judgementdayslittle · 3 minutes
Do you think you would ever write Dom as a caregiver? If so, how would you imagine he takes care of little reader?
I have no problem writing Dom as a caregiver! Though just to let everyone know, if you want Dom as a caregiver, make sure to put it in your request. I'll happily do it!
-Even as a caregiver, Dom is still childish. He has less or a parenting role and more that of a big brother.
-Out of all your caregivers, he's the one who will let you get away with the most. Stealing cookies before dinner? Hand him one too! Going through your other caregivers stuff? Just stay out of his and you're cool. Wanna jump on the bed? He'll join you!
-While he'll play anything with you, he espically loves it when he plays bideo games with you! Nothing too violent or scary of course, but of course you have to play 2K24 for him!
-Yes he has a tough persona to keep up, but if you ask him nicely, he will let you braid his mullet.
-He loves to ruffle your hair or give you playful noogies.
-One time when it was just you and him one night, you begged to watch a scary movie together. At first he wanted to put on something like Coraline, scary but still made for kids. But you wanted to watch something made for big kids!
-He relented and put on something scary. To him, he thought it was cheesy and kind of funny. But you were so scared, you hid under the blanket.
-Even though he offered to turn it off a million times, you kept telling him no. And you would throw a fit when he paused it, so he had no choice really.
-When the movie ended, it was time for bed. You ended up having a nightmare that night and told Mami about it.
-Lets just say Dom got a light scolding and you weren't allowed to watch horror movies when in little space anymore.
-Dom forgives you though. He can't stay mad at that face!
-At the end of the day, you're his little buddy and partner in crime.
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judgementdayslittle · 13 hours
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judgementdayslittle · 15 hours
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hi! How do u think the judgment day found out that reader was a little? <3
Oooh good question!
-Well at first, you were just friends with The Judgement Day. Whether you work as a wrestler, backstage (which is my dream job!), or you know them outside of the WWE.
-You were so close, that you knew that Dom was a little and Finn, Rhea, and Damian were his caregivers.
-You were very supportive, of course. You even hang around them when Dom was little and played with him! But as you did, you had such a hard time not slipping.
-Soon enough, you started to see how Damian, Finn, and Rhea treated little Dom. And eventually you got a little bit jealous. You wanted caregivers too!
-But you were far too scared to ask them for such a thing. You thought one little was enough for them, they did seem content with Dom after all. Why would they go through the trouble of taking care of you as well?
-So you just tried to act as big as you could. Though it didn't help when they unknowingly did things that made you feel so small.
-Like Finn ruffling your hair, Rhea calling you cute, and Damian just picking you up with ease!
-Eventually it all just became too much. You saw all three of Dom's caregivers surround him as he took a nap, cooing at how cute he is. You couldn't help but let out a low whimper. One that all three of the caregivers hear.
-Their attention turns towards you, worried something might be wrong. Which their concern only makes you feel even more small.
-"What's the matter hun? Are you okay? Is something wrong?"
-No matter how much you tried, you couldn't hold back. Big tears streamed down your face as you cried.
-"It no fair! I wan' a Mami, Papi and Dada too!" You cried.
-Realization came to the three caregivers faces. They had noticed in the past how you could act a bit childish from time to time. But now that they know that you're a little too, it all just kind of clicked together.
-For a moment, you were scared they were going to kick you out or yell at you. They only need Dom Dom after all, right?
-What happened was the opposite. Rhea pulled you onto her lap and started stroking your hair. Shushing you calmly as she rocked you back and forth.
-"It's okay little one. You're okay, Mami's got you." She said.
-"M-Mami?" You asked innocently, looking up at her with big, teary eyes. Causing her to coo at how cute you are in that moment.
-"Yeah, I want to be your Mami. And Damian can be your Papi and Finn can be your Dada. Right guys?"
-The two of them agreed.
-"But you's already haves Dom." You said.
-"Yes, Dom is our little, but you can be too if you want to, pequeño." Damian said. "Besides, you're just too cute. We could find you another caregiver if you want, but we could treat you the best. Just like how we do with Dom."
-You already knew you didn't want anyone else. You want them, you wanted their love and affection. So you gave him a small smile and quietly said "You's Papi."
-In return, he gave you a wide grin. "That's right bebé, I'm your Papi." He said as he sat next to you and Rhea. "And Rhea's your Mami, and Finn's your Dada. And all of us will be here for you from now on. You have nothing to worry about."
-You felt happy and content after that. But all that crying made you feel so very tired, so like Dom, it was nap time for you.
-Mami fed you a nice, warm bottle of milk. And all three of them tucked you in. Giving you forehead kisses and telling you how much you mean to them.
-When you woke up, you were scared it was all just a dream. But when you saw Mami coming in asking "How did my sweet little baby sleep?", you knew you were in good hands.
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hi!! how’s the fam reacting to their little getting a booboo while playing outside? who’s the most worried and why do i feel like it’s rhea?
No because you're so right!!!
-Boo-Boos happen a lot when you play outside. It's just so fun to run around!
-One day while running around, you end up scraping your knee. Mami was the one outside watching you play, so she immediantly came to your aid the moment she saw you fall.
-Whether or not you cry from the fall, Mami is still more worried than you are. She's calling for Finn and Damian to come out and to bring the first aid kit.
They're a bit worried and feel bad, of course. But they mainly focus on making you feel better. The rubbing alcohol hurts, but at least you can get any cool bandaid you want!
-If you're with Dada and/or Papi, you can go back to running around outside once you're all patched up.
-But if Mami's around, she insists you take it easy (despite that being Papi's saying!)
-If you go back inside, Mami will cuddle you on the couch while you watch toons, play with toys, video games, anything you want to do!
-If you insist on staying outside though, she will, begrudgingly, let you. But she'll want you to do safer things. Like play with chalk, in the sandbox, and she'll let you go on the swing, if she's the one pushing you.
-It might be best if you don't start running again until you're healed up, least you wanna give Mami a heart attack!
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Y'all have been so nice and supportive lately! I'm really glad I made this blog and I'm looking forward to maybe making some new friends on here! <3
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Hi!!Can you write something about a little!fem!reader x caregiver! judgment day where the little girl throws tantrums and causes trouble?...I hope you don't feel uncomfortable about this request <3
Sure thing Anon!
CW: No heavy punishment! Just some corner time
-Now usually, you're a good little. You have good manners and follow the rules. But whether it's because your caregivers told you 'no' the day before, or you just woke up grumpy, you feel like causing baby chaos today.
-It started out simple. When Mami came in to say good morning, you just do an angy pout and cross your arms with a 'hmph!'
-Now of course, Rhea doesn't get mad at this. It's quite the oposite in fact. She finds it kind of adorable. But she is curious on why you're acting grumpy that morning.
-"Aw. why's my little girl looking so grumpy? Did she wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" She asked in a cooing voice. "Well lucky for you, Mami has the perfect cure for that."
-Then Mami unleashes her unltamite attack! Kisses! She kisses your head, your cheeks, your nose! All over your face!
-It's so so hard to stay grumpy while Mami gives you love and kisses. But you're on a mission! You're gonna be trouble today dang it! That's your ultimate goal!
-When Rhea realizes that kisses aren't working, she pickes you up out of bed. Figuring that maybe you're just a hangry little baby.
-Downstairs, Papi, Dada, and Dom are all at the table with breakfast set up
-"Good morning mi pequeña princesa." Papi said as he put a plate of food in front of you.
-Which you push away from you without hesitation with a loud "No!"
-The three of them looking at you with confusion and a hint of worry before Rhea speaks up.
-"Our little girl has been feeling grumpy this morning." She explained to them. Followed by an explaination of how kisses didn't work.
-Following the day, you cause more trouble and chaos. Throwing toys across the room, screaming and and kicking the floor for no reason what so ever, and just shouting "No!" at your caregivers, whether they asked you something or not.
-Dada could ask "How are you feeling doll?" And you'll just reply with "No!" Before stomping away.
-They tried nearly everything. Kisses, cuddles, giving you your favorite snack. Even asking you what was wrong. And yet, nothing worked.
-The finale straw was when you pushed down Dom's block tower that he worked so hard on!
-He was screaming and crying on the floor when Mami, Papi, and Dada came to see what was wrong.
-Dom explained with teary eyes "she bwoke my bwocks! My 'ower!"
-Your caregivers tried everything to avoid it, but they had no choice. You had to sit in the corner.
-Mami and Papi worked on cheering up Dom while you sat in the corner for a whole 10 minutes!
-Once the time was up and Dom was calm, all three of them came to talk to you. Looking at you softly and with care, as to not scare you into thinking they were very mad at you.
-"Now bug, we love you very very much. But what you did to Dom's tower wasn't very nice. Me, Papi, and Mami miss our good girl. Do you think our good girl can come back out?"
-You nod, your lip still wobbiling. You feel so bad now!
-But Mami, Papi, and Dada all scoop you up into a big hug! Telling you how much they love you and that they're not mad at you. And that you'll always be their little princess!
-But still, you are expected to apologize to Dom. Which you do. Luckily he forgives you, and you two build his block tower again. This time bigger than ever!
-In the end, you learn that no matter what happens, even if you act a bit naughty, your caregivers will always love you and will never, ever hurt you.
I hope this was something along the lines of what you wanted Anon. I wanted to make it more heartwarming than sad.
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I am Avery giggly baby rn, and I now have a chewy straw! Y'ALL SHOULD FEAR ME!!!
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Hiya! I'm hoping to request a Judgement Day x Little Fem!reader where Judgement day is getting ready for the day at the beach. Please and Thank you : ) <3
-Dada Finn wakes you up very early in the morning. Telling you that you have to get up so that you all can get a good spot at the beach.
-If you whine about getting up so early, he ends up tickling you until you're wide awake and a laughing mess!
-Once you're awake, Dada carries you downstairs. Dom and Mami are waiting at the table, while Papi is cooking breakfast.
-Mami gives you a kiss on the head as a good morning, and you and Dom start talking about what you'll do at the beach today!
-Splash in the ocean, build a sandcastle, maybe you'll even find pirate treasure!
-Once breakfast is ready, Papi also gives you and Dom a kiss good morning. And you all eat as a family.
-Once you're done eating, it's time to get ready for the beach! Damian and Finn start packing while Mami gets you and Dom ready.
-Swimsuits are so hard to put on! Espically full body ones. So if you wear those, Mami helps you put it on so you don't get all tangled up in it.
-And once you're dressed, she can't help but gush about how cute you look! "Aw, look at my little baby! You look ready for a day in the sun! You're so cute, I could just eat you up!"
-She then proceeds to playfully "eat" you (More like tickling while she makes om nom nom sounds) while you laugh and try to escape her grasp.
-You see Dom and yell "Dom! Mami's trying to eat me!" while you're still laughing up a storm.
-He rushes in to help, only for Mami to "eat" him up too.
-Mami is stronk.
-Eventually Damian and Finn finish up packing, saving you from being nommed.
-Before you guys can leave though, the babies have to have sunscreen on of course!
-Mami applies it to Dom, and Papi applies it on you.
-While applying it to your face, Papi squishes your cheeks a few times and boops you on the nose!
-Papi being silly :]
-Once that's all done, you are all ready to go to the beach!
I hope you enjoyed it! I didn't know if you just wanted them getting ready, or if you wanted them at the beach too. But if you want that, just feel free to ask and I'll do it!
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Hello! First request <3
Who do you think is the most likely to color some coloring books with reader,and who's the least likely?
Have a good day or night :) <3
Oooh good question!
Honestly if you ask any of them, they'll be happy to color with you! But if I had to rank them, it would be this.
-Dom: Of course he loves to color with you! Whether he's in or out of little space, he still loves to color with you! Coloring books, regular paper, you name it! Not just coloring with crayons, but painting with paint too! I also think he likes to finger paint. No matter what, you two will have so much fun coloring!
-Rhea: Of course a caregiver has to watch you two, and Rhea's the one who has the most fun with you guys! Not only will she color with you, but she'll also be as messy are you are if you're coloring in coloring books. You color outside the lines? No problem! So does Mami! It looks cooler that way! She'll tell you so!
-Damian: You'd think Damian is the least likely to color with you. And while it's not his favorite activity in the world, he'll gladly do it if it makes you happy! He eventually finds it kind of relaxing, and tends to draw in the lines with colors that make sense. But he won't scold you if you don't do the same. Did you scribble the tree purple? He'll act like it's a masterpiece!
-Finn: While Finn is the least likely to do it, like I said before, all of them are more than happy to color with you. Though Finn will at first just sit at the table or on the floor while you color in your coloring book. But if you give him puppy eyes and ask him to PWEASE color with you! He will eventually break.
Over all, no matter what you draw or color, they will call it the best drawing they've ever seen! And it'll go up on the fridge with the rest of yours and dom's drawings.
Thanks for the request! <3
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I'm getting to y'all's asked now! And they're all great! I'll post one today, and schedule it so I post 1 request each day! Feel free to send in more if you'd like!
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happy pride :) ‼️
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Request are open! Send in request for Judgement Day x Little headcanons and I'll write them! Only rules are they have to be sfw and no JD allowed!
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I made this sometime last year for Twitter, but figured I should put it on here too! Feel free to use it!
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How The Judgement Day treat Little!Reader who had a bad caregiver before them
In the past I had a kind of sort of caregiver who didn't treat me very well. So this is very therapeutic for me! I hope it's the same for y'all ❤️
-When TJD found out you were a little, they were nothing but supportive!
-You were happy to have new caregivers, but you were also still healing from how you were treated before.
-When you were little, you kept for distance for a while. Afraid that maybe they didn't want to deal with a little right now.
-Even if Dom is little, you figure that means it'll be a bother to them to deal with another little.
-It didn't take long for your caregivers to notice you were acting distant. So they tried to ease you into trusting them.
-The group decided Rhea should warm you up first since she's the least scary looking one of the three
-It starts with Mami offering you snacks and drinks.
-"Mami noticed you haven't been eating much lately. Are there any particular snacks that you like?"
-It takes a little bit, but eventually you start eating. It starts with snacks left at your bedroom door. Then slowly, you eat at the table, with just her for now.
-Slowly Dom joins in too. You two start playing together when your both in little space.
-Next Finn slowly joined in on the play sessions. The silly voices he makes with the toys makes little you laugh. Thus you start to get closer to him as well.
-Finally, there's Damian.
-His stature and deep voice make him seem a little bit scary. No matter how many times Dom tells you about how great of a papi he is.
-It takes a little more of a push to get close to him. Mami and Dada suggest you guys help him cook dinner.
-You're a little scared at first. Shaking in your little baby boots even. What if you mess up and he yells at you?
-You're so shaken that you accidentally drop some eggs on the floor.
-Horrified, you start tearing up, apologizing over and over again.
-But there was no yelling, no shouting.
-Instead Damian ruffled your hair.
-"It's alright, it was just an accident. You're okay."
-That just sets off all the water works.
-All the caregivers freak out and keep reassuring you everything's alright. Which just makes you cry more.
-You're then brought to the couch by Mami, followed by Finn, Damian, and a waddling Dom.
-Cuddle puddle time!
-Once you calm down, you explain why you were crying.
-How your past caregiver wasn't good. How they would force you to either be big at times, or to go hide in your bedroom when they didn't want to deal with you being little. How they got mad at you for little mistakes.
-They knew that your last caregiver was bad, but they didn't know it was that bad.
-They promised you that they would always want you around. That you will never be a burden to them, and how You're allowed to make mistakes.
-You start tearing up again, and the cuddle puddle continues!
-In the end, all five of you grow closer for this. And now you have the best caregivers a baby could ask for!
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I'll give it another half an hour for votes to come in! Cuz one of them is mine so it's technically a tie
Monday Night RAW is giving me the ick rn, so I wanna write headcanons to make me feel better! What would y'all want?
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Monday Night RAW is giving me the ick rn, so I wanna write headcanons to make me feel better! What would y'all want?
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