kakawriter · 5 months
Freedom Technique: Path to Awareness and Love with Autobiography by Lester Levenson (Spilny, Yuri)'s book Hi. Wanted to share this with you
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''WANT is a paradox. To obtain something, it is important to WANT it. However, WANT means lack of what you want. The more you WANT something, the more you affirm the lack of it. It is better not to WANT but to allow whatever you need to come to you. Otherwise WANT will sabotage you, becoming a block, a barrier. (...) And you know that WANT harbors fear and other negativity. It is better to substitute WANT with ALLOWING. Created by Lester, the process of Releasing, consists of five steps: 1.  Become aware of the emotion and lovingly accept it. 2.  Feel the emotion somewhere in the body.  Anger for example is often felt in the pit of the stomach or in the chest.  Find that spot and feel your anger there. It won’t take too long before you notice that the more you concentrate on your anger, the weaker it becomes.  This happens, because instead of “feeding” it with your energy, you are withdrawing the energy by calmly witnessing your emotion. 3.  Identify the emotion as Wanting Approval (WA) or Wanting Control (WC). 4.  Relax into the emotion. 5.  Release the emotion.  As you keep your attention on it, let it go by asking - Could I let it go?         Yes! - Would I let it go?        Yes! - When?                         Now! Inhale, while asking the last question.  Then open an imaginary window in the spot where you feel the emotion, and with exhalation, let the energy flow freely out of that window, while saying “Now!” Imagine bluish, almost transparent energy flowing out. A feeling or emotion is nothing but energy; it is neither “bad” nor “good.”  We give it different names in order to relate it to different mental states.  The energy flows out
 It is gone!  Still, ask yourself: And More? 
  Answer: Yes!  And let more of it to flow out
 And More? 
   Yes!  And let even more of it out
 And even More? 
 Yes!  Let more of it out
 And even More? 
 Yes!  Let more of it out
 And even More? 
 Yea!  Let more of it out
 Try to feel the feeling again.  Imagine situation that made you feel angry.  It would help you to locate more anger within you. Keep repeating the process until you find yourself out of AGFLAP and in CAP (Courageousness Acceptance and Peace).  It is important to continue releasing until you are at peace.  It may take time, but time thus spent is ten times worth the effort. You will find that nothing is more rewarding than your state of peace. There should be no thinking or analyzing.  You must say “yes” regardless of how you feel about it.
Lester underlined that releasing will be more effective when we are in the state of either Courageousness, Acceptance or Peace. The entire process of releasing must be always done lovingly. Therefore, before starting the releasing bring yourself into one of the states of CAP with loving attitude. It is easily done when you imagine the end result of a particular releasing: wonderful relationship, money in your account, new house, whatever you are releasing on. Remember to start with accepting and loving yourself unconditionally.
The state of loving peace is the only appropriate state to be in.  If you’re not peaceful, find out what is it within you that deprives you of peace and let it go. When we have no Resistance, no Fear and no Wants, when we don’t wish to change anything but accept everything the way it is, we are free.
Let us start with letting go of whatever we are feeling right now and move into Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace. We begin with Courageousness. It’s a wonderful place, where we are willing to do whatever it takes, no matter what: a place of absolute willingness to do anything. We are adventurous, alive, powerful, self-sufficient and secure. We have a vast vision. We have been here before in this wonderful place and can access it from our past memory, when we were in trouble. We are here right now. On the scale of action, Lester says, ‘Courageousness is a willingness to go into action without fear, to give, to correct, to change whatever needs it, the willingness to let go, to move on.’ It is a very distinct state. Notice how you are immediately becoming more aware, as you move into this state. And from here, let’s move into Acceptance. Just a shift, a different way of a being expressing itself: Acceptance. Get the feeling: everything is OK just the way it is. On the scale of action, Lester says, ‘No need to change anything. No judgment of good or bad. It just is
 It is beautiful just as it is, and it’s OK just the way it is. It is wonderful out there
 I am enjoying everything just as it is. So take a look, wherever you are, sitting, driving, whatever it is that you’re doing. Can you allow it to be beautiful just as it is? Can you allow yourself to enjoy your surroundings, which includes your body, just as it is? Can you love your body just as it is? The room you are in, just as it is? The city you are in, just as it is? And will it be OK with you to make the decision, and it is just a decision, to feel about wherever you are in life, being just beautiful? Well, the mind may check on this and that, and yet, it is all Awareness, Beingness, and it is always beautiful. Other words Lester used to describe this: fullness, gentle, glowing, gracious, harmonious. And again, notice where you are right now. What it feels like. Be aware. Contrast it to the state of Courageousness
 There is a cool air about this state of Acceptance. When you notice the differences between the two states it will allow you to access this state of Awareness more freely. From this place of Acceptance, where everything is OK the way it is, allow yourself to move to a state of Peace. On a scale of action, Lester describes it as I am, I am whole, complete, totally into my Self. Everyone and everything is part of my Self. It’s all perfect. Whatever you’re now feeling, whatever you’re experiencing
 can you let it go and let it be even more perfect? Would it be OK with you, if you dissolve the boundaries, whatever they are: boundary of your body, your house, your car, your property, boundary of your country... Can you dissolve these boundaries, and allow everything to be seen as your Self, your own Beingness, Awareness.  Immediately, everything becomes quiet, even more serene, more still. Would it be OK with you if you live in peace every day, all day? Would it be OK with you, if everyone you’ve met will be radiantly peaceful beings, a part of you, of your own Self? If everyone is seen in total serenity, total peace, the world is automatically becoming peaceful and serene. Other words to describe this: stillness, kindness, tranquility, unlimited, whole.
And check to see if our friend the mind has been active lately, trying to figure things out. Can you let go of trying to figure it out? Mind always has a list of favorite things it is trying to figure out. Could you let that process go and allow yourself just be and rest in Awareness? Let us ask the mind if it knows the solution of whatever you’re trying to figure out. Of course it doesn’t. It is one of the most pointless exercises in our lives, to keep asking the mind for an answer, when it doesn’t have an answer. And when we do this, it comes back at us with a judgment. It says, ‘beat yourself up! Is there something wrong with you? There we go again: asking me about something I don’t know!’ Is that helping us to get the solution? What it does
 it keeps us on the surface of our mind: all that asking, beating ourselves up. So now we have a decision to make. Are we going to keep being negative, beating ourselves up, standing on the surface of our mind? Or, do we want to let that go and move into productivity, quietness and deepness? Of course, we want to be quieter and deeper.
From this state of wholeness look at your life and see if there is any part that you’re resisting. Anything in your life that frustrates you, irritates you that you try to exclude from your wholeness? See if there is any question, any sensation about that. And just instantly let that energy go. Let it go some more
, and more
 And will it be OK with you, if you reclaim that part of your life in terms of yourself? We are responsible for our pictures: everything that we picture is part of ourselves. Would it be OK with you if you make a decision? Irrevocable decision that says I am going for freedom, no matter what. Why not?
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kakawriter · 5 months
I feel like appearance changes are the easiest to manifest... and if you are crying & throwing up about how it's not, maybe do some self reflection.
I'm not gonna sit here and baby you and tell you WHY it's easy, because everything when it comes to manifestation is. The 3d world is YOUR reflection, your consciousness is not the reflection of the 3d. You are only fooling yourself when you look into the 3d to validate yourself. Stop putting appearance changes on a pedestal.
Would you be insecure if you had your desired body?Would you do every technique in the book to get it? Would you "manifest" it to the point you exhaust yourself?
The person who has their desired appearance does not give a fuck. They are confident, not only because they love themselves- but they are confident in having their ideal appearance too.
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kakawriter · 5 months
the law of being.
i know, ever since edward art's lectures and takes on the law have become more popular, most of us also have become more used to using the term "law of being" rather than "law of assumption".
and i honestly agree. usually, when using the term "law of assumption" i solely do it to differentiate it from the "law of attraction".
the law of i am.
with the law, it doesn't necessarily matter if you assume right, if you affirm right, if you persist right... whereas these things can be significant in terms of your way of manifesting, it all comes down to being who you want to be in imagination.
speaking of being, what do we always say? I AM. I AM beautiful, I AM rich, I AM successful... what does I AM determine? your state of mind. and what's the infinite of "AM"? to be. therefore, it's only reasonable to refer to the law as the "law of being".
the law of assumption.
when neville uses the word "assume you are who you want to be", "assume you have what you want" or "dare to assume", he means to be it and to have it within your "wonderful human imagination".
assuming to be or to have something is just a way to get into the state, just like affirming, scripting, etc. whereas assuming isn't really a method itself, it's just different terminology to advice that you should BE who you want to be.
the law of ...
i think "being" is also the "last stage", if that makes sense. it's like, at first you pretend to be it, then you start to become more confident with it and go from assuming to embodying, and finally, being it. the difference is, "being" who you want to be isn't the same as "assuming" it. to "be" holds a lot more stability, solidity and certainty.
honestly, it really doesn't matter if you call it the law of being, the law of identity, the law of embodiment or the law of self. just know that it's less about assuming correctly but more about being your best self in imagination.
with love, ella.
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kakawriter · 5 months
A miracle is the easiest thing
From ''Lester and Me, My Unforgettable Conversations With American Master, Lester Levenson (Seretan, Stephen)'' "The irony is that as we release this want, or any desire totally, we obtain what we were wanting"
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"Could I let go of Resisting _ (whatever it is)? Would I? When?" this too "What do I resist about doing ? Or getting __ done? Could I let go of resisting it? Would I? When? Repeat on the same item until you feel great!" Many people think that taking a lot of action on a goal will result in success
 how many of you have discovered that this is not always true? Ramana Maharshi said, “Action is prescribed for purification of the mind only.” In other words, (...) if you don’t release it, you get bogged down. Lester said, “I only know what I can DO!” and he set about proving to himself his powers and testing out how free he had become. Lester told me to let go of resisting what IS, and release to make it the way I choose. He did not advise anyone to control people into doing it OUR way. Expressing our misery is not releasing. Trying to control things puts us out of control. Releasing our need to control (with the Sedona Method) puts us in control. So what can we learn from this to apply to our lives? Allow what IS to BE. Don't resist it. Karl Jung said, "What you resist, persists." Let go of the need to change everything you see and experience. It might be there to teach you a valuable lesson. Let go of wanting to be right and make others wrong.
Lester told me that a miracle is the easiest thing in the world to do. Why? Because it is the working of natural law. All Masters are able to totally control the physical world and produce at will whatever they choose.
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kakawriter · 5 months
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Falling for you đŸŒ™â­ïž
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kakawriter · 6 months
(100% true !)
You just have to assume that you are this version of yourself or that you own this thing, NOW. Then, you must persist in this new assumption.
( Verified by myself and by thousands of other people well, I think.)
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kakawriter · 6 months
A reminder again
Not a single blogger here will ever be able to make tapes like me or the same as me so just quit it
Or do you! It's better
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kakawriter · 6 months
Here is the result.
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(Just to make it clear, I'm still a beginner designer)
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kakawriter · 6 months
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I wanted to draw the marauders and Regulus animagos, but in a way that would be funny (you still have to draw Remus looking at the scene in disbelief).
I started drawing now.
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kakawriter · 6 months
TĂĄ, isso foi muito triste
No but imagine James after Regulus death on his knees pleading to the heavens to let Regulus know he still loves him that even that mark would never change that. But the heavens never got that message because Regulus' soul was lost forever in the inferi. But maybe it was always lost and thats how it was supposed to be.
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kakawriter · 6 months
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kakawriter · 6 months
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Hundreds of thousands of people came out today in London to March for a Free Palestine. Hundreds of thousands of people disagreeing with the current government stance on the war. Don’t let the media fool you, people in the UK stand with Palestine.
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kakawriter · 6 months
Lei da suposição de acordo comigo.
Vou fazer aqui um breve entendimento meu da lei da suposição e entĂŁo eu irei praticar tudo o que estĂĄ aqui. (VocĂȘ nĂŁo precisa concordar, sĂł nĂŁo jogue suas crenças para cima de mim)
Lei da suposição Ă© basicamente vocĂȘ assumir que vocĂȘ tem algo e persistir nesse SENTIMENTO ou Estado, tanto faz.
Um exemplo: "Eu TENHO aquele carro" provavelmente na hora se vocĂȘ realmente quiser esse carro irĂĄ vir um sentimento de paz, de desejo realizado, o problema Ă© que os problemas do 3D aparece e esquecemos do nosso "desejo" ou voltamos a afirmar que nĂŁo temos o carro desejado. É aĂ­ que vem a persistĂȘncia, nĂŁo precisa afirmar 9283901 vezes, sĂł que quando vir alguma afirmação "vocĂȘ nĂŁo tem esse carro" ou "nunca vou conseguir dinheiro pra comprar ele" vocĂȘ simplesmente volta para o estado de desejo realizado e se imagina em seu carro e SAIBA QUE ELE É SEU.
Lembre-se, nĂŁo precisa afirmar trilhĂ”es de vezes, uma pessoa que tem o seu carro dos sonhos, nĂŁo fica toda hora falando "eu tenho esse carro" a nĂŁo ser que vocĂȘ fique se gabando para as outras pessoas do seu carro. O negĂłcio Ă© viver no final, nĂŁo ligue se o 3D mostrar vocĂȘ andando de ĂŽnibus, na sua imaginação imagine vocĂȘ andando pela cidade com seu incrĂ­vel carro e continue com a suposição.
Uma outra coisa Ă©, nĂŁo fique toda hora pensando no seu desejo, como jĂĄ disse, nĂŁo precisa ficar afirmando o tempo inteiro, se vocĂȘ sabe que jĂĄ tem, nĂŁo iria ficar com esse pensamento o tempo inteiro.
Um exemplo Ă©: A noite vocĂȘ coloca o seu celular para carregar, vocĂȘ vĂȘ a notificação de que ele realmente estĂĄ carregando e entĂŁo vai fazer outra coisa, eu por exemplo coloco meu celular pra carregar e vou dormir, eu sei que no outro dia estara carregado 100%, nĂŁo tem por que de eu me preocupar no outro dia estar 0% de bateria eu vi a notificação de carregando.
(NĂŁo Ă© o melhor exemplo, mas acho que deu pra entender)
O desejo Ă© a mesma coisa, vocĂȘ sabe que jĂĄ Ă© seu, nĂŁo precisa ficar pensando nele toda hora.
Aqui estĂĄ um passo a passo caso nĂŁo tenha entendido direito.
1- O que vocĂȘ realmente quer? AparĂȘncia desejada? Dinheiro? Escolha bem.
2- Assuma que Ă© seu. Pegue todos o sentimento do seu coração e afirme "Eu tenho isso" "Ele Ă© meu" vocĂȘ por breve momento terĂĄ paz e aproveite isso para se imaginar com o seu desejo.
Se quiser escolher afirmaçÔes, tudo bem, não precisa repetir toda hora, somente quando um sentimento ruim ou o 3d mostrar o contrårio.
3- Persista nesse sentimento. Como disse, nĂŁo precisa pensar toda hora, mas quando algo do 3D dĂĄ errado, nada de pensar "eu nĂŁo tenho isso" ou "isso nĂŁo se manisfestou ainda", pelo contrĂĄrio volte para o estado de desejo realizado.
Lembre-se de nĂŁo ligar para o 3d, ele realmente nĂŁo importa. NĂŁo pense em como ou quando vai acontecer, afinal vocĂȘ jĂĄ o tem.
Sendo sincera nĂŁo ia publicar isso, mas demorei meses para de fato entender a lei. Espero receber histĂłrias de sucesso com isso.
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kakawriter · 7 months
are literally the only things you need.
everything else is irrelevant.
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kakawriter · 7 months
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screenshot of andreia's (@/fawnseyed) success story & how she manifested everything!
miss her bad :(
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kakawriter · 7 months
Pior coisa que fiz na minha vida: seguir o loa no twitter e Tik Tok.
Melhor coisa que fiz: apagar todas as contas que eu seguia e nĂŁo olhar mais aquela merda.
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kakawriter · 7 months
When I say that this journey is real, and our struggles are not in vain, I am shouting it from the rooftops. A month ago, I woke up with my dream life. Obsessed with the "void state", I woke up one day being the same person but with an entirely new life. All because I chose it.
Your efforts aren't going unnoticed. The universe is always on your side. You are the universe. It's been a month, and I still feel overwhelmed with joy and wonder every single day.
I was once poor and battling depression, a reality many can relate to. But we found the law because we knew we deserved more. You can be ordinary, flawed, even unkind, but you can choose to transform and have it all. And I did just that. My parents, who were illegal immigrants working underpaid jobs, are now wealthy and respected figures. My last name alone garners recognition, and I am a socialite earning money just by being me.
I used to live in an attic infested with cockroaches. Now, I reside in a four-story mansion, complete with exotic cars, house help, cooks, drivers - all treated and compensated fairly. We also own three other houses across the United States.
I was once insecure, severely underweight, and bullied. Today, not only am I stunningly beautiful, but I am also praised for my fashion sense. I was once a dull person, but now I am radiant with positivity.
I attended an underfunded school where I was bullied, and teachers lacked resources to intervene. Now, I study at a prestigious private school that assures my entry into an Ivy League university. Finally, I am respected and appreciated.
I was lonely and uninteresting. Now, I am vibrant with a close-knit group of friends and a man who seems straight out of a Wattpad story. He's perfect, and he's mine.
This transformation happened overnight. And I've been on this journey since 2020. But how??? I surrendered to my imagination!
The void was overwhelming, but now I can easily navigate it. I was tired of giving my power away. So, I gave in to myself, to my dreams. I knew I deserved it. Even if I didn't believe it at times, I made the choice. If you desire something, it's already yours. It's done.
I didn't have a list or anything of my desires, just a vision of happiness. I didn't know what it looked like, but I knew how it felt. Now, I embody that feeling every day. My life is a series of plot twists. It's not perfect, but my worst days now are what I once prayed for. That old life? POOF It's gone. All I have is now, and I'm living it to the fullest.
My advice?
Stop seeking proof. If you're looking for proof, you'll never manifest your dreams because the only thing that needs to change is self. Doubt is a reflection of your disbelief in yourself. When I surrendered to my imagination, it didn't matter who was lying or telling the truth, because I had my truth. The burden of proof lies within you. It's called the law of assumption. You might harbor some doubt, but you must have faith like the devout. They believe without proof. You can too! We all can! Believe in yourself, and the universe will conspire in your favor!!!!
I agree! Your words resonated with me a lot. Faith, particularly self-faith, is such an important tool in shaping our realities. The ability to trust ourselves, our desires, and our potential is essential in manifesting our dream life, and it’s only so beautiful to slowly see yourself give yourself all your trust when you’ve never even liked yourself.
You're spot on about the issue of seeking confirmation from others. It's an unnecessary hurdle that we give ourselves but it’s human nature. Our truths and dreams should not be validated by anyone else but us. As you said, why should it matter if someone lied or told the truth? We are the creators of our own lives and thus, the only validation we need comes from within.
And I wholeheartedly agree with your point about deservingness. We don't have to earn our desires or prove ourselves worthy of them. If we want something, that desire alone makes us deserving of it.
More importantly I am very proud and happy for you !!!! You’re a testament of what our own imagination can do for us and I hope you only keep getting happier and happier <3!!!!
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