chuckle week - chapter 3
Charlie kept trying to fix his hair as he awkwardly walked back on set, sitting down, knowing that Schlatt was right behind him slowly walking back to his spot next to Charlie.
Doing his best to ignore this, he made the bare minimum of conversation with Ted, before Arin bloody Hanson joined them on set. Mainly chatting about the top and bottom bit of a loaf of bread, but that's neither here nor there when Schlatt briefly put his hand on Charlie's thigh under the table, before lightly squeezing in a reassuring manner and retracting it when the cameras turned on. Charlie turned to one of the Cameras going; "Hey, I'm chuckle," and so the episode started rather awkwardly.
Of course, Schlatt had to go start a conflict and say he doesn't eat the butt pieces of the bread, because that's not gonna save the environment! And then they bicker.
Charlie couldn't help but gaze at Schlatt while he spoke about his game show escapades though, going; "Did you get him with the butt of the loaf?"
"I did, I did," Schlatt smiles.
Then they bicker again, Arin for all the world looking like he is watching his parents arguing. "I wanna go home!" Arin complains as Charlie pushes Schlatt lightly, who of course tumbles to the floor with Charlie yelling; "Yeah! You're the bottom loaf now, buddy!" Then Schlatt pulls Charlie down and it turns into a bit about doing a bit as they roll around the floor together, which starts out innocent enough, though they are somehow both blushing. What a look that is on Schlatt, Charlie thought, right before they started to play fight off-screen. Then a blushing Charlie got up suspiciously quickly out of seemingly nowhere and pulled Schlatt up. Arin looked at them suspiciously as Ted tried to distract from his cohosts' madness. After bickering about who should sit down first, both trying to be gentlemanly while Charlie was trying to keep his mad blush in check he just pushed Schlatt onto what was previously his seat and sat down next to him. "He was just trying to get close to me, we're practically touching knees," Arin said, intently watching Charlie's reaction, who sat down as calmly as he could manage, but pressed the thigh closest to Schlatt against Schlatt's, feeling the tiniest bit of jealousy wash over him. Then immediately he tunes out when Schlatt says "I didn't know that I swung that way," which, who knows how true that was yesterday, but after what happened in the bathroom not even 10 minutes ago, it seems rather unlikely.
Somehow both of them manage to move on from the bit about Schlatt liking Arin immediately, rather impressive given Schlatt's track record, but Charlie aggressively trying to distract him by fucking with the placement of their drinks and cups worked rather well and he instead changed the topic. "So what's Game Gumps?" "So what is this Game Gunk you're selling?" They get into Arins whole career or something. Getting bored Schlatt leans in onto Charlie's lap pretending to try and suck him off. Just to reassure Charlie that he was indeed the only man at the table that he wanted in that way or some gay shit like that. Literally. "Ho Shit-," Charlie breathes as his brain short circuits. As Schlatt goes to pull away he almost instinctively pushes him back down, realizing what is happening and where he is he turns to the other podcast members, trying to play it off by going "Wha-?", but his voice breaks and it all in all didn't work too well, he'd say. So he tries and plays it off more, while Schlatt stoically returning to his original position taking a swig from his monster in good old big man fashion, like he hadn't just momentarily broken Charlie's brain. The only hint to Schlatt being at all phased by this is the light raise of his eyebrows as Charlie says "And- and Schlatt just couldn't contain himself-"
All of them move past this like the pros they are, even though Charlie sure is still thinking about it. Moving on to talking about how Arin is a total quitter, Schlatt goes "I relate to that a- that a whole lot because I used to make interesting content as well." Charlie chuckles at the implications, "Jesus man!"
Arin leans into the bit, of course, good lad as he is, "And now you do this?" "You were just like pretending to blow your friend like a minute ago" And while Schlatt goes to agree with a self-satisfied smirk, Charlie sees an opportunity for hilarity to ensue. And, well, to not let Schlatt get the upper hand here, having “challenged” him like that and all. You don't just go and tease on the podcast like that.
"What are you talking about dude, I spilt something, alright." Schlatt catches on immediately talking over him once again, because that was just the bit, and after a bit more talk about sucking Charlie dry, slurping it up and being a good friend who doesn't see the problem, they manage to move on from the bit, but not without Charlie running a hand up Schlatt's thigh, and calling Arin Hanson a pathological liar making everything up, addressing the clueless audio listeners (love you to death).
They gang up on Arin again and Charlie ducks away to laugh at the madness of this podcast, as Ted makes the horrible mistake of asking Arin about his worst neighbours. They separate their thighs and Charlie rests his arm on the couch behind Schlatt, as the topic gets darker than they could have ever foreseen.
(haven't really finished this chapter, but I wrote this much and am busy as shit right now so I mean here ya go)
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chuckle week - chapter 2
Schlatt's lips were gone from Charlies before he could even react. He was too startled by the unexpected kiss. But when Schlatt then tried to ditch him and leave the bathroom, that is when Charlie's brain kicked in and he grasped one of Schlatt's hands.
"Wait," Charlie said, his voice coming out louder than he had expected.
Charlie was lost. What was that? Schlatt had kissed him. Holy hell. Not a bit, that was definitely not a bit.
  Hmm, ketchup.
  "Schlatt-" "I'm sorry Charlie, that was out of line, even for me," Schlatt said turning around, looking genuinely worried and sounding out of place. 
Charlie scrambled for how to reply,
"No- wait- Uhm. It's alright?" Charlie muttered trying to figure out what was going on. What he thought about all this, how to act. All he knew right now was that he really liked that kiss. That he really liked Schlatt.
Schlatt's eyes caught his, something like hope being reflected in the man's gaze. "Oh shit, I hope so. Man, I couldn't live with throwing away our friendship like that, like dude, that woulda killed me," Schlatt rambled. "So- So we're good, man?"
Charlie didn't know what to say. How to tell Schlatt to shut the hell up and kiss him again. Seeing Schlatt so sincere out of nowhere, right after the last recording, that was a lot on its own, even without any kisses. Eh might as well, he thought before pulling Schlatt in for another kiss.
  "Oh," Schlatt said when they pulled back for air after their second kiss, this one was much longer than their first. To be fair that doesn't say too much about the kiss given how short the first one was.
"Schlatt, I-", Charlie said before breaking off because he hadn't actually thought of what to say. Just improvise. "Yo, wanna date?" Well, I guess that works.
Schlatt blinks. "Do I get to kiss you again if I say yes?" Schlatt then replies, winking.
Charlie kisses him briefly. "Course. More than just that even, but perhaps not right now, since, you know, we gotta be back for the next episode in like, ten-ish minutes."
"Next episode?" "The podcast." "The podcast, right,"
They kiss again. Throwing all their pent up emotion of the day into it.
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chuckle week - chapter 1
"Welcome everyone, one and all, to the very first episode of chuckle week! On our very beautiful set here! We're here baby!!", Ted said starting the 22nd episode of their podcast.
They had finally made it. Meeting up for the first time in ages, after having been torn apart by the pandemic as well as the fact that they all live in different states, they had finally made it here.
All of them sitting in the GameGrumps' building in front of a massive neon sign displaying the name of their podcast proudly.
That was definitely the first thing that caught Charlie's eyes when he had walked into the podcast space: it was quite the set.
To be honest he was still reeling a bit from seeing Schlatt in person again for the first time in two years. The man had only grumbled and walked on when they finally shared the same space again, but ever since, the two of them have been naturally gravitating towards each other, even sitting next to one another.
Schlatt had been acting a bit differently over the past week or two.
The persona he had in the podcast group chat had shifted from an exhausted uncaring businessman that makes a lot of sexual references about men, to an equally exhausted uncaring businessman that seems to take every opportunity to make sexual references about a man. Charlie. If it were anyone but Schlatt, Charlie would have even called it flirting.
They have always jived well with one another though; their senses of humour and online personalities are at their best when they are put into one space, regardless of if that is IRL or on a screen, so Charlie didn't think too much of the whole thing.
To be fair; if Charlie was entirely honest with himself, he liked the angry guy a lot. There was definitely something about him. No way in hell is he going to ponder that right now though: it's go time!
"It finally happened, we're finally chuckling!", Charlie says as they all clapped, falling into the natural flow of their podcast.
"Today we're starting off our wonderful week of- of glory, beauty, love and friendship with our very special guest,", Ted continued, introducing William Osman, what a wonderful dude, by the way, leaving the others to brush past his mention of deeper feelings of love or friendship.
Schlatt's words washed over Charlie whenever he spoke.
(god how he missed this, just actually being with people other than the ones in his immediate local vicinity. hearing them talk in real-time. being close enough for their calves to brush together under the desk. fuck quarantine, man).
Charlie was getting used to catching himself staring at Schlatt again and again, having to tear his gaze up from Schlatt's lips to his eyes more than once.
The podcast is chaotic as always, Schlatt and Charlie bickering as they always do, but time and again Charlie found himself siding with Schlatt in all the bits that come up.
And while his nerves were acting up a bit at the beginning given this new scenario, it was exhilarating to be in person with these amazing people again.
Things get a bit weird for them too though. It's all bits, but the combo of Arnold's cock and comforting Schlatt, in his grilled onion related time of need, does something to Charlie's emotions.
As he holds Schlatt close, he feels as though the bit had gotten a bit too real when he felt a pang of protectiveness over Schlatt in his chest.
"You guys look like a married couple right now," Ted comments, smirking, but before he can finish that thought Charlie quickly changes the topic to something more comfortable for the dishevelled Schlatt. Arnold's Ass.
Then Schlatt thirsts as he dries his eye sweat.
The dynamic switches after that a bit; Schlatt looks at him directly when he says something funny, almost looking for validation, and Charlie doesn't go hard into defending "Protein Style" burgers, even though he might have, on a regular episode, just for the bit.
The 'flipping a coin with your dick' bit gives Charlie a troubling opportunity to look at Schlatt's crotch, which has an unexpected effect on him. He quickly looks away, though not before briefly catching Schlatts eyes, and the bit ends just as quick but leaves an impression on Charlie who briefly questions his feelings towards Schlatt after his brain helpfully supplies the thought of Schlatts strong dick flexing. It's ridiculous, by all means, but even more ridiculous is that Charlie's brain wants him to test that strength in a hands-on sort of way now.
  They are just friends, work friends at that, but what Charlie felt in that moment was less than appropriate for such a relationship,,,
Charlie recovered quickly though. He had to; the show must go on. Even as he caressed Schlatt's long hair. A shock, like spilling a drink on your podcast guest, will get you out of any sort of daze, as it turns out.
As he tried to focus on everyone at the table as well as the conversation as a whole (instead of only Schlatt as he is tempted to), he almost missed the brofist Schlatt offered after his misan-sayin' joke in his distraction.
But from then on things seemed to go back to normal as Charlie just shut off his brain and finally just threw himself into the show, as he normally does at times like these.
Well. It's normal until Schlatt brings out the sauce. The way he waved that thing in front of Charlie's face was honestly a bit intimidating, especially since he did not want to just drink a bunch of thick ass sauce just like that, so he jumped at the opportunity of having anyone else consuming the sauce.
In this case their poor unsuspecting guest William, but hey, at least it wasn't Charlie.
And he was honest to god relieved then, but only until Schlatt took the bottle and let a big dollop of sauce gloop into his mouth. Charlie stared hard as the viscous liquid entered Schlatts system and gulped at the sight.
God, that reaction was on camera. Well, there's nothing to it;
"That was honestly like the most, like, sensual thing I've ever seen-- and it really was not. I didn't like the way it sort of-", Charlie gestures at his face, "-slopped-" Schlatt gags and all Charlie can do at that point is laugh through the pain as he removes the bottle of sauce from Schlatts hands, trying to forget how something borderline disgusting like that, which clearly made his friend feel less than stellar, could have made his body and brain react quite as it had. His brain supplying that it might know of a similar substance that it would love to see Charlie squirt into Schlatt's beautiful open mouth didn't help.
He leaned in deeper into the bit and told Schlatt to "wash it down" with some ketchup and moved on as Schlatt and William drank some Jack Daniels.
Being a professional he was able to move on but the vibe had changed, and Charlie struggled even more with trying to keep his eyes to himself, catching himself looking at Schlatt way too much, as he notices things about Schlatt that he had been trying to ignore for quite a while. His arms. His neck. His thighs-
Then Schlatt sucks at the nip of the ketchup bottle.
"Oh, fuck me, oh, fuck me! Oh, genuinely screw this," Charlie exclaims and chuckles awkwardly, before trying the mustard in the same way, in an effort to get the vibe back to what it was, as Charlie pushes his dirtier thoughts aside. It works well enough, and the podcast continues in the same way it had before.
That being Schlatt crying again and Charlie using the chance to be tender with him again, even if he maybe enjoys it a bit too much for his own liking. God, they're a mess.
Charlie is so glad when that episode ends. Of course, it was fun as hell, but he has a lot to think about- or procrastinate thinking about, actually.
After all; his brain hasn't really been on his side today, but they're gonna film another episode after this one so he has to have a clear mind asap.
Earlier, when William asked them how many people had seen their dicks, his first thought was "if I play my cards right, there'll be one more by tomorrow; Schlatt", which is a bit weak, to be honest. That needs to be fixed.
Charlie sighs and gets up, immediately going to the nearest bathroom in the building, to splash some water on his face and cool himself down. He leans against the sink and faces the fact that he might be into JSchlatt.
Sexually, romantically, or something like it.
Then as he goes to leave the restroom, the door opens to none other than Schlatt, looking similarly lost in thought.
They make eye contact for a while, just standing in the door, until Schlatt steps forward, the door falling closed behind him.
"Crazy episode huh, Schlatt?" Charlie chuckles, stumbling awkwardly over his own words, staring at Schlatt, trying to read him before chuckling again and saying, only half kidding, "ya know, now that I'm standing here you have really pretty eyes, dude-" 
Schlatt looks dazed before he cuts Charlie off by leaning down and tenderly kissing him.
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