jewishranger-studies · 2 months
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jewishranger-studies · 2 months
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jewishranger-studies · 6 months
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here’s my small festive drawing for Chanukkah. i hope you’re all having a happy celebration! ✨🕎🔯
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rb to have a super gay 2023
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here’s my small festive drawing for Chanukkah. i hope you’re all having a happy celebration! ✨🕎🔯
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striking the jib
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20/12/22 - 100dop day 2
Day 2 is done, babey!! Today I actually managed to get through my whole to-do list, with the exception of cleaning my instant pot (which is in a terrible state that I will absolutely have to take time to motivate myself for, it went uncleaned during a depressive episode and now I'm scared to see what remains of the soup).
I slept badly (demon cat had zoomies for over 2 hours in the night) so I had 2 energy drinks instead of 1 this morning. I did some pilates and then had breakfast - a meal 'replacement' shake, some veggie sausages, mushrooms, garlicky spinach, and toast. I did duolingo and drops practice while I ate, and then spent an hour writing.
After writing, I did some upper body strength work!! I've been letting my upper body training in particular slip lately, mostly because my main sporting use of my arms is in sword work which I've not been able to do while on concussion protocol. I truly, truly despise lifting weights and I cannot wait to have more opportunities for functional upper body training that I actually enjoy in the new year so that I can hopefully reduce the amount of lifting sessions I have to do.
When I finished working out I drank a protein shake in the shower and had lunch, then I had to run a couple of errands. I ended up hanging out for a bit with my friend who's going home for the holidays tomorrow who hadn't seen my cat in a few weeks, so he got some bastard-cuddles. Once he left, I read an article on placebo in sports nutrition and took notes. I don't have sports nutrition as a class until second year, so it's not exactly going to be the most useful thing to have in my archive right now, but it was an engaging read.
I also did laundry today, and after I put that away I had made a stir fry and watched Descendants.
And so concludes day 2!! Thank you for reading, see you tomorrow <3
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19/12/22 - 100dop day 1
So, day 1 is drawing to a close!! I've definitely been productive today, by my standards at least, although there are a couple of things I didn't do that I wanted to.
Progress towards my goals: I started the day with a pilates session to wake myself up (with the help of an energy drink, but shhh) and then did some German practice on duolingo and drops while I ate my extremely healthy seasonal breakfast of sufganiyot and a protein shake.
I had a couple of errands to run today which tragically couldn't be done at the same time, despite being literally 5 minutes away from each other and half an hour from my place, so I turned what would have been 4 half hour walks into 2 10 minute runs and 2 15 minute runs. I would've preferred to have done my cardio all in one chunk, but honestly the distance probably wouldn't have been worth what I got (perishable foods from my friends who are going home today for the holidays) if I hadn't given it a dual purpose.
In between errands part 1 and errands part 2 (seriously, did 2nd guy have to be busy until 3pm when 1st girl was leaving at 11am??), I had lunch, walked the cat, and spent 2 hours watching the recording of a biomechanics lecture I missed this past semester and took some notes which will be good for me to look back on in the future, although I've sadly already sat the exam for that module. Apart from that, I watched a couple episodes of Titans and chatted with my housemate who's going home tomorrow about the virtues of various breads.
Errands part 2 ended up with me chatting for over an hour, because what else would ever happen when you put together a pair of autistic sword nerds?
Since getting home, I've spent some time writing and got 500 words into a new fanfic which is entirely self-indulgent and has been bouncing around my head for about 2 months now. I may or may not write more before I go to bed tonight. Most likely not.
I unfortunately did not manage to read, let alone annotate, a paper or article today, however I did find one on the impact of blackcurrant and caffeine on endurance that I intend to read tomorrow.
Hope y'all get good sleep, I'll be back tomorrow!!
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100 Days of Productivity - initial plan
so, i’ve decided to kickstart my new account with 100dop. i’ve done it before, several times, but not since starting uni - in fact, not since i was still trying to pass my a levels while dancing fulltime.
my start date for the challenge is the 19th of December, 2022, and my end date is the 28th of March, 2023, bringing me nicely to the start of my Spring break, during which i’ll be working fulltime for 3 weeks before returning to uni for the last fortnight of classes before exams.
i’ll be differentiating my overall goals for my 100dop into minimum, realistic, and stretch targets, as well as having weekly checklists which i’ll prepare in the style of bingo cards. these will be flexible depending on the commitments i have week to week, with lighter non-course related goals during my January exams, and a shorter long run on weeks i have sports fixtures, for example.
health goals:
gain weight: starting weight 47kg
minimum: gain 3kg (~0.25kg per week average) to reach 50kg
realistic: gain 7kg (~0.5kg per week average) to reach 54kg
stretch: gain 13kg (~1kg per week average) to reach 60kg
improve lower back flexibility: starting sit & reach test score 3cm
minimum: achieve 8cm sit & reach score
realistic: achieve 13cm sit & reach score
stretch: achieve 20cm sit & reach score
improve speed: i need to start timing my runs as i don’t know what time i’ve been running halves in
minimum: achieve 2h30m half marathon
realistic: achieve 2h half marathon
stretch: achieve 1h30m half marathon
academic (course related) goals:
class attendance: i missed wayy too many lectures & seminars (mostly seminars) in semester 1, gotta fix that
minimum: 75% attendance
realistic: 90% attendance
stretch: 100% attendance
read & annotate papers: i read a grand total of 5 papers in 12 weeks in semester 1, so again,, gotta get my shit together
minimum: 14 papers (1 per week average)
realistic: 70 papers (5 per week average)
stretch: 100 papers (7 per week average)
study hours, outside of class: yeah i straight up didn’t do this in semester 1 unless bullshitting assignments at the last minute counts
minimum: 70 hours (5 per week average)
realistic: 210 hours (15 per week average)
stretch: 280 hours (20 per week average)
hobby goals:
extracurricular sports: i’ve spent the last 2 months on concussion protocol so actually training’s been off the cards (i do contact sports), but i’m returning to my darling aerial arts in january and will also be training again if i’m allowed
minimum: 1 aerial and 1 other per week
realistic: 2 aerial and 1 other per week
stretch: 2 aerial and 2 other per week
duolingo & drops: i lost my 500+ day streaks to a depressive episode in february and simply never used them again
minimum: 3 days per week
realistic: 5 days per week
stretch: 100 day streak on each
creative writing: i need to start writing consistently again and perhaps post my fanfics
minimum: 14k words (1k per week average)
realistic: 70k words (5k per week average), 5 ao3 uploads
stretch: 140k words (10k per week average), 14 ao3 uploads (1 per week average)
if you’ve read all this way, thank you so much!! i hope you’ll stick with my 100dop journey (and feel free to send me motivational hate to help keep me accountable!!)
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