joseph4inspiration · 1 hour
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joseph4inspiration · 6 hours
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(Mark 11: 24)
Don't let your prayers be full of requests but absent of faith. A lot of times people go to God in prayer but forget that THEY are the ones who have to do the believing, not God.
God wants us to have the things we pray for (as long as they are part of His will for our lives) but God already knows the desires of our hearts, He's just looking for the faith that moves Him.
I remember when I was a kid and I wanted new sneakers, I knew that if I'd brought home good grades (which wasn't very often) that would move my father to get me those sneakers. It's the same way with God and our faith - when He sees us operating in faith, that will move Him to move for us.
So make sure when you pray you're actually believing God to bring your prayers to pass. Nevermind how it looks or what people say, you just made a request to the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, believe Him.
Remember this Bible verse and repeat it when you pray.
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joseph4inspiration · 11 hours
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joseph4inspiration · 24 hours
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(Proverbs 3: 5)
I remember when I first started my Christian walk. I was always so amazed at the fact that God is all powerful and that nothing compares to Him. He told the children of Israel, "Remember the former things from long ago, Because I am God, and there is no one else; I am God, and there is none like Me." (Isaiah 46:9)
Knowing that God is all powerful and that He answers to no one made it easy for me to have faith in His sovereign power. But God had to reveal to me that having faith in His power isn't the same as trusting in Him.
My faith in God was based on intellect, but God wanted relationship. He wanted my heart to say, I can't figure this out, but I trust God will take care of me. But for me, that wasn't so easy. To develop that trust required me to have to wait to the very last moment when it looked like God wasn't going to move just so He could show me that trusting in Him was something I could do without having to understand Him.
Am I saying that God never wants us to us our intellect? No, I'm not. Of course He wants us to use our intellect but not to understand Him but to understand what He's teaching us. Through my intellect I came to understand that faith and trust are not the samething. Faith says I believe in God's power, but trust says I believe God is going to use His great power in my life to work things out for my good. Trust is personal.
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joseph4inspiration · 2 days
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joseph4inspiration · 2 days
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(2 Timothy 1: 7)
Never let fear rule in your heart - don't even make a place for it. As children of the living God we are supposed to reject the fear tactics of the enemy, because we know that greater is He that is within us, then he that's in the world (1st John 4:4).
Fear comes in many forms and has become so popular now days that it has convinced millions of people that they are stuck with phobias, anxiety disorders; that they are bulimic, anorexic, unworthy of love, low self-esteem and the list goes on.
The devil is not only a liar, he is a deceiver and he is using fear to control the minds of so many people that it's sad.
Am I saying that there are things we will never fear? Of course not. But fear should never control us. The enemy should never be able to use fear as a weapon that he knows we will bow out to.
Is there a fear in your life that's giving you trouble? Keeping you from enjoying your life the way God intended for you to do?
There's a way to fight FEAR without using pharmaceuticals, without spending your hard earned money talking to a psychologist, it's called faith! Faith will always get the victory over fear everytime.
You may have been bound by fear but start stepping out in faith and do the things fear convinced you not to. Even if things go wrong the 1st time, the 2nd time or the 3rd time, keep stepping out in faith. There's a breakthrough of freedom in store for you!!!
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joseph4inspiration · 3 days
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joseph4inspiration · 3 days
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(Judges 13: 5)
The Bible tells us that God thoughts and ways are not like ours (Isaiah 55:8). His thoughts are complete and His ways are pass finding out. But we can sometimes forget that when we start trying to move ahead of Him and substitute our will for His.
When we want our will to be done, we want God to move fast and all at once, but sometimes, in fact most times, God moves in seasons. God rarely starts to finish, He often times starts to begin, and that was the purpose of Samson, not to deliver Isreal, but to begin the process. God had greater plans He wanted to accomplish before Isreal could be free from the Philistines, completely.
What Samson started king David completed. The final deliverance from the Philistines by David was an event that caused the children of Israel to rejoice greatly in God for the great victory He used David to fight, and it was David whom God wanted the children of Israel to support because it was him who God wanted to be their king. But God had plans for David to begin something, also. David started the reign over Israel as king, but Christ will be the One to finish it.
God had a plan for the people of Israel that was far beyond their understanding and the same is true for His plans concerning your life.
Do not despise the begining. It may not be what you'd hoped for but it's definitely what God planned for. Your best comes from God over time, not all at once.
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joseph4inspiration · 3 days
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(Jeremiah 17:10)
Sometimes it's the very situation we're asking God to get us out of that He allowed us to enter in on purpose in order to change us.
It's the situations that tests our patience and our endurance that bring about the biggest changes in our lives.
It's during these times where we actually see what's in us, like our attitude. Our attitude will always be tested when God is working on the heart - if you flip easy, you'll see it, if you resolve to doing things your way, you'll see it. It's as if God puts us in situations where the "real you" comes out for you to see.
Those ways hinder us from doing what God called us to do.
Are you going through a period of testing in your life where God is showing you the "real you"? If so, make the necessary changes. You don't want your season of testing to become a long journey
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joseph4inspiration · 3 days
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joseph4inspiration · 4 days
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(Ephesians 6: 12)
Every believer in God will go through periods of intense spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare has been described in different ways, but I see it as a series of carefully orchestrated attacks from demonic forces who always comes with purpose.
I say they come with purpose because they are after our purpose - to prevent us from entering into what God has prepared for us.
The best indicator that you're close to a promise of God is the increase in spiritual warfare in your life.
God wants His people to understand that a casual attitude to sin will cause a person to not even be aware of spiritual warfare and cause blessings to be delayed or even loss.
If you've notice that you've been under spiritual attack don't take it lightly. What we can't see coming to pass in the natural is seen in the spiritual and we always have to he mindful that we have spiritual enemies and that we must actively engage these enemies by staying in prayer, in faith, stay in the Word and repeat it to ourselves (especially when temptation comes), and we must stop over thinking but let our minds be still so we can hear God when He speaks to us.
Remember the enemy isn't after a "moment" he's after destiny, so use every moment you possibly can to grow closer to God and stronger against the attacks of the enemy.
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joseph4inspiration · 4 days
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joseph4inspiration · 5 days
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(Job 23: 8-10)
Sometimes when we are waiting for God to move, we can get so caught up on how things look and start making assumptions instead of continuing to walk by faith.
Some people feel that if they worry, complain, or doubt enough God will just throw them a little hint every now and then, but that's a false way of thinking. God is not moved by doubt, He's moved by faith, and when you're waiting for God to move expect that faith to be tested.
Stop looking for evidence to see if God is moving on your behalf. You can look left, right, front and back but you will not see anything until He wants to make things known.
Instead of wasting your precious time looking for heavenly clues, spend time seeking spiritual growth - that's what God wants - everything else will be added unto you.
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joseph4inspiration · 5 days
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joseph4inspiration · 6 days
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(Matthew 4:4)
As Christians we sometimes make the mistake of lining ourselves up with our situations instead of lining up with what the Lord has already told us about our situation.
There is no power greater than the word of God and no decision made after the word of God. So if the Lord of Glory stood on the word of God when faced with temptation, how much more do we need to?
Also, we should never hold a conversation with our doubts. The more you entertain doubt, the more your doubt will begin to make sense. But God is not looking to make sense in our lives, He's looking to show us that He's a God that is not bound by logic.
For God to say Sarah would have a child at her late age was not logical, but God word came to pass. For God to say He still had good thoughts towards the children of Israel even after they'd abandon Him to worship idols was not logical, but those good thoughts came to pass and are still coming to pass. For Jesus to die on the Cross for sinful man - for people He knew would never serve Him was not logical, but He did it anyway. So when it comes to our situations, which in no way compare to what God did for Sarah, to what God is doing for Israel, and no where near what was done on the Cross, we should always choose to stand on the word of God over doubt, over fear, and over the deceptions of temptation.
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joseph4inspiration · 6 days
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