jonoglassey · 9 years
Starting from today, some of the videos appearing on the Begiragons YouTube channel will be translated and subtitled by me! So here we go with hour 14 of the No Sleeping Challenge II. Very grateful for the opportunity to do this! Looking forward to many more videos from here on out!
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jonoglassey · 9 years
Unforgettable Gaming Soundtracks.
Recently while listening to a Kinda Funny video on the best gaming soundtracks. The point was given that many soundtracks of modern video games are rather forgettable, to the point where it’s hard to think of a piece of music that is representative of that game and personally I find this to be a sad truth. When considering many of the current-generation games I’ve played lately, not many of them had a song I would recognize were it played to me out of context.  This got me to thinking about which games DID have memorable soundtracks. Music that when I hear it takes me back to the time that I played the game. So I decided to compile a list of just some of these soundtracks.
Megaman Battle Network - Title Theme: In Primary and Early High School I got into Megaman in a big way. Arguably the first JRPG I fell in love with after Pokemon I got sucked into the series. Every time I would boot the game up it would play this song, which in many ways is representative of the the adventurous and dramatic themes of the game.
Persona 4 - Never More: Probably the most recent addition to this list. One of the big reasons I fell in love with Persona was because of it’s excellent soundtrack. What makes the Persona soundtrack so rare for JRPG is that a considerable number of the songs have lyrics. Never More is an extra special song, in that it is the song that plays at the end of the game, once your adventure is over and the days of hunting shadows with your friends are over. Not only is it excellently composed but there is an extra hidden layer in the lyrics, which if you know the ending to Persona 4 really adds extra weight to the song. I have included a subtitled version so please watch it if you haven’t seen the English lyrics for it yet. This song means a lot to me because the first time I cleared Persona 4 was around the time I was leaving my life and friends behind to study abroad in Japan for a year. So a lot of the themes of the song really resonated with me at that time. As such you’ll always find this on my own personal music playlist.
Persona 4 - Reach out to the Truth: Perhaps personally the most memorable battle theme right after the Pokemon Battle Theme. The best thing about Reach out to the Truth is that it’s the off. battle song. Which only plays when the player has the advantage in an encounter. Making the chance to the listen to this wonderful song in it’s self a reward. The song is so heroic and full of life and energy, it’s the perfect song to reflect the types of battles it is played in. Where the player is going to come out on top.
Megaman 2 - Theme Song: I only experienced the original Megaman series after clearing the Battle Network Series. I had no idea it even existed. But much like Battle Network. The music direction for the original series is spot on. I could have put Wily’s Castle in here. But due to my lack of skill I never really made it that far. Instead hearing this song more often.
The song is a perfect hero theme song. Starting slowly and gradually building tempo until Megaman is revealed standing on top of a building at which point it launches full throttle in the theme. Brentalfloss also has an amazing lyrical version of the song so make sure you check that out too if you too are a fan of this song.
Pokemon G/S/C - New Bark Town.
Many may think this is an unorthodox choice, Why not Pallet Town? It’s arguably the more famous of the series. However as a child I ended up missing the first generation of Pokemon and came around after the launch of the Game Boy Color.
Despite the fact I spent a whole hour trying to find my way out of the players house in the game. This song accurately represents my current state both as a player and a gamer. Pokemon Gold was my first RPG, I was about to start my Pokemon Journey as the Player, as too was I starting my journey as a fan of JRPGs. The music has a lovely homely tune, but also there in the background is the sound of an adventure to come and boy what an adventure it has been!
So that’s just a few of the songs from some of the soundtracks that I feel define my gaming history. What about yours? If you enjoyed this make your own post and link me in. I’d love to see it. I’d like to tag my good friends kuidonnz, inkgearsbones, typicaltimelord, notentirelymediocremrrichards and anyone else to have a go at this if they have the time!
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jonoglassey · 9 years
[Famitsu] Interview with Shoji Meguro
Hey everyone, I had a go at translating the interview in the following Famitsu Article with Shogi Meguro following Persona Super Live 2015. 『ペルソナ5』『P4D』週刊ファミ通2月12日発売号の特集“予告”と、アトラス・サウンドコンポーザー目黒将司氏へのインタビュー! Famitsu: You put on a great show tonight! But I see you’ve already changed out of your stage outfit, I would have really liked to have seen it up close. Meguro: Haha, It’s a bit too cold to wear in this cold snowy weather. Given that I'm incredibly grateful that so many people were able to come see the performance tonight. Famitsu: After your 2014 you told us you were super nervous going on stage. How about this time? Meguro: Rather than being nervous I was super cold, to the point that I was nearly shivering. However the first song (DANCE / P4D) involves a-lot of repetition of the same chords, this really helped get me warmed up! To tell the truth after that there were a few songs I actually made mistakes in, but I did the best that I could! Famitsu: How did you prepare for the concert this time around? Meguro: Of course I practice everyday, that’s a given. However this time I was really obsessed with creating an good environment to perform in. In my student years I formed an amatuer band, but we weren’t particularly aware of things that were important in a live setting. In a live environment it’s important to set up foldbacks so you can hear your instruments amongst all the noise, it’s also important to prevent feedback you get when plugging mics in. To prevent this you usually lower the power on your Guitar, however at that level while performing it's alot easier to make mistakes as it's harder to hear your instruments. That’s just one of the tough problems we deal with. It requires solid co-operation to achieve an ideal performing environment. In this respect we have done the best we can. Famitsu: If you were to rate your performance how many points would you give it? Meguro: Out of 100 points I’d give this performance 96 points! That being said our I'm confident our live performances will continue to evolve even more from here on out, I’ve got a few ideas up my sleave for future events. Eventually we will have a chance to reveal some new songs. I hope at this time we'll be able to give a show that will really make everyone think “They’ve topped themselves again!” Famitsu: That’s something to look forward to! We’re looking forward to hearing heaps of songs from Persona 5. Meguro: The BGM for the latest Trailer is actually the instrumental version of the main theme song. While also keeping in mind the feel and atmosphere of the story, we want to create songs with an acid jazz like feel for the soundtrack. When we proposed this idea to the games director Katsura Hashino he responded with “I would expect nothing less than a great idea from you!". We’re doing out best to create a soundtrack that everyone can enjoy!
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jonoglassey · 9 years
Was involved with helping the JMEJPN team produce a Kanji video as part of YouTuber Beffinee's Kanji Advent Calandar! We had quite a bit of fun producing this one! YouTuber Beffineeさんが計画した12月中のKanji Advent CalendarにJMEJPNチームが突入!動画で漢字「忘」についていろいろ説明させて頂ました! コラボさせていただきありがとうございました!ガチで楽しい動画づくりでした。
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jonoglassey · 10 years
Recently I was involved in the organisation of Canterbury University's contribution to the nationwide University cover of AKB48's Koi suru Fortune Cookie music video. Here's how it came out, hope you enjoy! Special thanks to JSANZ for putting this all together 全国ニュージーランドの大学はAKB48の恋するフォーチュンクッキーを踊ってみました。 是非ご覧になってください!
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jonoglassey · 10 years
As the town I spent most of my time in while abroad in Japan, it only seems fitting to set the stage for these blogs with some information on Koshigaya. Koshigaya (越谷市) is a city in the South-East of Saitama Prefecture with a population of roughly 325,000 people and a population density of roughly 5,390 persons per km². Population wise it’s actually slightly smaller than my hometown of Christchurch in New Zealand, but with a density roughly nine-times greater, Koshigaya feels much more like a city than Christchurch ever did.
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Two train lines run through Koshigaya. The first is the Tobu SkyTree Line (formally part of the Tobu Isesaki Line). as stipulated in it's name it runs all the way to the SkyTree (Oshiage Sta.) and then further on to Shibuya and beyond as the Hanzomon Line. This line also runs to Akihabara, Ueno and beyond as the Hibiya Line depending which side of the platform you embark from. Typically transfers to Hanzomon Lines are Express Trains while transfers to Hibiya Lines are Regular Trains. The SkyTree Line can be caught from Shin-Koshigaya, Koshigaya, Kita-Koshigaya, Sengendai & Obukuro within Koshigaya City.
The second line running through Koshigaya is the JR Musashino Line which runs into Tokyo Central Station making it useful for Shinkansen transfers. The Musashino Line can be caught from Minami-Koshigaya & Lake Town Koshigaya within Koshigaya City.
Note: Shin-Koshigaya and Minami-Koshigaya are co-located in the same place in seperate terminals.
Lake Town
When talking about things to do in Koshigaya, the first thing that leaps to mind is generally Koshigaya Lake Town. Koshigaya plays host to the largest mall in Japan. Divided into three districts Kaze, Mori and Outlet, shopping nuts should probably set aside a day or two to make sure they get to see everything. Within a year and countless visits I still feel like I haven't seen everything that Lake Town contains.
Lake Town isn't just a mall either, it is its own town which was established only not too long ago in 2008. Even better 'Lake Town' has it's own Lake which acts to regulate water in the Moto-Arakawa, Naka-gawa & Ayase-gawa rivers. A stroll around walkway encompassing the river takes about half an hour.
Parks & Recreation
Koshigaya is bountiful with parks and open spaces to spend an afternoon in the outdoors with friends.
If you're in the mood for a walk, there are many wonderful riverside walks you can take. Some of my personal favorites were along the Moto-Arakawa River. If you've got a few hours there's a nice walk between the City Hall and Lake Town and for those in the mood for more of a 'power walk' in Kita-Koshigaya toward Bunkyo University there are some lovely walks around a privately owned bamboo thicket.
Not far from Kita-Koshigaya on the bike is Shirakobato. Surrounded by bountiful farmland this district of Koshigaya is home to a number of recreational facilities. Shirakobato park provides an open space which is great for BBQs and group events in the Summer, not far from the park is Shirakobato Water Park a large outdoor recreational water park which is very popular with the locals in the summer. 
Food, Drink & Social Whether you're looking for a local place to have a meal alone or an izakaya to hit the drinks with some friends, look no further than the areas surrounding the local train stations. Each station has it's own plethora of eateries, coffee shops, izakaya etc.
As far as good food goes, one of my favorite local places is Yotteke Tonchan Ramen, located in an unmistakable building with yellow signage near Juuzen Hospital just down the road from Koshigaya Station.  But if it's Sushi you're into about a 15 minute walk away from Koshigaya Station again is Hama-zushi; a reasonably well known Conveyor Belt Sushi Chain. They even have English menus!
Finally if you're cheap and looking for a good feed and a drink, go no further than Oyaji-ya near Minami/Shin Koshigaya Stations. Everything in the store is available for 100yen each. Portions are slightly smaller but you'll still walk out of there feeling you've eaten and drunken your fill!
That's all for now! I hope this post has helped you come to understand my little slice of Japan just a little bit better.
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jonoglassey · 10 years
I've had this domain and blog for two or three years now, but I have yet to post anything of substance to it. Now that I'm practically finished with my University Career and am staring down the barrel of whatever comes next, I'd like to do something about that.
There's a lot coming up this year that I'm excited to share, but before I can do that, I can't ignore experiences of the last two years both abroad and at home. So starting today, I'd like to start sharing experiences, locations, events etc. that I found noteworthy during my time abroad.
So without further ado, I'll see you on the other side!
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jonoglassey · 10 years
Aoi Eir - Ignite (TV Size) Translation
After playing the TV Size of Ignite for the 30th time I thought I'd have a bash at translating it. Here's the result. If anyone has any suggestions please flick them my way, I'm new at translating lyrics!
Aoi Eir - Ignite
迷わずに今 Without hesitation
矛盾だらけの世界を This world of contradiction 
その手で撃ち放て by my hand will be fired away
こぼれた涙の温もりで In the warmth of tears that have been shed
優しさを知ったはずなのに I thought I knew what kindness was
どうしてまた傷つけあって Why is it that we must we hurt each other
憎しみを生み出して行くんだろう When it’ll just give birth to hatred, I know
軋む様な痛み A jarring pain that’s given me
知ってその強さが a strength that I know so well
いつか未来を優しく包むのだろう That I’m sure will one day cover the future with it’s warmth I know
迷わずに今 矛盾だらけの世界をその手で撃ち放て I won’t hesitate to will blow away this world full of contradiction
紅い涙で覆われた悲しみを That sorrow hidden behind those red tears you’ve shed
そっとそっと抱きしめて Hold it close and embrace it gently
鳴り響いた衝動が For they hold the hope that we
始まりの音に 変わるように may one day change your echos in to a new beginning
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jonoglassey · 10 years
JME JPN - Ep 06 - Climb Mt Fuji! (Part 2)
Part Two of our Climb up Mt. Fuji in JMEJPN! It was a real slog up to the top, but the view from the top is something spectacular!
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jonoglassey · 10 years
JME JPN - Ep 05 - Climb Mt Fuji! (Part 1)
Easily one of the best things I did while in Japan last year was climb Mt. Fuji. Here's Part 1 of the Two-Parter JMEJPN covering the climb!
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jonoglassey · 10 years
Tech Support Anti-Scam Game v0.1
With the recent increase of Microsoft Support scam calls, It's up to us Computer Savvy people to dish out some justice.. But justice just isn't as fun as it could be without point based scoring.. So without further-ado I would like to present. The Technical Support Anti-Scam Game 
Time Based Points 1pt - every minute you can keep them on the phone 2pt - every minute you can derail the conversation 10pts - (BONUS) Every 30 minutes. 
Everytime you... 5pt - Confuse the caller with technical terminology 5pt - Can't find the thing you're being instructed to find 10pt - Convincingly 'swap' the phone with someone*
Everytime they.. 10pt - for every swear word you can get them to say 20pt - if you can make them hang up first
Finishers 5pt - Tell them you don't have a computer. 5pt - Tell them you only have Linux/Mac 20pt - Tell them you can't find the start button on your typewriter and/or are Amish 30pt - Blow your identity as [Superhero]**  and tell the caller you are coming for them 
Achievements 20pt - CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: Successfully use a foreign accent/imitate an old person, celebrity etc. for the entirety of the call. 20pt - SINGSTAR: Read the lyrics to a song down the phone line without the caller realizing 40pt - WAIT A MINUTE..: Convince the caller that your IP address is or a local IP Address (, etc) 80pt - DO HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM: Convince the caller you are in-fact [Insert Famous Person Here]*** 100pt - CEOWNED: Convince the caller that you in-fact Bill Gates 150pt - FROM THE GRAVE:  Convince the caller you are Steve Jobs/Dead Celebrity 200pt - PERFECT REVERSAL: Convince the caller that in-fact he is the one with the virus and that you need remote access to his computer 
*Swapping the phone can include putting on a different voice or actually giving the phone to a friend, in this case final score counts for the both of you 
**Grim Reaper may be effective here ***x2 Multiplier for Morgan Freeman  This is a game I'd like to evolve and this should be considered a draft, feel free to get in touch with additions and suggestions!
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jonoglassey · 10 years
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Winter Comiket Cosplay Photo Collection #2 冬コミ写真集2
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jonoglassey · 10 years
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Winter Comiket Cosplay Photography Collection #1 冬コミ写真集 Got along to Winter Comiket a week or two ago and thought I'd flex my amateur photography muscles 
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jonoglassey · 11 years
JMEJPN's Latest episode is out and this time we bring you an adventure through Gundam, Ramen & Persona!
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jonoglassey · 11 years
It's time for Summer Comiket (夏コミ) in JME JPN Episode 3!
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jonoglassey · 11 years
It's finally fireworks season in Episode 2 of JMEJPN.
This time we head off out to Seaside Odaiba to see the Tokyo Harbor Fireworks!
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jonoglassey · 11 years
In Episode 1 of JMEJPN we visit Akihabara & Shibuya! Check it out!
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