hi i am jolefangirlinglife rate my blog https://t.co/ggRoE0l9DM
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This is ABSURD.
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Destiel moments in SPN 12X12
Time for my weekly, gif-filled, Destiel recap. I’m going to try and put away all my squeeing and try to be as professional as I possibly can. 
Extremely Gif heavy post ahead. 
(gif credits to @peculiar-angel, @ahoyspn, @weallneedcastiel,  @codestielckles, @mishacolins, @mishastiel, @novaks, @angvlicmish, @flydestiel and @hazeldomain
Okay I already wrote volumes about Dean’s weird posturing in the diner here, but I also wanted to add this bit here. 
Dean knows Cas is not interested in the waitress. Cas does sniff her (?) just to check up on Dean’s stupid theory of waitresses smell like food, but he’s not interested. So what does Dean do? Mary has just told them all off, but he still postures for Wally’s benefit, pretending to be wingman to Cas, when he KNOWS Cas is disinterested. He can’t help but give himself away though-
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Seriously, Dean? My devastatingly handsome friend? That’s not being a wingman, that screams I have a secret crush on my ‘friend’.
And Cas is clueless, even after Mandy is clearly interested -
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And Dean? Dean’s just thrilled. So thrilled he looks like he wants to die inside. 
On a more serious note, after the boys reach the barn, look at how fast Dean abandons the conversation and rushes to Cas’s side. And he knows it’s bad, so bad. Dean’s method of dealing with people he loves dying? 
Step 1: Try to gauge the situation by using humor-
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 Cas is luckily alert enough to snark right back.
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Dean asks to see how bad the wounds are, and two seconds after Cas starts showing him, covers it up. He can’t bear to see it.
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Dean Winchester, seasoned hunter who’s seen more than his fair share of gore since he was fucking four years old, makes him cover it up because he just cannot bear to actually see Cas in agony. And he’s so gentle about it.
Step 2: Pure denial.
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Cas looks BAD. And he’s never been one to exaggerate.
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Did you see those micro-expressions? That little lip wobble? The tiny gasp of shock and disbelief? The swallow? Jensen is the the fucking master of these. This is the brief instant where the enormity hits Dean, but he shuts it down. 
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Seriously Dean? Time for WHAT? He is DYING and you know it. And this is when he calls for Sam, calls for Sam to abandon everything and come right away because Cas is dying. And this brings us to the next step for Dean -
Step 3: Anger
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Dean’s furious. At Crowley, at himself, at every damn thing in the world that stands in his way to saving Cas. And he’s being beyond unreasonable here, it’s not Crowley’s fault and Crowley has no obligation whatsoever to help them out. But Cas, Cas is dying. And Dean’s *this* close to cracking. 
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Now, for Cas’s speech. Cas knows this is it. But he has his family surrounding him, he has Dean with him. And he needs to make sure they live. This is the last chance he has for telling them (and Dean) what he feels for them and boy does he!
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Mary looks at Dean when Cas makes this statement, cementing who it is that Cas is addressing. 
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And Dean, Dean’s unhappy. He knows that the things they shared together did change Cas, did put him into this mess where he has to die slowly and painfully. 
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Look at that. Sam’s upset, but Dean can’t even meet Cas’s eyes anymore. He’s feeling responsible for Cas’s impending death.
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And finally, FINALLY, after years of Dean telling him over and over again, Cas says they are his family. More specifically, Dean. Cas is thinking of that day, so long ago, when he said-
“You’re not my family, Dean – I have no family.”
But he’s not just family now.
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The camera immediately panned to Dean there. Cas was addressing Dean, and Dean only till now. It’s only when he says “I love all of you” that Sam’s reaction is showed at all.
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(as a side not, look at how touched Sam is. How many people have told him this?)
And true to form, the Winchesters refuse to leave. And they fight. Mary STILL doesn’t give the game away, I admit I was a bit :O at that, but that’s for another post entirely… Sam kills the Price of Hell, but there’s still no saving Cas. Sam is one who rushes to Cas first, because he’s still able to function. Sam is the one who reassures Cas, tells him that they’re there, that he won’t die alone… :(
But Dean, Dean’s pain is beyond words.
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Tell me that is not the face of someone who is watching the love of his life dying in front of him. Tell me Dean doesn’t care. Just try. He’s praying. I just know he is.
But yay, Crowley saves the day! And Dean’s reaction is the only one showed.
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Look at the utter disbelief in his eyes. Look at this entire montage afterwards -
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The look they shared in the first one, Dean’s expression in the last gif, the pure amazement and relief in his eyes.. It was almost painful to watch. By the way, Sam’s already let go. It’s Dean who’s still unable to believe his eyes, unable to take his hands off…
And this, this was the most perfect ending anyone could hope for -
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Cas said he loved Dean. It’s fucking canon.  
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it could've gone worse.
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“Don’t photoshop this” - Phil Lester
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When u hear someone say Supernatural somewhere
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No plz don’t stop.
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you are two grown up dads, stop behaving like 5 years old
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i really love how Misha is all pro when he’s filming by himself but when these two join in in the set he really goof around with them :”)
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Frustrated Misha in the s9 gag reel
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People don’t just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them.
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Dean: God?
Castiel: Yes.
Dean: God.
Castiel: Yes! He isn’t in heaven. He has to be somewhere.
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i’m the only who thinks dirty? 
oh just me.
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/ x /
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Cas is me sometimes xDD
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Funny Castiel Moments (requested by anonymous)
have a gif request? check my post here!
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