that have been haunting his mind for months.
After work he comes to your grave every day, telling you about movies he knows you would have liked and bringing you your favourite flowers.
There was a new movie aired in the cinema a few days ago, it was quite good. I would have liked to watch it with you, I'm sure you would have enjoyed it too. There are so many things that I'll never be able to enjoy with you by my side anymore...
Luke Pearce
It all happened so quickly, he was able to catch you before you hit the ground and asked you if everything was okay, if you're hurt, until he sees the blood. He tries his best to stop the bleeding but it just ended up being more and more until your body got colder and colder. One moment you were standing next to him, laughing about a joke he made, and the next you're in his arms, his tears slowly falling onto your lifeless body.
He blames himself for months. He had promised to protect you for as long as he could. You were supposed to outlive him. And now he was the one crying at your grave for hours over hours. If only he wouldn't have let you join him.
Luke spends a long time in the antique store making small trinkets and other small things he knew you liked for you every weekend. He hopes that you're able to find joy in them even if he won't be able to see your reaction to them.
He had nightmares about it for years, no matter what he tried, the images always haunted him. He didn't protect you. He broke his promise. And now you were gone. The person who he spent his childhood with, the person who he laughed and cried with. The person he loved. Gone. Just like that.
I made this little trinket for you, please take good care of it, okay? It's supposed to protect you wherever you are right now. I wish I could have given it to you earlier... I'm sorry...
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karmaaf · 3 years
tot boys meeting mc’s parents for the first time
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pairing: all/f!reader
wc: 2038
a/n: ughhh this ask is so cute and now i just want to write luke’s bit as a full oneshot except for the fact i have no clue where mc’s parents are lmao
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artem wing.
👌 this close to a mental breakdown
when you first bring up the topic of meeting your parents, artem practically freezes like a deer in the headlights
he agrees, of course. he wants to meet your parents, introduce himself properly as your boyfriend, and form a good impression on them so that he can have their blessings for your future marriage relationship
alas, artem can’t help but prepare for the worst: it’s his job as a lawyer, after all
he knows he’s bad at emotions, that he probably doesn’t seem like the romantic type, that he’s rather stiff and awkward at times, so he tries to prepare in other ways
“what are your parents like? is there anything they like? anything they don’t? how should i act around them?” and a hundred more questions that you swear are getting more and more ridiculous with each passing minute
he’s even writing a speech for how he should introduce himself to them, and you can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation and just how hard he’s trying
you have to calm him down, and reassure him that your parents are definitely going to love him - he doesn’t need to worry so much
your words do ease his worries slightly
on the day itself, artem looks calm on the outside as he’s driving the two of you over to your house, but is definitely panicking on the inside
the second he walks through the front door behind you, however, your parents are already fawning all over him, asking him about the law firm, his job, etc.
artem is clearly at a loss to do with all this attention, looking stiff as a board, but he tries to answer all the questions as honestly and earnestly as possible
during dinner, artem takes out a tupperware of general tso’s chicken that he’s cooked himself and shyly offers it to your parents
after a bite, you swear your parents are ready to propose to him on your behalf when they learn that he’s the one who cooked such a delicacy
dinner becomes a much more relaxed affair after that, and you even see artem cracking a hint of a smile or two as your father regales him with embarrassing stories of you as a kid
he offers to help your mother with the dishes after dinner, a few moments later you can hear your mother chattering to him excitedly about new recipes and the latest kitchen gadgets she’s seen on television. after a while, artem’s steady voice joins in as he contributes his own two cents to the conversation
with a smile, you decide to leave them be for a while longer
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vyn richter.
completely unfazed
this man doesn’t even bat an eyelid when you mention bringing him to visit your parents for the first time
“oh? that sounds lovely,” he leans down to press a gentle kiss to your temple. “when would you like to see them? i’ll bring along a gift.”
in direct contrast to artem, it’s your parents who are nervous at the thought of meeting vyn after you give them a brief rundown of who he is
on the day itself, vyn comes over with a bouquet of fresh white lilies in one arm, which he graciously gives to your mother
everything from his mannerisms to his dressing to the soft, diginified tone of his speech is the embodiment of the perfect gentleman
this is only futher amplified when he pulls out a few ornate boxes of expensive floral tea leaves as a gift, offering them to your parents as they boost health and promote vitality
(you google the brand a few minutes later in the bathroom, and one glance at the price tag is enough to make your wallet cry fat tears)
feeling bad, your parents try to turn down the gift by saying that they don’t know how to properly brew and appreciate the tea
and vyn just. teaches them on the spot, asking for a kettle and teaching them step by step how to do it
perhaps it’s that hypnotising voice of his, but after that little tea demonstration, your parents are practically eating out of the palm of his hand 
completely baffled, you just sit there and wonder how he’s basically become the perfect son-in-law in under an hour
when your parents see the two of you off after dinner, they’re already asking him for a list of his favourite foods, when he’d next like to visit, and how many children he’d like to have in the future (mom!)
“i haven’t been that nervous for a while now,” vyn admits as the two of you walk down the street together, arms interlinked. when you glance up at him with wide eyes, he lets out a quiet laugh. “is it truly that surprising?”
he’d just seemed so composed, so effortlessly charismatic earlier, and you tell him so
“they are your parents. they mean a lot to you, so i too, naturally… want them to think well of me as well.” he gives you a smile that has your heart skipping a beat. “they are entrusting me with the treasure that is you, after all.”
Czytaj dalej
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karmaaf · 3 years
Artem is just sitting there, in cat cafe thinking: "I didn't sign up for this drama"
hello it's me again! may i ask for headcannons for vyn,artem,marius and luke on what they would do when the reader suddenly kinda ignores them or they're just less affectionate or clingy since they thought they were bothering them or they were being annoying? have a great day!! :D
- coomkie anon
ToT men when you get distant pt. 1
headcanons + scenarios
character/s: Luke Pearce
warning/s: SUGGESTIVE ON THE LAST PART! minor spoilers from his personal story
notes: SJAHGEUWHWJAJA i was tempted to divide this into four parts and that's exactly what i did >:) because 1) i needed more time to think abt scenarios for the other three 2) I like making fics longer than they should be. but mostly #1
Artem, Vyn, and Marius coming soon!
reblogs would be poggers <333 masterlist
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Luke Pearce
As Luke solves more and more formidable cases everyday, it's only right for him to get more and more attention as a private detective.
and eventually, become in demand with various clients all throughout Stellis
As his S/O, of course, you're so proud of him! He's a natural born genius, what can you say
accepting jobs left and right, he's been overworking himself lately, and it's unavoidable that it would take a toll on his health
you were beyond worried
you took it upon yourself to take care of him and would constantly remind him to at least drink some water or take a short nap
even a 20 minute nap would be good, studies have shown
but luke was stubborn
there are some days that his clients were being too demanding that it can't just be helped. he would sit on his desk from morning until night without a care of anything else outside of his own little world
it's been a while since you two last hang out, you can't even watch movies or have a little cuddle session because of how busy he is
you're aware just how passionate he is with being a detective, as you were a witness to it; how he would always stay up all night working on analysis and collecting evidence, how a delightful blush would appear in his cheeks whenever he declared that he had solved a case
he's in love with his work
so you brush away the neglection that emerges in your heart
all of his tasks are going to be done before you know it, you convince yourself
he's Luke Pearce, after all
so you decided to give him space for now
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Today is sunday.
If it had been any other sunday, you'd be humming with a hop in your step towards the kitchen to prepare for you and your boyfriend's weekly movie date night.
If it had been any other sunday, you'd be listing what groceries to buy or what food to cook so that you'll have an abundance of snacks while you two were binge-watching.
Unfortunately for you though, today isn't your typical sunday.
You scanned your eyes around your shared bedroom, the ginger-haired detective nowhere to be found. You're sure he's working himself to the boot inside his precious study room as he did the night before.
You ran your fingers through your hair as you get up from the soft mattress of the bed, groaning, "What time is it?"
You tilted your head to look up the wall clock.
You sighed. This whole week Luke's nose was stuck solely on the documents and case files with different coded numbers and names you can't even recognize.
You told him time and time again that not getting enough rest is not healthy for both the body and the brain, but he just shrugged it off with a "Relax. I'll finish this in no time." with bags under his eyes no less.
His body has been running on instant ramen and black coffee throughout this entire ordeal, you even noticed how his eyes would droop every now and then. You can't comprehend how he can still manage to function in that state.
You were not having it. He barely even looked at you, and when he does, it's to tell you to not be so loud, that he needs everything to be quiet to concentrate.
You stomped out of the bedroom, ready to give him a piece of your mind.
As your hands clamped the doorknob of his study room, you were already preparing and practicing what to say in a way that won't give him further stress. You clicked the door open.
"Luke, that's enou-" you immediately stopped your ministrations when your eyes caught sight of the raven with his head plopped on his desk, arms dangling loosely.
Your eyes soften. Leaning down, you wiped off the stray bangs covering his face.
The soft glow of the morning sun emanating from the windows gave him an angelic glow, his plump lips parted slightly, taking in soft breaths. Exhaustion finally gave him in.
The idiot was sleeping soundly.
Good for him.
You give yourself more moments to admire his peaceful sleeping form, when your eyes travelled to the documents sprawled in a clatter on the desk.
Your head spun and your sight became hazy when you caught sight of no less than 10 documents labeled "unchecked."
There was a folder on the opposite side of the desk, you hurriedly grab the papers with the label "solved." there were more than 20 papers of this kind.
You shuffled the papers in your hands to count them and you felt sick.
No way. he took a whopping 50 new cases this week!? What on earth was he thinking!?
Your mind really went WTF LUKE!? as you bore holes of glares on his oh so sweet and innocent sleeping form.
You knew he was working on a lot of cases, yes. but you didn't know it was this much!
You scratched your head a little too harshly, feeling more stress dawn on you than on him.
This was too much, and he said he was going to finish this quote "in no time!" end quote.
You pressed buttons on your phone and dialed the number that you knew would be a big help right now.
"Kiki, can I come over?"
Amidst your desperation and utter determination to help Luke, you forgot to notify him where you were going.
Luke's eyes fluttered open, his mind still foggy from his longer-than-initially-planned sleep.
Twelve hours ago, he told himself he'd only sleep for 10 minutes. He didn't want to sleep in the first place though, it's just that his eyelids felt the heaviest they've been in ages.
The reason he wanted to sleep for only 10 minutes is to finish his tasks in time for your movie date.
What time is it... He groggily thought.
He was about to check the time when his gaze settled on the window, darkness enveloping the skies.
"Oh." He blinked.
His heart sank as the countless paperworks he's been doing finally weighted on him.
The movie date.
Grogginess from his slumber leaving his body entirely, he quickly made his way outside of his study room to look for you.
Where in the world is Y/N?
His shoulders slumped as he remembered your encounters with him this week.
"Maybe they're mad at me." He wondered out loud and frowned. He noticed. He hadn't missed it; how you would hang your head low whenever he told you that he was still busy, how you would have a dejected look on your face whenever he refuses to take a rest, how you would frown whenever he would glare at you unconsciously for breaking his concentration.
So he decided to do what every person would have done in this situation. He dialed your number.
Hope blooms in his chest when you answered.
"Hey," He started, "Where are you right now?It's getting late."
"I'm sorry Luke, i'm busy right now." You said in a tired voice, "I'll message you once I'm done."
"but," his eyes cast down, "it's sunday," he tried to fight back the negative thoughts in his head, "you're always free on sundays." his heart clenches.
It's true. The two of you promised that no matter how packed your schedule is, you should leave sunday night, 8pm, free of work. You even pinky swore!
He wanted to spend whatever was left with his time here on earth with you...
He can't blame you. It's his fault, anyway.
"Oh, okay. Sorry for bothering you." he opted to say instead. You hung up.
Instead of investigating his remaining paperwork, he investigated what you're possibly doing right now.
"Are you sure you don't want to go home yet?" Artem inquired with concerned eyes.
"Yes, I still need to understand these codes." You scanned your eyes through the vast amount of combinations of numbers and letters, trying to decrypt them with the method that Artem taught you earlier.
"I'm really sorry for troubling you." You apologized for the nth time today.
You felt bad for bothering Artem and Kiki like this.
At first, it was just Kiki. You hoped she would help you find out how to crack codes using her connections, but even that didn't help.
You were about to give up when Kiki suddenly called Artem's number.
In any normal day, you would protest. However, Luke's sanity is on the line.
That's how the three of you ended up in a 24 hour cat cafe during the dark hours of the night, you've been working here since this morning.
"I don't know why you suddenly called without notice," he gently petted the cat beside him, "but it seemed to be important to you, so I don't mind helping." he flashed you a soft smile.
"Sir Artem's right," Kiki tilted her head to your direction, breaking her eyes from studying the codes, "We're only one call away!" she exclaimed, beaming at you.
"You two..." You feel like crying.
You were thankful to have friends like this. You never disclosed why you needed their help desperately, you never told them why this was so important, but they still took up your offer without hesitation nonetheless.
Easy maid of honor and best man choices right here.
You coughed, "Anyways, maybe we should take a 5 minute break first? I can buy us some more drinks." You were feeling generous, and you wanted to repay them for their gracious help, "It's on me." you winked at the two.
Kiki beamed, "I'm going with you!"
Artem shook his head, "Any flavor is fine. I'm going to watch over our table and belongings." He then typed stuff on the laptop you can't comprehend.
"Alright." You and Kiki went off to the counter, giggling to each other about the best-sellers in this cafe.
"A cat cafe?" He mumbled once he finished tracking your gps.
What are they doing there? Worry stirs in his chest, I doubt it's about work.
He decided to call your number again.
Lump in his throat while the phone rings, his heart and mind not ready for what was about to come.
"Luke." The other line greeted.
His heart drops, eyes widening, as he stood abruptly to assure if he's hearing it correctly, "Artem?"
Did Artem Wing just picked up your phone?
From a cat cafe?
On a weekend?
As far as he's concerned, sunday is a free work day for the themis firm.
So why?
His hands trembled, uncaring of what Artem was blabbering about from the other line, dropping the phone with a thud on the ground. With furrowed brows and panicked movements, he frantically grabbed the motor keys from his pocket.
Faster than lightning, he makes his way to the cat cafe he never thought he would despise right now.
He was more logical than this. In fact, deep in his heart, he knows you won't even think of breaking his heart.
However, he's been ignoring you this past week, the devil's voice whispering in his head is making it worse, "You probably spent more time with Artem these past few days than with me."
He clenched his jaw as the lingering thought clouds his mind, do you not love me anymore?
When you and Kiki came back, Artem was looking at you quite incredulously.
"You look pale, Artem. What's the matter?" You questioned as you analyzed his widened cerulean eyes, only then you noticed your phone on his hands.
"Luke called." He said slowly, "He abruptly hung up and I don't know why."
"What did you tell him?" You inquired as you reached out your hand to get your phone, then he placed it on your palm.
"I wanted to let him know where you are, and that he should pick you up." Artem sported a conflicted look in his eyes, "He sounded agitated when he spoke my name."
You sighed, already knowing what's on Luke's mind.
You'll explain to him later.
"Our order will arrive in 5 minutes," you sat back on the table," Kiki went to the restroom for a bit."
"We should call it a day." Artem replied, as he put the laptop back to his bag.
"Right," the three of you were tired, that much you can tell from your two companions' constant yawns and heavy eyelids.
You were feeling sleepy as well.
"Thank you again for today, Artem. I learned a lot, I definitely can take this from here." You beamed at him.
He flashed a small smile back, "Yes. I'm glad I can be of ser-" He was suddenly cut off by a voice you didn't expect.
Your heart throbbed against your chest at your name rolling off his tongue with so much intensity.
You turned around, your eyes meeting his. From his voice, you expected him to be angry. You expected his eyebrows to be furrowed, for his noses to be flared.
Yet you see an emotion that broke you even more than his anger could.
"What's the meaning of this?" There was a tone in Luke's voice you've rarely heard before. The last one being was when he scolded you for joining NXX.
His eyes flickered between you and Artem, "Is this what I think it is?" He then fixed his eyes on you, voice broken.
"No! Luke-" you grabbed his hands as you spoke, "We're just busy with work."
He cast his eyes down, "Yeah, work," he chuckled dryly, "Artem isn't wearing a suit, there's only the two of you, you were even smiling at each other when I came here," he swallowed hard, then looked at his wristwatch, "it's already past 10pm, and most importantly," he tilted his head to look into your eyes, "It's sunday, Y/N. We cancel work plans during sundays."
You were taken aback not by his words, but by the unshed tears that was now threatening to spill down his cheeks.
He quickly blinked them away.
Your heart hurts, seeing him like this.
"Luke, I-"
"You can tell me you know," he sniffed, "If I'm lacking effort in our relationship." he looked away.
You were about to tell him that this was all a big misunderstanding but he kept on cutting you off, "I'm sorry for not giving you enough of my time. I'm sorry that I prioritized my work over you. I'm sorry."
Artem sat there with widened eyes.
"Luke, this is a misunderstanding-"
"What's going on?" Kiki suddenly emerges from the halls of the comfort room.
The three of you turned your heads to look at her confused state.
Just like the wind clearing up a fog, like water putting out a fire, his thoughts of you dating Artem now gone. Luke stood there, speechless.
You spoke up, "Luke, we need to talk."
The four of you apologized to the cafe owner after what had transpired, opting to take your ordered drinks home as you were in a rush to explain everything to Luke.
The two of you were silent on the way home, it's only when the two of you sat on the couch when you finally spoke, "I don't mind, you know." You gazed at his brown eyes, he turned to you.
"What?" His voice is still raspy, but not enough to worry you.
"I don't mind if you prioritize your work over me. You know what I do mind?" you sent him a stern look, "It's when you prioritize work over your health." you then pinched his cheeks to scold him.
"Ow." He rubbed his swollen cheeks, as your hands dropped to his torso, embracing him.
"I love you Luke, I'm not sure why you thought I was being unfaithful, but I'm telling you, I'm offended." You glared at him and he flushed red.
"For that... I'm really really really sorry. I caused a fuss back there. I made you and Artem look bad. It's a good thing there aren't any costumers in the cafe, because if there was I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for the rest of my life for humiliating you." He hugged you back, "I was just being irrational. Probably sleep deprived too," he chuckled, "Most of all, I was afraid I'd lose you."
"The reason why I was with them is because," you held him tighter, your body feeling his hardened muscles in his stomach and chest, "I wanted to learn about encoding and decoding the files that you were working on," you pecked his lips, "I wanted to ease your burdens a little." you kissed his lips again, a little longer than before.
Heat flooded his cheeks and he looked away, "You're an angel you know? I don't deserve you."
"You do. You're just stressed, and not yourself, that's all. I mean, all you ever ate was instant ramen, how could you think straight?" You scolded him again.
He chuckled, eyes shining with mischief, "Then, care to help me..." he placed his warm hands on your exposed thighs, "Relax?"
Excitement pools in your stomach as he pushed you down the couch, he immediately crawled on top of you, his arms resting on the side of your head. His body trapping you underneath.
You instinctively opened your legs for him.
He dipped down, "I missed you." He whispered in your ear, his hot breath sending tingles down to your spine, "And I want so badly to make it up to you..." He murmured, pressing soft kisses on your neck and jaw, before capturing your lips into his.
The feeling of his warm lips on yours was a feeling you've been waiting to savor for days now, you're definitely going to make the best of this make out session.
He had you starved.
You felt warmth and arousal all over as you tangled your fingers on his hair, his wet tongue began licking and nibbling your bottom lip, making you mewl, "luke.. nnhhn," and he took this opportunity to explore the inside of your mouth.
The kiss immediately turned heated as he began grinding on your crotch, your panting mouths and hot tongues mingling with each other.
You pulled away with a hazy look on your eyes, trying to catch your breath, "Tonight is supposed to be movie night, you know?" you teased.
He removed his shirt over his head, "Let's make our own movie, then."
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do not repost © lavynrose 08/21/21
365 notes · View notes
karmaaf · 3 years
Where MC is a Smoker
Original artist: Sean
Source: here
🍒 Please do not repost! 🍒
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Czytaj dalej
653 notes · View notes
karmaaf · 3 years
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Spot the difference
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karmaaf · 3 years
Tears of Themis: Soulmate AUs
soulmates. your other half. the one being that will complete you. the missing centerpiece that just fits in the large, thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle of your life. gn!mc
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(Meter of how in danger your soulmate is.)
He treasured and obsessed over the little golden bar circling his wrist.
He knew that you were his soulmate from the moment he saw you, It didn’t matter if Fate tied him with someone else, or that he wasn’t your soulmate (disregarding that unrequited soul bonds are extraordinarily rare or not, it was a possibility), he chose you. And he would continue to choose you if he could and would make it an option, regardless.
It became a habit to check it every half an hour just to make sure you were okay. Whenever the bar even goes a little past half, he starts fretting and starts doing discreet checkups on you (it is far from discreet).
In the eight years you were apart...
Well, he checked it every minute. He practically had a little internal clock that screams at him to look at it.
Every single instance where it went up slightly, panick and absolute dread chilled his bones and left him feeling so helpless. Whenever he prays, it’s always for your safety.
After the Incident, he feels guilty, in every sense of the word, stuck between selfishly wanting to tell you the truth and spending his last moments with you, and wanting to stay as far away from you and being a vague memory of a friend, a good one. What if he really was your soulmate? He didn’t want you to have a soulmate fated to die young, you deserved better than that. You deserved so much more than that.
Your joining the NXX and the permanent increase in the little bar on his wrist has him feeling so... powerless. Because even though he wants you to stay as safe as possible, he knew that nothing could stop you from getting what you wanted, and this. This was what you wanted.
How could he refuse you?
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(Red String of Fate)
The little string tied around his pinky is a lively thing. Tugging his finger at random intervals, affectionately looping around his wrist when he feels stressed, or just curiously wandering about, but never too far away from him.
(Eventually, it did managed to lift one end of the pen, defying the fact that red threads weren’t even supposed to affect anything in the psychical world. It wiggled around in absolute joy for a couple days and Artem was in a suspiciously chipper mood for that couple days.)
His soulmate must be a very cheerful, determined person. After all, he once saw the red thread wrapping itself around his pen, futilely making an attempt to pick it up, even with the lack of success it never backed down.
He didn’t have any particular expectations for the person at the end of his string, but judging from the thread’s personality, he already feels a fondness for his soulmate.
He’s sure that if he meets them, he’ll truly be stunned by their brilliance.
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(Small moments where you can see what your soulmate is seeing, feeling and hearing)
It was tiny, irrelevant snapshots of his soulmate’s life, but Vyn was always an observant man and he could tell a good bit of what kind of person they were; setting aside his curiosity, he treasured the bits and pieces of their life that his soulmate has to offer.
One second, he was in his office, making an examination of himself and the next, he was furiously blinking in front of a screen and an ungodly amount of post-it notes—his soulmate groaning, before slapping themself in the cheeks encouragingly, trying to psyche themself up.
It always happened at odd times and left him slightly disoriented whenever it happened, a bustling shop, a quiet library, a terrfying mountain of paperwork, a stunning view of the cityscape and so on and so forth. The emotions always varied too; contentment, determination, happiness, anger and sorrow.
Every little piece given made him slightly more greedier than before—he wanted to know more, more about this person who is supposedly his other half, this person who will accept him unconditionally.
He wondered, not for the first time, what they would think of him. Will they really accept the very flawed person that he was?
Who would they have to be, to love someone like him?
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(Colourblind until they make eye contact with their soulmate)
It was a slight problem that he was colorblind, since he was an artist and all, but it was only a slight problem. He could always just paint in black and white.
He would never admit it out loud, but he did have slightly rosy dreams of his soulmate, romantic musings about their first meeting—would it just be a normal greeting and a handshake? Maybe they would know each other from a mutual friend. Or would it be a classic ‘running and bumping into each other accidentally’?
Every cliché became a victim to his daydreams as he went through the motions of carefully picking out clothes with the guidance of someone else’s eyes, painting this and that as he was inspired by this and that.
Then, his brother disappeared, and he was forced to take up responsibilities and put on shoes too big for him, throwing himself into work and investigation upon investigation just for a small clue on his brother.
Sometimes, in the late-late hours of the night as he signed and wrote paperwork, he wondered what his soulmate would do to help him.
Would they try to shoulder some of the burden, too? Or would they bring snacks and the like? Would they look at his painstaking efforts to prove the media wrong and offer encouragement and reassurances that he was doing a good job?
The first time he met your eyes was also the first time he truly knew what beauty was.
353 notes · View notes
karmaaf · 3 years
[Translated Comic] MLQC x Tears of Themis
Original artist: 结木耶 (jie mu ye)
Source: here
🍒 Please do not repost! 🍒
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Czytaj dalej
740 notes · View notes
karmaaf · 3 years
Everyone is looking at obviously in love Mc and Artem like: "This bitches dumb."
Ok, I saw your requests are open, and I’m dying to see this one shot idea come to life. Ok, so what if MC somehow figures out that Artem likes her and then in response she decides to tease him a little throughout the day (like in a flirtatious way… make him all flustered and can’t think straight kinda way), maybe hit on him a little, before just asking him out herself at the end of the day. I would die to see that. She/her pronouns if that’s cool. Thanks!!
quit playing games with my heart
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character/s: Artem Wing
pronouns: she/her as requested
warning/s: not proofread
notes: this was such a cute ask! I took my sweet time with this bc i find this really fun to write. The title is so cheesy SWJSHSJSKS.
also, we reached 143 follows (interesting number, it's bc i love yall yieeerr) you guys are the loveliest!
comments, feedback, and reblogs would help a lot <3 masterlist.
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"Truth." You declared, beads of sweat running down your forehead.
Your colleagues looked incredulously at your flushed form like you singlehandedly broke the office's coffee dispenser that serves their favorite source of caffeine everyday.
"Oh come on!" One of them flailed their hands in the air in exasperation, some even sighed.
"Only cowards choose truth," Your coworker, Grace, crossed her arms and playfully rolled her eyes at you, "or are you afraid we might make you do something you'll regret?"
She stood from the foldable seat that she specifically brought for today's camping trip.
Some days ago, Celestine decided that it's the perfect opportunity to go out for recreational activities since there are many rookie recruits that joined this month.
That's how you ended up here. The darkness of the night enveloping the quiet forest, as the flames cackled and danced in front of you. The bonfire giving your colleagues' faces a bright golden glow. Crickets sang, the cool air hitting your skin is giving you a feeling of sentimentality, and the sky shimmered with stars so beautiful.
Your situation isn't.
You raised your eyebrows at her with suspicion, her smirk only grew.
"For example," She put her right hand on her hips, winking at you, "giving Artem a kiss." She then clapped her hands together and squealed like a little girl.
Heat rushed to your cheeks as several ooh's and whistles came out of everyone's lips, you convinced yourself that you felt hot solely because of the fire.
You looked away, trying to calm the pounding in your chest. The thought of kissing Artem was too much for your lovestruck heart.
"What are you saying?" Trying your best to keep your voice even, you forced yourself to look at her.
You can't remember when it started, but ever since you and Artem became partners, your senior coworkers won't stop gushing about how the two of you could become the most formidable "power couple" in all of Stellis.
Ever since that day, they've been doing everything in their power for you and Artem to finally get together. Whenever you and Artem were with each other, they would make up excuses to leave the two of you alone. Playful looks, meaningful smiles, matchmaking schemes that failed because of Artem's obliviousness and your impending embarassment - these kind of stuff were regular occurence in the firm.
Unfortunately for you, tonight wasn't an exception.
Grace sighed, "You don't have to hide it." She then gestured to the 5 people around you on the bonfire, "Everyone knows you have feelings for him." The said people nodded their heads in unison.
The look on their faces were almost comical, that you would've laughed if the attention wasn't so directed on you.
"If only sir Artem would make the first move.." Kiki let out a long sigh beside you. You groaned. Not Kiki too.
You cleared your throat, "You guys are imagining things. Our relationship is purely professional." You said with so much conviction you almost fooled yourself.
"Oh yeah?" Grace raised her on fleeked eyebrow with a smirk. You're certain she's not going to let you go anytime soon, "You chose truth. Then I have a question for you."
You felt your heart jump to your throat upon hearing her words. You've played truth or dare enough times in the past to know where this is going to lead. You felt the sudden urge to skeddadle then and there, desperately wanting to get out of this hot seat.
"Do you like Artem in a romantic way?" You were expecting this question. You weren't even shocked, but she asked it so casually like your not-so-casual feelings aren't on the verge of getting revealed for the world to know. You know she added the words 'in a romantic way' so that you wouldn't dodge the question with the answer 'of course i like him, we're partners' or some bs.
You didn't need to look up to them to know that anticipation were evident in their faces, thr cold air earlier was replaced by a heated atmosphere, "I need fresh air." You said, looking down in an attempt to hide your flushed cheeks.
"Look, it's fine. You don't have to tell us," Grace leveled herself to your sitting position and placed a hand on your shoulder, "We're really just rooting for you, is all."
You chuckled at her, "I know."
Kiki beamed at everyone, "I think that's enough for tonight, guys!" She looked over to you briefly with concern, "it's getting late, we should prepare our tents now."
The rookie employees began to shuffle around as they grabbed the materials needed to prepare.
"Y/N," Kiki gazed at your eyes, "We're not teasing you just for the sake of it," She grinned, "because we see it, the both of you are clearly whipped."
You don't know what to feel at the possibility of Artem reciprocating your feelings, so you just stared at her, mouth gaped. A pang stirring in your heart at the mere thought of Artem seeing you the same way you see him.
"The looks that Artem give you?" She pinched your cheeks lightly, "I never saw that directed to anyone else." You whined, rubbing your cheeks when she let go.
Grace nodded in agreement and pinched your cheeks as well, "Who knows, maybe he'll act first if you push his buttons correctly." She then winked and let you go, "Kiss him goodnight or something so that he'll get the message."
You completely forgot about the sting from all their pinching when you registered her words.
You shoved her lightly with pink dusting your cheeks, "You're the worst."
Her lighthearted chuckle rang through the silence of the night, "Oh, trust in the power of flirting. You'll thank me later." She winked before scooting away.
You quickly turned to Kiki to subdue the pounding in your chest, "So uh, speaking of Artem," You looked at the path that leads to the entrance of the forest, "It's been 20 minutes since he left with Celestine." You find yourself yearning to gaze at his cerulean eyes again, "It's getting late."
One of the rookies made a mistake. That mistake being the reason why Artem and Celestine had to go back outside the forest - that's when your other colleagues decided to play the torture of a game called truth or dare.
When the whole team was preparing to sleep for the night a little earlier, each of you began to bring out your sleeping bags. After doing the headcount along with the number of bags, there was one missing.
The rookie said they forgot because of too much excitement. Well, you can't blame them, work in the firm is stressful and static, news of a collective outing would definitely thrill anyone's nerves.
The said rookie can't get a sleeping bag for themself because this forest has a pass system wherein you can only get in and out freely at any time during your stay only if you have a pass card under a reservation name.
Your firm's reservation is named after Celestine and Artem, they're the ones fetching a sleeping bag right now.
Kiki yawned, creating tears in her eyes, breaking you out of your thoughts, "Let's go to sleep now, Y/N." She tugged at your arm but you stood still.
"I'm staying," You glanced at the pathway again, "I'll wait for the two of them."
Kiki snickered amidst her droppy eyes, "It's alright, you can say Artem." Before you can even retort, she made her way to the tents with a wave.
You sighed and stretched your limbs. What's taking them so long?
Bored, you tilted your head up to look at the shining stars, their twinkle forming a fairy tale-like veil in the night sky. Beautiful, you clenched your chest with your hand, closing your eyes shut, but out of reach. Butterflies rumbled in your stomach when you realized that this is the same feeling that you get when you gaze at Artem's ocean eyes, a vast blue so captivating these stars can't even compete.
You shook your head as you kicked a small pebble, I'm getting too sappy.
You foot decided to play around with the said pebble when your peripheral vision caught movement by the trees. What's that?
You put yourself in a stance where you can defend yourself, eyes trained on the spot where the movement came from. Slowly making your way to the trees. You were ready to scream if push comes to shove. You resemble a horror movie protagonist right now going right into the villain's trap.
Your heart thumping in your ribs, you tilted your body to take a peek behind the tree, expecting a terrifying sight. However, your eyes caught sight of brown fur and a fluffy tail. A tiny squirrel.
You let out an exhale, relieved.
"I'm telling you Artem," You stiffen. Ears perked up at the voice, your heartbeat accelerated at the mention of his name, "she likes you back."
This seems like a bad time to reveal yourself, so you quickly hid yourself behind the tree, scaring the squirrel in the process.
Your heart fell when you processed Celestine's words. She? Who's she? Artem has someone he has eyes for?
Your mind searched up for ideas on who could the lucky person be, but your brain is scattered. Heart broken. Must be quite the perfect one if Artem is interested, stupid me for thinking I had a chance. You frowned.
The top attorney cleared his throat, "Please be quiet. Anyone can hear us." You peeked and you saw the blush dusting his cheeks. He looked adorable, but he would look even more adorable if you're the one who had caused it.
You didn't know it was possible for a broken heart to break even further at the thought of another person making Artem flustered like that.
You held your breath, You know you shouldn't be listening, but the rarely talked about topic regarding Artem's love interest is too sweet to pass.
"Oh please, Y/N is probably already asleep by now. She's probably tired from all the activities we did," She giggled, "You two looked cute while sleeping together in the bus earlier, by the way." Celestine sat on the stone you were sitting on earlier while playing truth or dare. The tree you're hiding in is just beside her.
Me? Your eyes lit up in anticipation, hope bubbling in your chest, what about me? You're so intent on hearing more that you didn't notice Celestine's comment about you falling asleep on Artem's shoulder on the way here.
Artem flushed beet red and eyes showed visible panic, he put his fingers to his lips, "Don't say her name out loud." He said in a hushed whisper. Now you're even more intrigued.
"Why?" Celestine smirked, the bonfire reflecting in her playful eyes, "Afraid she'll find out you're in love with her?" she casted a brief glace in your direction, unbeknowst to you and Artem.
It hit you like a wall of bricks, did you hear that right? there's absolutely no way -
"Yes I am. Now can you please drop the subject?" The confirmation from Artem was all it needed for a gasp to threaten to fall out of your lips.
Your hands quickly fly to your mouth. You know eavesdropping is never good, and you know that this is a topic that needed privacy without prying ears, but they can't catch you like this.
You heaved, head spinning from the information you just heard. Artem Wing... likes you?
Letting the pleasant news sink in, the corners of you lips turned up in an uncontrollable smile. You crouched down, trying hard not to squeal. Oh, how bad you wanted to squeal right now. Blushing and beaming hard your cheeks feels like they're going to burst. Giddiness filled the air around you, like a shojo manga protagonist with flower effects in the background.
You were so elated that you didn't notice them already heading out to sleep on their respective tents.
Realizing they're gone, you slowly walked out from your hiding spot, and took your sweet time to walk towards your shared tent with Kiki, welcomed by her soft snores. As you get ready to slip into your sleeping bag, your mind kept replaying what it just acquired. Artem likes me... Artem likes me... like a mantra. You still can't believe it.
Your thoughts drifted to Grace and Kiki's words. He won't make the first move. Should you really put matters into your own hands? Makes sense, from how badly he wants to avoid the subject about his feelings earlier, it seems like Artem isn't going to confess soon.
Kiss him goodnight, huh. You shook your head, you agree that you should show him signs, but isn't that too straightforward!? Well, it's not that you don't want to kiss him or anything.
You pumped your fist. Now that you know that Artem reciprocated your feelings, there's no need to be afraid. You'll do your best to make him realize that you like him back. He's a really kindhearted person, he'll definitely won't mind if you tease him for a bit, right? You recalled his flustered state when Celestine mentioned your name, and you'd do anything to see it again.
Sleepiness began to flood your system, and you were sure you're going to dream of him tonight.
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The next morning, you woke up to an incredibly good mood. From waking up to preparing for team activities, you were certain that everyone has noticed - your lingering and broad grins, a bright glow in your features, the skips to your step, you were so painfully obvious.
Well, can they blame you? It's not everyday you find out that the person of your affections likes you the same way. You hummed softly while you seasoned the pork for lunch.
Yes, lunch. Everyone slept really late last night that it's only inevitable for all of you woke up at noon.
"Ehem. you're extra smiley today," Grace nudged your shoulder, and lowered her voice, "did you kiss Artem in your dreams last night or something?" From the way you were acting, it's not surprising that she thought that way.
"What? I'm just in a really good mood, it's a beautiful day. You can hear the birds chirping beautifully," you gestured towards the sky, "the sun shining down brightly on us, and the breeze of the forest feels nice. I feel alive." You beamed at her, she just responded with a shrug, suspicion in her eyes as she mumbled a teasing sureee and went on to do her tasks.
You looked around to see if nobody is looking, the coast is clear. You discreetly locked your gaze on Artem Wing. The debonair stood there, wearing a camo jacket that fits his form really well. His hair perfectly brushed the same way it always has been, a small smile on his face as he grilled barbecue. The sight is enough to make your heart race. He looked so lovely, basked in the light morning rays of the sun like this - your favorite look on him is still when he blushes, though.
Speaking of blushing Artem, an idea popped in your mind.
"Kiki!" you half yelled to get your friend's attention, her hands currently tending to chop some vegestables from another table. She looked at you with curious eyes and you gestured for her to come closer.
You pulled her and whispered in her ear, "I want you to try something..." You knew she wouldn't agree to this right away, you would beg if you have to. After telling her your plan, she looked at you like you have two heads.
"WHA-" Before she could get the attention of everyone, you quickly put your hand on her mouth, "Please Kiki, I'll do anything, just this once? You said you wanted to help me with Artem." You gave her puppy eyes as you kept shaking her shoulders, pleading.
She looked at you incredulously for a few moments, and sighed, "Fine. You owe me so, soooo much for this." She adjusted her glasses then looked over to Artem with shifting eyes, hesitating.
"I know, and I'm sorry. You're my angel, Kiki." You patted her back and gave her a thumbs up. She sighed again.
"Quite frankly, I admit I want to see how Sir Artem would react to this." She said as she put on a determined face, ready to face the challenge you bestowed before her.
You watched in anticipation as she walked over to Artem, "Sir Artem!" Artem tore his eyes away from the grill, looking over at Kiki, "Can I hug you?" She said, eyes twitching.
You're so gonna make up for her later. I'm very sorry Kiki, you're the best. I swear I'll buy you every merch of your idol available. I'll even buy yiu concert tickets if I have to.
Artem looked as composed as ever as he focused his attention again on the barbecue, "I don't know where that come from but I can't. I'm busy, you see." Artem flashed her a small smile.
He didn't blush.
You rubbed your hands together as it was your turn now. The verdict. The final show. This will decide whether or not you should act on your feelings for him. You wanted to see how he'd react to other girls flirting with him, and compare it to his reaction to yours. To see if you really have a chance.
Kiki went back to you with a sigh, "I'm rooting for you, Y/N." She then flashed you an encouraging smile, "Do it." She said firmly, resolve pooling in her brown hues.
You nodded eagerly.
You tried to calm your nerves by taking deep breaths, you felt like your knees are gonna buckle as you made your way to Artem. What if he rejects me?
You shook your head, I won't know unless I try.
This is it, "Artem." he perks up from your voice, tearing his eyes away from the food he's cooking. "Yes?" His cerulean eyes bore onto your form, it's gentleness grounding you. Suddenly, you're not so nervous anymore.
This is Artem Wing. The Artem that always reassures you that you're doing well. The Artem that cares for you very much. There's no need to be nervous around him.
"Can I..." you looked away, pink in your cheeks, as you forced yourself to look at him in the eyes to see his priced reaction, "Can I hug you?"
Artem's eyes widened, unblinking, "You..." Why is he in demand for hugs today? He wondered.
Your anxiety is growing as he stood there in silence for a few seconds, before gently reaching out his arms to you, "Of course," He cleared his throat, as his cheeks flushed, "You don't need to ask."
Your eyes lit up at his words and you turned your head to look at Kiki in pure shock, you met her brown eyes, a proud grin on her features.
You turned back to Artem, "Okay..." you moved closer, his body engulfing yours as you hugged his waist. He put his chin above your head as he rubbed your back in comforting motions.
You should do this more often.
You began pressing your face on his chest, inhaling his vanilla scent. But then vanilla changed into a burning smell when you noticed that he had forgotten to tend to the pork.
"Artem, the food's burning!" You pried away from each other, and you're thankful that the other coworkers were busy enough to not see the moment you two shared.
"I'm sorry." He shook his head as he mentally scolded himself for being too distracted.
After cooking, your team gathered around a picnic table to eat. Everyone's mouth watering from the delicious aroma of barbecue.
Your stomach is already telling you to eat, so you grabbed one and took a bite, "Artem, this is delicious!" You looked over to him sitting beside you, getting his own share.
He took a bite, "Of course, the whole team made this together." while he talked you can't help but notice the stain on his mouth from the barbecue's sauce.
You had a great idea.
Grabbing a napkin, you spoke up, "Artem," he turned his head to you so innocently that it made you warm inside, "Hold still." you murmured as your fingers inside the napkin felt the warm corners of his lips, wiping away the sauce.
You caught him off guard, "Tha.. Thank you..." He cleared his throat, and he wanted to ask why you did that, but he held himself back, keeping everything to himself and his wildly beating heart.
"Artem. Your food is getting cold." Celestine snapped her fingers from across him after she noticed that it has been 10 minutes when Artem last touched his food.
He snapped out of his thoughts with reddened cheeks, resuming to eat his food again.
You grinned, your mission for today is going smoothly with every attempt.
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After eating dinner and playing some board games, Celestine wanted to have another activity to strengthen each other's bond.
She told everyone to hike in pairs seperately, and upon reaching the mountaintop, all of you would be stargazing. It's 4pm, and the road to the top is long, so it'll be by night when you get there.
To no one's surprise, of course you were paired with Artem. You weren't complaining though.
At this point you were convinced that this 'recreational' activity that she had suggested isn't for the sake of whole firm, you're beginning to think that they were all in cahoots to try to get you and Artem together. That wouldn't be farfetched.
Every pair took different paths on the way up, you and Artem ended up with a path so narrow that the back of your hands graze every now and then.
"Tell me if you feel tired." Artem whispered as soon as you stepped foot on the trail. It was almost sunset, giving the forest a spread of orange and red hues. Giving Artem's handsome features a magical glow.
"Of course." you replied, taking in the breathtaking sight before you.
As the two of you hiked side by side, you were thinking of ways to fluster him like you did before. The leaves crunched under your foot, noises of small animals can be heard, and you felt his hand brush against yours again. The both of you looked away from the contact.
That's it. You grinned.
"Artem?" you called out to him, and he turned to you with curious eyes.
"What is it?"
You took a deep breath, trying to cool the gradual heat in your face, "I want to hold your hand."
"Wha-" His eyes were wide as saucers as he almost stumbled in his step, but he quickly rebalanced himself and tried to gain composure, you two stopped hiking for a bit.
He cleared his throat, "Y/N," he looked at you shyly, his cheeks red as a tomoto, "Why do you want to hold my hand?" He hesitated, "You've been doing unusual things lately, I'm just curious."
Your face fell, embarassment eating you up, "I just," You looked down on your shoes, "I just wanted to hold your hand, Artem." You turned away from him in panic, and awkwardly waved him off, "I'm sorry, I think I crossed the line. Let's get goi-"
You heard a gasp leave your own lips when you felt something warm grab your hands, "I never said I don't want to do it," He intertwined his fingers with yours, the skin to skin contact making the both of you feel shy, "I wanted to hold your hand too..." He finished with a fond smile. His ocean eyes casting a spell on you, putting you in a trance.
"Let's go." He tugged on you softly, and the two of you went on your way up. You can't help the growing smile threatening to make your cheeks burst.
His warm hand is giving you all the heat that you need. Artem's hands on yours paired with the mesmerizing golden sunset, this is the perfect place to be.
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The two of you exchanged random stories on your way up, mostly childhood stories, the two of you were comfortable enough to share anything to the other. When the two of arrived to the top, the night sky was already enveloped in a blanket of dazzling at captivating clusters of stars, and some of your colleagues were already there.
As expected, your entwined hands didn't get unnoticed. Celestine looked like she had hit the lottery's jackpot when she rushed to you along with some others. You can hear some excited oh my gosh's, their eyes were glued to your hands.
Celestine placed her hands on yiur shoulders, "You guys finally confessed to each other! That's good!" She beamed so bright, the sun stood no chance.
"No we di-" You shook your head and flailed your hands around to disagree, but no one heard because they were too busy squealing. Artem shook his head with fondness beside you.
"THIS CAUSES FOR A CELEBRATION!" Grace shouted as she told everyone to get beers from the beverage container, and murmered a quiet 'congrats' in your air.
"Wait, guys, you got it all wro-" Your voice was drowned out from all the gushing,
"I'm so happy! I'm already looking forward to the wedding!" Kiki took your free and clasped it, she's jumping up and down with so much enthusiasm that you almost can't bring yourself to turn her down.
"Guys-" You were about to protest further when youu felt Artem squeeze your hands, he leaned to you and you felt his hot breath tickle the sensitive part of your ear, "Calm down, we'll tell them once they're done with this ruckus." You looked up to him and you saw him smile warmly.
"I wonder what their child will look like?" One of the rookies suddenly blurted out, Artem's warm smile that etched into his features before morphed into a coughing fit.
Your cheeks reddened as you pat his back, "That goes for the both of us, Artem."
Celestine suddenly pulled the two of you away from the group by the arm, "You enjoy this night together, you two." She literally shooed the two of you away, and you can guess why.
The two sighed at the same time, you noticed this and you looked at each other, stiffling your laughs.
Artem shot a look at the group, "They're free from stress, huh?" Letting your hand go, he took off his backpack to get a blanket that you two can sit on.
You almost whined at the loss of contact and warmth. You don't want to be clingy, but the feeling of his hand on yours is a feeling you're not willing to let go of yet.
Oh, to be able to hold Artem's hands everyday.
You were wallowing in your sadness when he put his hand back on yours again, tugging on it as an invite to sit with him on the small blanket, "The stars are waiting." He beckoned you on with a smile.
Butterflies rampaged in your stomach as you slowly sat beside him, your shoulders and thighs touching. His hands finding it's way on yours again feels too good to be true. If he proposed to you then and there, you would definitely say yes.
Dummy, you haven't even confessed yet. You sighed.
You feel so in love right now. In love with the stars above you, in love with the faint laughter of your colleagues from the distance, in love with the breeze hitting yoir face, in love with the warmth filling your senses.
In love with the man beside you.
And you wanted so desperately to let him know that you feel the same way as he does.
As you watched the sparkling stars mock your nervous heart, you suddenly remembered a pick up line that you read somewhere. Stars...
Gathering courage, you looked up to Artem only to find him already staring at you. He quickly looked away.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks, as you collect the almost non-existent pieces of your courage once again.
"Artem, I have something to tell you." You bore your eyes to him. He likes me back, I just need to be confident about this! You cheered yourself on.
"If a star fell down everytime I think of you," You squeezed his hands as you tilted your head up to gaze at him from beneath your lashes, "The moon would be so lonely." You let out a breath you don't know you were holding.
His mouth formed to an 'o' as he registered your words, his lips spluttering a series of broken words and he hid his face. When he finally recovered his composure, he greeted you with a stern face.
"You know... You shouldn't say things so casually like that," He looked away, turning his focus to the starry sky instead, "I know you're joking, but if I were a different person, I might misunderstand your feelings." His cheeks were still red, and he looked down.
You gave him the same stern face, "Who told you I'm joking?" you put your hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at you, "You aren't misunderstanding anything here, Artem." you finished with a soft smile.
He looked at you with disbelief and you continued, wanting to finally clarify everything, "What I'm saying is I'm in love with you, Mr. Artem Wing." you pulled him closer hiding your face in his chest because of embarassment.
"I'm in love with you too..." He declared in the softest voice you've ever heard from him, throwing away all masks of invulnerability.
You felt so ecstatic right now that even before you could stop yourself, you were already pulling the back of his neck, and latched your wet lips into his. The heat setting your whole body on fire.
Realizing what you just did, you pulled away from him with trembling eyes, "Artem! I didn't mean to-"
Before you could continue, his arms pulled you by the waist, and muffled your words with his mouth. You straddled his lap for a more comfortable position, as your mouths continue mingling hungrily under the starlight.
You smile into the kiss. Grace, I can finally give him a goodnight kiss for real.
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do not repost © lavynrose 08/25/21
600 notes · View notes
karmaaf · 3 years
Trapped in a box
Original artist: 肝肾皆不够的咸鱼诺 (gan shen jie by you de xian yu nuo)
Source: here
🍒 Please do not repost 🍒
Read from right to left!
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Czytaj dalej
955 notes · View notes
karmaaf · 3 years
Okay, bitches, you better look out.
Your Tumblr username decides your profession. How is your first day at work?
540K notes · View notes
karmaaf · 3 years
This is so good! Thank you for writing it!
Hi, this is me (again)! If you have time and motivation can you please write something in High school AU (i just love it so much). Maybe something with MC who is told by her mother that as a girl she doesn't have to be smart she just have to be beautiful, she shouldn't have her own opinion and should only find herself someone who will take care of her and rfa + minor duo heard that? But remember that your well-being is the most important and it's ok to take a break! We love you!
High School AU where the RFA overhears Mc‘s Mom saying to her that she doesn’t have to be intelligent but beautiful
Hey my love, thank you for sending in a Request! Just like the last Requests I will leave out the Minor Duo due to the busy time. However I will write it again if you want to, yes? Hope you like it, please give me your opinion!
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,,Sometimes I wonder how parents raise their daughters,’’ Jumin mumbled as he walked down the hallway with his best friend Jihyun.
Jihyun laughed at his friend’s words.
,,I mean, I’m not wrong, am I?’’ Jumin asked.
,,Today in music class, a girl chuckled and thought she was cute. The teacher wanted to know if she knew something about Beethoven and she simply looked at me and said, ,,Jumin-oppa, I don’t know, can you say it?’’, it was so disgusting!’’
,,Well, I think she just has a crush on you,’’ Jihyun laughed.
,,No, she doesn’t,’’ he corrected.
,,She just wants my money,’’ he said and with that they finally changed their shoes and went out, ready to go home.
Neither Jumin’s or Jihyun’s driver was there. Instead, a girl with her mother stood there.
,,No one cares about your good mark you got in math. The world doesn’t need a doctor like you! All you have to do is to find a rich man and do what he wants! Just listen to him and be pretty for him so that he always will love you. Everything else is not important,’’ the mother told the girl who was looking down.
,,See, I told you,’’ Jumin said, shaking his head.
However, at the second look he noticed that the girl who was looking down was you, the one who was always a bit better than him at school.
,,What your mother said is completely wrong,’’ Jumin said loudly.
,,Keep studying. An intelligent wife is more exciting than a dumb chicken like everyone else,’’ he said and with that Jumin finally saw his driver and dissappeared.
The next day, you saw him again.
,,Thank you,’’ you said.
,,You showed me that my feelings are important too. I will fight for my way thanks to you,’’ you smiled and walked off, making Jumin blush and keep up with you…
You and Zen were very good friends.To be honest, one of you just had to say something about a relationship and you guys would finally become a couple.
,,Okay, Hyun, my mom is here, so tomorrow at my house?’’ you asked him.
Both of you planned on studying together to start your dream of being in entertainment.
You wanted to become your boyfriend’s manager.
And of course, even though your prince was intelligent, you were the most intelligent of the two of you.
A few hours later, Zen did as he was told. The young boy already met your parents.
They were kind, much kinder than his mother. He saw your parents as second parents even through you often told him that your mom was manipulative and mean.
Zen rang at the doorbell. The loud sound was heard and a few seconds later an older woman opened the door with a smile on her lips.
,,Hyun! My favorite son-in-law!“ she joked and pulled him in, hugging him.
,,How are you? Wait, you’re here for Mc, right?“ with that she called you, her daughter, who a bit later stepped down the staircase.
You had your hair up in a messy bun, the one Zen loved so much.
You were wearing other clothes than the one you had today at school. It looked much more comfortable.
You and Zen could feel your mother tense up as you walked down.
However, you ignored her and went up, giving Zen a kiss and making him sit down.
And then you began to study, which ended with you both arguing about this one question.
,,You have to subtract this from here and add it on this side,’’ you explained.
,,No! Why are you doing it like that?!’’ Zen asked you back.
,,Gosh, Zen! Just do it your way and I will do it my way and later on we can check!’’ you told him, a bit annoyed by now.
Suddenly, your mom came in with a few snacks.
,,How do you dare?’’ she asked.
At first Zen thought that she meant him, but apparently she meant her own daughter…
,,First, you open the door like that! You look really bad! Totally messy! And then you also argue?! Don’t act as if you’re intelligent. Just do what he says and accept that! You don’t even know how to study! Just be an obedient wife!’’ your mom hissed.
At some point, Zen jumped up and grabbed your hand, storming out with you ,,I finally understand what you mean,’’ he told you before he comforted you.
You could almost say that Yoosung was kind of a stalker; he always followed you around, observed you, and dreamed about you, the girl of his dreams.
You were the most beautiful girl at his school, as well as the most intelligent and kind human being.
He never saw someone smile that bright, laugh that happily, or think that hard.
The young man was totally different and for you, he wanted to change.
One day, it was a cold afternoon and Yoosung could feel that it could begin to rain. He wanted to ask you if you were interested in going home with him.
And after a lot of hesitation, the boy finally approached you.
However, he was about to go again when he saw that you were talking to someone.
Yoosung didn’t mean to overhear you guys but he heard.
And his heart was crushed at the words you had to listen to.
,,I already told you that you won’t go to that school, Mc! Your studies may be good, but you should learn how to make kimchi and be a good wife! Just find someone who will take care of you and your family and both of you will be much happier,’’ the woman said.
,,I am your mother and  I know what you need,’’ she nodded and opened the door.
,,However,’’ you began ,,I don’t want to live like that! I am me!’’ you said, louder, trying to fight her. However, no one helped and the situation ended with you staying back while she drove off.
Even though Yoosung said that eavesdropping shouldn't be said out loud, he did as soon as he heard you sob.
,,What she said isn’t true,’’ he called.
,,I, for example, like independent people,’’ he said and was about to go away when you suddenly pulled him back.
,,Help me, please,’’ you begged him, your red puffy eyes on him while your trembling hand tried to stop him from leaving you.
Yoosung hugged you and padded your back.
,,I will help you. I will be here for you,’’ he assured you.
And so your long journey began...
You and the brown haired girl were best friends.
Well, deep in your heart you knew that you may have felt a bit more than that, but this was a completely different topic.
You and Jaehee did everything together.
You two went shopping together, went to school together, and hung out together.
You and Jaehee often wore matching outfits and ate the same lunch.
Jaehee’s house was almost yours too because you stayed there so many times. 
But Jaehee never really visited yours, after all these years, she couldn’t remember what your kitchen looked like, how your house smelled, and what color your walls were.
And the reason was that your mother was a quite strict one with everything else, but an open mind.
One day, it was the day of the school’s drama production. You played a big role in it because you were the one who scripted everything and helped the teacher a lot.
Jaehee never saw such an intelligent person.
Such a kind person.
And she never saw such a bad mother like yours.
Actually, it was kind of her fault, Jaehee thought.
Your mother approached her and asked her where you were staying.
And without thinking about it, Jaehee told her that you were behind the scenes.
Your mother walked there on her red high heels, the dress way too short for a theatre at a school, and her perfume almost too strong for her.
Jaehee could feel a headache coming up as she smelled the strong aromatic smell on her.
Without thinking about what she would see, Jaehee followed your mother, curious why she would search for you.
In that very minute, your mother observed how you were arguing with a boy. The older boy one class above you who actually had a crush on you, or so it was said.
And from the frozen expression on your mother’s face, Jaehee could tell that she wasn’t okay with the way you were talking to him.
,,ARE YOU CRAZY?!’’ she asked you, making Jaehee twitch at her sudden yell.
Apparently you felt the same.
,,I told you tons of times to shut your mouth!’’ she hissed.
,,The young boy was talking to you! You should have nodded and agreed with him! Don’t tell him to do it better or different! How did I raise you?!’’ she asked you.
From afar, Jaehee could see that your eyes were watery.
,,I only want the best for you, but what can I do if you ignore me? You should simply be obedient and make sure that you find someone who will just take care of you! 
Get out of these dirty clothes and apologize to him! Maybe he will show mercy!’’ she said, standing on her right leg and pulling the white Gucci bag on her shoulder again.
,,No need,’’ Jaehee finally dared to say something.
,,I will take care of Mc and then she won’t need to change,’’ Jaehee said.
,,Don’t worry, I will treat her better than you,’’ she scoffed.
,,You are such a tomboy!’’ Saeyoung teased you and let you run off before Saeran could find you for taking his idea of making the garden more beautiful.
He never saw a girl like you at the school he was visiting thanks to a friend of his and his fiance.
The catholic school only accepted intelligent students or students with money, but he never expected you to be there. You were a little tomboy that was super intelligent and kind of rich.
Usually the rich people there were just dumb.
,,He got her,’’ Saeyoung laughed as you stopped.
He guessed that his twin brother found her from the other side, but he was so wrong.
Approaching you to make him calm down, he suddenly realized that the high, annoyed voice wasn’t his brother, but instead, a woman’s voice.
,,Again, you look like garbage,’’ the woman said.
,,Didn’t I tell you to look like a lady like everyone else and just try to find a good person who will take care of you? Instead, what are you doing? Walking off like that in dirty clothing,’’
Saeyoung could hear that the person you were talking to was annoyed.
,,Mom,’’ you tried, making the red haired boy even more curious.
,,No, mom, you will embarrass me.
Now, please go and put something else on and try to make someone like you in class.
Like I said, studying isn’t the most important thing as long as you have a person who will give you money and a house.
Look at me, I also didn’t study a lot, but your father came to like me.
My tights helped me to have you,-’’
,,The only reason why he didn’t leave yet,’’ Saeyoung said from behind, approaching the both of you.
His uniform was dirty from the place he stayed hidden and his hair was just as messy as yours.
,,I beg you for pardon?!’’ your mother asked you and began to play with her nails on the purse.
,,I said that her father didn’t leave you yet to make sure that Mc isn’t alone with you, a manipulative old hag.
Besides he is sleeping with your friend daily by now,’’ Saeyoung said, laughing and trying to pull you away with him.
,,How dare you-’’
Saeyoung laughed. ,,What? Make you realized that there won't’ be a man forever who will just like you for being obedient like a dog?’’
With that, he pulled you along with him until he reached Rikas place with a sobbing you holding his hand.
19.03.2021// 22:05 MEST
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karmaaf · 3 years
That moment when you contact your oldest followers to check if they are alive.
I‘m happy that Tumblr shows you the time people reblog something, at least I can see if old friends are ,,okay“ and I can actually check on people I miss but don’t want to reach out for because I‘m thick headed and supposed to be pissed
Have a good night you all! I love you and want to check on you guys!
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